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Thread: Castle Story 2/01: The Mystical Desert (main story) | goals on page 1

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Castle Story 2/01: The Mystical Desert (main story) | goals on page 1

    Moderator Note:
    * As this is a main story goal, I would ask that you do not post anything off topic. This helps future-proof the thread as much as possible.

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    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-31-24 at 07:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Expansion Information
    _There are no expansions linked to this storyline_

    Drop information for the main items

    Desert Treasure Hunter -- earth wisp, enchanted lantern, expansion permit, trade ticket, wisp lantern

    Desert Ruler -- bone, creep tooth, fur, hearty feast, simple feast, troll horn

    Desert Princess -- creep tooth, earth wisp, elvenite, expansion permit, fey crystal, flyger milk, fur, iron ore, jewels, light armor, mithril, rat tail, silver ore, wisp lantern

    Desert Cobra -- bone, creep tooth, fur, hearty feast, simple feast, trade ticket, troll horn

    Horned Desert Hare -- apple, apple pie, carrots, golden apple, lemon, lemonade, orange, orange cobbler, sugar

    Desert Werehyena -- apple pie, bacon, boar pelt, bone, creep tooth, eggs, fish, fur, glimmerdust, golden apple, golden egg, golden nugget, hide, jewels, lemonade, living wood, magic fruit, manticore whisker, milk, mushroom, naga fins, orange cobbler, rat tail, roast chicken, shell armor, skunku-pie, soft feather, strawberries, sugar, trade ticket, truffle, water, wool

    Desert Soldier -- coal, earth wisp, jewels, light armor, longsword, silver ore

    Desert Jinn -- faerie murmur, fey crystal, glimmer fragments, glimmerdust, mysterious venom, pile of seeds, troll essence
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-15-24 at 01:52 AM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Goals Information - Part 1 (complete)
    Main Storyline | 9 goals

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * You must be Level 46 to trigger this storyline
    * You must also have completed The Scorpion Desert storyline
    * Complete Part 1 in 7 days to receive the Desert Cobra. As soon as you put on the Desert Offering craft in goal 9, this goal will complete and the Desert Cobra will be available to place. Timer 22 hours.
    * You can take as long as you like to complete these goals; you will only miss out on the timed prize if you do not complete this part in 7 days
    * The Desert Princess is the reward completing Part 1 goals (regardless of how long it takes to complete this part). Timer 22 hours
    * The Desert Rock Tomb has a permanent 7 day craft at the conclusion of Part 1 called Charm a Snake

    Baron: Ready for a challenge?
    Timed Goal: The Mystical Desert (Part 1) | 7 day timed goal to complete all of Part 1 goals
    * Prepare a Desert Offering 0/1 GO | Prepare at the Desert Rock Tomb
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp, + Desert Cobra
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done, child!

    Fenneca: What's that, there, in the bushes?
    Goal 1:
    * Gather water 0/1 GO
    * Tend a bush 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Gadzooks!

    Clear your board of any other monsters for this goal
    Jinn: Your little friend is indeed here. Lucky her, that you all have come to join her in our desert... forever.
    Goal 2:
    * Defeat a Jinn 0/1 GO | spawns from the bush and the round cactus | 15 hits to defeat
    * Gather a mystical desert scroll 0/1 GO (skip 30 gems) | once defeated the Jinn will drop 1-3 mystical desert scrolls
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: Quick grab that scroll he dropped!

    Old Thomas: Give me some time to translate this scroll.
    Goal 3:
    * Visit Old Thomas's House 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: This scroll tells of a journey, a battle, and a rescue unlike any other.

    Old Thomas: The scroll also tells of a Mystical Desert Coin.
    Goal 4:
    * Gather Silver Ore 0/10 GO | will auto complete if you have 10 in inventory
    * Gather Jewels 0/10 GO | will auto complete if you have 10 in inventory
    * Gather a Mystical Desert Scroll | defeat the Jinn
    * Prepare a Mystical Desert Coin | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 12 mystical desert scroll, 10 silver ore, 10 jewels
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: I am quite curious as to the purpose of this coin.

    Thurston: How do we de-enchant a desert, Ivy?
    Goal 5:
    * Visit the Deep Mine 0/1 GO
    * Tend a Bush 0/1 GO
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO | Ivy's hut will drop the Mystical Desert Dew. They also drop from defeating a Jinn (rare)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: I have a few tricks up my sleeve for that, Thurston!

    Fenecca: Once we have our magic coin, we will need to head back to the desert.
    Goal 6:
    * Gather Mithril 0/1 GO | will auto complete if you have 1 in inventory
    * Gather Spellbound Dew 0/1 GO | will auto complete if you have 1 in inventory
    * Gather Mystical Desert Dew 0/1 GO | will auto complete as you collected one in goal 5
    * Prepare a Mystical Desert Coin 0/1 GO | will auto complete as you made one in goal 4
    * Build the Desert Rock Tomb | market, 2000 coins (size 2x2) | Build requirements: 5 mystical desert dew, 35 mithril, 45 spellbound dew, 8 mystical desert coin
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: That is one creepy tomb.
    Note: once you place the Desert Rock Tomb it will show a construction box. As soon as you have all the materials needed for the build, the green tick then shows on the construction box.

    Clear any monsters from your board for this goal! Collecting the Desert Rock Tomb craft will spawn the Ghoulish Jinn. You will need to do the craft again if you have a monster on your board.
    Fenneca: Yes, Ruler! These Mystical Desert Coins will surely help us. I have faith in Ivy's magic.
    Goal 7:
    * Enter the Desert Rock Tomb 0/1 GO | Desert Rock Tomb, 5 minutes - 1 golden nugget, 1 golden egg
    * Seek out the Ghoulish Jinn 0/1 GO | the Ghoulish Jinn will spawn when you collect the Desert Rock Tomb craft
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Watch out for that ghost!!

    Thurston: That's n-n-no's a J-J-Jinn!
    Goal 8:
    * Defeat the Ghoulish Jinn 0/1 GO | 99 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Princess: You've done it, you defeated him!

    Fenneca: To respect the desert, let's leave an offering for the spirits in the tomb.
    Goal 9:
    * Prepare a Desert Offering 0/1 GO | Desert Rock Tomb, 1 hour - 9 mystical desert scroll, 15 spellbound dew, 8 mystical desert dew
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 50 xp, + Desert Princess | Charm a Snake craft unlocked in the Desert Rock Tomb, 7 days - 25 glimmerdust
    Congratulations: Thurston: Let's get this princess to safety!

    Part 1 Dialogue: (complete)
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Old Thomas: Hello dear Ruler! How are you enjoying this fine, brisk day?
    Ruler: It's quite chilly. Outdoor activities are less enjoyable for me when it's so cold. I could use nice, warm sunshine right about now.
    Fenneca: Ruler, Please help me! The situation is most urgent!
    Ruler: Of course! What is wrong, Fenneca?
    Fenneca: My friend Amani is lost in the desert! We had been writing to each other, and she was telling me of her adventures to find hidden treasure... but I stopped receiving letters. It has been over a week and I am worried for her safety. I have heard stories...
    Ruler: What stories?
    Fenneca: The stories of the terrible spirits who have taken over the land. They capture and subjugate all in their path. I thought they were just silly, scary stories, to tell children. But now, I fear, that they may be true.
    Old Thomas: Are you aware of what kind of angry spirits she may be dealing with?
    Fenneca: Only that they are powerful.
    Old Thomas: I will look into this. Perhaps a bit of research will reveal who are the beings are, and what your friend is likely up against.
    Ruler: Let me gather Thurston, some supplies, and canteen. The situation sounds serious. Let's go investigate.

    Goal 2:
    Jinn: Why hello wanderers. You seem lost in this vast desert of ours. Please do not be frightened. I offer refuge from the heat.
    Thurston: Oh good. I'm overheating in my armor.
    Fenneca: We should really get going. We are searching for someone who may need help.
    Ruler: Yes, thank you for the hospitality but…
    Jinn: -I insist. It is most unbearable in this desert. You will surely perish out here.
    Fenneca: I have plenty of experience to help them through the desert!
    Jinn: You misunderstand me, little one. Leaving is...not an option.
    Thurston: Be careful, Ruler! This enemy is made of smoke. A strike with your sword may not take.
    Fenneca: Perhaps we should retreat.
    Ruler: I think we can fend him off. By battling him, we will learn his weaknesses and come back with reinforcements.

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: Thomas, we found a clue to that thing we were talking about earlier.
    Old Thomas: Excellent! Let's see here? Gosh, all Hemlock! This is quite a find. Where did you get this?
    Fenneca: That spirit dropped it.
    Old Thomas: A spirit, you say?
    Thurston: Yeah! He attacked us because we wanted to leave, and then, poof he was gone?
    Ruler: Gone except for that scroll.
    Fenneca: Maybe the scroll can help us find my friend, Amani!

    Goal 4:
    Ruler: That is quite a vague message.
    Old Thomas: There is more... the scroll also tells of a desert enchanted by the Jinn! A desert that prevents travelers from leaving.
    Fenneca: I've heard of these beings and the dark, dangerous patches of the desert where they dwell.
    Old Thomas: Indeed, young Fenneca. One of my old manuscripts state that these beings can grant three wishes.
    Baron: Do my ears deceive me? Did someone mention granting wishes?
    Ruler: Baron, we are trying to rescue Fenneca's friend Amani who is lost in the desert. We are not trying to get swindled by the Jinn who attacked us.
    Baron: Swindled?? A granted wish is a free gift. No one with half a brain forgoes free gifts!
    Fenneca: Perhaps you would like to take a trip with us to the desert to meet this Jinn. Surely, a little sand and sun would not deter you from asking for your three wishes, Baron.
    Baron: I... far too busy. Not at all scared! I was just saying that one should not turn their nose up at a golden opportunity. Just a suggestion. I must go.
    Ruler: Thomas, can you tell us anything else about that scroll?

    Goal 5:
    Fenneca: I believe that Old Thomas is right about the desert being enchanted by the Jinn so that they can capture all who cross through. I have lived in the desert my whole life and have always felt the desert was a place of freedom. But this last time, it felt stifling.
    Ruler: if magic is involved, we will need some magical assistance. Maybe Ivy can conjure something up. Let's go find her.

    Goal 6:
    Ivy: Thomas, you had mentioned something of a Desert Coin, right?
    Old Thomas: That is correct. The scroll had very little information. I've been looking through my spell book, and I'm sure we can place a spell on a coin. They absorb magic very well.
    Ivy: Who doesn't love magic in the palm of your hand.
    Ruler: Portable magic does sound nice. But it will need it to help us as we maneuver through the desert.
    Ivy: Thurston, can you help collect some items we need?
    Thurston: Of course!
    Ivy: Will have that magical coin ready in no time at all!

    Goal 7:
    Jinn: It seems we meet again, travelers. I am here to warn you.
    Fenneca: Warn us? You have been attacking us!
    Jinn: Ha! Indeed. I am warning you, because I find your tenacity most enjoyable, and I think everyone should have a fighting chance. My brother is just inside the tomb, he knows you are coming. And he is waiting to crush you. Just thought you should know. Haha!
    Thurston: Ruler, there is a frightened woman hiding inside the tomb. I must go help her.
    Ruler: Go, Thurston. Fenneca, do we have those enchanted coins? I feel that will need them to get through this place.

    Goal 8:
    Jinn: Make sure you put on a good show for me.

    Goal 9:
    Princess: I have been trying to escape from that monster for months. Even when he leaves, it has been impossible to leave this tomb.
    Ruler: I'm so glad we found you. Will get you out, don't you worry. Does this place feel strange to you, Fenneca?
    Fenneca: Yes, Ruler. Something is not right here. It feels like the desert is angry with us.
    Thurston: Our legs are locked in place!
    Princess: Oh, woe is us! We'll be stuck here forever.
    Thurston: Please don't cry, princess. We will all get out.
    Ivy: It seems that the desert is still enchanted... or cursed!
    Fenneca: Let's leave an offering... with our desert coins. Out in my desert, offerings can really smooth things over with people. Maybe it will work with this desert.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 03-25-24 at 04:28 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information Part 2 (complete)
    11 goals

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 1
    * If you complete Part 2 in 30 days you will receive the Horned Desert Hare. As soon as you put on the Desert Wish craft in goal 11, this goal will complete and the Horned Desert Hare will be available to place. Timer 12 hours.
    * The Desert Ruler is the reward completing Part 2 goals (regardless of how long it takes to complete this part). Timer 6 hours.
    * The Desert Fire Lake has a permanent 7 day craft at the conclusion of Part 2 called Jump Over Flames.

    Baron: Ready for a challenge?
    Timed goal: Complete Part II before time runs out and you'll be rewarded with the Horned Desert Hare! | 30 day timed goal to complete all of Part 2 goals
    * Prepare a Desert Wish 0/1 GO | Prepare at the Desert Fire Lake
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp, + Horned Desert Hare
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done, child.

    Baron: pressing Go begins the next chapter and also starts a limited time ques to win the Horned Desert Hare!
    Goal 1: Continue to the 'The Mystical Desert (Part II)
    * Start Part II of The Mystical Desert 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Get ready... on your marks... and go!

    Fenneca: I hope this princess can give us good news.
    Goal 2:
    * Visit the Tavern 0/1 GO
    * Visit the Desert Princess 0/1 GO (skip 4 gems) | 22 hour collection timer
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Princess: I did see your friend! She is a wily one. The Jinn struggled to capture her.

    Clear your board of any other monsters for this goal
    Ivy: Let's try to collect as many of the Mystical Desert Blooms as we can.
    Goal 3:
    * Clear a Willow Tree 0/1 GO | tip: chop a few more trees before moving on!
    * Gather a Mystical Desert Bloom 0/1 GO (skip 20 gems) | from willow trees
    * Seek out a Jinn 0/1 GO | spawn from bush or round cactus
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Jinn: Did you miss me?

    Fenneca: We must defeat him and keep searching for my friend!
    Goal 4:
    * Defeat a Jinn 0/1 GO
    * Gather a Mystical Desert Scroll 0/1 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather a Enchanter's Essence 0/1 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Grab that Desert Scroll so I can bring it back to Old Thomas!

    Thurston: Who needs an ax, when you can just use a sword?
    Goal 5:
    * Clear a Willow Tree 0/1 GO
    * Clear a Crab Apple Tree 0/1 GO
    * Clear a Dead Tree 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: I feel better and think I'm ready to face the King of the Jinn.

    Jinn: It may seem like a shock, but we don't all live in a lamp.
    Goal 6:
    * Gather Mystical Desert Scrolls 0/4 GO | these 3 items will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather Mystical Desert Blooms 0/12
    * Gather Enchanter's Essence 0/3
    * Prepare a Mystical Desert Lamp 0/1 GO | Magic Forge, 2 hours - 4 mystical desert scroll, 10 mystical desert bloom, 3 enchanter's essence
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Are you sure there is no one in that lamp?

    Ivy: Experimenting with magic can be dangerous but necessary for successful castings.
    Goal 7:
    * Give Spellbound Dew 0/30 GIVE (skip 150 gems)
    * Give Mystical Desert Dew 0/25 GIVE (skip 625 gems)
    * Give Mystical Desert Coins 0/8 GIVE
    * Give Mystical Desert Lamps 0/21 GIVE
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Seems I may have to go back to the drawing board.

    Thurston: I just realized they will make me carry these items back into the desert.
    Goal 8:
    * Gather a Spellbound Dew 0/1 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather a Mystical Desert Dew 0/1 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather a Mystical Desert Coin 0/1 GO | the coin and lamp count toward the build requirements
    * Gather a Mystical Desert Lamp 0/1 GO
    * Build the Desert Fire Lake 0/1 GO | market 3000 coins | Build requirements: 25 mystical desert dew, 30 spellbound dew, 10 mystical desert lamp, 8 mystical desert coin
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: Is that a crater on fire?
    Note: once you place the Desert Fire Lake it will show a construction box. As soon as you have all the materials needed for the build, the green tick then shows on the construction box.

    Clear any monsters from your board for this goal! Collecting the Desert Fire Lake craft will spawn the Fire and Smoke Jinn. You will need to do the craft again if you have a monster on your board.
    Ivy: Don't try to bypass the Fire Lake. If we do, we will sink into the sand.
    Goal 9:
    * Approach the Desert Fire Lake 0/1 | Desert Fire Lake, 10 minutes - 3 golden nugget, 3 golden egg
    * Seek out the Fire and Smoke Jinn 0/1 | the Fire and Smoke Jinn will spawn when you collect the Desert Fire Lake craft
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: Watch out for his flames!

    Desert King: Battling this Jinn will require some stamina.
    Goal 10:
    * Defeat the Fire and Smoke Jinn 199 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Jinn: You beat him! The King of the Jinn will not be pleased. Ha!

    Jinn: How fitting that only a wish will get them out of here.
    Goal 11:
    * Prepare a Desert Wish 0/1 | Desert Fire Lake, 2 hours - 10 mystical desert scroll, 35 dragon scales, 30 mystical desert dew
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 50 xp, + Desert Ruler | Jump Over Flames craft unlocked in the Desert Fire Lake (25 water)
    Congratulations: Desert Ruler: We are free! Thank you for rescuing me, and taking me to see my daughter!

    Part 2 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Baron: Are you ready for a challenge?

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: While we may not have found your friend Amani, at least we were able to rescue another!
    Thurston: That battle was epic! I knew you could beat that smokey scoundrel.
    Ruler: It was a team effort, Thurston.
    Fenneca: I'm very worried about my friend! Her luck may not be as good as the princess we rescued. The princess is probably exhausted. Let's take her to the tavern. She probably could use an ice cold root beer.
    Thurston: Great idea, it'll be my treat!
    Sabina: What will be your treat, Thurston dear?
    Thurston: I... uhh...was going to... treat... YOU to a frosty root beer!
    Sabina: I thought so. Hee hee! Let's go!
    Fenneca: Ruler, let's ask the desert princess if she has seen Amani. My friend searches for treasures. Surely she was seen.
    Ruler: Yes, let's also see if she can give us any more information on the Jinns and their plan for the desert.

    Goal 3:
    Fenneca: My friend, Amani, was she hurt?
    Princess: Not al all. She had been a thorn in those Jinns' sides since they took control. Very combative, and uncontrollable. My father is the ruler of this desert realm, and is a sweet man. He knew of Amani's treasure hunting adventures. She would bring him jewels, clothes, and trinkets like lamps.
    Ivy: Maybe one of the items were cursed? Or possibly more!
    Fenneca: It is possible the Jinn were released from the items accidentally.
    Ruler: Any suggestions on what we can do to protect ourselves from the Jinns, Ivy?
    Ivy: Yes, i was reading that the Desert Blooms have magical properties. We'll be able to create a protection spell with them.
    Fenneca: We can use all of the extra help we can get.
    Ivy: Especially since we also have to try to rescue the Desert Princess' father!
    Princess: Yes, please bring my father back. I'm worried sick.
    Thurston: Operation destroy-a-Jinn-and-rescue-a-friend-and-father in full commence!

    Goal 4:
    Jinn: Have you found your friend yet, dear Fenneca?
    Fenneca: Where is Amani, you beast?!
    Jinn: I do not know sadly. But I'll venture a guess and say she is probably with the King of the Jinn.
    Ruler: And where is this King?
    Jinn: Where most kings stay... in a castle far, far away.
    Fenneca: Ruler, we must go!
    Jinn: You and your friends will be going nowhere, sweet child.

    Goal 5:
    Fenneca: I'm worried that we may not succeed in defeating the Jinn King, and we'll be stuck in that desert.
    Thurston: You know how I prepare for battle? I chop wood! It sounds silly I know, but it clears my mind and strengthens my muscles.
    Old Thomas: What a wonderful idea, dear boy. When you are finished, would you bring an old man some firewood?
    Thurston: Sure thing Old Thomas.
    Fenneca: Well then, let's chop some trees.

    Goal 6:
    Ivy: Thomas, can you please translate this scroll? It's urgent.
    Old Thomas: Let me get my glasses. Hmmm, most interesting. This scroll speaks of a magic lamp.
    Baron: Did someone say magic lamp?
    Ruler: Baron!
    Old Thomas: Oh, I'm sorry. That was mis-translated. It speaks of a Mystical Desert Lamp.
    Baron: The name is irrelevant. It's what's inside that counts.
    Old Thomas: There aren't any Jinn inside these lamps, Baron.
    Ivy: These lamps will be a part of an enchantment that will keep everyone safe when we go back to face the Jinn.
    Baron: So now you're making enemies with the ones who can offer me... free gifts?? How shortsightedly ridiculous!
    Ruler: I appreciate your feedback, Baron. While I have you here, would you like to help us?
    Baron: I most certainly will not assist you and this group of misfits who plan on ruining a perfectly amazing wishful opportunity! Hrmf!

    Goal 7:
    Ivy: I will need to test these spells out before they are ready to use in the desert. It's a strength and protection spell, whihc is particularly useful when going on an adventure in dangerous terrain. I know the ingredients are correct, but not sure of the amounts needed. So for now, let's collect a lot. And if anything goes wrong, we can just try again!

    Goal 8:
    Ivy: I've got it! I finished my testing, and know exactly what I need. Can you grab me a few more of those items?
    Ruler: That shouldn't be a problem, Ivy.
    Ivy: Thomas, would you observe this last spell. I want to make sure it is being done right, and could use your expertise.
    Old Thomas: My door is always open, dear girl... for any guidance or advice. Or magical research, which I particularly enjoy. Unfortunately, these old bones will not let me go for long treks anymore. But I'm happy to help where I can.
    Ivy: I will always want your help Thomas - your knowledge is invaluable!
    Fenneca: I am eager to assist. The faster we collect these spell ingredients, the faster we can go find Amani.
    Ruler: Well, let's get to it!

    Goal 9:
    Jinn: We must surely stop meeting like this. We are basically friends.
    Ruler: With the way you act, your friendships must not last long. But, let me guess... you are here to warn us, again?
    Jinn: Quite right... you are sharp! Your determination has been a pleasure to watch. But, I think I will enjoy watching you fail this time around. No one has made it past the Desert Fire Lake.
    Ivy: We will! We work as a team. Together we won't be stopped.
    Thurston: Right on, Ivy!
    Ruler: We came prepared for anything. We have our armor. See?
    Jinn: Oh excellent. I was hoping to watch a battle.

    Goal 10:
    Desert Ruler: Oh thank heaven! A cavalry has arrived. Where are the cannons?? Have you seen my daughter? You must find her, and get her to safety.
    Thurston: Your daughter is safe, your majesty. We found her in the Desert Rock Tomb. We defeated the Ghoulish Jinn, and brought her to our realm.
    Ruler: Quick, everyone, grab your weapons!
    Thurston: It's a good think we have armor... look at those flames!
    Ivy: Don't worry about me, I have many more potions where that came from.
    Fenneca: I'm ready to defeat him to go find Amani.
    Desert Ruler: These beasts took control of my desert realm, and caused fear and chaos amongst my people.
    Fenneca: You have been harmed, have you, your majesty?
    Desert Ruler: i am fine. And I am much better knowing my daughter is safe.
    Ruler: Well, if you want to see her again, are you willing to fight?
    Desert Ruler: Yes, I will fight and risk my life for a chance to see my daughter again.

    Goal 11:
    Ruler: This enchanted desert is quite stubborn, isn't it.
    Desert Ruler: It is! As soon as you even think about leaving, your feet stick to the sand.
    Thurston: These Jinns don't make anything easy, do they?
    Desert King: They are notorious tricksters.
    Ruler: Ivy, is that enchantment ready?
    Ivy: It is. We will all need to make a wish together in unison in order for the spell to work.
    Ruler: I'm ready.
    Fenneca: I couldn't be more ready.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 03-25-24 at 04:29 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goals Information - Part 3 (complete)
    11 goals

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 2
    * Complete Part 3 in 45 days to receive the Desert Werehyena. As soon as you put on the Desert Protection craft in goal 11, this goal will complete and the Desert Werehyena will be available to place. Timer 22 hours.
    * The Desert Treasure Hunter is the reward completing Part 3 goals (regardless of how long it takes to complete this part). Timer 6 hours
    * The Desert Rock Castle has a permanent 7 day craft at the conclusion of Part 3 called Recite an Incarnation
    * The Sparkling Mines and Sawmills both drop the Mystical Sand Jewels (1-4) and the Desert Jinn drops 4 on each collection

    Baron: Ready for a challenge?
    Timed Goal: Part 3 | 45 day timed goal to complete all of Part 3 goals
    * Prepare Desert Protection 0/1 GO | Prepare at the Desert Rock Castle
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp, + Desert Werehyena
    Congratulations: Desert Ruler: Thank you! My daughter and I can now return home to our desert of those wretched Jinn.

    Baron: Pressing Go begins the next chapter and also starts a limited time quest to win the Desert Werehyena!
    Goal 1:
    * Start Part III of The Mystical Desert 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Get ready... on your marks... and go!

    Ivy: I'm sure I can find a protection spell for when you go back to search for Amani.
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO
    * Visit the Desert Ruler 0/1 GO (skip 5 gems)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Desert Ruler: Of course I know Amani. She helped me hide from the Jinn.

    Old Thomas: We will need some desert jewels. These will magnify our spell's strength.
    Goal 3:
    * Visit the Sparkling Mine 0/1 GO
    * Gather Mystical Sand Jewels 0/1 GO (skip 9 gems) | collect from the sparkling mine and sawmills
    Rewards:1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: A little birdy told me you have some special jewels.

    Thurston: These blooms are really pretty. I think I'll give Sabina a bouquet.
    Goal 4:
    * Tend a Bush 0/1 GO
    * Clear a Willow Tree 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Sabina: Thank you Thurston sweetie! And good luck with the rescue.

    Ivy: We'll need lots of items but the most important is a Desert Shawl.
    Goal 5:
    * Gather Mystical Desert Scrolls 0/8 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather Mystical Desert Blooms 0/5 | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather Mystical Sand Jewels 0/45 | what you have collected prior to this goal will count towards the 45 you need
    * Prepare a Desert Shawl 0/1 GO | Magic Forge, 4 hours - 8 mystical desert scroll, 5 mystical desert bloom, 45 mystical sand jewels
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: Cover up with the shawl and blend into the desert.

    Ivy: Using different flowers in an enchantment is quite an experiment.
    Goal 6:
    * Tend a Iceland Poppy Patch 0/1 GO
    * Tend a Blue-Flower Penstemon 0/1 GO
    * Tend a Talinum Auranticum 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: These flowers will give our spell that added oomf.

    Baron: Anything you can spare. But preferable, your donation will consist of gold.
    Goal 7:
    * Have Castle Points | you need a minimum of 3000 RP on your board
    * Pay 400,000 coins 0/1 PAY
    * Give wisp lanterns 0/50 GIVE (skip 750 gems)
    * Give expansion permits 0/5 GIVE (skip 1250 gems)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: That's all?? How can I buy a magic lamp with a Jinn in it using lanterns?
    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    I've flagged with S8 about those who are fully expanded and do not have 5 spare expansion permits in inventory. Given the royal exchange doesn't carry the EP craft once you're fully expanded, you might have to wait until something drops it. But if you do not have any EP droppers, then that's an issue and why I've escalated this to the team. Still waiting to hear how that might be fixed.

    Ivy: This Desert Shawl will now help you blend into the desert, and hide from the Jinn.
    Goal 8:
    * Gather a Mystical Desert Dew 0/1 GO | will auto-complete if you have 1 in inventory
    * Gather a Mystical Desert Coin 0/1 GO
    * Gather a Mystical Desert Lamp 0/1 GO
    * Gather a Desert Shawl 0/1 GO | will auto-complete as the one you made in goal 5
    * Build the Desert Rock Castle 0/1 GO | market 4000 coins | Build requirements: 35 mystical desert dew, 10 mystical desert lamp, 10 mystical desert coin, 20 desert shawl
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: We made it to the castle, Amani is probably hiding inside, or searching for treasure.

    Amani: You will need to summon all your wits and strength to defeat him.
    Goal 9:
    * Enter the Desert Rock Castle 0/1 GO | Desert Rock Castle, 1 minute - 5 golden nugget, 5 golden egg
    * Seek out the King of the Jinn 0/1 GO | the King of the Jinn will spawn when you collect the Desert Rock Castle craft
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Amani: Stay hidden if you can. If he sees you, we are doomed.

    King of the Jinn: Then prepare to be mine!
    Goal 10:
    * Defeat the King of the Jinn 0/1 GO | 299 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Amani: You've done it!

    Fenneca: His magic is still in this castle. We need enchanted protection.
    Goal 11:
    * Gather Desert Protection 0/1 GO | Desert Rock Castle, 8 hours - 20 mystical desert scroll, 25 mithril, 50 mystical desert dew
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 50 xp, + Desert Treasure Hunter | Recite an Incantation craft unlocked in the Desert Rock Castle (50 wood)
    Congratulations: Amani: I couldn't have gotten through this adventure without you, my friend. To many more.

    Spoiler: show

    Part 3 Dialogue:

    Goal 1:
    Baron: Are you ready for a challenge?

    Goal 2:
    Desert Ruler: I cannot express to you how grateful I am that you rescued my sweet daughter, and brought us both here to this lovely realm.
    Desert Princess: Your hospitality is very much appreciated, Ruler.
    Ruler: You both are most welcome! That is what we do in this realm... help people.
    Fenneca: Speaking of helping people... would your majesties happen to know what happened to my friend, the Desert Treasure Hunter? I fear Amani is in grave danger.
    Ruler: Do you know why she was out in the desert alone, Fenneca?
    Fenneca: She is a desert dweller... like myself. She has made her living by searching and selling the valuables left behind by travelers. She is normally quite capable of taking care of herself. So I know that if I don't hear from her, she is in trouble.
    Ruler: Let's check back in with them after their majesties have some time to rest. They will surely remember more details after a good night's rest. And then we can speak to Ivy about another enchantment for when we go back to find your friend.

    Goal 3:
    Desert Ruler: Amani, that dear girl, is a vivacious character. She whispered to me, a few days ago, that she would get us all out... not by leaving... but by finding the lamps that normally encase the Jinns. But, I have seen their King. He is a most fearsome creature. If he caught wind of her plan... I don't want to think of what he's do.
    Fenneca: Oh no! We must go and help her!
    Ivy: Ruler, I'll enlist Old Thomas to help me with this last spell. Since the situation sounds more dire, we can complete a more powerful spell at a much quicker pace with his assistance.
    Ruler: I think that is an excellent strategy, Ivy! He is full of knowledge, and has many scrolls and books that will surely have some helpful information when battling a strong foe.
    Fenneca: And from what his Majesty has told us, the King of the Jinn seems the most formidable of foes. We need to be ready.

    Goal 4:
    Ruler: Baron, you cannot have these! These jewels are for a spell. We are going back to rescue Fenneca's friend from the King of the Jinn.
    Baron: Tell you what... bring the King to me. We will work out a deal. We'll give him your jewels, and I'll get three wishes.
    Fenneca: And what about my friend Amani??
    Baron: If she is anything like you, I'm sure she'll be find out there a little longer.
    Fenneca: Why I oughta...
    Ruler: Okay. Okay. Le't cool down. baron, I'm afraid your three wishes will just have to wait for some other time.
    Baron: Why can't I ever have nice things? the way I am being treated is appalling. I should have a say around here.
    Ruler: You always have a say. Look, we sure could use your help...
    Baron: I must be off. Since I will not be getting my wishes, I must make a living by... working. Ugh.
    Ivy: It's too bad he didn't stick around to help us collect Desert Blooms. They are worth quite a bit at the farmer's market.

    Goal 5:
    Ivy: Ruler, I'm feeling anxious. We will need an immensely strong magic to face off against the King of the Jinn.
    Ruler: We are in this together. Are there any magical ingredients that you need?
    Old Thomas: Ivy and I have written up a list of items.
    Baron: Should you fail to rescue that furry tailed girl's friend, and are taken prisoner, I'm happy to rule in your place.
    Ruler: I would hope that you'll equip a search party with magic to come retrieve us, Baron.
    Baron: Yes... yes... of course. But, it's always good to have a back up plan.
    Old Thomas: It sounds as if we need to make sure that this magic is fail safe. Otherwise, our realm is at risk to crumble under an inept ruler.
    Baron: I am fully capable of ruling this realm!
    *crickets chirping*
    Baron: I am truly offended by your insinuation that I cannot do the job. I will take my leave, and go where I am appreciated.
    Ruler: Let's make sure this magic is successful. If the Baron ends up in charge, it'll be a disaster.

    Goal 6:
    Desert Princess: Do not worry about your friend, Fenneca. I'm sure she is taking good care of herself.
    Fenneca: It's hard not to worry. We grew up together. She's like my sister.
    Desert Ruler: Ah, is my memory playing tricks on me? Were you those two little rascals playing in my desert garden?
    Desert Princess: Oh Baba, I remember too. Looking out my window as a girl, wishing I could join in the fun.
    Fenneca: We would tend your desert garden, and sometimes try to pick the flower without getting stuck with cactus spines.
    Desert Ruler: I know it's not the same without Amani, but you are more than welcome to pick some of these flowers.
    Ivy: Would you please grab some for me? Old Thomas and I are trying to prepare a super strong protective spell. And we need a variety of flowers.
    Fenneca: I am happy to help. You all have done so much to help. I'm not sure how I will repay you.

    Goal 7:
    Baron: Since I'm being denied the opportunity of three wishes, I would appreciate a donation to my hard-times fund.
    Ruler: Hard-times fund?
    Baron: Why does every act surprised when I say that?! I am a very hard working man, with very little to show for it. Money, power, and influence. That's not a lot to ask for.
    Ruler: Sigh. How much is the donation?

    Goal 8:
    Fenneca: I really appreciate you taking the lead with this rescue plan, Ruler. Amani is always getting herself into trouble. Goes with the territory, I guess. Being a treasure hunter, and all. She's always trying to catch the big fish, the big prize. I have no doubt that the big prize is with the King of the Jinn.
    Ruler: Or somewhere in the castle.
    Thurston: There's never a dull moment around here.
    Ruler: That does seem to be true!
    Fenneca: Before we go, we should definitely get you a Desert Shawl to protect you from the sun.
    Ivy: Let me cast a spell on it. One that works like an invisibility cloak.
    Fenneca: Like hiding in plain sight?
    Thurston: Like camouflage... but better.

    Goal 9:
    Amani: Fenneca?
    Fenneca: Amani, I'm so relieved to find you. I've been terribly worried.
    Amani: I'm so thankful that you came to look for me. Everything was fine, until it wasn't. I had collected a good amount of artifacts and trinkets in the sand, but I had heard whispers of those who grant three wishes. Silly me, I had come across the King of the Jinn. And rather than offer me wishes, he refused to let me leave, and deems me, and everyone on the desert realm, his prisoners.

    Goal 10:
    King of the Jinn: I am quite surprised you all got this far. Most impressive.
    Ruler: It was no easy task. Especially with that very annoying Jinn watching our struggles with a big grin on his face. He is quite a thorn in one's side, isn't he?
    Jinn: Hey!
    King of the Jinn: You... have caused enough trouble. Get out of my sight, or I will have your parts scattered in the desert breeze for all eternity.
    Jinn: Yes, your eminence.
    King of the Jinn: You are quite brave to trek into the desert to address me.
    Ruler: We are here not to address you, but to bring home Amani, and free anyone else you have kept here imprisoned.
    Ivy: Don't underestimate us. We have spells!
    Thurston: And swords!
    Fenneca: And we will fight to the bitter end.
    Amani: Or you could just let us leave.
    King of the Jinn: HA HA HA! You are most confident, dear girl. Too much confidence for someone so weak. I am all powerful, and you will bow to me. I demand you all to submit to me, or face my wrath.
    Ruler: Never!

    Goal 11:
    Amani: You did it! That was quite the battle. Having friends by your side really makes a difference.
    Fenneca: You can always call on me for help, Amani. I love going on adventures with you.
    Ruler: We still have one last adventure. We gotta get outta here. But my feet are stuck to the sand when I try to leave... again.
    Ivy: Let's hope this magic works so we can get home.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-22-24 at 10:19 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - added to the Guides

    Desert Fire Lake limit of 1 Can be sold
    Info: The unapproachable lake of fire. How did this happen, and where is the water?
    Cost: 3000 coins
    Size: 2x2
    Build: 25 mystical desert dew, 30 spellbound dew, 10 mystical desert lamp, 8 mystical desert coin | Released in The Mystical Desert
    What can you craft?
    * Approach the Desert Fire Lake, 10 minutes - 3 golden nugget, 3 golden egg (goal 9, Part 2)
    * Desert Wish, 2 hours - 10 mystical desert scroll, 35 dragon scales, 30 mystical desert dew (goal 11, Part 2)
    * Jump Over Flames, 7 days - 25 water | available at the completion of part 2 | craft drops: adamant coal, earth wisp, iron ore, mithril, silver ore, stone, wisp lantern

    Desert Rock Castle limit of 1 Can be sold
    Info: A beautiful desert castle made of sand and rock and a refuge from the searing desert heat.
    Cost: 4000 coins
    Size: 2x2
    Build: 35 mystical desert dew, 10 mystical desert lamp, 10 mystical desert coin, 20 desert shawl | Released in The Mystical Desert
    What can you craft?
    * Enter the Desert Rock Castle, 10 minutes - 5 golden nugget, 5 golden egg (goal 9, Part 3)
    * Gather Desert Protection, 8 hours - 20 mystical desert scroll, 25 mithril, 50 mystical desert dew (goal 11, Part 3)
    * Recite an Incantation, 7 days - 50 wood | available at the completion of part 3 | craft drops: glimmerdust, gold path, jewels, golden apple, golden egg, golden nugget, pegasus statue, silver ore

    Desert Rock Tomb limit of 1 Can be sold
    Info: Be careful not to disturb this place! An ancient tomb carved into a desert rock will surely hold many secrets, and perhaps, a few spirits.
    Cost: 2000 coins
    Size: 2x2
    Build: 5 mystical desert dew, 35 mithril, 45 spellbound dew, 8 mystical desert coin | Released in The Mystical Desert
    What can you craft?
    * Enter the Desert Rock Tomb, 5 minutes - 1 golden nugget, 1 golden egg (goal 7, Part 1)
    * Prepare a Desert Offering, 1 hour - 9 mystical desert scroll, 15 spellbound dew, 8 mystical desert dew (goal 9, Part 1)
    * Charm a Snake, 7 days - 25 glimmerdust | available at the completion of part 1 | craft drops: coal, earth wisp, golden nugget, iron ore, jewels, silver ore, stone, stone block

    Desert Acacia
    Info: This desert tree can grow a gorgeous and nutritious purple fruit. Chop for Mystical Desert Bloom and other crafting materials.
    Found: market, 1700 coins | clear in 5 actions | unlocked by completing goal 6 in Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Drops: mystical desert bloom, sap, wood

    Desert Cobra
    Info: Beware! This venomous snake hides beneath the sand. Visit for Trade Ticket, Fur, and more, with a chance of Hearty Feasts.
    Found: reward for completing Part 1 of The Mystical Desert within 7 days
    Drops: ~60 coins, bone, creep tooth, fur, hearty feast, simple feast, trade ticket, troll horn
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Desert Fire Lake
    From The Mystical Desert
    Uses: crafting building | Jump Over Flames trade, 7 days - 25 water | available at the completion of part 2
    Drops: adamant coal, earth wisp, iron ore, mithril, silver ore, stone, wisp lantern
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Desert Hyacinth
    Info: A hearty cluster of colorful blossoms found in a jot and sandy environment. Chop for Mystical Desert Bloom and other crafting materials.
    Found: market, 1200 coins | clear in 5 actions | unlocked by completing goal 5 in Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Drops: mystical desert bloom, petals (purple), skunkupine spawn

    Desert Jinn | max 1
    Info: This friendly Jinn doesn't just give three wishes. Visit for Mystical Sand Jewels, and more.
    Found: market, 150 gems | (unlocked by completing goal 4) released in Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Drops: faerie murmur, fey crystal, glimmer fragments, glimmerdust, mysterious venom (1-2), mystical desert bloom (1-3), mystical desert dew (1), mystical desert scrolls (3), pile of seeds, troll essence
    Collection time: 12 hours

    Desert Princess
    Info: This princess has it made in the shade in the desert. Visit for Jewels, Iron Ore, and more, with the chance of Expansion Permits.
    Found: reward for completing Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Drops: ~180 coins, creep tooth, earth wisp, elvenite, expansion permit, fey crystal, flyger milk, fur, iron ore, jewels, light armor, mithril, rat tail, silver ore, wisp lantern
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Desert Rock Castle
    From The Mystical Desert
    Uses: crafting building | Recite an Incarnation trade, 7 days - 50 wood | available at the completion of part 3
    Trade Drops: glimmerdust, gold path, jewels, golden apple, golden egg, golden nugget, pegasus statue, silver ore
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Desert Rock Tomb
    From The Mystical Desert
    Uses: crafting building | Charm a Snake trade, 7 days - 25 glimmerdust | available at the completion of part 1
    Trade Drops: 400 coins, coal, earth wisp, golden nugget, iron ore, jewels, silver ore, stone, stone block
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Desert Rose
    Info: This lovely flower will flourish only in the arid desert. Chop for Mystical Desert Bloom and other crafting materials.
    Found: market, 1200 coins | clear in 5 actions | unlocked by completing goal 3 in Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Drops: mystical desert bloom, petals (purple), skunkupine spawn

    Desert Ruler
    Info: This ruler is small, but mighty. Visit for Fur, Creep Tooth and more, with a chance of Hearty Feasts.
    Found: reward for completing Part 2 of The Mystical Desert
    Drops: ~370 coins, bone, creep tooth, fur, hearty feast, simple feast, troll horn
    Collection time: 6 hours

    Desert Shawl
    Info: A shawl keeps one's face hidden, and helps protect against the harsh desert sun. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 4 hours - 8 mystical desert scroll, 5 mystical desert bloom, 45 mystical sand jewels | released in Part 3 of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: item to build the Desert Rock Castle (20)

    Desert Soldier
    Info: This soldier's desert sk-ills are unmatched. Visit for Silver Ore, Coal, and more, with a chance of Light Armor.
    Found: market, 500 gems | limited time offer, released in Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Drops: coal, earth wisp, jewels, light armor, longsword, silver ore
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Desert Treasure Hunter
    Info: This hunter stays cool as a cucumber while searching for treasures in the desert heat. Visit for Earth Wisp, Wisp Lantern, and more, with a chance of Expansion Permits.
    Found: reward for completing part 3 of The Mystical Desert
    Drops: earth wisp, enchanted lantern, expansion permit, trade ticket, wisp lantern
    Collection time: 6 hours

    Desert Werehyena
    Info: This is one of the fiercest desert creature you'll ever come across. Visit for Wool, Jewels and more with a chance of Golden Nuggets.
    Found: reward for completing Part 3 of The Mystical Desert within 45 days
    Drops: apple pie, bacon, boar pelt, bone, creep tooth, eggs, fish, fur, glimmerdust, golden apple, golden egg, golden nugget, hide, jewels, lemonade, living wood, magic fruit, manticore whisker, milk, mushroom, naga fins, orange cobbler, rat tail, roast chicken, shell armor, skunku-pie, soft feather, strawberries, sugar, trade ticket, truffle, water, wool
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Fire and Smoke Jinn (spawn)
    Found: 199 hits to defeat | spawns when collecting from the Enter the Desert Rock Tomb craft | released in Part 2 of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: completes goal

    Ghoulish Jinn (spawn)
    Found: 99 hits to defeat | spawns when collecting from the Enter the Desert Rock Tomb craft | released in Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: completes goal

    Horned Desert Hare
    Info: This mystical hare was thought to only exist in stories. Visit for Carrots, Orange and more, with a chance of Golden Apples.
    Found: reward for completing Part 2 of The Mystical Desert within 30 days
    Drops: apple, apple pie, carrots, golden apple, lemon, lemonade, orange, orange cobbler, sugar
    Collection time: 12 hours

    Jinn (spawn)
    Found: bush, round cactus | 15 hits to defeat | released in Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Drops: mystical desert scroll (1-3) (once defeated)

    Jinn trap
    Info: Chop to lure a Jinn.
    Found: market, 25 gems | released in Part 1 (unlocked by completing goal 2) of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: chop to lure a Jinn. 15 hits to defeat

    King of the Jinn (spawn)
    Found: 299 hits to defeat | spawns when collecting from the Enter the Desert Rock Tomb craft | released in Part 3 of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: completes goal

    Mystical Desert Bloom
    Info: Flowers don't always bloom in the desert. These are special! Found when chopping Willow Trees.
    Found: willow trees, Desert Jinn | released in Part 2 of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: item in Mystical Desert Lamp craft (Magic Forge, 10), item in Desert Shawl craft (Magic Forge, 5)

    Mystical Desert Coin
    Info: Such a strange sight to find currency that is normally buried beneath the sand. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 1 hour - 12 mystical desert scroll, 10 silver ore, 10 jewels | released in Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: item to build the Desert Rock Tomb (8), item to build the Desert Fire Lake (8), item to build the Desert Rock Castle (10)

    Mystical Desert Dew
    Info: Finding a small drop of water in the desert is a rare event. Does it have any magical properties? Found when visiting Ivy's Hut.
    Found: Ivy's Hut (2), Desert Jinn (1) | released in Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: item to build the Desert Rock Tomb (5), item in Prepare a Desert Offering craft (Desert Rock Tomb, 8), item to build the Desert Fire Lake (25), item in Prepare a Desert Wish craft (Desert Fire Lake, 30), item to build the Desert Rock Castle (35)

    Mystical Desert Lamp
    Info: I think we all know what this does. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 2 hours - 4 mystical desert scroll, 10 mystical desert bloom, 3 enchanter's essence | released in Part 2 of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: item to build the Desert Fire Lake (10), item to build the Desert Rock Castle (10)

    Mystical Desert Scroll
    Info: Be careful when you come across a magical scroll in the desert. Who knows what it'll bring? Found when defeating Jinns.
    Found: defeating a Jinn (1-3) | released in Part 1 of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: item in Mystical Desert Coin craft (Magic Forge, 12), item in Prepare a Desert Offering craft (Desert Rock Tomb, 9), item in Mystical Desert Lamp craft (Magic Forge, 4), item in Prepare a Desert Wish craft (Desert Fire Lake, 10), item in Desert Shawl craft (Magic Forge, 8)

    Mystical Sand Jewels
    Info: The desert can get so hot that sometimes the sand melts and solidifies into a jewel. Found when visiting Sparkling Mines.
    Found: sparking mines (1-4), sawmills (1-4), Desert Jinn (4) | released in Part 3 of The Mystical Desert
    Uses: item in Desert Shawl craft (Magic Forge, 45)

    Plus all other items with drops have been cross referenced to the material

    bush: spawns a Jinn (15 hits to defeat)
    dragon scales: item in Prepare a Desert Wish craft (Desert Fire Lake, 35)
    enchanter's essence: item in Mystical Desert Lamp craft (Magic Forge, 3)
    glimmerdust: item in Charm a Snake craft (Desert Rock Tomb, 25)
    golden egg: item in Enter the Desert Rock Tomb craft (Desert Rock Tomb, 1), Approach the Desert Fire Lake craft (Desert Fire Lake, 3)
    golden nugget: item in Enter the Desert Rock Tomb craft (Desert Rock Tomb, 1), Approach the Desert Fire Lake craft (Desert Fire Lake, 3)
    Ivy's Hut: Mystical Desert Dew
    jewels: item in Mystical Desert Coin craft (Magic Forge, 10)
    mithril: item to build the Desert Rock Tomb (35)
    round cactus: spawns a Jinn (15 hits to defeat)
    silver ore: item in Mystical Desert Coin craft (Magic Forge, 10)
    spellbound dew: item to build the Desert Rock Tomb (45), item in Prepare a Desert Offering craft (Desert Rock Tomb, 15), item to build the Desert Fire Lake (30)
    water: item in Jump over Flames craft (Desert Fire Lake, 25)
    willow tree: Mystical Desert Blooms during The Mystical Desert
    wood: item in Recite an Incarnation craft (Desert Rock Castle, 50)

    Additional Magic forge crafts only during goals associated with The Mystical Desert:
    Mystical Desert Coin, 1 hour - 12 mystical desert scroll, 10 silver ore, 10 jewels (part 1)
    Mystical Desert Lamp, 2 hours - 4 mystical desert scroll, 10 mystical desert bloom, 3 enchanter's essence (part 2)
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 06-28-24 at 08:01 PM.

  7. #7
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Part Mystical Desert Coin Mystical Desert Lamp Desert Shawl Enchanter's Essence | Mystical Desert Scroll Mystical Desert Dew Mystical Desert Bloom Mystical Sand Jewels | Silver Ore Jewels Spellbound Dew Mithril Golden Nugget Golden Egg | Energy
    Part 1 8 | 105 13 | 80 80 60 35 1 1 | 1 911
    Part 2 16 31 93 | 326 80 310 | 160 160 60 3 3 | 10 738
    Part 3 10 10 20 30 | 340 85 200 900 | 100 100 25 5 5 | 10 175
    Total 34 41 20 123 | 771 178 510 900 | 340 340 120 60 9 9 | 22 824
    Collector 35 42 21 126 | 796 179 526 946 | 350 350 120 60 9 9 | 23 567
    Energy 34 41 20 123 | 13 878 178 7 650 900 | | 22 824

    Energy Assumptions

    Mystical Desert Scroll: 18 (Jinn [Spawn: 15; Defeat: 8; Drop Rate: 133%])
    Mystical Desert Dew: 1 (Ivy's Hut, Jinn, Desert Jinn [Drop Rate: 150%])
    Mystical Desert Bloom: 15 (Willow Tree, Desert Rose, Desert Hyacinth, Desert Jinn [Grow: 5; Chop: 10; Drop: 1])
    Mystical Sand Jewels: 1 (Sparkling Mines, Sawmills, Desert Jinn [Drop Rate: 150%])
    Energy: 280 (Fully used for the event per day)

    The most time consuming element to gather: Mystical Desert Scroll! Mithril is second and can be very energy hungry if in a hurry. Common materials not taken into account (but very consequent). Storyline is not time bound, so take it easy.
    Total crafting time: 443 hours / For collectors: 456 hours. Average investment: 562k coins
    Similar to Trail of Virtues I:

    Base Resources

    Silver Ore - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Used in various Crafting Recipes, and is earned from Mining Rocks.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Crafted In: Magic Forge, Mystic Kiln
    Requirements: 10 Iron Ore
    Found: Aetas, Alina, Anika, Arctic Bear, Armida, Armored Flyger, Armored Lion, Armored Sea Wyvern, Armored Wyvern, Baby Mantiwort, Beatrice, Bedelia, Big Bad Skunkupine, Black Bear Cub, Blue Lobster, Cameron, Celestial Stag, Clocktower, Cracked Stones, Cranberry Pony, Dainty Castle L1, Dainty Castle L2, Dainty Castle L3, Dainty Castle L4, Dainty Castle L5, Dainty Castle L6, Dainty Castle L7, Dainty Castle L8, Dapper Rabbit, Dark Cave Formation, Dark Knight, Dark Knight Steed, Darling Damsel, Deep Mine L1, Deep Mine L2, Deep Mine L3, Deep Mine L4, Deep Mine L5, Deep Mine L6, Deep Mine L7, Deep Mine L8, Deep Mine L9, Duchess Winifred, Dwayne, Ember Throne L6, Emerald Gnome, Emma the Royal Poodle, Explore Dark Caves, Feral Lands, Fern, Fey Courthouse, Fiery Mystery Box, Fireworks Gnome, Flame Cat, Geoffrey the Royal Poodle, Ghost Knight, Gift Basket Trade, Glimmergras Dragon, Gnome Wizard, Golden Chalice, Golden Mine, Golden Throne, Grumpy Cat, Harvey, Harvey (Dressed), Herc, Interpret the Wizard, Iron Rich Rock, Jewel Cart, Jeweler's Trade, Jewelry Vendor, Jonas, Jungle Throne L6, Jungle Tree, Lava Golem (Spawn), Lucky Rock, Lulani, Malachite Slab, Mama Bear, Mama Bear II, Marcel, Marquis, Martin, Monarch Wyvern, Moon Rock, Paparazzi Gnome, Pearly Rock, Percival, Pfefferknot Pony, Philomena, Pilu, Prince Alexander, Princess Alexandra, Queen Mantiwort, Rainbow Mantis, Rainbow Pot, Rainbow Tiger, Rock Outcropping, Rooted Mine, Sansa the Royal Kitty, Sea Wyvern, Search the Ancient Vault, Selina the Royal Kitty, Seraphina The Sphinx, Shadow Lynx, Shih Tzu, Silver Fae Dragon, Small Rock Pile, Snow Mound L10, Sparkling Mine L1, Sparkling Mine L2, Sparkling Mine L3, Sparkling Mine L4, Sparkling Mine L5, Sparkling Mine L6, Sparkling Mine L7, Sparkling Mine L8, Sparkling Mine L9, Spring Raccoon, Suzie, Tea Cup Poodle, Teenaged Pilu, The Mysterious Man, Traverse the Desert Sands, Treasure Hunter Cat, Treasure Trove, Volcanic Rock, Waterflow Ceremony, Wee Carriage L10, White Crocodile, Baby Widow, Woodland Cannon, Yerik Bearson, Yeti, Young Gargoyle, Good Little Witch
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Production Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 99 (101)
    Jewels - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Used in various Crafting Recipes, and is earned from Mining Rocks. Alchemy recipe of 4th shard.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Crafted In: Magic Forge, Mystic Kiln
    Requirements: 3 Gems // 10 Coal
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Production Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 99 (no limit)
    Spellbound Dew - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Used in various Crafting Recipes, and is earned from Harvesting Flowers.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 5 Gems
    Found: Agni, Ana, Armored Dark Unicorn, Arctic Sled L7, Aster, Auranticum Shrub, Bag of Treats, Bamboo Grove L7, Birthday Goat, Blue-Flower Penstemon, Buninja, Cabbage Patch Dragon, Caramel Apple Spell, Catsanthemums, Cotton Candy Shrub II, Cupid, Edme, Elf Faerie, Enchanted Fawnicorn, Enchanted Lemur, Faerie Garden L10, Fawnicorn, Fiery Mystery Box, Fire Fly Cove L7, Flower Kitsunecorn, Giant Bloom, Gingerman, Gingerman Stack, Golden Catsanthemums, Holiday Ferris Wheel L7, Iceland Poppy Patch, Iceland Poppy Shrub, Idris, Ivy's Hut, Larkspur Shrub, Licorice Steed, Light Tower L10, Lobstermaid, Lumi, Meadow Wolf, Penstemon Shrub, Peridae, Post Office L6, Present Skunkupine, Princess Celeste, Pumpkin Dragon, Puppet Theater L6, Rain Faerie, Rainbow Leprechaun, Red Nose Fawnicorn, Red Trillium, Red Trillium Shrub, Renee, Rocket Larkspur, Sad Clown Troll, Salvatore, Scorched Dahlia, Scorched Rose, Seyndia, Shoemaker L10, Shrubs, Singing Flowers II, Snow Kitsunecorn, Solar Kitsunecorn, Song Bird, Spellbound Bloom, Spellbound Faerie, Spellbound Hive, Spring Bloom, Spring Fawn, Spring Garden L7, Spring Kitsunecorn, Spring Shrub, Sugarplum Faerie, Talinum Auranticum, The Portal L7, Tiny Reindeer, Unicorn, Valentine Fawnicorn, White Trillium, White Trillium Shrub, Winter Castle L10, Witch Cauldron L7, Witchy Alpaca, Wintry Wizard, Sweet Dreams Dragon
    Cap: 99

    Part I

    Charm a Snake
    Storable: No
    Info: Succeed and get materials!
    Level: 46
    Type: Adventure
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Desert Rock Tomb
    Requirements: 25 Glimmerdust
    Drops: Coins (300), Coal, Jewels, Iron Ore, Stone
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Production: 10080 minutes // 168 hours // 7 days
    Production Speed-up: 672 Gems
    Desert Cobra - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Beware! This venomous snake hides beneath the sand. Visit for Trade Ticket, Fur, and more, with a chance of Hearty Feasts.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Bone, Simple Feast, Fur, Trade Ticket, Creep Tooth, Troll Horn, Hearty Feast
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Comments: Final prize for finishing part I on time.
    Desert Jinn - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This friendly Jinn doesn't just give three wishes. Visit for Mystical Sand Jewels, and more.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 150 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (125), Mystical Sand Jewels, Faeries' Murmur, Fey Crystal, Glimmer Fragments, Glimmerdust, Mysterious Venom, Pile of Seeds, Troll Essence, Mystical Desert Dew, Mystical Desert Bloom
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 48 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Desert Offering
    Storable: No
    Info: A gift to sand spirits
    Level: 46
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Desert Rock Tomb
    Requirements: 9 Mystical Desert Scroll, 8 Mystical Desert Dew, 15 Spellbound Dew
    Drops: Coins (22500)
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Production Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Desert Princess - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This princess has it made in the shade in the desert. Visit for Jewels, Iron Ore, and more, with the chance of Expansion Permits.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (150), Creep Tooth, Earth Wisp, Elvenite, Expansion Permit, Fey Crystal, Flyger Milk, Fur, Iron Ore, Jewels, Light Armor, Mithril, Rat Tail, Silver Ore, Wisp Lantern
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Comments: Final prize of the Arc Part I.
    Desert Rock Tomb - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Be careful not to disturb this place! An ancient tomb carved into a desert rock will surely hold many secrets, and perhaps, a few spirits.
    Level: 46
    Type: Building
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Crafting
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 2000 Coins // 8 Mystical Desert Coin, 5 Mystical Desert Dew, 45 Spellbound Dew, 35 Mithril
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Cap: 1
    Desert Soldier - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This soldier's desert s****s are unmatched. Visit for Silver Ore, Coal, and more, with a chance of Light Armor.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 500 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Silver Ore, Coal, Light Armor, Earth Wisp, Jewels, Longsword
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 32 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Enter the Desert Rock Tomb
    Storable: No
    Info: You may see Ghosts!
    Level: 46
    Type: Adventure
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Desert Rock Tomb
    Requirements: 1 Golden Nugget, 1 Golden Egg
    Drops: Ghoulish Jinn
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Production: 5 minutes
    Production Speed-up: 1 Gems
    Ghoulish Jinn
    Storable: No
    Level: 46
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Enter the Desert Rock Tomb
    Drops: Energy
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Comments: 99 HP
    Storable: No
    Level: 46
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Bush, Round Cactus
    Drops: Mystical Desert Scroll, Energy, Mystical Desert Dew
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Comments: 15 HP
    Jinn Trap - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Chop to lure a Jinn.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Other
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 25 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Jinn
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    Mystical Desert Coin - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Such a strange sight to find currency that is normally buried beneath the sand. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Level: 46
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 160 Gems // 12 Mystical Desert Scroll, 10 Silver Ore, 10 Jewels
    Used for: Desert Rock Tomb, Desert Rock Castle
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Production Speed-up: 4 Gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Magic desert currency
    Mystical Desert Dew - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Finding a small drop of water in the desert is a rare event. Does it have any magical properties? Found by visiting Ivy's Hut.
    Level: 46
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 25 Gems
    Found: Ivy's Hut, Jinn, Desert Jinn
    Used for: Desert Rock Tomb, Desert Offering, Desert Wish, Desert Fire Lake, Desert Rock Castle, Desert Protection
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Cap: 99
    Mystical Desert Scroll - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Be careful when you come across a magical scroll in the desert. Who knows what it'll bring? Found when fighting Jinn's.
    Level: 46
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 30 Gems
    Found: Jinn
    Used for: Mystical Desert Coin, Mystical Desert Lamp, Desert Offering, Desert Wish, Desert Fire Lake, Desert Shawl, Desert Protection
    Arc: The Mystical Desert I
    Cap: 99
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 04-15-24 at 12:56 PM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  8. #8
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Part II

    Approach the Desert Fire Lake
    Storable: No
    Info: Watch out for flames!
    Level: 46
    Type: Adventure
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Desert Fire Lake
    Requirements: 3 Golden Nugget, 3 Golden Egg
    Drops: Fire and Smoke Jinn
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Production: 10 minutes
    Production Speed-up: 1 Gems
    Desert Fire Lake - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The unapproachable lake of fire. How did this happen, and where is the water?
    Level: 46
    Type: Building
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Crafting
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 3000 Coins // 8 Mystical Desert Coin, 25 Mystical Desert Dew, 10 Mystical Desert Lamp, 30 Spellbound Dew
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Cap: 1
    Desert Hyacinth - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A hearty cluster of colorful blossoms found in a jot and sandy environment. Chop for Mystical Desert Bloom and other crafting materials.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Plants
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 1200 Coins
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Mystical Desert Bloom, Purple Petal, Skunkupine
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Comments: Can be cleared in 5 actions
    Desert Rose - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This lovely flower will flourish only in the arid desert. Chop for Mystical Desert Bloom and other crafting materials.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Plants
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 1200 Coins
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Mystical Desert Bloom, Purple Petal, Skunkupine
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Comments: Can be cleared in 5 actions
    Desert Ruler - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This ruler is small, but mighty. Visit for Fur, Creep Tooth, and more, with a chance of Hearty Feasts.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (325), Bone, Creep Tooth, Fur, Hearty Feast, Simple Feast, Troll Horn
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Collection: 360 minutes // 6 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 24 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Final Prize of part II.
    Desert Wish
    Storable: No
    Info: A group wish
    Level: 46
    Type: Trade
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted In: Desert Fire Lake
    Requirements: 10 Mystical Desert Scroll, 30 Mystical Desert Dew, 35 Dragon Scales
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Production Speed-up: 8 Gems
    Fire and Smoke Jinn
    Storable: No
    Level: 46
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Approach the Desert Fire Lake
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Comments: 199 HP
    Horned Desert Hare - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This mystical hare was thought zo only exist in stories. Visit for Carrots, Orange and more, with a chance of Golden Apples.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (200), Orange, Apple, Carrots, Sugar, Golden Apple, Apple Pie, Lemon, Lemonade, Orange Cobbler
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 48 Gems
    Comments: Final prize for finishing part II on time.
    Jump Over Flames
    Storable: No
    Info: Succeed and get materials!
    Level: 46
    Type: Adventure
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Desert Fire Lake
    Requirements: 25 Water
    Drops: Earth Wisp, Stone, Coal, Iron Ore, Silver Ore, Jewels
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Production: 10080 minutes // 168 hours // 7 days
    Production Speed-up: 672 Gems
    Mystical Desert Bloom - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Flowers don't always bloom in the desert. These are special! Found when chopping Willow Trees.
    Level: 46
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 20 Gems
    Found: Willow Tree, Desert Rose, Desert Hyacinth, Desert Jinn
    Used for: Mystical Desert Lamp, Desert Shawl
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Cap: 99
    Mystical Desert Lamp - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: I think we all know what this does. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Level: 46
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 4 Mystical Desert Scroll, 10 Mystical Desert Bloom, 3 Enchanter's Essence
    Used for: Desert Rock Castle
    Arc: The Mystical Desert II
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Production Speed-up: 8 Gems
    Comments: Is there a Jinn inside?

    Part III

    Desert Acacia
    Storable: No
    Info: This desert tree can grow a gorgeous and nutritious purple fruit. Chop for Mystical Desert Bloom and other crafting materials.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Class: Plants
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 1700 Coins
    Sell: 0 Coins
    Drops: Mystical Desert Bloom, Sap, Wood
    Arc: The Mystical Desert III
    Comments: Can be cleared in 5 actions
    Desert Protection
    Storable: No
    Info: Use a magical scroll
    Level: 46
    Type: Trade
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted In: Desert Rock Castle
    Requirements: 20 Mystical Desert Scroll, 25 Mithril, 50 Mystical Desert Dew
    Arc: The Mystical Desert III
    Production: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Production Speed-up: 32 Gems
    Desert Rock Castle - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A beautiful desert castle made of sand and rock and a refuge from the searing desert heat.
    Level: 46
    Type: Building
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Crafting
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 4000 Coins // 10 Mystical Desert Coin, 10 Mystical Desert Lamp, 20 Desert Shawl, 35 Mystical Desert Dew
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Arc: The Mystical Desert III
    Cap: 1
    Desert Shawl - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A shawl keeps one's face hidden, and helps protect against the harsh desert sun. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Level: 46
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 200 Gems // 8 Mystical Desert Scroll, 5 Mystical Desert Bloom, 45 Mystical Sand Jewels
    Used for: Desert Rock Castle
    Arc: The Mystical Desert III
    Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Production Speed-up: 16 Gems
    Cap: 99
    Desert Treasure Hunter - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This hunter stays cool as a cucumber while searching for treasures in the desert heat. Visit for Earth Wisp, Wisp Lantern, and more, with a chance of Expansion Permits.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Earth Wisp, Enchanted Lantern, Expansion Permit, Trade Ticket, Wisp Lantern
    Arc: The Mystical Desert III
    Collection: 360 minutes // 6 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 24 Gems
    Comments: Final Prize of part III.
    Desert Werehyena - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This is one of the fiercest desert creature you'll ever come across. Visit for Wool, Jewels and more with a chance of Golden Nuggets.
    Level: 46
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Apple Pie, Bacon, Boar Pelt, Bone, Creep Tooth, Eggs, Fish, Fur, Glimmerdust, Golden Apple, Golden Egg, Golden Nugget, Hide, Jewels, Lemonade, Living Wood, Magic Fruit, Manticore Whisker, Milk, Mushroom, Naga Fins, Orange Cobbler, Rat Tail, Roast Chicken, Shell Armor, Skunku-Pie, Soft Feathers, Strawberries, Sugar, Trade Ticket, Truffle, Water, Wool
    Arc: The Mystical Desert III
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Comments: Final prize for finishing part III on time.
    Enter the Desert Rock Castle
    Storable: No
    Info: Stay safe inside the castle
    Level: 46
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Desert Rock Castle
    Requirements: 5 Golden Nugget, 5 Golden Egg
    Drops: King of the Jinn
    Arc: The Mystical Desert III
    Production: 1 minute
    Production Speed-up: 1 Gems
    King of the Jinn
    Storable: No
    Level: 46
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Enter the Desert Rock Castle
    Arc: The Mystical Desert III
    Comments: 299 HP
    Mystical Sand Jewels - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The desert can get so hot that sometimes the sand melts and solidifies into a jewel. Found when visiting Sparkling Mines.
    Level: 46
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 9 Gems
    Found: Sparkling Mines, Sawmills, Desert Jinn
    Used for: Desert Fire Lake, Desert Shawl
    Arc: The Mystical Desert III
    Cap: 99
    Recite an Incantation
    Storable: No
    Info: Succeed and get materials!
    Level: 46
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted In: Desert Rock Castle
    Requirements: 50 Wood
    Drops: Golden Apple, Glimmerbulb, Jewels, Golden Egg
    Arc: The Mystical Desert III
    Production: 10080 minutes // 168 hours // 7 days
    Production Speed-up: 672 Gems
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 04-15-24 at 12:57 PM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  9. #9
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I only get toxified spirits by clicking bushes. Every bush spawns a toxified spirit!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by mrootje View Post
    I only get toxified spirits by clicking bushes. Every bush spawns a toxified spirit!


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