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11-12-12, 09:07 PM
Ok I give up I can never tell if your playing or not. Lol

None of it's true :p

11-13-12, 04:32 AM
WOO HOO, I don't have to do slave duty today or Thursday.


I do have to do it on Wed/Fri/Mon/Tue, but that is ok. Hopefully I won't miss my 4th graders class, but if I do, oh well.

Monday should be interesting as I'll be at the school from 830a-12 and then back again for the parent-teacher conference at 630p. I wonder what my 4th grader has been up to this semester? *rubs hands evilly on how to embarass him* :p

11-13-12, 07:28 AM
I won't be a slave this Saturday. I will have no kids, no hubby, no niece. I dont know what to do! All that quiet!

11-13-12, 07:59 AM
Hi People. It's Night here. 11pm.

11-13-12, 08:11 AM
Hi People. It's Night here. 11pm.

It's morning here. 8am. Here in my igloo.

11-13-12, 08:15 AM
Holidays is so much boring...

11-13-12, 08:18 AM
Im not that old only 28 but it seems to me that school is getting harder... For example my 8 yr is in 3 rd grade she's learning times and division and finding area , perimeter and all that.

Which I think I learned that in later grades if I remember correctly?
Anybody find this too early to be learning this? Or is it right and I just remember wrong?

11-13-12, 08:19 AM
So, its time to teach my son how to drive. Oh. Em. Gee.

Last night i taught him how to start my car (the duckmobile). I showed him what happens if you start it in gear by accident, and where the gears, clutch, brake, gas and stuff is. Then i made him s c r a p e the windows. We never left the parking spot. Whew, i survived.

11-13-12, 08:20 AM
Im not that old only 28 but it seems to me that school is getting harder... For example my 8 yr is in 3 rd grade she's learning times and division and finding area , perimeter and all that.

Which I think I learned that in later grades if I remember correctly?
Anybody find this too early to be learning this? Or is it right and I just remember wrong?

Honestly i cant remember. It could be harder. I cant help my son with his grade 9 math.

11-13-12, 08:30 AM
Im not that old only 28 but it seems to me that school is getting harder... For example my 8 yr is in 3 rd grade she's learning times and division and finding area , perimeter and all that.

Which I think I learned that in later grades if I remember correctly?
Anybody find this too early to be learning this? Or is it right and I just remember wrong?
It's deffinately getting harder. Time will tell. Could we be raising the next Einstein?

11-13-12, 08:46 AM
Haizzz... I am a secondary student in a different stream... :-/

11-13-12, 09:18 AM
It's morning here. 8am. Here in my igloo.

Haha you guys are awesome! I swear if i wasn't getting paid to live in Canada i would not be living in this igloo right now. It is a miracle i get wifi up here. But we learn how to stay warm with our wool sweaters and tim horton's coffee eh? ;)

11-13-12, 09:20 AM
Haha you guys are awesome! I swear if i wasn't getting paid to live in Canada i would not be living in this igloo right now. It is a miracle i get wifi up here. But we learn how to stay warm with our wool sweaters and tim horton's coffee eh? ;)

Oh right I forgot about my Being Canadian Money! I better put on my toque and snowshoes and take my dogsled to go pick it up!

11-13-12, 09:59 AM
I bought a roll of Canadian pennies last night

11-13-12, 09:59 AM
Oh right I forgot about my Being Canadian Money! I better put on my toque and snowshoes and take my dogsled to go pick it up!

Omg! How many dogs do you have on your sled? I could only afford 6, i bet if i lived in the states i could afford more with that real American money :-)

11-13-12, 10:00 AM
I bought a roll of Canadian pennies last night

I cannot believe they are getting rid of them :S

11-13-12, 10:07 AM
What? They're getting rid of pennies?

11-13-12, 10:39 AM
What? They're getting rid of pennies?

That was the plan. How dumb is that!?

11-13-12, 10:43 AM
That was the plan. How dumb is that!?

Well it makes for less change. Less change = lighter purse.

11-13-12, 11:11 AM
Im not that old only 28 but it seems to me that school is getting harder... For example my 8 yr is in 3 rd grade she's learning times and division and finding area , perimeter and all that.

Which I think I learned that in later grades if I remember correctly?
Anybody find this too early to be learning this? Or is it right and I just remember wrong?

I could go on for hours about Math and what my kids learn that I have no clue about, but it is all due to the Math program my school system uses. Everyday Math. I DESPISE THIS PROGRAM. I haven't understand HALF of my kids Math homework since 2nd grade. :rolleyes:

11-13-12, 11:13 AM
OH, and it was that program that made me decide to homeschool them for a few years, but then I sent them back last year and am still clueless about their Math homework. I told them to see the teacher/assistant/tutor at the school because I can't help them unless they want to learn it the Spectrum way. :p

11-13-12, 12:44 PM
So, its time to teach my son how to drive. Oh. Em. Gee.

Last night i taught him how to start my car (the duckmobile). I showed him what happens if you start it in gear by accident, and where the gears, clutch, brake, gas and stuff is. Then i made him s c r a p e the windows. We never left the parking spot. Whew, i survived.

Ooh can you teach me pink. My dad still gacent taught me and I'm fubally legal for everything can you believe that.

11-13-12, 12:45 PM
Ooh can you teach me pink. My dad still gacent taught me and I'm fubally legal for everything can you believe that.

Haven't *

11-13-12, 04:55 PM
Ooh can you teach me pink. My dad still gacent taught me and I'm fubally legal for everything can you believe that.

I think I might be a little too high strung for this teaching driving thing.

11-13-12, 05:14 PM
Im not that old only 28 but it seems to me that school is getting harder... For example my 8 yr is in 3 rd grade she's learning times and division and finding area , perimeter and all that.

Which I think I learned that in later grades if I remember correctly?
Anybody find this too early to be learning this? Or is it right and I just remember wrong?
I remember this from third grade, because I detested the teacher. As a child I thought the woman was nuts....as an adult I now know that Yes she is crazy. In fact she is the crazy ranting person that has been banned from all school/church functions (aside from mass) because she tends to go "off her meds" and cause problems. But I definitely remember ?&? with her. She would pause mid sentence while teaching and start yelling about something.....nuts.

11-13-12, 05:17 PM
Haha you guys are awesome! I swear if i wasn't getting paid to live in Canada i would not be living in this igloo right now. It is a miracle i get wifi up here. But we learn how to stay warm with our wool sweaters and tim horton's coffee eh? ;)

Tim Horton's coffee is THE BEST!

11-13-12, 05:18 PM
I think I might be a little too high strung for this teaching driving thing.

Lol its ok then. Hopefully I won't be an old lady when my dad tries to teach me ha.

11-13-12, 05:53 PM
If I ever say anything bad about my father on here, please give me a verbal smack. He is the BEST father in the WORLD!

The hubby just called me from the Mall that is down the street from my parents house. He and his co-worker were driving back from RI and decided to stop at that Mall to do some shopping, since it is right off the highway. Well, his truck has broken down so now they are STUCK THERE. :mad:

He calls me and asks me to drive down there to get them. It's 745p, the boys need to go to bed soon and it's pitch dark here. I don't want to drive an HOUR to pick them up and then drive an HOUR back, plus leaving the boys home alone since they need to get to bed soon due to school. I asked him why he didn't just call my parents, who are 5 MINUTES AWAY and ask one of them to drive them up here? "Well I was afraid to do that, what if they said no, or gosh forbid YES because they felt sorry for me but I was putting them out?"

Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME? My mom would say NO if I called and asked, but she wouldn't say NO to him. She thinks the SUN shines out of his............And he can do NO WRONG. I'm always WRONG. :rolleyes: My dad wouldn't say NO either, but my dad wouldn't say NO to me as he wouldn't want me driving down there to get them. He'd feel bad for the hubby, but laugh his head off at him at the same time. The hubby won't live this down with him, and I can hear him needling him on the golf course next time they go just to through the hubby off. :p

Of course I called my dad and BEGGED him to please pick up the hubby/co-worker and drive them up here. He said YES!! Nice Father, Good Father, Best Father in the world!

Now I wonder what the hubby is going to do to get to RI the next few days, as he can't use my car, I need it to get to the school for SLAVE DUTY. Plus, now his truck is stuck down in MA and will probably have to be towed to a garage to get it fixed. I hope he's smart enough to ask my dad what the best garage to use down there is, because if he even attempts to get it towed up to our garage here, I may just **** HIM. That would cost us way too much money. :rolleyes:

All in all though, I do feel bad for the hubby. He sounded so down on the phone. He's having a rough day, which probably doesn't help with the minimal amount of sleep he got last night because of Black Ops 2. All good things come with a price................................:o

11-13-12, 07:03 PM
Speaking of Black Ops, i just got back from waiting in line at the mall for 2 HOURS with my son to get his. My patience is done.

11-13-12, 07:30 PM
Its funny with what a simple little game can do to your life...car breaking down and get stuck an hour away from home, two hours of your life wasted. Ha funny

11-13-12, 07:41 PM
Speaking of Black Ops, i just got back from waiting in line at the mall for 2 HOURS with my son to get his. My patience is done.

UGH, I hate waiting in lines. I'm so glad the hubby/son went the download route with the game.

11-13-12, 07:51 PM
UGH, I hate waiting in lines. I'm so glad the hubby/son went the download route with the game.

And we were only picking it up. He ordered and paid for it months ago. I just don't get it. But whatever.

11-13-12, 08:20 PM
I always laugh at people who have to get a game...RIGHT NOW.

11-13-12, 09:33 PM
I have had a bit of a cold for about a week. I have been taking nyquil syrup to sleep at night, I have always taken the pills before and I have discovered that the syrup renders me to the state of a drunken sailor within about 20 minutes. Does the liquid always do this? I see now why they id you to buy it. And by drunken sailor I mean almost falling down the stairs on the way to the kitchen and stumbling to the fridge for a glass of orange juice all while giggling at myself and making enough noise to wake my husband who shakes his head and helps me back to bed. Of course I fall dead asleep after about ten minutes of feeling this way but at least I don't care about the cold anymore.

11-14-12, 01:38 AM
I have had a bit of a cold for about a week. I have been taking nyquil syrup to sleep at night, I have always taken the pills before and I have discovered that the syrup renders me to the state of a drunken sailor within about 20 minutes. Does the liquid always do this? I see now why they id you to buy it. And by drunken sailor I mean almost falling down the stairs on the way to the kitchen and stumbling to the fridge for a glass of orange juice all while giggling at myself and making enough noise to wake my husband who shakes his head and helps me back to bed. Of course I fall dead asleep after about ten minutes of feeling this way but at least I don't care about the cold anymore.

Its not just you. Nyquil rocks.

11-14-12, 05:26 AM
I can't take Nyquil, it makes me all jittery and keeps me awake instead of putting me to sleep.

11-14-12, 02:17 PM
So here is a funny story of what happened to me today.

I purchased a bunch of books that I had put aside on Friday when I was setting up for the book fair and decided as I was leaving to bring the one I purchased for my 10 yr old to his classroom so he could read it during Silent Reading today. The bag was VERY heavy, but figured I would only be going to the car and into the house with it, no big deal. RIGHT? NOPE, WRONG.

I get into my son's classroom and don't see him anywhere. Half the kids are missing actually. The teacher was there and came over to tell me where he was, Library getting his Silent Reading book. DUH. Anyways, I tell the teacher that I purchased the book he wanted from the book fair and figured he could have that for Silent Reading, proceeded to dig in the bag to get it out when all of a sudden the bottom of the bag breaks and ALL the books I bought spread all over the floor at my feet. Of course the kids in the class start giggling like crazy, I just groan and start to pick them up, and the teacher proceeds to the closet to get me another bag. In the meantime all the kids are running over to me to see what books I bought, since they don't go to the Book Fair until Friday AM. I get all the books back in my arms and walk over to the teacher, put the books in the bag he's holding out for me, when guess what? The bottom of that bag opens up and all the books again end up at my feet. By now the teacher and I are laughing so hard we have tears running down our faces, the kids are screaming in laughter and pointing at us like we're a bunch of losers, and I still have to pick up all the books again. I groan again, get down and start picking them up again. The teacher offers me another bag and I tell him to just forget it, I'll probably break that one as well. :rolleyes:

I leave my son's book there and start to head for the Library to tell him NOT to pick out a book since I left one for him in his classroom. I get to the Library and he's not even picking out books, he's standing there chatting with 4 of his friends. I walk up behind him and say "BOO" in his ear. He jumps and shouts, then proceeds to glare at me. I just glare back and ask him WHY he's not choosing his Silent Reading book? "I was mom, we were all talking about which book we were going to get first". "No you weren't, you were talking about Minecraft, and I know for a FACT there are NO Minecraft books in this Library." "Fine, so you caught me. What are you doing here anyways? I thought you were at the OTHER end of the school?"

Nice kid huh? :p

I told him I left his Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Third Wheel in his classroom for his Silent Reading book and a THANK YOU would be appreciated, considering I dropped all the books TWICE just to get it to him. "FINE, THANK YOU MOM, NOW GO."

I started to leave and was almost out the Library doors when he came running up to me. "I'm sorry Mom, I do appreciate you bringing and buying me the book. You just caught me off guard and I shouldn't have been rude to you. Do you forgive me?"

AWE. A horror one minute and a sweet innocent the next. How can you not love this kid? :p

I told him he was forgiven and that he was wrong in his class going to the Book Fair today, they're actually scheduled for Friday from 9-930a and I'M WORKING IT. MWAHAHAHAHA The poor kid just groans and goes back to his friends while I walk away with an evil calculating smile on my face. :cool:

So this afternoon my 12 yr old is supposed to get off the bus at 230p and usually makes it to the house by 240p, it was coming up on 255p and he still wasn't home. I'm starting to get worried so I ask the hubby to go down the street and see if he's chatting with some kids or getting beat up. What else was I supposed to think? The hubby calls and says he's not there, nor are any other kids. OK, where is my child???? While I'm on the phone with hubby my cell phone rings and I can tell it's the automated message that the school sends out based off of the number. I tell hubby to hold on because the school is ringing on the cell and maybe we'll find out where our missing child is.

"Due to unforseen circumstances at the Middle School the busses will be delayed 45 minutes. There is nothing to worry about and your child should be arriving within the next hour."

Ok, great. You're calling almost an hour after school was SUPPOSED to let out, those busses also pick up the Elementary school kids after they drop off the High/Middle school kids, so I guess those will be delayed as well.

Once my 12 yr old got home I found out WHY there was a problem at the Middle School. Some kid decided it would be funny to pull the fire alarm 5 minutes before school let out so while all the kids were packing up for the busses, the alarm goes off and they have to stop what they're doing and go outside. None of them have jackets on and they weren't allowed to stop and get them from their lockers, so they're outside for almost an hour FREEZING because some kid thought it would be funny to pull the alarm. :rolleyes: Now what 12/13 yr old wants to stay at school longer????? If you're going to pull the alarm, do it an hour or two BEFORE school lets out, not 5 FREAKING MINUTES. :mad:

So my 10 yr old just walked in the door, 1 hour late, and now the hubby is taking him for a haircut that he desperately needs. He immediately told him that he had to spend HOURS at school because the busses were late when I told him it was only 45 minutes more, not HOURS, and explained what happened at the Middle School. He said "Figures, I keep telling you that his age group is strange, but you don't listen to me." LMAO!!!!! The hubby just snorted and pulled him out the door before my 12 yr old could get at him. I'm sure he'll be waiting to pounce as soon as they're back, or maybe he'll have forgotten by then.

I think I need to move, this town is just too crazy for me. :o

OH, and the hubby decided to take a CAB down to MA instead of waiting for me to get out of the Book Fair to drive him so that he could get his truck back. No idea how much it cost for a new Alternator (sp?) or the cab ride, I don't think I WANT to know. YIKES. :eek:

11-14-12, 02:46 PM
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, my poor hubby. They just got back from getting a haircut and my 10 yr old left his glasses there, so now the hubby has to drive back and get them.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....Now he knows some of what I go through on a daily basis with these kids. *snorts*

11-14-12, 02:54 PM
Good read queentina!

11-14-12, 03:01 PM
Good read queentina!

I really should apply for one of those shows, Swap Housewives or Swap Mothers, whatever they are called. I think any woman that tried to deal with my family would RUN from the house SCREAMING. LMAO!!!!

11-14-12, 03:48 PM
Awesome story queentina!! Sounds like an interesting town you live in. :)

Did the school figure out who pulled the fire alarm, and did he/she get in trouble? :p

11-14-12, 04:16 PM
Your hubby can't fix an alternator? ???? For shame.......

11-14-12, 04:55 PM
Your hubby can't fix an alternator? ???? For shame.......

Yeah all you got to do is bang on it with a wrench. (I've driven a few hoopys)

11-14-12, 05:01 PM
Awesome story queentina!! Sounds like an interesting town you live in. :)

Did the school figure out who pulled the fire alarm, and did he/she get in trouble? :p

I have no idea, my son didn't know. Since the alarm caused such a delay I think they just wanted to get the kids on the busses and get them out of there. I'll ask around at the elementary school on Friday and see if they find out anything. The teachers between schools gab a lot, as well as the parents, so someone may know something by then. Or, maybe my son will find out tomorrow as whoever did it I'm sure will get suspended for a few days. LOL

Your hubby can't fix an alternator? ???? For shame.......

My hubby wouldn't even know where the Alternator is, let alone how to fix it. He doesn't even know how to change the oil. He's a computer geek only, get him to fix something around the house or on a car is asking WAAAYYY too much. Have an issue with a computer or a server, you talk to the hubby. Have a problem with a car, fixing something in the house, then we call my dad. :p

11-14-12, 05:04 PM
Who here likes ice cream

11-14-12, 05:17 PM
I have no idea, my son didn't know. Since the alarm caused such a delay I think they just wanted to get the kids on the busses and get them out of there. I'll ask around at the elementary school on Friday and see if they find out anything. The teachers between schools gab a lot, as well as the parents, so someone may know something by then. Or, maybe my son will find out tomorrow as whoever did it I'm sure will get suspended for a few days. LOL

My hubby wouldn't even know where the Alternator is, let alone how to fix it. He doesn't even know how to change the oil. He's a computer geek only, get him to fix something around the house or on a car is asking WAAAYYY too much. Have an issue with a computer or a server, you talk to the hubby. Have a problem with a car, fixing something in the house, then we call my dad. :p

Look for the belts. It will have wires that go to the battery. I wasnt kidding about banging on it. It works for a few times anyways.

11-14-12, 06:33 PM
Your hubby can't fix an alternator? ???? For shame.......

That's what uncles are for.

11-14-12, 06:34 PM
Who here likes ice cream

Puts hand up!

11-14-12, 07:12 PM
Who knows the difference between a generator and an alternator???

11-14-12, 07:15 PM
Who here likes ice cream

In my eyes, whoever says no to this question may need some therapy in their later years :-)

11-14-12, 07:19 PM
Who knows the difference between a generator and an alternator???

Puts hand up. A generator doesn't need juice to make electricity and an alternator needs juice to boost energy.

11-14-12, 07:20 PM
Who knows the difference between a generator and an alternator???

Puts hand up too. Although i can fix neither.

11-14-12, 07:27 PM
Who here loves Cheesecake?

11-14-12, 07:27 PM
Who knows the difference between a generator and an alternator???

A generator will give me electricy when stupid trees fall on my road and take down my power lines. An alternator makes my hubby's truck stop and require him a ride home from my dad and a cab ride back to pick up the truck when it's fixed.


So, did I get it right? Do I win a prize? :)

11-14-12, 07:28 PM
Who here loves Cheesecake?

YUCK, YUCK, YUCK. Can't stand the stuff.

11-14-12, 07:30 PM
YUCK, YUCK, YUCK. Can't stand the stuff.

Awwwwww its my favvvvvvvv.

11-14-12, 07:32 PM
Who here loves Cheesecake?

Puts hand up. I do

11-14-12, 07:35 PM
Who here loves Cheesecake?

Does not put hand up. Ewww

11-14-12, 07:52 PM
Does not put hand up. Ewww

Omg! You two are harsh. But the question specifically asks "Who here likes Cheesecake?" Not hates, dislikes, thinks its YUCK or Ew so keep those hateful Comments to yourselves. Lol

kooky panda
11-14-12, 08:21 PM
Does not put hand up. EwwwNot even a Panda cheesecake??? yummy

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSqQD3mkGbsFfAiDeyKozC9u9xSCdrR8 JnyZDzhNsCKxQm3cvWj

11-14-12, 09:58 PM
Puts hand up and waves it back and forth. I especially love Panda cakes!:)

11-14-12, 10:08 PM
Not even a Panda cheesecake??? yummy

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSqQD3mkGbsFfAiDeyKozC9u9xSCdrR8 JnyZDzhNsCKxQm3cvWj

Puts hand up. I would eat the icing. I love icing. Especially that cheap white icing on grocery store birthday cakes. Nom nom nom.

11-14-12, 10:30 PM
Who here loves Cheesecake?

Ohhh...ohhhh..ohhh.OOOOOHHHH.....Mister KOTTER!!!!

11-14-12, 11:52 PM
I just looked up "who likes cheese cakes?"

so who likes cheesecake?

this phrase is said when there is a silent or awkward moment during a conversation.
you're going to say goodbye to someone and you want to say something but you can't....."so who likes cheesecake?"
I wonder what was meant by that....
Anyways it's 1:00 am and my teenager never came home from work in my truck that I haven't finished paying for. He's not answering his phone either. I don't know if I'm angry or worried. No more wheels!

11-15-12, 07:35 AM

11-15-12, 07:36 AM
Argh! Stupid thing!

11-15-12, 07:41 AM
LMAO Pinkster. OMG he cracks me up!

11-15-12, 07:43 AM
LMAO Pinkster. OMG he cracks me up!

I love William Shatner. And ive had that song in my head for days now.

11-15-12, 07:45 AM
I just looked up "who likes cheese cakes?"

so who likes cheesecake?

this phrase is said when there is a silent or awkward moment during a conversation.
you're going to say goodbye to someone and you want to say something but you can't....."so who likes cheesecake?"
I wonder what was meant by that....
Anyways it's 1:00 am and my teenager never came home from work in my truck that I haven't finished paying for. He's not answering his phone either. I don't know if I'm angry or worried. No more wheels!

He needs a smack and a hug.

11-15-12, 08:37 AM
Hi. I am back at last. 11:37pm here.

kooky panda
11-15-12, 09:20 AM


11-15-12, 09:41 AM
He needs a smack and a hug.

Strangely I never smacked any of my boys. I just started asking him a million questions and soon I had him begging for mercy. They hate it when you that.
Deep fried turkey is dank! Don't ask me what that means. I think it means really good.

11-15-12, 10:23 AM
Strangely I never smacked any of my boys. I just started asking him a million questions and soon I had him begging for mercy. They hate it when you that.
Deep fried turkey is dank! Don't ask me what that means. I think it means really good.

I've never smacked my kids either. "The Look" is enough.

11-15-12, 10:23 AM
Ok Kooky, that does it. HOW do you get the videos into the posts like that? I've tried and I can't figure it out, even with quoting your post to see how you've done it.

BTW, I like your video too but pinksters as the remix just cracks me up. LOL :p

11-15-12, 10:26 AM
Ok Kooky, that does it. HOW do you get the videos into the posts like that? I've tried and I can't figure it out, even with quoting your post to see how you've done it.

BTW, I like your video too but pinksters as the remix just cracks me up. LOL :p

I follow kookys steps for video posting too. It hasnt worked right for me from the time i upgraded from gingerbread.

11-15-12, 10:32 AM
Shatner is Canadian yaknow....

11-15-12, 10:42 AM
Shatner is Canadian yaknow....

I know. Eh.

kooky panda
11-15-12, 11:19 AM
I have been having issues with yourtube recently. I think they have changed some things. This time I updated my flash player and installed google Chrome. From Google Chrome page, I went to yourtube, then I go to the top address bar of the video I want and right click the address, then when I post, I click the little reel (top of quick reply box) and copy of the link there.


But I am still having issues when I watch the video I am getting a White screen. Doing research on that now.

11-15-12, 12:10 PM
Ok nevermind Kooky. I'm just going to continue to PM you with links of videos I want embedded as that is just way too difficult and too much of a pain in the ...

You can have fun doing it, we all KNOW you do. :p

11-15-12, 01:28 PM
Ok, update on the Fire Alarm situation from yesterday. It looks like it may NOT have been a kid that set it off, but mechanical failure. The teachers have no idea who did it, none of the kids are bragging to other kids, and I guess the lights were still flashing or something after the fact so the school doesn't think a kid did it now.

My son was so funny about it. He was like "I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to do it that late in the day, but you never know, maybe they wanted to get out of their sports practice or something"


11-15-12, 01:50 PM
Ok, update on the Fire Alarm situation from yesterday. It looks like it may NOT have been a kid that set it off, but mechanical failure. The teachers have no idea who did it, none of the kids are bragging to other kids, and I guess the lights were still flashing or something after the fact so the school doesn't think a kid did it now.

My son was so funny about it. He was like "I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to do it that late in the day, but you never know, maybe they wanted to get out of their sports practice or something"


Awww, thats no fun.

11-15-12, 03:25 PM
Anyone ever watch the Disney show Octonauts? Cute shows, my 4 year old lives it. They showcased blob fish today!

11-15-12, 03:40 PM
No, it must have come out after my kids grew out of that stage. Now it's Nickelodeon and very rarely Disney.

11-15-12, 04:16 PM
My niece likes teletoon. Thank god my kids dont watch kid shows anymore.

11-15-12, 04:23 PM
My 3 yr luvs Dora the explorer... Bubble guppies... And she still likes barney

11-15-12, 04:25 PM
Barney the Purple Dinosaur!!!!! :p

11-15-12, 04:38 PM
Unfortunately I watched teletubbies for a few years too.

11-15-12, 07:16 PM
Check it out! My new bathmat! I know! Bathmats are SO EXCITING!


11-15-12, 07:45 PM
but it's not dunkelgelb...or my new favorite color...aotake.

11-15-12, 07:49 PM
but it's not dunkelgelb...or my new favorite color...aotake.

Aotake is much better then dunkelgelb, though not as fun to say.

11-16-12, 05:50 AM
LOL that it's pink pinkster. :p

My 10 yr old is being a brat this morning so I think I'll find a way to embarrass him at school His class comes from 9a-930a so I need to think up some good ideas before then. He claimed he'd just skip school, but I told him he could ride with me, since I'm going there anyways. :p

Silly child. SMH

11-16-12, 06:18 AM
LOL that it's pink pinkster. :p

My 10 yr old is being a brat this morning so I think I'll find a way to embarrass him at school His class comes from 9a-930a so I need to think up some good ideas before then. He claimed he'd just skip school, but I told him he could ride with me, since I'm going there anyways. :p

Silly child. SMH

Ask him really loud "hows your diarrhea" like that immodium commercial.

11-16-12, 07:00 AM
LOL that it's pink pinkster. :p

My 10 yr old is being a brat this morning so I think I'll find a way to embarrass him at school His class comes from 9a-930a so I need to think up some good ideas before then. He claimed he'd just skip school, but I told him he could ride with me, since I'm going there anyways. :p

Silly child. SMH

Or tell him "I had to change your bed sheets....AGAIN!"

11-16-12, 07:02 AM
Aotake is much better then dunkelgelb, though not as fun to say.

There is actually quite a bit of debate among modelers about how blue or green aotake is.

The same also true of dunkelgelb.

11-16-12, 07:37 AM
Or tell him "I had to change your bed sheets....AGAIN!"

Ask him really loud "hows your diarrhea" like that immodium commercial.
Rofl lmao

11-16-12, 10:25 AM
Ask him really loud "hows your diarrhea" like that immodium commercial.

Or tell him "I had to change your bed sheets....AGAIN!"

OMG LMAO!!! Those are awesome!!!

I couldn't do it, no matter how bratty he'd been acting, I caved and was nice to him. He even helped me bag up some of the other kids books when he realized I wasn't going to make a fool out of him. Awe..................... :D

I then took him over to one of the rolling cabinets and asked him to PLEASE look at some of the books, as I didn't want him to ONLY have the Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He proceeded to stack my arms with books and asked for 2 more posters, so $95 later I'm regretting asking him to look at some of the books. :o

11-16-12, 11:23 AM
OMG LMAO!!! Those are awesome!!!

I couldn't do it, no matter how bratty he'd been acting, I caved and was nice to him. He even helped me bag up some of the other kids books when he realized I wasn't going to make a fool out of him. Awe..................... :D

I then took him over to one of the rolling cabinets and asked him to PLEASE look at some of the books, as I didn't want him to ONLY have the Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He proceeded to stack my arms with books and asked for 2 more posters, so $95 later I'm regretting asking him to look at some of the books. :o

Well you kind of walked into that one. :p

11-16-12, 12:18 PM
My son had long hair and he Was having trouble getting a job so I told him he had lice so that he would let me cut his hair.
He makes good money now. Was that a bad thing to do?

11-16-12, 02:02 PM
My son had long hair and he Was having trouble getting a job so I told him he had lice so that he would let me cut his hair.
He makes good money now. Was that a bad thing to do?

Nope. Totally the right thing to do.

11-16-12, 03:04 PM
Ask him really loud "hows your diarrhea" like that immodium commercial.

My son had long hair and he Was having trouble getting a job so I told him he had lice so that he would let me cut his hair.
He makes good money now. Was that a bad thing to do?

LOL, you told him he had lice? CLASSIC! ROFL

11-16-12, 03:05 PM
Oops, not sure why pinkster's quote went in there, I no longer had it check marked, or so I thought. Oops again.

11-16-12, 03:10 PM
Queetina, did you ask your son about the incident that happened at his school? Sorry, I sound really curious, but I want that immature kid to get his punishment. :I

11-16-12, 04:25 PM
Queetina, did you ask your son about the incident that happened at his school? Sorry, I sound really curious, but I want that immature kid to get his punishment. :I

Yeah, I posted up-thread that they told the kids it was a mechanical failure and I asked one of the other parents today at the Book Fair and I guess the school, or the Fire Department, neglected to keep up maintenance on them or something and caused them to go off as well as other system failures happened at the same time. One of the reasons it took so long for the kids to come home was because some of them were already loaded onto busses that were getting ready to pull out and they had to stop them, ask all the kids to get off, and do head counts first. They weren't sure if it was a real fire, someone pulling the alarm, or mechanical failure until hours later, so they had to do the head count to make sure nobody was still inside the school.

It is kind of funny, but not, is that the same day that happened the Fire Department did their monthly inspection at my 10 yr olds school as they walked right past me into the gym while I was working the book fair. Too bad they hadn't chosen THAT day to do the Middle School inspection, as they may have caught the problem BEFORE it occured. Makes me wonder WHAT they really inspect if they missed it during the last 2 month inspections. I did notice they spent quite a while in the gym, but that is probably because there WAS a fire there in September in the Equipment Closet that filled that whole end of the school with thick black smoke. If that had happened last year my son probably would've freaked out considering his classroom was only 2 doors down from the gym, whereas this year he's on the other end of the school so wasn't affected at all.

My 12 yr old found is amusing that they had to pull kids off the busses, though he neglected to tell me about that the other day. He said if it had been 5 minutes later HE would've been pulled off his bus as his was the next to be called and the first in the next line waiting for kids to load. Yeah, real amusing. :rolleyes:

11-16-12, 04:31 PM
It seems like the forums is... idk if I can say it.

11-16-12, 05:05 PM
It seems like the forums is... idk if I can say it.

Is what?

11-16-12, 05:33 PM
It seems like the forums is... idk if I can say it.

A diverse community?

11-16-12, 07:14 PM
I like when people say "idk if I can say it" then someone will try and get them to say the thing they can't say. Lmao I just find that hilarious

11-16-12, 08:52 PM
Ok don't say it

11-17-12, 01:00 AM
Full of old folks with nothing better to do? I'm curious, do tell!

11-17-12, 09:50 AM
It seems like the forums is... idk if I can say it.


It should be "the forums ARE"

11-17-12, 12:29 PM

It should be "the forums ARE"

Good thing the grammar police are here! Whew

11-17-12, 12:33 PM
Good thing the grammar police are here! Whew

Drop your gerund and step away from the participle....

11-17-12, 03:29 PM

It should be "the forums ARE"

Um... It seems like the forums "are" getting boring??? I don think so grammar police.

11-17-12, 04:42 PM
Um... It seems like the forums "are" getting boring??? I don think so grammar police.

It has to be are because forums is plural, if you said "the forum" singular it would be is.

11-17-12, 04:46 PM
It has to be are because forums is plural, if you said "the forum" singular it would be is.

Or is it "forums are plural" ?

11-17-12, 04:48 PM
Well its true it "are" getting boring.. ..lol

11-17-12, 04:53 PM
Or is it "forums are plural" ?

No because I was referencing the word forums not the forums themselves.

11-17-12, 04:53 PM
Or is it "forums are plural" ?

Ha that is a good joke. Oops I meant that "are" a good joke. Lol

11-17-12, 04:55 PM
No because I was referencing the word forums not the forums themselves.

I believe she was joking please don't take it personal :) we're all friends here.

11-17-12, 04:57 PM
No because I was referencing the word forums not the forums themselves.

Oh you're right. That makes sense.

11-17-12, 05:01 PM
I believe she was joking please don't take it personal :) we're all friends here.

I know, I was just explaining it. I wanted to make sure it was boring enough, so I thought Hey! Grammar lessons:p

11-17-12, 05:02 PM
I love grammar lessons!

11-17-12, 07:22 PM
Oh I missed the grammar war. Too bad mattyboo wasnt here to join in and not use any punctuation.

Speaking of boring, ive been writing an essay today on Leadership Character in Male Youth to present IN PUBLIC in december at a leadership camp. Oh joy. Step 1: find laptop.

Its been that kind of day.

11-17-12, 07:48 PM
Oh I missed the grammar war. Too bad mattyboo wasnt here to join in and not use any punctuation.

Speaking of boring, ive been writing an essay today on Leadership Character in Male Youth to present IN PUBLIC in december at a leadership camp. Oh joy. Step 1: find laptop.

Its been that kind of day.

It's going to be an adventure. It'll be awesome!

11-17-12, 11:07 PM
This is boring. Marking books on a Sunday afternoon. And that's not even all of them. There's a pile behind me plus one class set which I didn't collect.


11-17-12, 11:14 PM
Sourlicorice you're right. You win the boring stuff to do award.

11-17-12, 11:22 PM
Lol I'd rather lose :p I did bring my iPad with me though. Figure I can browse and mark at the same time. Heavy teaching schedule doesn't leave much time for marking this term. I took back grade 3 English cause the teacher left. Teach grade 2 as well. I'm happy...no more health classes to teach. I hated teaching health.

11-17-12, 11:28 PM
No one can blame you for hating health class. But just think of how many people have learned English from you over the years. That is cool!

11-19-12, 12:12 PM
The belt on the dryer broke......ugggghhhh

11-19-12, 12:29 PM
The belt on the dryer broke......ugggghhhh

Those are easy to fix. I can fix it and I'm just a little lady. Appliance store will have a belt.

11-19-12, 12:32 PM
The belt on the dryer broke......ugggghhhh

Just don't try dealing with Sears to get one - they're complete morons.

Hope you get it working soon!

11-19-12, 05:44 PM
Turkeys SUCK!!! My back is ****ing me and I am deliriously tired. Two more days of this nonsense. I HATE TURKEYS!!!!!!!

11-19-12, 05:48 PM
Turkeys SUCK!!! My back is ****ing me and I am deliriously tired. Two more days of this nonsense. I HATE TURKEYS!!!!!!!

No turkeys stink! I don't envy you at all. I did the feathers in my sink. Extremely smelly. But it was delicious. Mmm... Wild turkey!!!!

11-19-12, 07:23 PM
No turkeys stink! I don't envy you at all. I did the feathers in my sink. Extremely smelly. But it was delicious. Mmm... Wild turkey!!!!

I would rather clean a wild Turkey in my sink. People actually want me to search through 50 boxes of turkeys to find one that is 6 oz. bigger. Um hello when the stupid bird weighs 23 pounds 6 flipping ounces don't matter!

Sorry for my rant. I feel better now. Also sorry if I offended anyone who thinks six ounces of Turkey matters, or if you think honeysuckle white means all the meat is white, it isn't your fault the public schools are inadequate.

11-19-12, 07:37 PM
I feel for you!

My butcher place gives options - you can get 10-12 lbs, 12-14 lbs, 14-16 lbs, etc. When they get them in, they mark names on each box - and that's the one you get. They offer a few different brands - and I love the one I get - no extra everything that most companies put in turkeys. After dinner, no one is "turkey tired", just full :)

11-19-12, 07:59 PM
Wow I'm I the only one who buys the turkey in supermarket? I went yesterday to buy my turkey looking for a small 12 pound turkey but bothe my daughter 3 and 8 convinced me into getting an 18 pound turkey... I think that's big Since this year we are staying home and celebrating it only my husband me and our 2 daughters

11-19-12, 08:08 PM
Wow I'm I the only one who buys the turkey in supermarket? I went yesterday to buy my turkey looking for a small 12 pound turkey but bothe my daughter 3 and 8 convinced me into getting an 18 pound turkey... I think that's big Since this year we are staying home and celebrating it only my husband me and our 2 daughters
I work at the supermarket. Which is the cause for my insanity this week:p

11-19-12, 08:12 PM
I feel for you!

My butcher place gives options - you can get 10-12 lbs, 12-14 lbs, 14-16 lbs, etc. When they get them in, they mark names on each box - and that's the one you get. They offer a few different brands - and I love the one I get - no extra everything that most companies put in turkeys. After dinner, no one is "turkey tired", just full :)
That is good. Poultry is shady....much of what is labeled "all natural" is only a legal definition and actually has lots of weird stuff in it.

11-19-12, 08:23 PM
I work at the supermarket. Which is the cause for my insanity this week:p

Put a cup of Epsom salt in your bath water tonight so you won't wake up stiff. I'm one of those crazy customers that digs around in the frozen turkeys till I find the biggest turkey and shout triumphantly "woo Hoo 23.6"

11-19-12, 09:00 PM
That is good. Poultry is shady....much of what is labeled "all natural" is only a legal definition and actually has lots of weird stuff in it.

That's why I shop there - if it says natural or organic - I know it is. The owner is the one that hand picks every little thing that goes into that store. If he can't verify it, he won't buy it. And when he isn't buying things, he's in the store, ready to talk to any customer with questions.

11-19-12, 09:46 PM
Wow I feel so lucky that I've never bought a turkey. I had no idea it was such an ordeal.

Realfarmer: what? You cant fix a dryer belt???

11-20-12, 10:03 AM
Those are easy to fix. I can fix it and I'm just a little lady. Appliance store will have a belt.

yeah, they had to order it and I got it today. Kinda of hard to get on....

What I forgot is the dryer mad a squealing sound, so the bearing is probably bad. Might get a year or two more out of it.

11-20-12, 10:07 AM
Wow I feel so lucky that I've never bought a turkey. I had no idea it was such an ordeal.

Realfarmer: what? You cant fix a dryer belt???

regarding dryer...see above

Regarding turkey, when my mom was rehabing her knee, I had to get the Thanksgiving turkey. She seemed amazed I was able to accomplish the task.

11-20-12, 10:13 AM
yeah, they had to order it and I got it today. Kinda of hard to get on....

What I forgot is the dryer mad a squealing sound, so the bearing is probably bad. Might get a year or two more out of it.

Oh... You can rub a bar of soap on the belt and see if that helps with the squealing.

11-20-12, 10:18 AM
Oh... You can rub a bar of soap on the belt and see if that helps with the squealing.

Or Pam vegetable oil spray.

11-20-12, 01:29 PM
Oh... You can rub a bar of soap on the belt and see if that helps with the squealing.

I don't think it is the belt that is squealing.

11-20-12, 01:32 PM
The whatever thread......hmmmmm im at a lose on what to post......POST POST POST ta da

11-20-12, 01:33 PM
I dont thinks so either but then again i never new how to fix thses type of things

11-20-12, 01:43 PM
yeah, they had to order it and I got it today. Kinda of hard to get on....

What I forgot is the dryer mad a squealing sound, so the bearing is probably bad. Might get a year or two more out of it.

I hope you get that long out of it! My dryer started doing that about 2 months ago (we replaced the belt 2 weeks after it started). After a month, I went insane. I couldn't do laundry when the family was home - it was so loud, it drowned out everything. I couldn't do it when they were away - I was climbing the walls due to the sound. Finally, I decided it wasn't worth it anymore, bought a new dryer. Dryers now - wow, they work fast! I can dry an entire load of blue jeans in the time it takes my washer to finish a load of shirts. Hoping a new washer is on th horizon as well, though mine is still fine. ;)

11-20-12, 02:19 PM
I hope you get that long out of it! My dryer started doing that about 2 months ago (we replaced the belt 2 weeks after it started). After a month, I went insane. I couldn't do laundry when the family was home - it was so loud, it drowned out everything. I couldn't do it when they were away - I was climbing the walls due to the sound. Finally, I decided it wasn't worth it anymore, bought a new dryer. Dryers now - wow, they work fast! I can dry an entire load of blue jeans in the time it takes my washer to finish a load of shirts. Hoping a new washer is on th horizon as well, though mine is still fine. ;)

I got one of those Amana front load washers. It washes an entire hamper full of clothes in a single load. Love at first sight. But the door latch assembly goes bad about every 6 months and a new door latch assembly is $70. Had to go online to find out how to get the door open to get my clothes out of it. I still love it anyway though.

11-20-12, 02:21 PM
I got one of those Amana front load washers. It washes an entire hamper full of clothes in a single load. Love at first sight. But the door latch assembly goes bad about every 6 months and a new door latch assembly is $70. Had to go online to find out how to get the door open to get my clothes out of it. I still love it anyway though.

I got a Whirlpool Duet dryer - not the top model, one step down. The one below it was $100 dollars cheaper, which I almost got. But mine has some extra bells and whistles - steam, light, silly small things that I'm loving. But, I got a deal - the tag in store was marked wrong, so I got an extra $100 off of it :)

11-20-12, 02:30 PM
I got a Whirlpool Duet dryer - not the top model, one step down. The one below it was $100 dollars cheaper, which I almost got. But mine has some extra bells and whistles - steam, light, silly small things that I'm loving. But, I got a deal - the tag in store was marked wrong, so I got an extra $100 off of it :)

Don't you love when that happens. Did you buy your self a new pair of shoes with the $100?

11-20-12, 02:42 PM
Don't you love when that happens. Did you buy your self a new pair of shoes with the $100?

No, I bought the 5 year warranty instead of the 2 year one - it was $100 different lol

But, I have a great dryer (my 12 year old son can sit up inside of it!), and no worries for 5 years minimum! Can't ask for much more than that!

11-20-12, 02:53 PM
No, I bought the 5 year warranty instead of the 2 year one - it was $100 different lol

But, I have a great dryer (my 12 year old son can sit up inside of it!), and no worries for 5 years minimum! Can't ask for much more than that!

Woah, thats some dryer. It sounds like your son can live in there because it seems big for a dryer. :p

11-20-12, 03:33 PM
I've always wanted that front load red washer/dryer set. Even though im the only one who would ever see it.

11-20-12, 04:49 PM
regarding dryer...see above

Regarding turkey, when my mom was rehabing her knee, I had to get the Thanksgiving turkey. She seemed amazed I was able to accomplish the task.
There are basically three types of turkeys.
Turkey injected with butter or oil.
Turkey injected with salt water.
Turkey that escaped the "improvement " of butter or salt water.
That's it, and salt water is called broth on the label. It's not hard to pick one.

11-20-12, 04:53 PM
I've always wanted that front load red washer/dryer set. Even though im the only one who would ever see it.
I like those too, because they are red. I don't like front load washers though so I just got a plain old white Kenmore (extra large capacity).

11-20-12, 05:49 PM
Soooo....who's going shopping on "black Friday "????

11-20-12, 05:52 PM
Not shopping, just hanging out in the Apple Store to see what the "other" people are getting. And drooling, of course.

11-20-12, 06:01 PM
There are basically three types of turkeys.
Turkey injected with butter or oil.
Turkey injected with salt water.
Turkey that escaped the "improvement " of butter or salt water.
That's it, and salt water is called broth on the label. It's not hard to pick one.
I like the salt one because it's $.68 per pound. Besides I put salt in everything.

11-20-12, 06:54 PM
Soooo....who's going shopping on "black Friday "????

Not I - I haven't shopped on Black Friday in close to 10 years. But, I will browse online, most place offer the same prices there, with no crowds ;)

11-20-12, 07:30 PM
I work retail so no shopping for me, in fact when my work day is over I am going to hide under my covers and wish the holiday shopping season was over!

11-20-12, 07:56 PM
Mmmmm Burger and fries oh sorry ADD moment ......

11-20-12, 08:10 PM
Elk Burger

11-20-12, 09:08 PM
Porcupine burgers in onion gravy with home fries mmmm...

11-20-12, 09:20 PM
Sloth burgers and cow coke mmmmm

11-21-12, 09:05 AM
Cow burgers :)

11-21-12, 09:21 AM
Look what i got my son for Christmas! Only $44!


11-21-12, 02:19 PM
Look what i got my son for Christmas! Only $44!


That's tight I want one lol

11-21-12, 02:34 PM
It holds 6 pop cans. What teenager doesnt want a mini fridge in their room? Im excited about it.

11-21-12, 02:52 PM
It holds 6 pop cans. What teenager doesnt want a mini fridge in their room? Im excited about it.

I want one for myself, but not for soda. :p

11-21-12, 03:06 PM
Look what i got my son for Christmas! Only $44!

Does the fridge come with cow coke?

11-21-12, 03:57 PM
Does the fridge come with cow coke?

I will be sure to get some


11-21-12, 04:03 PM
What cow coke. Is that foreal or...

11-21-12, 09:24 PM
Haha that coow sure is cute

11-21-12, 09:51 PM
What cow coke. Is that foreal or...

I may have "doctored" this can of coke :p

11-21-12, 11:58 PM
I may have "doctored" this can of coke :p

Lol. Is it mixed with milk ha jp

11-22-12, 07:26 AM
Lol. Is it mixed with milk ha jp

Nope. Theres cows in it.

11-22-12, 02:00 PM
Lol Cow Coke

11-22-12, 02:13 PM
Nope. Theres cows in it.

Nice. If you're lactose intolerant, don't worry, it's just cows! Must be from the same makers as Yoo-Moo chocolately bovine beverage. MMMMM!

11-22-12, 04:03 PM
I wouldn't want to drink that. :)

11-22-12, 04:37 PM
Worst Thanksgiving EVER!

I just got back from the Emergency Vet Hospital that covers for my vet when they are closed, after putting my cat Fresca to sleep. For some reason, still unknown, she developed a blood clot between her heart and her lower body and she could no longer use her legs. I found her after a few minutes of her crying out in pain and noticed her whole back-end wouldn't lift up. I checked her hips and legs for broken bones and found none so I called the hospital and they told me to bring her right in. They said there was too slim of a chance of her getting better with meds and special care considering her feet had already gone cold from lack of blood and most likely her heart would give out soon. So I had to put her to sleep.

I'm devastated. I can't stop crying which of course sets off my youngest into tears. Very sad day. I don't EVER want to celebrate this holiday again. :(

11-22-12, 04:53 PM
I'm so glad you were there with her. You recognized she was in pain and you did everything you could to help. You did the right thing. I'm so sorry for your lose.

11-22-12, 05:00 PM
Queentina, I am so sorry. I cried for weeks when my kitty mysteriously died. My heart really goes out to you.

11-22-12, 05:03 PM
I'm sorry queentina for your loss...think positive about it... At least it's not suffering anymore

11-22-12, 05:30 PM
Queentina that is just awful. So sorry for your loss.

11-22-12, 05:34 PM
Awww. Its sad.

But shes ok now queentina.

11-22-12, 05:56 PM
Thanks you guys. Everytime I think I have a handle on the tears they start flowing again. She was my baby, my cuddler, my bed hogger. Tucker is finicky and doesn't really like to be held or patted and he almost NEVER goes on my bed, so Fresca was by my side all the time. Tucker doesn't know what to do with himself right now, he keeps walking around looking for her, and it breaks my heart all over again.

I'd lay on my bed or sit on my couch and she'd crawl on my lap and put her head on her paws on my chest and just purr. I'd lay on my stomach and try to fall asleep and she'd climb on my back and bat at my ponytail to keep me awake. It just isn't going to be the same, AT ALL.

Because I was the one that signed her in and filled out the paperwork, I had to sign the final orders instead of the hubby. I could barely hold the pen or read what I was signing. He just stood near the door of the room not knowing what to do with me as I balled my eyes out. I wouldn't even talk to him. Poor guy.

Needless to say, our dinner didn't turn out that great considering it had 1/2 hour to go in the oven when we had to rush out the door. We turned everything back on when we got home but I sooo wasn't interested in eating anymore so he ate the dinner by himself. I told the boys just to get some Chef Boyardee for dinner as we were leaving because I wasn't sure how long we'd be and I didn't want them having to come with us in case the worst happened. They knew as soon as I walked back in the door what we had to do. My 12 yr old just put the carrier back in the cellar and walked away, he hates to let us see him cry. My 10 yr old burst into tears and has barely stopped crying since.

I keep trying to take my mind off of it, but then I see her bed or look at my 10 yr old and I lose it. :(

11-22-12, 06:23 PM
Aww, I hope you can find some comfort in the love & care you gave her. I know it's the worst right now. Maybe some hugs & favorite stories of her with help you & your family through this.

I was in a 6 week course when Katzie died. I swear for a couple of weeks, I would spontaneously start bawling in class. It would been embarrassing except my heart was broken, & I didn't care. A man in my class brought a card a couple of days later from him & his family saying how sorry they were and they had a family dog that had to be put down. Of course I bawled even more because I was so moved by someone else's kindness. Pets do that to people.

11-22-12, 07:23 PM
Queentina3, I am sorry about Fresca. That's a hurt that has no medicine.

11-22-12, 08:31 PM
Sorry for you loss, queentina

11-22-12, 08:31 PM
That is so sad... My heart goes out to you & you are in my prayers... god bless

11-22-12, 09:03 PM
I am sure you were thankful for your cat :'( It is obvious the bond you two shared was strong. I pray your cat has a smooth ride to the rainbow bridge.

11-22-12, 09:57 PM
...That's sad....

11-23-12, 08:42 AM
Thanks everyone. I woke up this morning with my eyes all puffy and a major headache from all the crying last night. I'm trying to not think about it too much, but thanks for all your comments as I do appreciate them.

On another note, kind of a funny story mixed in with everything that happened yesterday. Figured I'd share as it really could only happen to me. I've been bouncing back and forth on getting my kids either an Xbox or a Wii for Xmas. They have a Playstation (I think #2 and too lazy to check) that they rarely use as they like their computer games better. I figured if I found any on sale for Black Friday I'd consider one of them. Well they had a Wii on sale at Walmart (ONLINE! YAY!! NO LINES) that started yesterday afternoon. So while my Ham was in the oven (sooo didn't feel like Turkey this year), I bought it along with extra remotes and a few extra games. I was so excited that I didn't have to drive to that Walmart as it is a SUPER WALMART and they are always packed, let alone during Black Friday sales that when I saw the $99 Wii on sale and available to purchase ONLINE and with FREE SHIPPING, I snatched it up!

1/2 hour AFTER I purchased the Wii my mother called. She had a sale going on in her local Walmart that had the Xbox on sale and decided she'd buy it for my kids for Xmas. She also did hers ONLINE. Her Xbox was about $50 cheaper than the one on sale in my Walmart, even ONLINE, which I found odd but oh well. So she bought it. :rolleyes:

My kids are going to be spoiled this year getting both an Xbox and a Wii for Xmas. And here I was thinking a few weeks ago that all they REALLY need was some new clothes and gift cards to purchase their computer games via Steam, and now they're ending up with 2 other gaming systems. It really could only happen to me.

Most of the kids around here play the gaming systems as their parents don't allow them computers, or they have a family computer. I'm the opposite. My kids have their own computers and never really got into the gaming systems too much as they like the games via computer better. HOWEVER, whenever they go over to friends houses they end up playing Xbox or Wii and have to get used to it and never do that well, so they get trampled on. LOL They've complained a few times but I would say "Why don't you play your Playstation then? We bought you one YEARS ago and you HARDLY play it, why would we get you another game system that you WON'T use?" They never have a comment back so I've let it go. :rolleyes:

Well this year they are getting 2 of them so they better be happy about it. Of course I had to purchase with the Wii the Super Mario Bros and the Zelda game (my favs from when I played Nintendo) and let us see how well they fair against ME! BWAHAHAHAHAHA ;)

11-23-12, 10:26 AM
Wow queentina, my parents told me their budget for my presents were $30... lol...

11-23-12, 10:32 AM
to Fresca


11-23-12, 12:13 PM
I'm so sorry Queentina. :( I've gone through that as well with my cat Mousy. RIP.

11-23-12, 12:42 PM
Wow queentina, my parents told me their budget for my presents were $30... lol...

They really don't need anything but figured a Wii would be pretty cool and I'd enjoy it as well. Clothes and gift card was about all I was going to do originally. Lame for a 12 & 10 yr old, but why get items I know they don't need and won't use just to have something to open? Not worth it, even to them. The stocking filled with candy (ugh hyper kids) would've been enough for them, but then I kept thinking about all the times they came back from a friends house and figured "Eh, I'll get them an Xbox or a Wii if it's on sale." I never even thought about my parents deciding on one as well. OOPS. LOL

I'm so sorry Queentina. :( I've gone through that as well with my cat Mousy. RIP.

Thanks. I went through this with my dog Phoenix but with him it was kind of expected. He had problems before and we almost lost him. When he started to get really sick again I knew he wouldn't be coming home and it was the best for him. With Fresca it was just so unexpected. She was perfectly fine, no issues at all, then WHAM, blood clot and nothing could be done. The doctor said that the treatment probably wouldn't work, and even if it did, she wouldn't be able to use her back legs ever again and it would most likely happen again. I couldn't let her suffer and go through that so I HAD to let her go. :(

11-23-12, 01:04 PM
It's hard when it's unexpected. Ive had both expected and unexpected. I think the shock of it all makes it harder to deal with.

Gack! I talked about feelings. :o

11-23-12, 03:14 PM
It's hard when it's unexpected. Ive had both expected and unexpected. I think the shock of it all makes it harder to deal with.

Gack! I talked about feelings. :o

That's very true. I've gone through both too.

kooky panda
11-23-12, 04:16 PM
Worst Thanksgiving EVER!

I just got back from the Emergency Vet Hospital that covers for my vet when they are closed, after putting my cat Fresca to sleep. For some reason, still unknown, she developed a blood clot between her heart and her lower body and she could no longer use her legs. I found her after a few minutes of her crying out in pain and noticed her whole back-end wouldn't lift up. I checked her hips and legs for broken bones and found none so I called the hospital and they told me to bring her right in. They said there was too slim of a chance of her getting better with meds and special care considering her feet had already gone cold from lack of blood and most likely her heart would give out soon. So I had to put her to sleep.

I'm devastated. I can't stop crying which of course sets off my youngest into tears. Very sad day. I don't EVER want to celebrate this holiday again. :(

I am really sorry for your loss. Our animals are part of our family .(or me, my babies)
Just remember that you were with her, she knew.
I have had to put down 4 of my boxers in the past, and it is really hard, but at least I had the comfort of knowing I was with them and they knew I was there.

11-23-12, 04:39 PM
Just did all of my Black Friday shopping online.

11-23-12, 05:44 PM
I am really sorry for your loss. Our animals are part of our family .(or me, my babies)
Just remember that you were with her, she knew.
I have had to put down 4 of my boxers in the past, and it is really hard, but at least I had the comfort of knowing I was with them and they knew I was there.

wow. 4 boxers. i have had 2 golden retrievers,1 boxer, and two other dogs i cant remember. its tough with a loss

11-23-12, 07:29 PM
I am really sorry for your loss. Our animals are part of our family .(or me, my babies)
Just remember that you were with her, she knew.
I have had to put down 4 of my boxers in the past, and it is really hard, but at least I had the comfort of knowing I was with them and they knew I was there.

Wow Kooky, that is so sad. :(

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at what my 10 yr old did. I was thinking about putting Fresca's bed away, as it's hard looking at it, and when I bent over to pick it up there was a piece of paper in it. I thought it was just a paper that fell off the bookshelf, but it wasn't, my 10 yr old made a note to her.

R.I.P Fresca
hand drawn cat face
10 yr old name - miss you and love you forever
mom - misses you and can't stop crying
12 yr old name - robot, not feeling anything it seems
dad - not robot but isn't showing emotion right now
????? - late 2012 (supposed to be birth/death dates)

Then he put one of the little jingling rolling balls that she loved to play with on top of it. It's the sweetest thing. I'm going to have to leave it there for awhile otherwise he may get mad. I can't believe he did that, he amazes me sometimes.

kooky panda
11-23-12, 07:41 PM
Wow Kooky, that is so sad. :(

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at what my 10 yr old did. I was thinking about putting Fresca's bed away, as it's hard looking at it, and when I bent over to pick it up there was a piece of paper in it. I thought it was just a paper that fell off the bookshelf, but it wasn't, my 10 yr old made a note to her.

R.I.P Fresca
hand drawn cat face
10 yr old name - miss you and love you forever
mom - misses you and can't stop crying
12 yr old name - robot, not feeling anything it seems
dad - not robot but isn't showing emotion right now
????? - late 2012 (supposed to be birth/death dates)

Then he put one of the little jingling rolling balls that she loved to play with on top of it. It's the sweetest thing. I'm going to have to leave it there for awhile otherwise he may get mad. I can't believe he did that, he amazes me sometimes.

It is his way of grieving for her .

11-23-12, 07:46 PM
Wow Kooky, that is so sad. :(

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at what my 10 yr old did. I was thinking about putting Fresca's bed away, as it's hard looking at it, and when I bent over to pick it up there was a piece of paper in it. I thought it was just a paper that fell off the bookshelf, but it wasn't, my 10 yr old made a note to her.

R.I.P Fresca
hand drawn cat face
10 yr old name - miss you and love you forever
mom - misses you and can't stop crying
12 yr old name - robot, not feeling anything it seems
dad - not robot but isn't showing emotion right now
????? - late 2012 (supposed to be birth/death dates)

Then he put one of the little jingling rolling balls that she loved to play with on top of it. It's the sweetest thing. I'm going to have to leave it there for awhile otherwise he may get mad. I can't believe he did that, he amazes me sometimes.

Awwww! That made me cry. My cat Hunter died unexpectedly a few weeks ago. Feeding time really was a hard time for me because I had two cat food bowls and only one cat left. My husband brought home a little fur ball and we named him Gizmo. He uses hunters bowl now. I miss her but Gizmo makes my husband and I feel like new parents again. We marvel at all the adorable things he does.

11-23-12, 10:28 PM
Wow Kooky, that is so sad. :(

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at what my 10 yr old did. I was thinking about putting Fresca's bed away, as it's hard looking at it, and when I bent over to pick it up there was a piece of paper in it. I thought it was just a paper that fell off the bookshelf, but it wasn't, my 10 yr old made a note to her.

R.I.P Fresca
hand drawn cat face
10 yr old name - miss you and love you forever
mom - misses you and can't stop crying
12 yr old name - robot, not feeling anything it seems
dad - not robot but isn't showing emotion right now
????? - late 2012 (supposed to be birth/death dates)

Then he put one of the little jingling rolling balls that she loved to play with on top of it. It's the sweetest thing. I'm going to have to leave it there for awhile otherwise he may get mad. I can't believe he did that, he amazes me sometimes.

Keep the note and toys. Maybe in a special box or something.

11-24-12, 05:05 PM
I bought some mint chocolate coconut milk at work today because it was marked down....OMG it makes the best hot cocoa! And I think I found a coffee creamer that nobody will steal out of the fridge at work too!

11-24-12, 05:10 PM
I bought some mint chocolate coconut milk at work today because it was marked down....OMG it makes the best hot cocoa! And I think I found a coffee creamer that nobody will steal out of the fridge at work too!

Good job!

Today i am childless. I caught up on a bunch of stuff and tonight I'm going to do........ Nothing! A big fat nothing! Take that fluffs and dust!

11-24-12, 05:27 PM
Ohhhh lylahmae what brand was it? My boys and the hubby love hot cocoa and it is coming up on the season that I'll have to start making some for them again. I'm not a fan of it myself, but a wife/mother does what a wife/mother has to in order to get the boys happy and inline. :p

LOL pinkster, nice to have a day all to yourself eh? I promised my 10 yr old I'd watch Victorious with him tonight, so I'm off in 1/2 hour to do that. He thinks she's SMOKIN' HOT and refuses to miss even 1 show. LMAO!!!

11-24-12, 05:43 PM
Ohhhh lylahmae what brand was it? My boys and the hubby love hot cocoa and it is coming up on the season that I'll have to start making some for them again. I'm not a fan of it myself, but a wife/mother does what a wife/mother has to in order to get the boys happy and inline. :p
LOL pinkster, nice to have a day all to yourself eh? I promised my 10 yr old I'd watch Victorious with him tonight, so I'm off in 1/2 hour to do that. He thinks she's SMOKIN' HOT and refuses to miss even 1 show. LMAO!!!
SO Delicious. Mint chocolate coconut milk beverage. It was in the natural foods section, all I had to do was pour it into mugs and warm it up in the microwave and it was great. Oh also I sprinkled on some jet-puffed mallow bits, chocolate flavor. Yummy!

11-24-12, 05:47 PM
It seems like someone is Following me on the forums. Like they're reading all my posts.

11-24-12, 05:52 PM
It seems like someone is Following me on the forums. Like they're reading all my posts.

I read all the posts in off topic...not just yours.:p

11-24-12, 05:56 PM
I read all the posts in off topic...not just yours.:p

Lol I know who the person is I know it isnt you. :)

11-24-12, 05:58 PM
Lol I know who the person is I know it isnt you. :)

Gosh I hope it's not me...

11-24-12, 06:31 PM
Gosh I hope it's not me...

Lol I hope not either haha

11-24-12, 08:40 PM
It seems like someone is Following me on the forums. Like they're reading all my posts.

Busted! Im a stalker!

Ps im still on the couch. This is heaven. This never happens.

11-24-12, 09:30 PM
Busted! Im a stalker!

Ps im still on the couch. This is heaven. This never happens.

Its not you. Or is it??? Ha

11-25-12, 09:08 AM
Its not you. Or is it??? Ha

Another stalker! Remember pinkster's stalker?

11-25-12, 09:08 AM
Well maybe not stalker but maybe pinkster's copycat?

11-25-12, 09:29 AM
Well maybe not stalker but maybe pinkster's copycat?

Naaa, she has a secret admirer who has a crush on her.

Ive found something pink I don't like: pink eye. Ugh. Off to the doctor tomorrow.

11-25-12, 10:03 AM
Hope you feel better!
I hate pink eyes as well

11-25-12, 10:05 AM
Just wondering if anyone here lives in the country side of ny?

11-25-12, 02:11 PM
Another stalker! Remember pinkster's stalker?

Yeah. Lol. Why are we the ones getting stalked.

11-25-12, 02:15 PM
Naaa, she has a secret admirer who has a crush on her.

Ive found something pink I don't like: pink eye. Ugh. Off to the doctor tomorrow.

Shouldn't you like pink eyes? Lol just jokin hope you feel better soon. My throat is all sore I couldn't breath forba sec. The other night.. mabey too much Thanksgiving food.

11-25-12, 05:22 PM
Naaa, she has a secret admirer who has a crush on her.

Ive found something pink I don't like: pink eye. Ugh. Off to the doctor tomorrow.

Ohhh...I had conjunctivitis years ago. Some eye drops clear it up in a day or two....

11-25-12, 05:32 PM
Naaa, she has a secret admirer who has a crush on her.

Ive found something pink I don't like: pink eye. Ugh. Off to the doctor tomorrow.

Yep what real farmer said, and till you get in, place a warm moist tea bag on your eye to sooth it. If its getting goowy smear vasaline on it before you go to bed. For swelling you can take over the counter allergy.

11-25-12, 05:43 PM
I had pink eye in both eyes once. I sympathize it sucks to have

11-25-12, 05:56 PM
How lovely!

11-25-12, 06:46 PM
that's the type of pink eye pinkster would like to have lol

11-25-12, 07:16 PM

11-25-12, 08:46 PM
Ugh. Ive had pink eye a few times. I have no immune system to little kid sicknesses. Ive been wiping it with salt water. It helps. A few months ago i caught some hoof and mouth disease that only kids get. I forgot the name. I'll go look.

11-25-12, 08:49 PM
Oh it's called hand, foot and mouth disease. How original. It went through my little nieces daycare center. I had weird sores on my head. Ewwww


11-25-12, 09:27 PM
Oh it's called hand, foot and mouth disease. How original. It went through my little nieces daycare center. I had weird sores on my head. Ewwww


Eww sounds right. Never had that thankgoodness. Must have been awful.

11-25-12, 09:35 PM
Oh 3 of my boys got that one year. The two older ones had orthodontic braces at the time and got very sick and lost weight. And the 2 year old it hardly bothered. Poor pinkster!

11-25-12, 09:56 PM
The hoof and mouth disease wasn't that bad. Just sores on my head. I had to be careful combing my hair. No biggy. We had fun calling it hoof and mouth disease though.

11-25-12, 10:03 PM
The hoof and mouth disease wasn't that bad. Just sores on my head. I had to be careful combing my hair. No biggy. We had fun calling it hoof and mouth disease though.

Atleast they werent on your buttocks!

11-25-12, 10:06 PM
Atleast they werent on your buttocks!

True. It could have been much worse.

11-25-12, 11:43 PM
Oh it's called hand, foot and mouth disease. How original. It went through my little nieces daycare center. I had weird sores on my head. Ewwww


That sounds disgusting :(

11-25-12, 11:46 PM
In science class we covered biology and we learned exactly how viruses work and how you get sick. And for optics we will disect a sheep eye

11-26-12, 05:28 AM
Ugh. Ive had pink eye a few times. I have no immune system to little kid sicknesses. Ive been wiping it with salt water. It helps. A few months ago i caught some hoof and mouth disease that only kids get. I forgot the name. I'll go look.

I honestly don't mean to laugh, really, but it cracks me up that you can get little kid diseases but not little kid PINK shoes for yourself. :p

My son cracked me up this morning, the 10 yr old. He decided he wanted to watch a few cartoons while eating his breakfast, and since he normally doesn't watch TV in the AM, I said fine. He came back into the dining room 5 minutes later with his cereal and plopped it down on the table next to me and grumbled as he sat in the chair and continued eating. "What is the matter?" I asked him.

"TOO MANY GIRLY COMMERCIALS!!!!!!!!!!!" He growled back at me while glaring.

ROFL!!!!! He got annoyed about this the other day when we watched Victorious too, the My Easy Oven and Doll commercials they're promoting for XMAS are going to drive him insane.

See, I don't have to do anything but turn on the TV to drive him nuts. :p

11-26-12, 05:28 AM
In science class we covered biology and we learned exactly how viruses work and how you get sick. And for optics we will disect a sheep eye

YUCK! I hate the dissecting part. *shivers*

11-26-12, 08:05 AM
YUCK! I hate the dissecting part. *shivers*

I loved the disecting parts. I love stuff like that.

11-26-12, 08:06 AM
I loved the disecting parts. I love stuff like that.


11-26-12, 09:24 AM
I honestly don't mean to laugh, really, but it cracks me up that you can get little kid diseases but not little kid PINK shoes for yourself. :p

My son cracked me up this morning, the 10 yr old. He decided he wanted to watch a few cartoons while eating his breakfast, and since he normally doesn't watch TV in the AM, I said fine. He came back into the dining room 5 minutes later with his cereal and plopped it down on the table next to me and grumbled as he sat in the chair and continued eating. "What is the matter?" I asked him.

"TOO MANY GIRLY COMMERCIALS!!!!!!!!!!!" He growled back at me while glaring.

ROFL!!!!! He got annoyed about this the other day when we watched Victorious too, the My Easy Oven and Doll commercials they're promoting for XMAS are going to drive him insane.

See, I don't have to do anything but turn on the TV to drive him nuts. :p

Lol that is funny.

11-26-12, 01:13 PM
In science class we covered biology and we learned exactly how viruses work and how you get sick. And for optics we will disect a sheep eye

2 weeks ago, my classmates and I dissected frongs and worms. Last year, were those two plus sharks... I thought it would've been sooooo gross, but it wasn't that bad, except for the smell, yuck.

This morning, I found out that my eye was swollen. Still is. WHY?? I never got one before..

11-26-12, 01:26 PM
2 weeks ago, my classmates and I dissected frongs and worms. Last year, were those two plus sharks... I thought it would've been sooooo gross, but it wasn't that bad, except for the smell, yuck.

This morning, I found out that my eye was swollen. Still is. WHY?? I never got one before..

Pink eye!

kooky panda
11-26-12, 02:08 PM
2 weeks ago, my classmates and I dissected frongs and worms. Last year, were those two plus sharks... I thought it would've been sooooo gross, but it wasn't that bad, except for the smell, yuck.

This morning, I found out that my eye was swollen. Still is. WHY?? I never got one before..

Pink eye!

Or a sty!!!


11-26-12, 02:11 PM
Hey I had a sty before