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Thread: Castle Story: Main Story Goal Guide

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Castle Story: Main Story Goal Guide

    Main Story Goal Guide

    Welcome to the new game guide for main story goals! There are tips and notes and help with goal pre-requisite information. This Guide can be used in conjunction with the Story Outline Guide which is a summary listing of all main story goals.

    * Main Game Guide Links: Building Guide | Inventory Guide | Story Outline Guide | The HUB! sub-forum

    Any feedback or to provide missing text can be left in the Hub Feedback thread.

    From 27 June 2017 the cap on the following items were increased. The Building Guide has more information about these limits.
    Town building limit is 50 now (40 before)
    Royal building limit is 50 now (42 before)
    Royal decoration limit is 65 now (55 before)

    The Town Square
    The Town Square - collect crowns from completing goals and events to purchase Kingdom Citizens. The Town Square has its own dedicated thread - click here

    General Goals

    Learning to Play
    Social Connections
    Caravans and Crops
    Fellora Plants
    Old Thomas
    Building Construction
    Royal Exchange
    Introduction of Monsters
    The Friendly Skunkupine
    The Faerie Skunkhouse

    Upgrading building goals from Level 6+

    The Kitchen
    Marketplace Requests (OPTIONAL AND TIMED)
    Baron Pfeffernot | Sir Pigglesworth | The Baron's Birthday

    Ivy the Tree Lady
    The Magic Garden
    Ivy and the Purple Cow
    Ivy and the Glimmerdust Trove
    Ivy's Bakery
    Three Lessons For Ivy

    The Tablet of Tabernum
    The Barracks
    Poof and Gone (the Locket)

    Thurston The Knight
    The Jousting Arena
    Trials and Tributes
    2nd Anniversary Tournament Part 1
    2nd Anniversary Tournament Part 2
    The Jousting Arena Renovations (levels 4 & 5)

    Princess Sabina Faire Sabina's Location (pre-part 1)
    Princess Sabina Faire Part 1
    Princess Sabina Faire Part 2
    Princess Sabina Faire Part 3
    The Dragon Egg
    The Search for Sabina

    The Glimmergate Part 1
    The Glimmergate Part 2
    The Glimmergate Part 3

    The Big News
    A Boar-ing Problem
    Sir Daisy
    Good Ol' Glimmermouth
    A Swift Tailor

    The Hidden Forest Part 1
    The Hidden Forest Part 2
    The Hidden Forest Part 3

    Lady Greselda Goals
    Lady Greselda
    Adamant Alchemy
    Greselda's Beautiful Dark Garden

    Faerie Goals
    The Faerie Respite
    The Blythewood Sapling / Goddess Tree Part 1
    The Blythewood Sapling Part 2
    The Blythewood Sapling Part 3
    Team Azalea or Team Lila
    The Mad Tea Party

    The Plume Hive
    The Faerie Workshop
    The Faerie Bridge
    Fickle Faeries

    Blythewood Faeries Part 1
    Blythewood Faeries Part 2
    Blythewood Faeries Part 3

    Search and Rescue Part 1
    Search and Rescue Part 2
    Search and Rescue Part 3

    Betrayal Part 1

    Troll Goals
    Troll Tribe Part 1
    Troll Tribe Part 2
    Troll Tribe Part 3
    Troll Tribe Part 4
    Troll Tribe Part 5

    Kaz returns from Blythewood
    Troll Sparring Pit

    Mermaid Goals
    What Storms May Come Part 1
    What Storms May Come Part 2
    What Storms May Come - Aquanthers Goals
    What Storms May Come Part 3
    What Storms May Come Part 4
    Of Land and Sea

    Fusing Buildings Guide
    Arborutem (fuse shrubs)
    Ivy's Magic Nursery (fuse baby animals)
    Builder's Guild (fuse selected buildings)

    The Misty Marshlands
    The Misty Marshlands Part 1
    The Misty Marshlands Part 2
    The Misty Marshlands Part 3
    The Misty Marshlands Part 4

    The Academy
    The Academy: A Long Forgotten Spell
    The Academy: Duke's Revenge Part 2
    The Academy: The Triumph of the Students Part 3
    The Academy: individual goals to unlock Students - includes Rhea, Honora, Jareth, Branden + other students you can awaken that were not included in the original release.

    An Elemental Discovery
    An Elemental Discovery Part 1 - unlocks the Prevailian Temple and the Ancient Owl
    An Elemental Discovery Part 2 - unlocks the Luminary Temple and the Ancient Octopus
    An Elemental Discovery Part 3 - unlocks the Sublunaral Temple and the Ancient Turtle

    The Island of Audra
    The Island of Audra Part 1
    The Island of Audra Part 2
    The Island of Audra Part 3
    The Island of Audra Part 4

    The Council
    The Council Part 1
    The Council Part 2
    The Council Part 3

    The Candy Kingdom
    The Candy Kingdom Part 1
    The Candy Kingdom Part 2
    The Candy Kingdom Part 3
    Candy Coda (prologue goals)

    The Scorpion Desert
    The Scorpion Desert Part 1
    The Scorpion Desert Part 2
    The Scorpion Desert Part 3
    The Scorpion Desert Part 4

    Gnome Goals
    A Little Gnomish
    A Little Gnomish Part 1
    A Little Gnomish Part 2
    A Little Gnomish Part 3
    A Little Gnomish Part 4

    Gnome Place Like Home

    Trial of Virtues
    Trial of Virtues - Part 1
    Trial of Virtues - Part 2
    Trial of Virtues - Part 3

    The Mystical Desert
    The Mystical Desert Part 1
    The Mystical Desert Part 2
    The Mystical Desert Part 3

    Event pictures
    Some pictures are included in each post. They are available for the early goals, but as they are so very time consuming to prepare and permissions on 3rd party sites keep changing, I have ceased including them and instead add additional information and context in the written goals.

    Photobucket changed the permissions of their files and many photos were lost. The pictures are now back with watermarks on them. Thanks, SW. (Updated December 2018)

    Dialogue Guide
    All dialogue is now included in each post. Click on SHOW to read them and re-live moments from our wonderful game!

    Gem purchased items that trigger a storyline.
    Note: These links will take you to the Discussion thread for the goals as they are not main story goals, but are included here for ease of reference. All of these guides can be found in the Game Guides section of the Castle Story forum.
    * Brigidine Blair [30 April 2022]
    * Victoria [30 August 2022]
    * Swirlyssa [16 September 2022]
    * Bradley, the Autumn Wizard [23 November 2022]
    * The Dragon Rider [19 June 2023]
    * The Librarian and the Studying Witch [29 August 2023]
    * Princess Nightingale [21 November 2023]
    * Luna the Knight [22 April 2024]

    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-15-24 at 11:14 PM. Reason: Updated name of thread

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Learning to Play - Goals
    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    Welcome to Castle Story, set in the magical land of the Glimmerwood!
    Click here for more information about how to play the game: Castle Story 101 for beginners

    If you have a game question or get stuck on a goal, please post here: Help Me!

    Game Links: Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    The Baron: Well, aren't you a smart one! Corn is just what the situation calls for!
    1: First Planting
    * Plant 4 corn 0/4 GO | tap on an empty farm plot (brown square dirt), select corn in the list (30 coins each, 3 minute growing time), wait till full-grown corn to harvest it
    Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Yes, yes. Well planted.

    The Baron: You have a rare talent, and now, a place to exercise it! Why not add another building to your kingdom and show the world what you can do?
    2: A Ruler's Talent
    * Start Building a Second Farmhouse 0/1 BUY | tap market, then buildings
    Rewards: 200 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Well, that was quick!

    The Baron: Try collecting from your Farmhouse. The people inside won't mind a bit.
    3: Balanced Budget
    * Collect from a Farmhouse 0/1 GO (skip 2) | tap a farmhouse to collect from it
    Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Success! And so, the wheels of commerce turn?

    The Baron: Corn is a crop that takes only a few minutes to grow. Perfect for impatient farmers.
    4: First Harvest
    * Harvest 4 Corn 0/4 GO | tap on full-grown corn to harvest it
    Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Well harvested. You're a hard worker!

    The Baron: Corn is a crop that takes only a few minutes to grow. Perfect for impatient farmers.
    5: Farm Plots
    * Add 2 Farm Plots 0/2 BUY | increase your farming ability!
    * Plant 6 Corn 0/6 PLANT | tap an empty farm plot to plant
    Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: That was fast. You seem to enjoy hard work, for some reason!

    The Baron: Gather Wood and Stone to complete your Farmhouse! You can chop trees for Wood, and mine rocks for Stone. There should be plenty of each around.
    6: Wood & Stone
    * Gather 10 Wood 0/10 CHOP (skip 10) | you can chop trees for wood
    * Gather 10 Stone 0/10 MINE (skip 10) | mine the southern rocks for stone!
    Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: That was fast. You're quite resourceful!

    The Baron: Harvest your Corn, then hand it out to your subjects by hitting the GIVE button below.
    7: Provide For The People
    * Harvest 6 Corn 0/6 GO | tap on corn when it's full-grown
    * Give 10 Corn to your Subjects 0/10 GIVE
    Rewards: 115 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Very generous of you.

    The Baron: A fine idea! You can clear weeds, logs and dead trees by chopping them out of the way!
    8: A Little Pruning
    * Clear 3 Weeds, Old Logs, Rock Piles or Tree Stumps 0/3 GO (skip 10) | tap on them until they're gone
    Rewards: 115 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Well done! I can walk much more easily now.

    The Baron: The Glimmer Wood is full of surprises! Let's see what else you can find!
    9: Item Hunt
    * Find another iron ore 0/1 GO | keep busting rocks!
    * Find a white flower petal 0/1 GO | try tending the White Poppy Patch!
    * Find some sap 0/1 GO | this substance drops from most trees
    Rewards: 75 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: You found the items! You're quite a treasure hunter.

    The Baron: It's easy to complete a building once you've collected the materials. Just tap on the place where it's being constructed. Go ahead, try it!
    10: A New House
    * Complete the Second Farmhouse 1/2 | tap the foundation
    Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Well done! Your talent as a ruler is on display!

    The Baron: Trees may look nice, but crops and building look nice AND produce Coins! Now get to chopping!
    11: Clear the Land
    * Chop down 2 trees 1/2 CHOP (skip 6)
    Rewards: 80 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: There- a fine new spot for a building!

    The Baron: (Is there anything interesting down the old well?)
    12: The Old Well
    * Fish from the well at the end of the path 0/1 FISH
    * Find something interesting 0/1 | keep fishing to find an interesting item
    Rewards: 75 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: You've been fishing? I thought you fell in!

    The Baron: If you're so concerned, perhaps you could add another cow to keep her company. You can find a Baby Cow at the Market.
    13: The Lonely Cow
    * Buy a baby cow 0/1 BUY (skip 10)
    * Feed a baby cow 1 time 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Well what an adorable little cow!

    The Baron: When your animals are young, feed them regularly. Once they're fully grown, you can milk them for all they're worth!
    14: Baby Animal Farm
    * Have 3 baby chickens 0/3 BUY
    * Tend animals 4 times 0/1 TEND
    Rewards: 125 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: You'll have no shortage of animals now!

    The Baron: You should! All these 'cute' baby animals 'need' to be fed before they grow into adults and become useful.
    15: Feeding Time
    * Feed baby cows 3 times 0/3 FEED (skip 6) | tap baby cows to feed them!
    * Feed baby chickens 9 times FEED (skip 10) | tap baby chickens to feed them!
    Rewards: 75 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Well done, I suppose. I usually hire people to feed animals for me.

    The Baron: You can find those wretched flowers in the Market, under "Nature", on the "Plants" tab. Roads are under "Decorations", on the "Roads" tab.
    16: Road to Sneezeville
    * Place an Icelandic Poppy Patch or Talinum Auranticum 0/1 BUY (skip 10) | Don't worry about the Baron's allergies.
    * Place 3 tiles or Stone path or Royal road 0/3 BUY (skip 6) | Sure footing is important!
    Rewards: 40 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: CHOOO! *sniffle* ... Blast it!

    The Baron: How odd. I suppose if helping your subjects be 'happy" is your main concern, you could build something for them. A flower bed, perhaps. First, you must gather materials.
    17: A Gift of Flowers
    * Gather 12 Wood 0/12 CHOP (skip 12)
    * Pick 3 White flower petals 0/3 PICK (skip 6)
    * Craft 1 White Flower Bed 0/1 CRAFT (skip 10) | Workshop 2 hours - 12 wood, 3 white petals, 1500 coin
    Rewards: 150 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Yes, yes. I'm sure your subjects will be very happy

    The Baron: Exactly! Get some adult animals and watch as they pay dividends!
    18: All Grown Up
    * Have 2 Adult Cows 0/2 HAVE
    * Have 3 Adult Chickens 0/3 GO (skip 30) | feed baby chickens until they grow up!
    Rewards: 75 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Ah, yes. Soon, we'll be swimming in milk and eggs!

    The Baron: Now that you have adult animals, you can collect from them to receive various goods. Cows produce Milk. Chickens produce Eggs!
    19: Milked for All They're Worth
    * Collect 2 milk 0/2 GO (skip 4) | tap on adult cows
    * Collect 3 eggs 0/3 GO (skip 6) | tap on adult chickens
    Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Ah, yes. Milk and eggs, very profitable!

    The Baron: Don't be afraid to chop and mine as much as you'd like. Any Wood and Stone you pick up, you'll surely be able to use.
    20: Mining the Woods
    * Chop down 1 more tree 0/1 CHOP (skip 6)
    * Full mine a Rock Outcropping 0/1 MINE (skip 10)
    Rewards: 80 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: you've cleared quite a good deal of space!

    The Baron: The riches of the Glimmer Woods are inexhaustible!
    21: Marketable Materials
    * Buy 2 pieces of debris from the Market 0/2 BUY (skip 5)
    Rewards: 80 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Replenish your land whenever necessary!

    Spoiler: show

    Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show
    C1 Learning to Play

    Welcome to Castle Story!
    Are you a Lord or a Lady?

    Man: This Farmhouse isn't finished. We will need Wood to complete it.
    Do you see any? Aha! An Elm Tree. Tap twice to chop it! Splendid.
    Now, tap to complete the Farmhouse.
    Man: You did well to finish that Farmhouse. Very well indeed!
    Man: Look! Corn is already growing in your fields. Tap it to harvest.
    You did well with the corn harvesting. Very well indeed!

    But now, your fertile fields are *empty*! Does it not make you sad in the heart?
    Young ruler: Uh...I guess. Can't I just plant more corn?

    (man>Well, aren't you a smart one! Corn is just what the situation calls for!
    First Planting *plant more* man> Yes, yes. Well planted)

    (man>You have a rare talent, and now, a place to exercise it!
    Why not add another building to your kingdom and show the world what you can do?
    A Ruler's Talent *start building a 2nd Farmhouse* man>Well, that was quick!)
    Ruler: So, I'm in charge of this whole place? What's the catch?
    Man: There is no "catch". Here, you can create whatever kingdom you wish!
    Majestic stone towers! Lush gardens! Borders stretching for miles!
    Ruler: I don't know. It seems too good to be true.
    Man: Please. Such suspicion is unbecoming of a ruler!

    Ruler: So how do I pay for all of this? Crops and buildings and stuff?
    Man: How indeed! I fret day in and day out about that. But never fear!
    Crops and buildings provide an income of coins. Delicious, delicious coins!

    (man>Try collecting from your Farmhouse. The people inside won't mind a bit.
    Balanced Budget man>Success! And so, the wheels of commerce turn?)

    Man: Your corn will soon be ready to harvest! Don't delay!
    (man>Corn is a crop that takes only a few minutes to grow. Perfect for impatient farmers.
    First Harvest *tap full-grown corn to harvest 4 *
    man>Well harvested. You're a hard worker!)

    Man: Rest while you can! Your people will soon clamor for more corn!
    Ruler: Maybe I should buy more farm plots to handle the demand.

    (man>Corn is a crop that takes only a few minutes to grow. Perfect for impatient farmers.
    Farm Plots *add 2 farm plots & plant 6 corn*
    man>That was fast. You seem to enjoy hard work, for some reason!)

    Ruler: Ok, the foundation is ready.
    Man: Well done!! Now, you need 10 Wood and 10 Stone to complete it!
    You can chop for Wood, and mine rocks for Stone.
    There are valuable deposits of stone and ore out in the trees!
    Ruler: Want to grab a pickaxe and help me out?
    Man: Ahh, no. You see, my poor back?
    Ruler: ... *arms crossed*

    (Gather Wood and Stone to complete your Farmhouse!
    You can chop trees for Wood, and mine rocks for Stone.
    There should be plenty of each around.
    Wood & Stone *10 wood, 10 stone*
    man>That was fast. You're quite resourceful!)

    Ruler: My next crop of corn will be ready soon. I should give some to the people.
    (man>Harvest your Corn, then hand it out to your subjects by hitting the "Give" button, below.)
    Provide For The People* harvest 6 corn. Give 10 corn* man>Very generous of you.)

    Man: The ground is rather bumpy here, isn't it?
    I've tripped *twice* now. And it's certainly not *my* fault. My balance is impeccable!
    Ruler: Alright, hold on. I'll try to clear out some of the weeds and old logs.
    Ruler: Time to clear a path!

    (man>A fine idea! You can clear weeds, logs and dead trees by chopping them out of the way.
    A Little Pruning *clear 3 weeds* man>Well done! I can walk much more easily now.)
    (note: Tree Keeper removed)

    Ruler: Hey, I found a chunk of iron in this rock pile! I wonder if I can use it for something?
    Man: You will find many interesting items as you progress. Each one has a purpose.

    (man>The Glimmer Wood is full of surprises! Let's see what else you can find!)
    Item Hunt *iron ore, white petal, tree sap*
    man>You found the items! You're quite a treasure hunter.)
    (note: Item Hunt previously known as Explore & Collect)

    Man: That's enough Wood and Stone. Now, we must finish construction!
    .Ruler: What do you mean "we?" You didn't do anything!
    Man: I supervised!

    (man>It's easy to complete a building once you've collected the materials.
    Just tap on the place where it's being constructed. Go ahead, try it!
    A New House *complete the 2nd farmhouse*
    man>Well done! Your talent as a ruler is on display!)

    Man: Trees are cluttering up valuable building space.
    Ruler: Well, trees can be really nice-looking?
    Man: You know what else is nice looking? Coins! And trees don't give those.

    (man>Trees may look nice, and crops and buildings look nice AND produce Coins! Now get to chopping!
    Clear The Land -revised *chop 2 trees* man>There- a fine new spot for a building!)
    (note original update Oct.11,2012 has chop 3 trees and followed Tree Keeper)

    Ruler: I wonder if there's anything interesting in that old well at the end of the path?
    Time to try out my fishing pole! Hey, a fish! I wonder what else is down here?

    (Is there anything interesting down the old well?)
    The Old Well *fish until you find a rare
    item* Man>You've been fishing? I thought you fell in!)

    Ruler: Ooh, what are these? Mermaid Scales? I bet I can use these for something really amazing.

    Ruler: I bet the people of my kingdom are getting sick of Corn by now.
    I wonder if Wheat would grow well out here? If I expand my farmland, I can try growing both!
    The baron: Your corn will soon be ready to harvest! Don't delay!

    (man>Wheat is a more advanced crop than Corn.
    You can either add more farm plots to grow more crops at the same time, or be patient and stick with what you have.
    Wheat Harvest -revised *add, plant, harvest*
    man>Another fine harvest)

    Ruler: I'm worried my cow will get lonely, standing out there by herself.
    Man: Oh, no need to worry about that, so long as she gives milk!
    Ruler: Hey! That cow is a valued member of my kingdom!
    I'm going to make sure she has some animal friends.

    (man>If you're so concerned, perhaps you could add another cow to keep her company.
    You can find a Baby Cow at the Market)
    The Lonely Cow *buy 1 cow, feed 1x* man>Well what an adorable little cow!)

    Man: You've added a Baby Cow, but why stop there?
    Baby Chickens will grow up to provide valuable Eggs!
    Ruler: And, they're cute!
    Man: Err...yes. That too.

    (man>When your animals are young, feed them regularly.
    Once they're full grown, you can milk them for all they're worth!
    Baby Animal Farm
    *have 3 baby chicks, tend animals 4x* man>You'll have no shortage of animals now!)

    Ruler: Aren't baby animals adorable? I'm going to make sure to keep them well-fed.

    (man>You should. All these "cute" baby animals *need* to be fed before
    they'll grown into adults and become useful.

    Feeding Time *feed cow 3x, feed chick 9x*
    man> Well done, I suppose. I usually hire people to feed animals for me.)
    (Note: Farm Animals, a Few Farm Friends, Milk & Eggs -REMOVED)

    Ruler: You seem to know a lot about building kingdoms,
    What was your name again?
    Man : You don't remember? After we travel here together?
    Ruler: Sorry, My memory is a little fuzzy.
    Man: Oh dear. Well, I am... Baron Garland Pfefferknot!
    Ruler: Who? Byron Roland Pepperpot?
    Man: No, no-
    Ruler: Aaron Arwen Pufflefluff?

    (Man> I'll help you remember. I assure you, I am quite a big deal!
    This land is made up of "many" kingdoms, with many different rulers.
    Ask any of them who I am! Come, let's pay a few visits.
    The Baron's Fame *visit 3 other kingdoms*

    Ruler: Cool , it's someone else's kingdom! While we're here,
    we should be good neighbors and help out a bit.
    The Baron: Help out? You mean... "do work?"
    Ruler: Sure! Any buildings with Hearts over them could use a hand.
    The Baron>See how they all recognize me?

    Ruler: I was thinking I might plant some flowers to make my kingdom more pleasant.
    The Baron: Flowers? But... I'm allergic!
    Why not build a nice road instead? This wilderness could use one!
    Ruler: I think I can do both, actually.

    (baron>You can find those wretched flowers in the Market,
    under "Nature on the "Plants" tab. Roads are under "Decorations on the "Roads" tab.
    Road To Sneezeville *3 roads or paths & 1 poppy or talinum*
    baron>ACHOOO! *sniffle* ... Blast it!)

    The Baron: Your kingdom is off to a fine start.
    From me, you've learned the keys to being a great ruler:
    To build more, and collect more money! To gain wealth, status and fame!
    It's a ruler's duty to act like a big shot!
    Ruler: Isn't it a ruler's duty to help people?
    I'm going to make that *my* duty as a ruler. To help!
    The Baron: Ha ha ha! Oh, that's a good one! were serious?
    *Sigh* If you want to help people be happy, you might add some decorations.
    They don't produce coins, but they can be "beautiful" I suppose.

    (baron> How odd.
    I suppose if helping your subjects be 'happy" is your main concern,
    you could build something for them.
    A flower bed, perhaps. First, you must gather materials.
    A Gift Of Flowers *wood. petals. flower bed*
    baron> Yes, yes. I'm sure your subjects will be very happy)
    (note: A Gift of Flowers previously known as A Rulers Duty)

    The Baron: Baby cows and chickens may be ?cute? as you say, but I prefer full grown ones!
    Ruler: Let me guess. It's because they give milk and lay eggs, right?

    (baron>Exactly! Get some adult animals and watch as they pay dividends!
    All Grown Up *have 2 adult cows, have 3 adult chickens*
    baron>Ah, yes. Soon, we'll be swimming in milk and eggs!)

    The Baron: At last! It's milking and egg-laying time!
    (baron>Now that you have adult animals, you can collect from them to receive various goods.
    Cows product Milk. Chickens produce Eggs!
    Milked For All They're Worth. *collect 2 milk, 3eggs*
    baron> Ah, yes. Milk and eggs, very profitable!)

    Ruler: I'm starting to really get the hand of this farming thing.
    (baron> By all means, keep toiling away in the fields. How about another Corn Crop.
    Corn Supplies * harvest 9 more Corn* baron> Oh, you work so hard! It's very endearing.)

    Ruler: Before I go, I should plant some Wheat.
    That way, it'll be ready to harvest when I return.
    (baron>That's good planning! You can do many things while you're waiting.
    Like take a nap! Or you could count your jewels and gold coins. That's always fun.
    Planting Season *plant 9 wheat* baron>The Wheat will be ready when you return.)

    Ruler: By farming and fishing, I'll have plenty of food to feed all the people in my kingdom.
    It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it!
    (baron>Well, aren't you kind! By all means, keep toiling away in the fields.
    Food Stockpile *corn, wheat, fish*
    baron>More food? Make sure you don't spoil your peasants too much!)

    (baron> Don't be afraid to chop and mine as much as you'd like!
    Any Wood and Stone you pick up, you'll surely be able to use.
    Mining The Woods *chop 2 trees, mine 2 rock deposits*
    baron> you've cleared quite a good deal of space!)

    The Baron: If you run out of things to chop and mine, never fear!
    You can always purchase rocks and logs for a small fee.

    (baron>The riches of the Glimmer Woods are inexhaustible!
    Marketable Materials *buy 2 pieces of debris*
    baron> Replenish your land whenever necessary!)
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 09-11-24 at 06:09 AM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Social Connections - Goals
    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * These goals set up your kingdom name and begin your journey to adding neighbours. You can visit neighbours through the Social menu in game.
    * You can find new friends and add your Storm8 ID in the monthly ADD ME forum.

    Game Links: Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    The Baron: I assure you, I am quite a big deal! This land is made up on 'many' kingdoms, with many different rulers. Ask any of them who I am!
    1: The Baron's Fame
    * Visit 3 other kingdoms 0/3 VISIT (skip 3) | tap Menu, then Social
    Rewards: 150 coin, 3 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: See how they all recognize me?

    Old Thomas: Yes? What is it?
    2: A Kingdom By Any Other Name
    * Pick a name for your kingdom | note, once you name your kingdom, it will cost you 10 gems to change it, so choose wisely!
    * Tell your kingdom name to Old Thomas 0/1 TELL (skip 5)
    Rewards: 500 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: A fine name!

    Old Thomas: In order to make friends with other rulers, you must set a Storm8 ID. Then, you can use that ID, or they can add you!
    3: Friends Beyond The Wood
    * Set your Storm8 ID | note, ID's can NOT be changed. They are also your forum ID.
    * Add another ruler as your neighbour 0/20 (skip 400)
    Rewards: 5, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: A happy conclusion! We've gotten you out of your shell.

    Old Thomas: Perhaps you could send your friend a letter anyway. "Please be on the lookout for anyone exceptionally royal-looking" - oh, you're right. It's a long shot.
    4: News Of the Heir
    * Ask a friend to send news by messenger kingdom 0/1 ASK (skip 20) | click on ASK and it will take you to your social tab where your list of neighbours are. Choose a few active friends to send the request to. When they respond, the goal will complete.
    Rewards: 500 coin, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Any news? *your friend my respond to your request - pigeon arrives on your wall*

    Old Thomas: Oh, hello there. I was just looking through my scrolls. You wanted to see me?
    5: The Baron's Secret Ambition
    * Ask Old Thomas for advice 0/1 ASK
    Rewards: 50 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Well, let me see...

    Old Thomas: Let's travel far and wide to find new friends to invite. Don't forget to tell them to bring their own Baron mask!
    6: A "Down With The Baron" Party
    * Make 5 new friends
    * Visit 40 other kingdoms | go to the community tab
    * Ask friends to create 15 Baron Masks ASK (skip 45) | note, the goal will complete when your neighbours respond to your request
    Rewards: 1250 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: I think we're ready for the party!

    The Baron: An entry fee? I must say, child, I'm very proud of all you've learned from me.
    7: Party Crasher
    * Collect "fee" of 8 gems from the Baron 0/1 TAKE
    Rewards: 8, 8 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: In any case, a paltry eight gems is nothing. Here, take it.

    Old Thomas: Let's show them what we can do! We'll hide our identities and blend in with the rest of the minstrel group.
    8: Join The Minstrels
    * Visit 3 Kingdoms and perform as a Motivational Minstrel 0/3 SING
    Rewards: 10 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: Alright, this is our last chance to get this right!

    Ivy: Go ahead! Belt it out!
    9: Last Performance
    * Sing a song for Ivy 0/1 SING
    Rewards: 2, 2 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Great song, you two. Definitely worth the trip!

    Spoiler: show

    Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show
    Social Connections - dialog placed in related chain for storyline continuity

    The Baron's Fame (chain 1)
    Ruler: You seem to know a lot about building kingdoms, What was your name again?
    Man : You don't remember? After we travel here together?
    Ruler: Sorry, My memory is a little fuzzy.
    The Baron: Oh dear. Well, I am... Baron Garland Pfeffernot!
    Ruler: Who... Byron Roland Pepperpot?
    The Baron: No, no-
    Ruler: Aaron Arwen Pufflefluff?
    (baron>I'll help you remember. I assure you, I am quite a big deal! This land is made up of "many" kingdoms, with many different rulers. Ask any of them who I am! Come, let's pay a few visits. The Baron's Fame *visit 3 other kingdoms*
    Ruler: Cool , it's someone else's kingdom! While we're here, we should be good neighbors and help out a bit.
    The Baron: Help out? You mean... "do work"?
    Ruler: Sure! Any buildings with Hearts over them could use a hand.
    (baron>See how they all recognize me?

    A Kingdom By Any Other Name (chain 4)
    OT: I must say, I'm flattered to be welcome in the fine kingdom of... Wait a minute. I never did find out the name of this kingdom.
    Ruler: Oh, its...
    (OT>Yes, What is it... A Kingdom By Any Other Name *pick a name & tell Old Thomas, he's eager to know* OT>A fine name!)

    Friends Beyond The Wood (chain 4)
    OT: Tell me, have you heard news of the missing royal heir?
    Ruler: Missing royal heir? No. I didn't even know that was a thing.
    OT: Really? But it's been the talk of all the land! Surely, other rulers must have mentioned it. In your friendly chats, and such.
    Ruler: Sorry. I'm uh...sort of alone out here.
    OT: Oh dear. Well, we should fix that.
    (OT>In order to make friends with other rulers, you must set a Storm8 ID. Then, you can use that ID, or they can add you! Friends Beyond The Wood *ask for a friends ID or give them yours* OT>A happy conclusion! We've gotten you out of your shell)

    News Of The Heir (chain 4)
    OT: Perhaps you could send a message to your new ruler friend.
    Ruler: Saying what?
    OT: "How are you?" "Is the royal heir in your land?" That sort of thing.
    Ruler: What does the royal heir look like? I'll include a description.
    OT: Nobody knows! It is a well-kept secret.
    Ruler: What? If nobody knows, how will my friend even look for the heir?
    OT: Oh. Good point.
    (OT>Perhaps you could send you friend a letter anyway. "Please be on the lookout for anyone exceptionally royal-looking" - oh, you're right. It's a long shot. News Of The Heir *send messenger pigeon* OT>Any news? *your friend my respond to your request - pigeon arrives on your wall*)
    OT: Perhaps you could send a message to your new ruler friend.
    Ruler: Saying what?
    OT: "How are you?" "Is the royal heir in your land?" That sort of thing.

    Baron's Secret Ambition (chain 4)
    The Baron: Well my young friend, I think its time I returned to my own lands.
    Ruler: Oh, you're leaving?
    The Baron: Yes, I've taught you all I could. Now, it is up to you to use those lessons.
    Ruler: I will.
    The Baron: Work hard, and build the kingdom of your dreams!
    Ruler: I will!
    The Baron: ... and make sure you have my royal tribute ready within thirty days.
    Ruler: I wi-... wait... Royal tribute? What royal tribute?
    The Baron: Why, your tribute to the new king of all kingdoms, of course. Have you not heard? The royal heir is gone! I, Baron Garland Pfeffernot, am next in line for the throne!
    Ruler: YOU? But you're...
    The Baron: ...handsome... A genius... The wealthiest man in all the land?
    Ruler: ... Greedy! Selfish! Cowardly and lazy! Why would anyone want you to be king?
    The Baron: The law requires it. I have the most Coins, the most land, the most Royal Points! Sorry, my young friend. I told you from the start that was all that mattered.
    Ruler: ... That *can't be all that matters. It isn't right. Hmm. Old Thomas is the Royal Scholar. Maybe he can help.
    (OT>Oh, hello there. I was just looking through my scrolls. You wanted to see me? The Baron's Secret Ambition *ask Old Thomas for Advice* OT>Well, let me see...)

    A "Down With The Baron" Party (chain 4)
    Ruler: You know, we're always visiting kingdoms and making new friends. Maybe we can't find a law that will stop the Baron from taking the throne .... but we can definitely tell everyone what a louse he is!
    OT: Oh, a fine idea. How do you propose to do that?
    Ruler: We'll throw a party! A "Down With The Baron" party. We'll invite everyone!
    OT: But the Baron is wealthy and powerful. What if he takes revenge on the guests?
    Ruler: That's the best part. Everyone will wear a mask! He won't know who is who!
    (OT>Let's travel far and wide to find new friends to invite. Don't forget to tell them to bring their own Baron mask!) A "Down With The Baron" Party *spread the word, create masks* OT>I think we're ready for the party!)

    Party Crasher (chain 4)
    OT: The party seems like it's a big success!
    Ruler: Hmm...look at that guy over there. Doesn't his mask look a little *too* realistic?
    The Baron: A party? In my honor? Why, what a wonderful gesture from you commoners! I'll be sure to remember this, once I am ruler of all the realm!
    Ruler: That buffoon thinks we're *celebrating* him! He's here to hog the spotlight!
    OT: Oh dear. This is quite awkward. What should we do?
    Ruler: I have an idea. Just play along. Oh, Baron Pepperpot! I'm afraid this is an *exclusive* party. Did you bring your exclusive, executive "entry fee" of eight gems?
    (baron>An entry fee? I must say, child, I'm very proud of all you've learned from me.)
    Party Crasher *collect the fee*(baron>In any case, a paltry eight gems is nothing. Here, take it.)

    Joining the Minstrels & Last Performance (chain 3)
    OT: What do you say? Shall we join the Builder's Caravan as "Motivational Minstrels"?
    Ruler: Are you being serious right now?
    OT: Of course! Let's just give it a try. I've always wanted to be a minstrel!
    Ruler: Umm...
    OT: Just for a couple of stops?
    Ruler: Oh, very well?
    (OT> Let's show them what we can do! We'll hide our identities and blend in with the rest of the minstrel group.) Joining The Minstrels *You and Thomas are going on the road! Visit 3 kingdoms*

    *1st kingdom*
    OT: Ok, were here. Time to improve their work performance through song!
    Let the motivational minstreling begin!
    "Work work work and chisel that bloooook!"
    "There's a chance you won't be crushed by a roooooooooock!"
    Ruler: Thomas?
    OT: Yes?
    Ruler: ... You're not great at this.
    Ruler: I think we'd better get out of here before the workers get angrier.

    *2nd kingdom*
    OT: Ok, we've got a second chance at this.
    This time, I'll warm up the crowd, and then *you* burst into song.
    "Hey hey, all you construction workers out there! We're here to pep you up!"
    "Since you all look rather shiftless and lazy!"
    Ruler: *sigh*
    OT: Oh dear. They seem rather upset again.
    Ruler: That's our signal to leave.

    *3rd kingdom*
    (OT> Alright, this is our last chance to get this right!)
    Ruler: I'm dreading this already.
    OT: Yes, it's possible we're not cut out to be Motivational Minstrels.
    {from the crowd} "WOOHOO! YOU TWO ARE AWESOME!"
    Ruler: Wait, who said that?
    IVY: It was me!
    Ruler: Ivy! You came to watch us perform?
    IVY: Sure did! As long as I'm here, you'll have at least one fan!
    Ruler: Alright Thomas. Let's give her a show!
    Together: And a-one and a-two and a-one-two-three?
    (ivy> Go ahead! Belt it out! Last Performance *sing a song for Ivy* (ivy>Great song, you two. Definitely worth the trip!)

    OT: What do you say? Shall we join the Builder's Caravan as "Motivational Minstrels"?
    Ruler: Are you being serious right now?
    OT: Of course! Let's just give it a try. I've always wanted to be a minstrel!
    Ruler: Umm...
    OT: Just for a couple of stops?
    Ruler: Oh, very well?
    (OT> Let's show them what we can do! We'll hide our identities and blend in with the rest of the minstrel group.
    Joining The Minstrels *You and Thomas are going on the road! Visit 3 kingdoms*

    *1st kingdom*
    OT: Ok, we're here. Time to improve their work performance through song!
    Let the motivational minstreling begin!
    "Work work work and chisel that bloooook!"
    "There's a chance you won't be crushed by a roooooooooock!"
    Ruler: Thomas?
    OT: Yes?
    Ruler: ... You're not great at this.
    Ruler: I think we'd better get out of here before the workers get angrier.
    *2nd kingdom*
    OT: Ok, we've got a second chance at this.
    This time, I'll warm up the crowd, and then *you* burst into song.
    "Hey hey, all you construction workers out there! We're here to pep you up!"
    "Since you all look rather shiftless and lazy!"
    Ruler: *sigh*
    OT: Oh dear. They seem rather upset again.
    Ruler: That's our signal to leave.
    3rd kingdom*
    (OT> Alright, this is our last chance to get this right!)
    Ruler: I'm dreading this already.
    OT: Yes, it's possible we're not cut out to be Motivational Minstrels.
    a voice in the crowd: "WOOHOO! YOU TWO ARE AWESOME!"
    Ruler: Wait, who said that?

    IVY: It was me!
    Ruler: Ivy! You came to watch us perform?
    IVY: Sure did! As long as I'm here, you'll have at least one fan!
    Ruler: Alright Thomas. Let's give her a show!
    Together: And a-one and a-two and a-one-two-three?
    (ivy> Go ahead! Belt it out!
    Last Performance *sing a song for Ivy*
    ivy>Great song, you two. Definitely worth the trip!)
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-02-17 at 05:03 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Caravans and Crops - Goals
    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * For any timed caravan goals, if you load (give) any items and you do not finish in time, you will lose those items. You also cannot 'unload' items. Once given they are given. There will be a timer on the goal in your goal book.
    * For any un-timed caravan goals, you can take as long as you like to finish them.
    * The Inventory Guide has a list of where you can find all game items and their drops.

    Game Links: Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    The Baron: Wheat is a more advanced crop than Corn. You can either add more farm plots to grow more crops at the same time, or be patient and stick with what you have.
    1: Wheat Harvest
    * Add 3 farm plots 0/3 BUY
    * Plant 9 wheat 0/9 PLANT
    * Harvest 9 wheat 0/9 GO
    Rewards: 200 coin, 3xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Another fine harvest

    The Baron: By all means, keep toiling away in the fields! How about another Corn crop?
    2: Corn Supplies
    * Harvest 9 more corn 0/9 GO (skip 10)
    Rewards: 125 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Oh, you work so hard! It's very endearing.

    The Baron: That's good planning! You can do many things while you're waiting. Like take a nap! Or you could count your jewels and gold coins. That's always fun.
    3: Planting Season
    * Plant 9 more wheat 0/9 PLANT (skip 10)
    Rewards: 275 coin 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: The Wheat will be ready when you return.)

    The Baron: Well, aren't you kind! By all means, keep toiling away in the fields.
    4: Food Stockpile
    * Gather 18 corn 0/18 GO (skip 18)
    * Gather 18 wheat 0/18 (skip 18)
    * Gather 5 fish 0/5 (skip 8/9)
    Rewards: 125 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: More food? Make sure you don't spoil your peasants too much!

    The Baron: Load the caravan with goods by tapping the "load" button on each entry. Once all contents are loaded, you will receive money in exchange for your goods! Scroll down to see the full list.
    5: The First Caravan
    * Load 30 corn into the caravan wagon 0/30 LOAD (skip 30)
    * Load 30 wheat into the caravan wagon 0/30 LOAD (skip 30)
    * Load 20 eggs into the caravan wagon 0/20 LOAD (skip 20)
    * Load 20 milk into the caravan wagon 0/20 LOAD (skip 20)
    * Load 8 fish into the caravan wagon 0/8 LOAD (skip 16)
    Rewards: 7500 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Caravan away!

    Old Thomas: If you're in a rush, tomatoes are a fast-growing crop that can turn a profit in minutes.
    6: Tomatoes For Fun and Profit
    * Harvest 20 tomatoes 0/20 GO (skip 40)
    Rewards: 800 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Another great harvest!

    Old Thomas: Oh, I was around. Sugar Cane has a slower growth time, but provides a good income of Coins. Harvesting less often saves energy for other tasks
    7. Sugar Rush
    * Harvest 30 sugarcane 0/30 GO (skip 15)
    Rewards: 1000 coin, 8 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Ouch, sugar!

    Old Thomas: Load the caravan by tapping the "Load" button on each entry. Once all contents are loaded, you will receive money in exchange for your goods!
    8: The Second Caravan
    * Load 20 roast chicken into the caravan wagon 0/20 LOAD (skip 40)
    * Load 60 tomatoes into the caravan wagon 0/60 LOAD (skip 60)
    * Load 50 sugar cane into the caravan wagon 0/50 LOAD (skip 50)
    * Load 25 hides into the caravan wagon 0/25 LOAD (skip 50)
    * Load 10 furs into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 30)
    Rewards: 12500 coin, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Caravan away!

    Ivy: Just harvest up a whole bunch of Hot Peppers and hand 'em over. I've got some secret plans. I'll tell you if they pan out.
    9: Hot Peppers For Ivy
    * Give 30 hot peppers to Ivy 0/30 GIVE (skip 30)
    Rewards: 1200 coin, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Alright. Now, my Hot Pepper research begins!

    Ivy: Add to the caravan by tapping the "Load" button on each entry. Glimmerdust is hardest to find. It settles in damp, low places. Check old logs, tree stumps and mushroom circles.
    10: The Nature Caravan
    * Load 50 orange petals into the caravan wagon 0/50 LOAD (skip 50)
    * Load 40 white petals into the caravan wagon 0/40 LOAD (skip 40)
    * Load 40 mushrooms into the caravan wagon 0/40 LOAD (skip 40)
    * Load 10 living wood into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 50)
    * Load 10 glimmerdust into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 50)
    Rewards: 15000 coin, 30 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Caravan away!

    Old Thomas: Load the caravan by tapping the "Load" button on each entry. Once all contents are loaded, you will receive money in exchange for your goods!
    11. The Builder's Caravan
    * Load 10 fancy beams into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 100)
    * Load 10 fancy blocks into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 100)
    * Load 10 simple glue into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 80)
    * Load 10 builders' hammers into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 100)
    * Provide 20 Motivations Minstrels 0/20 ASK | note, the goal will complete when your neighbours respond to your request
    Rewards: 19000 coin, 35 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Builder's Caravan away!

    Ivy: Add to the caravan by tapping the "Load" button on each entry. I hope you're ready for some serious cooking!
    12: The Cooking Caravan
    * Load 10 apple pies into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 400 gems)
    * Load 10 orange cobblers into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 400 gems)
    * Load 10 pitchers of lemonade into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 400 gems)
    * Load 10 breakfast buffets into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 600 gems)
    * Load 10 breaded fish into the caravan wagon 0/10 LOAD (skip 300 gems)
    Rewards: 50000 coin, 50 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Caravan away!

    The Baron: We'll call it "The King's Caravan!"
    13: The King's Caravan
    * Refuse to call it "The King's Caravan" 0/41 REFUSE
    Rewards: 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: You don't like that name?

    The Baron: Get it? The "Baro-van." It's perfect!
    14: The "Baro-van
    * Also refuse to call it "The Baro-Van" 0/1 REFUSE
    Rewards: 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Fine then, you name it!

    The Baron: You wouldn't want to offend your future king by not sending the caravan, would you? I have ways of making life very difficult for people, if I so choose.
    15: Rich Windbag Caravan
    * Load 40000 gold coins into the caravan wagon 0/1 LOAD (skip 30 gems)
    * Load 50 bones into the caravan wagon 0/50 LOAD (skip 80 gems)
    * Load 60 jewels into the caravan wagon 0/60 LOAD (skip 80 gems)
    * Load 75 silver into the caravan wagon 0/75 LOAD (skip 50 gems)
    * Load 150 carrots into the caravan wagon 0/150 LOAD (skip 80 gems)
    Rewards: 20 gems, 75 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron:

    Ivy: The soil here is filled with magic. I had to tweak the seeds a bit to get them to sprout. It took a while, but I figured it out. I bet Cocoa Beans will be useful for all sorts of things!
    16: Cuckoo For Cocoa Crops
    * Harvest 50 cocoa beans 0/50 GO (skip 50)
    Rewards: 1200 coin, 8 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: That's a big ol' haul of Cocoa Beans!

    Caravan pictures:
    Spoiler: show

    Crop pictures:
    Spoiler: show

    Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show
    C3 Caravans & Crops

    Ruler: I bet the people of my kingdom are getting sick of Corn by now.
    I wonder if Wheat would grow well out here? If I expand my farmland, I can try growing both!
    (baron>Wheat is a more advanced crop than Corn.
    You can either add more farm plots to grow more crops at the same time, or be patient and stick with what you have.
    Wheat Harvest (revised) *add, plant, harvest* baron>Another fine harvest)

    Ruler: I'm starting to really get the hand of this farming thing.
    (baron> By all means, keep toiling away in the fields. How about another Corn Crop.
    Corn Supplies * harvest 9 more Corn* baron> Oh, you work so hard! It's very endearing.)

    Ruler: Before I go, I should plant some Wheat. That way, it'll be ready to harvest when I return.
    (baron> That's good planning! You can do many things while you're waiting. Like take a nap!
    Or you could count your jewels and gold coins. That's always fun.
    Planting Season *plant 9 wheat* baron> The Wheat will be ready when you return.)

    Ruler: By farming and fishing, I'll have plenty of food to feed all the people in my kingdom.
    It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it!
    (baron> Well, aren't you kind! By all means, keep toiling away in the fields.
    Food Stockpile *corn, wheat, fish*
    baron> More food? Make sure you don't spoil your peasants too much!)

    Ruler: Hmm.. I have a plenty of Corn and other food in storage.
    It's nice to have reserves, but I wonder if others could use it more?
    The Baron: Others? But what about you? Your rings? Broaches? Fancy pantaloons?
    That extra food is rightfully yours to exploit, as ruler!
    Ruler: I'm pretty sure I can survive without fancy pantaloons. I'll trade our extra food to other kingdoms in need.
    The Baron: Trade? *Now* you're talking Jack up the price and reap the profits!
    Ruler: I don't think you understand how "helping people" works.
    (baron> Load the caravan with goods by tapping the "LOAD" button on each entry.
    Once all contents are loaded, you will receive money in exchange for your goods! Scroll down to see the full list.
    The First Caravan *corn, wheat, eggs, milk, fish* baron>Caravan away!)

    Ruler: Hmmm. It certainly takes quite a few Coins to build a kingdom.
    Tomatoes give a good profit and they grow *really* fast. I'll try then in my fields to make coins quickly.
    (If you're in a rush, Tomatoes are a fast-growing crop that can turn a profit in minutes.
    Tomatoes For Fun and Profit *harvest 20 tomatoes* OT> Another great harvest!)

    Ruler: Hmmm... Sugar Cane takes a while to grow, but the results could be worth it.
    The slower growth will give me time to handle other things. And besides... Everyone loves sugar!
    OT: I love sugar, too!
    Ruler: ... Where did he come from?
    (OT>Oh, I was around. Sugar Cane has a slower growth time, but provides a good income of Coins.
    Harvesting less often saves energy for other tasks!
    Sugar Rush *harvest 30 sugar cane* OT> Ouch, sugar!)

    (OT>Load the caravan. Once all contents are loaded, you will receive money in exchange for your goods.
    The Second Caravan *roast chicken, tomatoes, sugar cane, hides, furs* OT>Caravan away!)

    IVY: Oh, Hot Peppers! I've always been fascinated with these.
    Do you think you could harvest some for me to experiment with at the Potion Shop?
    Twenty or thirty should do. Maybe thirty, just in case some are lost in an... accident.
    Ruler: Hmm. Care to share what you're planning?
    IVY: It's a surprise!
    Ruler: ... I sure hope it's a *good* surprise?
    (ivy> Just harvest up a whole bunch of Hot Peppers and hand'em over.
    I've got some secret plans. I'll tell you if they pan out.
    Hot Peppers For Ivy *give 30 peppers* ivy>Alright. Now, my Hot Pepper research begins!)

    IVY: This forest is perfect for potion-making. There are all sorts of exotic plants!
    Ruler: It sure seems like it. I've already found a lot of interesting things.
    IVY: If you have extra, you could trade what you've found to other kingdoms.
    Ruler: Would other kingdoms want this stuff?
    IVY: You betcha! In fact, I used to do this sort of thing for a living.
    Flower petals to make a fragrance that sends hearts fluttering?
    Mushrooms for a balm that'll dull those aches and pains?
    Magical wood to ward the bad luck away!
    Trust me, they'll go nuts for it! Here, I'll write you a list.
    (ivy> Add to the caravan by tapping the "Load" button on each entry.
    Glimmerdust is the hardest to find. It settles in damp low places. Check old logs, tree stumps, and mushroom circles.
    The Nature Caravan *orange petals, white petals, mushrooms, living wood, glimmer dust* ivy>Caravan away!)

    OT: Ho ho ho! I can't get enough of these! Mmmm... delicious!
    Ruler: Thomas... What are you doing in the Strawberry patch?
    OT: Oh...nothing. Just... hanging around.
    Ruler: Why is your beard stained with strawberry juice?
    OT: That's just the light playing tricks on you!
    Ruler: The pockets of your robe are filled with strawberries!
    OT: What? I have no idea what you're- oh, say! Look over there!
    Ruler: Where? ... I can't believe I fell for that.
    Thomas, if you want Strawberries, you only have to say so!
    (OT>I'm sorry. I just felt silly, having such an affection for those delightful little berries!
    If you could provide me with some, I'd be in your debt.
    The Strawberry Scholar *give 50 strawberries to OT* OT> Oh, those look delicious!)

    Ruler: Hmm. We've got a lot of spare building materials.
    Maybe some other rulers could use this stuff to improve their kingdoms.
    OT: That's very generous, but it may not be so simple. Construction is a complex trade.
    Some kingdoms lack the tools to work with wood and stone. Others are... ...well, lazy.
    Ruler: Well, we can provide them with the tools easily enough.
    And as for the lazy ones... I have an idea in mind that might encourage them to buckle down and work!
    (OT>Load the caravan. Once all contents are loaded, you will receive money in exchange for your goods.
    The Builder's Caravan *fancy beams, fancy blocks, simple glue, builder's hammers & 20 Motivational Minstrels*
    OT>Builder's Caravan away!)

    Ivy: We've gotten pretty good at this, wouldn't you say? Soon, this kingdom might even get a reputation for having great food!
    Ruler: I find it to be a nice break from being in charge. And it's fun to have a cooking partner.
    You know, there are always people in other kingdoms who are short of food.
    IVY: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
    (ivy> Add to the caravan by tapping the "Load" button on each entry. I hope you're ready for some serious cooking!
    Cooking Caravan *pies, cobbler, lemonade, buffets, breaded fish* caravan away)

    The Baron: So, I hear you've been sending out caravans to help people in need!
    Ruler: What are *you* doing here?
    The Baron: Now now, is that any way to greet an old friend?
    It so happens that I know a fine group of "people in need" for you to help!
    My cousins! All of them Barons, all of then in need!
    My cousin Antonius has run low on bones to feed his hounds.
    The poor pups barely have the energy to chase starving trespassers!
    Ruler: That doesn't sound like a very worthy cause.
    The Baron: Cousin Bartleby accidentally executed the man who cleans his jewellery! Whoops!
    Ruler: I hope you're joking.
    The Baron: It was a tragedy. So much jewellery, thrown away due to being dirty!
    Oh, and my cousin Gavonelle has run out of carrots to deny his serfs.
    Ruler: That doesn't even make any sense!
    The Baron: 500 serfs, a half carrot each per week -
    100 carrots for the month. If my math is correct.
    Ruler: It's not!
    The Baron: Throw in my royal tribute and that'll be all. I'll pay handsomely in Gems.
    (baron>We'll call it "The King's Caravan!"
    The King's Caravan
    * refuse - he's not king yet* baron>You don't like that name?)

    Ruler: You're not king. I'm not calling it "The King's Caravan."
    The Baron: How about something catchy, like "The Baro-van" Since I'm a Baron.
    (baron>Get it? The "Baro-van." It's perfect!
    The "Baro-van" *refuse-terrible name*
    baron>Fine the, you name it!)

    The Baron: I don't care what you call it, as long as it's on time!
    (baron>You wouldn't want to offend your future king by not sending the caravan,
    would you? I have ways of making life very difficult for people, if I so choose.
    Rich Windbag Caravan *load coins, bones, jewels, silver, carrots*

    Note: new crops built into future quests
    Note: caravans- bulk items : now either at the Royal Exchange or
    built into future quests as GIVE

    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 06-03-18 at 06:30 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Old Thomas - Goals
    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Unlock Old Thomas in the expansion square.
    * In the goal Of Tablets & Telescopes, the 3 items needed are mermaid scales, jewels and silver ore.

    Game Links: Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    There are faint noised coming form the southeast. Someone could be trouble. It might be a good idea to explore in that direction.
    1: Search the Forest
    * Explore the nearly forest area 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 150 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Will you not listen? This is a bad idea! Be careful! The wood may be dangerous!

    Old Thomas: Oh, thank goodness! I know just how to reverse this goal-curse. A Workshop will help us combine the materials we need.
    2: A Cursed Scholar
    * Build a workshop 0/1 BUY | Cost: 3,000 coins - Size: 2x2
    Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Seems like you've been busy!

    Old Thomas: I need you to gather some Iron Ore and forge two new book bindings. You should sometimes find Iron Ore in the rock outcroppings nearby.
    3: Book Bound
    * Craft 2 iron bindings 0/1 GO (skip 10)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: How are the bindings coming?

    Old Thomas: the lost pages must be nearby! You might stumble upon them when you are chopping wood or mining rocks!
    4: The Lost Pages
    * Find 5 lost pages 0/5 | check trees, rocks, flowers and your crop fields
    Rewards: 200 coin, 2 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Oh! You've gathered the pages!

    Old Thomas: Leather is perfect for making book covers. You can occasionally obtain leather from Cows. If they're in a giving mood.
    5: The Cover
    * Craft 1 Leather Cover 0/1 GO (skip 20)
    Rewards: 200 coin, 2 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: You look happy. Any news?

    Old Thomas: You should be able to assemble the book of Spells at the Workshop.
    6: The Book of Spells
    * Craft the book of spells 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 2000 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: You have the book! Come talk to me and I'll show you what to do with it.
    * Old Thomas (OT) changes from a goatman to a human and starts walking around the kingdom
    * The Royal Scholar decides who inherits the throne (OT has his own point system)

    Old Thomas: To earn Royal Points, you must construct certain kinds of structures. Try adding a Wall, Gateway or Tower to your kingdom.
    7: The Royal Scholar
    * Build 3 walls, towers or gateways 0/3 BUY (skip 10)
    * Have 3 Royal points 0/3
    Rewards: 300 coin, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Very royal-looking, I must say!

    Old Thomas: Making a Wisp Lantern is simple. First, you must find Earth Wisps by processing Coal in the Workshop. They shed plenty of light! Let's try that now.
    8: Finding Earth Wisps
    * Craft 3 Earth Wisps 0/3 CRAFT (skip 16)
    Rewards: 250 coin, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Fine craftsmanship!

    Old Thomas: Once constructed, a Sparkling Mine will provide an income of mining-related materials, for little energy cost!
    9: Help with Wisps
    * Build a Sparkling Mine 0/1 BUY (skip 26) | Cost: 4,800 coins - Size: 3x3
    Rewards: 300 coin, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: You should be able to gather Coal quickly, now.

    Old Thomas: To assemble a Wisp Lantern, you must join three Earth Wisps. Let's try making a Wisp Lantern now.
    10: Shedding Light
    * Assemble a Wisp Lantern 0/1 CRAFT (skip 16)
    Rewards: 400 coin, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Look at those wisps glow!

    Old Thomas: This tower will be a great undertaking. There are two tower designs to choose from. Pick the one that best fits your style of rulership!
    11: The Royal Tower
    * Complete construction of a Royal Tower 0/1 BUY (skip 50) | refer to the Building Guide for building materials for each tower
    * Climb the tower and view the Glimmerwood 0/1 VIEW
    Rewards: 500 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: That must be quite a view!

    Old Thomas: By expanding further, you can uncover the secrets of this enchanted forest while also securing new space to build! Why not investigate that tree you saw to the north?
    12: A View to the North
    * Investigate to the North 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coin, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Hmm, what was that creaking noise?

    Old Thomas: Oh, that would be splendid. Perhaps then I could find a way to prove that the Baron does not deserve the throne!
    13: The Scholar's Library
    * Build a Royal Library 0/1 BUY (skip 80) | Cost: 15,000 coins - Size 3x3
    Rewards: 1750 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Oh, what a fine library! I'll get to work immediately!

    Old Thomas: I'm so excited to be building a telescope! We need to gather materials that reflect, focus, and amplify light. I'm not sure exactly what we can use, but I'll know it when I see it.
    14: Of Tablets and Telescopes
    * Find a material that focuses light 0/1 (skip 20)
    * Find a material that shimmers and sparkles 0/1 (skip 20)
    * Find a material that can be polished to a shine 0/1 (skip 20)
    Note: the 3 items needed are mermaid scales from ponds or wells, jewels and silver ore from rocks or the sparking mine)
    Note: Unlocks Matrix when goal completed

    Rewards: 2500 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Jewels, silver, mermaid scales.. Yes, that should do it!

    Old Thomas: Keep gathering Jewels, Silver and Mermaid Scales until we have enough to craft the Magnifying Matrix.
    15: Magnifying Matrix
    * Craft the Magnifying Matrix 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 5000 coin, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Do you have news about the Magnifying Matrix?

    Old Thomas: I'll keep track of *this* construction personally. I've drawn up a plan for my house, and a list of needed materials. Drop them off as you find them by using the "Drop" button.
    16: A House for Old Thomas
    * Place and build a house for Old Thomas 0/1 BUILD | Build: 5 wooden beam, 5 stone block, 5 simple glue, 1 magnifying matrix - Cost: 0 - Size: 3x3
    Rewards: 4000 coin, 15 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: We did it!

    Old Thomas: I'm sorry. I just felt silly, having such an affection for those delightful little berries! If you could provide me with some, I'd be in your debt.
    17: The Strawberry Scholar
    * Deliver 50 Strawberries to Old Thomas 0/50 (skip 50)
    Rewards: 1500 coin, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Oh, those look delicious!

    Where to find Old Thomas on your board:
    Spoiler: show

    PIC # 0022. 0045. 0063. 0067. 0150. 0152
    Chain 4 . Goal. Search the Forest pic # 1025

    Pictures of Old Thomas
    Spoiler: show

    Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show
    The Goatman - OLD THOMAS

    Ruler: Hmm...did you hear that?
    The Baron: I hear nothing. I'm sure it's just your imagination.
    Ruler: Wait, there it is again! It's a voice - coming from the southeast,
    that area of dense forest. It sounds like someone calling for help
    The Baron: Hold on. You can't venture off into the Glimmer Wood so rashly-
    Ruler: Don't worry, mystery voice! I'm coming!
    The Baron: Wait!
    Ruler: I'm not waiting around while someone could be in trouble. Southeast, here I come!
    The Baron: Wait! Blast it!

    (There are faint noises coming from the southeast. Someone could be in trouble.
    It might be a good idea to explore in that direction. Search The Forest
    *Southeast* baron>Will you not listen? This is a bad idea! Be careful! The wood may be dangerous!)

    Goatman: Hello! Is someone there? I've gotten a bit lost in these woods, I'm afraid?
    Ruler: I'm here! So, uh...what happened to you?
    Goatman: What do you mean?
    Ruler: I mean...why are you a goat?
    Goatman: Oh, that! I was exploring the forest. It seems I've fallen victim to a strange curse!
    Ruler: : What's your name?
    Goatman: My name is Old Thomas (*My name is "Old Thomas." That's what my students called me.)
    Ruler: Well, Old Thomas- this is my kingdom. That makes *you* a citizen.
    And it's my duty as a ruler to always help my citizens! We'll have that curse off of you in no time!

    (Old Thomas>Oh, thank goodness! I know just how to reverse this goat-curse.
    A workshop will help us combine the materials we need. A Cursed Scholar
    *build a Workshop* OT>Seems like you've been busy!)

    Ruler: The Workshop is finished.
    OT: Excellent! A Workshop is quite a useful place! Imagine the possibilities!
    We could even build a telescope! Or a gyrocopter!
    Ruler: We're concentrating on your curse, remember?
    OT: The what now? Oh, yes... My Book of Spells *did* contain a method to reverse my curse.
    However...the book was nearly destroyed as the curse hit me.
    We must repair it. That's where the Workshop comes in!

    (OT>I need you to gather some Iron Ore and forge two new book bindings.
    You should sometimes find Iron Ore in the outcroppings nearby. Book Bound
    *Check the "Specials" in the Workshop* OT>How are the bindings coming?)

    OT: A book of magic requires a sturdy cover to contain the power within!
    Ruler: What sort of material would work best for the cover?

    (OT>Leather is perfect for making book covers. You can occasionally obtain Leather from Cows.
    If they're in a giving mood. The Cover *again to "Specials" in the Workshop*
    OT>You look happy. Any news?)

    Ruler: I have the bindings.
    OT: Now, we need only find the lost pages! They were torn from the book by the man who cursed me.
    That's a story for another time. For now, let us search for those pages.
    As the curse hit, they were torn from the book and scattered to the winds!
    Ruler: Don't worry. I'll take a look around.

    Ruler: * at the well*This must be one of Old Thomas' lost pages... I bet I can find more around here.

    (OT>The lost pages must be nearby!
    You might stumble upon them when you are chopping wood or mining rocks!
    The Lost Pages *find 5 lost pages* OT>Oh! You've gathered the pages!)

    OT: Thank you for finding those pages. It must have been quite a search!
    Ruler: So, what's next?
    Old Thomas: It seems like we have everything we need to recreate my Book of Spells!
    Ruler: I bet you're looking forward to being human again.
    OT: Oh, yes! Though I may miss nibbling on the leaves. Quite tasty.
    (OT>You should be able to assemble the Book of Spells at the Workshop. The Book of Spells
    OT> You have the book! Come talk to me and I'll show you what to do with it.)

    *ruler reads the incantation*
    OT: Oh! It worked! I'm human again! Thank you so much. You saved me. I cannot every repay you.
    Ruler: No need to thank me. It's a ruler's duty to help a citizen in need!
    OT: Then I shall stay here, as a citizen. To provide help and counsel.

    OT: Old Thomas, the Royal Scholar. At your service!
    Ruler: So, what does a "Royal Scholar" do, exactly?
    OT: It's *my* duty to figure out who is most suited to inherit the throne!
    Ruler: How do you figure that out?
    OT: Why, Royal Points, of course! A system of my own design!
    You can earn Royal Points by constructing buildings!
    Castle structures, like walls and towers, count towards the Royal Point total.
    Ruler: You seem really excited about this.
    OT: Oh, I am!

    (OT>To earn Royal Points, you must construct certain kinds of structures.
    Try adding a Wall, Gateway or Tower to your kingdom.
    The Royal Scholar *build 3walls* OT>Very royal-looking, I must say!)

    OT: It's a bit crowded here. I bet you're eager to expand your borders!
    Ruler: I *do* want to explore the Glimmer Wood.
    But, it's very dark and dense...and weird stuff seems to happen there...
    OT: There may be a solution to make exploring safer. With enough Coal,
    we can fashion Wisp Lanterns to light our way! Come, I will show you.

    (OT>Making a Wisp Lantern is simple.
    First, you must find Earth Wisps by processing Coal in the Workshop.
    They shed plenty of light. Let's try that for now. Finding Earth Wisps
    *craft 3 Earth Wisps * OT>Fine craftsmanship!)

    Ruler: I'm running a little short on rocks to mine for Coal.
    Whew! It takes a lot of energy to mine all these rocks for Coal. is there any way to make it easier?

    (Original text -
    OT: If you're short on rocks to mine, you can buy them from the Market.
    Or, construct a sparkling Mine! It provides a regular income of Coal and other materials.
    (ot> As you can see, there are many ways to gather the materials you need to acquire Earth Wisps!
    Let's try out the various methods) Help with Wisps *buy rock deposit, build sparkling mine*

    Revised text-
    OT: Actually, yes! You could construct a Sparkling Mine!
    A Sparkling Mine provides a regular income of Coal and other materials!
    (OT>Once constructed, a Sparkling Mine will provide an income of mining-related materials,
    for little energy cost! Help With Wisps *build a Sparkling Mine*
    OT>You should be able to gather Coal quickly, now.)

    OT: Ooh! Now that you have the Earth Wisps, we can put them into a Wisp Lantern! With haste! To the Workshop!
    Ruler: ... He moves fast for an old guy.

    (OT>To assemble a Wisp Lantern, you must join three Earth Wisps.
    Let's make a couple of Wisp Lanterns now. Shedding Light *assemble a wisp lantern*
    OT> Look at those wisps glow!)

    OT: I must say, I'm flattered to be welcome in the fine kingdom of...
    Wait a minute. I never did find out the name of this kingdom.
    Ruler: Oh, its...

    (OT> Yes, What is it? A Kingdom By Any Other Name
    *pick a name & tell Old Thomas, he's eager to know* OT> A fine name!)

    OT: Tell me, have you heard news of the missing royal heir?
    Ruler: Missing royal heir? No. I didn't even know that was a thing.
    OT: Really? But it's been the talk of all the land!
    Surely, other rulers must have mentioned it. In your friendly chats, and such.
    Ruler: Sorry. I'm uh...sort of alone out here.
    OT: Oh dear. Well, we should fix that.

    (OT>In order to make friends with other rulers, you must set a Storm8 ID. Then, you can use that ID, or they can add you!
    Friends Beyond The Wood *ask for a friends ID or give them yours*
    OT>A happy conclusion! We've gotten you out of your shell)

    OT: Perhaps you could send a message to your new ruler friend.
    Ruler: Saying what?
    OT: "How are you?" "Is the royal heir in your land?" That sort of thing.
    Ruler: What does the royal heir look like? I'll include a description.
    OT: Nobody knows! It is a well-kept secret.
    Ruler: What? If nobody knows, how will my friend even look for the heir?
    OT: Oh. Good point.

    (OT>Perhaps you could send you friend a letter anyway.
    "Please be on the lookout for anyone exceptionally royal-looking" - oh, you're right. It's a long shot.
    News Of The Heir *send messenger pigeon*
    OT>Any news? *your friend my respond to your request - pigeon arrives on you wall*)

    Note: I check the walls I built earlier, not there.
    Checked my game wall and when I returned to the kingdom - the dang bird had arrived. Hahaha

    OT: Are you ready to venture out into the wood?
    Ruler: Wisp Lanterns will help, but I'm not sure what direction to go.

    Is there some way I could get a bird's eye view of the forest?
    OT: I know just the thing. You could construct a grand watchtower!
    It would be wondrous! Tall enough to provide a view for miles around!
    Ruler: It sounds like quite a big project.
    OT: Oh, it would be. The biggest one yet! But I think you can do it.
    Ruler: With your help.

    (OT>This tower will be the a great undertaking. There are two tower designs to choose from.
    Pick the one that best fits your style of rulership! Watchtower of Lantern Spire!
    The Royal Tower *climb the tower* OT>That must be quite a view!)

    OT: So, what did you see at the top of your royal tower?
    Ruler: The forest stretches out quite far. To the southeast, it goes all the way to the coast.
    But the *most* interesting thing I saw was a strange tree to the north. I think it's worthy of investigation!

    OT: That sounds like an excellent plan. Finally, you get to explore!

    (OT>By expanding further, you can uncover the secrets of this enchanted forest while also securing new space to build!
    Why not investigate that tree you saw to the north? A View To The North
    *something strange about that tree? OT>Hmm, what was that creaking noise?)

    The Baron: Well my young friend, I think its time I returned to my own lands.
    Ruler: Oh, you're leaving?
    The Baron: Yes, I've taught you all I could. Now, it is up to you to use those lessons.
    Ruler: I will.
    The Baron: Work hard, and build the kingdom of your dreams!
    Ruler: I will!
    The Baron: ... and make sure you have my royal tribute ready within thirty days.
    Ruler: I wi-...wait. Royal tribute? What royal tribute?
    The Baron: Why, your tribute to the new king of all kingdoms, of course. Have you not heard?
    The royal heir is gone! I, Baron Garland Pfeffernot, am next in line for the throne!
    Ruler: YOU? But you're...
    The Baron: ...handsome? A genius? The wealthiest man in all the land?
    Ruler: ...Greedy! Selfish! Cowardly and lazy! Why would anyone want you to be king?
    The Baron: The law requires it. I have the most Coins, the most land, the most Royal Points!
    Sorry, my young friend. I told you from the start that was all that mattered.
    Ruler: ... That can't be all that matters. It isn't right.
    Hmm... Old Thomas is the Royal Scholar. Maybe he can help.

    (OT>Oh, hello there. I was just looking through my scrolls. You wanted to see me?
    The Baron's Secret Ambition *ask Old Thomas for Advice* OT>Well, let me see...)

    Ruler: So we really can't do anything? He's going to be king?
    OT: Perhaps. The Laws of Succession are very complex.
    If you'll look at line 265, Section6, Subsection 9 on scroll J94... Oh dear, where did that scroll go?
    Ruler: many scrolls do you have stacked here on the grass?
    OT: I don't know. Perhaps a thousand.
    Ruler: A thousand!? You'll never find what you're looking for! Thomas, were going to build you a library.

    (OT>Oh, that would be splendid. Perhaps then I could find a way
    to prove that the Baron does not deserve the throne! The Scholars Library
    *build library* OT>Oh, what a fine library! I'll get to work immediately!)

    Ruler: You know, we're always visiting kingdoms and making new friends.
    Maybe we can't find a law that will stop the Baron from taking the throne...
    ... but we can definitely tell everyone what a louse he is!

    OT: Oh, a fine idea. How do you propose to do that?
    Ruler: We'll throw a party! A "Down With The Baron" party. We'll invite everyone!
    OT: But the Baron is wealthy and powerful. What if he takes revenge on the guests?
    Ruler: That's the best part. Everyone will wear a mask! He won't know who is who!

    (OT>Let's travel far and wide to find new friends to invite.
    Don't forget to tell them to bring their own Baron mask!) A "Down With The Baron" Party
    *spread the word, create masks* OT>I think we're ready for the party!)

    OT: The party seems like it's a big success!
    Ruler: Hmm... look at that guy over there. Doesn't his mask look a little *too* realistic?
    Baron: A party? In my honor? Why, what a wonderful gesture from you commoners!
    I'll be sure to remember this, once I am ruler of all the realm!
    Ruler: That buffoon thinks we're *celebrating* him! He's here to hog the spotlight!
    OT: Oh dear. This is quite awkward. What should we do?
    Ruler: I have an idea. Just play along.
    Ruler: Oh, Baron Pepperpot! I'm afraid this is an *exclusive* party. Did you bring your exclusive, executive "entry fee" of eight gems?

    (baron>An entry fee? I must say, child, I'm very proud of all you've learned from me.
    Party Crasher*collect the fee* baron>In any case, a paltry eight gems is nothing. Here, take it.)

    Ruler: How do you like the Library, Thomas? Are you getting organized?
    OT: Oh, yes! I've discovered scrolls of mine that I'd forgotten existed!
    Sadly, none of them disprove the Baron's claim to the throne.
    Still, there is hope. Do you know why I originally came to this forest?
    I was looking for the Tablet of Tabernum. An ancient stone monolith.
    The original Laws of Succession were engraved on it, many many years ago.
    It may contain laws that would disqualify the Baron from being king.
    Ruler: Laws like "The monarch must not be a greedy louse who only cares about Coins"?
    OT: Exactly!
    Ruler: How should we go about finding the Tablet? The forest is huge.
    OT: According to my scrolls, we can find the Tablet by reading the stars!
    Unfortunately, we have no telescope.
    Ruler: Then we'll build you one!

    (OT>I'm so excited to be building a telescope! We need to gather materials that reflect, focus, and amplify light.
    I'm not sure exactly what we can use, but I'll know it when I see it. Of Tablets And Telescopes
    OT>Jewels, silver, mermaid scales.. Yes, that should do it!)

    Ruler: *at the well* Oh, of course! Mermaid Scales really glitter in the light.
    Maybe Thomas can use this. I knew they'd come in hand eventually! (found some at The Old Well awhile ago)

    Ruler: *at the mine* I bet if I hammered and polished this silver ore it would really reflect light!
    I'll ask Old Thomas if that would be helpful of the telescope.

    OT: Great work finding those materials. If I combine them, our telescope will make the stars look big as streetlamp!
    To the Workshop! We should start crafting the telescope crystal right away! I call it "the Magnifying Matrix!"
    Ruler: Uh...very impressive!
    OT: I thought so!

    (OT>Keep gathering, Jewels, Silver, and Mermaid Scales until we have enough to craft a Magnifying Matrix.
    Magnifying Matrix * Old Thomas? telescope will be super-powered*
    OT>Do you have news about the Magnifying Matrix?)

    OT: Is it finished? Sorry I didn't greet you at the library door. I was just waking up.
    Ruler: Waking up? You mean... you've been *sleeping* here? In the library?
    OT: Living here, actually. It's quite quiet and peaceful. And all my scrolls are here! In the evenings I unroll a few and make a nice bed!
    Ruler: Thomas, you can't just live in the library. Let's build you a house of your own!
    OT: But what about the telescope?
    Ruler: We'll install the telescope in the house! Everybody wins!
    OT: Hooray!
    Ruler: Alright, let's start building. You draw up the plans. I'll get the materials.

    (OT>I'll keep track of *this* construction personally. I've drawn up a plan for my house, and a list of needed materials.
    Come on, let's lay the foundation! And don't forget the telescope! A House For Old Thomas
    *build Old Thomas? house* OT>We did it!)

    Meet Old Thomas again when looking for the Tablet of Tabernum

    OT: Ho ho ho! I can't get enough of these! Mmmm... delicious!
    Ruler: Thomas... What are you doing in the Strawberry patch?
    OT: Oh...nothing. Just... hanging around.
    Ruler: Why is your beard stained with strawberry juice?
    OT: That's just the light playing tricks on you!
    Ruler: The pockets of your robe are filled with strawberries!
    OT: What? I have no idea what you're- oh, say! Look over there!
    Ruler: Where? ... I can't believe I fell for that.
    Thomas, if you want Strawberries, you only have to say so!
    (OT>I'm sorry. I just felt silly, having such an affection for those delightful little berries!
    If you could provide me with some, I'd be in your debt.
    The Strawberry Scholar *give 50 strawberries to OT* OT> Oh, those look delicious!)
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-02-17 at 05:05 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Building Construction - Goals
    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Take as long as you need to with these goals as they require lots of crafting and collecting. Remember, if you need wood in a hurry, try the old log, tree in a log, dead tree etc as they come ready to chop.

    Game Links: Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    The Baron: Whether your goal is coins or comfort, you must learn basic building techniques. you can make Wooden Beams and Stone blocks using the Workshop.
    1: Basic Construction (block & beam)
    * Craft a stone block 0/1 CRAFT (skip 10)
    * Craft a wooden beam 0/1 CRAFT (skip 10)
    Rewards: 400 coin, 2 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: You seem to have learned well!

    Old Thomas: To upgrade a building, tap on it and hit the green "Gather Materials" button! Once you find the needed resources, the building will "level up" and produce more!
    2: Building Upgrades (farmhouse & cottage)
    * Upgrade a Farmhouse to level 2 0/1 GO (skip 20)
    * Upgrade a Cottage to level 2 0/1 GO (skip 50)
    Rewards: 830 coin, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Most buildings can be upgraded. Try it and see!

    Old Thomas: At a certain level, you gain the ability to have additional Workshops. Have you taken advantage of that?
    3: Industrial Age (2nd workshop)
    * Have 2 workshops 0/2 BUY (skip 26) | Cost: 3,000 coins - Size: 2x2
    * Report your number workshops to Old Thomas 0/1 TELL
    Rewards: 600 coin, 4 xp
    Note: you can only have 2 workshops despite the message that tells you to "Level up" to build more. The Building Guide has the limits of all buildings for you to reference.
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Two Workshops? Excellent.

    The Baron: Place the Cottage foundation, then use Wooden Beams and Stone Blocks to complete it! Then, watch the money roll in!
    4: Cottage Collections (cottage)
    * Build a cottage 0/1 BUY (skip 30) | 3 Stone Block, 3 Wood Beam
    * Collect 6 times from a cottage or farmhouse 0/6 (skip 20)
    Rewards: 800 coin, 3 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: Oh, delicious taxes. How I love them!

    Old Thomas: A Storage Cellar will allow you to store buildings and decorations that you don't want in your kingdom. You'll never have to worry about clutter again!
    5: Mystery Storage? (storage cellar)
    * Build a storage cellar 0/1 BUY (skip 50)
    Rewards: 1000 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Storage Cellar complete. Well done!

    Old Thomas: This is a fine idea. A local Market will provide a steady income, and help provide for the various needs of the people!
    6: A Local Market (market place)
    * Build a market 0/1 BUY (skip 20) | 4 Stone Block, 4 Wood Beam, 3 Simple Glue (locked till L10)
    * Collect from the market 0/1 GO (skip 5)
    Rewards: 1450 coin, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: The Market is open for business!
    Note: Once you collect from the market for the first time it will trigger timed goals. Refer to Marketplace Requests in item 13. They are optional! Let them expire if you don't want to do them. Note the warning about loading caravan goals as they apply across the board to all goals and events. That means, if you load an item in a caravan, you cannot get it back. If it is timed, whatever you load is lost if you do not finish the goal in the time allotted.

    The Baron: Very well. If generosity is your foolish motivation, I won't stand in your way. You'll still make more Coins, despite yourself.
    7: The Grand Market (market place upgrade)
    * Upgrade a marketplace to level 3 0/1 GO (skip 40)
    * Feed adult chickens 20 times 0/20 (skip 20)
    * Feed adult cows 20 times 0/20 (skip 20)
    * Feed adult pigs 20 times 0/20 (skip 40)
    Rewards: 1200 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: The Baron: An upgraded Market! Now, time to jack up the prices!

    Old Thomas: A Sawmill "would" be a good idea. If it provides a regular income of wood and other tree-related items. I bet you'd find some Living Wood in no time!
    8: The Sawmill (sawmill)
    * Build a sawmill 0/1 BUY | 6,300 coin, 2 stone block, 4 wooden beam, 20 water | Level 1 has a 4 hour collection time
    Rewards: 1500 coin, 8 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Is the Sawmill completed? Well done.

    Old Thomas: A Castle is a major construction project. You can only have one Castle, so you must choose the style carefully.
    9: Castle Story (castle/keep)
    * Build a Kings Keep or Queens Court 0/1 BUY | 37000 coin, 5 fancy beam, 5 fancy block, 5 simple glue | Cost: 37,000 coins - Size: 4x4
    * Sit on your new throne 0/1 SIT
    Rewards: 3000 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Comfy? That Castle suits you!

    Old Thomas: Go ahead, try to craft a Fancy Block and Fancy Beam. You'll need to a number of each to complete your Castle!
    10: Advanced Construction (fancy block & beam)
    * Craft 1 fancy block 0/1 CRAFT (skip 9) | Workshop, 1 hour - 1 stone block, 5 iron ore, 10 stone
    * Craft 1 fancy beam 0/1 CRAFT (skip 9) | Workshop, 1 hour - 1 wooden beam, 5 sap, 10 wood
    Rewards: 800 coin, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Good craftsmanship! This Castle will be as sturdy as can be.

    Ivy: A Hatchery will send your Chicken production into overdrive! If you don't have one already, you're missing out!
    11: Hatching Plans (hatchery)
    * Build a hatchery 0/1 BUY | 9300 coin, 2 simple glue, 3 stone block, 3 wooden beam | L1 has a 4 hour collection time
    * Collection from your hatchery 0/1 GO (skip 5)
    Rewards: 1000 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: They look nice and cozy in there. Plenty of Eggs, coming up!

    Old Thomas: A fine plan. By adding and improving Sawmills, you can gain more Wood, Sap and Living Wood!
    12: Wood Or Wood Not (2nd sawmill)
    * Have two sawmills 1/2 BUY (skip 20)
    * Upgrade a sawmill to level 3 0/1 GO (skip 40)
    Rewards: 1200 coin, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Soon, we'll have more Wood than we know what to do with!

    Old Thomas: Royal buildings can be upgraded just like any other. When upgraded, they not only produce more Coins, but also increase in Royal Point value!
    13: Royal Upgrades (tower & library upgrade)
    * Upgrade a royal tower to level 3 0/1 GO (skip 50)
    * Upgrade a library to level 3 0/1 GO (skip 50)
    Rewards: 1200 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Look at that Royal Point score increase! A proud day, to be sure.

    Ivy: A Stable is a great place for Cows to give Milk in peace. Cows like privacy too! Pigs and sheep will be right at home as well.
    14: A Stable Element (stable)
    * Build a stable 0/1 BUY | 12300 coin, 4 fancy beam, 4 fancy block, 3 super glue | Level is has a 4 hour collection time
    * Collect from your stable 0/1 GO (skip 5)
    Rewards: 1600 coin, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Caring about animals makes you A-OK in my book!

    Old Thomas: Resource upgrades are a bit different. With each upgrade, the collection timer will shorten, and you'll be able to gather material more often!
    15: Resource Upgrades (sparkling mine upgrade)
    * Upgrade a sparkling mine to level 3 0/1 GO (skip)
    * Collect from a level 3 sparkling mine 0/1 GO (skip)
    Rewards: 1300 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Fine work! Your Mine is more efficient now.

    Old Thomas: The Magic Forge will allow us to craft weapons and armor, which are needed for the more dangerous adventures. We can use it to work magic into physical objects, as well!
    16: The Magic Forge
    * Build a magic forge 0/1 BUY (skip 10) | Cost: 6,200 coins - Size: 2x2
    * Forge 5 longswords 0/5 FORGE (skip 8)
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: The Magic Forge is complete!

    Ivy: An upgrade is a great idea too. Animals work faster when they live in comfy conditions! Trust me - I have a lot of bird's nests on my roof!
    17: Animal Luxuries (hatchery & stable upgrade)
    * Upgrade a hatchery to level 3 0/1 GO (skip 15)
    * Upgrade a stable to level 3 0/1 GO (skip 15)
    Rewards: 1800 coin, 7 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Whew! Our animals are living in luxury, now.

    Old Thomas: Who knows how much iron, Silver and Mithril lies beneath the surface?
    18: A Miners Inconvenience (deep mine)
    * Build a deep mine 0/1 BUILD (skip 50) | 50000 coin, 3 architect's paste, 5 wisp lanterns, 3 enchanted block, 6 enchanted beam | Level 1 has a 10 hour collection time
    * Collect twice from the deep mine 0/2 GO (skip 20)
    Rewards: 2000 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Dig deep and see what awaits!

    Spoiler: show

    Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show
    The Baron: Building a kingdom isn't easy, is it? You'll run low on coins in no time! Why soon, you?ll have to settle for silver rings instead of gold!
    Ruler: Um... I don't actually wear any gold rings.
    The Baron: No mater. The more buildings you have to collect from, the more you make! Simple!
    Ruler: I'm more interested in making this kingdom a nice place to live.
    The Baron: Bah! Very well!

    (baron> Whether your goal is coins or comfort, you must learn basic building techniques.
    You can make Wooden Beams and Stone Blocks using the Workshop
    Basic Construction *craft 1 block & beam* baron>You seem to have learned well!)

    OT: Let me repay you for your hospitality with a bit of Royal Scholar advice! Did you know you can Upgrade buildings to make them better?
    Ruler: Wait, what? Really? That sounds super-useful!
    OT: Oh, it is! It's a techniques used by all the best rulers across the land!
    Ruler: If it's so great, why didn't you tell me about it earlier?
    OT: I only just now remembered.

    (OT> To upgrade a building, tap on it and hit the green "Gather Materials" button!
    Once you find the needed resources, the building will "level up" and produce more!
    Building Upgrades *upgrade farmhouse & cottage* OT>Most buildings can be upgraded. Try it and see!)

    Ruler: Whew! There's so much crafting to do.
    OT: How many Workshops do you have? With two Workshops, you could double your production!

    (OT>At a certain level, you gain the ability to have additional Workshops. Have you taken advantage of that?
    Industrial Age *have 2 workshops, tell OT* OT>Two Workshops? Excellent.)

    The Baron: Well done! With Stone Blocks and Wood Beams, you can build many things!
    A new structure, the Cottage, has just become available. Why not try building that?

    (baron>Place the Cottage foundation, then use Wooden Beams and Stone Blocks to complete it!
    Then watch the money roll in! Cottage Collections *build cottage* baron> Oh, delicious taxes. How I love them!)

    *previously known as: Money Matters (goal dialog here)
    (baron>Without coins, you won't be able to create the kingdom you desire. A new building called a Cottage just became available. By building a few of those, you can increase your income!)Money Matters *build a cottage, collect 6x* (baron>It's a good thing I was here to steer you right!)

    Ruler: Whew! It's becoming more and more difficult to find space to put things.
    OT: A Storage Cellar will help. It's a building that can hold anything! Even other buildings!
    Ruler: Other buildings, huh? Care to explain how that's possible?
    OT: I can't! it's one of the realm's most exciting mysteries!

    (OT> A Storage Cellar will allow you to store buildings and decorations that you don want in your kingdom.
    You'll never have to worry about clutter again! Mystery Storage? *build storage cellar*
    OT> Storage Cellar complete. Well done!)

    OT: I just traded one of my antique scroll-cases to a wandering peddler!
    Ruler: Oh. That sounds- ... Wait, what? What did you get in return?
    OT: A mystery box! The peddler assured me it was filled with riches. Such a nice young man.
    Ruler: Oh. Umm...have you opened it yet?
    OT: I'll open it now! It's empty except for a note, reading: ... You've been swindled!?
    Ruler: Bah! That's it! I'm not letting that sort of thing go on around here anymore!
    Let's establish a local market, with merchants we can trust.
    OT: Will it also have Mystery Boxes to buy?
    Ruler: Thomas, I think you're missing the point.

    (OT>This is a fine idea. A local Market will provide a steady income, and help provide for the various needs of the people.
    A Local Market *build & collect from market* OT> The Market is open for business!)

    The Baron: Well, well! I see you've constructed a Marketplace. A proud day for any kingdom!
    And do you know what Marketplaces are good for, my young friend?
    Ruler: Providing the people with affordable goods that are essential to their-
    The Baron: Making money! Coins, glorious coins, to fill your royal pockets!
    Still, this "Market" is a bit small, don't you think? It's more of a peddler's stall. You should upgrade it! Because then-
    Ruler: -more and better products will be available to the people!
    The Baron: What? Wait, no-

    (baron>Very well. If generosity is your foolish motivation, I won't stand in your way.
    You'll still make more Coins, despite yourself.
    The Grand Market baron>An upgraded Market! Now, time to jack up the prices!)

    Ruler: *chopping a tree* This must be one of the pieces of Living Wood that Ivy described!
    At this rate, my arms will fall off from chopping before I find enough. Maybe it's time to get modern and build a Sawmill.

    (OT>A Sawmill *would* be a good idea. It provides a regular income of wood and other tree-related items.
    I bet you'd find some Living Wood in no time!) The Sawmill OT>Is the Sawmill completed? Well done.)

    IVY: Have you got a minute? Thomas and I wanted to talk to you.
    OT: Ivy and I agree- it's time you built a Castle to show everyone what a fine ruler you are!
    Ruler: I dunno. Do I really need a big, fancy castle to show that?
    IVY: We think you've earned it.
    OT: You've shown us that ruling is about more than Coins and Kingdom Points.
    If it weren't for you, I'd still be a goat, wandering these woods.
    IVY: You helped me out of a jam, too, and gave me a place to stay!
    We were total strangers to you. You didn't have to help us, but you did.
    OT: That makes you a worthy ruler in our books. Even if my scrolls can't prove it.
    Now, enough delay! The grandest building project of them all is about to begin!

    (OT>A Castle is a major construction project. You can only have one Castle, so you must choose the style carefully
    Castle Story *build a Castle* Ivy> Comfy? That Castle suits you!)

    OT: A Castle requires advanced building materials- Fancy Blocks and Fancy Beams.
    Ruler: Hmm... are they hard to make?
    OT: Well, you can make Fancy Beams by treating Wooden Beams with Tree Sap.
    As for Fancy Blocks, just reinforce a Stone Block with some Iron Ore.
    A Workshop will have no problem taking care of it!

    (OT>Go ahead, try to craft a Fancy Block and Fancy Beam. You'll need a number of each to complete your castle.
    Advanced Construction * craft 1 fancy block & 1 fancy beam* OT> Good craftsmanship! This Castle will be as sturdy as can be.)

    IVY: Ooh, chickens. I used to keep chickens, you know.
    Ruler: You did?
    IVY: Sure! Chickens, snakes, toads, newts. I also had some bats!
    Ruler: Oh..uh...bats...
    IVY: Say, do you have a Hatchery? It's a place where these cluckers can feel at home!

    (ivy> A Hatchery will send your Chicken production into overdrive! If you don't have one already, you're missing our!)
    Hatching Plans *build & collect from hatchery* They look nice and cozy in there. Plenty of Eggs, coming up!)

    Ruler: Whew! It's taking a lot of wooden beams and tree sap to build this place up!
    If I put effort into more and better Sawmills, it could pay off in the long run.
    (OT>A fine plan. By adding and improving Sawmills, you can gain more Wood, Sap and Living Wood!)
    Wood Or Wood Not *have 2 sawmills, upgrade one to lv.3* OT>Soon, we'll have more Wood than we know what to do with!)

    OT: Your Royal Points score is quite impressive. I've been counting!
    Ruler: Oh, right- that's part of your job as Royal Scholar, isn't it.
    OT: Oh, yes. I know all the ins and outs of Royal Points. Including... Royal Upgrades! ... You don't seem quite as excited about this as I am.
    Ruler:, no! I'm excited. I just need more information.
    (OT>Royal buildings can be upgraded just like any other. When upgraded, they not only produces more Coins, but also increase in Royal Point value!
    Royal Upgrades * upgrade Library & Royal Tower* OT> Look at that Royal Point score increase! A proud day, to be sure)

    IVY: Every worry that one of these animals will get loose and run away?
    Ruler: I just try to keep them comfortable.
    IVY: Maybe you should think about a roof over their heads, then! Animals are a lot like you and me. They just want a warm place to go when it rains.
    Ruler: I suppose we could build a Stable of some kind?
    IVY: Now you're talking! Look, one of them just thanked you!
    Ruler: I think it just said " Mooooooooo!"
    IVY: That counts!

    (ivy>A Stable is a great place for Cows to give Milk in peace. Cows like privacy too! Pigs and sheep will be right at home as well.
    A Stable Element *build a stable* ivy>Caring about animals makes you A-OK in my book!)

    OT: Have you ever wanted to collect from your Sparkling Mine more often?
    Ruler: Thomas! What are you doing just standing around here? Were you... were you just *waiting* here to give me advice?
    OT: Yes! I wanted to tell you about upgrading resource buildings!

    (OT>Resource upgrades are a bit different. With each upgrade, the collection timer will shorten, and you'll be able to gather materials more often!)
    Resource Upgrades *upgrade Sparkling Mine* OT>Fine work! Your Mine is more efficient now.)

    Ruler: If we build a Magic Forge in the kingdom, we can arm our knights.
    OT: Oh a fine plan. Do you know anything about weaponsmithing?
    Ruler: You must have a Weaponsmithing scroll or two?
    OT: ... or thirty-seven!
    Ruler: Thomas! You have *thirty-seven* Weaponsmithing scrolls?
    OT: Actually, that number is probably low.

    (OT>The Magic Forge will allow us to craft weapons and armor, which are needed for the more dangerous adventures.
    We can use it to work magic into physical objects, as well!) The Magic Forge OT>The Magic Forge is complete!)

    IVY: Sheesh, these adventuring knights sure do eat a lot.
    Ruler: Maybe it's time to upgrade our Stables and Hatchery.
    IVY: Oh, you don't have to do that. I'll fill in the shortfalls with skunk meat!
    Ruler: Umm.. I think I'd prefer to do the upgrade.

    (ivy>An upgrade is a great idea too. Animals work faster when they live in comfy conditions!
    Trust me- I have a lot of bird's nests on my roof!
    Animal Luxuries *upgrade hatchery & stable* ivy>Whew! Our animals are living in luxury, now.)

    Royal Proclamation!
    The Deep Mine
    Dig deeper with the Deep Mine Resource Building!
    Find rare materials like Silver, Jewels and even Mithril!

    Ruler: Whew, I could really use some iron.
    OT: Digging deeper may yield more precious metals.
    A Deep Mine could tap veins that rest out of your reach!
    Ruler: Good idea. I'd better build one.
    (OT>Who knows how much Iron, Silver, and Mithril lies beneath the surface?
    A Miner's Inconvenience *build deep mine* OT> Dig deep and see what awaits!)
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-02-17 at 05:05 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Introduction of Monsters - Goals
    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Monster Traps (purchased for gems in the market) are an optional way for you to quickly spawn monsters if you want to.
    * You can only have 1 monster on your board at a time! A monster will not spawn if there is another monster in your kingdom.

    Game Links: Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    NB: This is the only step in this goal line.

    Baron: Go on, don't be shy. Just open it up, place a slice of your low end cheese, and voila! In the stupid beast goes! "THESE WILL NOT WORK IF THERE IS ALREADY A MONSTER IN YOUR KINGDOM"
    1: Alluring Cheese
    * Chop to lure a skunkupine 0/1 GO
    * Chop to lure a fangbeast 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 10 gems, 10 xp

    Spoiler: show

    Alluring Cheese Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show
    The Baron: Why the frown whenever you see me? Greet your King with love and affection!
    Ruler: That's a larger entourage than usual. Are you finally packing up and moving far, far away?
    The Baron: Funny. Like a royal jester, indeed!
    Have you considered abandoning your Kingdom to join my royal circus?
    Ruler: ...
    The Baron: On to real matters. I'm here to offer you and your band of peasants a miracle!
    As you farmers know, when summer approaches the beasts come out in droves!
    My talented hunters have created lovely traps to protect my summer harvest.
    We cannot be short on crops like last year. That's gold I'm not making!

    (baron>Go on, don't be shy. Just open it up, place a slice of your low end cheese, and voila!
    Alluring Cheese

    Beasts and Monsters Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show
    BEASTS & Monsters

    The Baron: UGH! What is that terrible smell?
    Ruler: I think it's coming from that little animal over there.
    The Baron: A Skunkupine! You must get rid of it, quickly!
    Ruler: Really? I think it's sorta cute!
    The Baron: Don't be fooled! Skunkupines are vicious little stinkers!
    They'll nibble your crops and stink up your whole kingdom if you don't act!
    Ruler: Alright. Do you have a sword I could borrow?
    The Baron: Ha! Sword? What do I look like? Some sort of barbarian?
    Ruler: Maybe I could make one at the Workshop.
    Ruler: You picked the wrong kingdom to stink up, Mr. Skunkupine!

    (baron>Quick! Fashion a sword and give that wretched Skunkupine a good clobbering!
    Beat Up The Skunkupine *craft sword, beat stinky*
    baron>I'll never get this smell out of my beard.)

    Ruler: I guess I'd better be on the lookout for Skunkupines from now on.
    The baron: Marvellous! Across the land, you shall be known as the "Stink-Slayer"!
    Ruler: I don't know about that nickname.

    (baron>Skunkupines stink up the area where they appear and make it impossible
    to get anything done! Keep beating them up if you see them.)
    Legend Of The...Stink-Slayer? *hit 5 of them with your sword*
    OT>You did well, dealing with those creatures!)

    Ruler: Look over there! I've never seen a beast like that before.
    OT: It's a Fangbeast. They're bad tempered beasties, I'm afraid. Be careful!
    Ruler: It doesn't seem afraid of my Homemade Sword.
    OR: Perhaps not. Do we have anything more dangerous-looking?
    Ruler: Dangerous-looking, you say? I have an idea.

    (OT>You'll need a dangerous-looking weapon to keep that Fangbeast at bay)
    Fangbeast Beatdown! *need a Meat Cleaver from the Kitchen*
    OT>That was exciting to watch!)

    Ruler: Whew! Those things are tougher than they look.
    OT: Don't worry. Now, we'll be on the alert for more. You and I!
    A fine duo! Noble ruler, and loyal advisor! The Fangbeast Patrol!
    No, no...that name won't do... The Beast Beatdown Brigade!
    Hmm...not quite. Perhaps after an evening of research I could come up with?
    Ruler: Uh, Thomas, it's ok. We're good.

    (OT>Beasts of the Glimmer Wood will nip at your heels and make it impossible to get anything done!
    If any show up, give them a wallop they won't forget!)
    Beastly Defense *beat 5 Fangbeast & 5 Skunkupines*
    OT>A victory for the Beast Beatdown Brigade!)

    Future dialogs regarding beasts are included in the related chains.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-02-17 at 05:05 PM.

  8. #8
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Ivy the Tree Lady - Goals
    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Constructing a potion shop will trigger these goals.
    * Expand to Ivy, the "tree lady" and unlock her so you can build the Potion Shop.

    Game Links: Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    Ivy: A Potion Shop is easy enough to build. Come back to me once you're finished and I can tell you what to do.
    1: Potion for Ivy
    * Build a potion shop 0/1 BUY | Cost: 4,900 coins - Size: 2x2 | 3 wooden beam, 3 wooden block
    Rewards: 500 coin, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Are you finished yet?

    Ivy: The potion won't be hard to make. We just need to find the ingredients. Remember: Living Wood, Rat Tails, and Tree Sap
    2: Gathering Ingredients
    * Gather 3 living wood 0/3
    * Gather 10 rat tails 0/10
    * Gather 40 tree sap 0/40
    Rewards: 1500 coin, 7 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Are you finished yet?

    Ivy: The potion won't be hard to make. We just need to find the ingredients. Remember: Living Wood, Rat Tails, and Tree Sap.
    3: Wood to Flesh
    * Brew a wood to flesh potion for Ivy 0/1 BREW
    Rewards: 3000 coin, 15 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: It's mixed! Come pour it on me, quick!

    Ivy: Simple Glue is just a matter of combining the right proportions of water and sticky tree sap. Here, you try it.
    4: All About Potions
    * Mix 2 simple glue 0/2 MIX (skip 12)
    Rewards: 750 coin, 2 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Hey, you learn fast!

    Ivy: Dyes are mixed by combining flower petals with water. Pick a color that you like and give it a try yourself!
    5: A Good Day to Dye
    * Mix any dye at the potion shop 0/1 MIX (skip 10)
    Rewards: 1000 coin, 2 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Great work. Now, we just need to put that dye to use!

    Ivy: To make a banner for your kingdom, you'll need three things. Some Dye from the Potion Shop, some Hides to apply the Dye to, and a Banner Pole.
    6: A Banner Occasion
    * Craft a banner at the workshop 0/1 CRAFT (skip 15)
    Rewards: 750 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: That's one spiffy-looking banner. My dyes *never* disappoin

    Ivy: I like to keep a lot of different plants at home. There are plenty here in the Glimmer Wood, but some only exist in other kingdoms. Just have your fellow rulers send he seeds along!
    7: Growing Home
    * Gather 30 exotic seeds from across the land 0/30 ASK (skip 90)
    Rewards: 1800 coins, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Look at all these seeds! You really came through for me!

    Ivy: Growing a house is more difficult than you might think. We have to make sure the whole deal is getting enough sun and water, and that the root system is strong.
    8: Green Thumb
    * Plant 5 trees or flowers around Ivy's house site 0/5 PLANT (skip 15)
    * Tend tree saplings or flowers 40 times 0/40 (skip 40)
    * Use 40 water on the soil at the house site 0/40 WATER (skip 40)
    Rewards: 1500 coin, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: I think we've prepared well enough to place the foundation!

    Ivy: This is going to be the best house ever. A garden on the roof, places for birds to nest, flowers everywhere, a mushroom farm on the windowsill... all the comforts of home!
    9: A House for Ivy
    * Place and build Ivy's Hut 0/1 BUILD | Cost: 0 coin - Size: 2x2 | 6 fancy beams, 40 glimmerdust, 20 living wood, 8 super glue
    Rewards: 2400 coin, 7 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Woohoo! Home sweet home!

    Spoiler: show

    Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show

    Previously: " The forest stretches out quite far. To the southeast, it goes all the way to the coast. But the *most* interesting thing I saw was a strange tree to the north. I think it's worthy of investigation!"

    *finally reached the area seen from the Royal Tower*

    Ruler: I could have sworn I heard a creaky noise coming from over here...
    Tree lady: Creaky? Isn't that a bit rude?
    Ruler: You're... a tree! Did the Glimmer Wood curse you, too?
    Tree lady: Well, it didn't throw me a birthday party, if that's what you're asking.
    My name's Ivy. I got exiled from my village and would up in this mess!
    Ruler: I'll try my best to help.
    IVY: Really? Great! There's a potion that can fix me right up. Just go to your Potion Shop.
    Ruler: ... Potion Shop?
    IVY: You *do* have a Potion Shop, don't you?
    Ruler: Errr...I'm going to have to build one. Be right back.
    IVY: Hurry back! ... I'm one *friendly* woodpecker away from getting *really* grumpy.

    (ivy>A Potion Shop is easy enough to build. Come back to me once you're finished and I can tell you what to do
    A Potion For Ivy *build Potion Shop* (ivy>Are you finished yet?)

    Ruler: Alright- I've completed the Potion Shop.
    IVY: Finally. Any longer and my leaves would have changed color!
    Ruler: So, is this potion hard to make?
    IVY: Not once you have the ingredients. But they're kinda rare.
    First, you need some Living Wood from the trees around here.
    Living Wood is wood that has some of the Glimmer magic in it. It's pretty rare.
    Next, you'll need a few Rat Tails to make the brew work right. You can get'em off those little Skunkupine stinkers.
    Ruler: Gotcha. Anything else?
    IVY: Just some good ol' fashioned Tree Sap, for consistency!
    Ruler: Ok. I'll get to work finding the ingredients.

    (ivy>The potion won't be hard to make. We just need to find the ingredients.
    Remember: Living Wood, Rat Tails, and Tree Sap)
    Gathering Ingredients *wood, rat tails, sap* ivy>Are you finished yet?)

    *Ruler chopping a tree* This must be one of the pieces of Living Wood that Ivy described!
    At this rate, my arms will fall off from chopping before I find enough.
    Maybe it's time to get modern and build a Sawmill.

    IVY: Alright, the hard part is over.
    Just uh...stand back from the cauldron when you mix it. Like, way back.
    Ruler: Wait, why?
    IVY: It's possible it could...explode a little. Just a teensy bit. Little, teensy, tiny bit.
    Ruler: Great.
    IVY: I'm like, 90% sure it'll be fine. ... Maaaaaybe 85%.
    Ruler: Well, you can't stay like this. We're going to have to risk it.
    IVY: I was just going to say the same thing!

    (ivy>The potion won't be hard to make. We just need to find the ingredients.
    Remember: Living Wood, Rat Tails, and Tree Sap)
    Wood To Flesh (ivy>It's mixed! Come pour it on me, quick!)

    IVY: Back to my old self again! Oh, what a feeling!
    The smells, the sounds, the feeling of the breeze against my skin!
    You really came through for me. What can I do to repay you?
    Ruler: You don't have to do anything. It's a ruler's duty to help someone in need!
    IVY: Ruler?! You mean- you're the big cheese around here?
    Ruler: Yep.
    IVY: And to think, you'd still help a complete stranger?
    Ruler: What will you do now that you're back to normal?
    IVY: Well, I got kicked out of my village. Got no place particular to go...
    maybe I'll hand around here a while! If that's ok with you.
    Ruler: Ivy, that'd be just fine.

    Ivy: Thank goodness for that potion. I might have been stuck as a tree forever!
    Ruler: You seem to know a lot about potions!
    IVY: Sure, I'm a whiz with potions! I used to run a Potion Shop in my old village.
    They're useful for much more than turning trees back into people.
    Ruler: Do you think you could show me how to mix them?
    IVY: Sure! Let's try mixing some Simple Glue. It helps to make buildings sturdy!
    You can also glue yourself to the floor, if you're not careful? Not that I've ever done that!

    (ivy>Simple Glue is just a matter of combining the right proportions of water and sticky tree sap.
    Here, you try it. All About Potions ivy>Hey, you learn fast!)

    IVY: This forest is perfect for potion-making. There are all sorts of exotic plants!
    Ruler: It sure seems like it. I've already found a lot of interesting things.
    IVY: If you have extra, you could trade what you've found to other kingdoms.
    Ruler: Would other kingdoms want this stuff?
    IVY: You betcha! In fact, I used to do this sort of thing for a living.
    Flower petals to make a fragrance that sends hearts fluttering?
    Mushrooms for a balm that'll dull those aches and pains?
    Magical wood to ward the bad luck away!
    Trust me, they'll go nuts for it! Here, I'll write you a list.

    (ivy> Add to the caravan by tapping the "Load" button on each entry.
    Glimmerdust is the hardest to find. It settles in damp low places. Check old logs, tree stumps, and mushroom circles.
    The Nature Caravan *orange petals, white petals, mushrooms, living wood, glimmer dust*ivy>Caravan away!)

    Ruler: Ivy, why did you get exiled from your village, anyway? Seems like you're great to have around!
    IVY: Some jerk spread a rumor that I was a witch.
    Just because I had a cauldron and was always brewing things! The townsfolk chased me out into this wood.
    Ruler: That's terrible. Who would spread such a cruel rumor?
    Ivy: Come on, let's not dredge up the past. We have more potions to brew!
    We'll try a Dye this time. Using Dyes, you can make decorations in any color you like!

    (ivy>Dyes are mixed by combining flower petals with water. Pick a color that you like and give it a try yourself!
    A Good Day to Dye ivy>Great work. Now, we just need to put that dye to use!)

    Ruler: Any suggestions on what to do with the dye?
    IVY: Sure. How about showing some pride in your kingdom? Using the dye we mixed, we can color some hides and make a banner!
    Ruler: I guess we'll need a banner pole to hand it from, then... Let's head over to the Workshop!

    (ivy>To make a banner for your kingdom, you'll need three things.
    Some Dye from the Potion Shop, some Hides to apply the Dye to, and a Banner Pole
    A Banner Occasion *pick one color* ivy>That's one spiffy-looking banner. My dyes *never* disappoint!)

    IVY: You know, I think it's time I stopped wandering and put some roots down.
    I haven't had a place to truly call home since I got chased out of my village.
    Ruler: Are you thinking about building a house and staying a while?
    IVY: Building, no. *Growing* is more like it.
    Ruler: You're going to *grow* a house?
    IVY: Well, I'll need a few boards and beams for a foundation. But I'm gonna let nature take it from there!
    Ruler: That sounds...interesting. How can I help?
    IVY: Find me seeds. Lots of seeds. Seeds from all the kingdoms of the land!

    (ivy>I like to keep a lot of different plants at home.
    There are plenty here in the Glimmer Wood, but some only exist in other kingdoms.
    Just have your fellow rulers to send seeds along!
    Growing Home *ask 30 friends* ivy>Look at all these seeds! You really came through for me!)

    Ruler: Hey Ivy. Have we gathered enough seeds to start on your house?
    IVY: Yep! But the low-laying grass on the roof might dry out without enough shade.
    Ruler: Wait, grass on the roof? What?
    IVY: Just trust me. I know what I'm doing.

    Ruler: You know, you never did finish telling the story of how you came to be here.
    IVY: What's to tell? A visiting noble asked me to brew a divination potion.
    He wanted me to predict if he would be the next ruler of all the land.
    The potion gave me a vision, but it wasn't him. He didn't like that answer.
    So he told everyone I was an evil practitioner of the dark arts.
    Ruler: What did this "visiting noble" look like?
    IVY: I dunno. Loud, arrogant. Bearded. Had a dumb hat with a feather in it.
    Ruler: ... (Sounds like a certain someone I know...)
    IVY: Hey, are you going to stand there pondering, or help me with this planting?

    Ruler: Oh, sorry. How can I help?
    (ivy>Growing a house is more difficult than you might think.
    We have to make sure the whole deal is getting enough sun and water, and that the root system is strong.)
    Green Thumb ivy>I think we've prepared well enough to place the foundation!)

    IVY: Alright, we're ready to start growing! It's going to be a house, a garden, and an animal sanctuary all in one!
    Ruler: I'm still looking forward to seeing the grass roof.
    IVY: You will! All in good time. Let's get building!

    (ivy>This is going to be the best house ever.
    A garden on the roof, places for birds to nest, flowers everywhere, a mushroom farm on the windowsill...all the comforts of home!
    A House For Ivy *build Ivy's Hut- she's excited to move in*

    Woohoo! Home sweet home!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-02-17 at 05:05 PM.

  9. #9
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Magic Garden - Goals
    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Collecting from Ivy's hut twice will trigger these goals.
    * You need to expand to the Magic Garden to be able to continue main story goals.

    Game Links: Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    Ivy: I'm not exactly sure. I thought I saw it to the west. I tried to find a way in, no matter which route I took, I ended up right back where I started.
    1: Find The Magic Garden
    * Find the Magic Garden 0/1 SEARCH
    Rewards: 1750 coin, 7 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: That's it! That's the Magic Garden!

    Ivy: We need some samples of plant scents and oils. We can gather some ourselves, but we'll need friends to help with the rest.
    2: Designing The Potion
    * Ask friends to send 40 plant essence samples 0/40 ASK (skip 160)
    * Gather 20 living wood for Ivy 0/20 GIVE (skip 120)
    Rewards: 1850 coin, 7 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Success! I've got the perfect recipe!

    Ivy: *cough* You can do the mixing this time. *cough* I'll... take a breather. My recipe is at the Potion Shop.
    3: Potions Of Clarity
    * Brew and drink 2 potions of clarity 0/2 DRINK (skip 80) | Potion shop, 4 hours - 15 creep tooth, 1 enchanter's essence, 15 purple petal
    Rewards: 1500 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Ok! Let's head to the Garden - after I wash my face.

    Spoiler: show

    The Magic Garden Location
    Spoiler: show

    Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show

    [Ruler walking with Ivy]

    Ruler: Getting settled in?
    IVY: You bet! It's like my old house in the village, but better!
    I got lost in these woods and ended up living here. Life sure is funny!
    Ruler: Of all the places you could have run, why did you decide on the Glimmer Wood?
    IVY: Well, I was awfully scared, what with all the torches and pitchforks and stuff.
    When I was young, my mother told me stories of a magic garden in the Glimmer Wood.
    A place where reality twists and paths get all crossed up! I guess I thought if I found it, they could never follow me.
    Ruler: Do you think it really exists?
    IVY: I know it does. I even caught a glimpse of it...before I became a tree, that is.
    Ruler: You did? Where is it?

    (ivy>I'm not exactly sure. I thought I saw it to the west.
    I tried to find a way in, no matter which route I too, I ended up right back where I started
    Find The Magic Garden *search-there must be some way in* ivy>That's it! That's the Magic Garden! )

    IVY: This must be it. I've got goose-bumps.
    Ruler: You're right, I can sense it. There's something special about this place.
    Should we explore and see what's inside?

    IVY: Hold on.. Doesn't it seem like there's no entrance?
    Ruler: Strange. I could have sworn I saw an entrance a second ago.
    IVY: It must be the illusion of the garden. My mother told me about this.
    In order to find the true entrance, we'll need to shield our senses from mischief.
    Ruler: Any suggestions on how to do that?
    IVY: The drinker of a Potion of Clarity always sees true!
    If I could mix up two of those, we'd have nothing to fear.
    Ruler: A lot of your solutions seem to involve potions.
    IVY: That's because a good potion can solve anything!

    (ivy>We need some samples of plant scents and oils. We can gather some ourselves,
    but we'll need friends to help with the rest. Designing The Potion
    *ask-40 samples, give-20 living wood* ivy>Success! I've got the perfect recipe!

    [Ivy starts the incantation for the potion of clarity]
    Bubble, bubble, cauldron bubble!
    Tooth of skunk, to ward off trouble!
    Essence of wizard's toil!
    In the cauldron churn and boil!
    And now to test this mixture's mettle,
    I add some Rocket Larkspur petals!

    Ruler: Umm...Ivy? Isn't the cauldron bubbling a little violently?
    IVY: Nothing to worry about! Trust me!
    Now, I'll just continue the brewing incantation-

    Ruler: Ivy! I thought you said it was nothing to worry about?
    IVY: *cough* *cough* Just a small hiccup with the incantation!
    Ruler: I think this batch is ruined.
    IVY: It's ok. We'll start again. We just need some more ingredients.

    (ivy>*cough* You can do the mixing this time. *cough* I'll take a breather.
    My recipe is at the Potion Shop. Potion of Clarity
    *brew & drink 2 potions of clarity*
    ivy>Ok! Let's head to the Garden - after I wash my face.)

    Ruler: There it is! The entrance!
    IVY: Come on- the potions will protect us.
    Ruler: Hold on a second. Ivy, are you *sure* this potion is supposed to protect my mind?
    IVY: Positive! And it's working just fine for me. I see the garden, clear as day.
    Ruler: That's so strange. My head feels *more* funny than it did.
    IVY: But that shouldn't be possible.

    Ruler: Its like...a dream. Or a vision. I'm seeing all sorts of images.
    IVY: What images?
    Ruler: It's all jumbles. It's a rainy night. I'm in a wagon, or something.
    There's a traveller on the road. And a flashing purple light, really bright. I'm somewhere else. I see an enclosure made of glass and gold.
    None of this makes any sense
    IVY: Maybe my potion recipe wasn't as flawless as I thought.
    Ruler: I'm alright- it's fading. I think I'm ok to keep exploring.
    IVY: Alright. I'll lead the way. Stay close, in case you start feeling funny again.
    Ruler: ... (Why didn't Ivy's potion work for me? She seems fine...)
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-10-19 at 10:31 PM.

  10. #10
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Ivy's Bakery - Goals
    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Resource Building - NOT a crafting building
    * Available at level 22
    * Ivy's Bakery is an optional gem purchase building which rewards you 30 gems back for completing the two goals
    * Once purchased, there is no timer on how long you have to complete the two goals
    * The trade called Send Belladonna Skunkupies is a one-off trade which will disappear from the Royal Exchange when either the trade is done or if you do not purchase Ivy's Bakery, once the goal expires in your goal book after 5 days
    * Ivy's Bakery is permanently available in the market for 200 gems, but if you purchase it after the goal expires, it will not trigger further goals

    Game Links: Discussion Thread | Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    Ivy: It's so hectic around here, trying to keep track of all these pies by myself. A bakery will help us deliver tons and tons of delicious pies!
    1: Ivy's Bake-a-Thon
    * Place Ivy's bakery 0/1 PLACE | Cost: 200 gems
    Rewards: 10 gems
    Congratulations: Ivy: Let the pie-ing begin!!!

    Ivy: Wow! Belladonna's friends want to try "my pies"? It's like I'm famous! I hope I don't disappoint them!
    2: The Infamy Of Skunku-Pies
    * Send Belladonna Skunku-pies 0/1 SEND | Royal Exchange, 6 hours - 6 skunku-pies
    Rewards: 20 gems
    Congratulations: Ivy: All sent off. I hope they like my recipe!
    Note: trade disappears from Royal Exchange trade listing when goal completed or the offer to purchase the Bakery expires.

    Spoiler: show

    Dialogue Guide
    Spoiler: show
    Ivy's Bakery

    IVY: Ooo, look! A letter from my sister! I wonder how she's doing?

    Dear Lil Sis,
    It's been a while! How've you been? Things have been good on my end.
    I've met others who share my art, and we've be*** to collaborate.
    I'm so excited to have fellow minds to share and discover with!
    I've told them so much about you, especially your famous Skunku-pie recipe.
    I may have blabbed a bit TOO much, in fact--
    They all want to try it!
    Could you send over a batch, if you get the chance?
    Send a lot, if you can--they're quite the hungry bunch!
    All the best,

    [at Ivy's Hut]

    IVY: Okay, next is the flour!
    ...Or, wait, did I already add the flour to this one?
    Oh, no, where did I put the rat tails?!
    Ruler: Ivy? Are you alright in here?
    IVY: Huh? Oh! Hey there! Uh, yeah, everything's--
    Ruler: Wait, is something burning?!
    IVY: Uhhh... OH! Oh no, I'm burning the Skunku-pies!

    *Ivy rushes off to the oven*

    Ruler: Skunku-pies... ?
    IVY: [soot covered] *cough cough* Whew! Just... a *little* charred... !
    Ruler: Ivy, what is going on? Why are you making so many Skunku-pies?
    IVY: They're for my sister! She put in a big order, and needs them quick!
    Ruler: I can't believe I?m about to suggest this..
    Why don't we build you a bakery to help your Skunku-pie production?
    IVY: That would be fantastic! Then I'll be sure to fulfill Belladonna's order on time!
    Ruler: Alright, I'll look into it and see what I can do.

    Ivy>It's so hectic around here, trying to keep track of all these pies by myself.
    A bakery will help us deliver tons of delicious pies!
    1. Ivy's Bake-a-Thon - place Ivy's Bakery(Find this in the Market)
    Ivy>Let the pie-ing begin!!!

    Ivy>Wow! Belladonna's friends want to try *my* pies?
    It's like I'm famous! I hope I don't disappoint them!
    2. The Infamy Of Skunku-Pies
    (Time to head to the Royal Exchange & Send Belladonna 6 Skunku-Pies.
    Ivy>All sent off. I hope they like my recipe!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-30-23 at 07:09 PM. Reason: updated the Notes section

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