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Thread: Castle Story 5/09: A Knight's Tail | event information on page 1

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Castle Story 5/09: A Knight's Tail | event information on page 1

    ! For ease of reference, the following links are provided for your information !

    Game Guide Links: | Main Story Goal Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | Story Outline Guide | The HUB! sub-forum | Update Guide (list of all previous main story and event goals with links)

    Quick Links: The Town Square & Crown Guide | The Elven Outpost | The Baron's Game Tent Guide | Monster Hunt Guide | Adventure Guide | Information Nugget #5 - Beasts | New Player Guide | Information Nuggets (coins, energy, gems, neighbours etc) | Weekday Warrior (unlimited energy at the conclusion of events)

    * Link to the Time Zone Converter (compare where you are with United States-California-San Francisco, but I have made this link default to San Francisco for help with converting time)

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  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Prize Information

    Queen Pug -- coins, bone, creep tooth, fur, golden apple, golden egg, golden nugget, hearty feast, simple feast, trade ticket, troll horn

    Pug Mage -- creep tooth, fey crystal, fur, glimmerdust, milk, rat tail

    Sleeping Pug -- creep tooth, fey crystal, fur, milk, rat tail

    Pug Puppy -- creep tooth, fey crystal, fur, milk, rat tail

    Pug Medic -- coins, enchanter essence, glimmerdust, living wood, lumin essence, mushroom, silver ore

    Pug Faerie -- earth wisp, expansion permit, spellbound dew, trade ticket, wisp lantern

    Community Event Information
    Individual Prizes:
    1. 20 | 1 faerie chest
    2. 100 | 50 crowns
    3. 350 | 1 faerie chest
    4. 650 | 100 crowns
    5. 1000 | Queen Pug
    Community Prizes: unlock at 500
    1. 1x 10 energy crate
    2. 1x 25 energy crate
    3. 1x 50 energy crate
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-10-24 at 09:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information

    Goal - A Knight's Tail 1:
    * Place the Pug Throne (Buy this in the Market!) x1
    * Gather Fetching Stick (Clear Pugwillows!) x1
    * Gather Pug Banner (Visit the Pug Throne!) x1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal - A Knight's Tail 2:
    * Gather Scented Sachets (Tend Rocket Larkspurs!) x2
    * Gather Fluffy Feathers (Tend Chickens!) x2
    * Gather Fetching Sticks (Clear Pugwillows!) x5
    * Prepare a Perfect Pillow (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 1, high 2
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal - A Knight's Tail 3:
    * Gather Dogberries (Clear Trees!) x5
    * Gather Mystery Meat Treats (Visit the Ivy's Hut!) x1
    * Gather Fetching Sticks (Clear Pugwillows!) x5
    * Prepare a Chewy Feast (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 1, high 2
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal - A Knight's Tail 4:
    * Gather Squeaky Fangbeasts (Defeat Fangbeasts to find!) x2
    * Gather Squeaky Horse (Visit the Stable!) x1
    * Gather Fetching Sticks (Clear Pugwillows!) x10
    * Prepare a Basket o' Toys (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 1, high 2
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, Pug Knight Trap x 1

    Goal - A Knight's Tail 5:
    * Prepare a Perfect Pillow (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 1, high 2
    * Prepare a Chewy Feast (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 1, high 2
    * Prepare a Basket o' Toys (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 1, high 2
    * Gather Squeaky Barons (Defeat Pug Knights!)
    * Upgrade the Pug Throne to Lv. 2 (Use your upgrade supplies!) x1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal - A Knight's Tail 6:
    * Prepare a Perfect Pillow (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 1, high 3
    * Prepare a Chewy Feast (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 1, high 3
    * Prepare a Basket o' Toys (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 1, high 3
    * Gather Squeaky Barons (Defeat Pug Knights!)
    * Upgrade the Pug Throne to Lv. 3 (Use your upgrade supplies!) x1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal - A Knight's Tail 7:
    * Prepare Perfect Pillows (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 2, high 4
    * Prepare Chewy Feasts (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 2, high 4
    * Prepare Basket o' Toys (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 2, high 4
    * Gather Squeaky Barons (Defeat Pug Knights!)
    * Upgrade the Pug Throne to Lv. 4 (Use your upgrade supplies!) x1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal - A Knight's Tail 8:
    * Prepare Perfect Pillows (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 4, high 5
    * Prepare Chewy Feasts (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 4, high 5
    * Prepare Basket o' Toys (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 4, high 5
    * Gather Squeaky Barons (Defeat Pug Knights!)
    * Upgrade the Pug Throne to Lv. 5 (Use your upgrade supplies!) x1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal - A Knight's Tail 9:
    * Prepare Perfect Pillows (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 6, high 8
    * Prepare Chewy Feasts (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 6, high 8
    * Prepare Basket o' Toys (Made in the Magic Forge!) low 6, high 8
    * Visit the Community (Show the pugs around!) x5
    * Upgrade the Pug Throne to Lv. 6 (Use your upgrade supplies!) x1
    Rewards: 1000 coin, 10 xp, Pug Medic x 1

    Goal - A Fetching Fetch:
    * Clear a Pugwillow (Buy this in the Market!) x1
    * Defeat a Pug Knight (This foe is hiding 'round the cows!) x1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal - Welcome Queen Pug:
    * Welcome Queen Pug (Keep visiting the Pug Throne!) x1

    Goal - A Faerie Dire Situation 1:
    * Tend to Animals (Show your nurturing side!) x10
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, Faerie Chest x 1

    Goal - A Faerie Dire Situation 2:
    * Clear Rocks (Mine away!) x4
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, Faerie Chest x 1

    Goal - A Faerie Dire Situation 3:
    * Defeat Monsters (Take that!) x4
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, Faerie Chest x 1

    Goal - Atrium Antics 1:
    * Place the Faerie Atrium (Buy this in the Market!) x1
    * Open a Faerie Chest (Open to find Bottled Faeries!) x1

    Goal - Atrium Antics 2:
    * Trade for a Pug Banner (Make this in the Faerie Atrium!) x1
    * Trade for a Sleeping Pug (Make this in the Faerie Atrium!) x1
    * Trade for a Pug Puppy (Make this in the Faerie Atrium!) x1
    * Trade for a Pug Mage (Make this in the Faerie Atrium!) x1
    Rewards: Poppy Faerie x 10
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-10-24 at 09:04 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - added to the Guides
    LL = Low level kingdoms L15-45 | HL = High level kingdoms 46+

    Pug Throne (Level 15+) (2x2) limit 1 Cannot be sold
    This item was released in A Knight's Tail community event
    Info: A royal retreat for the upper echelon the pug kingdom. Pay your respects for Coins and a rare chance at a Longsword.
    Cost: 12000 coins
    Collection time: 5 hours
    Speed up: 10 gems
    Drops: coins, longsword

    Level 1: no build required | +200 coins | +1
    Level 2: 2 each of perfect pillow, chewy feast, basket o' toys, 4 squeaky baron | +250 coins | +2
    Level 3: 3 each of perfect pillow, chewy feast, basket o' toys, 4 squeaky baron | +300 coins | +3
    Level 4: 4 each of perfect pillow, chewy feast, basket o' toys, 4 squeaky baron | +350 coins | +8
    Level 5: 5 each of perfect pillow, chewy feast, basket o' toys, 4 squeaky baron | +400 coins | +15
    Level 6: 8 each of perfect pillow, chewy feast, basket o' toys | +1400 coins

    Lower level requirements:
    Level 2: 1 each of perfect pillow, chewy feast, basket o' toys, 4 squeaky baron
    Level 3: 1 each of perfect pillow, chewy feast, basket o' toys, 4 squeaky baron
    Level 4: 2 each of perfect pillow, chewy feast, basket o' toys, 4 squeaky baron
    Level 5: 4 each of perfect pillow, chewy feast, basket o' toys, 4 squeaky baron
    Level 6: 6 each of perfect pillow, chewy feast, basket o' toys

    Golden Pugwillow
    Info: A tall, fragrant tree with curly flowers.
    Found: market, 40 gems during A Knight's Tail community event
    Uses: chop for event materials | post event 2x2 decoration

    Pug Faerie OLD ENTRY
    Info: This magical fairy leaves hair and glitter everywhere she goes. Visit her for a chance at Light Armor, Longsword, Simple Feast, or Hearty Feast.
    Found: Adventure drop during A Knight's Tail community event
    Drops: earth wisp, expansion permit, spellbound dew, trade ticket, wisp lantern
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Pug Faerie
    Info: This magical fairy leaves hair and glitter everywhere she goes. Visit her for a chance at Light Armor, Longsword, Simple Feast, or Hearty Feast.
    Found: Adventure drop during A Knight's Tail
    Drops: hearty feast, light armor, longsword, mithril, simple feast
    Collection time: 3 hours

    Pug Knight trap
    Info: Chop to lure a Pug Knight.
    Found: market, 20 gems during A Knight's Tail community event
    Uses: chop to lure event monster. 15 hits to defeat

    Pug Mage
    Info: Don't be fooled by the wall eyes on this wizard... He sees everything! Visit him for a Fur, Creep Tooth or more, with a rare chance at Glimmerdust!
    Crafted: Faerie Atrium during A Knight's Tail community event
    Drops: creep tooth, fey crystal, fur, glimmerdust, milk, rat tail
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Pug Medic
    Info: A loyal friend to the throne, this medic is always by her majesty's side. Visit him for Mushrooms with a rare chance at Lumin Essence, Glimmerdust or Enchanter's Essence.
    Found: reward for completing A Knight's Tail community event
    Drops: coins, enchanter essence, glimmerdust, living wood, lumin essence, mushroom, silver ore
    Collection time: 6 hours

    Pug Puppy
    Info: This sweet little pup is eager to please. It'll bring you Fur, Creep Tooth or Rat Tail or a rare chance at Fey Crystal!
    Crafted: Faerie Atrium during A Knight's Tail community event
    Drops: creep tooth, fey crystal, fur, milk, rat tail
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Pug Throne
    From A Knight's Tail community event
    Drops: coins, longswords
    Collection time: 5 hours
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Info: A tall, shady tree with curly flowers.
    Found: market, 1000 coins during A Knight's Tail community event
    Uses: chop for event materials | post event 2x2 decoration

    Queen Pug
    Info: Her royal highness always puts her best paw forward. Visit her for a guaranteed Trade Ticket, Coins, Fur, with a rare chance of Simple Feast, Hearty Feast, and more!
    Found: 5th individual prize during A Knight's Tail community event
    Drops: coins, bone, creep tooth, fur, golden apple, golden egg, golden nugget, hearty feast, simple feast, trade ticket, troll horn
    Collection time: 10 hours

    Sleeping Pug
    Info: This dog is deeply asleep but that doesn't mean it doesn't want any pets! Scratch its back for Fur, Creep Tooth or Rat Tail with a rare chance at Fey Crystal!
    Crafted: Faerie Atrium during A Knight's Tail community event
    Drops: creep tooth, fey crystal, fur, milk, rat tail
    Collection time: 8 hours
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-28-24 at 12:56 AM.

  5. #5
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Building Perfect Pillow Chewy Feast Basket o'Toys | Fetching Stick Scented Sachet Fluffy Feathers Dogberries Mystery Meat Treats Squeaky Fangbeast Squeaky Horse Squeaky Baron | Energy Day Upgrade Day
    Pug Throne L1 | | 0,00
    Pug Throne L2 2 2 2 | 40 4 4 10 2 4 2 4 | 258 1,36 2
    Pug Throne L3 3 3 3 | 60 6 6 15 3 6 3 4 | 365 1,92 4
    Pug Throne L4 4 4 4 | 80 8 8 20 4 8 4 4 | 472 2,48 6
    Pug Throne L5 5 5 5 | 100 10 10 25 5 10 5 4 | 579 3,05 9
    Pug Throne L6 8 8 8 | 160 16 16 40 8 16 8 | 856 4,51 14
    Total 22 22 22 | 440 44 44 110 22 44 22 16 | 2 530 13,32 14
    Collector 23 23 23 | 461 47 47 116 24 47 24 17 | 2 669 14,05 15
    Energy 22 22 22 | 1 320 176 132 440 22 132 66 176 | 2 530

    Energy Assumptions

    Fetching Stick: 3 (Pugwillow, Golden Pugwillow [Chop: 20; Drop: 7])
    Scented Sachet: 4 (Rocket Larkspur, Larkspur Shrub [Drop Rate: 30%])
    Fluffy Feathers: 3 (Birds, Fetch Training [Drop Rate: 33%])
    Dogberries: 4 (Willow Tree, Fetch Training [Grow: 5; Chop: 10; Drop: 4])
    Mystery Meat Treats: 1 (Ivy's Hut, Fetch Training)
    Squeaky Fangbeast: 3 (Fangbeast, Fetch Training [Spawn: 0; Defeat: 3])
    Squeaky Horse: 3 (Stables, Fetch Training [Drop Rate: 33%])
    Squeaky Baron: 11 (Pug Knight (Spawn) [Spawn: 5; Defeat: 6])
    Energy: 190 (Fully used for the event per day)

    Ivy's Hut is the bottleneck!
    Total crafting time: 77 hours / For collectors: 80,5 hours. Average investment: 72k coins
    Similar to Time Trouble:


    Faerie Chest - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Contains bottled Faeries for trade at the Faerie Atrium!
    Level: 15
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Plants
    Crafted In: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 40 Gems // 1 Talinium Faeries
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Poppy Faeries, Penstemon Faeries, Larkspur Faeries, Maple Faeries, Talinium Faeries
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020, The Great Glimmergras Celebration - February 2020, Ballad of the Bard - April 2020, Under the Sea - May 2020, Lava Luau - June 2020, Warriors Come Out To Play - July 2020, Wedding of the Centaur-y - September 2020, A Night To Dismember - October 2020, The 3 Hog-ateers - November 2020, Favio the Fierce - December 2020, A Dating Dilemma - January 2021, A Piper's Predicament - March 2021, A Golden Opportunity - April 2021, Friends of the Flame - June 2021, The Sunken Kingdom - July 2021, Ye Ol' Vet - September 2021, Alucard's Castle - October 2021, Ogre The Hill - February 2022, Off The Walrus - April 2022, Dino Dilemma - July 2022, The Pest Piper - September 2022, A Woodland Holiday - December 2022, A Dawning Desire - February 2023, Bugging Out - March 2023, Much Ado About I Do - May 2023, Tourist Trap - July 2023, Here Comes The Sunflower - September 2023, Christmas Candy - December 2023, Time Trouble - January 2024, Tales of Verona - February 2024, A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Production: 30 minutes
    Production Speed-up: 2 Gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    Pug Throne L1 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pug Banners.
    Level: 15
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Class: Special
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 12000 Coins
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (200), Pug Banner
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Low level realms can buy it for 2000 coins. Drops 1 per collection.
    Pug Throne L2 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pug Banners.
    Level: 15
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Class: Special
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 2 Perfect Pillow, 2 Chewy Feast, 2 Basket o'Toys, 4 Squeaky Baron // 1 Perfect Pillow, 1 Chewy Feast, 1 Basket o'Toys, 4 Squeaky Baron
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (250), Pug Banner
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 2 per collection.
    Pug Throne L3 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pug Banners.
    Level: 15
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Class: Special
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 3 Perfect Pillow, 3 Chewy Feast, 3 Basket o'Toys, 4 Squeaky Baron // 1 Perfect Pillow, 1 Chewy Feast, 1 Basket o'Toys, 4 Squeaky Baron
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (300), Pug Banner
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 3 per collection.
    Pug Throne L4 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pug Banners.
    Level: 15
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Class: Special
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 4 Perfect Pillow, 4 Chewy Feast, 4 Basket o'Toys, 4 Squeaky Baron // 2 Perfect Pillow, 2 Chewy Feast, 2 Basket o'Toys, 4 Squeaky Baron
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (350), Pug Banner
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 8 per collection.
    Pug Throne L5 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pug Banners.
    Level: 15
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Class: Special
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 5 Perfect Pillow, 5 Chewy Feast, 5 Basket o'Toys, 4 Squeaky Baron // 4 Perfect Pillow, 4 Chewy Feast, 4 Basket o'Toys, 4 Squeaky Baron
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (400), Pug Banner
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 15 per collection.
    Pug Throne L6 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pug Banners.
    Level: 15
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Class: Special
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 8 Perfect Pillow, 8 Chewy Feast, 8 Basket o'Toys // 6 Perfect Pillow, 6 Chewy Feast, 6 Basket o'Toys
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (1400), Pug Banner
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 25 per collection.
    Pug Banner
    Storable: No
    Info: A royal tapestry that bears the insignia of the royal pug realm. Collect Pug Banners to win prizes in the Community Event.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted In: Faerie Atrium
    Requirements: 90 Poppy Faeries, 90 Penstemon Faeries, 85 Larkspur Faeries
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Production Speed-up: 8 Gems
    Sleeping Pug - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This dog is deeply asleep but that doesn't mean it doesn't want any pets! Scratch its back for Fur, Creep Tooth or Rat Tail with a rare chance at Fey Crystal!
    Level: 15
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Animals
    Crafted In: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 85 Poppy Faeries, 85 Larkspur Faeries, 50 Maple Faeries
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (50), Fur, Creep Tooth, Rat Tail, Fey Crystal, Milk
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Production Speed-up: 8 Gems
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 32 Gems
    Pug Puppy - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This sweet little pup is eager to please. It'll bring you Fur, Creep Tooth or Rat Tail or a rare chance at Fey Crystal!
    Level: 15
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Animals
    Crafted In: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 90 Penstemon Faeries, 85 Larkspur Faeries, 50 Maple Faeries
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (50), Fur, Creep Tooth, Rat Tail, Fey Crystal, Milk
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Production Speed-up: 8 Gems
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 32 Gems
    Pug Mage - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Don't be fooled by the wall eyes on this wizard... He sees everything! Visit him for a Fur, Creep Tooth or more, with a rare chance at Glimmerdust!
    Level: 15
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 80 Larkspur Faeries, 50 Maple Faeries, 70 Talinium Faeries
    Sell: 0 Coins
    Drops: Coins (50), Fur, Creep Tooth, Rat Tail, Fey Crystal, Milk, Glimmerdust
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Production Speed-up: 16 Gems
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 32 Gems
    Pug Knight Trap - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Chop to lure Pug Knight.
    Level: 15
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Other
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 20 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Pug Knight (Spawn)
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024, Beast Master II - May 2024
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    Pugwillow - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A tall, shady tree with curly flowers. Chop for a chance to find Fetching Sticks and Pugwillow Blooms!
    Level: 15
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Plants
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 1000 Coins
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Fetching Stick, Pugwillow Bloom, Wood, Sap, Living Wood, Fangbeast
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Comments: Can be cleared in 20 actions
    Golden Pugwillow - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A tall, fragrant tree with curly flowers. Chop for a higher chance to find Fetching Sticks and Pugwillow Blooms!
    Level: 15
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Plants
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 40 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Fetching Stick, Pugwillow Bloom, Wood, Sap, Living Wood, Fangbeast
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Comments: Can be cleared in 20 actions
    Queen Pug - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Her royal highness always puts her best paw forward. Visit her for a guaranteed Trade Ticket, Coins, Fur, with a rare chance of Simple Feast, Hearty Feast, and more!
    Level: 15
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (720 + 900*[1..12]), Trade Ticket, Fur, Simple Feast, Bone, Hearty Feast, Golden Apple, Creep Tooth, Coins (720 + 900*[1..12]), Golden Egg, Golden Nugget, Troll Horn
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Collection: 600 minutes // 10 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 40 Gems
    Comments: Final prize of the event. Need 1000 Pug Banners.
    Fetching Stick - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This knobby stick is perfect for throwing and retrieving. It's quite a fetching stick! Found by clearing Pugwillow and Golden Pugwillow.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 10 Gems
    Found: Pugwillow, Golden Pugwillow
    Used for: Perfect Pillow, Chewy Feast, Basket o'Toys
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Scented Sachet - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This packet of fragrant herbs and flowers helps the pups keep their kingdom smelling fresh and clean. Found by tending Rocket Larkspurs.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 10 Gems
    Found: Rocket Larkspur, Larkspur Shrub
    Used for: Perfect Pillow
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Fluffy Feathers - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The pugs might have startled the chickens... They left these feathers behind! Found by tending Chickens.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 15 Gems
    Found: Birds, Fetch Training
    Used for: Perfect Pillow
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Dogberries - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The pugs go wild for these berries. They have a sweet, refreshing taste. Found by clearing Trees.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 15 Gems
    Found: Willow Tree, Fetch Training
    Used for: Chewy Feast
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Mystery Meat Treats - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: It's unclear what meat went into these threats... it's probably best not to ask. Found by visiting Ivy's Hut.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 20 Gems
    Found: Ivy's Hut, Fetch Training
    Used for: Chewy Feast
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Squeaky Fangbeast - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A squeaky little chew toy... it looks like it's already been chewed. Found by defeating Fangbeasts.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 25 Gems
    Found: Fangbeast, Fetch Training
    Used for: Basket o'Toys
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Squeaky Horse - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This soft toy is a perfect treat for an older pug with sensitive teeth. Found by visiting Stables.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 30 Gems
    Found: Stables, Fetch Training
    Used for: Basket o'Toys
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Squeaky Baron - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: There are quite a few people in the realm who would like to give this toy a thorough throttling. Found by defeating the Pug Knight.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 40 Gems
    Found: Pug Knight (Spawn)
    Used for: Pug Throne L1, Pug Throne L2, Pug Throne L3, Pug Throne L4, Pug Throne L5, Fetch Training
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Pugwillow Bloom - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This bloom curls so it looks just like the tail of a pug. Luckily it smells much better! Found by clearing Pugwillow.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 15 Gems
    Found: Pugwillow, Golden Pugwillow
    Used for: Fetch Training
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Perfect Pillow - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A perfectly plush pillow, fit for royalty. Made in the Magic Forge.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 90 Gems // 2 Scented Sachet, 2 Fluffy Feathers, 5 Fetching Stick
    Used for: Pug Throne L2, Pug Throne L3, Pug Throne L4, Pug Throne L5, Pug Throne L6
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Production: 30 minutes
    Production Speed-up: 2 Gems
    Comments: Used to upgrade the Pug Throne.
    Chewy Feast - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A feast of wonderfully yummy and chewy things. Made in the Magic Forge.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 120 Gems // 5 Dogberries, 1 Mystery Meat Treats, 5 Fetching Stick
    Used for: Pug Throne L2, Pug Throne L3, Pug Throne L4, Pug Throne L5, Pug Throne L6
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Production Speed-up: 8 Gems
    Comments: Used to upgrade the Pug Throne.
    Basket o'Toys - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A basket of toys to fetch and chew. Made in the Magic Forge.
    Level: 15
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 150 Gems // 2 Squeaky Fangbeast, 1 Squeaky Horse, 10 Fetching Stick
    Used for: Pug Throne L2, Pug Throne L3, Pug Throne L4, Pug Throne L5, Pug Throne L6
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Production Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Comments: Used to upgrade the Pug Throne.
    Fetch Training
    Storable: No
    Info: Retrieve resources!
    Level: 15
    Type: Adventure
    Source: Event
    Crafted In: King's Keep, Queen's Court
    Requirements: 1 Squeaky Baron, 5 Pugwillow Bloom, 1 Golden Nugget
    Drops: Scented Sachet, Fluffy Feathers, Dogberries, Mystery Meat Treats, Squeaky Fangbeast, Squeaky Horse, Pug Faerie
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Production Speed-up: 16 Gems
    Pug Faerie - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This magical fairy leaves hair and glitter everywhere she goes. Visit her for a chance at Light Armor, Longsword, Simple Feast, or Hearty Feast.
    Level: 15
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Found: Fetch Training
    Drops: Coins (1200), Earth Wisp, Expansion Permit, Spellbound Dew, Trade Ticket, Wisp Lantern
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 32 Gems
    Pug Medic - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A loyal friend to the throne, this medic is always by her majesty's side. Visit him for Mushrooms with a rare chance at Lumin Essence, Glimmerdust or Enchanter's Essence.
    Level: 15
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (100, 600), Enchanter's Essence, Glimmerdust, Living Wood, Lumin Essence, Mushroom, Silver Ore
    Events: A Knight's Tail - May 2024
    Collection: 360 minutes // 6 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 24 Gems
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 05-20-24 at 05:07 AM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  6. #6
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Here are some screen shots. I think I will skip this because (1) I?m a cat, not dog, person (2) no problem with dogs per se but we once had a neighbor with mean, noisy, badly behaved pugs so not a pug fan and (3) most important, son is flying in tonight for a long Mother?s Day weekend visit so will be busy.

    Pug fans, enjoy! Good drops.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2809.jpg 
Views:	167 
Size:	118.2 KB 
ID:	74383

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2810.jpg 
Views:	126 
Size:	66.7 KB 
ID:	74384

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2808.jpg 
Views:	180 
Size:	135.1 KB 
ID:	74385

  7. #7
    Happy that the Cap for materials is 999

  8. #8
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Chiang Mai
    The format of this event is similar to the Bugging Out community event we had back in March 2023.
    You can follow this link below in order to anticipate all the goal requirements (like for example: Tend Rocket Larkspurs and Chickens in Goal 2 / Visit Ivy's Hut in Goal 3 and so on...)

    Goal information in Post #3
    Math table is in post #5.
    That's all we need to know, SpiritWind you can peacefully focus on your work commitment and your errants
    Kingdom Name : Alain-land 🗿
    Storm ID : xiq24

  9. #9
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Anyone else having trouble getting dogberries? I cut down 2 red acers and an elm and didn't get any.

  10. #10
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Chiang Mai
    it says we have to harvest Willow trees.
    When you click on the Go button in the Goal window, it points you to a Willow tree in the market.
    Kingdom Name : Alain-land 🗿
    Storm ID : xiq24

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