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01-07-13, 09:21 PM
GO Pittsburgh PENGUINS! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-08-13, 04:43 AM
I think you meant GO FLAMES!!!

ANd its 3 1/2 days until i go to mexico! Woot! Got my zebra suitcases out already. And no, its NOT ridiculous to bring 5 pairs of shoes for a 7 day trip. I need shoes for the sand, for lots of city walking, for muddy quad driving, ziplining, a fancy shmancy restaurant, and dancing. So my hubby can just shut his pie hole.

Rant over.

Have fun :-) lol I usually bring two pairs. Sandals for walking and flip flops for the beach. If I know I'm going hiking (or ziplining which I did in Changmai) then I bring running shoes.

01-08-13, 06:46 AM


How many hats are you taking?????????

I'm bringing one hat. My pink corona baseball hat. Then I'll probably buy a goofy floppy straw beach hat while im there. Its too bad im not bringing my pink ears hat, but id probably get some strange looks. More so then when i wear it here.

01-08-13, 01:49 PM
Hmmmm......so what are we going to do with/to this thread while pinkster is gone?????


01-08-13, 02:03 PM
Hmmmm......so what are we going to do with/to this thread while pinkster is gone?????


We're gona trash it!!!!!! Post all kinds bad things in it!!! Lol jp jp

01-08-13, 02:51 PM
Hey now. You must stay on topic in my absence.

01-08-13, 03:40 PM
Hmmmm......so what are we going to do with/to this thread while pinkster is gone?????

We can fill pages with anti-flames comments.

I thought I lost my wedding ring at work today. I panicked and went through the contents of two garbage cans which was quite gross, when I remembered taking it off before bed last night to soak in the cleaning solution on my bathroom counter. I was almost hysterical when it finally occurred to me and I felt really dumb.

01-08-13, 03:49 PM
We can fill pages with anti-flames comments.

I thought I lost my wedding ring at work today. I panicked and went through the contents of two garbage cans which was quite gross, when I remembered taking it off before bed last night to soak in the cleaning solution on my bathroom counter. I was almost hysterical when it finally occurred to me and I felt really dumb.

At least you didnt tell anyone. Oh wait........

01-08-13, 03:52 PM
Hey now. You must stay on topic in my absence.


01-08-13, 04:02 PM
At least you didnt tell anyone. Oh wait........

Hahaha:p It was a fleeting feeling, I am ADD and this sort of thing is common for me. Usually I am looking for my phone while talking on it or something. The ring is my work ring so it isn't really expensive but it means enough for me to try to find every pair of gloves I threw out today....yucky, even for me. Pinkster you might have passed out if you had to do it. Oh well all's well that ends well.

01-08-13, 05:42 PM
Hey now. You must stay on topic in my absence.

And the topic is "whatever"....


How grammer and spelling are irrelevant...

How Miikka Kiprusoff is a bush-league goalie...

How pink is such an ugly color...



And now I have to sign in for the Jeporday on-line challenge....

01-08-13, 05:58 PM
You forgot animated gnomes. We should get lots of those to await her return.

01-08-13, 06:38 PM
You guys are just mean. Mean mean mean.

01-08-13, 06:41 PM
yep...we just ruined your vacation...

and I did terrible on the Jeopardy test...

01-08-13, 06:42 PM
yep...we just ruined your vacation...

and I did terrible on the Jeopardy test...

It's not ruined. Nothing 20 bahama-mamas cant fix.

01-08-13, 07:21 PM
You guys are just mean. Mean mean mean.

Hey but I Obeyed Your Command.

01-08-13, 09:09 PM
Tease me all you want. I'll be here. Don't be jelly, as my daughter says.


01-08-13, 09:39 PM
I'm not I'm peanutbutter lol

01-08-13, 09:49 PM
I think I'm so excited to go on vacation with no kids, no niece, no pets, no needy sister. It doesnt really matter where im going. Is that awful? If it is then i guess im awful. :p

01-08-13, 09:53 PM
Look at my tag @ Pink

01-08-13, 10:02 PM
Look at mine

01-09-13, 09:29 AM
I looked at both if Ur's. There -_-

01-09-13, 02:02 PM
Lol seen em.

01-09-13, 09:24 PM
I just watched a bit on the Jon Stewart show about the bridge the Canadians are building in Detroit. It made me want to Thank all of you Canadians who are helping take a monopoly away from a shady old billionaire. You guys rock!

01-09-13, 09:27 PM
I just watched a bit on the Jon Stewart show about the bridge the Canadians are building in Detroit. It made me want to Thank all of you Canadians who are helping take a monopoly away from a shady old billionaire. You guys rock!

Uhhhh thanks!

And now I'll have to google what youre talking about.

01-09-13, 09:47 PM
Uhhhh thanks!

And now I'll have to google what youre talking about.

Basically you guys are paying to build a new bridge, I think you guys keep all the tolls until It's paid for. The best part is a really rich guy is mad because you wouldn't let him build one to get richer. I am happy because it means more road construction (what my husband does for a living) and the rich guy is shady so I don't really like him. It is a really big thing around here.

01-09-13, 10:06 PM
Basically you guys are paying to build a new bridge, I think you guys keep all the tolls until It's paid for. The best part is a really rich guy is mad because you wouldn't let him build one to get richer. I am happy because it means more road construction (what my husband does for a living) and the rich guy is shady so I don't really like him. It is a really big thing around here.

Ah yes. I did some reading. Matty Marou (spelling?). Wa ah ah. I bet hes not happy about that.

01-10-13, 06:19 AM
Tonight its going to be minus 18 here when i leave, and plus 27 in mexico when i get there. Awesome.

01-10-13, 07:34 AM
Tonight its going to be minus 18 here when i leave, and plus 27 in mexico when i get there. Awesome.

Sweet it was in the upper thirties here yesterday I didn't even wear a jacket it was great. However the snow is half melted and ugly now.

01-10-13, 10:25 AM

Since im leaving my phone at home while im gone, should i turn it off? Or just leave it on? Which is better?

01-10-13, 11:06 AM
Sweet it was in the upper thirties here yesterday I didn't even wear a jacket it was great. However the snow is half melted and ugly now.

Same here....and its supposed to get up into the 60's this weekend

01-10-13, 11:07 AM

Since im leaving my phone at home while im gone, should i turn it off? Or just leave it on? Which is better?

If you leave it on, the battery will be dead by the time you get, I would think.

01-10-13, 05:24 PM

Since im leaving my phone at home while im gone, should i turn it off? Or just leave it on? Which is better?

Turn it off, it will save the battery life but not only That your phone would last a lot longer :)

Why you leaving it what if there's an EMERGENCY?

01-10-13, 06:31 PM
Turn it off, it will save the battery life but not only That your phone would last a lot longer :)

Why you leaving it what if there's an EMERGENCY?
When my sister inlaw's parents went to some tropical place they bought a throw away phone when they got there less risk and no crazy charges.

01-12-13, 02:56 PM
MEDICAL HELP: Does anyone know what to do when Your chest feels heavy and its hard to breath?

01-12-13, 07:29 PM
MEDICAL HELP: Does anyone know what to do when Your chest feels heavy and its hard to breath?

Asthma or a respiratory infection. Or allergies. Are there any other symptoms?

01-12-13, 08:32 PM
Asthma or a respiratory infection. Or allergies. Are there any other symptoms?

No just a lil pain in chest heavy feeling and a lil hard to breath that's it

01-13-13, 02:28 AM
Went to the hospital they said I'm healthy

01-13-13, 07:44 PM
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTED2Skj04E41cIucUEnxdXZLJZdVTs7 bDKklXWtEvMFH5RkY4hTQ

01-13-13, 07:51 PM
Aww is he gonna guard the thread in Pinkster's absence?

01-14-13, 08:56 AM
Or scare the daylights out of pinkster when she returns???

01-14-13, 10:34 AM
We should post a picture of walking gnomes and spiders together. :p

01-14-13, 04:22 PM
Lol you guys are funny. Does pinkster have internet connection there or anything.

01-14-13, 06:25 PM
Lol lets scare pinkster. Stuff that shes afraid of

01-14-13, 07:13 PM
I'm bored :(

01-14-13, 08:11 PM

01-14-13, 08:20 PM

oh lol thats from gravity falls

01-14-13, 08:21 PM
someone should post a picture of a huge, scary, and hairy spider

kooky panda
01-14-13, 09:30 PM
I bet Pinksters gnomes are cold and lonely without her!!

http://th639.photobucket.com/albums/uu114/loveej/Christmas/th_gnome_snow_grass_shivering_hg_wht.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/image/animated%20gnomes/loveej/Christmas/gnome_snow_grass_shivering_hg_wht.gif?o=4)http://th639.photobucket.com/albums/uu114/loveej/Christmas/th_gnome_snow_grass_shivering_hg_wht.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/image/animated%20gnomes/loveej/Christmas/gnome_snow_grass_shivering_hg_wht.gif?o=4)http://th639.photobucket.com/albums/uu114/loveej/Christmas/th_gnome_snow_grass_shivering_hg_wht.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/image/animated%20gnomes/loveej/Christmas/gnome_snow_grass_shivering_hg_wht.gif?o=4)http://th639.photobucket.com/albums/uu114/loveej/Christmas/th_gnome_snow_grass_shivering_hg_wht.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/image/animated%20gnomes/loveej/Christmas/gnome_snow_grass_shivering_hg_wht.gif?o=4)http://th639.photobucket.com/albums/uu114/loveej/Christmas/th_gnome_snow_grass_shivering_hg_wht.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/image/animated%20gnomes/loveej/Christmas/gnome_snow_grass_shivering_hg_wht.gif?o=4)

01-15-13, 02:33 AM
All This is hilarious

01-15-13, 03:17 AM

This is what pinkster would b doing when she comes back lol

01-15-13, 03:18 AM
Hey I posted my first gif Successfully! !!!!

01-15-13, 05:01 PM
My sister bought a sleeper sofa off of Craigslist and her and I and her husband went down near Pittsburgh to get it.

Naturally, it was on the second floor and first we had to remove to door from the hinges in the room it was in. Then, we had to take it out of that room , suspend it on the railing and rotate it 90 degrees down the hall. Then rotate it 180 degrees (again over the railing) to get it on the steps. Then slide it down the steps, turn it on end to rotate it 90 to get it down the landing, then turn 45 degrees to get it out the door. THEN, carry it out to the truck.

They are lucky they had me to show them how to do it (and that my brother-in-law's two artificial knees held out!)

01-16-13, 06:08 AM
My sister bought a sleeper sofa off of Craigslist and her and I and her husband went down near Pittsburgh to get it.

Naturally, it was on the second floor and first we had to remove to door from the hinges in the room it was in. Then, we had to take it out of that room , suspend it on the railing and rotate it 90 degrees down the hall. Then rotate it 180 degrees (again over the railing) to get it on the steps. Then slide it down the steps, turn it on end to rotate it 90 to get it down the landing, then turn 45 degrees to get it out the door. THEN, carry it out to the truck.

They are lucky they had me to show them how to do it (and that my brother-in-law's two artificial knees held out!)

You didn't bump your head once? I'm proud of you. :p

My town is run by morons. Over 170 schools in NH cancelled or had a 2-hour delay, but mine. My poor 12 yr old had to walk the death of doom (according to him) down to the bus stop at 620a in the pitch dark with snow and ice falling on him. The hubby is driving the 10 yr old as the roads are really bad right now. They should have at least delayed school, but nooooooo...................Idiots.

01-16-13, 07:31 AM
My sister bought a sleeper sofa off of Craigslist and her and I and her husband went down near Pittsburgh to get it.

Naturally, it was on the second floor and first we had to remove to door from the hinges in the room it was in. Then, we had to take it out of that room , suspend it on the railing and rotate it 90 degrees down the hall. Then rotate it 180 degrees (again over the railing) to get it on the steps. Then slide it down the steps, turn it on end to rotate it 90 to get it down the landing, then turn 45 degrees to get it out the door. THEN, carry it out to the truck.

They are lucky they had me to show them how to do it (and that my brother-in-law's two artificial knees held out!)

I had a couch like this once it took an hour to get it into the apartment... and when I moved it stayed there.

01-16-13, 04:29 PM

This is what pinkster would b doing when she comes back lol

lol that will be true...

01-17-13, 03:48 PM
My nephew's boys dropped by yesterday....



01-18-13, 05:30 AM
They're adorable Realfarmer.

01-18-13, 11:05 AM
It's great you get to be involved with them. Not many kids get to have a relationship with their great uncle, which is too bad because as they say it takes a village.

01-18-13, 01:24 PM
My nephew's boys dropped by yesterday....



He looks exactly like one of my brothers son few years ago :)

01-18-13, 02:56 PM
How do I get a piece of peanut out of my throat anyone Know?

01-18-13, 04:17 PM
How do I get a piece of peanut out of my throat anyone Know?

try and cough it up or drink something... that's what i know.,..... that is the second thing that happened to u

01-18-13, 04:19 PM
someone should post a picture of a HUGE spider

01-18-13, 04:41 PM
try and cough it up or drink something... that's what i know.,..... that is the second thing that happened to u

I tried all That. And I know :(

01-18-13, 04:49 PM
well idk what to do then :(

01-18-13, 05:24 PM
well idk what to do then :(

Thanks anyway :)

01-18-13, 07:54 PM
your welcome :)

01-18-13, 10:19 PM
It's great you get to be involved with them. Not many kids get to have a relationship with their great uncle, which is too bad because as they say it takes a village.

Well, since their father is an Air Force pilot, I don't get to see them much.

01-18-13, 10:21 PM
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8kpIbT3Iprj4E1bElxB9gnkhEOxOxo kBG9Opf-lJL9w57hvKL

01-18-13, 11:37 PM
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8kpIbT3Iprj4E1bElxB9gnkhEOxOxo kBG9Opf-lJL9w57hvKL

Lol thanks for posting that

01-19-13, 08:28 AM
My friend hates that picture of the spider. Lol

01-19-13, 09:28 AM
OMG you guys are not funny!

We're home. My hubby almost died but he didn't. He got stung by an open water jellyfish and the toxin spread to his chest. We spent a day in hospital. Had to pay $4000.00, should get it back. Other then that great fun!

01-19-13, 09:29 AM
Oh and yes Tempete, I got pics of it. I just have to get them digitalized.

01-19-13, 09:49 AM
Omg ur back

01-19-13, 11:58 AM
Omg ur back

I am. And I need a nap.

01-19-13, 12:00 PM
Duuuh. I know. Lol. Then go take a nap

01-19-13, 02:07 PM
We're home. My hubby almost died but he didn't. He got stung by an open water jellyfish and the toxin spread to his chest. We spent a day in hospital. Had to pay $4000.00, should get it back.

OMG!!...That sounds like an adventure.

How's the Mexican health care system????

01-19-13, 03:40 PM
OMG!!...That sounds like an adventure.

How's the Mexican health care system????

Lop nice question. "Hows the Mexican health care system" lol

01-19-13, 04:03 PM
Whoohoo My buddy is back. Hey me and your husband got something in common we both went to the hospital. I couldn't breath That good my chest was feeling heavy. But they said everything was ok with me. BUT WAIT FOR IT.....Now I got a stupid piece of peanut stucik in my throat. Yup just my luck. Hopefully I feel better soon Because im supposed to be going to VEGAS whoohoo!!!!!! But if I'm not feeling well what's the point of goin Ehh.

01-19-13, 04:35 PM
Can u take me to vegas with you. I wanna gamble and hit the slot machines and stuff

01-19-13, 04:46 PM
Can u take me to vegas with you. I wanna gamble and hit the slot machines and stuff

Your not even old enough LOL

01-19-13, 04:47 PM
Lol I know. But ive been to la's Vegas and went into a casino when I was 7. Lol

01-19-13, 05:49 PM
OMG!!...That sounds like an adventure.

How's the Mexican health care system????

Disclaimer: I mean no offence to any mexicans, doctors, or mexican doctors

It was awful. Despite a huge sign on the side of the hospital saying "we welcome travellers insurance" they waited until after treatment to inform me they would not accept it. I phoned my insurance rep 3 times, and even after the insurance company faxed a letter guaranteeing payment within 7 days the doctor said no. The doctor then said to my face we could not leave until we paid up front. So i phoned the insurance guy one more time and he told me which documents to get before i paid, then pay, then get out of there.

It was almost like a hostage negotiation with me refusing to hand over my visa until i had like 5 different reports in my hand. I had to pay $4000.00 US dollars, which i will get back. The doctor had the nerve to call me "difficult".

Oh and they never wore gloves, even when starting my hubbys iv. When i insisted they wear gloves they gave me dirty looks.

Good times

01-19-13, 05:54 PM
OMG you guys are not funny!

We're home. My hubby almost died but he didn't. He got stung by an open water jellyfish and the toxin spread to his chest. We spent a day in hospital. Had to pay $4000.00, should get it back. Other then that great fun!

Omg your rich pink. I wish I had that money I could get me a somewhat decent car

01-19-13, 07:22 PM

01-19-13, 07:24 PM
Lol what's with the chart

01-19-13, 07:33 PM
I like the just sitting there and being jerks and ruining a perfectly good day at the beach

01-19-13, 07:33 PM
Floating there. Oops :p. Lol

01-19-13, 07:46 PM
Lol what's with the chart

It's totally true. Pie charts never lie.

01-19-13, 07:53 PM
Lol I know that

01-19-13, 07:54 PM
Pink you should be a college professor. (I don't Think I spelt right.) With all Your diagrams u show us lol.

01-19-13, 07:54 PM
Thats true also. They never lie

01-19-13, 08:41 PM
I can't take credit for the jellyfish pie chart. I found it, I didn't make it. But I do think it's totally true.

01-19-13, 09:35 PM
mmmmmmm....pie chart.....:::drewl.......

01-19-13, 09:37 PM
Lol im bored. Pinkster posted a jellyfish on my profile. Its funny

01-19-13, 09:42 PM
Lol im bored. Pinkster posted a jellyfish on my profile. Its funny

She also did on mine she scared me though Because she's Always scares me with gross pics.

01-19-13, 09:44 PM
Lol. That's funny. Im gonna go see

01-19-13, 09:49 PM
Disclaimer: I mean no offence to any mexicans, doctors, or mexican doctors

It was awful. Despite a huge sign on the side of the hospital saying "we welcome travellers insurance" they waited until after treatment to inform me they would not accept it. I phoned my insurance rep 3 times, and even after the insurance company faxed a letter guaranteeing payment within 7 days the doctor said no. The doctor then said to my face we could not leave until we paid up front. So i phoned the insurance guy one more time and he told me which documents to get before i paid, then pay, then get out of there.

It was almost like a hostage negotiation with me refusing to hand over my visa until i had like 5 different reports in my hand. I had to pay $4000.00 US dollars, which i will get back. The doctor had the nerve to call me "difficult".

Oh and they never wore gloves, even when starting my hubbys iv. When i insisted they wear gloves they gave me dirty looks.

Good times

If it had been in America, it would have probably been $8000. Plus another $500 for the gloves.

And you probably wouldn't be getting it back....

"Canadian Health Insurance?!?!?!..Sorry Ma'am, this is America...we don't tolerate Socialism here!"

01-19-13, 09:52 PM
If it had been in America, it would have probably been $8000. Plus another $500 for the gloves.

And you probably wouldn't be getting it back....

"Canadian Health Insurance?!?!?!..Sorry Ma'am, this is America...we don't tolerate Socialism here!"

Lol wow.

01-19-13, 09:53 PM
If it had been in America, it would have probably been $8000. Plus another $500 for the gloves.

And you probably wouldn't be getting it back....

"Canadian Health Insurance?!?!?!..Sorry Ma'am, this is America...we don't tolerate Socialism here!"

True, it probably was less then in the usa.

But i dont think me insisting they wear gloves to play with my hubbys viens makes me difficult. I think its ummmm, lets see, smart? Hygienic? Mandatory?

01-19-13, 09:53 PM

Here u go everyone

01-19-13, 10:09 PM
Here's it's mommy


01-19-13, 10:17 PM
Lol that is its mommy. Lol that's u.

01-20-13, 08:22 AM
But i dont think me insisting they wear gloves to play with my hubbys viens makes me difficult. I think its ummmm, lets see, smart? Hygienic? Mandatory?

If the skin wasn't broken or was already smeared with alcohol/antiseptic there wouldn't be much chance of infection, but still gloves are standard practice here. The annoyance the doctor's expressed is probably the result of the 'dirty Mexican' stereotype.

01-20-13, 09:36 AM
True dat bro. Lol what he was sayin is something I rarely ever hear about.

01-20-13, 09:59 AM
If the skin wasn't broken or was already smeared with alcohol/antiseptic there wouldn't be much chance of infection, but still gloves are standard practice here. The annoyance the doctor's expressed is probably the result of the 'dirty Mexican' stereotype.

Oooooh that sounds like it could be. That's not how I meant it at all.

When i was a phlebotamist we put on gloves before we touched the patient at all. Even to feel for a vien.

01-20-13, 10:05 AM
U had to put Gloves on before u could touch the person.

01-20-13, 10:25 AM
OMG you guys are not funny!

We're home. My hubby almost died but he didn't. He got stung by an open water jellyfish and the toxin spread to his chest. We spent a day in hospital. Had to pay $4000.00, should get it back. Other then that great fun!

Oh no poor him. I've been lucky. Never been stung by one. I can ony imagine how painful that must have been.

01-20-13, 10:29 AM
Disclaimer: I mean no offence to any mexicans, doctors, or mexican doctors

It was awful. Despite a huge sign on the side of the hospital saying "we welcome travellers insurance" they waited until after treatment to inform me they would not accept it. I phoned my insurance rep 3 times, and even after the insurance company faxed a letter guaranteeing payment within 7 days the doctor said no. The doctor then said to my face we could not leave until we paid up front. So i phoned the insurance guy one more time and he told me which documents to get before i paid, then pay, then get out of there.

It was almost like a hostage negotiation with me refusing to hand over my visa until i had like 5 different reports in my hand. I had to pay $4000.00 US dollars, which i will get back. The doctor had the nerve to call me "difficult".

Oh and they never wore gloves, even when starting my hubbys iv. When i insisted they wear gloves they gave me dirty looks.

Good times

That sounds terrible. Not a very good hospital or well trained doctors at that hospital (not saying all hospitals in Mexico are the same. Just that one). Hope you gave them a dirty look back.

01-20-13, 11:25 AM
That sounds terrible. Not a very good hospital or well trained doctors at that hospital (not saying all hospitals in Mexico are the same. Just that one). Hope you gave them a dirty look back.

Oh i did.

Heres the wall lizards i bought:


01-20-13, 11:27 AM
I have wall lizard's too. Mine are cool

01-20-13, 11:47 AM

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! So true!

If it had been in America, it would have probably been $8000. Plus another $500 for the gloves.

And you probably wouldn't be getting it back....

"Canadian Health Insurance?!?!?!..Sorry Ma'am, this is America...we don't tolerate Socialism here!"

I think you're being too easy on the glove cost there Sir. More like $1,500. :p

True, it probably was less then in the usa.

But i dont think me insisting they wear gloves to play with my hubbys viens makes me difficult. I think its ummmm, lets see, smart? Hygienic? Mandatory?

pinkster, mandatory? Really? Smart and hygienic, yes, but mandatory isn't the same all over the world. :p You can take the pinkster out of Canada, but you can't take the Canadian out of pinkster.

If the skin wasn't broken or was already smeared with alcohol/antiseptic there wouldn't be much chance of infection, but still gloves are standard practice here. The annoyance the doctor's expressed is probably the result of the 'dirty Mexican' stereotype.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner folks! :)

Oooooh that sounds like it could be. That's not how I meant it at all.

When i was a phlebotamist we put on gloves before we touched the patient at all. Even to feel for a vien.

Of course you didn't but they'd never believe you. All blond, svelte, and with that canadian accent. Did you curse at them in French? You should have as you were walking out the door, really rile them up good. :p

01-20-13, 11:55 AM
LMAO!!!!!!!!!! So true!

I think you're being too easy on the glove cost there Sir. More like $1,500. :p

pinkster, mandatory? Really? Smart and hygienic, yes, but mandatory isn't the same all over the world. :p You can take the pinkster out of Canada, but you can't take the Canadian out of pinkster.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner folks! :)

Of course you didn't but they'd never believe you. All blond, svelte, and with that canadian accent. Did you curse at them in French? You should have as you were walking out the door, really rile them up good. :p

Nope, no cursing out loud on the way out. I just wanted to get out of there. Like NOW.

01-20-13, 11:56 AM
Lol that's funny

01-20-13, 12:02 PM
They can take her out of cananda but cant take the Canadian out of her. That is true

01-20-13, 12:16 PM
They can take her out of cananda but cant take the Canadian out of her. That is true

I guess so.

If the queen of England was going to start an IV on my husband I would have asked her to wear gloves too.

01-20-13, 12:17 PM
Lol what if the hottest boy in the world started an IV on you

01-20-13, 12:24 PM
Bored. Really bored

01-20-13, 03:20 PM
When i was a phlebotamist we put on gloves before we touched the patient at all. Even to feel for a vien.

But it that policy to protect the patient, or to protect you??

I don't recall Doctor's and paramedics all wearing gloves until the AIDS scare....

01-20-13, 03:42 PM
Oh and during the summer when I was at Disney world there was a woman yelling and cussing at her husband in German

01-20-13, 04:11 PM
Oh i did.

Heres the wall lizards i bought:


Love them :-)

This is the one (I have 2) I bought in Bali, Indonesia.


01-20-13, 04:22 PM
Woooohhhh that's cool. Nice one

01-20-13, 05:08 PM
But it that policy to protect the patient, or to protect you??

I don't recall Doctor's and paramedics all wearing gloves until the AIDS scare....

Transmission is a 2 way street.

Sourlicorice: cool wall lizard!

01-20-13, 06:07 PM
sourlicorice's wall lizard is MUCH cooler than yours, pinkie....

01-20-13, 06:09 PM
Lol I know right

01-20-13, 06:15 PM
sourlicorice's wall lizard is MUCH cooler than yours, pinkie....

Oh ouch

01-20-13, 06:18 PM
sourlicorice's wall lizard is MUCH cooler than yours, pinkie....

Oh snap

01-20-13, 06:19 PM
sourlicorice's wall lizard is MUCH cooler than yours, pinkie....

Who cares?

01-20-13, 06:21 PM
I also got some hangy fishies made out of coconut shells:


01-20-13, 06:24 PM
Uh oh Realfamer just mad Pinkster turn a different color (red) she's very angry Now lol

01-20-13, 06:28 PM
Uh oh Realfamer just mad Pinkster turn a different color (red) she's very angry Now lol

Lol that's funny

01-21-13, 12:05 AM

01-21-13, 12:10 AM

I seem that. Before

01-21-13, 04:18 AM
Oh ouch

Actually I'd happily trade you one for the red and blue one lol. I like yours much better.

01-21-13, 09:06 AM
Lol I ALMOST fell for that. Lets see whoelse falls for it

01-21-13, 09:16 AM
Lol I ALMOST fell for that. Lets see whoelse falls for it

I always fall for it.

01-21-13, 09:17 AM
I always fall for it.

Lol of course you do.

And I DONT RUN THIS THREAD. pinkster having hallucinations of my post saying the "whatever thread" instead of the "whatever group"

01-21-13, 09:18 AM
Actually I'd happily trade you one for the red and blue one lol. I like yours much better.

My son took that one for his room. I guess it's the "cool" one.

01-21-13, 09:20 AM
My son took that one for his room. I guess it's the "cool" one.

Of course he did

01-21-13, 09:22 AM
Lol of course you do.

And I DONT RUN THIS THREAD. pinkster having hallucinations of my post saying the "whatever thread" instead of the "whatever group"

"Btw I run the whatever thread if you join it"

Direct quote from someones wall.

01-21-13, 09:26 AM
"Btw I run the whatever thread if you join it"

Direct quote from someones wall.

Yeeahhhhh totally ^_-

01-21-13, 09:30 AM

01-21-13, 09:56 AM

Stop using my profile pic as your own. I'm the only pink jellyfish here. I will sting you!

01-21-13, 10:07 AM
blahhhhhhhh girks that are 35 cant sting me... hahahhahahahahahha.... but if they are hot they can kiss me... lol im just joking.... and pinkster i dont have to listen to you becuase ITS A FREE COUNTRY IN THE USA.... HAHAHAHA

01-21-13, 10:07 AM
stop using my profile pic as your own. I'm the only pink jellyfish here. I will sting you!


kooky panda
01-21-13, 10:08 AM
Okay this is the whatever thread, but please remember that forum rules still apply.
Please keep your comments appropriate and please do not spam the thread.

kooky panda
01-21-13, 11:03 AM
Hey guys this thread is very very big!!!! Come See the new and approved

Whatever Thread !!
