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Thread: Castle Story 04/29: The Tale of Brigidine Blair | optional gem purchase story

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Exclamation Castle Story 04/29: The Tale of Brigidine Blair | optional gem purchase story

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    Quote Originally Posted by Meowmeowbeans View Post
    Thank you so much for flagging this issue! We have adjusted the requirements for this questline so that you only need to buy one Apple Tree, and you will receive the cost of that Apple Tree (90 Gems) for completing the quest. We're so sorry for any inconvenience! Please send our Support Team a request so we can get you your Gems back.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-30-22 at 12:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Goal Information (complete)
    7 goals

    Goal Notes:
    * This goal was released on 29 April 2022 and has a 4 day timer to purchase Brigidine Blair for 800 gems in the market
    * If you purchase Brigidine Blair within the 4 days it is available, the purchase will trigger these goals
    * The purchase of of Brigidine Blair is completely optional as it requires gems to purchase the Brigidine Blair
    * You will also need to purchase 1 apple tree (remember it comes as a sapling to grow) which is a gem purchase for 90 gems, however the reward for completing the same goal is 90 gems
    * The kitchen crafts trigger completion on beginning the final craft, not when you collect the final craft - see each goal for more information
    * You can use the kitchen, the cooking camp and the winter bakery for crafting kitchen items
    * The last goal will reward 5 minutes of unlimited energy which will begin as soon as you click on GO and complete the goal. Do not collect from any energy sources during this time as the energy will not be credited to your balance. You can choose when you trigger the goal; you don't have to do it straight away.

    Ivy: I hope that spell wasn't what I think it is! Brigidine Blair is just a children's story...right?
    Pre-Goal: Brigidine Blair
    * Summon Brigidine Blair to the Realm 0/1 GO (skip 800 gems) | market 800 gems
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Ivy: Uh oh...

    Ivy: Hurry! We've got to hide! She must be hungry after all these years...
    Goal 1:
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Ivy: Phew, I think she's gone...

    Ivy: Quick... We're going to need more apples…this witch gets hungry, and I mean hungry!
    Goal 2:
    * Plant Apple trees 0/1 GO | buy an apple tree from the market (90 gems) and water it till it grows to clear this goal. It takes 5 waters at 1 hour each to grow the sapling to a tree
    * Feed the witch apples 0/20 GIVE (skip 100 gems) | use any apples you already have in inventory to give towards this goal
    Rewards: +90 gems
    Congratulations: Brigidine Blair: I still hunger, and I still smell something delicious...

    Brigidine Blair: Fine, I'll try it... but I might have to wash it down with something else...
    Goal 3:
    * Bake apple pies 0/5 GO (skip 75 gems) | Kitchen, 1 hour - 10 apples, 2 sugar, 1 flour
    * Feed the witch apple pies 0/5 GIVE (skip 75 gems)
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Brigidine Blair: You call this delicious?
    * You can use the kitchen, cooking camp and the winter bakery to cook apple pies
    * If you GIVE the pies to the goal first, when you begin crafting the 5th apple pie, the goal will complete; you do not have to wait to collect the pies

    Brigidine Blair: I'm growing weary of these *snacks*, dearies...
    Goal 4:
    * Make lemonades 0/10 GO (skip 150 gems) | Kitchen, 30 minutes - 10 lemons, 2 sugar, 2 water
    * Give the witch lemonade 0/10 GIVE (skip 150 gems)
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Brigidine Blair: So cold, and so sweet... I need something warm and bitter to drink...
    * You can use the kitchen and the cooking camp to make lemonade
    * If you GIVE the lemonade to the goal first, when you begin crafting the 10th lemonade, the goal will complete; you do not have to wait to collect the last lemonade

    Brigidine Blair: What a tease! I suppose I can stomach one more atrocity...
    Goal 5:
    * Bake orange cobblers 0/15 GO (skip 225 gems) | Kitchen, 1 hour - 10 oranges, 2 sugar, 1 flour
    * Feed the witch orange cobblers 0/15 GIVE (skip 225 gems)
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Brigidine Blair: You've had your chance little ones... Now it's time for a real supper.
    * You can use the kitchen, cooking camp and the winter bakery to cook orange cobblers
    * If you GIVE the orange cobblers to the goal first, when you begin crafting the 15th orange cobblers, the goal will complete; you do not have to wait to collect the orange cobblers

    Thurston: Feed the witch what? That sounds terrible... but I'll help you!
    Goal 6:
    * Feed the witch creep tooth 0/99 GIVE (skip 495 gems)
    * Feed the witch fur 0/80 GIVE (skip 820 gems)
    * Feed the witch rat tails 0/70 GIVE (skip 420 gems)
    * Feed the witch troll horns 0/50 GIVE (skip 400 gems)
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Brigidine Blair: I'm so full I could fall asleep...

    Note: before you click on Accept, if you want to use both lots of unlimited energy together (5 mins from this goal and 10 mins for part 2 of following goal), wait for Ivy's Hut to be ready
    Brigidine Blair: Here, let me share a little magic of my own with you...
    Goal 7:
    * Accept Brigidine Blair's gift 0/1 GO | click on GO and your game will adjust to unlimited showing in the energy balance area top of screen
    Rewards: +5 minutes unlimited energy | note: additional dialogue is triggered once unlimited energy is triggered
    Congratulations: Brigidine Blair: Now, what's for dessert?

    Ivy: Maybe it's Brigidine's cat? Let's go see!
    Goal 1: Brigidine's Bestie
    * Search Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO
    Rewards: Jinx
    Congratulations: Ivy: Here kitty kitty!

    Brigidine Blair: I cannot thank you enough. Tap Accept to trigger a helpful spell!
    Goal 2: Brigidine's Bestie
    * Cast Brigidine's spell 0/1 ACCEPT
    Rewards: +10 minutes of unlimited energy
    Congratulations: Brigidine Blair: Thanks again, dearies.


    Ivy: Once upon a time, long, long ago... There was a witch in the woods, where children didn't dare go...
    Ruler: Hey, Ivy. What're you doing?
    Ivy: Oh, just reading this old storybook... Want to listen?
    Ruler: Sure!
    Ivy: The witch had a hunger, that could never be beaten... The children knew to stay away, lest they be eaten...
    Ruler: This witch doesn't sound very nice...
    Ivy: The villagers hid, and with terror they shook... but alas a hero had arrived with a book. They cast the witch out from the woods which she dwell... Never to return...unless someone reads this spell. Huh... Is this... Oh this is a SPELL-book? Rats, I always get the two mixed up.
    *Thunder crashes*
    Ivy: That doesn't sound good...
    Ruler: Ivy...
    Ivy: We'd better go inside! Sounds like a storm is coming...

    Goal 1:
    Ivy: Wow, these storm clouds came out of nowhere!
    Ruler: You don't think it had anything to do with that spell you read, do you?
    Ivy: I hope not...
    Brigidine Blair: Why... hello there dearies...
    Ruler: Whoa... Who're you?
    Brigidine Blair: Who am I? Who am I? Well, I guess it has been a long time wince I've graced this realm...
    Ivy: It''s... BRIGIDINE BLAIR! RUN!!!

    Goal 2:
    Ivy: Alright, I think we lost her...
    Ruler: How do we *get rid* of her though?
    Ivy: I'm not sure... Maybe there's something else in this book?
    ruler: I think we've read enough *stories* for one day...
    Brigidine Blair: Oh dearies...
    Ivy: Oh no, she found us.
    Brigidine Blair: I can smell you from the other side of the Glimmerwood, there's no hiding from this old hag's nose... And you smell...delicious!
    Ivy: Us? Delicious? *gulp*
    Ruler: Ah, lady Blair, please... It is not us which smells delicious... It's...these...apples...
    Brigidine Blair: Applies? Hmm... I'm not sure I've tried such a thing... Let me have a taste!

    Goal 3:
    Brigidine Blair: *Grumble* My stomach still grumbles... I think I need something a little more *fresh* than these apples... Perhaps something with a pulse!
    Ruler: Did I say applies? I meant Apple Pies! Trust me, lady Blair, this recipe is to die for!
    Ivy: It might literally be if we don't satiate her appetite...

    Goal 4:
    Brigidine Blair: I'll never understand what the people of this realm consider a delicacy... Now, I need something to wash this horrid taste out of my mouth. I think some fresh bloo...
    Ruler: LEMONADE?

    Goal 5:
    Brigidine Blair: *Grumble* Oh the hunger...
    Ruler: Don't worry Brigidine, we have something for you! A fresh Orange Cobbler!
    Brigidine Blair: A cobbler? You know, the last cobbler I ate tasted a little leathery... T'was probably because I ate his shoes too.
    Ruler: It's not exactly *that* kind of cobbler.

    Goal 6:
    Brigidine Blair: That's it... You've had your chance to fill my belly! All you've done is make me more hungry.These treats would've been better spent fattening YOU up.
    Thurston: My liege!
    Ruler: Thurston! Wow, great timing!
    Thurston: I must say, these dark clouds were concerning! I cam to check on you at once. Now, stand back, wench!
    Brigidine Blair: Ah, a knight... Usually a little tough to chew but I can made due... ... What...what's that smell?
    Ruler: Not this again...
    Brigidine Blair: What is that at your belt? In that bag?
    Thurston: This? Oh, I'm fresh from battle, and with trophies! These Rat Tails are fresh off the battlefield.
    Brigidine Blair: They smell...delicious...
    Ruler: Thurston...I have an idea.

    Goal 7:
    Ruler: So... Are you still hungry?
    Brigidine Blair: I've never felt so full in my life... These treats are delicious!
    Ivy: Ick...
    Brigidine Blair: I can't believe I never tried this before! Thank you dearies! You've broken my spell and now I'll never have to eat another child again!
    Ruler: Well, that's good at least.

    Goal 1: Brigidine's Bestie
    Brigidine Blair: Sigh...
    Ruler: What is it, Brigidine?
    Ivy: You're not hungry again, are you?
    Brigidine Blair: Alas, my dearies, I am not... I only hunger for a friendship that is surely long lost... I have been locked away so many years, there is little chance of reuniting with my feline friend...
    Ruler: Feline friend?
    Brigidine Blair: Yes, my little feisty feline Jinx. You'd be shocked at his appetite.
    Ruler: A hungry cat? Hey, that sounds familiar! There's been a cat sneaking in and eating my pies for years!

    Goal 2: Brigidine's Bestie
    Brigidine Blair: Jinx! It's you!
    Ruler: Man, that cat stinks...
    Ivy: You'd stink too if all you ate was Skunkupies.
    Brigidine Blair: I cannot thank you enough, freeing me, now finding my best friend. Here, take this as a token of my appreciation.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 11-17-22 at 03:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Inventory Information - added to the Guide

    Attachment 63053 Attachment 63054

    Brigidine Blair
    Info: Summon Brigidine Blair to your realm and unlock her storyline! Brigidine drops Energy.
    Found: market 800 gems | released as limited release item, April 2022: The Tale of Brigidine Blair
    Drops: +2325 coins, 5+ energy
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Info: Meet Brigidine Blair's best friend! Pet this kitty to see what he's been eating. Drops Crafting supplies and has a chance to drop Expansion supplies or Elvenite.
    Found: reward for purchasing Brigidine Blair
    Drops: earth wisp, elvenite, jewels, mithril
    Collection time: 5 hours 20 minutes
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 10-03-22 at 06:28 PM.

  4. #4
    Nightclub Owner
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    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Brigidine Blair - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Summon Brigidine Blair to your realm and unlock her storyline! Brigidine drops Energy.
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 800 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (2325), Energy (5)
    Events: Spring Sales - April 2022
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Comments: Buying Brigidine triggers the storyline.

    Jinx - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Meet Brigidine Blair's best friend! Pet this kitty to see what he's been eating. Drops Crafting supplies and has a chance to drop Expansion supplies or Elvenite.
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (50), Earth Wisp, Jewels, Elvenite
    Collection: 200 minutes // 3,34 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 14 Gems
    Comments: Gift from Brigidine's Storyline.
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 05-09-22 at 01:43 PM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  5. #5
    Executive Chef
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    Brigidine Blair is absolutely stunning!

  6. #6
    Executive Chef
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    Goal 3
    Bake Apple Pies 0/5 (Skip for 75 gems)
    Feed the Witch Apple Pies 0/5 (Skip for 75 gems)
    Rewards: not indicated

    If you are maxed out of Apple Pies, you will not be able to Bake Apple Pies. Feed the Witch first, and then you will be able to bake the Apple Pies.
    Goal ticks off when you start baking the pies, not when you finish baking them.
    Last edited by Stymie52; 04-30-22 at 06:17 AM. Reason: Extra information

  7. #7
    Executive Chef
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    Goal 4
    Make Lemonade 0/10
    Give Lemonades 0/10

    Goal 5
    Bake Orange Cobblers 0/15
    Feed Orange Cobblers 0/15
    Last edited by hagypagy; 04-30-22 at 08:42 AM.

  8. #8
    Executive Chef deadpixel's Avatar
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    The first collection from Brigidine Blair yielded five points of energy.

  9. #9
    Executive Chef
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    Goal 6
    Feed the Witch Creep Tooth 0/99
    Feed the Witch Fur 0/80
    Feed the Witch Rat Tails 0/70
    Feed the Witch Troll Horns 0/50

    Goal 7
    Accept Brigidine Blair's gift
    Reward: 5 minutes of infinite energy

    My personal opinion on this thread: If you so desire to purchase Brigidine, buy her at the exorbitant price because you like her for whatever reason, her appearance or possibility that she becomes a good energy source. After purchasing her, I would not proceed further. You reduce your inventory of Apple Pies, Lemonade, and Orange Cobbler, as well as the ingredients to craft all of these. You then virtually wipe out your inventory of Creep Tooth, Fur, Rat Tails, and Troll Horns. All for a mere 5 minutes of energy. Not worth it, in my opinion.

  10. #10
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stymie52 View Post
    … All for a mere 5 minutes of energy. Not worth it, in my opinion.
    I agree!
    For 800 gems, with a “storyline”, I was expecting an extra item or two. ie her house, or cauldron, or familiar pet.
    Very underwhelming Storm8.

    She is beautifully designed though.

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