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11-29-11, 12:00 PM
Maybe when you buy it, they offer insurance for say $500,000.00 then you could feel safe:D.

Oh right. Silly me :)

12-03-11, 09:54 AM
Going Christmas shopping today. Got my elbow and knee pads on, ready for crazy shoppers. I will try not to get trampled like kooky and her sister (it was sister right?)

kooky panda
12-03-11, 09:58 AM
Going Christmas shopping today. Got my elbow and knee pads on, ready for crazy shoppers. I will try not to get trampled like kooky and her sister (it was sister right?)

good lucK!!!!! Do not forget to wear your body armor for protection!!!

http://th46.photobucket.com/albums/f128/Forgottenreaper/Armor/th_AR217A_Spaulders1.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/image/body%20armor/Forgottenreaper/Armor/AR217A_Spaulders1.jpg?o=14)

12-03-11, 01:39 PM
Whew! I made it. Got some stuff but I left when it started getting too crowded. I hate shopping

kooky panda
12-03-11, 02:38 PM
Whew! I made it. Got some stuff but I left when it started getting too crowded. I hate shopping

I am bad too after shopping online..lol.. got three people bought for... I am exhausted...

12-03-11, 03:35 PM
I'm claustrophobic, so I just hate it at this time of the year when I get crushed.
That's if there's actually anywhere worth shopping, which is increasingly unusual now:(.
Rachael98...because Norman was taken:p! ...what:o?

Saturday, 3rd December 2011
Merry Christmas! 22 sleeps to go...

Rachael98:cool: (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)

Join (forums.teamlava.com/group.php?do=join&groupid=18) the TeamLava Forum Moderator Fan Club (forums.teamlava.com/groups.php?groupid=18)!

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose"

Want a Signature made for you? PM me (forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=1327), with any quotes, colours, info or images/GIFs you'd like in it and I'll do the hard work!:)

kooky panda
12-03-11, 06:18 PM
I am very very claustrophobic.. yes I am the person in the elevator that is sweating!!! That is why I shop online this time of year.

12-03-11, 06:22 PM
Wow...the Forum messed this quote up!

I'm claustrophobic, so I just hate it at this time of the year when I get crushed.
That's if there's actually anywhere worth shopping, which is increasingly unusual now:(.
Rachael98...because Norman was taken:p! ...what:o?

Saturday, 3rd December 2011
Merry Christmas! 22 sleeps to go...

Rachael98:cool: (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)

Join (http://forums.teamlava.com/group.php?do=join&groupid=18) the TeamLava Forum Moderator Fan Club (http://forums.teamlava.com/groups.php?groupid=18)!

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose"

Want a Signature made for you? PM me (http://forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=1327), with any quotes, colours, info or images/GIFs you'd like in it and I'll do the hard work!:)

I am very very claustrophobic.. yes I am the person in the elevator that is sweating!!! That is why I shop online this time of year.[/QUOTE]

Anyway, whatever...I am the same:/. I don't like being claustrophobic. And I remember the time when the lift got stuck during a fire drill:o...

And...on a "whatever" subject, someone said that I was as helpful as a Moderator. Yay:).

12-05-11, 12:00 AM
Why do people thing I'll clean their city back (talking about people that aren't my nbrs) when they right creepy stuff like Hi, Baby cyc x. Why would they write Hi baby when they don't know u and you don't know them. Found it kinda creepy if u ask me though they might not have meant anything by it but still people should think before they post comments like that.

12-05-11, 12:24 AM
Why do people thing I'll clean their city back (talking about people that aren't my nbrs) when they right creepy stuff like Hi, Baby cyc x. Why would they write Hi baby when they don't know u and you don't know them. Found it kinda creepy if u ask me though they might not have meant anything by it but still people should think before they post comments like that.

Because it's a friendly way of talking that at lot of people (certainly in the UK) use; it's not meant to be creepy or anything.

NB: no, I don't use it:p...
Rachael98...because Norman was taken:p! ...what:o?

Monday, 5th December 2011
Merry Christmas! 20 sleeps to go...

Rachael98:cool: (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)

Join (forums.teamlava.com/group.php?do=join&groupid=18) the TeamLava Forum Moderator Fan Club (forums.teamlava.com/group.php?groupid=18)!

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose"

Want a Signature made for you? PM me (forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=1327), with any quotes, colours, info or images/GIFs you'd like in it and I'll do the hard work!:)

12-05-11, 12:44 AM
Because it's a friendly way of talking that at lot of people (certainly in the UK) use; it's not meant to be creepy or anything.

NB: no, I don't use it:p...
Rachael98...because Norman was taken:p! ...what:o?

Monday, 5th December 2011
Merry Christmas! 20 sleeps to go...

Rachael98:cool: (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)

Join (forums.teamlava.com/group.php?do=join&groupid=18) the TeamLava Forum Moderator Fan Club (forums.teamlava.com/group.php?groupid=18)!

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose"

Want a Signature made for you? PM me (forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=1327), with any quotes, colours, info or images/GIFs you'd like in it and I'll do the hard work!:)

Lol in that case people should be aware that not every culture considers that friendly but creepy unless you are close friends or family.

12-05-11, 12:46 AM
Lol in that case people should be aware that not every culture considers that friendly but creepy unless you are close friends or family.

Well, that's why (and we must remember that it's their way of talking:p).
Rachael98...because Norman was taken:p! ...what:o?

Monday, 5th December 2011
Merry Christmas! 20 sleeps to go...

Rachael98:cool: (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)

Join (forums.teamlava.com/group.php?do=join&groupid=18) the TeamLava Forum Moderator Fan Club (forums.teamlava.com/group.php?groupid=18)!

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose"

Want a Signature made for you? PM me (forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=1327), with any quotes, colours, info or images/GIFs you'd like in it and I'll do the hard work!:)

12-05-11, 04:48 AM
Lol thats true but still can't help finding it creepy. I do understand different cultures. I'm living in Thailand and Thais don't think anything of calling u fat. It's not meant in a bad way. I don't like it but just post a smile on my face and laugh it off since I'm not in my own country it's something I just have to tolerate and understand. Thankfully now that I've lost 15 pounds (7 kilos) I'm getting ooh you're slimmer now. I like that much better lol.

12-05-11, 11:10 AM
I think the oh baby thing is creepy. I never thought of it as a cultural difference.

12-05-11, 11:11 AM
@sourlicorice - a week after I had my daughter someone asked me when I was due O.O

kooky panda
12-05-11, 06:10 PM
Once when I was with my Dad, we saw a friend that we had not seen for a few years. When she walked up I noticed she had put on weight, but of course did not say anything, but my Dad said

:OHHHH when are you due???? Yes of course she was not pregnant and I was so embarrased for him, her and myself....http://cdn6.fotosearch.com/bthumb/CSP/CSP344/k3446132.jpg

12-05-11, 06:14 PM
Once when I was with my Dad, we saw a friend that we had not seen for a few years. When she walked up I noticed she had put on weight, but of course did not say anything, but my Dad said

:OHHHH when are you due???? Yes of course she was not pregnant and I was so embarrased for him, her and myself....http://cdn6.fotosearch.com/bthumb/CSP/CSP344/k3446132.jpg

When I was about 5 months pregnant when someone I didn't really know said something like "when are you due?" I would look horrified and say I'm not pregnant. Then they would look so horrified and I would tell the truth. I used to make myself laugh all the time doing that

12-06-11, 12:12 AM
@sourlicorice - a week after I had my daughter someone asked me when I was due O.O

lol I have been asked that to only I don't have any children. I don't get it now thankfully due to losing 15 pounds. Now I get you are slimmer (I like that lol).

12-06-11, 12:13 AM
[QUOTE=pinkster73;181228]When I was about 5 months pregnant when someone I didn't really know said something like "when are you due?" I would look horrified and say I'm not pregnant. Then they would look so horrified and I would tell the truth. I used to make myself laugh all the time doing that[/QUOTE

@Kooky - That would be embarrasing.

@pinsker - maybe you should change your name to jokester (kidding). I'd have loved to see the look on those peoples faces.

12-06-11, 09:23 AM
Alright can someone tell me is it because it's December the creepy people are coming out to play lol. Got two posts today from non nbrs. One said hey what's up. What's your name and age (insert heart here) and another one on a different game that said I love u in between a bunch of emoji. Neither person I knew.

12-06-11, 09:36 AM
Alright can someone tell me is it because it's December the creepy people are coming out to play lol. Got two posts today from non nbrs. One said hey what's up. What's your name and age (insert heart here) and another one on a different game that said I love u in between a bunch of emoji. Neither person I knew.

Hey, at least you know you're loved😜

12-06-11, 09:59 AM
Hey, at least you know you're loved😜

Ya everyone loves a creeper :p

kooky panda
12-06-11, 10:10 AM
Since I started playing Farm, I have had about 4 I love you's and a couple of marriage proposals.....


12-06-11, 10:11 AM
Since I started playing Farm, I have had about 4 I love you's and a couple of marriage proposals.....


A marriage proposal?! :p were they being serious? LOL ;) :D :p

12-06-11, 10:17 AM
Since I started playing Farm, I have had about 4 I love you's and a couple of marriage proposals.....


You should accepted. Be more creepy then them ha ha. Then mention how much you and your 8 kids under the age of 6 are looking forward to moving in

kooky panda
12-06-11, 10:18 AM
You should accepted. Be more creepy then them ha ha. Then mention how much you and your 8 kids under the age of 6 are looking forward to moving in

I actually do not mind the posts, but I do usually ignore them and not post back to that player just in case they do turn out to be creeper.

12-06-11, 10:21 AM
I actually do not mind the posts, but I do usually ignore them and not post back to that player just in case they do turn out to be creeper.

I know :p

But I made myself laugh

12-06-11, 04:20 PM
Lol a marriage proposal takes the cake lol. I didn't respond to my posts either as much as I would have liked to let them know that what they wrote was creepy.

12-08-11, 11:38 AM
Guess which **** man I will be looking at tonight!


12-08-11, 03:52 PM
And here's a very nice pic from his days in San Jose :p


12-12-11, 05:33 PM

12-13-11, 08:13 AM

12-13-11, 09:38 AM
Ooh that sucks :-( I hope it's fixed soon.

12-14-11, 07:54 AM
This is the winner for the funniest thread ever. Note that the issue was fixed and we all had our own farms back within the hour. (Thanks to GM). It was heart attack time, but still hilarious


12-14-11, 08:57 AM
Lol that was funny. Glad to hear that u got it back :-).

12-15-11, 04:07 PM
You know... I still dont get this thread :P
Whatever. :)

12-15-11, 06:51 PM
You know... I still dont get this thread :P
Whatever. :)

Hey, you're right on topic!

12-18-11, 01:17 PM

12-25-11, 03:33 PM
*Almost* accidentally invented a new dish by using cocoa powder in place of custard powder. *phew*

Lol...I'm feeling festive ~ maybe a little too festive ~~~

12-26-11, 12:35 AM
*Almost* accidentally invented a new dish by using cocoa powder in place of custard powder. *phew*

Lol...I'm feeling festive ~ maybe a little too festive ~~~

That's what holidays are for ha ha

12-27-11, 08:30 AM
Yeah my cous ins arrive in a couple of hours :-)

On the down side I wish my parents would find a new place to rent. There place is moldy where the rain has gotten in from the roof. I usually stay overnight every other weekend but because of being on holiday I've been here since the 24th and have done nothing but sneeze and I feel like I have a cold but once I'm outside it clears up. Gonna get some allergy pills tomorrow and bug my parents to either move out or harass the land lady to fix the place. I've told them I'd probably visit more often if it wasn't for the mold. They r stubborn though and cause its not a lot of mold (just enough to affect my allergies) they don't want to move. I don't care if it's a little it's not healthy and it'll just spread.

12-27-11, 11:28 AM
Yeah my cous ins arrive in a couple of hours :-)

On the down side I wish my parents would find a new place to rent. There place is moldy where the rain has gotten in from the roof. I usually stay overnight every other weekend but because of being on holiday I've been here since the 24th and have done nothing but sneeze and I feel like I have a cold but once I'm outside it clears up. Gonna get some allergy pills tomorrow and bug my parents to either move out or harass the land lady to fix the place. I've told them I'd probably visit more often if it wasn't for the mold. They r stubborn though and cause its not a lot of mold (just enough to affect my allergies) they don't want to move. I don't care if it's a little it's not healthy and it'll just spread.

Some mold are very harmful to health. Will a dehumidifier help?

Sneeze non-stop in front of your parents, all tears, pass out, seizure, talk garbage...you know, display all kind of illness symptoms to make them realize IT'S SERIOUS!!!

12-27-11, 11:28 AM
Throwing a house-cleaning party today. Bring your own bleach. Who's in?

12-27-11, 03:18 PM
Throwing a house-cleaning party today. Bring your own bleach. Who's in?

O. o Cricket!

Sounds liek fun! Im in :D

12-27-11, 03:34 PM
Throwing a house-cleaning party today. Bring your own bleach. Who's in?

Woo hoo a party! My kids are gone out of town for 2 whole weeks. 2 weeks kid free! I'm in!

12-27-11, 03:56 PM
Some mold are very harmful to health. Will a dehumidifier help?

Sneeze non-stop in front of your parents, all tears, pass out, seizure, talk garbage...you know, display all kind of illness symptoms to make them realize IT'S SERIOUS!!!

They have one. Doesn't help much. I'll keep pestering or start to only visit once a month till they get the hint or visit for the day and won't stay overnight. I can't stand it much longer. Thankfully will be out all day today in about three hours (it's 6 am) sight seeing with my cous ins. Bonus though I didn't realize my favourite cous in was coming as well. Though it was just my one cous in and his family. It's gonna b a fun day though we r going to a place I've been to several times. I don't care I'm just happy to have family here to visit.

12-27-11, 04:30 PM
They have one. Doesn't help much. I'll keep pestering or start to only visit once a month till they get the hint or visit for the day and won't stay overnight. I can't stand it much longer. Thankfully will be out all day today in about three hours (it's 6 am) sight seeing with my cous ins. Bonus though I didn't realize my favourite cous in was coming as well. Though it was just my one cous in and his family. It's gonna b a fun day though we r going to a place I've been to several times. I don't care I'm just happy to have family here to visit.

You're in Thailand right?

12-30-11, 10:19 AM
I know you've been busy this Christmas season. Me too. You know what I found today while packing up some Christmas stuff? 3 of those advent calendars that have a chocolate a day to count down the days until Christmas. Oops ha ha

12-30-11, 11:15 AM
I know you've been busy this Christmas season. Me too. You know what I found today while packing up some Christmas stuff? 3 of those advent calendars that have a chocolate a day to count down the days until Christmas. Oops ha ha

Haha...If you find 8 more you can start peeling them and by the time you're done it's another Christmas :)

12-30-11, 11:55 AM
Pet peeve time:

It's extremely weird when a person who is ONE person constantly refers to themselves as "we". Why would a person do this? It's very strange. We do this, we do that, but its ONE person referring to themselves. Argh!

12-30-11, 12:32 PM
Haha...If you find 8 more you can start peeling them and by the time you're done it's another Christmas :)

Here's a better plan: eat them all now yeah!

12-30-11, 01:05 PM
Pet peeve time:

It's extremely weird when a person who is ONE person constantly refers to themselves as "we". Why would a person do this? It's very strange. We do this, we do that, but its ONE person referring to themselves. Argh!

WE agree...lol...

Me and my alter ego :)

12-30-11, 01:05 PM
Here's a better plan: eat them all now yeah!

They usually don't taste good.

12-30-11, 01:08 PM
Pet peeve time:

It's extremely weird when a person who is ONE person constantly refers to themselves as "we". Why would a person do this? It's very strange. We do this, we do that, but its ONE person referring to themselves. Argh!

Maybe a person who does that has multiple personalities or other disorders. We think that might be the reason.

12-30-11, 01:18 PM
Yes we agree. Also, King Henry VIII referred to himself as we, partly because of huge ego issues.

12-30-11, 01:30 PM
I want to report mini meal house any one know how to report?

12-30-11, 02:32 PM
I want to report mini meal house any one know how to report?

You need email teamlava support and explain what's going on and the storm Id of who you want to report and your storm Id and screenshots if possible.

01-02-12, 05:41 PM
It's the same for everybody else. Well except people on welfare . It's sad and only going to get worse. Hope they get to feeling better .

01-02-12, 06:03 PM
It's the same for everybody else. Well except people on welfare . It's sad and only going to get worse. Hope they get to feeling better .

What? Did I miss something?

01-08-12, 03:20 AM
Hehe This is for those of you who want a laugh at us Crazy Americans ;) (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/packers-linebacker-brad-jones-tackles-fan-running-on-field?urn=nfl,wp15077)
I love the picture, they are both smiling, tee hee.:rolleyes:

01-08-12, 11:31 AM
Hehe This is for those of you who want a laugh at us Crazy Americans ;) (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/packers-linebacker-brad-jones-tackles-fan-running-on-field?urn=nfl,wp15077)
I love the picture, they are both smiling, tee hee.:rolleyes:

Crazy Americans :p

01-09-12, 01:01 PM
I don't know remembers from page 3 when I said my next appointment with my neurosurgeon is 2013 and I was looking for $20 000 in change from inside my couch to pay to go private, but update: I've been bumped to Thursday. like in 3 days woot!!!

01-09-12, 01:02 PM
I don't know remembers from page 3 when I said my next appointment with my neurosurgeon is 2013 and I was looking for $20 000 in change from inside my couch to pay to go private, but update: I've been bumped to Thursday. like in 3 days woot!!!

I knew that:p.
Good luck.

01-09-12, 01:03 PM
I don't know remembers from page 3 when I said my next appointment with my neurosurgeon is 2013 and I was looking for $20 000 in change from inside my couch to pay to go private, but update: I've been bumped to Thursday. like in 3 days woot!!!

That's great news!!!

01-09-12, 02:03 PM
I don't know remembers from page 3 when I said my next appointment with my neurosurgeon is 2013 and I was looking for $20 000 in change from inside my couch to pay to go private, but update: I've been bumped to Thursday. like in 3 days woot!!!

Yay!! Hope everything goes really really well and you'll be as good as new in no time!

Fingers, toes and eyes crossed, and I'll make my dog cross her paws when I get home.

01-09-12, 02:04 PM
Yay!! Hope everything goes really really well and you'll be as good as new in no time!

Fingers, toes and eyes crossed, and I'll make my dog cross her paws when I get home.

You forgot to cross your ears:D.

kooky panda
03-08-12, 07:01 PM

http://col.stb00.s-msn.com/i/D7/9D2A30CC7FB277BB6DCBCCD48FAD.jpgBaby squirrel with a little cast.

03-08-12, 07:24 PM

http://col.stb00.s-msn.com/i/D7/9D2A30CC7FB277BB6DCBCCD48FAD.jpgBaby squirrel with a little cast.

Omg that's so cute! He needs one of those doggy cone head things so he doesn't chew it off.

03-08-12, 10:19 PM
A cute pic I found


03-09-12, 03:48 PM

kooky panda
03-09-12, 03:53 PM

http://th198.photobucket.com/albums/aa305/luvlif52/th_Laughing.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/image/laughing/luvlif52/Laughing.gif?o=248)

03-09-12, 09:52 PM



Some pink kitties just for pinkster!

*note - about the last one - I did not take that picture, I just found it!

03-09-12, 10:16 PM



Some pink kitties just for pinkster!

*note - about the last one - I did not take that picture, I just found it!

I will pretend its PhotoShopped pink. Then its super cute!

03-09-12, 10:24 PM

03-09-12, 10:39 PM

03-09-12, 10:43 PM


03-09-12, 11:20 PM

03-10-12, 01:04 AM
Here is one of the squirrels I can hand feed:


I can hand feed the squirrels at the local park as well

03-10-12, 05:43 AM
http://th198.photobucket.com/albums/aa305/luvlif52/th_Laughing.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/image/laughing/luvlif52/Laughing.gif?o=248)

I think the HAHA LOL HAHA .gif file made me laugh even more than the pic

03-16-12, 12:28 PM

For queentina (so I don't go too off topic in that other thread lol)

And for pinkster :)

*note - this is just something I found cute!

03-16-12, 12:46 PM
Is that a gif?

03-16-12, 01:02 PM
Awww, that is pretty! I love how it makes the water ripple. I can be easily pleased. :p

03-16-12, 01:03 PM
Got out in The Big Panda... Ridiculous :p

03-16-12, 01:04 PM
Got out in The Big Panda... Ridiculous :p

If you're going to be a sneaky, lying, backstabber, you have to make sure NOT to get caught, otherwise...............................:p

03-16-12, 01:07 PM
If you're going to be a sneaky, lying, backstabber, you have to make sure NOT to get caught, otherwise...............................:p

Haha :p

I am warning you in advance... yanochka was not the only one who I was planning to team up on...

This has been on my mind: were you targeting me?

03-16-12, 01:08 PM
If you're going to be a sneaky, lying, backstabber, you have to make sure NOT to get caught, otherwise...............................:p

Ha ha Atlantis. You got BUSTED!

03-16-12, 01:09 PM
How come Yanochka gets to be "mysterious"? I want to be mysterious. Or something equally as cool.

03-16-12, 01:11 PM
you just want to have "fun"....LOL

03-16-12, 01:21 PM

03-16-12, 01:23 PM
How come Yanochka gets to be "mysterious"? I want to be mysterious. Or something equally as cool.

I said you were a super hero! Or something along those lines

03-16-12, 01:26 PM
I said you were a super hero! Or something along those lines

Not nearly as cool as mysterious

03-16-12, 01:34 PM
Is that a gif?

Yes - is it not displaying right for you?

03-16-12, 01:41 PM
Yes - is it not displaying right for you?

They don't act "giffy" on my phone. I have to go on my laptop to see them.

03-16-12, 01:45 PM
OMG...pinkster is really Cyndi Lauper!!!:::smacks forehead:::

03-16-12, 02:22 PM
Haha :p

I am warning you in advance... yanochka was not the only one who I was planning to team up on...

This has been on my mind: were you targeting me?

Not really, I was targeting Rachael or couldn't you tell by the amount of times I put him on the hot seat? LOL

Pinkster as Cyndi Lauper would explain the Pink fascination. :p

03-16-12, 02:34 PM
I'm not cyndi lauper. God no.

03-19-12, 08:21 PM
Well since this is the whatever thread, I'm going to cry because the Banning game is now done for a week. I hate this 50 page rule. :(

03-19-12, 08:27 PM
Well since this is the whatever thread, I'm going to cry because the Banning game is now done for a week. I hate this 50 page rule. :(

Oh no!!!! No banning!!!!!!

03-19-12, 09:36 PM
Ok I didn't read through all the 35 pages of this thread. So I apologize if this has been mentioned already. Saw the posts about medical insurance and how you have to jump through hoops, I agree BTW it's ridiculous.

I saw an episode of 60 Minutes a few nights ago and thought I'd share what I learned. Might be an option to help some of you. I'm seriously considering it for a procedure for my daughter that isn't approved in the US yet.

Apparently there is a whole new industry called "Medical tourism". You can fly to India, Thailand or other countries and get top notch medical care for a fraction of what you'd pay in the US. It sounds really good to me so here are some links to the story.

Hope this info helps someone. At least we do have options.

03-19-12, 09:43 PM
Ok I didn't read through all the 35 pages of this thread. So I apologize if this has been mentioned already. Saw the posts about medical insurance and how you have to jump through hoops, I agree BTW it's ridiculous.

I saw an episode of 60 Minutes a few nights ago and thought I'd share what I learned. Might be an option to help some of you. I'm seriously considering it for a procedure for my daughter that isn't approved in the US yet.

Apparently there is a whole new industry called "Medical tourism". You can fly to India, Thailand or other countries and get top notch medical care for a fraction of what you'd pay in the US. It sounds really good to me so here are some links to the story.

Hope this info helps someone. At least we do have options.

It was me who talked about the medical system and how my wait time for a neurosurgeon was incredible. I too have looked at other options and was weighing what could be an option for me. Luckily, (or unlucky I guess) I had a sudden change in my condition and was bumped up on the list for the neurosurgeon from one year to one month. I've seen him now.

So I lucked out (if you can call a medical emergency lucking out) and didn't have to wait. But my opinions on the health care system and the wait hasn't changed. It sucks and it needs drastic reform. I'm Canadian by the way.

03-20-12, 03:52 AM
Yes - is it not displaying right for you?

OMG...pinkster is really Cyndi Lauper!!!:::smacks forehead:::


03-20-12, 03:52 AM
Sorry grey gull I quoted you on accident

03-20-12, 05:49 AM

03-20-12, 06:44 AM
Just thought I'd share the new campaign bus for Allison Redford, premiere of Alberta. Makes me proud to be an Albertan :p


03-20-12, 06:50 AM
So, " premiere of Alberta", that would be like governor of a state, here???

I know a little about national Canadian politics and most of the major parties (Labour, Conservative, Green, Lib Dem, the Quebecious?)

03-20-12, 06:51 AM
So, " premiere of Alberta", that would be like governor of a state, here???

I know a little about national Canadian politics and most of the major parties (Labour, Conservative, Green, Lib Dem, the Quebecious?)

Correct. You didn't notice anything about the bus?

03-20-12, 07:38 AM
Nice wheels

03-20-12, 07:56 AM
Nice wheels

HA HA. Didn't they notice while they were making it? It's a big controversy now. They're repainting it.

03-20-12, 07:58 AM
Ohhhhh....LOL....I get it now!:o

And here I thought I had a dirty mind;)

03-20-12, 08:00 AM
If she had those done by a surgeon, she should sue!

One's all puffed up and the other is indented.

03-20-12, 08:01 AM
Ohhhhh....LOL....I get it now!:o

And here I thought I had a dirty mind;)

People are screaming "sexism" and all that. But the woman who's bus it is laughed it off as an oops.

I saw the wheels before I saw anything else :p

03-20-12, 08:02 AM
Do you think the guys painting it were laughing or do you think they didn't notice? I would have been busting a gut.

03-20-12, 08:04 AM
I'm voting for the Wildrose Alliance BECAUSE of that bus.

03-20-12, 09:48 AM
Do you think the guys painting it were laughing or do you think they didn't notice? I would have been busting a gut.

Well they are guys, I probably think they noticed. :p

03-20-12, 12:08 PM
Omg my husband just called me from his work and I got all worried because he NEVER calls from work so I thought someone, maybe him, was injured on site. But no, he needed me to place his baby cat in pet story before it got sick.

03-20-12, 12:32 PM
omg my husband just called me from his work and i got all worried because he never calls from work so i thought someone, maybe him, was injured on site. But no, he needed me to place his baby cat in pet story before it got sick.


04-04-12, 09:02 PM
Do any guys have a profile on here? Like younger unmarried single guys? Lol. I hate auto correct. I tried to put lol and everytime I do it changes to loo. Ahhhh. Okay I'm okay. That bus thing is pretty funny though. Hahaha. I tried to put haha and it came up as Bahama. I bate auto correct. Its so annoying.

04-05-12, 07:12 PM
Do any guys have a profile on here? .

Well, I'm single, 40ish, brown hair, two legs, two hands(but only one "confirmed" arm), and a caterpiller mustache.

Ohhh... and LOTS of plows! (just found two more today!)

04-05-12, 07:42 PM
Well, I'm single, 40ish, brown hair, two legs, two hands(but only one "confirmed" arm), and a caterpiller mustache.

Ohhh... and LOTS of plows! (just found two more today!)

I'm in! Oh wait... I'm married. Nevermind.

04-05-12, 09:07 PM
im out... no offense. ur just a tad bit older... only like 23 years.. no biggie!

04-05-12, 10:28 PM
im out... no offense. ur just a tad bit older... only like 23 years.. no biggie!

How could you possibly resist a man with a caterpillar mustache? I'll get it for you.

04-05-12, 10:30 PM
Here it is:


04-06-12, 07:24 AM

04-06-12, 11:40 AM
Here it is:


That made me laugh so hard.. ill be laughing so hard for anlong time..

04-06-12, 11:42 AM
How could you possibly resist a man with a caterpillar mustache? I'll get it for you.

You can have him if ya want! No hard feelings.. but didn't you say that you were married?

04-06-12, 12:23 PM
You can have him if ya want! No hard feelings.. but didn't you say that you were married?

I am. But my husband doesn't have a caterpillar mustache.

04-06-12, 12:31 PM
I am. But my husband doesn't have a caterpillar mustache.
Lol. Tell him to grow one!!!!

04-06-12, 12:40 PM
It would never compare to realfarmer's caterpillar mustache.

04-06-12, 12:54 PM
It would never compare to realfarmer's caterpillar mustache.

Haha true..

04-08-12, 06:38 PM
Do any guys have a profile on here? Like younger unmarried single guys? Lol. I hate auto correct. I tried to put lol and everytime I do it changes to loo. Ahhhh. Okay I'm okay. That bus thing is pretty funny though. Hahaha. I tried to put haha and it came up as Bahama. I bate auto correct. Its so annoying.

Im 26... but dating.

04-08-12, 09:25 PM
Im 26... but dating.

So that means you're available

04-09-12, 04:36 PM
Im 26... but dating.

that doesnt help much.. lol

04-09-12, 04:37 PM
So that means you're available

he may be available but our age is a bit apart..

04-09-12, 05:15 PM
I didn't know this was an online dating site.......
;) ;) ;)
I dont judge :P

04-09-12, 05:46 PM
I didn't know this was an online dating site.......
;) ;) ;)
I dont judge :P

Well now you know :p

04-09-12, 06:36 PM
Lol I'm single.....any takers :p

04-09-12, 06:58 PM
Lol I'm single.....any takers :p

You're half way across the world:(

04-09-12, 07:01 PM
You're half way across the world:(

Lol only for 2 more years :p

04-09-12, 07:02 PM
Long distance relationship!

04-09-12, 07:03 PM
So Romantic:o

04-09-12, 07:03 PM
Long distance relationship!

Lol no just joking around :p long distance relationships never work out anyways lol

04-09-12, 07:16 PM
Awww you guys broke up already. Understandable.

04-09-12, 07:18 PM
That was the second shortest relationship I've ever had:(

04-09-12, 07:29 PM
Lol no just joking around :p long distance relationships never work out anyways lol

It depends on how much you want it to work. Hubby and I lived in different states for over 6 months - and we're still the most annoying couple. Every couple or single person hate us. We've never argued - I swear! We've been together almost 10 years now, not even one tiny little spat.

04-09-12, 07:44 PM
It depends on how much you want it to work. Hubby and I lived in different states for over 6 months - and we're still the most annoying couple. Every couple or single person hate us. We've never argued - I swear! We've been together almost 10 years now, not even one tiny little spat.

Uh oh, one day one of you is just going to SNAP!

04-09-12, 08:08 PM
Uh oh, one day one of you is just going to SNAP!

Ok, we had 1 fight (and I mean physical). We had only been dating for a short period of time. I asked him if he would like to go out to dinner. I figured since I asked, I would pay. So when he tried to pay, I was literally shoving him away, with my son helping. But we were all laughing during - and I got to pay ;)

Seriously, we don't have anything to argue about - we're both very unique people, and communicate well. We both exerted enough energy fighting with other people before we started dating. And hubby's job is very stressful - people yell at him all day, and he can't do anything but be nice in return, otherwise he'll get fired. So I try to make sure his time at home with us is as stress-free as possible. The kids don't help with that often, but I try.

04-09-12, 08:16 PM
Ok, we had 1 fight (and I mean physical). We had only been dating for a short period of time. I asked him if he would like to go out to dinner. I figured since I asked, I would pay. So when he tried to pay, I was literally shoving him away, with my son helping. But we were all laughing during - and I got to pay ;)

Seriously, we don't have anything to argue about - we're both very unique people, and communicate well. We both exerted enough energy fighting with other people before we started dating. And hubby's job is very stressful - people yell at him all day, and he can't do anything but be nice in return, otherwise he'll get fired. So I try to make sure his time at home with us is as stress-free as possible. The kids don't help with that often, but I try.
Both of you have jobs that requires you to have good people s****s. That must explain it.
My husband is a corrections officer. He carries a club. And I'm correcting kids all day. Hmm. . I wonder what I should make of that? ? ?

04-09-12, 08:19 PM
Ok, we had 1 fight (and I mean physical). We had only been dating for a short period of time. I asked him if he would like to go out to dinner. I figured since I asked, I would pay. So when he tried to pay, I was literally shoving him away, with my son helping. But we were all laughing during - and I got to pay ;)

Seriously, we don't have anything to argue about - we're both very unique people, and communicate well. We both exerted enough energy fighting with other people before we started dating. And hubby's job is very stressful - people yell at him all day, and he can't do anything but be nice in return, otherwise he'll get fired. So I try to make sure his time at home with us is as stress-free as possible. The kids don't help with that often, but I try.

Some people are lucky that way. Or its fate. People go on about half of marriages end in divorce but they never seem to say half of all marriages last forever.

04-09-12, 08:20 PM
Both of you have jobs that requires you to have good people s****s. That must explain it.
My husband is a corrections officer. He carries a club. And I'm correcting kids all day. Hmm. . I wonder what I should make of that? ? ?

Don't correct him while he's still holding the club? :p

04-09-12, 08:41 PM
Don't correct him while he's still holding the club? :p
That is good advice. He's a teddy bear. Tee hee. But the guys at work don't know that.

04-09-12, 10:26 PM
I was in a relationship 15 years ago and he got a job back in his state. The long distance thing just didn't work. Though that was not the only factor. He preferred the countryside, Id go stir crazy. Much prefer a city even a small town. Plus other things. It was a mutual breakup and he's a great guy.

04-10-12, 11:30 AM


Oh my Laos money is crazy. That is 256 American dollars. I had to buy a change purse cause I couldn't close my wallet. That's what they gave me when I exchanged it. The red bills r the highest bill at 50000 kip. And it's so confusing when trying to pay for stuff. Lol Thankgoodness Lao people are very patient and nice :-)

04-10-12, 12:06 PM
But don't you feel so rich holding that?

04-10-12, 01:56 PM
So that means you're available

What if you are engaged? ;)

I think this person is looking for ~15, 16-year-olds? And shouldnt this be in the Boys & Men thread? :p

04-10-12, 02:45 PM
What if you are engaged? ;)

I think this person is looking for ~15, 16-year-olds? And shouldnt this be in the Boys & Men thread? :p

Engaged = not available.

And note I named this The Whatever Thread. Everything is on topic. Everything.

04-10-12, 02:53 PM
Why r u all talking about getting engaged? even if she is guys that is private!

04-10-12, 02:54 PM
Why r u all talking about getting engaged? even if she is guys that is private!
lmao rofl plllll coffee when down the wrong tube. . .

04-10-12, 02:56 PM
Since when is getting engaged private? They make cards and have parties for that.

04-10-12, 04:01 PM
I kept my engagement private, and then ran off to Florida and got married on the boardwalk with a JP. Best decision I ever made. Although my family was none to pleased. hehehe

04-10-12, 04:25 PM
I kept my engagement private, and then ran off to Florida and got married on the boardwalk with a JP. Best decision I ever made. Although my family was none to pleased. hehehe

I got married in the jp's living room! Great minds!

04-12-12, 07:28 AM
I got married in the jp's living room! Great minds!

I swear we were twins in a previous life, or soul mates or something. It is scary how much we think/act alike. :o

04-12-12, 07:43 PM
Score! I got one of these to use as a litterbox for my kitties:


04-12-12, 09:43 PM
Sprinkle some arm and hammer litter deodorizer on the bottom before you put the litter in. The litter won't stick to it.
By the way, I got married at the jp's house twice. Lol. Never had a white dress.

04-13-12, 07:39 AM
Sprinkle some arm and hammer litter deodorizer on the bottom before you put the litter in. The litter won't stick to it.
By the way, I got married at the jp's house twice. Lol. Never had a white dress.

I wore a dress that my Mom sewed for me. $100.

04-13-12, 07:43 AM
I wore a dress that my Mom sewed for me. $100.
Cool! I would love to see it.

04-13-12, 08:19 AM
Cool! I would love to see it.

I will pm a pic

04-13-12, 11:49 AM
I need to get one of these for my shower.http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31vPsgbyWJL._SL500_AA280_.jpg

04-13-12, 12:16 PM
Oh I miss a western bathroom. one good thing when I visit my parents in Bangkok I get to use their big bathroom.

This is my teeny tiny bathroom (for those who don't know I live in Thailand but I'm Canadian). The shower head is to the left on the wall. My toilet gets wet when I have a shower which is why the toilet seat is up cause it dries faster that way. The pink bucket is filled with water cause my toilet is not a flusher. You have to dump water in it to flush it - I actually like it better cause it never ever clogs up. Thailand does have western bathrooms. I live in a cheap one bedroom apartment and I'm the only westerner in the apartment.

04-13-12, 12:17 PM
Oh I miss a western bathroom. one good thing when I visit my parents in Bangkok I get to use their big bathroom.

This is my teeny tiny bathroom (for those who don't know I live in Thailand but I'm Canadian). The shower head is to the left on the wall. My toilet gets wet when I have a shower which is why the toilet seat is up cause it dries faster that way. The pink bucket is filled with water cause my toilet is not a flusher. You have to dump water in it to flush it - I actually like it better cause it never ever clogs up. Thailand does have western bathrooms. I live in a cheap one bedroom apartment and I'm the only westerner in the apartment.

Oops forgot to post the picture


04-13-12, 12:32 PM
Omg that's rough! Like the pink bucket though.

04-13-12, 12:33 PM
Show me the outside. What does it look like outside in Thailand? I am dying to see!

kooky panda
04-13-12, 12:33 PM
Question?? Did you clean it up before taking the picture??:p

04-13-12, 12:42 PM
Question?? Did you clean it up before taking the picture??:p

Lol yes I'm a clean freak especially when it comes to bathrooms (public toilets I won't even sit on just squat down cause I'm paranoid that it may not have been cleaned properly) Unfortunetly the floor is permanently marked up. I even tried bleach when I moved in to scrub it off but didn't work. the floor was like that when I moved in.

04-13-12, 12:54 PM
Show me the outside. What does it look like outside in Thailand? I am dying to see!

I'll post a few :-)

This one is of Phuket, Thailand. I was on. Boat tour with family that came to visit this past New Years.
http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_c9cfd051.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=c9cfd051.jpg)

This is the Grand Palace in Bangkok
http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_330d4afe.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=330d4afe.jpg)

This is New Years in Phuket. Those are floating lanterns. There's a ring on the bottom you light up and it floats up into the sky. It's very pretty watching thousands of lanterns go up. I have better pictures of it than this one but its got family or myself in the picture so don't want to post them.
http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_8475a13d.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=8475a13d.jpg)

04-13-12, 01:01 PM
Thank you. How wonderful and exotic!

04-13-12, 01:02 PM
Omg that's rough! Like the pink bucket though.

Lol I knew you'd like the bucket. It's not bad. I'm used to it and the rent is cheap. Helps leave me with more. Only to travel with, buy gems etc.

Oh and I forgot to mention the bathroom is outside. I have to go out on my balcony to get to the bathroom lol. Yes I just undress in my room, wrap a towel around me and go out to the bathroom. There's another apartment building (same apartment just with three buildings) right in from of mine and once I saw the Thais on that side doing the same thing I figured what the ....I might as well follow their lead.

04-13-12, 01:03 PM
I want to visit phuket! I heard there are good dive sites:)

04-13-12, 01:03 PM
Lol I knew you'd like the bucket. It's not bad. I'm used to it and the rent is cheap. Helps leave me with more. Only to travel with, buy gems etc.

Oh and I forgot to mention the bathroom is outside. I have to go out on my balcony to get to the bathroom lol. Yes I just undress in my room, wrap a towel around me and go out to the bathroom. There's another apartment building (same apartment just with three buildings) right in from of mine and once I saw the Thais on that side doing the same thing I figured what the ....I might as well follow their lead.

Sigh edit: Helps leave me with more money to travel with, buy gems etc.

04-13-12, 01:05 PM
I want to visit phuket! I heard there are good dive sites:)

I don't know how to dive myself but I've heard the same thing. I snorkel but all I ever see are the same fish and coral.

04-13-12, 01:37 PM
I don't know how to dive myself but I've heard the same things. I snorkel but all I ever see are the same fish and coral.

They are never the same if you carefully observe them. The fish can be doing different thing. They can be sleeping, eating, kissing, cleaning teeth or they can even follow you and grind against you. Sometimes they'd be eating your bubbles. Sometimes they just come and check you out. The best part is the night dive. Different fishy come out for different type of activities! It's also much prettier at night since you can see every color.
The corals are also different from different angles:)

04-14-12, 06:27 AM
Went into my city game only to discover I had a squished building and not only did I have a squished building, it's not even my building. I never purchased it. It's gone now though. I turned my iPad off and back on and it disappeared. Just thought I'd share ;-)


04-14-12, 07:49 AM
The squished building cracks me up. I have about 12 mil coins now, I'm thinking about buying a few of those and getting rid of some of my landscape, but have been holding off in case TL decides to EVER give us expansions there. I'm hoping to gain enough coins to fully expand if/when they ever get around to doing it for us. :p

04-14-12, 08:07 AM
The squished building cracks me up. I have about 12 mil coins now, I'm thinking about buying a few of those and getting rid of some of my landscape, but have been holding off in case TL decides to EVER give us expansions there. I'm hoping to gain enough coins to fully expand if/when they ever get around to doing it for us. :p

Ok people will think I'm nuts but I don't want another expansion in city cause that'll mean I'll have to add new nbrs if I want to expand. I have 12 nbrs and want to keep it like that. I won't use gems to expand either.

04-14-12, 08:34 AM
Ok people will think I'm nuts but I don't want another expansion in city cause that'll mean I'll have to add new nbrs if I want to expand. I have 12 nbrs and want to keep it like that. I won't use gems to expand either.

Just don't expand then. :p

I NEED expansion there, otherwise my City won't look like a City as I'll have to start removing roads and scenery just to place some of these items TL is coming out with. They are too large with the limited amount of space we have, not to mention they won't let us store factories, which is annoying as well.

04-14-12, 09:51 AM
Just don't expand then. :p

I NEED expansion there, otherwise my City won't look like a City as I'll have to start removing roads and scenery just to place some of these items TL is coming out with. They are too large with the limited amount of space we have, not to mention they won't let us store factories, which is annoying as well.

Lol I won't be able to resist. It'll bug me knowing I can expand and I'll break down and add more nbrs so I can.

04-14-12, 09:53 AM
Just don't expand then. :p

I NEED expansion there, otherwise my City won't look like a City as I'll have to start removing roads and scenery just to place some of these items TL is coming out with. They are too large with the limited amount of space we have, not to mention they won't let us store factories, which is annoying as well.

Sry forgot to add this.

I know. I have a lot of stuff in storage and when i get in the mood to redecorate i might swap some pieces. As for factories, I've mastered all contracts so I sold all but three (2 Xmas factories and one factory I stupidly bought for gems just cause it was new design but same contracts ugh) of the factories.

04-14-12, 11:30 AM
Sry forgot to add this.

I know. I have a lot of stuff in storage and when i get in the mood to redecorate i might swap some pieces. As for factories, I've mastered all contracts so I sold all but three (2 Xmas factories and one factory I stupidly bought for gems just cause it was new design but same contracts ugh) of the factories.

I've always wondered about that gem factory. I thought maybe it was a sonic one, but guess not eh? Oh well, not like I'd ever purchase one as I NEVER buy CityCash, just not worth it for that game.

04-14-12, 12:37 PM
I've always wondered about that gem factory. I thought maybe it was a sonic one, but guess not eh? Oh well, not like I'd ever purchase one as I NEVER buy CityCash, just not worth it for that game.

I wouldn't have wasted the gems if I'd known it didnt do anything different from the original ones. I don't buy gems often anymore in that game. There's gotta be something I really like. Last time I bought was a couple of weeks ago and only enough to get the cliffs. If I'd had the money I'd have gotten the waterfall. Bummed I'm missing out on that :-( before that I think it was Xmas that I bought gems for city.

04-14-12, 02:33 PM
I was bummed the Waterfall wasn't for coins, I really wanted that but can't justify buying the city cash for it. It probably wouldn't have matched in the city set-up I have no anyways, maybe if we ever get WATER tiles.......................LOL

04-14-12, 10:49 PM
I was bummed the Waterfall wasn't for coins, I really wanted that but can't justify buying the city cash for it. It probably wouldn't have matched in the city set-up I have no anyways, maybe if we ever get WATER tiles.......................LOL

I would have bought the waterfall but couldn't spend the money right now. I had to go out of the country for a visa run (ended up a bit expensive due to holiday and flights being booked full). Plus I opened a second bank account where I'm having a set amount transferred to each pay day for saving as I'm going back to Canada in 2 years and I'm gonna need money till I get a job when I go back. Sigh if it had only come out at the end of this month I could have bought it :-( coins would have been better though.

04-15-12, 06:17 PM
so.. im back after like 3 or 4 days. school is too much. oh and on an earlier note.. the one about something like not knowing that this was a dating website, well i didnt know either. it all started with me asking a question. lol

04-15-12, 09:34 PM
Pinkster, thank you for starting this thread. Haven't enjoyed anything this much in months.

04-16-12, 08:23 AM
Pinkster, thank you for starting this thread. Haven't enjoyed anything this much in months.

Your welcome! I like it too :p

04-16-12, 08:26 AM
I feel it is my civic duty as a caring citizen to warn everyone about evil appliances and furniture so people are informed and aware of the dangers. I'll start from must evil. As of now I only have a list of two objects to be afraid, very afraid of but if others wish to add to this list it would be greatly appreciated.

Number one on the list is the evil vacuum, sry picture unavailable of the culprit but it is responsible for this:

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_01615e3b.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=01615e3b.jpg)

Victim: Pinkster

Number two on this list is evil sofa:

Mugshot of culprit:

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_7dc6f3fc.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=7dc6f3fc.jpg)

Responsible for causing a removal of half a middle toenail

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_e391b286.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=e391b286.jpg)

Victim: Myself

Any further evil appliances or furniture please post to make people aware of them



04-16-12, 08:36 AM
Oh god!!! Gross!!!!!! I love it! Wait until atlantisonearth sees that! He's going to puke.

04-16-12, 08:38 AM
Here is the mugshot of my culprit:

It's an artist's rendition of the attacker since the original attacker was thrown in the dumpster.


04-16-12, 08:40 AM
Oh god!!! Gross!!!!!! I love it! Wait until atlantisonearth sees that! He's going to puke.

If its any consolations to him. I cleaned up my toe before I took a picture as it was bleeding a bit.

04-16-12, 08:40 AM
Here is the mugshot of my culprit:

It's an artist's rendition of the attacker since the original attacker was thrown in the dumpster.


Lol love the pic :)

04-16-12, 08:59 AM
OMG you guys crack me up!

Do I blame the roller blades, or my son, for the dump I took on my tush?

04-16-12, 09:00 AM
OMG you guys crack me up!

Do I blame the roller blades, or my son, for the dump I took on my tush?

Pics or it didn't happen :p

04-16-12, 09:01 AM
OMG you guys crack me up!

Do I blame the roller blades, or my son, for the dump I took on my tush?

I'd blame the roller blades. It's easier to take revenge on them without feeling guilty.

04-16-12, 09:01 AM
Pics or it didn't happen :p

I'm not taking a pic of my still hurting tush for you pinkster, no matter how much you beg. :p

04-16-12, 09:10 AM
Dramatic re-enactment of queentina's accident:


04-16-12, 09:22 AM
That looks really painful, but I am giggling all the same. A good sense of humor is a necessity of life.

I don't have pics but I injured my daughter's bookshelf ... Consider it revenge on the furniture and appliances. ;)

04-16-12, 09:33 AM

I feel it is my civic duty as a caring citizen to warn everyone about evil appliances and furniture so people are informed and aware of the dangers. I'll start from must evil. As of now I only have a list of two objects to be afraid, very afraid of but if others wish to add to this list it would be greatly appreciated.

Number one on the list is the evil vacuum, sry picture unavailable of the culprit but it is responsible for this:

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_01615e3b.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=01615e3b.jpg)

Victim: Pinkster

Number two on this list is evil sofa:

Mugshot of culprit:

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_7dc6f3fc.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=7dc6f3fc.jpg)

Responsible for causing a removal of half a middle toenail

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_e391b286.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=e391b286.jpg)

Victim: Myself

Third on this list is evil rollerskates, the following picture is a re-enactment of the scene:

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_448c0f49.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=448c0f49.jpg)

Responsible for a hurt tooshie.

Victim: queentina3

Fourth on this list are evil stairs. Here is an artists rendition of the scene:

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_73044907.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=73044907.jpg)

Responsible for a huge bruise on my thigh 14 years ago.
Hero of accident: myself, I was awarded the honor of saved glasses awards for saving them from breaking into a million pieces.

Victim: sadly myself

Any further evil appliances or furniture please post to make people aware of them



04-16-12, 09:35 AM
Side note: any further information on evil stuff will have to be added by you. Sadly it is opening old wounds and I don't think I can handle all this pain anymore :p

04-16-12, 10:20 AM
I have previously been attacked by a vicious pedigree dog food can requiring 5 stitches to my pointer finger.


04-16-12, 10:29 AM
I have previously been attacked by a vicious pedigree dog food can requiring 5 stitches to my pointer finger.


Lol pinkster, we make a good pair of accident prone people.

I fractured my right arm in three places about eight years ago. It was an evil motorcycle in Thailand and an evil pedestrian who jaywalked between stopped cars and in front of the motorcycle I was on causing it to slam on its brake and fall over.

04-16-12, 10:30 AM
Lol pinkster, we make a good pair of accident prone people.

I fractured my right arm in three places about eight years ago. It was an evil motorcycle in Thailand and an evil pedestrian who jaywalked between stopped cars and in front of the motorcycle I was on causing it to slam on its brake and fall over.

Side note: I was driving. It was a motorcycle taxi. I was the passenger.

04-16-12, 10:31 AM
Side note: I was driving. It was a motorcycle taxi. I was the passenger.

Ugh wish I could edit. I wasn't driving.

04-16-12, 12:56 PM
Fifth on this list are those evil stairs AGAIN. Here is an artists rendition of the scene:

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_73044907.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=73044907.jpg)

Responsible for a huge bruise on my thigh 13? years ago, knocking the wind out of me, and my being hit in the tush with the basement door by the people outside wanting to come in and see what all the noise was about. Also responsible for lots of teasing about drinking alcohol that was not actually involved.

Victim: sadly myself

See post from earlier today on this thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?27187-Funny-Things!-LOL!/page4) for more details. No I didn't make up this story to sound like the other stories on this thread, it actually happened and I posted it before reading the stories on this thread! lol

04-16-12, 01:04 PM
Lol I read that post. I feel for you. At least I had no one around to laugh at me.

04-16-12, 08:51 PM
I have a question for Canadians as some of you know I work at the grocery store in Michigan I no a town on the Canadian border. Every day Canadians come in looking for one thing...Turkey! Every day all year they want whole frozen turkeys, and when Turkey goes on sale I have literally seen a chartered bus of Canadians pull up to the store and like thirty people get out to buy TURKEY! What is the deal with turkey, i know its cheaper here but is that all? Am i missing something?

04-16-12, 09:34 PM
I have a question for Canadians as some of you know I work at the grocery store in Michigan I no a town on the Canadian border. Every day Canadians come in looking for one thing...Turkey! Every day all year they want whole frozen turkeys, and when Turkey goes on sale I have literally seen a chartered bus of Canadians pull up to the store and like thirty people get out to buy TURKEY! What is the deal with turkey, i know its cheaper here but is that all? Am i missing something?

I'm Canadian. There's always frozen turkeys here. They must be cheaper there. Or maybe they really like turkey.

04-16-12, 09:56 PM
I have a question for Canadians as some of you know I work at the grocery store in Michigan I no a town on the Canadian border. Every day Canadians come in looking for one thing...Turkey! Every day all year they want whole frozen turkeys, and when Turkey goes on sale I have literally seen a chartered bus of Canadians pull up to the store and like thirty people get out to buy TURKEY! What is the deal with turkey, i know its cheaper here but is that all? Am i missing something?

I'm Canadian and I'm obviously missing something lol. I like turkey but to cross a border to get it when it could be bought in Canada I don't understand. I would think it would end up not being cheaper cause you'd have to pay to get to Michigan to get it. I'm just as baffled.

04-16-12, 11:34 PM
Sigh I usually get my updates Friday mornings (different time zone). I hate it when I have to wait cause its 1:30 pm Tuesday but I have to wait till Wednesday mornings to get the update when I don't get it on the Friday. It sucks. I have to wait for Bakery and Fashion updates till tomorrow morning. Lol just venting. I hate waiting :-(

04-16-12, 11:51 PM
Oh my...was just on my Facebook and one of my crazy friends had her picture taking sitting on a crocodile. I'll stick with bungy jumping for my thrills.

Here's a picture though a covered her face just for privacy matters.

http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/th_27b2c3a9.jpg (http://s1114.photobucket.com/albums/k527/dangit1234/?action=view&current=27b2c3a9.jpg)

04-17-12, 12:02 AM
What is ridiculous? People whom are saying the suffer from depression. The people I know whom suffer from depression are two of my close relatives. One whom is a millionaire and has her dream job. The other eating better food than me at Taiwan and living a better life. I am working as a cafeteria lady and caring for a disable elderly at home. The only thing keep me going are the thoughts "Tommorrow is going to be a better day."

04-17-12, 04:14 AM
Ok I swear things are out to get me :p first an evil motorcycle, evil stairs, evil sofa and an evil transformer box again. Transformer blew about half an hour ago and poof there's goes the electricity. I'm dying of the heat. I need my airconditioner waaaah. Last time the box was hit by lightning. This time it's not even sprinkling out, it just blew (and made me jump ten feet). I can't afford a hotel room this time :-( so hoping it comes back on soon or I'm not getting a good nights sleep tonight cause it'll be too hot :-(

04-17-12, 04:20 AM
What is ridiculous? People whom are saying the suffer from depression. The people I know whom suffer from depression are two of my close relatives. One whom is a millionaire and has her dream job. The other eating better food than me at Taiwan and living a better life. I am working as a cafeteria lady and caring for a disable elderly at home. The only thing keep me going are the thoughts "Tommorrow is going to be a better day."

Everyone can suffer from depression, no matter what walk of life they are from, how rich or poor they are etc. some people handle things in a different way. All we can do is try and be strong when things don't go as plan. I even suffered from it when I was younger and still in school, though my family was going through a very rough time then which I won't go into as it's personal. But some people are better at picking themselves up and getting strong and dealing with hard issues which I had to do. Believe me tomorrow might not be better BUT stay strong and sooner or later it will be a better tomorrow. I know, life is better for me now and I'm happy, it didn't happen overnight but it happened :-)

04-17-12, 09:04 AM
What is ridiculous? People whom are saying the suffer from depression. The people I know whom suffer from depression are two of my close relatives. One whom is a millionaire and has her dream job. The other eating better food than me at Taiwan and living a better life. I am working as a cafeteria lady and caring for a disable elderly at home. The only thing keep me going are the thoughts "Tommorrow is going to be a better day."

Major Depression is a disorder with a physiological basis where a person's neurotransmitters are not functioning properly. They can't help it. Keep in mind there is the actual disorder versus general mild depression everyone feels on occasion. Disease can hit anyone in any situation. I've had severe depression my entire life, it was noticeable at age 6. I take a ton of medication and will take it the rest of my life because my neurotransmitters simply don't work right. It doesn't mean I'm a bad person or simply don't know enough to be grateful for the good things in my life. Not even decades of therapy can fix my depression, it's simply biological.

04-17-12, 09:08 AM
Everyone can suffer from depression, no matter what walk of life they are from, how rich or poor they are etc. some people handle things in a different way. All we can do is try and be strong when things don't go as plan. I even suffered from it when I was younger and still in school, though my family was going through a very rough time then which I won't go into as it's personal. But some people are better at picking themselves up and getting strong and dealing with hard issues which I had to do. Believe me tomorrow might not be better BUT stay strong and sooner or later it will be a better tomorrow. I know, life is better for me now and I'm happy, it didn't happen overnight but it happened :-)

I agree. Clinical depression has nothing to do with how much you have, or how happy you're supposed to be. It's a chemical imbalance involving your seratonin levels. It's not just "the blues", or feeling sad, its a persistent feeling that you can't just get over on your own.

04-17-12, 09:29 AM
Major Depression is a disorder with a physiological basis where a person's neurotransmitters are not functioning properly. They can't help it. Keep in mind there is the actual disorder versus general mild depression everyone feels on occasion. Disease can hit anyone in any situation. I've had severe depression my entire life, it was noticeable at age 6. I take a ton of medication and will take it the rest of my life because my neurotransmitters simply don't work right. It doesn't mean I'm a bad person or simply don't know enough to be grateful for the good things in my life. Not even decades of therapy can fix my depression, it's simply biological.

Oh wow. I learn something everyday. I can't imagine what that's like. And I agree it doesn't make you a bad person. I obviously wasn't suffering from major depression. Mine was due to family issues that were very hard to go through. I don't know the term for my depression at the time but I'll guess I'll term it mild depression. Now though I'm very happy and enjoying life and those bad couple of years I had are in the past.

04-17-12, 09:31 AM
Oh wow. I learn something everyday. I can't imagine what that's like. And I agree it doesn't make you a bad person. I obviously wasn't suffering from major depression. Mine was due to family issues that were very hard to go through. I don't know the term for my depression at the time but I'll guess I'll term it mild depression. Now though I'm very happy and enjoying life and those bad couple of years I had are in the past.

I'm tired. I missed part of DAmandings post. I was suffering from what she called general mild depression.

04-17-12, 09:35 AM
I had severe postpartum depression after I had both my kids. People didn't understand, like "your life is so great right now, how can you be depressed?" But having all the ingredients to being happy doesn't make you happy if you have depression.

04-17-12, 09:55 AM
I've had some serious depression as well, and don't begrudge anyone who claims to suffer from it; regardless of the material well-being.

But I don't think psychologists have the answer, either. Although some of them are helpful.

To me, a message board is great place to let loose and be the smart alec I truly am.

04-17-12, 09:58 AM
I had severe postpartum depression after I had both my kids. People didn't understand, like "your life is so great right now, how can you be depressed?" But having all the ingredients to being happy doesn't make you happy if you have depression.

I agree. it's unfortunate that people don't understand and sometimes even ignorant of it. Education I think is the key. They should do some research before casting judgement especially if they have never suffered from it.

04-17-12, 10:11 AM
I had to post this. It was too cute and this thread needs cheering up.


04-17-12, 10:18 AM
That's your idea of cheering up? Ha ha

04-17-12, 10:20 AM
This is one of my favorite pics:


04-17-12, 10:21 AM
That's your idea of cheering up? Ha ha

Lol if it made you smile than yes it's my idea of cheering up. How can u not smile over a picture of a cute kitty kat :p

04-17-12, 10:22 AM
This is one of my favorite pics:


Lol that's scary and funny.

04-17-12, 10:25 AM
Pinkster now that was hilarious. I thought it was until the picture finished loading. I was thinking boy you are in trouble for a few seconds there.

04-17-12, 10:27 AM
Pinkster now that was hilarious. I thought it was until the picture finished loading. I was thinking boy you are in trouble for a few seconds there.

Oh its gone, I thought that might happen ;)

04-17-12, 10:44 AM
Oh its gone, I thought that might happen ;)

Lol that was fast. I was wondering to.

I was trying to find one last funny picture to post before I go to bed but I decided that after looking and looking that


04-17-12, 01:47 PM
I had to post this. It was too cute and this thread needs cheering up.


That's your idea of cheering up? Ha ha

It made me lol for real and not just in text. :D

04-17-12, 02:02 PM
BT. This connection is terr-*gets cut off for the millionth time*

I agree with you on this one. Mine keeps dropping the Internet connection. Can't wait til my current contract ends so I can swap!

04-17-12, 02:03 PM
I agree with you on this one. Mine keeps dropping the Internet connection. Can't wait til my current contract ends so I can swap!

You could always just pay the eleventy billion dollar cancellation fee. :p

04-19-12, 12:07 AM
I had to wait 1 1/2 years to have my first surgery because there are only 4 neurosurgeons in a city of 1.2 million people who are qualified to do it. And my case was triaged as urgent. I've currently been waiting 8 months so far and will continue to wait at least another 6 for my next surgery. I'm also marked as urgent this time. This is ridiculous.

Pinkster u could be from nz with that kind of waiting time! At least we get free health care wether we have insurance or not, even though non life threatening surgeries can take ages to happen!

04-19-12, 08:22 AM
Pinkster u could be from nz with that kind of waiting time! At least we get free health care wether we have insurance or not, even though non life threatening surgeries can take ages to happen!

Luckily, or unluckily, however you want to see it, I had an event that saw me bumped to being seen almost immediately. So I didn't have to wait.

04-19-12, 09:27 AM
Pinkster. You have to play the banning game so I can ban you for not knowing what the post about the question mark in the update for farm was talking about lol. If you look in the lily pond some of the lilies form a question mark.

04-19-12, 10:00 AM
Pinkster. You have to play the banning game so I can ban you for not knowing what the post about the question mark in the update for farm was talking about lol. If you look in the lily pond some of the lilies form a question mark.

I still can't see it.

04-19-12, 10:41 AM
I still can't see it.


04-19-12, 10:43 AM
I think that's kind of a stretch.

04-19-12, 10:56 AM
I think that's kind of a stretch.

I'd have to disagree :p

04-19-12, 11:07 AM
I see a stick person


04-19-12, 02:20 PM
News Flash!!!!!!!


04-19-12, 02:25 PM
lol @ ^^^ lololol

04-19-12, 02:47 PM
Lol lol lol ^^^^^

04-19-12, 02:50 PM
Omg realfarmer!!!!