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Thread: Castle Story 03/16: Trial of Virtues (main story) | goals on page 1

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Castle Story 03/16: Trial of Virtues (main story) | goals on page 1

    Please stay on topic. All non-related event posts or off topic posts will be removed.

    ! For ease of reference, the following links are provided for your information !

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    * As this is a main story goal, I would ask that you do not post anything off topic. This helps future-proof it as much as possible.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 03-15-23 at 05:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Expansion Information

    Link to the Expansion Nugget (with the map of our board) | The map and coordinates are also below in post 8.

    Link to interactive map (takes you to an external link)

    * You will need to force close your game during this storyline to show the new plots if they do not show the yellow expansion lines.

    * You DO NOT need to expand to the new adjacent plots to access this storyline.

    * Only plots relating to this storyline will be recorded here.

    Part 1:
    BB13: 35 mithril, 45 spellbound dew, 5 Ivy's holy herbs, 8 totem of strength | 1st plot released | High Climb Mountain is in this plot

    BC13: 3000 RP, 400,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns, 5 expansion permits | 2nd plot released | you must unlock this plot in order to continue to Part 2 and access Mind Roar Falls in BC14 (to its left). There are no goals associated with opening this plot.

    Part 2:
    BC14: 30 spellbound dew, 25 holy herbs, 8 totems of strength, 21 crown of wisdom | 3rd plot released | Mind Roar Falls is in this plot

    BC15: 3000 RP, 500,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns, 6 expansion permits | 4th plot released | you must unlock this plot in order to continue to Part 3 and access the Cave of Courage in BC16 (to its left). There are no goals associated with opening this plot.

    Part 3:
    BC16: 35 holy herb, 10 totem of strength, 10 crown of wisdom, 20 amulet of courage | 5th plot released | Cave of Courage is in this plot

    BC17: 3000RP, 400,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns, 5 expansion permits| 6th plot released | There are no goals associated with opening this plot
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-25-23 at 10:26 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - Part I (complete)
    9 goals | Main Storyline with a timed component

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * You must be Level 45 to trigger this storyline
    * There are no pre-requisites of another storyline to begin this one
    * If you complete Part 1 of Trial of Virtues within 7 days of the release of this story you will receive the Power Dragon
    * You can take as long as you like though... you will only miss out on the Power Dragon if you do not complete this goals within 7 days
    * This part unlocks the High Climb Mountain located in map reference BB13
    * The Holy Herb (from Ivy) is an extremely rare drop from defeating the Harpy
    * Ivy's Holy Herb drops continue between parts 1-2 and 2-3
    * The Totem of Strength craft is NOT available in between parts
    * This 1st timed component may only be available to players when content released

    Thurston: Are you ready for a challenge?
    Thurston: Complete this quest before the time runs out and you'll be rewarded with a Power Dragon!
    TIMED: Virtuous Creatures Part I
    * Complete Part I of Trial of Virtues 0/1
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp +1 Power Dragon
    Congratulations: Thurston: Well done, my liege!

    * The Power Dragon is rewarded as soon as you begin the Build Your Body craft (in goal 9) and is ready to place on your board immediately
    * The Power Dragon does not drop story related items

    Note: Do not visit Ivy's Hut until goal 5 as the Holy Herb will not drop until then. The expansion square that is available from goal 1 requires Holy Herb, but it will not drop yet.

    Clear any monsters from your board for this goal! Collecting from the bush will spawn the Harpy.
    Baron: Please start your investigation into this thievery!
    Goal 1:
    * Gather water 0/1 GO (skip 6 gems)
    * Tend to bushes 0/1 GO | will spawn the Harpy
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Have you found any clues?

    Thurston: Let us slay this disgusting beast!
    Goal 2:
    * Defeat the Harpy 0/1 GO | 15 hits to defeat
    * Pick up Trial Clue 0/1 GO (skip 30 gems) | drops 1-3 Trial Clues once the Harpy is defeated
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: We've saved the girl! Now let's ask if she knows anything about the lost items!

    Old Thomas: Harpies are dangerous creatures. I suggest we do some research before proceeding.
    Goal 3:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: It seems that harpies are attracted to shiny things and hoard them in their nests!

    Anya: Umm if you want to follow in his footsteps, you should go to the High Climb Mountain!
    Goal 4:
    * Gather silver ore 0/10 GO | the 3 items will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather jewels 0/10 GO
    * Find trial clues 0/1 GO
    * Forge a Totem of Strength 0/1 GO | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 12 trial clues, 10 silver ore, 10 jewels
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Anya: Katya also built some of those strength thingies! You must be on the right track!

    Ivy: We should look around for some supplies before hitting this mountain.
    Goal 5:
    * Search deep mines 0/1 GO (skip 20 gems)
    * Tend to bushes 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO (skip 24 gems) | collecting from Ivy's Hut will drop the holy herb.
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Keep an eye out for this Elder guy. He might be friendly, but he could also be in trouble...

    Strong Elder: Follow me, for I know the way through these dense woods.
    Goal 6:
    * Gather mithril 0/1 GO | these 4 items will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory as needed to expand the plot
    * Gather spellbound dew 01 GO
    * Gather Ivy's holy herb 0/1 GO
    * Forge a Totem of Strength 0/1 GO
    * Travel to the High Climb Mountain 0/1 GO | BB13 Expansion requirements: 35 mithril, 45 spellbound dew, 5 Ivy's holy herbs, 8 totem of strength
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Strong Elder: Many consider the journey to the mountain to be the first step on the trial. Congratulations on making it this far.
    Note: once you expand to this plot, you can also expand to BC13: 3000 RP, 400,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns, 5 expansion permits. You must expand to BC13 to unlock the plot with Mind Roar Falls for Part 2

    Clear any monsters from your board for this goal! Collecting the Climb of Power craft will spawn the Vile Harpy. You will need to do the craft again if you have a monster on your board.
    Strong Elder: The climb will be arduous! But I see strength in you.
    Goal 7:
    * Complete the Climb of Power 0/1 GO | High Climb Mountain, 5 minutes - 1 golden nugget, 1 golden egg
    * Boot out the Vile Harpy 0/1 GO | The Vile Harpy will spawn when you collect the Climb of Power craft
    Rewards: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Strong Elder: Ah, the damnable bird fled the scene.

    Thurston: Sabina was so happy! She let me go out and slay harpies with you!
    Goal 8:
    * Defeat the Vile Harpy 0/1 GO | 99 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: The Vile Harpy won't be coming back from that one!

    Strong Elder: Continue to hone your strength, and please use it to protect Anya.
    Goal 9:
    * Plan to Build your Body 0/1 GO | High Climb Mountain, 1 hour - 9 trial clues, 15 spellbound dew, 8 holy herb
    Rewards: 2500 coin, 50 xp, + Strong Elder
    Congratulations: Strong Elder: All will be made clear in time, Outsider. You have done well to come so far.
    Note: the Strong Elder is ready to place on your board when this goal is complete.

    Part 1 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Baron: Oh, child! Have you seen my diamond ring? I swear this kingdom is less safe every year...
    Ruler: I'm sure you just misplaced it, Baron... Where did you last see it? We can start there.
    Baron: It was purloined near the forest's edge! I think some of those strange woods folk may have taken it.
    Ruler: Woods folk? I've never heard of any sort, but I'm sure they aren't stealing your stuff...
    Ivy: Hey Ruler! Have you seen my copper cauldron? I was making some soup but it's gone missing.
    Ruler: Strange, Baron's missing something too. Where did you lose it?
    Ivy: Down by the forest's edge. I heard some rustling but as soon as I looked it was gone!
    Baron: It was those pesky forest folk! They're stealing our valuables!
    Ruler: Let's not jump to conclusions here. I've never even heard of these forest folk until today.
    Old Thomas: They are actually the Woodsfolk, Young Ruler. While I have not seen them myself, they are real.
    Ruler: Let me guess, you came here to report a missing object and jumped into the conversation?
    Old Thomas: Was it that obvious? Yes, I have misplaced a mithril latched tome near the forest.
    Ruler: With everyone losing their valuables, I imagine we'll hear from...
    Thurston: My Liege! Urgent news from the front! Sabina has lost a tiara... and she's making me look for it.
    Thurston: Would you have any leads for me and my knights?
    Ruler: Yep! I figured the gang would all come to me at the first sign of trouble.
    Ruler: Looks like we'll have to investigate our missing goods, starting with these Woodsfolk.
    Ivy: It seems like we've all lost something shiny. Are you sure it's not just a bird?
    Ivy: We shouldn't accuse people of things if we've never met them.
    Ruler: We'll have to start looking somewhere and the forest is our only real clue!
    Ruler: We won't make any accusations until we have proof...

    Goal 2:
    Girl: Eeeek!
    Ruler: Did anybody hear that?
    Baron: It may have been the thief!
    Thurston: I think it's a child in distress! We must do something!
    Ruler: I see something! Is that a bird?
    Harpy: Give me your valuables, stupid child! That shiny doll will do nicely!
    Anya: No! You stay away from me and Rongo! Actually, you should tell me where you took my brother!
    Ruler: Ugh, that thing is ugly! Let's go save that kid before it steals her toy, or worse!
    Thurston: Understood, my liege! We'll drive that vile harpy away!

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: Hey kid! You're safe now, but are you alright?
    Girl: I... uh. I think I'm ok. I don't think she hurt me too badly.
    Old Thomas: Tell us, young one. What is your name? And why are you along in the woods like this?
    Anya: My name is Anya and I'm looking for my brother, Katya. And why wouldn't I be in the woods? We're Woodsfolk, after all. This is our home, even if it's full of harpies now...
    Ruler: Harpies? What do they want with you?
    Ivy: Harpies are voraciously greedy creatures. They're probably picking at this area for loot.
    Anya: The harpies are taking everything! I think they took my brother too! Last I saw him he went off on his Trial of Virtues before the harpies came. That was a week ago!
    Ruler: Don't worry, Anya! We'll help you find your brother and drive these harpies from your home!
    Old Thomas: Perhaps we should return to my house. I may have some harpy lore that could help.

    Goal 4:
    Ruler: You said something about your brother going on some trial. Can you tell us about it? Following his trail might give us some clues to his fate.
    Anya: My brother is the bravest person I know! He went out to take his Trial of Virtues! Every Woodsfolk member takes their trial when they grow up! Each one is a different virtue.
    Old Thomas: Pray, tell us what are the virtues. We should know if we are to follow his trail for clues.
    Anya: Umm, I know the first one was to prove how strong you are.
    Ruler: And what about the rest of the virtues?
    Anya: I dunno! I'm not old enough to take my trials and Katya always bored me when he talked about them...
    Thurston: If it's strength that's being tested then I have full confidence that we can overcome this trial!
    Ruler: I didn't plan on taking their coming of age ritual, Thurston!
    Baron: But perhaps if you follow in the Katya's footsteps you might find our lost belongings!

    Goal 5:
    Harpy: *Screech* Get out of these woods. This forest belongs to the Harpy Queen now!
    Ruler: I think you mean they belong to the Woodsfolk! Now get out of here you flying rat!
    Anya: Wow! You're really good at scaring those harpies away!
    Ivy: But we're less good at searching through this dense forest. Aren't we?
    Ruler: It's like we're walking blind through all of this brush. Are you sure you don't know the way, Anya?
    Anya: I don't normally go so far from our village. I'm just as turned around as you are!
    Ruler: We'll just have press on regardless. The ground is getting steeper here so we must be getting loser to that mountain.
    Anya: Maybe we'll run into the Strong Elder! He may have seen Katya before he went missing!
    Ruler: What is this Strong Elder like? Do you think he will help us?
    Anya: He's as strong as a horse! And I know he'll help us! He's super duper nice!

    Goal 6:
    Strong Elder: Hello there, strangers. you seem to be lost in these woods. And I am afraid they are not quite as safe as they used to be...
    Ruler: Oh hi! And who might you be?
    Anya: It's the Strong Elder! Have you seen Katya? Why are there harpies everywhere?
    Strong Elder: Oh ho ho, one question at a time Anya. I am glad to see that you're safe. But nobody who goes by the name of Katya has been this way recently.
    Ruler: Do you have any idea where may have gone? We thought he may completed the Strength Trial.
    Anya: yeah! How do you not know anything, Elder? And why are you down here anyway?
    Strong Elder: Oh little Anya, things have become quite complicated as of late. I'll tell you what... Harpies have infested by shrine atop High Climb Mountain. Please travel there, kind stranger. Clear the Vile Harpy from our shrine of strength and I'll answer your questions.

    Goal 7:
    Harpy: *Screech* What are you doing near my lair? Begone you beasts! This land belongs to the Harpy Queen!
    Ruler: Get out of here you birdbrain! This shrine clearly belongs to Woodsfolk and their elders!
    Harpy: If you want me gone then you'll have fight me on this mountain! I'll drop rocks on your head!
    Thurston: Get out of here you beast! But Elder, why have you not expelled the harpy yourself?
    Ruler: I was wondering that too. You are their *Strong* Elder, are you not?
    Strong Elder: Alas, I still have my strength at my age. But unfortunately, the climb up this mountain is steep. My centaur body does not help much when climbing up a few hundred feet of ladders. All of my upper body strength is useless when the harpy drops rocks and claws at me when I climb.
    Anya: Oh no! Those feathered freaks fight so dirty! But our new friends can help us! Right?
    Ruler: Ha! Don't you worry about us, Anya! Thurston and I will deep fry that harpy when we're done with her!
    Thurston: Hear hear! I will race you to the top, my liege!

    Goal 8:
    Vile Harpy: you pesky terrestrials! You're taking my home from me!
    Anya: This mountain belongs to the Woodsfolk! You get out of here!
    Ruler: yeah, scram you featherbrained jerk! Ugh, it got away. But I think I found something up there. It looks like Sabina's crown!
    Thurston: It is! Oh, she is going to be so happy that we found it! I'll have to return it right away!
    Anya: And any signs of my brother?
    Ruler: No, I don't think so at least. But the Elder said he'd help us out now!
    Strong Elder: Please, I beg of you for one last task. Defeat this Vile Harpy once and for all! I will help you once I know it will no longer plague my people...
    Anya: But you said you would help us! They did what you asked!
    Ruler: It's fine, Anya. We'll finish the job and set things right for your people.

    Goal 9:
    Baron: Will the weathered centaur tell us where the boy is or not?
    Ruler: I'm sure hell tell us. But I could use a breather after all that fighting and climbing.
    Anya: Could yo please help us find Katya, mister Elder?
    Strong Elder: As promised, I will help you on your journey. Though I fear I do not have what you seek, Anya. But first I must congratulate you, Outsider. For you have completed your first Trial of Virtue.
    Ruler: Oh I'm not doing this for your coming of age ceremony, I just want to help find her brother!
    Strong Elder: Like it or not, you have proven your strength to me, and this must be honored. You too, Anya.
    Anya: What? But I'm too young to start my trials!
    Strong Elder: Yet started them, you have. I fear my advice will not be as concrete as you may have hoped... Continue on towards the Mind Roar Falls. You will find what you seek if you continue your Trials...
    Ruler: I'm note quire sure what's happening but at least it's our next clue! What awaits at the falls?

    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-17-23 at 08:49 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - Part II (complete)
    10 goals | Part 2 also has a timed component

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 1 of the Trial of Virtue
    * You can begin this part when you are ready. The part won't start until you press on GO in goal 1 to start the challenge.
    * If you complete Part 2 of Trial of Virtues within 30 days of beginning this part, you will receive the Empanther
    * You can take as long as you like though... you will only miss out on the Empanther if you do not complete this goals within 30 days
    * This part unlocks the Mind Roar Falls located in map reference BC14
    * Drops from Ivy and Anya remain in between parts
    * No crafts are available in between parts

    Baron: Ready for a challenge?
    Baron: Complete this quest before time runs out and you'll be rewarded with an Empanther!
    Virtuous Creatures Part II
    * Sharpen your mind 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp, + Empanther
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done, child!

    * The Empanther is rewarded as soon as you begin the Learn to Sharpen your Mind craft (in goal 10) and is ready to place on your board immediately
    * The Empanther does not drop story related items

    Note: You have to visit the Strong Elder in the first goal, so you can wait at least 12 hours to start or skip for 3 gems... up to you! Start planting and getting Willow Trees ready while you wait. You can use the new items to find traditional beads if you don't want to buy and grow trees. You will need a couple to complete goals.

    Goal 1:
    Old Thomas: Pressing Go begins the next chapter and also starts a limited time quest to win the Empanther.
    * Start Part II of Trial of Virtues 0/1 GO | a timed challenge will also start!
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: That was almost impressive!

    Strong Elder: You were wise to seek help.
    Goal 2:
    * Visit the tavern 0/1 GO (skip 16 gems)
    * Speak with Strong Elder 0/1 GO (skip 3 gems) | Timer is 12 hours
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Strong Elder: I know you're ready to proceed with the trials, Outsider.

    Clear any monsters from your board as you need to spawn a Harpy
    Old Thomas: Take to me to the Harpy, I may continue to scare the away.
    Goal 3:
    * Clear willow trees 0/1 GO | only the willow tree will drop traditional beads (no other tree will)
    * Gather traditional beads 0/1 GO (skip 20 gems) | you can also use the Harpy Nest, Ceremonial Cairne or Ritual Tree as all three items also drop traditional beads
    * Find a Harpy 0/1 GO | collect from the bush
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Perhaps the ravages of time are good for something after all...

    Baron: The sooner we clear these harpies, the sooner I get my ring back.
    Goal 4:
    * Defeat the Harpy 0/1 GO
    * Gather trial clues 0/1 GO | these 2 items will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Prepare enchanter's essence 0/1 GO
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Oh you took care of them already? I was just about to tag in!

    Anya: Are we there yet?
    Goal 5:
    * Clear willow trees 0/1 GO
    * Clear crab apple trees 0/1 GO
    * Clear dead trees 0/1 GO
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Anya: How is this hike making us any wiser?

    Anya: Why is the Wise Elder so unhelpful? Let's keep going then...
    Goal 6:
    * Gather trial clues 0/1 GO
    * Gather traditional beads 0/1 GO
    * Prepare enchanter's essence 0/14 GO
    * Forge a Crown of Wisdom 0/1 GO (skip 115 gems) | Magic Forge, 2 hours - 4 trial clues, 10 traditional beads, 3 enchanter's essence
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Anya: I think you're still on the right path, Outsider!

    Ivy: Let's get to these falls and help the lady out. Maybe we'll find more of our stuff.
    Goal 7:
    * Gather spellbound dew 0/1 GO | these 4 items will auto-complete if you have 1 in inventory
    * Gather holy herb 0/1 GO
    * Forge totem of strengths 0/1 GO
    * Forge a crown of wisdom 0/1 GO | the one crafted in the previous goal will count towards this goal
    * Travel to the Mind Roar Falls 0/1 GO | BC14 Expansion requirements: 30 spellbound dew, 25 holy herbs, 8 totems of strength, 21 crown of wisdom
    - Use spellbound dew 0/30 GIVE (skip 150 gems)
    - Use holy herbs 0/25 GIVE (skip 625 gems)
    - Use totems of strength 0/8 GIVE (skip 1640 gems)
    - Use crown of wisdom 0/21 GIVE (skip 2415 gems)

    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Wow! The Mind Roar Falls are magnificent to behold!

    Clear any monsters from your board for this goal! Collecting the Mental Conditioning craft will spawn the Malicious Harpy. You will need to do the craft again if you have a monster on your board.
    Ivy: It's getting PRETTY LOUD IN HERE!
    Goal 8:
    * Attempt Mental Conditioning 0/1 GO | Mind Roar Falls, 10 minutes - 3 golden nugget, 3 golden egg
    * Seek out the Malicious Harpy 0/1 GO
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp

    Ivy: Now where did that harpy go?
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat the Malicious Harpy 0/1 GO | 199 hits to defeat
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: I don't think she's coming back here any time soon!

    Wise Elder: Please take Anya to the Cave of Courage and finish both of your trials.
    Goal 10:
    * Learn to Sharpen your Mind 0/1 GO | Mind Roar Falls, 2 hours - 10 trial clues, 35 dragon scales, 30 holy herb
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 50 xp, + Wise Elder
    Congratulations: Wise Elder: Your journey may feel dim, but I assure you there is light at the end of the cave...
    Note: Wise Elder is ready to place on your board when this goal is complete.

    Note: do NOT give resources to the plot with the Cave of Courage until you get to the goal associated with it in Part 3 even though it becomes visible possibly after goal 7.

    Part 2 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Old Thomas: It seems you must follow a path of virtues if you are to help poor Anya. And recover our missing objects...

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: Where are we supposed to be going again? Some sort of waterfall?
    Anya: Strong Elder said we have to go to Mind Roar falls. But I don't know where that is.
    Ivy: These woods are pretty dense and we barely got to the mountain without the Elder's help.
    Ruler: Too bad he isn't here to help us find the next spot. It must be part of the trial.
    Strong Elder: Oh, actually I'm still here! I can help point you in the right direction for your next destination.
    Ivy: Oh, you're still helping us? Isn't that against the rules or something? You did say that finding the mountain was part of the trial, did you not?
    Ruler: Well, I'll accept all the help I can get!
    Strong Elder: The next trial is that of wisdom. What is wiser than acknowledging you need help? I will act as your guide to Mind Roar Falls, but you will be on your own from there...
    Anya: Thank you, Elder!

    Goal 3:
    Harpy: *Screech* What are you doing here? This land belongs to the Harpy Queen! Give us your shinies and valuables, then begone!
    Ruler: Ugh, more harpies. Get out of here you jerks!
    Anya: Yeah, these forests belong to us Woodsfolk! And give me back my brother!
    Old Thomas: Might I recommend a level head, Anya. We do not know the harpies took your brother for certain.
    Harpy: What a disgusting human! I'm outta here! I can't stand looking at the wrinkly face!
    Ruler: You get out of here... beak breath! Ugh, I'm running out of harpy insults... But are you ok, Thomas? I think that harpy was talking about you...
    Old Thomas: Alas, age stops for no one. I take solace in knowing that my visage intimidates these birds...
    Anya: It's ok, Outsider elder! I think your squishy face is adorable! I wanna squeeze it like my stuffie!
    Old Thomas: I suppose I will just have to take that as a compliment...

    Goal 4:
    Strong Elder: The increasing harpy activity is worrisome. I hoped that it was only my shrine that was infested. But it now seems as though the harpies have overtaken this entire forest...
    Ruler: Do you have any idea what they might want? They really seem to like shiny things.
    Strong Elder: This puzzle has vexed me too. The Woodsfolk are a humble people - we do not hoard much wealth.
    Anya: What about the shrines? The village seemed safe, but they were hanging around the shrines... Are they going through the Trial of Virtues?
    Ruler: What would the trials do for a harpy?
    Strong Elder: I do not know, but perhaps the wisdom is youth is showing itself here. It may not be a coincidence that this Harpy Queen is targeting the shrines specifically. But the trials are more symbolic for our people - there is no great treasure within them.
    Baron: They definitely seem to be targeting our treasures though...

    Goal 5:
    Ivy: So what is the next elder like? Are they as buff as you?
    Strong Elder: Hah! Very few people are as buff as I am! Least of all the Wise Elder.
    Ruler: Why do you call her "elder' too? Are you two on the same level or something?
    Strong Elder: Becoming an elder of the Woodsfolk is not just a matter of age. Plenty of us start quite young... But we shed our names upon becoming elders. Our identify becomes that of clan's virtues.
    Ruler: Could you tell us what your name was before the change?
    Strong Elder: Well, I'm not so sure about that...
    Ivy: come on, man! Horse? Centaur? We're all friends here, aren't we?
    Ruler: Yeah, you gotta tell us! I passed your strength trial, didn't I?
    Strong Elder: You continue on this path and I MIGHT tell you. Does that sound good?
    Ruler: Good enough for me!

    Goal 6:
    Wise Elder: Halt! Who goes there?
    Ruler: We're travelers looking for the Mind Roar Falls! We wish to take the trial therein!
    Anya: It's the Wise Elder! I'm so glad to see you!
    Wise Elder: Oh, Anya? What are you doing so deep in the woods? I hope that the harpies haven't driven you from the village...
    Anya: No, I'm looking for Katya! Last we saw, he went out on his Trial of Virtues!
    Ruler: And it seems that he never came home from those trial. We fear harpies may have gotten to him.
    Strong Elder: I told Anya that I have not seen Katya. But I don't believe you have Katya either, Wise Elder.
    Wise Elder: Oh... no I suppose I have not seen Katya recently. But please come with me for I require your aid.
    Ruler: Let me guess, more harpies have set up shop in your shrine?
    Wise Elder: It seems that you are already one step ahead of me, Outsider.

    Goal 7:
    Harpy: Oh ho ho! Back so soon you old bag of wrinkles? And you've brought help?
    Ruler: Just go fly south for the winter you big bird! We're here to take this forest back!
    Harpy: Do what you must, Outsider! Your idle threats do not scare me! I work for the Harpy Queen!
    Wise Elder: Not for long, you filthy magpie! Fortune has smiled upon me with so many young folks. I'll be relaxing by the pools before long.
    Ruler: We're happy to help you, Elder. But we were hoping for some help in return.
    Anya: yeah, can you help us find my brother? We've been trekking all over these woods to find him.
    Wise Elder: You must be worried sick, my dear. I'll tell you what. If you help this Outsider clear the harpies from my falls, I will point you in the right direction.
    Ivy: You're going to point us toward the next trial shrine, aren't you?
    Wise Elder: That would be a wise guess, yes... But please help me save my home...

    Goal 8:
    Ruler: Look it's that harpy again!
    Harpy: So you've followed me back to my lair? Fine, see how well you can do in these caves while I screech.
    Ruler: Wow! It's so loud in here!
    Wise Elder: The sounds of the falls usually echo off the walls here. They have great acoustics. But it will be quite impossible to clear your mind and complete the trial in these conditions!
    Ruler: Is there anything we can do about this then?
    Ivy: We cold try clearing our minds. I'm sure the sounds will be annoying, but they're superficial. Then we can charge right in there ignoring their screeching.
    Ruler: Well, that wasn't exactly what I expected but let's do this.
    Anya: I'm coming with you!

    Goal 9:
    Wise Elder: How did you manage to drive that Malicious Harpy from my cave?
    Ruler: I don't actually know! We just kinda showed up and it was gone.
    Malicious Harpy: Mwuahaha! You thought you drove me out but I actually left to harass your friends! You'll never stop the Harpy Queen! She'ss get what she wants soon enough!
    Ruler: But what the Harpy Queen even want?
    Malicious Harpy: What doesn't she want? She wants EVERYTHING! And everything will be hers in due time!
    Ivy: I say we give this harpy a beatdown like the others. What do you say?
    Ruler: Yeah I think we can share the wealth!
    Malicious Harpy: Wait what? No, say away from me!
    Anya: It's too late for you! You big mean bird! HYAH!

    Goal 10:
    Wise Elder: I must thank you for saving my shrine and home from this insolent Harpy. I do not have much to offer you in exchange, however. There is this shiny pot the harpy left though.
    Ruler: Ivy! I think that's your pot, is it not?
    Ivy: It is my pot! Thank you Wise Elder! I've been looking everywhere for this!
    Wise Elder: It is a simple token, especially since it was seemingly yours to begin with. But you, Outsider. And Ivy and Anya, I officially certify that you have passed the Trial of Wisdom. You kept level heads in your service to my shrine and you all have proven your virtues to me.
    Ruler: So you also let Anya pass her trial despite her age? You really have faith in her...
    Anya: Yeah but I don't want to pass my Trial of Virtues! I just want my brother. *sniff* I miss him and I'm worried about him and I just want to see him!
    Wise Elder: I cannot tell you where Katya is now, but continue onward towards the Cave of Courage.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 07-09-23 at 07:27 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - Continue to Trial of Virtues: Part III (complete)
    10 goals | Part 3 also has a timed component

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 2 of the Trial of Virtue
    * You can begin this part when you are ready. The part won't start until you press on GO in goal 1 to start the challenge.
    * If you complete Part 3 of Trial of Virtues within 45 days of beginning this part, you will receive the Brave Tuftkin
    * You can take as long as you like though... you will only miss out on the Brave Tuftkin if you do not complete this goals within 45 days
    * This part unlocks the Cave of Courage located in map reference BC16
    * Drops from Ivy and Anya remain in between parts
    * No crafts are available in between parts
    * Sacred stones drop from from both the Sawmill and the Sparkling Mines (1-3 drops)

    Ivy: Ready for a challenge?
    Ivy: Complete this quest before time runs out and you'll be rewarded with a Brave Tuftkin!
    Virtuous Creatures Part III
    * Prove your courage 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp, + Brave Tuftkin
    Congratulations: Ivy: Well done, Ruler!

    * The Brave Tuftkin is rewarded as soon as you begin the Prove Your Courage craft (in goal 10) and is ready to place on your board immediately
    * The Brave Tuftkin does not drop story related items

    Note: You have to visit the Wise Elder in the first goal (and Ivy's Hut), so you can wait 22 hours to start or skip for 5 gems (if Ivy is ready)... up to you!

    Baron: Pressing Go begins the next chapter and also starts a limited time quest to win a Brave Tuftkin!
    Goal 1:
    * Start Part III of Trial of Virtues 0/1 GO | a limited timed challenge will also start!
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: I'm almost impressed!

    Wise Elder: Continue down this path and complete your trials.
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO (skip 24 gems)
    * Speak with Wise Elder 0/1 GO (skip 5 gems) | timer is 22 hours
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Wise Elder: All will be revealed soon enough...

    Baron: You keep batting away at these harpies!
    Goal 3:
    * Search sparkling mines or sawmills 0/1 GO (skip 8 gems) | 1-4 sacred stones drops from each mine and sawmill
    * Gather a sacred stone 0/1 GO (skip 9 gems)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Sooner or later we will recover my lost item!

    Clear any monsters from your board as you need to spawn a Harpy
    Strong Elder: Prepare yourself for what lies ahead.
    Goal 4:
    * Tend a bush 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem) | a harpy needs to spawn to complete this goal
    * Clear willow trees 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Strong Elder: There is still much road ahead of us before we arrive at the cave...

    Note: The Amulet of Courage will only appear in the Magic Forge when goal 5 is triggered even though you can see that you need it from the beginning of this Part. This is NOT a bug so do not contact Support.

    Anya: I want to find my brother, but we can take our time with trials.
    Goal 5:
    * Gather trial clues 0/1 GO | these 2 items will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather traditional beads 0/1 GO
    * Gather sacred stones 0/45 GO (skip 405 gems) | the stones collected in goal 3 count towards the 45 you need for this goal | remember to collect from both the Sawmill and the Sparkling Mines
    * Forge an Amulet of Courage 0/1 GO (skip 235 gems) | Magic Forge, 4 hours - 8 trial clues, 5 traditional beads, 45 sacred stones
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Anya: What if we save Katya and come back to the cave later?

    Anya: I hope my brother is ok...
    Goal 6:
    * Tend to iceland poppy patches 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem) | the white flower
    * Tend to blue-flower penstemons 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem) | the blue flower
    * Tend to talinum auranticums 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem) | the yellow flower
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Anya: We're almost there!

    Baron: Let us end this farce!
    Goal 7:
    * Gather a holy herb 0/1 GO | these items will auto-complete if you have 1 in inventory
    * Forge a totem of strength 0/1 GO
    * Forge a crown of wisdom 0/1 GO
    * Forge an amulet of courage 0/1 GO
    * Travel to the Cave of Courage 0/1 GO | BC16 expansion requirements: 35 holy herb, 10 totem of strength, 10 crown of wisdom, 20 amulet of courage
    - Use holy herb 0/35 GIVE (skip 875 gems)
    - Use totem of strength 0/10 GIVE (skip 2050 gems)
    - Use crown of wisdom 0/10 GIVE (skip 1150 gems)
    - Use amulet of courage 0/20 GIVE (skip 4700 gems)

    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Where is my diamond ring?

    Clear any monsters from your board for this goal! You need to spawn the Harpy Queen.
    Strong Elder: We all let this harm befall Anya. We must save her.
    Goal 8:
    * Begin to Brave the Trials 0/1 GO | Seek the Cave of Courage (Bravery is courage despite fear), 1 minute - 5 golden nugget, 5 golden egg
    * Seek out the Harpy Queen 0/1 | She's the root of the problem!
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Strong Elder: Now strike before the Harpy can escape!

    Brave Elder: The Harpy Queen hunted me but I completed the Trials of Virtue before she found me.
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat the Harpy Queen 0/1 GO | Save Anya! 299/299 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Brave Elder: She must have been using me as bait for my sister!

    Brave Elder: You and that Baron charged in quite bravely. Please complete your Trial of Virtues with Anya...
    Goal 10:
    * Now Prove Your Courage 0/1 GO | Cave of Courage: Prove Your Courage, 8 hours - 20 trial clues, 25 mithril, 50 holy herbs
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 50 xp, + Brave Elder | Courage Trade unlocked
    Congratulations: Brave Elder: I now proclaim that you, Anya, and Baron have proven your Courage. And You and Anya have completed your Trial of Virtues!

    Part 3 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Baron: Are you ready for a challenge?

    Goal 2:
    Baron: Let's get this ball rolling, child! Finish your coming of age trials so I can get my ring!
    Ruler: Oh yeah, this started with you losing your ring! Well, maybe it'll be in the Cave of Courage.
    Old Thomas: I also lost my...
    Baron: Yes, the Harpy Queen absolutely has good taste! She must be holding my diamond ring as her greatest treasure!
    Ruler: Don't get too excited, there's still plenty of journey ahead of us.
    Anya: And we're looking for Katya! He's better than some dumb shiny ring!
    Old Thomas: Do not worry, child. We will continue to help you on the path to find your brother.
    Ruler: Yeah, it's a shame that the elders stayed behind at the falls. They'd be helpful to have around.
    Wise Elder: And helpful we shall be!
    Strong Elder: Yes! We've decided to stick with you until the end! And to watch you complete the Trial of Virtues.

    Goal 3:
    Harpy: *Screech* It seems there are interlopers in the Harpy Queen's domain. Leave this place and she may find it in her heart to show mercy to you, cretin!
    Ruler: We've kicked the rest of your feathered behinds out of these woods!
    Strong Elder: And we know they are capable of finishing the job!
    Wise Elder: Yes, it is not a matter of if but when you will be expelled from the lands of the Woodsfolk!
    Baron: And only a matter of time before we get our stuff back!

    Goal 4:
    Ruler: What can you tell us about the Cave of Courage?
    Wise Elder: It is a harrowing experience. A cave that shows the worst fears of whoever approaches it.
    Strong Elder: One must muster all of their courage and bravery to overcome the sights.
    Ruler: It sounds like a pretty standard test of courage. Just walk through a spooky cave.
    Wise Elder: Perhaps it sounds this way to an Outsider such as yourself. But there is a reason why we consider it one of our three great virtues.
    Ruler: I'll approach this challenge with gusto then! And overcome it so we can finally recover Katya!
    Anya: Yeah, I'm sure we can overcome whatever scary sights we see in the cave!
    Strong Elder: I believe in you child, but please do not push yourself.
    Wise Elder: yes, there is wisdom in knowing your limits. You have come so far already...
    Anya: And I'll go all the way!

    Goal 5:
    Anya: Let's keep trudging onward to the unknown!
    Ruler: You seem so much more confident now, Anya. You felt so lost when we first met.
    Anya: Do I?
    Wise Elder: The sweet child is growing up. She has matured much in her short time with you, Outsider.
    Strong Elder: yes! She is a strong young woman! And one who has almost completed her Trial of Virtues!
    Ruler: So what happens when Anya completes her trial? What happens when *I* complete *my* trial?
    Strong Elder: Not much, but it does signal adulthood for the Woodsfolk.
    Wise Elder: The act is quite ceremonial, but an important part of our culture. We could not have asked for a better companion for dear Anya than you, Outsider.
    Anya: They're not just my companion, they're my friend! But I don't know if I'm ready to grow up...

    Goal 6:
    Harpy: Stop trespassing you no-beaked invaders! You approach the cave of the Harpy Queen!
    Ruler: I'm tired of these dumb birds! And I'm out of insults for them! Just scare them off this time...
    Strong Elder: Begone!
    Ruler: Oh wow, that actually scared them off!
    Wise Elder: It is unlikely to stick. They just know that the Harpy Queen will defend this land herself.
    Ruler: I imagine she'll be the toughest harpy yet... But we'll drive her out of the caves and find your brother, Anya!
    Anya: Yeah, we will! Now let's go find Katya!

    Goal 7:
    Ivy: Isn't this the point where we usually meet the next elder?
    Ruler: Oh yeah! Let's wait around for them a bit. What is the next elder like?
    Anya: Ummm, I don't know. I hear they're very old, but I don't think we've ever met...
    Strong Elder: Wait around a bit longer and you shall see...
    Ruler: Ok but we've been waiting for a bit now... Nobody has shown up.
    Wise Elder: This is most troubling. I had assumed he was driven from the shrine like we were.
    Ruler: Should we go ahead then? Maybe they're in trouble? They may have been trapped if they're so old.
    Baron: I'm tired of waiting around. I want my diamond ring back! CHARRRGE!
    Ruler: Don't just run ahead like that! Ugh, we should go follow the Baron before he hurts himself...

    Goal 8
    Baron: Come out here you Harpy Queen! Give me my ring back!
    Ruler: And also clear out of the Cave of Courage and return Katya!
    Anya: And leave us Woodsfolk alone!
    Harpy Queen: You dare address me? The Harpy Queen? I know not of what you speak. But I see you have a child in your group.
    Ruler: What of it?
    Harpy Queen: Oh not much, but I do thank you for your offering! She will do quite nicely!
    Anya: Ahh! Get your hands off me!
    Ruler: You get your hands off her you vile wretch!
    Harpy Queen: Mwuahaha! Then come and get her! Or what will be left of her!
    Ruler: How did we let this happen?

    Goal 9
    Ruler: The Harpy Queen has Anya! And all we have left is her stuffed bunny... We'll need to defeat the Harpy Queen and free her!
    Brave Elder: *huff* I'll help you!
    Ruler: Who are you?
    Strong Elder: It's the Brave Elder! You've come to save Anya!
    Brave Elder: Oh no! What happened to my sister? I just escaped the Harpy Queen's prison! She's held up in the Cave of Courage! Wait, did she use me as bait?
    Ruler: So Anya's brother was the Brave Elder? How did she not know?
    Brave Elder: Yes, I am Anya's brother. But we have more pressing issues at the moment. She must have wanted a child for her plans of immortality!
    Ruler: Ok, we'll save Anya first! But we have so many questions!

    Goal 10
    Harpy Queen: Raagh how could I be defeated? I am the Harpy Queen!
    Ruler: Now make like a tree and leave! This land is no longer cursed by you!
    Anya: Brother! Where have you been, Katya?
    Brave Elder: Anya! I am so sorry to have worried you! But I am no longer known as Katya... After completing my trials, I have become the new Brave Elder. I hope you can forgive me.
    Anya: I'm just so happy you're safe! And that you saved me! Can I still call you Katya though?
    Brave Elder: Thank you for coming after me! And you SHOULD call me Brave Elder, but I think I can bend the rules.
    Ruler: So did the other elders know this?
    Strong Elder: We did, but we must respect the authority of the Elder and not give his name away. We are sorry...
    Baron: Wait so this cave only had Thomas's shiny book and the kid? Where's my ring?
    Ruler: Maybe you just lost it before all this harpy business!

    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-24-24 at 10:41 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - added to all Guides
    Note: Until the story has been completed, all inventory info remains in this thread. Once validated, it will be transferred to the various Guides.

    High Climb Mountain limit of 1 Can be sold
    Size: 3x3
    Build: no build required. Found in plot BB13 (on the Island of Audra) during Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    What can you craft?
    * Climb of Power, 5 minutes - 1 golden nugget, 1 golden egg (goal 7)
    * Build your Body, 1 hour - 9 trial clues, 15 spellbound dew, 8 holy herb (goal 9)
    * High Climb Trade, 4 days - 99 wood | available at the completion of part 1 | craft rewards 20,000 coins

    Mind Roar Falls limit of 1 Can be sold
    Size: 3x3
    Build: no build required. Found in plot BC14 (on the Island of Audra) during Part 2 of the Trial of Virtues
    What can you craft?
    * Mental Conditioning, 10 minutes - 3 golden nugget, 3 golden egg (goal 8)
    * Sharpen your Mind, 2 hours - 10 trial clues, 35 dragon scales, 30 holy herb (goal 10)
    * Mind Roar trade, 4 days - 99 water | available at the completion of part 2 | craft rewards 25,000 coins

    Cave of Courage limit of 1 Can be sold
    Size: 3x3
    Build: no build required. Found in plot BC16 (on the Island of Audra) during Part 3 of the Trial of Virtues
    What can you craft?
    * Seek the Brave the Trials, 1 minute - 5 golden nugget, 5 golden egg
    * Prove Your Courage, 8 hours - 20 trial clues, 25 mithril, 50 holy herbs
    * Courage Trade, 4 days - 99 stone | available at the completion of part 3 | craft rewards 30,000 coins

    Amulet of courage
    Info: An amulet signifying an aspirant has proven their courage in their Trial of Virtues. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Released during goal 5, Part 3 of the Trial of Virtues
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 4 hours - 8 trial clues, 5 traditional beads, 45 sacred stones
    Uses: expanding to plot BC16 (20)

    Anya | max 1
    Info: A youth of the Woodsfolk, she really wants to find her lost brother. She carries her stuffie, Rongo, with her at all times. Visit for Trial Clues, Traditional Beads, Holy Herbs, and Sacred Stones
    Found: market 150 gems during Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    Drops: earth wisp, 1 holy herb, living wood, petals (blue), 4 sacred stones (from part 3), traditional beads (from part 2), trial clues (1-3), wood
    Collection time: 12 hours

    Brave Elder
    Info: Katya: the newest Brave Elder! He stepped up to position of elder after his trials! Visit for Elvenite, Fur, Wisp Lanterns, Fey Crystals and more!
    Found: completing Part 3 of the Trial of Virtues
    Drops: 1590 coins, earth wisp, elvenite, fey crystals, fur, wisp lanterns
    Collection time: 10 hours

    Brave Tuftkin
    Info: Tuftkin are a Woodfolk symbol of courage. Visit for a change for Expansion Permits, Spellbound Dew, Trade Tickets, and Wisp Lanterns
    Found: reward for completing the timed component of Part 3 of the Trial of Virtues
    Drops: 30 coins, earth wisp, expansion permit, spellbound dew, trade ticket, wisp lantern
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Cave of Courage
    From the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: crafting building | Courage trade, 4 days - 99 stone | available at the completion of part 3
    Drops: 30,000 coins
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Ceremonial Cairne
    Info: A humble pile of stones left to mark an important location or trial. Clear to find traditional beads and other crafting materials.
    Found: market, 800 coins | released during Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: clear in 5 actions
    Drops: coal, direboar spawn, fuzzy moss (1-2), iron ore, jewels, onyx ore, stone, traditional beads (from part 2)

    Crown of Wisdom
    Info: A crown signifying an aspirant has proven their wisdom during ehri Trial of Virtues. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 2 hours - 4 trial clues, 10 traditional beads, 3 enchanter's essence | released during Part 2 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: expanding to plot BC14 (21), expanding to plot BC16 (10)

    Info: Empanthers are considered to be wise hunters to the Woodsfolk. Visit for a chance of Trade Tickets, Hearts Feasts, Fur, and Bones!
    Found: reward for completing the timed component of Part 2 of the Trial of Virtues
    Drops: ~2260 coins, bone, creep tooth, fur, hearty feast, trade tickets, troll horn
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Harpy (spawn)
    Found: spawns when collecting from bushes | 15 hits to defeat during Trial of Virtues
    Drops: trial clues

    Harpy Nest
    Info: A filthy scrap pile with a multitude of pilfered valuables. Clear to find traditional beads and other crafting materials.
    Found: market, 800 coins | release during Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: clear in 5 actions
    Drops: acer berries, fangbeast spawn, living wood, sap, skunkupine spawn, traditional beads (from part 2), wood

    Harpy Queen (spawn)
    Found: 299 hits to defeat | spawns when collecting from the Brave the Trials craft (Cave of Courage ) | released in goal 9, Part 3 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: completes goal

    Harpy trap
    Info: Chop to lure a Harpy
    Found: market, 25 gems | released during Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: chop to lure a Harpy. 15 hits to defeat

    High Climb Mountain
    From the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: crafting building | High Climb Trade, 4 days - 99 wood | available at the completion of part 1
    Drops: | 20,000 coins
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Holy herb
    Info: A ritual herb for medicinal and cooking purposes. Found when visiting Ivy's Hut and defeating Harpies.
    Found: Ivy's Hut, Anya, defeating Harpies (very rare) | released during Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: expanding to plot BB13 (5), item in Build your Body craft (High Climb Mountain, 8), expanding to plot BC14 (25), item in Sharpen your Mind craft (Mind Roar Falls, 30), expanding to plot BC16 (35), item in Prove Your Courage craft (Cave of Courage, 50)

    Malicious Harpy (spawn)
    Found: 199 hits to defeat | spawns when collecting from the Mental Conditioning craft (Mind Roar Falls) | released in goal 8, Part 2 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: completes goal

    Mind Roar Falls
    From the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: crafting building | Mind Roar trade, 4 days - 99 water | available at the completion of part 2
    Drops: 25,000 coins
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Power Dragon
    Info: Dragons embody strength for the Woodsfolk. Visit for a chance of energy gems, mithril and dragon scales.
    Found: reward for completing the timed component of Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    Drops: ~1050 coins, dragon scales (1-3), energy (5), gems (1-2), jewels, light armor, longsword, mithril (guaranteed)
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Raven Harpy
    Info: A wild bird with feathers as dark as its soul. Visit it for Eggs and a chance at Roast Chicken and Fertilizer.
    Found: gift from S8 March 2023 during Trial of Virtues
    Drops: eggs, fangbeast spawn, fertilizer, golden egg, roast chicken
    Collection time: 4 hours

    Ritual tree
    Info: An honored tree that is decorated with ribbons tying the Woodsfolk to their past and future. Clear to find traditional beads and other crafting materials.
    Found: market, 800 coins | release during Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: clear in 5 actions
    Drops: acer berries, living wood, sap, wood, traditional beads (from part 2)

    Sacred stones
    Info: A reminder of the power of the land. Found when visiting Sparkling Mines and Sawmills.
    Found: Anya (4), sawmill (1-3), sparkling mine (1-3) | released during Part 3 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: item in Amulet of Courage craft (Magic Forge, 45)

    Strong Elder
    Info: The current elder embodying the strength of the Woodsfolk. His original name was Stantos. Visit to get prime cuts, bacon, ore and roast chicken.
    Found: reward for completing Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    Drops: 1060 coins, bacon, coal, fur, manticore whisker, mysterious venom, prime cuts, roast chicken, silver ore, wisp lantern
    Collection time: 12 hours

    Totem of Strength
    Info: A totem signifying an aspirant has proven their strength in their Trial of Virtues. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 1 hour - 12 trial clues, 10 silver ore, 10 jewels | released in goal 4, Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: expanding to plot BB13 (8), expanding to plot BC14 (8), expanding to plot BC16 (10)

    Traditional Beads
    Info: Ceremonial accessories for the Woodsfolk. Found when clearing willow trees.
    Found: willow trees, Harpy Nest, Ceremonial Cairne, Ritual tree, Anya | released during Part 2 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: item in Crown of Wisdom craft (Magic Forge, 10), item in Amulet of Courage craft (Magic Forge, 5)

    Trial clues
    Info: A clue to the whereabouts of those on the path to enlightenment, Found by defeating Harpies.
    Found: defeating Harpies (from bushes), Anya | released in goal 2, Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues
    Uses: item in Totem of Strength craft (Magic Forge, 12), item in Build your Body craft (High Climb Mountain, 9), item in Crown of Wisdom craft (Magic Forge, 4), item in Sharpen your Mind craft (Mind Roar Falls, 10), item in Amulet of Courage craft (Magic Forge, 8), item in Prove Your Courage craft (Cave of Courage, 20)

    Vile Harpy (spawn)
    Found: 99 hits to defeat | spawns when collecting from the Climb of Power craft (High Climb Mountain) | release in goal 7, Part 1 of the Trial of Virtues |
    Uses: completes goal

    Wise Elder
    Info: She can hardly speak without spouting a helpful platitude. She used to go by Magarina before she became the Wise Elder. Visit for Golden Apples, Faerie Jars, Magic Fruit and more.
    Found: reward for completing Part 2 of the Trial of Virtues
    Drops: ~325 coins, faerie jars, glimmerbulb (6), glimmerdust, golden apples, living wood, magic fruit, mysterious venom, pile of seeds
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Additional Magic forge crafts: DONE
    Totem of Strength, 1 hour - 12 trial clues, 10 silver ore, 10 jewels (part 1)
    Crown of Wisdom, 2 hours - 4 trial clues, 10 traditional beads, 3 enchanter's essence (part 2)
    Amulet of Courage, 4 hours - 8 trial clues, 5 traditional beads, 45 sacred stones (part 3)

    Additional items to cross reference: DONE
    bush: spawns a Harpy during the Trial of Virtues
    dragon scales: item in Sharpen your Mind craft (Mind Roar Falls, 35)
    enchanter's essence: item in Crown of Wisdom craft (3)
    golden nugget: item in Climb of Power craft (High Climb Mountain, 1), item in Mental Conditioning craft (Mind Roar Falls, 3), item in Brave the Trials craft (Cave of Courage, 5)
    golden egg: item in Climb of Power craft (High Climb Mountain, 1), item in Mental Conditioning craft (Mind Roar Falls, 3), item in Brave the Trials craft (Cave of Courage, 5)
    jewels: item in Totem of Strength craft (Magic Forge, 10)
    mithril: expanding to plot BB13 (35), item in Prove Your Courage craft (Cave of Courage, 25)
    silver ore: item in Totem of Strength craft (Magic Forge, 10)
    sawmill: sacred stones (part 3 of Trial of Virtues)
    sparkling mine: sacred stones (part 3 of Trial of Virtues)
    spellbound dew: item in Build your Body craft (High Climb Mountain, 15), expanding to plot BB13 (45), expanding to plot BC14 (30)
    Willow trees use: drops traditional beads during Trial of Virtues
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 10-01-23 at 07:51 PM.

  7. #7
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Coord Royal Point Wisp Lantern Coins Expansion Permit Trade Ticket Specials Features Conditions
    BB13 35 Mithril, 45 Spellbound Dew, 5 Holy Herb, 8 Totem of Strength High Climb Mountain
    BC13 3 000 50 400 000 5 150 BB13
    BC14 30 Spellbound Dew, 25 Holy Herb, 8 Totem of Strength, 21 Crown of Wisdom Mind Roar Falls BC13
    BC15 3 000 50 500 000 6 180 BC14
    BC16 35 Holy Herb, 10 Totem of Strength, 10 Crown of Wisdom, 20 Amulet of Courage Cave of Courage BC15
    BC17 3 000 50 400 000 5 150 BC16
    All 3 000 150 1 300 000 16 480 3 3 5
    More here: Nugget #2 - Expanding

    Part Totem of Strength Crown of Wisdom Amulet of Courage Enchanter's Essence | Trial Clue Holy Herb Traditional Beads Sacred Stone | Silver Ore Jewels Spellbound Dew Mithril Golden Nugget Golden Egg | Energy
    Part 1 8 | 105 13 | 80 80 60 35 1 1 | 1 386
    Part 2 8 21 63 | 190 55 210 | 80 80 30 3 3 | 5 767
    Part 3 10 10 20 30 | 340 85 200 900 | 100 100 25 5 5 | 8 475
    Total 26 31 20 93 | 635 153 410 900 | 260 260 90 60 9 9 | 15 628
    Collector 27 32 21 96 | 660 154 426 946 | 270 270 90 60 9 9 | 16 246
    Energy 26 31 20 93 | 8 255 153 6 150 900 | | 15 628

    Energy Assumptions:
    Trial Clue: 13 (Harpy (Spawn) [Spawn: 8; Defeat: 8; Drop Rate: 133%])
    Holy Herb: 1 (Ivy's Hut, Harpy (Spawn))
    Traditional Beads: 15 (Willow Tree, Anya, Harpy Nest, Ceremonial Cairne, Ritual Tree [Grow: 5; Chop: 10; Drop: 1])
    Sacred Stone: 1 (Sparkling Mines, Sawmills [Drop Rate: 150%])
    Energy: 320 (Fully used for the event per day)

    The most time consuming element to gather: Trial Clue! Mithril is second and can be very energy hungry if in a hurry. Common materials not taken into account (but very consequent). Storyline is not time bound, so take it easy.
    Total crafting time: 354 hours / For collectors: 367 hours. Average investment: 1423k coins
    Similar to Elemental Discovery I:

    Base Resources

    Silver Ore - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Used in various Crafting Recipes, and is earned from Mining Rocks.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Crafted In: Magic Forge, Mystic Kiln
    Requirements: 10 Iron Ore
    Found: Aetas, Alina, Anika, Arctic Bear, Armida, Armored Flyger, Armored Lion, Armored Sea Wyvern, Armored Wyvern, Baby Mantiwort, Beatrice, Bedelia, Big Bad Skunkupine, Black Bear Cub, Blue Lobster, Cameron, Celestial Stag, Clocktower, Cracked Stones, Cranberry Pony, Dainty Castle L1, Dainty Castle L2, Dainty Castle L3, Dainty Castle L4, Dainty Castle L5, Dainty Castle L6, Dainty Castle L7, Dainty Castle L8, Dapper Rabbit, Dark Cave Formation, Dark Knight, Dark Knight Steed, Darling Damsel, Deep Mine L1, Deep Mine L2, Deep Mine L3, Deep Mine L4, Deep Mine L5, Deep Mine L6, Deep Mine L7, Deep Mine L8, Deep Mine L9, Duchess Winifred, Dwayne, Ember Throne L6, Emerald Gnome, Emma the Royal Poodle, Explore Dark Caves, Feral Lands, Fern, Fey Courthouse, Fiery Mystery Box, Fireworks Gnome, Flame Cat, Geoffrey the Royal Poodle, Ghost Knight, Gift Basket Trade, Glimmergras Dragon, Gnome Wizard, Golden Chalice, Golden Mine, Golden Throne, Grumpy Cat, Harvey, Harvey (Dressed), Herc, Interpret the Wizard, Iron Rich Rock, Jewel Cart, Jeweler's Trade, Jewelry Vendor, Jonas, Jungle Throne L6, Jungle Tree, Lava Golem (Spawn), Lucky Rock, Lulani, Malachite Slab, Mama Bear, Mama Bear II, Marcel, Marquis, Martin, Monarch Wyvern, Moon Rock, Paparazzi Gnome, Pearly Rock, Percival, Pfefferknot Pony, Philomena, Pilu, Prince Alexander, Princess Alexandra, Queen Mantiwort, Rainbow Mantis, Rainbow Pot, Rainbow Tiger, Rock Outcropping, Rooted Mine, Sansa the Royal Kitty, Sea Wyvern, Search the Ancient Vault, Selina the Royal Kitty, Seraphina The Sphinx, Shadow Lynx, Shih Tzu, Silver Fae Dragon, Small Rock Pile, Snow Mound L10, Sparkling Mine L1, Sparkling Mine L2, Sparkling Mine L3, Sparkling Mine L4, Sparkling Mine L5, Sparkling Mine L6, Sparkling Mine L7, Sparkling Mine L8, Sparkling Mine L9, Spring Raccoon, Suzie, Tea Cup Poodle, Teenaged Pilu, The Mysterious Man, Traverse the Desert Sands, Treasure Hunter Cat, Treasure Trove, Volcanic Rock, Waterflow Ceremony, Wee Carriage L10, White Crocodile, Baby Widow, Woodland Cannon, Yerik Bearson, Yeti, Young Gargoyle, Good Little Witch
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Production Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 99 (101)
    Jewels - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Used in various Crafting Recipes, and is earned from Mining Rocks. Alchemy recipe of 4th shard.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Crafted In: Magic Forge, Mystic Kiln
    Requirements: 3 Gems // 10 Coal
    Found: Adrienne, Adult Bijou Dragon, Adult Dragon, Adult Flare Dragon, Adult Matrix Dragon, Aetas, Aideen, Alina, Ambertooth, Ancient Octopus, Anika, Aquamarine Dragon, Aquatic Dragon, Aquatic Wyvern, Armida, Armored Black Bear, Armored Flyger, Armored Lion, Armored Sea Horse, Armored Sea Wyvern, Armored Shadow Wolf, Armored Widow, Armored Wyvern, Atlas, Baby Mantiwort, Bag of Treats, Beatrice, Bedelia, Big Bad Skunkupine, Black Bear Cub, Blue Lobster, Breanna, Cameron, Celestial Stag, Clocktower, Cockatoo, Coral the Octomaid, Cracked Stones, Dapper Duck, Dapper Rabbit, Dark Cave Formation, Dark Knight, Dark Knight Steed, Dark Onyx Dragon, Dark Wolf, Dark Wyvern, Darling Damsel, Deep Mine L1, Deep Mine L2, Deep Mine L3, Deep Mine L4, Deep Mine L5, Deep Mine L6, Deep Mine L7, Deep Mine L8, Deep Mine L9, Deep Sea Kelpie, Denise, Desert Jewels Bundle, Desert Palace L1, Desert Palace L2, Desert Palace L3, Desert Palace L4, Desert Palace L5, Desert Palace L6, Desert Palace L7, Desert Palace L8, Desert Palace L9, Desert Palace L10, Desert Tomb, Disguised Flamingo, Dragon Bones, Duchess Winifred, Emerald Gnome, Emerald Hatchling, Emma the Royal Poodle, Faerie Dragon, Fall Peacock, Favio, Fey Courthouse, Fiery Mystery Box, Fionn, Fire Fox, Fireworks Dragon, Flame Cat, Follow the treasure map, Garden Peacock, Gargoyle, Geoffrey the Royal Poodle, Ghost Knight, Gift Basket Trade, Gladys the Knight, Glen the Frog Prince, Glimmergras Dragon, Go Speed Dancing, Golden Chalice, Golden Mine, Golden Peacock, Golden Throne, Goldentooth, Grumpy Cat, Harvey (Dressed), Herc, Iguana, Illana, Iron Rich Rock, Jewel Cart, Jeweler L1, Jeweler L2, Jeweler L3, Jeweler L4, Jeweler L5, Jeweler L6, Jeweler L7, Jeweler L8, Jeweler L9, Jewelry Vendor, Jonas, Jungle Throne L6, Jungle Tree, Kang, Knight In Shining Armor, Light Knight Steed, Lucky Rock, Lulani (Spawn), Maebee the Faerie, Mallard, Mama Bear, Mama Bear II, Mamba Spirit, Mantiwort Terrarium, Marcel, Marquis, Martin, Monarch Wyvern, Mothmonster (Spawn), Paparazzi Gnome, Paper Peacock, Pearlescent Wyvern, Percival, Philomena, Pilu, Polar Bearling, Portalpillar Gigantus, Prince Alexander, Princess Alexandra, Queen Mantiwort, Rainbow Peacock, Rainbow Tiger, Raven Pet, Rock Outcropping, Rooted Mine, Royal Peacock, Sabina's House, Saffron, Sansa the Royal Kitty, Scorched Wyvern, Sea Wyvern, Search the Ancient Vault, Selina the Royal Kitty, Seraphina The Sphinx, Shadow Lynx, Shattered Wyvern, Sherbet Dragon, Shih Tzu, Silver Fae Dragon, Sir Hamlet, Sir Pigglesworth, Sleeping Dragon L6, Small Rock Pile, Snow Mound L10, Snowpile Dragon, Sparkling Mine L1, Sparkling Mine L2, Sparkling Mine L3, Sparkling Mine L4, Sparkling Mine L5, Sparkling Mine L6, Sparkling Mine L7, Sparkling Mine L8, Sparkling Mine L9, Splendid Christmas Tree, Splendid Winter Tree, Spring Dragon, Suzie, Tea Cup Poodle, Teenaged Pilu, The Mysterious Man, Topaz Hatchling, Toxic Spirit, Trade with Belladonna, Traverse the Desert Sands, Treasure Hunter Cat, Treasure Trove, Troll Thief, Troll Vault, Tropical Dragon, Vampire Bat, Vineyard Estate L10, Waterflow Ceremony, Wee Carriage L10, White Crocodile, White Knight Steed, Baby Widow, Yerik Bearson, Young Gargoyle, Good Little Witch, Tiny Dragon, Skeleton Wyvern, Spun Sugar Steed
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Production Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 99 (no limit)
    Spellbound Dew - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Used in various Crafting Recipes, and is earned from Harvesting Flowers.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 5 Gems
    Found: Agni, Ana, Armored Dark Unicorn, Arctic Sled L7, Aster, Auranticum Shrub, Bag of Treats, Bamboo Grove L7, Birthday Goat, Blue-Flower Penstemon, Buninja, Cabbage Patch Dragon, Caramel Apple Spell, Catsanthemums, Cotton Candy Shrub II, Cupid, Edme, Elf Faerie, Enchanted Fawnicorn, Enchanted Lemur, Faerie Garden L10, Fawnicorn, Fiery Mystery Box, Fire Fly Cove L7, Flower Kitsunecorn, Giant Bloom, Gingerman, Gingerman Stack, Golden Catsanthemums, Holiday Ferris Wheel L7, Iceland Poppy Patch, Iceland Poppy Shrub, Idris, Ivy's Hut, Larkspur Shrub, Licorice Steed, Light Tower L10, Lobstermaid, Lumi, Meadow Wolf, Penstemon Shrub, Peridae, Post Office L6, Present Skunkupine, Princess Celeste, Pumpkin Dragon, Puppet Theater L6, Rain Faerie, Rainbow Leprechaun, Red Nose Fawnicorn, Red Trillium, Red Trillium Shrub, Renee, Rocket Larkspur, Sad Clown Troll, Salvatore, Scorched Dahlia, Scorched Rose, Seyndia, Shoemaker L10, Shrubs, Singing Flowers II, Snow Kitsunecorn, Solar Kitsunecorn, Song Bird, Spellbound Bloom, Spellbound Faerie, Spellbound Hive, Spring Bloom, Spring Fawn, Spring Garden L7, Spring Kitsunecorn, Spring Shrub, Sugarplum Faerie, Talinum Auranticum, The Portal L7, Tiny Reindeer, Unicorn, Valentine Fawnicorn, White Trillium, White Trillium Shrub, Winter Castle L10, Witch Cauldron L7, Witchy Alpaca, Wintry Wizard, Sweet Dreams Dragon
    Cap: 99

    Part I

    Anya - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A youth of the Woods folk, she desperately wants to find her lost brother. She carries her stuffie, Rongo, with her at all times. Visit for Earth Wisps, Glimmerdust, and Wood!
    Level: 35
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 150 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (125), Earth Wisp, Glimmerdust, Wood, Trial Clue, Traditional Beads, Holy Herb, Sacred Stone
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 48 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Build Your Body
    Storable: No
    Info: No Pain, No Gain!
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: High Climb Mountain
    Requirements: 9 Trial Clue, 15 Spellbound Dew, 8 Holy Herb
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Production Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Ceremonial Cairne - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A humble pile of stones left to mark an important location or trial. Clear to find Traditional Beads and other Crafting materials.
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Plants
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 800 Coins
    Sell: 0 Coins
    Drops: Silver Ore, Coal, Fuzzy Moss, Jewels, Onyx Ore, Dire Boar, Traditional Beads, Golden Nugget
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Comments: Can be cleared in 5 actions
    Climb of Power
    Storable: No
    Info: Climb up on rung at a time!
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: High Climb Mountain
    Requirements: 1 Golden Nugget, 1 Golden Egg
    Drops: Vile Harpy (Spawn)
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Production: 5 minutes
    Production Speed-up: 1 Gems
    Harpy (Spawn)
    Storable: No
    Level: 35
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Bush
    Drops: Energy, Trial Clue
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Comments: 15 HP
    Harpy Nest - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A filthy scrap pile with a multitude of pilfered valuables. Clear to find Traditional Beads and other Crafting materials.
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Plants
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 800 Coins
    Sell: 0 Coins
    Drops: Acer Berries, Sap, Wood, Skunkupine, Fangbeast, Traditional Beads
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Comments: Can be cleared in 5 actions
    Harpy Trap - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Chop to lure a Harpy.
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Other
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 25 Gems
    Sell: 0 Coins
    Drops: Harpy (Spawn)
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    High Climb Mountain - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The mountainous perch of the Strong Elder. It is adorned with draconic effigies to honor the strength of the ancestors.
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Storyline
    Class: Crafting
    Size: 3x3
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Found: BB13
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Cap: 1
    High Climb Trade
    Storable: No
    Info: Trade materials for coins!
    Level: 45
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: High Climb Mountain
    Requirements: 99 Wood
    Drops: Coins (20000)
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Production: 5760 minutes // 96 hours // 4 days
    Production Speed-up: 384 Gems
    Holy Herb - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A ritual herb for medicinal and cooking purposes. Found when visiting Ivy's Hut and defeating Harpies.
    Level: 45
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 25 Gems
    Found: Ivy's Hut, Harpy (Spawn)
    Used for: BB13, BC14, BC16, Build Your Body, Sharpen Your Mind, ?
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Cap: 99
    Power Dragon - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Dragons embody strength for the Woodsfolk. Visit for a chance of Energy, Gems, Mithril, and Dragon Scales!
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Longsword, Mithril, Dragon Scales, Light Armor, Energy, Gems
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 32 Gems
    Comments: Final prize of the timed goal for part I.
    Ritual Tree - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An honored tree that is decorated with ribbons tying the Woods folk to their past and future. Clear to find Traditional Breads and other Crafting Materials.
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Plants
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 800 Coins
    Sell: 0 Coins
    Drops: Acer Berries, Sap, Wood, Skunkupine, Fangbeast, Traditional Beads
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Comments: Can be cleared in 5 actions
    Strong Elder - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The current elder embodying the strength of the Woodsfolk. His original name was Stantos. Visit to get Prime Cuts, Bacon, Ore, and Roast Chicken
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (1000), Prime Cut, Bacon, Silver Ore, Iron Ore, Roast Chicken, Manticore Whisker
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 48 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Final Prize of part I.
    Totem of Strength - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A totem signifying an aspirant has proven their strength in their Trial of Virtues. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Level: 45
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 205 Gems // 12 Trial Clue, 10 Silver Ore, 10 Jewels
    Used for: BB13, BC14, BC16
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Production Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Feel the power in your fist!
    Trial Clue - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A clue to the whereabouts of those on the path to enlightenment. Found by defeating Harpies.
    Level: 45
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 30 Gems
    Found: Harpy (Spawn)
    Used for: Totem of Strength, Crown of Wisdom, Amulet of Courage, Build Your Body, Sharpen Your Mind, ?
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Cap: 99
    Vile Harpy (Spawn)
    Storable: No
    Info: At home at the top od the High Climb Mountain
    Level: 45
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: High Climb Mountain
    Size: 5x5
    Requirements: 1 Golden Nugget, 1 Golden Egg
    Drops: Energy
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Production: 5 minutes
    Production Speed-up: 1 Gems
    Comments: 99 HP
    Raven Harpy - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A wild bird with feathers as dark as its soul. Visit it for Eggs, and a chance at Roast Chicken and Fertilizer.
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Gift
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Eggs, Roast Chicken, Golden Egg, Coins (75), Fangbeast, Fertilizer
    Arc: Trail of Virtues I
    Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 16 Gems
    Comments: Gift from S8, covering the defect with High Climb Trade.
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 04-13-23 at 11:12 AM.

  8. #8
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Part II

    Crown of Wisdom - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A crown signifying an aspirant has proven their wisdom during their Trial of Virtues. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Level: 45
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 115 Gems // 4 Trial Clue, 10 Traditional Beads, 3 Enchanter's Essence
    Used for: BC14, BC16
    Arc: Trail of Virtues II
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Production Speed-up: 8 Gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: The circlet represents level headedness.
    Traditional Beads - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Ceremonial accessories for the Woodsfolk. Found when clearing Willow Trees.
    Level: 45
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 20 Gems
    Found: Willow Tree, Anya, Harpy Nest, Ceremonial Cairne, Ritual Tree
    Used for: Crown of Wisdom, Amulet of Courage
    Arc: Trail of Virtues II
    Cap: 99
    Mind Roar Trade
    Storable: No
    Info: Trade materials for coins!
    Level: 45
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Mind Roar Falls
    Requirements: 99 Water
    Drops: Coins
    Arc: Trail of Virtues II
    Production: 5760 minutes // 96 hours // 4 days
    Production Speed-up: 384 Gems
    Sharpen Your Mind
    Storable: No
    Info: Sharp mind, sharp soul.
    Level: 45
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Mind Roar Falls
    Requirements: 10 Trial Clue, 35 Dragon Scales, 30 Holy Herb
    Arc: Trail of Virtues II
    Mental Conditioning
    Storable: No
    Info: Clear your mind and focus on your spirit.
    Level: 45
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Mind Roar Falls
    Requirements: 3 Golden Nugget, 3 Golden Egg
    Drops: Malicious Harpy (Spawn)
    Arc: Trail of Virtues II
    Production: 10 minutes
    Production Speed-up: 1 Gems
    Malicious Harpy (Spawn)
    Storable: No
    Level: 45
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Mind Roar Falls
    Size: 5x5
    Requirements: 3 Golden Nugget, 3 Golden Egg
    Drops: Energy
    Arc: Trail of Virtues II
    Production: 10 minutes
    Production Speed-up: 1 Gems
    Comments: 199 HP
    Mind Roar Falls - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The roaring water of Mind Roar Falls drowns out all other sounds. This helps the wise Elder clear their mind and find enlightenment.
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Storyline
    Class: Crafting
    Size: 3x3
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Found: BC14
    Arc: Trail of Virtues II
    Cap: 1
    Wise Elder - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: She can hardly speak without spouting a helpful platitude. She used to go by Magarina before she became the Wise Elder. Visit for Golden Apples, Faerie Jars, Magic Fruit, and Glimmerbulb!
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Golden Apple, Faerie Jar, Magic Fruit, Glimmerbulb
    Arc: Trail of Virtues II
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Final Prize of part II.
    Empanther - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Empanthers are considered to be wise hunters to the Woodsfolk. Visit for a chance of Trade Tickets, Hearty Feasts, Fur, and Bones!
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Bone, Simple Feast, Fur, Trade Ticket, Troll Horn, Energy, Jewels, Hearty Feast
    Arc: Trail of Virtues II
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 32 Gems
    Comments: Final prize of the timed goal for part II.

    Part III

    Amulet of Courage - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An amulet signifying an aspirant has proven their courage in their Trial of Virtues. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Level: 45
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 235 Gems // 8 Trial Clue, 5 Traditional Beads, 45 Sacred Stone
    Used for: BC16
    Arc: Trail of Virtues III
    Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Production Speed-up: 16 Gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: You feel braver already!
    Sacred Stone - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A reminder of the power of the land. Found when visiting Sparkling Mines and Sawmills.
    Level: 45
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 9 Gems
    Found: Sparkling Mines, Sawmills
    Used for: Amulet of Courage
    Arc: Trail of Virtues III
    Cap: 99
    Harpy Queen (Spawn)
    Storable: No
    Info: She's the root of the problem!
    Level: 45
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Cave of Courage
    Size: 5x5
    Requirements: 5 Golden Nugget, 5 Golden Egg
    Drops: Energy
    Arc: Trail of Virtues III
    Production: 1 minute
    Production Speed-up: 1 Gems
    Comments: 299 HP
    Prove Your Courage
    Storable: No
    Info: The courageous must start somewhere!
    Level: 45
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Cave of Courage
    Requirements: 20 Trial Clue, 25 Mithril, 50 Holy Herb
    Arc: Trail of Virtues III
    Production: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Production Speed-up: 32 Gems
    Brave the Trials
    Storable: No
    Info: Bravery is courage despite fear.
    Level: 45
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Cave of Courage
    Requirements: 5 Golden Nugget, 5 Golden Egg
    Drops: Harpy Queen (Spawn)
    Arc: Trail of Virtues III
    Production: 1 minute
    Production Speed-up: 1 Gems
    Brave Elder - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Katya: the newest Brave Elder! He stepped up to position of elder after his trials! Visit for Elvenite, Fur, Wisp Lanterns, Fay Crystals, and more!
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (1575), Elvenite, Fur, Wisp Lantern, Fey Crystal
    Arc: Trail of Virtues III
    Collection: 600 minutes // 10 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 40 Gems
    Comments: Final prize of part 3!
    Brave Tuftkin - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Tuftkin are a Woodsfolk symbol of courage. Visit for a chance for Expansion Permits, Spellbound Dew, Trade Tickets, and Wisp Lanterns!
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Wisp Lantern, Trade Ticket, Spellbound Dew, Expansion Permit, Earth Wisp
    Arc: Trail of Virtues III
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Comments: Final prize of the timed goal for part III.
    Cave of Courage - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The Cave of Courage is a residence of the Brave Elder. It is a daily reminder that courage is not a permanent state but a daily trail.
    Level: 45
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Storyline
    Class: Crafting
    Size: 3x3
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Found: BC16
    Arc: Trail of Virtues III
    Cap: 1
    Courage Trade
    Storable: No
    Info: Trade materials for coins!
    Level: 45
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Cave of Courage
    Requirements: 99 Stone
    Drops: Coins (?)
    Arc: Trail of Virtues III
    Production: 5760 minutes // 96 hours // 4 days
    Production Speed-up: 384 Gems
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 06-01-23 at 11:24 AM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  9. #9
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    And we are off on the trail of the Harpies:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FDE0EF31-DBA7-4775-842D-7DD4662BA4FF.jpg 
Views:	304 
Size:	125.8 KB 
ID:	68243

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	D4885C25-917E-474D-A1BA-79DCB3D57E4C.jpg 
Views:	435 
Size:	124.8 KB 
ID:	68244

  10. #10
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    New expansions on the island; lower right. I visited Ivy but she is not dropping the item yet; must have to wait for a later goal.

    Put out your bushes.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0A61FF34-BD9C-4AC6-8348-263F7C8DFBE2.jpg 
Views:	492 
Size:	136.7 KB 
ID:	68245

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FC52D9AB-78D3-43B2-8D1E-AD8698CBB628.jpg 
Views:	415 
Size:	137.4 KB 
ID:	68246

    Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	437 
Size:	126.5 KB 
ID:	68247

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