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12-11-12, 07:22 AM

And, mini garlic pickles? Not a big pickle fan here.

12-11-12, 10:16 AM

And, mini garlic pickles? Not a big pickle fan here.

Mini garlic pickles: very low calorie, fat free, and takes away craving for salty snacks like delicious chips. Nom nom nom

12-11-12, 12:56 PM
Ok, I have to vent because if I don't, my head my explode!

I'm sick and tired of Photobucket being a pain in the backside! It is constantly freezing up or taking forever to save or edit pictures lately. I've finally decided, after last nights fiasco, to crop them in Photo Elements BEFORE uploading them into Photobucket and then just copying the link from there. It seemed to speed things up a tad, but it still as slow as molasses running up a hill backwards.

Is it just me, or is anyone else finding Photobucket to be almost worthless at this point? GRRRRR

12-11-12, 02:11 PM
Ok, I have to vent because if I don't, my head my explode!

I'm sick and tired of Photobucket being a pain in the backside! It is constantly freezing up or taking forever to save or edit pictures lately. I've finally decided, after last nights fiasco, to crop them in Photo Elements BEFORE uploading them into Photobucket and then just copying the link from there. It seemed to speed things up a tad, but it still as slow as molasses running up a hill backwards.

Is it just me, or is anyone else finding Photobucket to be almost worthless at this point? GRRRRR

Actually photobucket for me has been ok for 2 days now. Did you check for an update?

12-11-12, 02:41 PM
Actually photobucket for me has been ok for 2 days now. Did you check for an update?

I use the one on the computer and it only has the beta or regular version, I know the iOS version had an update not that long ago but I don't use it on my iPad. I hated the beta version so much I decided to just use the regular version, but even now that is still giving me issues. I think I need to find another image hosting service..................

12-11-12, 02:45 PM
well, I always crop my pics is Photoshop anyway. I did have some issues with Photobucket the other day, but it was a login problem.

kooky panda
12-12-12, 04:51 PM

12-12-12, 05:10 PM
I don't get hot flashes yet thank god.

A bunch of kids, including my son, had all their phones stolen out of their gym lockers today. What is wrong with people? Im mad :mad:

12-12-12, 06:04 PM
Weren't their lockers locked????

12-12-12, 08:24 PM
Weren't their lockers locked????

It was their gym tote lockers and no my son didn't lock his today. He said he was in a hurry and forgot his lock in his main locker. Im mad at him too.

12-12-12, 08:42 PM
I don't get hot flashes yet thank god.

A bunch of kids, including my son, had all their phones stolen out of their gym lockers today. What is wrong with people? Im mad :mad:

Do you have phone insurance? He should have to pay the fee to get a new phone....or work off the cost sweat shop style, that will teach him to bring his lock. Wait why did he need his phone for class? Shouldn't he have left that in his main locker instead?

12-12-12, 08:43 PM
Here's the pee-up bar of where im going. Tee hee


12-14-12, 09:49 AM
Here's the pee-up bar of where im going. Tee hee


Oh that looks wonderful. I want to go. I love the seaside.

12-14-12, 09:56 AM
Kids are so funny and cute lol.

Kids are busy taking their midterm 2 tests today and Monday. Anyways I was proctoring grade 2/2 all day. The last test for the day was Health. One of the questions was to list 10 types of medicine I.e. cough syrup. Anyways one of the kids wrote a brand name medicine (Thailands version of tylenol), the name of this medicine is also my first name.Anyways the student wrote that as an answer but in brackets beside it wrote "not teacher (my name)" lol it cracked me up. The Thai teacher who was also proctoring with me got a good laugh from it to.

12-14-12, 10:08 AM
Sourlicorice syrup. Great cough medicine.

My son got a new phone for $250. Paid for with his own money. The rule was his Dad bought him his phone the first time, and if he chose to take it to school against my advice, we dont replace it. He has $4 left in his bank account. Let the slave labor begin!

12-14-12, 11:58 AM
$250 for a PHONE?!?!?!?!

Kids these days.....

12-14-12, 01:07 PM
Sourlicorice syrup. Great cough medicine.

My son got a new phone for $250. Paid for with his own money. The rule was his Dad bought him his phone the first time, and if he chose to take it to school against my advice, we dont replace it. He has $4 left in his bank account. Let the slave labor begin!

Aw I need 250 to go to vegas :(

12-14-12, 02:25 PM
$250 for a PHONE?!?!?!?!

Kids these days.....

More like a computer that can make phone calls.

12-15-12, 12:08 AM
So who pays his bill

12-15-12, 08:39 AM
So who pays his bill

His Dad put the kids on his corporate plan. The kids Dad pays for a lot of the kids stuff. Probably out of guilt.

12-15-12, 11:07 AM
I don't think people realy pee in that pool.

12-15-12, 12:30 PM
His Dad put the kids on his corporate plan. The kids Dad pays for a lot of the kids stuff. Probably out of guilt.

Oh lol he lucky

12-15-12, 04:54 PM
I don't think people realy pee in that pool.

It wouldn't matter if they did chlorine takes care of that. I have never heard of anyone getting sick by swimming ina pool someone peed in. Have you?:p

12-15-12, 05:26 PM
It wouldn't matter if they did chlorine takes care of that. I have never heard of anyone getting sick by swimming ina pool someone peed in. Have you?:p

I don't know. I swim in a pond. I think the fish pee is good for my skin. I look like I'm still in my 30's. It's the fish pee I swear.
My mom told me that you can get diseases from hot tubs so I have never been in a hot tub. Ever!

12-15-12, 06:45 PM
I don't think people realy pee in that pool.

That's what you think......... :p

12-15-12, 10:33 PM
I don't think people realy pee in that pool.

Lol kids would I'm sure. I used to be a kid so I know this for a fact :p

12-16-12, 05:38 AM
Lol kids would I'm sure. I used to be a kid so I know this for a fact :p

Lmao! I love you sourlicorice.

12-16-12, 08:29 AM
Lmao! I love you sourlicorice.

Lol aww thx love ya back.

12-16-12, 11:18 AM
I don't think people realy pee in that pool.

Some pools have chemicals were if u pee the water would turn different color.

12-16-12, 05:18 PM
Some pools have chemicals were if u pee the water would turn different color.
That's just something people tell kids so they don't pee in the pool.

12-16-12, 05:28 PM
Ours has a sign:
"Welcome to our ool.
Notice the missing P
Keep it that way!"

12-17-12, 06:50 AM
Ours has a sign:
"Welcome to our ool.
Notice the missing P
Keep it that way!"

Love it!

12-17-12, 09:38 AM
Text conversation with my Dad this morning:

Dad: Lets all get together for brunch this sunday, you, your sisters, husbands, and all the kids.

Me: Ok sounds great.

Dad: Alright you organize it and just let me know the time. Bye hon.

REALLY? I mean REALLY? Like i dont have enough other stuff to do this week?!

12-17-12, 10:32 AM
Text conversation with my Dad this morning:

Dad: Lets all get together for brunch this sunday, you, your sisters, husbands, and all the kids.

Me: Ok sounds great.

Dad: Alright you organize it and just let me know the time. Bye hon.

REALLY? I mean REALLY? Like i dont have enough other stuff to do this week?!

Lol that is hilarious (sorry) :p Dad's gotta love them :p

kooky panda
12-17-12, 11:56 AM
My dad's cell phone finally broke ( Has had the same one for over 8 years. )
I talked him into getting a smart phone. So he would have internet, texting, etc.
He did not really want to get one, but he finally agreed.

He brought it in to my office and we spent a few hours getting it set up. I told him he can now text all of us including his grand kids. He said, well you know I probably will not use it that much. If you text me, you better be prepared to wait a while for an answer back.

Well all I can say now is "DAD QUIT BOTHERING ME 10 TIMES A DAY".. LOL

I now have pictures of everything that my Mom and his Pug does all day!!!
Even my nieces and nephews are, Man Poppy sure sends a lot of texts!!

I think I created a monster!!!

12-17-12, 04:29 PM
My cousin is in the marines and he came home today, had not told his mother he had leave for Christmas and showed up on her doorstep to surprise her. Now we all have to keep it a secret so he can surprise my mom when he shows up for pizza on Christmas Eve. I am so excited!

12-17-12, 05:57 PM
My cousin is in the marines and he came home today, had not told his mother he had leave for Christmas and showed up on her doorstep to surprise her. Now we all have to keep it a secret so he can surprise my mom when he shows up for pizza on Christmas Eve. I am so excited!

You have to keep that a secret for more then a week?! Oh thats hard.

12-17-12, 06:09 PM
You have to keep that a secret for more then a week?! Oh thats hard.

I know, and she watches my daughter so I see her every day.

12-17-12, 06:59 PM
I know, and she watches my daughter so I see her every day.

Are you the type that she'll be able to tell something's up just by looking at you? It's risky.

12-17-12, 07:17 PM
Are you the type that she'll be able to tell something's up just by looking at you? It's risky.

The good thing about that is she will just think it has to do with a Christmas present. I am really excited though we haven't seen him since my brother's wedding over a year ago. He came in his uniform and he looked like a man and made me feel old.

12-18-12, 01:59 PM
I've been singing this all day:


12-18-12, 03:50 PM
But is the fish any good????

12-18-12, 05:21 PM
But is the fish any good????

It's very very good. And very very cheap.

12-19-12, 07:37 PM
I'm ready for Christmas to be over.

12-19-12, 07:39 PM
I'm ready for Christmas to be over.

Check out the Christmas tree thread.

12-19-12, 08:35 PM
I'm ready for Christmas to be over.

I'm ready for Christmas to start

12-19-12, 08:42 PM
I think I'll stick to online shopping .... Just got back from toys r us in times square whoa is that over crowded

12-19-12, 09:17 PM
I love toys are us! My boys are hard to buy gifts for. They don't play with toys anymore. They only want stuff that I won't ever let them have in my house like air soft ***s. No way! I got them paint by numbers instead. Ha ha they'll thank me for it someday.

12-20-12, 01:14 PM
Smh I have to go to my lil sisters band recital. Its going to b boring

kooky panda
12-20-12, 01:34 PM
Just got my niece the new Barbie PhotoFashion . Barbie and digital camera in one!!
It took all I had not to open and play with it!!! Had to wrap it fast to avoid temptation!!LOL

AHHHH to be a kid again..

12-20-12, 02:20 PM
Just got my niece the new Barbie PhotoFashion . Barbie and digital camera in one!!
It took all I had not to open and play with it!!! Had to wrap it fast to avoid temptation!!LOL

AHHHH to be a kid again..

I get like that too. I want to play with everything.

12-20-12, 03:15 PM
Just got my niece the new Barbie PhotoFashion . Barbie and digital camera in one!!
It took all I had not to open and play with it!!! Had to wrap it fast to avoid temptation!!LOL

AHHHH to be a kid again..
LOL, {{Flashback Bubble}}

I get like that too. I want to play with everything.
me too :p, all the stuff the kids get nowadays... wish they had this stuff when I was a kid :p

kooky panda
12-20-12, 04:00 PM
LOL, {{Flashback Bubble}}

me too :p, all the stuff the kids get nowadays... wish they had this stuff when I was a kid :p

she is so cute!!

http://mat.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/pMAT1-13626981v380.jpghttp://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-m19TCJ9RYLaaXXLJr5w8ExsptrFcAZ7cVUvi2E8HsVOtB056wQ You can also pick one of your pictures and put it on her shirt.

cannot wait for my niece to open it so I can play with it.. LOL

12-20-12, 04:27 PM
Ellen showed this on her show couple weeks ago.

12-20-12, 06:06 PM
Tempete there's a new pic just for you here:


12-20-12, 06:50 PM
I love toys are us! My boys are hard to buy gifts for. They don't play with toys anymore. They only want stuff that I won't ever let them have in my house like air soft ***s. No way! I got them paint by numbers instead. Ha ha they'll thank me for it someday.
You were right not to buy the air soft ***s those bbs would never leave your house. I swear they breed my brother-in-law lived with us years ago when he was still in school and he had those and I find the bbs still now five years later.

12-21-12, 02:21 AM
I can't believe this thread is 313 pages! Merry Xmas everyone!

12-21-12, 08:42 AM
I can't believe this thread is 313 pages! Merry Xmas everyone!

Merry Christmas!

What time is the end of the world?

12-21-12, 01:22 PM
Merry Christmas!

What time is the end of the world?

I think it supposed to be 11AM, but I'm still waiting....

12-21-12, 02:15 PM
Tempete there's a new pic just for you here:


OMG EWWWWWWWWWW. Why did I fall into your trap!!!!!!!!

12-21-12, 07:17 PM
I am getting really excited for Christmas. I am just now thinking of all the presents I need to wrap. We saw Santa again today and she still wants cow shoes, toy plants, and a water hose. I can't wait until she sees her purple garden hose! I it is weird for a four year old to ask for a hose from Santa but not every four year old wants to be a rockstar farmer either. I am just way excited to see her open her gifts.

12-22-12, 09:33 AM
I am getting really excited for Christmas. I am just now thinking of all the presents I need to wrap. We saw Santa again today and she still wants cow shoes, toy plants, and a water hose. I can't wait until she sees her purple garden hose! I it is weird for a four year old to ask for a hose from Santa but not every four year old wants to be a rockstar farmer either. I am just way excited to see her open her gifts.

I have cow shoes. All us cool people have them. :p

This year for christmas i got my sister and her loser husband a gift card for the grocery store. My son said thats rude, but i dont think so. Its not like a gave them a card saying "here, use this instead of freeloading off me and grocery shopping at my house and our Moms house".

12-22-12, 12:56 PM
This year for christmas i got my sister and her loser husband a gift card for the grocery store. My son said thats rude, but i dont think so. Its not like a gave them a card saying "here, use this instead of freeloading off me and grocery shopping at my house and our Moms house".

Nooooooooo.....it's not like saying that at all.......

kooky panda
12-22-12, 06:30 PM
Zeus and Cosmo were trying to take Tater's bone and got in a fight. No one was hurt but Momma!!!(trying to break it up)


12-22-12, 09:33 PM
Zeus and Cosmo were trying to take Tater's bone and got in a fight. No one was hurt but Momma!!!(trying to break it up)


But they didn't mean it!

12-22-12, 09:34 PM
Nooooooooo.....it's not like saying that at all.......

Ok maybe that is what im saying. But nicer.

12-23-12, 02:35 PM
Where is the Christmas party at? It seems so down on this holiday. :(

12-24-12, 08:40 AM
Where is the Christmas party at? It seems so down on this holiday. :(

Everyone is probably crazy busy.

12-24-12, 01:38 PM
Yeah I guess even I am. But still tryna Enjoy it. (The holidays)

12-24-12, 02:36 PM
Everyone is probably crazy busy.

Yup, that is me at least. My poor 10 yr old is just getting over a cold that kept him out of school 2 days last week, the 2 days I wanted to go shopping. Grrrr. I dragged my 12 yr old to the Mall and a few stores on Saturday. He only started to complain when it took us 1 hour to get OUT OF THE MALL parking lot. We got to the car at 335 and finally got on the main road out of the mall at 437. Needless to say, we only stopped at 3 more stores after that, and they were quick stops, as he was starting to whine.

Yesterday me and the hubby went out to the Premium Outlets they have in my town, and by the 2nd store he was whining. My 12 yr old lasted longer than the hubby did, and I of course RUBBED that in his face. :p

Now everything for the boys and hubby is wrapped, and tomorrow I'll wrap the stuff for my parents/sister/niece/nephew as I need the boxes I wrapped some of my kids stuff in to wrap theirs. Good thing my parents are coming up on Wed and my Sister and brood on Friday (her birthday as well), as I'll have time to do their wrapping after the holiday. :)

I hope everyone else has a GREAT holiday.

12-24-12, 02:44 PM
Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas everybody!!!!!

12-24-12, 03:44 PM
Yup, that is me at least. My poor 10 yr old is just getting over a cold that kept him out of school 2 days last week, the 2 days I wanted to go shopping. Grrrr. I dragged my 12 yr old to the Mall and a few stores on Saturday. He only started to complain when it took us 1 hour to get OUT OF THE MALL parking lot. We got to the car at 335 and finally got on the main road out of the mall at 437. Needless to say, we only stopped at 3 more stores after that, and they were quick stops, as he was starting to whine.

Yesterday me and the hubby went out to the Premium Outlets they have in my town, and by the 2nd store he was whining. My 12 yr old lasted longer than the hubby did, and I of course RUBBED that in his face. :p

Now everything for the boys and hubby is wrapped, and tomorrow I'll wrap the stuff for my parents/sister/niece/nephew as I need the boxes I wrapped some of my kids stuff in to wrap theirs. Good thing my parents are coming up on Wed and my Sister and brood on Friday (her birthday as well), as I'll have time to do their wrapping after the holiday. :)

I hope everyone else has a GREAT holiday.

From my mom's point of view, she feels the same way about that whole hubby whining thing. I actually enjoy shopping (for sure excluding grocery shopping lol). So usually when my family goes shopping, its like this: dad whines because we can't find any parking, we find it, we go in the mall, shop at the first store, by the 2nd store dad keeps sitting on those chairs in the mall while my mother, sister and I are looking in the stores. Then my dad start whining and wants to go home. He really hates shopping unless if he's in canadian tire or some tool store. My dad usually shops with my mom for our x-mas presents because he's clueless about us.

12-24-12, 04:05 PM
From my mom's point of view, she feels the same way about that whole hubby whining thing. I actually enjoy shopping (for sure excluding grocery shopping lol). So usually when my family goes shopping, its like this: dad whines because we can't find any parking, we find it, we go in the mall, shop at the first store, by the 2nd store dad keeps sitting on those chairs in the mall while my mother, sister and I are looking in the stores. Then my dad start whining and wants to go home. He really hates shopping unless if he's in canadian tire or some tool store. My dad usually shops with my mom for our x-mas presents because he's clueless about us.

LMAO!!! That sounds like my hubby. I asked him to stop at Shaw's on his way home from work today to pick up a few things that I didn't want to get too early due to spoilage AND to TRY to get a Shell Gas Card for my 22 yr old. I even sent my dad out in his area to try to find one as EVERYWHERE I went they were sold out, same for my Dad, even at the Shell Gas Stations. Hubby was able to get one at Shaw's, thankfully. So the only gift I couldn't get that I really wanted was the Bruins Sweatshirt for my nephew. NOBODY had any. They had Celtics, Patriots, and Red Sox, but NO BRUINS! UGH! I ended up just getting him a regular pullover one from Nike to wear to his Hockey practices, but I was bummed that I couldn't find any Bruins Sweatshirts. The stores I went to, and it was EVERY Sports Store, said they haven't had any at all yet. I'm so bummed about that.

There was 1 store my 12 yr old whined about a bit, it was the Bath & Body Works store. That store is crowded without people, but the Saturday before XMAS it is a MADHOUSE. On top of that the smell from everyone testing out the sprays was enough for my 12 yr old to BEG me to wait outside. LMAO. Poor kid. I made him stay though as I had to spray a few on myself and have him smell them. He was as horrified about that as he was having to spread on my sunblock this past summer. Ah the torture of soon to be teenagers, my only real thrill left in life. :p He didn't understand why we had to go there, and I was like "It is for your cousin and aunt (my niece and sister). He would have preferred they just get gift cards at that point. LMAO!!!

12-24-12, 06:49 PM
LMAO!!! That sounds like my hubby. I asked him to stop at Shaw's on his way home from work today to pick up a few things that I didn't want to get too early due to spoilage AND to TRY to get a Shell Gas Card for my 22 yr old. I even sent my dad out in his area to try to find one as EVERYWHERE I went they were sold out, same for my Dad, even at the Shell Gas Stations. Hubby was able to get one at Shaw's, thankfully. So the only gift I couldn't get that I really wanted was the Bruins Sweatshirt for my nephew. NOBODY had any. They had Celtics, Patriots, and Red Sox, but NO BRUINS! UGH! I ended up just getting him a regular pullover one from Nike to wear to his Hockey practices, but I was bummed that I couldn't find any Bruins Sweatshirts. The stores I went to, and it was EVERY Sports Store, said they haven't had any at all yet. I'm so bummed about that.

There was 1 store my 12 yr old whined about a bit, it was the Bath & Body Works store. That store is crowded without people, but the Saturday before XMAS it is a MADHOUSE. On top of that the smell from everyone testing out the sprays was enough for my 12 yr old to BEG me to wait outside. LMAO. Poor kid. I made him stay though as I had to spray a few on myself and have him smell them. He was as horrified about that as he was having to spread on my sunblock this past summer. Ah the torture of soon to be teenagers, my only real thrill left in life. :p He didn't understand why we had to go there, and I was like "It is for your cousin and aunt (my niece and sister). He would have preferred they just get gift cards at that point. LMAO!!!

Lol poor guy. There wasn't any sports or toy store? (sorry, don't know what your son is interested in) That store is always packed before x-mas. I'm so happy my friends got me some stuff from there so I don't have to go in that madhouse. I only like going there when it's not that crowded. It's more peaceful that way. I also have a coupon, 20% off for entire purchase, but it expired today. :p I know what you mean though. My family and I actually went through that store too when we went to the mall yesterday. 100% my dad sat on a chair while we tried on a few samples. Hehe. Guys these days. They should try shopping like us. By the end of the day my dad always mentions how tired he is from all that "walking". Then my mom starts complaining how we ladies were doing all the walking and shopping and how he should try to be like us for once.

12-24-12, 08:00 PM
well, it's Christmas Eve, so it's time for the greatest Christmas Song of all-time.....

Snoopy's Christmas by The Royal Guardsmen

O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum,
do kannst mir sehr gefallen!

The news had come out in the First World War
The bloody Red Baron was flying once more
The Allied command ignored all of its men
And called on Snoopy to do it again.

Was the night before Christmas, 40 below
When Snoopy went up in search of his foe
He spied the Red Baron, fiercely they fought
With ice on his wings Snoopy knew he was caught.

Christmas bells those Christmas bells
Ring out from the land
Asking peace of all the world
And good will to man

The Baron had Snoopy dead in his sights
He reached for the trigger to pull it up tight
Why he didn't shoot, well, we'll never know
Or was it the bells from the village below.

Christmas bells those Christmas bells
Ringing through the land
Bringing peace to all the world
And good will to man

The Baron made Snoopy fly to the Rhine
And forced him to land behind the enemy lines
Snoopy was certain that this was the end
When the Baron cried out, "Merry Christmas, my friend"

The Baron then offered a holiday toast
And Snoopy, our hero, saluted his host
And then with a roar they were both on their way
Each knowing they'd meet on some other day.

Christmas bells those Christmas bells
Ringing through the land
Bringing peace to all the world
And good will to man

12-24-12, 11:34 PM
LMAO!!! That sounds like my hubby. I asked him to stop at Shaw's on his way home from work today to pick up a few things that I didn't want to get too early due to spoilage AND to TRY to get a Shell Gas Card for my 22 yr old. I even sent my dad out in his area to try to find one as EVERYWHERE I went they were sold out, same for my Dad, even at the Shell Gas Stations. Hubby was able to get one at Shaw's, thankfully. So the only gift I couldn't get that I really wanted was the Bruins Sweatshirt for my nephew. NOBODY had any. They had Celtics, Patriots, and Red Sox, but NO BRUINS! UGH! I ended up just getting him a regular pullover one from Nike to wear to his Hockey practices, but I was bummed that I couldn't find any Bruins Sweatshirts. The stores I went to, and it was EVERY Sports Store, said they haven't had any at all yet. I'm so bummed about that.

There was 1 store my 12 yr old whined about a bit, it was the Bath & Body Works store. That store is crowded without people, but the Saturday before XMAS it is a MADHOUSE. On top of that the smell from everyone testing out the sprays was enough for my 12 yr old to BEG me to wait outside. LMAO. Poor kid. I made him stay though as I had to spray a few on myself and have him smell them. He was as horrified about that as he was having to spread on my sunblock this past summer. Ah the torture of soon to be teenagers, my only real thrill left in life. :p He didn't understand why we had to go there, and I was like "It is for your cousin and aunt (my niece and sister). He would have preferred they just get gift cards at that point. LMAO!!!
I got my dad a blanket with the picture of Bobby Orr's flying goal, speaking of bruins, and I can't wait to give it to him.

12-24-12, 11:35 PM
I just got home from mass. I wish everyone a merry Christmas!

12-25-12, 10:46 AM
I got my dad a blanket with the picture of Bobby Orr's flying goal, speaking of bruins, and I can't wait to give it to him.

LOL, maybe I should have had people in other states (other than MA/NH) look for Bruins stuff, I probably would've had more luck! LMAO!

12-25-12, 10:47 AM
It's now 12:44 am Dec 26th. I hope everyone has or had a great Christmas. Mine was good but will be glad to be traveling with my dad tomorrow. I don't think I could hack it much longer at their place. I've been sneezing constantly. It's driving me nuts. I don't know what it is I'm allergic to at their place but something is making me sneeze.

12-25-12, 11:27 AM
LOL, maybe I should have had people in other states (other than MA/NH) look for Bruins stuff, I probably would've had more luck! LMAO!

I'm in So. CA so if you had asked me for Bruins stuff, I would have sent you stuff from UCLA.

I saw Bruins stuff when I was in MA. It was strange to see "Bruins" on black clothing rather than blue. It wouldn't have bothered me to wear it. Its the rival Celtics stuff that I can't wear in the Los Angeles area.

12-25-12, 12:37 PM
I'm in So. CA so if you had asked me for Bruins stuff, I would have sent you stuff from UCLA.

I saw Bruins stuff when I was in MA. It was strange to see "Bruins" on black clothing rather than blue. It wouldn't have bothered me to wear it. Its the rival Celtics stuff that I can't wear in the Los Angeles area.

LOL!!! I didn't know they used the same Team Name. I'll keep looking over the next few weeks/months and if I find one I'll just hold onto it for his b-day present (August). He's just finished a growth spurt so it should fit for the next 2 years when I'm sure he'll go through another one. :p

12-25-12, 03:29 PM
I got my dad a blanket with the picture of Bobby Orr's flying goal, speaking of bruins, and I can't wait to give it to him.

Ohhhhh....that's coooooolllll......

12-25-12, 07:34 PM
Ohhhhh....that's coooooolllll......

He loves it! He was thinking up ideas on How to display it all morning.

12-26-12, 09:30 AM
Yay! Its over! I survived!

Hope everybody had fun!

12-26-12, 03:35 PM
Other than being hit in the lip with an airsoft pellet, I did fine.

Oh...and there was the incessant rattling of the pot containing the ham on my way to my sister's place.

12-26-12, 04:03 PM
Other than being hit in the lip with an airsoft pellet, I did fine.

Oh...and there was the incessant rattling of the pot containing the ham on my way to my sister's place.

Doesn't sound too terrible. Speaking of violence to lips and faces my Mom got punched in the face by my 4 year old niece. Hard.

12-26-12, 05:48 PM
Yay! Its over! I survived!

Hope everybody had fun!

Way have holiday spirit PINKSTER

12-26-12, 09:04 PM
OK we finally had a good snow fall today which I am happy about. However, I would like to know the names of the snowmobilers outside right now...so I can go make obnoxious loud noises outside of their home at 11pm and scare their children to tears. Seriously tempted to booby-trap my yard.

12-27-12, 06:33 AM
Yay! Its over! I survived!

Hope everybody had fun!

It was good. The boys were shocked over the Wii. Yesterday when my parents came up and they opened the Xbox they were even more shocked. 2 gaming systems at 1 xmas, I think we made their year. My sister and her family are supposed to come up tomorrow, but they may hold off depending on the weather. We're being pummeled with snow right now and it is supposed to last through tonight.

Other than being hit in the lip with an airsoft pellet, I did fine.

Oh...and there was the incessant rattling of the pot containing the ham on my way to my sister's place.

LMAO. At least it didn't hit you in the eye. :p

OK we finally had a good snow fall today which I am happy about. However, I would like to know the names of the snowmobilers outside right now...so I can go make obnoxious loud noises outside of their home at 11pm and scare their children to tears. Seriously tempted to booby-trap my yard.

Yeah, you sent it my way, thanks! We had a little dusting on xmas morning but it was gone by the afternoon. Now we have at least a foot and it feels like xmas time. :)

12-27-12, 10:19 AM
This is my favorite Christmas present. I've been wearing it since i opened it:


12-27-12, 11:29 AM
Aww that's cute pinkster.

There's finally snow outside that won't actually melt away!! :( This means, thick layers of clothes, cold weather, snow in my boots oh and shoveling!!!!!!! We have a long driveway!!

12-27-12, 11:32 AM
Oh. we had a icy snow that is REALLY hard to shovel.....

12-27-12, 12:08 PM
The hat is adorable pinkster.

I better send the hubby out to snowblow soon as I think we're going to change from snow to icy rain soon and then we'll never get the foot of snow off our driveway and my sister will have to park on the street and slide down to the front door. :p

12-27-12, 04:15 PM
The hat is adorable pinkster.

I better send the hubby out to snowblow soon as I think we're going to change from snow to icy rain soon and then we'll never get the foot of snow off our driveway and my sister will have to park on the street and slide down to the front door. :p

Your lucky your husband has a snowblow. Every winter my mom always tell my dad to get one but he refuses (either because of the price of those things or he's just too lazy.) I remember last year, my mother and I had to shovel the entire driveway because my dad was at work and my sister got tired after 5 minutes. After, my hand was sooo cold!! Hate that feeling when you put cold skin in hot water. We need to convince my dad to buy one this year.

12-27-12, 04:30 PM
We got 12 inches here. I shoveled enough to go to work this morning and called the husband to tell him I wasn't coming home unless the driveway was cleared. So he had to do the hard part after the plow goes by:-)!

12-27-12, 05:23 PM
This is my favorite Christmas present. I've been wearing it since i opened it:


Omg omg I thought it was a nasty picture I was scared!!! Curse you Pinkster. Lol

12-27-12, 06:41 PM
This is my favorite Christmas present. I've been wearing it since i opened it:


Cute hate :-)

My parents got me an iPad mini. It was nice of them but I have an iPad 2 already so didn't need an iPad mini and they went back on their word of stocking stuffing type gifts (small, cheap things) only. I decided to use the small one to download kids stories, spelling games etc for the classroom and use my iPad 2 for my games only. I downloaded some kids stories and other apps, only to find to my great annoyance when I went on my iPad 2, I discovered the apps I had downloaded on my iPad mini also downloaded on my iPad 2. Now I gotta try and figure out how to stop that from happening again. As it is the ones on my iPad 2 never finished downloading as I didn't know and turned the iPad 2 off.

12-27-12, 07:05 PM
Cute hate :-)

My parents got me an iPad mini. It was nice of them but I have an iPad 2 already so didn't need an iPad mini and they went back on their word of stocking stuffing type gifts (small, cheap things) only. I decided to use the small one to download kids stories, spelling games etc for the classroom and use my iPad 2 for my games only. I downloaded some kids stories and other apps, only to find to my great annoyance when I went on my iPad 2, I discovered the apps I had downloaded on my iPad mini also downloaded on my iPad 2. Now I gotta try and figure out how to stop that from happening again. As it is the ones on my iPad 2 never finished downloading as I didn't know and turned the iPad 2 off.

Sounds a little 'putery for me to help. :p

12-27-12, 08:53 PM
WHOOP WHOOP I didn't have to go to jury duty! !!!!

12-27-12, 09:13 PM
Cute hate :-)

My parents got me an iPad mini. It was nice of them but I have an iPad 2 already so didn't need an iPad mini and they went back on their word of stocking stuffing type gifts (small, cheap things) only. I decided to use the small one to download kids stories, spelling games etc for the classroom and use my iPad 2 for my games only. I downloaded some kids stories and other apps, only to find to my great annoyance when I went on my iPad 2, I discovered the apps I had downloaded on my iPad mini also downloaded on my iPad 2. Now I gotta try and figure out how to stop that from happening again. As it is the ones on my iPad 2 never finished downloading as I didn't know and turned the iPad 2 off.

It sounds like you used the same Apple ID for both devices. When I got the iPhone 5 for XMAS I used a different Apple ID from my iPad 2 so I wouldn't have that problem. If that is the case, can you change your Apple ID for your iPad Mini and then what you have on one won't try to install on the other when you go to sync in iTunes?

12-27-12, 09:17 PM
WHOOP WHOOP I didn't have to go to jury duty! !!!!

Congrats lol

12-27-12, 09:30 PM
It sounds like you used the same Apple ID for both devices. When I got the iPhone 5 for XMAS I used a different Apple ID from my iPad 2 so I wouldn't have that problem. If that is the case, can you change your Apple ID for your iPad Mini and then what you have on one won't try to install on the other when you go to sync in iTunes?

I was going to say that...........

12-27-12, 09:49 PM
Congrats lol

Thankyou :)

12-28-12, 02:38 AM
It sounds like you used the same Apple ID for both devices. When I got the iPhone 5 for XMAS I used a different Apple ID from my iPad 2 so I wouldn't have that problem. If that is the case, can you change your Apple ID for your iPad Mini and then what you have on one won't try to install on the other when you go to sync in iTunes?

I did use the same one. I'll see if I can change it. Thx for the advice. I didn't even think of doing that.

12-28-12, 08:36 AM
I did use the same one. I'll see if I can change it. Thx for the advice. I didn't even think of doing that.

I almost forgot to do that when I made the change from the Android to the iPhone 5 but remembered at the last minute when it asked me for the Apple ID I wanted to use. I don't remember what gb size both use but I'm pretty sure they are different amounts and I didn't want to overwhelm my phone with Apps that I play, and would only play, on my iPad 2 being updated/downloaded automatically.

One thing I noticed was that I can download Apps that are under my iPad 2 account on iTunes to my iPhone 5 account without having to go back to the App Store. For instance, you know how Fashion World Games is no longer in the App Store? Well I was worried I'd be stuck using the Fashion Regular on the iPhone but I was able to download the version that I had on my iPad 2 account onto my iPhone 5 account even though they are different Apple IDs. When I plugged my iPhone into the computer to sync to iTunes I noticed it was in the App Download list but it wasn't forced through to download, I was able to ask it to install it if I wanted to. I was very happy to see that as I thought for sure because it was a different Apple account it wasn't going to let me, but it did.

Let me know if you're able to change it and how it works out for you as I'm curious to know if that was the issue. I never expected to get an iPhone as I had been browsing for awhile now on other Android Phone options, but when the hubby purchased the iPhone 5 for me for XMAS, I wasn't about to turn it down. Anything to get away from the issues I was having with the Droid Bionic is like heaven sent to me at this point. Phone not ringing and not telling me there is a message until a few hours later, text messages not showing up until 1 hour after they were sent, not being able to only use 3g signals, and etc...............I hate that phone at this point. LOL

kooky panda
12-28-12, 11:20 AM
My parents got me an iPad mini. It was nice of them but I have an iPad 2 already so didn't need an iPad mini and they went back on their word of stocking stuffing type gifts (small, cheap things) only. I decided to use the small one to download kids stories, spelling games etc for the classroom and use my iPad 2 for my games only. I downloaded some kids stories and other apps, only to find to my great annoyance when I went on my iPad 2, I discovered the apps I had downloaded on my iPad mini also downloaded on my iPad 2. Now I gotta try and figure out how to stop that from happening again. As it is the ones on my iPad 2 never finished downloading as I didn't know and turned the iPad 2 off.

You can have the same apple ID. If you do not want apps to download to your mini when you download to your Ipad, on your mini go to settings, Itunes & app stores. Turn off the automatic downloads.

12-28-12, 01:11 PM
my parents are 77 years old. They have both had some medical problems where they needed surgery.
Before medicare will pay for the surgeries they both had to go to doctors to get approval.
The main doctor, their heart doctors, then the surgeons. Of course this takes weeks to make all the appointments and get over there then wait for reports to be submitted. So here are two people that are hurting and need surgery but they have to jump through hoops running back and forth before they can get the relieve they need.

whats up with that???? It is ridiculous!!!

really :/

12-28-12, 02:03 PM
You can have the same apple ID. If you do not want apps to download to your mini when you download to your Ipad, on your mini go to settings, Itunes & app stores. Turn off the automatic downloads.

Oh yeah, I forgot you can just shut off automatic downloads/updates. DUH. *facepalm*

12-28-12, 02:33 PM
Whoo hoo I got an RC Helicopter today my dad got me one.

12-28-12, 04:25 PM
Whoo hoo I got an RC Helicopter today my dad got me one.

My boys have those. Very fun.

12-28-12, 06:05 PM
Whoo hoo I got an RC Helicopter today my dad got me one.

My dad has those too...the dog goes nuts and tries to eat them.

12-28-12, 06:18 PM
My dad has those too...the dog goes nuts and tries to eat them.

Lol wow the dogs crazy. My dad surprised me with it this Morning when I woke up. I was actually too tired to show my excitement :D

12-28-12, 06:22 PM
My boys have those. Very fun.

Yup They are very very fun. I also have and airplane type thing that can go as High as a skys****er. But it broke

12-28-12, 06:23 PM
Omg the very tall buildings I don't know how that's not allowed to say.

12-28-12, 08:08 PM
The helicopters are also good for chasing around kitties. In a nice way of course.

No kitties were harmed in the making of this post.

12-29-12, 06:33 AM
I love RC Helicopters and Planes. My kids had one a few years back but it got broken when they flew it into a tree and then one of the power lines, it was an ugly death. :(

12-29-12, 07:34 AM
My RC planes suffered the same fate.....

12-29-12, 08:59 AM
You can have the same apple ID. If you do not want apps to download to your mini when you download to your Ipad, on your mini go to settings, Itunes & app stores. Turn off the automatic downloads.

Thank u. I'll do that. Much easier then trying to figure out if I can change my apple ID on my iPad mini.

12-29-12, 09:17 AM
Another 2-3" of WET snow....I think I pulled something in my neck/upper back.

12-29-12, 09:27 AM
Another 2-3" of WET snow....I think I pulled something in my neck/upper back.

" means inches not feet right? :p

12-29-12, 11:39 AM
Big eye roll:

The hubby is insisting he caught the flu last night. Nooooo, it has nothing to do with him being out for beers with his buddies until 2am.

Its because my rule is if youre sick I'll look after you. Hungover = not my problem.

12-29-12, 12:01 PM
Another 2-3" of WET snow....I think I pulled something in my neck/upper back.

My sister and her brood just left to get home before the storm hits. It was just starting to snow here when they were walking out to their car, but we are only supposed to get 2-4 inches unlike the other day, however she and my mom are supposed to get almost 1 foot of snow. I told her they can keep their 1 foot as I got that the other day when they only got a few inches. :p

Big eye roll:

The hubby is insisting he caught the flu last night. Nooooo, it has nothing to do with him being out for beers with his buddies until 2am.

Its because my rule is if youre sick I'll look after you. Hungover = not my problem.

*giggles* When my hubby does that I have the boys use all their toys that make TONS of noise and I bang pots/pans in the kitchen pretending that I'm cooking some massive dinner. It usually cures him of having too many when he goes out with the boys. :)

12-29-12, 01:54 PM
Grrr I'm so hoping my parents decide to check out of the hotel tomorrow and go home. It's 4am and some stupid bar is still blaring their music even though there's a law saying they have to shut it off at 2 am. My dad already asked the hotel to change us rooms but the only ones left are even closer to the bar. My dad also walked down to the bar (which is owned by some dumb western guy) and complained. The guy said hed turn it off in an hour and can't guarantee it won't be the same tomorrow night (actually tonight since its 4 am. I told my dad he should have said to the dumb western guy bar owner that he can't guarantee he'll have the hotel manager call the police and complain (seeing as its supposed to be turned off at 2 am).

12-29-12, 01:55 PM
Grrr I'm so hoping my parents decide to check out of the hotel tomorrow and go home. It's 4am and some stupid bar is still blaring their music even though there's a law saying they have to shut it off at 2 am. My dad already asked the hotel to change us rooms but the only ones left are even closer to the bar. My dad also walked down to the bar (which is owned by some dumb western guy) and complained. The guy said hed turn it off in an hour and can't guarantee it won't be the same tomorrow night (actually tonight since its 4 am. I told my dad he should have said to the dumb western guy bar owner that he can't guarantee he wont have the hotel manager call the police and complain (seeing as its supposed to be turned off at 2 am).


12-29-12, 03:56 PM
Grrr I'm so hoping my parents decide to check out of the hotel tomorrow and go home. It's 4am and some stupid bar is still blaring their music even though there's a law saying they have to shut it off at 2 am. My dad already asked the hotel to change us rooms but the only ones left are even closer to the bar. My dad also walked down to the bar (which is owned by some dumb western guy) and complained. The guy said hed turn it off in an hour and can't guarantee it won't be the same tomorrow night (actually tonight since its 4 am. I told my dad he should have said to the dumb western guy bar owner that he can't guarantee he'll have the hotel manager call the police and complain (seeing as its supposed to be turned off at 2 am).

That would drive me nuts. Totally bonkers.

12-29-12, 06:05 PM
Big eye roll:

The hubby is insisting he caught the flu last night. Nooooo, it has nothing to do with him being out for beers with his buddies until 2am.

Its because my rule is if youre sick I'll look after you. Hungover = not my problem.
I have a similar rule, instead of flu mine insists it is food poisoning which may be possible as I don't cook for the whiskey devil.

12-29-12, 08:24 PM
My sister and her brood just left to get home before the storm hits. It was just starting to snow here when they were walking out to their car, but we are only supposed to get 2-4 inches unlike the other day, however she and my mom are supposed to get almost 1 foot of snow. I told her they can keep their 1 foot as I got that the other day when they only got a few inches. :p

*giggles* When my hubby does that I have the boys use all their toys that make TONS of noise and I bang pots/pans in the kitchen pretending that I'm cooking some massive dinner. It usually cures him of having too many when he goes out with the boys. :)

LOL in the city I live in its 23? right now and snowing. We've gotten 3 feet of snow in 5 days. Another 2 inches. Yay

12-30-12, 08:11 AM
LOL in the city I live in its 23? right now and snowing. We've gotten 3 feet of snow in 5 days. Another 2 inches. Yay

Where is this?

12-30-12, 08:20 AM
OMG I. Took a long break from this game and this thread is still going

12-30-12, 11:05 AM
OMG I. Took a long break from this game and this thread is still going

Of course its a cool thread

12-30-12, 11:16 AM
Where is this?


12-30-12, 12:32 PM
pinkster. Im not telling u. Its personal information.

excuse me, all caps talker.

12-30-12, 12:33 PM
OMG I. Took a long break from this game and this thread is still going

There's always lots of "whatever" to talk about.

12-30-12, 01:14 PM
excuse me, all caps talker.

BLAH BLAH BLAH. U wanted to know where that was. That's where I live and its personal information

12-30-12, 03:21 PM
339 pages I thought it locks at 50?

kooky panda
12-30-12, 04:45 PM
339 pages I thought it locks at 50?

There is an exception for this thread because pinkster is so special!!!

12-30-12, 04:46 PM
339 pages I thought it locks at 50?

This thread has special permissions because it is awesome.

12-30-12, 06:52 PM
The awesome set thread ever!!

12-30-12, 07:18 PM
There is an exception for this thread because pinkster is so special!!!

Yay! And everyone enjoys blah blah blahing.

And you cant go off topic. (which is handy for me).

12-30-12, 07:19 PM
Yay! And everyone enjoys blah blah blahing.

And you cant go off topic. (which is handy for me).

Yeah thanks pinkster

12-30-12, 07:28 PM
So what was everyone's one favorite Christmas present? With pics if possible?

12-30-12, 07:30 PM
So what was everyone's one favorite Christmas present? With pics if possible?
I am Jewish

12-30-12, 07:45 PM
So what was everyone's one favorite Christmas present? With pics if possible?

Hubby got me a 2-in-1 present - new iPad for me, and he gets my old one! And I got this really nifty new camera, hoping to use it in about a month and a half for something really special.

Kids were spoiled again this year. I'm glad they don't keep track of number of presents, they would have been disappointed. But cost was high enough, more then last year easily. Quantity down, cost up. Wait, shouldn't it be the other way??? ;)

12-30-12, 07:59 PM
Hubby got me a 2-in-1 present - new iPad for me, and he gets my old one! And I got this really nifty new camera, hoping to use it in about a month and a half for something really special.

Kids were spoiled again this year. I'm glad they don't keep track of number of presents, they would have been disappointed. But cost was high enough, more then last year easily. Quantity down, cost up. Wait, shouldn't it be the other way??? ;)

Nope, sounds right. As they age cost goes up, number goes down.

12-30-12, 08:01 PM
I am Jewish

Don't Jewish people have days of exchanging gifts? My (ex) sister in law did something like 12 days of a gift a day?

12-30-12, 08:02 PM
Don't Jewish people have days of exchanging gifts? My (ex) sister in law did something like 12 days of a gift a day?

Yeah it is 8

12-30-12, 08:04 PM
Yeah it is 8

So what was your favorite gift? Or favorite gift you gave?

12-30-12, 08:05 PM
So what was your favorite gift? Or favorite gift you gave?

My favorite gift was a monogram necklace

12-30-12, 08:07 PM
My favorite gift was a monogram necklace

Jewelry is always awesome. In my opinion. :p

12-30-12, 08:27 PM
Favorite gift received.............Hmmmmmmmmmmmm................ That is a tough one for me. It is very close between the iPhone 5 the hubby got me to replace my Android piece of ----. The Coffee Pot or DVD Player my parents got us, since my coffee pot has been on the fritz lately and our 400 DVD Sony Player broke about 9 months ago so I've been having to watch DVDs in my bedroom instead of our living room. The Coffee Pot is only a 10-cup instead of a 12-cup (which I prefer) so I guess the iPhone and DVD Player are my favorite with the Coffee Pot coming in 3rd.

Favorite gift given.............Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......That is tough too. I would say for the boys it was the Wii, however it got overshadowed the next day when they received the XBOX 360 from my parents. :rolleyes:

For my family I'd have to say that one of the gifts I got my niece and what I got for my mom probably had the funniest reactions. Although what I got my sister and her hubby had a story and funny reactions as well.

My mom: She HATES bathrobes, never uses them and actually despises them, however I couldn't resist in getting her one for a VERY good reason. Come to find out, she actually LOVES it, and thought my reasoning for getting her one made sense. The house my parents own on the Cape has an outside shower, and no matter the time of year, she insists on using it. BUT! She has to bring her clothes outside and between the mist from the shower, and the mist in the morning hours, usually makes her clothes just slightly damp, which then annoys her. She still insists on using it though as she LOVES showering outside. :rolleyes: So, I got her a really nice bathrobe that is so soft and light enough that she wouldn't swealter while wearing it and could use it walking back into the house where she can then put on her clothes after showering. I also got her a pair of slippers similar to mine (skechers that have the hard sole bottom so you can actually wear them as shoes), as she was always admiring mine. The hubby also got her a huge honking box of chocolate covered cherries, and I mean HUGE as it had like 100 of them in there, that she tore apart as soon as she took the wrapping off. LOL

My niece got her normal gift card as well as a package of bath wash/lotion/perfume and etc from Bath & Body Works, but what makes it funny is that her and my sister FIGHT over the Sweet Pea one and I didn't know this. I got my niece the Sweet Pea and my sister another kind, and as soon as my niece opened it she gave my sister a look of death and said "MINE, YOU'RE NOT TOUCHING IT SO BACK OFF". Needless to say I'll remember that for next year and get them both Sweet Pea. Oops.

My mom and I went out to the Christmas Tree shop for after XMAS deals and I guess one of the items my sister wanted was a 3-qt Crock Pot for her house in Maine that my mom couldn't find anywhere. Since my mom had already got her a ton of stuff, she wasn't going to purchase it when we saw it on sale there. However, I decided since all I got for her and her husband, as a combined gift, was a $50 gift certificate to their favorite restaurant, I'd get it for them. My mom had a $10 off $40 purchase or more and with everything we were buying, we were over that limit, so the $14.99 Crock-pot only cost me $4.99. My sister cracked up when I told her about that and was psyched that now she didn't have to go out and find one. I guess she's been lugging her huge crock-pot back and forth between the houses and it was starting to annoy her, so figured she'd ask for one for XMAS. She had never asked me though, probably figured my mom would just get her one. LOL, guess not. :p

12-30-12, 08:34 PM
Nope, sounds right. As they age cost goes up, number goes down.

Exactly! My 10 yrd old was so mad when I opened up the iPhone and asked if he could have it instead! I keep telling him he doesn't need, nor will he be getting, a cell phone until he's at least 15! He doesn't need one, no matter how many times he tries to convince (bribe me) that he does. :rolleyes:

12-30-12, 08:34 PM
So you actually got the crock pot for 4.99?! Thats awesome!

12-30-12, 08:35 PM
So you actually got the crock pot for 4.99?! Thats awesome!

I know, I couldn't believe it! My mom was like "Your hubby can't get mad at you buying them another present when it costs less than his lunch". LMAO!

12-30-12, 08:37 PM
My crock pot is so old. It was a wedding present from my first marriage. I want a new one for 4.99!

12-30-12, 09:11 PM
Exactly! My 10 yrd old was so mad when I opened up the iPhone and asked if he could have it instead! I keep telling him he doesn't need, nor will he be getting, a cell phone until he's at least 15! He doesn't need one, no matter how many times he tries to convince (bribe me) that he does. :rolleyes:

I broke down on that one - my 12 year old has one. But it's just a basic phone, the smartest part about it is the slide out keyboard. He wanted an iPhone as well, since several of his friends have them. I did tell him he could have one, as long as he paid the bill for it. The way everything is set up, he shares minutes with hubby's boss, which is free. We added unlimited texting for $10 per month, which he has to work for. He goes to hubby's work every other weekend with him, and does basic janitorial things - vacuums, washes windows, etc. So many kids nowadays are just handed things (mine included lol), I want him to understand that nothing's free, and that you do actually have to work for it.

I forgot to mention one of the best gifts given - I got hubby this really cool guitar he's been wanting for a while. We've been looking for it for over 3 months, nobody had it at all. He asked for an amplifier, so while I was at the guitar store, I mentioned the guitar. Shockingly, the sales lady found 2! I swear, the week before, I had looked again, and found nothing. It was used, but only cost half the sale price (original price was $1000, I got it for $300). Made hubby mad for a couple of weeks - this big box standing next to the tree, with his name on it, and he had no clue what it was. I'm evil hehehe ;)

12-30-12, 09:15 PM
So what was everyone's one favorite Christmas present? With pics if possible?

Too bad I can't post pictures, you would love the big pink feathery hat I got from my siblings. (I am a red hat lady but you have to wear pink until you are 50)

12-30-12, 09:42 PM
So what was everyone's one favorite Christmas present? With pics if possible?


12-30-12, 09:49 PM

Its cute! Not broken yet?

12-30-12, 09:50 PM
Too bad I can't post pictures, you would love the big pink feathery hat I got from my siblings. (I am a red hat lady but you have to wear pink until you are 50)

Woot! I have 14 more years of pink hat!

12-30-12, 10:28 PM
Too bad I can't post pictures, you would love the big pink feathery hat I got from my siblings. (I am a red hat lady but you have to wear pink until you are 50)

Why do you have to wait till 50 to wear a red hat? My mother never let my sister and I wear red nail polish. No body wears ever wears hats around here unless they are eccentric.

12-30-12, 11:02 PM
Its cute! Not broken yet?

Lol no still in one piece ha

12-31-12, 12:51 AM
Random info - for burns not severe enough to need a hospital visit, put honey on it overnight. I swear, it does wonders!

I got a steam burn a few days ago on my thumb - I could see the blister starting to form. It was about 1/2 inch in diameter (about 1.3 cm). Put honey on, with a bandage, wrapped in a paper towel (didn't want honey all over the bed lol), slept. In the morning - slightly irritated skin, didn't hurt at all, and absolutely no blister. Few days later - completely gone.

12-31-12, 11:31 AM
Happy New Year's Eve

12-31-12, 11:59 AM
This is the part of the holidays I don't like. :(

12-31-12, 12:42 PM
Woot! Road trip! Lylahmae! Cows!


12-31-12, 01:01 PM
More like frozen cows

12-31-12, 01:07 PM
Yeah lol

12-31-12, 01:10 PM
Random info - for burns not severe enough to need a hospital visit, put honey on it overnight. I swear, it does wonders!

I got a steam burn a few days ago on my thumb - I could see the blister starting to form. It was about 1/2 inch in diameter (about 1.3 cm). Put honey on, with a bandage, wrapped in a paper towel (didn't want honey all over the bed lol), slept. In the morning - slightly irritated skin, didn't hurt at all, and absolutely no blister. Few days later - completely gone.

that works :p

12-31-12, 02:03 PM
:P :P :P
:) :) :)

12-31-12, 03:24 PM
lol frozen cows :p

12-31-12, 05:37 PM
Why do you have to wait till 50 to wear a red hat? My mother never let my sister and I wear red nail polish. No body wears ever wears hats around here unless they are eccentric.

The Red Hat Society is a women's social club. The poem "Warning" by Jenny (insert the last name I can't think of) inspired It's beginning. You can Google it for a proper explanation. I read the poem when I was young and immediately wanted to be like that woman so naturally when I found out about the club I joined.

12-31-12, 05:42 PM
Woot! Road trip! Lylahmae! Cows!


Sweet! And tempete don't worry cows produce an incredible amount of heat, and they have fur coats.

12-31-12, 10:30 PM
Those are Canadian cows. Canadian cows have thermal underwear on under their fur.

12-31-12, 10:33 PM
Those are Canadian cows. Canadian cows have thermal underwear on under their fur.

LOL canadain cows have thermal underwear under their fur.LOL. :p

12-31-12, 11:17 PM
Sweet! And tempete don't worry cows produce an incredible amount of heat, and they have fur coats.
Oh cool I didnt Know they had fur coats.

Those are Canadian cows. Canadian cows have thermal underwear on under their fur.

Omg I'm learning new things about cows.

01-01-13, 01:17 PM
So what was everyone's one favorite Christmas present? With pics if possible?


Though I already have an iPad 2. This is still my favourite gift (iPad mini). I've decided to use it as a reward for students in class. I'll download free stories, spelling games etc for them to play/read of they work hard and finish all their work. I seldom let them use my ipad2 cause I dont want them touching my games if they thought I wasn't looking (I wouldn't put it past some of them lol). This way the only thing they can use are the apps I download for them specifically.

01-01-13, 01:18 PM
That is cool

01-01-13, 03:04 PM
That is cool

Ditto. Very cool of you to do that sourlicorice.

01-01-13, 04:49 PM
Ok first its about cows WITH thermal underwear and now its ipadz

01-01-13, 04:56 PM
Ok first its about cows WITH thermal underwear and now its ipadz

Yes because this thread is a thread to be off topic lol

01-01-13, 06:34 PM
Ok first its about cows WITH thermal underwear and now its ipadz

Lol can't Keep up?

01-02-13, 07:38 AM
Though I already have an iPad 2. This is still my favourite gift (iPad mini). I've decided to use it as a reward for students in class. I'll download free stories, spelling games etc for them to play/read of they work hard and finish all their work. I seldom let them use my ipad2 cause I dont want them touching my games if they thought I wasn't looking (I wouldn't put it past some of them lol). This way the only thing they can use are the apps I download for them specifically.

That is so sweet of you. Let us know what the kids think of it once they've had a chance to use it a bit. What do you want to bet for XMAS next year, or their b-days, they ask their parents for an iPad Mini? :p

01-02-13, 08:07 AM
That is so sweet of you. Let us know what the kids think of it once they've had a chance to use it a bit. What do you want to bet for XMAS next year, or their b-days, they ask their parents for an iPad Mini? :p

Lol some of them already have an iPad 2 or 3. Though if u ask me they r to young to have one.

01-02-13, 10:46 AM
My mom's friend's twins both got an ipad! And they're like 3 or 4!!!

01-02-13, 12:15 PM
They have ipads for toddlers.

01-02-13, 03:21 PM
Back in the olden days when I was a toddler there were no ipads. We had to play with stuff called toys.

01-02-13, 03:29 PM
Near the year 2025, there will be lack of water, fresh water on earth,,it's called the global water crises. It hasn't gotten much media

Even the untied states will suffer. Most countries, with the exception of Canada will be struggling for water. And this is a fact

4 years from now, Las Vegas will stop getting their hydro power, because the hover dam is running out of water

And the reason canada will not suffer as much, is because they own 25% of the worlds wetlands and 20% of e worlds water. So most wars in the future will be waged against Canada

The USA is already negioating with Canada for water.

01-02-13, 03:30 PM
20% of the worlds fresh water*

01-02-13, 04:22 PM
Even the untied states will suffer. Most countries, with the exception of Canada will be struggling for water.

I guess we'll have to start wearing ties then.

And invade Canada......

01-02-13, 04:30 PM
I guess we'll have to start wearing ties then.

And invade Canada......

Or move Canada, become a citizen.

01-02-13, 04:37 PM
Also it's a fact, that if the we (the humans) keep draining ground water and other sources at the rate we a doing so. By the year 3032 nearly half of the population will be facing water shortage problems.

This is near folks, enjoy what you have while you have it. It's not like its a estimation. It's measuring what water we have now, how fast we use it. And showing what will happen if we (the humans) continue what we're doing.

Later, I'm out. Stocking up, not crazy much, just one jug every month, of water.

01-02-13, 05:24 PM
I guess we'll have to start wearing ties then.

And invade Canada......

Oh no. I'm in for it now. Good thing i took those shooting lessons. Got to protect myself from americans wearing ties.

Good thing im a toilet paper hoarder.

01-02-13, 05:43 PM
Good thing im a toilet paper hoarder.

no way! i am a toilet paper hoarder too lol. come over to my house when the americans in ties come. we can use my cows for heat and fur coats :-) oh and we can steal their thermal underwear too!

01-02-13, 06:14 PM
Used to be my mom would only use the 'good' toilet paper during the holidays, but she has 'softened' her position.

And today I got her to buy better garbage bags!!!

01-02-13, 06:21 PM
Used to be my mom would only use the 'good' toilet paper during the holidays, but she has 'softened' her position.

And today I got her to buy better garbage bags!!!

Making strides! I ALWAYS use the good toilet paper, but i use cheap paper towels.

01-02-13, 06:28 PM
I forgot to mention that in February when the pink toilet paper comes out for breast cancer month I buy as much as I can fit in the trunk of my car. Usually about 3 months worth.

01-02-13, 10:06 PM
I guess we'll have to start wearing ties then.

And invade Canada......

I think I'd rather just die out then have to move to Canada. :p

01-03-13, 11:02 AM
That is so sweet of you. Let us know what the kids think of it once they've had a chance to use it a bit. What do you want to bet for XMAS next year, or their b-days, they ask their parents for an iPad Mini? :p

So far so good. They loved it.

01-03-13, 02:30 PM
Ohhhh....can we wear bow ties?????

Bow ties are cool!

01-03-13, 02:37 PM
Ohhhh....can we wear bow ties?????

Bow ties are cool!

Seriously they are. There were men wearing them on new years eve at the restaurant i was at and i said something about bowties and my daughter informed me they actually ARE cool right now.

Awesome invasion ensemble in my opinion.

01-03-13, 03:32 PM
Ellen wears bowties

01-03-13, 06:19 PM
Ohhhh....can we wear bow ties?????

Bow ties are cool!

LMAO, you're channeling the 11th Doctor. Do you want to wear a Fez too? :p

01-03-13, 06:24 PM
LMAO, you're channeling the 11th Doctor. Do you want to wear a Fez too? :p

01-03-13, 06:57 PM
I guess we'll have to start wearing ties then.

And invade Canada......

Excellent plan, we can set up a base camp here and launch our attack. We can watch their movements from here and strike when they least expect it. The bow ties will make us appear more innocent and unsuspecting. Also we should recruit people to build large tanks we can drain the lakes into to keep the water from them.

01-03-13, 07:53 PM
You guys are going to freeze to death wearing bowties. You'll have to wear them under your winter coats.

01-03-13, 07:57 PM
In Canada all the tanks are pink. And mean.


01-03-13, 08:08 PM
LMAO, you're channeling the 11th Doctor. Do you want to wear a Fez too? :p

That or a Stetson. Stetson's are cool!!!

I'll see Canada's pink tank and raise you .....



01-03-13, 08:10 PM
That or a Stetson. Stetson's are cool!!!

I'll see Canada's pink tank and raise you .....



What the heck is THAT?

01-03-13, 08:21 PM
What the heck is THAT?

You'll never know...once you them, you forget.....

01-03-13, 08:25 PM
You'll never know...once you them, you forget.....

Ah ha! You forget the power of google. I know what the silence is. Creepy.

01-03-13, 08:28 PM
I'll see your silence and raise you an Arnold Schwarzenegger from Predator. GET TO THE CHOPAAAAAA!


01-03-13, 08:33 PM
You guys are going to freeze to death wearing bowties. You'll have to wear them under your winter coats.

Our bow ties will be equipped with special insulating heat technology. And I haven't even gotten my coat out yet it has only gotten down to 15 F here so far it will be nice to get some use out of it. Think of the bright side the mutant bunnies will probably follow us back when we leave with your water.

01-03-13, 08:34 PM
Our bow ties will be equipped with special insulating heat technology. And I haven't even gotten my coat out yet it has only gotten down to 15 F here so far it will be nice to get some use out of it. Think of the bright side the mutant bunnies will probably follow us back when we leave with your water.

Ok you can have the water. I don't like those evil bunnies.

01-03-13, 08:43 PM
But wait!


01-03-13, 08:49 PM

01-03-13, 08:50 PM
No bunny is evil!

01-04-13, 07:09 AM
I'll see your silence and raise you an Arnold Schwarzenegger from Predator. GET TO THE CHOPAAAAAA!


Even Ahnold can't defeat.....THE WEEPING ANGELS!!!


01-04-13, 10:44 AM
alFarmer1222;505868]Even Ahnold can't defeat.....THE WEEPING ANGELS!!!


Dr Who is creepy.

01-04-13, 12:17 PM
...and if Ahnold gets past the Weeping Angels, there is always the....


88 MM FLUGENABWEHRKANNONE (with Behelfslafette!!!)

01-04-13, 02:26 PM

That is supposed to scare us?? It did make me laugh pretty hard if I had been eating I might have choked.

01-04-13, 04:32 PM
i like that movie... i think that was the guy who had a hole blasted in the chest by the aliens death lazer.... the alien is freaking ugly

01-04-13, 04:34 PM
I'll see your silence and raise you an Arnold Schwarzenegger from Predator. GET TO THE CHOPAAAAAA!

i like this movie awesome and i think this is the guy who got blasted in the chest by the alien... the alien freaking ugly.....

01-04-13, 04:45 PM
Has anyone watched any new movies

01-04-13, 05:04 PM
There s a shrimp, called the bulle shrimp. That can close it claws, really fast,mcreating bulles,mad the bubbles Implode it self,mother bubbles temporarily reach the temputure of the sun, before quickly dying down, vaporizing the water around it and ****ing or stunning its prey, there have been talks of using this particular shrimp for energy.


01-04-13, 05:04 PM
Pistol shrimp*

01-05-13, 09:03 AM
That is supposed to scare us?? It did make me laugh pretty hard if I had been eating I might have choked.

The only scary thing is some days are like that. :p

01-05-13, 09:05 AM
There s a shrimp, called the bulle shrimp. That can close it claws, really fast,mcreating bulles,mad the bubbles Implode it self,mother bubbles temporarily reach the temputure of the sun, before quickly dying down, vaporizing the water around it and ****ing or stunning its prey, there have been talks of using this particular shrimp for energy.


Thats very cool!

01-05-13, 09:05 AM
Has anyone watched any new movies

I saw Django Unchained. 2 thumbs up.

01-05-13, 09:30 AM
I saw Django Unchained. 2 thumbs up.

OMG!! My friends (and I, but I wasn't really interested) wanted to watch that movie this week, but it never really happened. How was it??

01-05-13, 10:04 AM
What is that movie about

01-05-13, 10:35 AM
Django unchained is about a slave. That's all I'm saying. Wa ah ah. It was good.

01-05-13, 10:38 AM
Django unchained is about a slave. That's all I'm saying. Wa ah ah. It was good.

O yeah that movie, I really want to see it

01-05-13, 01:47 PM
I'm waiting for the movie The Impossible to come out. It's about a family caught in the tsunami in Thailand in 2004. It's a true story Unfortunelty.

My family and I were lucky that year. We always used to go to Phuket during Xmas but didn't that year cause my brother and his now ex wife were coming to get married in April so we wanted to save our money. We would have either just missed it or arrived just when it happened. And the hotel we always stayed at (my dad taught the owners kids so we always got a very good discount) got hit by the tsunami as it's across the road from Patong beach.

01-05-13, 01:49 PM
I'm waiting for the movie The Impossible to come out. It's about a family caught in the tsunami in Thailand in 2004. It's a true story Unfortunelty.

My family and I were lucky that year. We always used to go to Phuket during Xmas but didn't that year cause my brother and his now ex wife were coming to get married in April so we wanted to save our money. We would have either just missed it or arrived just when it happened. And the hotel we always stayed at (my dad taught the owners kids so we always got a very good discount) got hit by the tsunami as it's across the road from Patong beach.

The family that the movie is about were staying on the worst hit part of Thailand though (I can't remember where now)

01-05-13, 05:14 PM
seen that movie

01-05-13, 07:09 PM
I'm waiting for the movie The Impossible to come out. It's about a family caught in the tsunami in Thailand in 2004. It's a true story Unfortunelty.

My family and I were lucky that year. We always used to go to Phuket during Xmas but didn't that year cause my brother and his now ex wife were coming to get married in April so we wanted to save our money. We would have either just missed it or arrived just when it happened. And the hotel we always stayed at (my dad taught the owners kids so we always got a very good discount) got hit by the tsunami as it's across the road from Patong beach.

You weren't meant to be there. Fate.

01-05-13, 10:35 PM
You weren't meant to be there. Fate.

Thankgoodness for fate. Just really sad for all the others that were there and died or lost loved ones.

01-05-13, 10:38 PM
You weren't meant to be there. Fate.

Speaking of fate. My dad had just returned from Phuket (he was on a school trip with his grade 12 class) 3 days before the tsunami.

01-06-13, 09:15 AM
Speaking of fate. My dad had just returned from Phuket (he was on a school trip with his grade 12 class) 3 days before the tsunami.

More fate. He's a lucky Dad.

01-06-13, 09:19 PM

Hockey's back!!!!

01-06-13, 09:33 PM

Hockey's back!!!!

Lol wow

01-07-13, 08:52 AM

Hockey's back!!!!

Yay! I had actually given up hope.

01-07-13, 02:01 PM
Does anyone watch any Worst drivers shows such as America's Worst Driver's and Canada's Worst driver's.

01-07-13, 04:23 PM
Uh yay hockey?!

I'm more of a soccer fan.

@Tempete: Never heard of it. Is it funny? I like laughing :p

01-07-13, 04:58 PM
Uh yay hockey?!

I'm more of a soccer fan.

@Tempete: Never heard of it. Is it funny? I like laughing :p
Yeah I watch it on youtube since it nolonger comes on tv. :) the American one is more funny.just a heads up.

01-07-13, 05:57 PM

Hockey's back!!!!
Wooo Hooooo! GO WINGS!

01-07-13, 06:25 PM
Does anyone watch any Worst drivers shows such as America's Worst Driver's and Canada's Worst driver's.

I watch that

01-07-13, 08:31 PM
I watch that

Which one do you watch?

01-07-13, 08:59 PM
Wooo Hooooo! GO WINGS!

I think you meant GO FLAMES!!!

ANd its 3 1/2 days until i go to mexico! Woot! Got my zebra suitcases out already. And no, its NOT ridiculous to bring 5 pairs of shoes for a 7 day trip. I need shoes for the sand, for lots of city walking, for muddy quad driving, ziplining, a fancy shmancy restaurant, and dancing. So my hubby can just shut his pie hole.

Rant over.

01-07-13, 09:15 PM
Wooo Hooooo! GO WINGS!

I think you meant GO FLAMES!!!



And no, its NOT ridiculous to bring 5 pairs of shoes for a 7 day trip.

How many hats are you taking?????????