I've added all the goals and crafting info and the drops for the various items. Take your time with this one as it's meant to be a long term goal. I'll add the other bits and dialogue as I move...
Monster Hunt and Leaderboard Information
The following notes have been generally consistent from season to season. Season specific information may be posted in the respective discussion thread.
! Click on any of the links below for more information !
1. Game Guide Links: | Main Story Goal Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | Story Outline Guide | The HUB! sub-forum | Update Guide...
Inventory Information
Note: Until the story has been completed, all inventory info remains in this thread. Once validated, it will be transferred to the various Guides.
Adamir - eggs, fur,...
Moderator Note:
* As this is a main story goal, I would ask that you do not post anything off topic. This helps future-proof the thread as much as possible.
Goal Information
12 goals. There...
more catching up info to pass on :)
Marshmallow Mouse
Info: This teeny mouse has a huge sweet tooth! Visit him for Milk, Fur and more, with a chance of Fey Crystals.
Found: gift with gems...
if you finished the event, you'd likely have enough coins to craft the 3 pieces, and then at least a couple more. When I finished, I crafted the red, 2 white and 2 black pieces and of those I had to...
Double check your game didn't rollback. You can do this by checking if your goal book is clear. You'll need to reach out to Support and they will be able to return the Red Queen to storage for you.
Posting in multiple places is a forum violation. You have an existing thread in Bugs and Issues here: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?117738-Water-Plot-broken-Help!
Please use that thread...
you have to craft the Red King Piece, then that unlocks the White Queen Piece. Once you craft the White Queen, that unlocks the Black Queen Piece. Have you crafted the Red king and White Queen??
OP, I removed your duplicate post from the Crop Dryer thread. I'm sure someone who plays FS2 will assist you soon. Welcome to the forum! There are game guides here that might be helpful to have a...
He's the Elven person! We've been waiting for a continuation of elven stories for a very long time. Better have a think about how to prepare this thread. I'll ask S8 tomorrow for more info. :)
It was posted in the bugs forum anyway about the final upgrade issue about no more spawns.
As a side note, on the goal screen (2nd last one, goal no 11) that asks "gather a team read seat 0/6", the gem skip for a red seat is 43 gems. this might be a better way if you are spending gems and...
Please don't post in archived/super old threads. Restaurant story is a well established game as is that forum. Closing old thread as it is now 10 years since last post.