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Thread: Castle Story 10/14: The Candy Kingdom (main story) | goals on page 1

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Castle Story 10/14: The Candy Kingdom (main story) | goals on page 1

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Views:	24897 
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ID:	60942

    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    Resolved: sawmills will now also drop chocolate rocks. Please force close and reopen your game before you collect so you get the drops.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 11-01-21 at 05:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Expansion Information

    Link to the Expansion Nugget (with the map of our board)

    Link to interactive map (takes you to an external link)

    * If the yellow arrows do not appear when asked to expand, force close your game and try again.

    Part 1:
    Y13: 35 mithril, 45 spellbound dew, 5 troll candy, 8 candy swords | 1st plot released and unlocks the Spun Sugar Cottage (goal 6)
    Y14: 3000RP, 400,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns, 5 expansion permits | 2nd plot released when adjacent plot Y13 opened (open anytime it's available, no specific goal associated, however you must open this plot as a pre-requisite to opening Y15)

    Part 2:
    Y15: 30 spellbound dew, 25 troll candy, 8 candy swords, 21 candy lanterns | 3rd plot released and unlocks the Caramel Apple Castle (goal 7) | You must expand to Y14 to unlock Y15
    Y16: 3000RP, 500,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns, 6 expansion permits | 4th plot released when adjacent plot Y15 opened (open anytime it's available, no specific goal associated, however you must open this plot as a pre-requisite to opening Y17)

    Part 3:
    Y17: 35 troll candy, 10 candy swords, 10 candy lanterns, 20 candy kits | 5th plot released and unlocks the Licorice Lair (goal 7) | You must expand to Y16 to unlock Y17
    Y18: 3000RP, 400,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns, 5 expansion permits | 6th plot released when adjacent plot Y17 opened (open anytime it's available, no specific goal associated)

    Pictures and math from Shibuya can be found in this post:
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 11-21-21 at 07:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    The Candy Kingdom Goal Information - Part 1 | complete
    9 goals. There is an optional timed component to this part to win an exclusive pet.

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Available to players at Level 35
    * You do not need to have expanded to the adjacent plots on the Island of Audra to open the first plot
    * If you complete Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom within 7 days of the release of this story you will receive the Spun Sugar Steed
    * You can take as long as you like though... you will only miss out on the Steed if you do not complete this part within 7 days
    * Once you complete part 1, you will receive Zelda, the witch. Getting this witch is not dependent on finishing within 7 days. You will receive her when you finish this part no matter how long it takes you
    * If you are also working on An Elemental Discovery, the bush will also spawn the Toxified Spirit
    * Start preparing Enchanter's Essence for part 2+ as you will need a *lot* of them
    * The Candy Minion only spawns from bushes (the green one with yellow flowers)

    Dialogue: Baron: Ready for a challenge?
    Complete this quest before time runs out and you'll win the Spun Sugar Steed!
    Timed Goal: The Candy Kingdom (Part I)
    * Complete Part I of The Candy Kingdom 0/1
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp +1 Spun Sugar Steed
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done, child!

    Clear any monsters from your board for this goal! Collecting from the bush will spawn the Candy Minion
    Ivy: Look out for Candied Leaves. You might have to get up early to find them. The birds love them!
    Goal 1:
    * Gather water 0/1 GO (skip 6 gems)
    * Tend bushes 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Watch out, ruler! That troll is going right for our candy!

    Ivy: I've got a bit of a sweet tooth myself but this troll really takes the cake.
    Goal 2:
    * Defeat the Candy Minion 0/1 GO | 15/15 hits to defeat
    * Find the Candy Amulet 0/1 GO (skip 30 gems) | drops 1-3 candy amulets when the Candy Minion is defeated
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Now hang on a minute, ruler. That amulet is something special.

    Ivy: Old Thomas loves Bogberries... but I think he'll also want to see this jewel.
    Goal 3:
    * Visit Old Thomas's House 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thomas: Come inside, Young Ruler! Let us see this sweet gem.

    Old Thomas: This is clearly a magical amulet, Young Ruler... but from where did it come?
    Goal 4:
    * Gather silver ore 0/10 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather jewels 0/10 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather candy amulets 0/1 GO | the Candy Minion will also spawn from the Candy Bush
    * Forge a candy sword 0/1 GO | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 12 candy amulets, 10 silver ore, 10 jewels
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thomas: This is quite the malleable magic, Young Ruler. It can be reshaped into new things, like this powerful and sweet sword!

    Crying Children: It's the evil witch of the woods. She said she was going to boil us alive and eat us! You have to help.
    Goal 5:
    * Visit the deep mine 0/1 GO (skip 20 gems)
    * Tend bushes 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    * Visit Troll Camp 0/2 GO (skip 24 gems) | troll candy may drop now | not a guaranteed drop
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Oh, these poor wee children... Come, let's get them into my hut and warmed up. I'll make hot cocoa with marshmallows!

    Thurston: A child-eating witch? This type of threat cannot remain in the realm, my liege.
    Goal 6:
    * Gather mithril 0/35 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather spellbound dew 0/45 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather troll candy 0/1 GO
    * Forge a candy sword 0/1 GO | will auto-complete from the one crafted in goal 4
    * Expand to the Spun Sugar Cottage 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements Y13: 35 mithril, 45 spellbound dew, 5 troll candy, 8 candy sword | once you expand to this plot, you can also expand to J14: 3000RP, 400,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns, 5 expansion permits. You must expand to Y14 to unlock the next plot with the Caramel Apple Castle for Part 2
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Crying Children: That's the way to her house... She lives out there!
    Note: When you do the first Expansion, you get 2 Cotton Candy Shrubs, 1 Candy Log, and 1 Candy Bush on the expanded land.

    Clear any monsters from your board when you collect the craft from the Sugar Cottage as you will spawn the first witch, the Spun Sugar Princess (pink hair).
    Note: The Spun Sugar Cottage is a crafting building.

    Thurston: have caution, my liege. The witch could be waiting for us anywhere.
    Goal 7:
    * Approach the Spun Sugar Cottage 0/1 GO | Spun Sugar Cottage, 5 minutes - 1 golden nugget, 1 golden egg
    * Find the Witch 0/1 GO | you will spawn the Spun Sugar Princess to defeat in the next goal
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Spun Sugar Princess: Excuse me? Who are you two?

    Spun Sugar Princess: An unprovoked attack like this is hardly appropriate.
    Goal 8:
    * Defeat the Spun Sugar Princess 0/1 GO | 99/99 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Spun Sugar Princess: I concede, you are a worthy opponent. Now... who are you? What did you want with me?

    Spun Sugar Princess: Ever witch in this realm knows who you are, Child. Come sit a spell with me,
    Goal 9:
    * Learn the Spun Sugar Spell 0/1 GO | Sugar Spun Cottage, 1 hour - 9 candy amulets, 15 spellbound dew, 8 troll candy
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 50 xp, +Zelda
    Congratulations: Zelda: So you are as powerful as they say... Do come and sip a sugar spell with me again anytime.

    Note: The Sugar Spun Steed is awarded when you START this craft which completes the timed component of this goal (if you started within 7 days of release)
    Note: The Spun Sugar Princess is called Zelda... she has an 8 hour timer. Once you COLLECT the craft, Zelda is ready to place on your board
    Note: The Sugar Spun Cottage now has a 2 day permanent craft. Spun Sugar Spell, 2 days, 75 blue petals. Drops recorded in the inventory section below

    Part 1 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Ivy: oh hey ruler! I'm so glad I ran into you. Can you help me out with a little recipe I'm brewing up?
    Ruler: Of course, Ivy. Working on a new potion?
    Ivy: No, a new pie! This recipe is really sweet.
    Ruler: Hmm...
    Ivy: Don't worry, ruler. No Skunkupines in this pie! I just need a few ingredients from around the realm... Some sweet, some not so sweet.

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: Look at that, Ivy! What's that troll doing over there with that candy?
    Ivy: I have no idea...
    Ruler: I know you can get a sugar rush from eating too much candy, but this is just ridiculous.
    Ivy: It took a whole handful of those Candied Leaves from me. I need them for my recipe...
    Ruler: Don't worry, Ivy. We'll get some more. And we'll stop that troll from taking any more sugar. It seems he's had enough.

    Goal 3:
    Ivy: Look at the way that amulet glitters, ruler.
    Ruler: It is a beautiful jewel...
    Ivy: Jewel? Oh no, no, no ruler! That's candy.
    Ruler: Candy? How can you tell?
    Ivy: There's only one way to find out for sure. *LICK* ACK!
    Ruler: Oh no, Ivy! Are you all right? Was it a poisoned jewel?
    Ivy: No, even worse... it's Bogberry flavor...Blech!

    Goal 4:
    Thomas: Now this is something very interesting...
    Ruler: Have you ever seen anything like this, Old Thomas?
    Thomas: No, I am afraid not...but I can tell there is something quite special about this amulet. I looked upon it closely with a magnifying glass. If you look deep within the gem itself, you can see the very artifacts used to create it! I will need to do some more experiments before I can be sure of the exact source, but it is clear to me that is no ordinary candy...that is a magical confection!
    Ivy: Aha! I knew it!
    Ruler: Knew what?
    Ivy: That candy amulet was made by a witch!

    Goal 5:
    Thurston: My liege, do you hear that?
    Ruler: I do, Thurston... It sounds like...crying?
    Thurston: Yes, my liege, I do believe that is the sound of crying children. It's getting closer...look, my liege! Children approach.
    Ruler: Oh no...are you all right?
    Crying Children: WAAAAAAAAAAH!! No we're not all right! have to help us. We're scared and we're alone and we're in trouble!!
    Ruler: We'll help you, don't worry. Tell us what's wrong.
    Crying Children: It''s...the witch!

    Goal 6:
    Crying Children: It's...the...with... *sniffle* She lives... in a candy home. It's all made of candy. But it's a trick! She uses it to lure poor, unsuspecting kids me and Gretel. We were lost... *sniffle* we were all alone on the island... We were just so hungry when we saw that candy house... we couldn't help it... I know it's bad! We did a bad thing! WAAAAAAH!
    Ruler: It's all right, kids, don't worry. you were hungry, it was a mistake. What happened next?
    Crying Children: The witch nearly captured us with a spell. She had a cage waiting! She said she was going to season us up and cook us alive! We ran away as fast as we could. That's how we ended up here... but that evil witch wasn't done with us yet. She sent her troll henchman to try and capture us. She still wants to eat us! Please... please! Can you keep us safe?

    Goal 7:
    Thurston: Hansel and Gretel are safe back with Ivy, my liege. I can't believe someone would just attack those poor children.
    Ruler: We've met our fair share of evil witches, but I don't think any of them have tried to eat any children before!
    Thurston: We've got to keep the children safe. It's time for a witch hunt!

    Goal 8:
    Spun Sugar Princess: Who goes there? Stand back! I'm not afraid to defend myself. I *am* a witch, after all.
    Thurston: She admits it, my liege! She is a witch! We must attack at once!

    Goal 9:
    Spun Sugar Princess: Now, who are you and what's all this about a child-eating witch?
    Ruler: Yes, well... two children were attacked by a witch out here on the island.
    Spun Sugar Princess: It's simply not me. I find children have a sesame flavor that I do not appreciate. Kidding! Only a small joke, my apologies. No, I have no interest in being around children, not even for the time it would take to cook and prepare one! I think you may have the wrong witch. you were sent here looking for me?
    Ruler: Well, the children sent us in this direction. They said a witch in a candy home had attacked them.
    Spun Sugar Princess: Ahhh, I see. I think you will find there are many more candy homes for you on the island. Perhaps the evil witch you seek is within one of them.
    Ruler: We'll have to go talk to Hansel and Gretel again and sort this out.
    Spun Sugar Princess: Before you go, why don't you come inside my cottage. I've got something you're going to want to see, oh Child-ruler of the realm.
    Ruler: Wait a minute... you do know who we are?

    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 11-21-21 at 03:50 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - Part 2 | complete
    10 goals. There is an optional timed component to this part to win an exclusive pet.

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    * If you complete Part 2 of The Candy Kingdom within 30 days (from when you trigger this part) you will receive the Caramel Apple Steed
    * Once you complete part 2, you will receive Piper (the 2nd witch). Getting this witch is not dependent on finishing within 30 days. You will receive her when you finish this part no matter how long it takes you
    * You can delay starting this part until Zelda is ready for collection so you can complete Part 2, goal 2 immediately or spend 3 gems to skip on the goal
    * Troll candy will drop items between parts
    * The Candy Sword craft will disappear from the Forge in between parts if you choose to wait to trigger this part
    * Only willow trees will drop candied leaves needed for lanterns and the drop rate is 0-2 candied leaves per tree

    Timed Goal: The Candy Kingdom (Part II)
    * Complete Part II of The Candy Kingdom 0/1 GO (How fast can you complete it?) 0/1
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp + Caramel Apple Steed
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done, child!

    Baron: Pressing "GO" begins the next chapter and also starts a limited time quest to win an Caramel Apple Steed!
    Goal 1: Continue to 'The Candy Kingdom (Part II)'
    * Start Part II of The Candy Kingdom 0/1 GO (A limited time challenge will also start!)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Get ready, Child... on your marks... and go!

    Ivy: i was having a bit of a tough time with my pie recipe. I bet a sugar witch could help!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit the tavern 0/1 GO (skip 16 gems)
    * Speak with Zelda 0/1 GO (skip 3 gems) | collect from Zelda
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Zelda: I love meeting new witches! Do you come to the semi-annual convergence? No? I can get you on the invite list!

    Ivy: Just like there's lot of different type of magic, there's lots of different types of candy.
    Goal 3:
    * Clear a willow tree 0/1 GO | market, 300 coins | 10 chops | 5 minute timer and 5 waters to grow from sapling to tree
    * Gather candied leaves 0/1 GO (skip 20 gems) | from willow trees and also the Candy Troll now drops them
    * Defeat a candy minion 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: The trolls continue to attack, my liege. This is one determined witch.

    Thurston: We're going to need more than just candy to fight this fight, my liege.
    Goal 4:
    * Defeat a candy minion 0/1 GO
    * Find a candy amulet 0/1 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    * Gather enchanter's essence 0/1 GO | will auto-complete if you have enough in inventory
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel and Gretel: Wow, you have so many knights at your disposal... you must be a really brave ruler!

    Hansel and Gretel: If I was the ruler, I'd send that mean old witch away and banish her to never come back!
    Goal 5:
    * Clear a willow tree 0/1 GO
    * Clear a grab apple tree 0/1 GO
    * Clear a dead tree 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel and Gretel: I bet it must be pretty fun to be the ruler...

    Ivy: To fight a candy witch, we'll need both candy and magic.
    Goal 6:
    * Gather candy amulets 0/1 GO
    * Gather candied leaves 0/1 GO
    * Gather enchanter's essence 0/1 GO
    * Prepare a candy lantern 0/1 GO (skip 115 gems) | Magic Forge, 2 hours - 4 candy amulets, 10 candied leaves, 3 enchanter's essence
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Just hold the lantern aloft... the way forward will soon become clear.

    Thurston: I never thought I would use my nose to guide me into battle, my liege, but there's a first time for everything!
    Goal 7:
    * Gather spellbound dew 0/1 GO
    * Gather troll candy 0/1 GO
    * Forge a candy sword 0/1 GO
    * Prepare a candy lantern 0/1 GO
    * Expand to the Caramel Apple Castle 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements Y15: 30 spellbound dew, 25 troll candy, 8 candy swords, 21 candy lanterns | once you expand to this plot, you can also expand to J16: You must expand to Y16 to unlock the next plot with the xx building for Part 3 | You must expand to Y14 to unlock Y15
    Expansion screen:
    Use spellbound dew 0/30 USE (skip 150 gems)
    Use troll candy 0/25 USE (skip 625 gems)
    Use candy swords 0/8 USE (skip 1640 gems)
    Use candy lanterns 0/21 USE (skip 2415 gems)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp

    Congratulations: Thurston: Look, over there, my liege! That castle is certainly made of candy! My nose knows!

    Clear any monsters from your board when you collect the craft from the Caramel Apple Cottage as you will spawn the second witch, the Caramel Apple Contessa.
    Note: The Spun Sugar Cottage is a crafting building.

    Thurston: Be careful, my liege. We know not where this devious witch may be.
    Goal 8:
    * Approach the Caramel Apple Castle 0/1 GO | Caramel Apple Castle, 10 minutes - 3 golden nuggets, 3 golden eggs
    * Find the Witch 0/1 GO | you will spawn the Caramel Apple Contessa to defeat in the next goal
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: My liege, watch out! She's swinging at us!

    Thurston: My liege, watch out! She's swinging again!
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat the Caramel Apple Contessa 0/1 GO | 199/199 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Contessa: Well done, Child. You're rather s****ed now, aren't you? It was an honor to spar with you.

    Contessa: It's not often that one gets to meet the Young Ruler of the realm, let alone perform a spell with them!
    Goal 10:
    * Learn the Caramel Apple Spell 0/1 GO | Caramel Apple Castle, 2 hours - 10 candy amulets, 35 dragon scales, 30 troll candy
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 50 xp + Piper
    Congratulations: Contessa: You've clearly mastered this magic, child. I do hope you'll come practice this spell with me again someday.

    Note: The Caramel Apple Steed is awarded when you START the goal 10 craft which completes the timed component of this goal
    Note: The Contessa is called Piper... she has an 16 hour timer. Once you COLLECT the craft, Piper is ready to place on your board
    Note: The Caramel Apple Castle now has a 2 day permanent craft. Caramel Apple Spell, 2 days - 75 red petals. Drops recorded in the inventory section below

    Part 2 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Baron: Are you ready for a challenge?

    Goal 2:
    Ivy: Hey ruler. Hansel and Gretel are still really upset.
    Ruler: Oh no... I was worried about them.
    Ivy: Yeah, these poor kids. They really thought you might have had their evil witch. It really wasn't her?
    Ruler: I wish it was, Ivy. But it's not. She's actually rather kind and sweet. I was thinking that you should maybe meet her.
    Ivy: Oh really?
    Ruler: Yeah! She knows a lot about manipulating sugar. I'll take Hansel and Gretel to the Tavern and talk to them more about their attacker, and you can go and see Zelda. I think you two might have a lot to talk about.

    Goal 3:
    Hansel and Gretel: So you didn't find the witch?
    Ruler: No, I'm sorry Hansel and Gretel. But we're not stopping now. We're going to keep looking until we find her and stop her. We'll keep you safe, don't worry.
    Hansel and Gretel: All... all right, ruler... *sniffle*
    Ruler: Is there anything more you can tell us about the witch?
    Hansel and Gretel: I... I don't know, actually. I don't remember. Everything is all jumbled up in my brain. I was so scared. it was for sure a magical witch. She put a spell on us. Yeah, and she lived in a candy home. It was so delicious. We're sorry we don't remember more. We're kind of traumatized over here!

    Goal 4:
    Hansel and Gretel: WAAAAAH! See! We told you! That evil witch is going to send her henchman trolls to follow us non-stop! There's no where we'll ever be safe... we should just her eat us!
    Ruler: Don't say that, you two. It's going to be alright. We're going to find the witch and we'll stop her from hurting you. How can we know you're going to keep us safe?
    Hansel and Gretel: i'm the ruler of this realm, and we have faced magical foes like this before. I'm sure we'll have no problem doing it again.

    Goal 5:
    Hansel and Gretel: you're a ruler but you're just a kid... like us!
    Ruler: Well... sort of. I'm definitely younger than most of the people in this realm.
    Hansel and Gretel: But you're in charge? You control everything?
    Ruler: Well no, not really. I'm responsible for keeping the realm going, I'm responsible for solving its problems, I'm the one who people come to when they need help.
    Hansel and Gretel: And you get to tell them what to do?
    Ruler: No, not really. That's not what being a ruler is about.
    Hansel and Gretel: Are you sure? If I was the ruler, I'd tell everyone what to do.

    Goal 6:
    Ivy: Ruler, have you spent much time with Hansel and Gretel?
    Ruler: A bit. Why, Ivy?
    Ivy: It just seems as if they don't like me.
    Ruler: Well... that may be because you're a witch.
    Ivy: Oh! I didn't even think about that. Those poor little ones! I'm gong to help you all hunt down that evil witch. She's giving the rest of us a bad name!

    Goal 7:
    Thurston: Ivy said to hold the lantern up, my liege?
    Ruler: yes, she said we would see the way clearly.
    Thurston: I've been holding it up for quite some time. my arms are a bit sore already, my liege. I'm afraid there's been no hint of light within. Nothing to guide the way.
    Ruler: Hmm.. you haven't noticed anything at all?
    Thurston: Nothing I can see.. There is one thing, my liege.
    Ruler: What is it?
    Thurston: I can smell something.
    Ruler: You smell something?
    Thurston: Yes, my liege. I smell a strong smell. It's rich... like caramel and apples.
    Ruler: Can you tell where it's coming from?
    Thurston: *Sniff, sniff.* I... I think I can, my liege!

    Goal 8:
    Ruler: This is incredible! Look at that.
    Thurston: This castle is made of caramel, my liege. The sun shines upon it but it does not melt!
    Ruler: There must be a powerful magic working here.
    Thurston: Be cautious, my liege. There may be a child-eating witch on the loose!

    Goal 9:
    Contessa: Hiiiiii-yah! *SLAM*
    Ruler: Whoa!
    Contessa: I don't take kindly to trespassers. You'd better dodge or fight back, Child!

    Goal 10:
    Contessa: You're a worthy opponent, Child! You really have come quite a long way.
    Ruler: It seems like every witch on the island knows me.
    Contessa: That's because every witch on the island *does* know you. Now, what brought you to challenge me at my own front door?
    Ruler: A witch attacked two children in our realm... a witch with a candy home. They said the witch threatened to eat them. She really scared them.
    Contessa: That does sound rather scary. So now you are harassing all the witches of the island?
    Ruler: We're sorry if we bothered you. We didn't mean to. We just wanted to make sure the children were safe.
    Contessa: I understand that completely... the children must be kept safe. While I may be the wrong witch, I think destiny brought you here. Let us not waste this chance meeting on accusations and wild theories. Come inside, child. Come into my castle and learn a spell. It might a challenge, but the effort makes it taste just a bit more sweet!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 11-21-21 at 03:51 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - Part 3 | complete
    10 goals. There is an optional timed component to this part to win an exclusive pet.

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 2 of The Candy Kingdom
    * If you complete Part 3 of The Candy Kingdom within 45 days (from when you trigger this part) you will receive the Licorice Steed
    * The Licorice Steed is rewarded when you begin the craft in goal 10 and Hecate is rewarded when the craft is collected
    * Once you complete part 3, you will receive the witch called Hecate. Getting this witch is not dependent on finishing within 45 days. You will receive her when you finish this part no matter how long it takes you
    * You can delay starting this part until Piper is ready for collection so you can begin Part 3 immediately
    * Troll candy will drop items between parts
    * The Candy Swords and Candy Lanterns crafts will disappear from the Forge in between parts if you choose to wait to trigger this part
    * Chocolate Rocks can be found at both the sparkling mine and the sawmill

    Dialogue: Baron: Ready for a challenge?
    Timed Goal: The Candy Kingdom (Part III)
    * Complete Part III of The Candy Kingdom 0/1 GO (How fast can you complete it?) 0/1
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp + Licorice Steed
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done, child!

    Baron: Pressing "GO" begins the next chapter and also starts a limited time quest to win the Licorice Steed!
    Goal 1: Continue to 'The Candy Kingdom (Part III)'
    * Start Part III of The Candy Kingdom 0/1 GO (A limited time challenge will also start!)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Get ready, Child... on your marks... and go!

    Ivy: It is always a pleasure to speak to a fellow magic user!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Troll Camp 0/2 GO (skip 24 gems)
    * Visit Piper 0/1 GO (skip 5 gems) | Piper has a 16 hour timer.
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel & Gretel: You said you were going to keep us safe! You lied!

    Ivy: Some candy might make Hansel and Gretel happy.
    Goal 3:
    * Visit a sparkling mine 0/1 GO (skip 8 gems)
    * Gather chocolate rocks 0/1 GO (skip 9 gems) | guaranteed drop of 1-5 (although 1-3 is more common) | The sawmill also drops chocolate rocks!
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel & Gretel: Candy always makes everything better.

    Hansel & Gretel: I think we both feel better knowing you're willing to do whatever it takes.
    Goal 4:
    * Tend a bush 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    * Clear a willow tree 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Ruler, I've been talking to Piper, and I think she might have a clue as to who we're looking for.

    Piper: You'll need some extra special supplies if you're going to see Hecate.
    Goal 5:
    * Gather candy amulets 0/8 GO
    * Gather candied leaves 0/5 GO
    * Gather chocolate rocks 0/45 GO (skip - work out math... 3/45 is 378 gems)
    * Create a candy kit 0/1 GO (skip 235 gems) | Magic Forge, 4 hours - 8 candy amulets, 5 candied leaves, 45 chocolate rocks
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Piper: Remember... you didn't hear about Hecate from me.

    Ivy: Even the simplest things can be a big help on your journey.
    Goal 6:
    * Tend an iceland poppy patch 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem) | tip: if you don't have one on your board, click on GO and it will take you to the right page in your inventory in order to place one.
    * Tend a blue-flower penstemon 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    * Tend a talinum auranticum 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel & Gretel: So you're really going to get her this time, ruler?

    Ivy: I'll keep an eye on Hansel and Gretel while you're gone, my liege. Let's do it for them!
    Goal 7:
    * Gather troll candy 0/1 GO
    * Forge a candy sword 0/1 GO (skip 205 gems)
    * Prepare a candy lantern 0/1 GO (skip 115 gems)
    * Create a candy kit 0/1 GO | this goal will auto complete as it counts the one you made in goal 5
    * Expand to the Witch's Lair 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements Y17: 35 troll candy, 10 candy swords, 10 candy lanterns, 20 candy kits | you must expand to Y16 in order to access Y17
    Expansion screen:
    * Use troll candy 0/35 USE (skip 875 gems)
    * Use candy swords 0/10 USE (skip 2050 gems)
    * Use candy lanterns 0/10 USE (skip 1150 gems)
    * Use candy kits 0/20 USE (skip 4700 gems)

    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: There is a dark lair just over here, my liege.
    Note: once you unlock Y17, Y18 becomes available to expand to

    Clear any monsters from your board when you collect the craft from the Licorice Lair as you will spawn the third witch, the Licorice Lady.
    Note: The Licorice Lair is a crafting building.

    Thurston: Have your weapons at the ready, my liege. This is sure to be a fight.
    Goal 8:
    * Approach the Licorice Lair 0/1 GO | Licorice Lair, 1 minutes - 5 golden nuggets, 5 golden eggs
    * Find the Witch 0/1 GO
    guessing this might be a craft to do with: 5 golden nugget, 5 golden egg and when you finish the craft you will spawn the next witch.
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hecate: Who dares disturb my rest?!

    Licorice Lady: An unprovoked attack like this is unbecoming of a ruler such as yourself.
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat the Licorice Lady 0/1 GO | 299/299 hits to defeat (will take ~160 energy all up)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Licorice Lady: You may have won this battle, child, but next time we spar I will not go easy on you.

    Licorice Lady: I've got a special spell to show you... It'll help you win against all your enemies.
    Goal 10:
    * Learn the Licorice Spell 0/1 GO | Licorice Lair, 8 hours - 20 candy amulets, 25 mithril, 50 troll candy
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 50 xp, + Hecate
    Congratulations: Thurston: Perhaps I let all of that sugar go to my head... I'm sorry, my liege!

    Note: The Licorice Steed is awarded when you START the goal 10 craft which completes the timed component of this goal. Steed timer is 12 hours
    Note: The Licorice Lady is called Hecate... she has a 16 hour timer. Once you COLLECT the craft, Hecate is ready to place on your board
    Note: The Licorice Lair now has a 2 day permanent craft. Licorice Spell, 2 days - 75 purple petals. Drops recorded in the inventory section below

    4 prologue goals to follow...

    Part 3 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Baron: Are you ready for a challenge?

    Goal 2:
    Ivy: Another dead end, ruler?
    Ruler: I'm afraid so.
    Ivy: Hansel and Gretel are upset. They're just so scared. They thought we'd gotten the witch this time.
    Ruler: I know. I feel so badly they're so scared. This time, I think we might at least have some clue of where to look next.
    Ivy: Really, ruler?
    Ruler: Yes... The witch said something to me that made me think. Speaking of, I think you would really like to meet her too.

    Goal 3:
    Baron: Child, you must do something at once about these children.
    Ruler: What do you mean, Baron?
    Baron: They're absolutely insufferable! Running about the realm, weeping loudly at all hours. They stole my breakfast this morning. I turned by back for a minute and it was gone! I think they're up to something. They're troublemakers!
    Ruler: Baron, they're traumatized little kids! It's not surprising they're acting out.
    Baron: Hmmph. Frankly I'm the traumatized one...
    Ruler: Baron...
    Baron: Can you at least find some way to pacify them? I would like just a few moments of peace and quiet this afternoon.

    Goal 4:
    Hansel & Gretel: Thanks for the chocolate, ruler. Chocolate makes me less sad.
    Ruler: We definitely want you both to feel less sad. We're not going to stop until we find the witch who attacked you. If I have to search the island for years, I'll do it. I want every child in our realm to feel safe. I'm the ruler, after all. It's my responsibility.
    Hansel & Gretel: Even if it means you have to go away to search for years?
    Ruler: However long it takes. We'll make sure you'll be safe.

    Goal 5:
    Ruler: Piper was just telling me about another witch knows.
    Piper: Well, Ivy was just telling me more your predicament with the children. And I'm not saying that I conclusively know who did it... but if it was to be someone I know... it would be Hecate.
    Ruler: Hecate?
    Piper: You didn't hear this from me, buy yes... she lives further off on the island. She's a bit of a nasty, and I've heard she has a taste for children. If any witch on the island went for your children, it'd be her.

    Goal 6:
    Ivy: Hecate, hmmm?
    Ruler: Have you heard of her before?
    Ivy: Only in stories, ruler. She's like one of the original, original witches! No wonder Hansel and Gretel were so scared. They still seem almost like they're mad at me. That's why I want to do everything I can to help you find that witch!

    Goal 7:
    Hansel & Gretel: You're going to get the witch? You've found her this time, really?
    Ruler: We're leaving now to go and face her at once. Now this is going to be a journey that will take us some time. And it may be a fight unlike any other. But when we are done, the children of this realm won't live in fear.
    Thurston: Huzzah, my liege! You are so brave Let us find and defeat that witch!

    Goal 8:
    Thurston: I would put my armor on now if I were you, my liege.
    Ruler: Thurston, are you sure we need to fight this fight? The last two witches we encountered were innocent. Who's to say this one isn't too?
    Thurston: There is only one way to find out!

    Goal 9:
    Licorice Lady: Who even are you? What are you doing here? This is an ambush!
    Thurston: It's the witch! Attack, my liege!
    Ruler: Thurston, wait!

    Goal 10:
    Licorice Lady: All right now, fess up. Who sent you? It was Piper, wasn't it?
    Ruler: Wait... how did you know?
    Licorice Lady: She's done this before. She think it's just so hilarious to send unsuspecting travelers to me. I have to scare them off to get any sort of privacy. What'd she tell you this time? Last time she convinced a group of farmers that I would spoil their crops. They came at me with pitchforks! Piper nearly died of laughter. Me?
    Ruler: Two children in our realm were attacked…she said she thought it might have been you.
    Licorice Lady: Me? Absolutely not. Attacking children? I'm a witch, not a monster!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-07-22 at 04:42 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Epilogue Goals - The Candy Coda
    4 goals. There are no timed components.

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * These 4 goals are triggered once part 3 of The Candy Kingdom is complete
    * Hecate has a 16 hour timer (64 gems to speed up)

    Hecate: I wish you well, child. Take a spell or two with you when you go. You may need it soon that you expect.
    Goal 1:
    * Visit Hecate 0/1 GO
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Thurston: What was all that about, my liege?

    Clear any monsters from your board when you collect from Ivy's Hut as you will spawn Hansel and Gretel.
    Thurston: Something seems to be amiss, ruler... Ivy's door is off its hinges!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO
    * Find Hansel and Gretel 0/1 GO | if they don't spawn, you'll need to wait till Ivy's Hut is ready and try again
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Hansel and Gretel: Hansel, the ruler is back early! Looks like we'll have to have this confrontation now...

    Hansel and Gretel: Once we defeat you, the realm is ours!
    Goal 3:
    * Defeat Hansel and Gretel 0/1 GO | 300/300 hits to defeat (will take ~150 energy all up)
    Rewards: Hansel and Gretel (to place on your board)
    Congratulations: Hansel and Gretel: Ahhghhhhh noooooo... foiled againnnnn...

    Hecate: If you can help keep these two wretches under control, I think our future together will be quite sweet.
    Goal 4:
    * Visit Hansel and Gretel 0/1 | 7 hour collection timer (28 gems to speed up)
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Hecate: Ta-ta for now, ruler...

    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Hecate: I must admit, it has been a pleasure to meet you, child. you must have been sent to me under false pretenses, but I am glad you ended up here. I am sure Piper knew I'd enjoy meeting you, which is why she sent you to ambush me. However, may I just say one thing... It sounds as if you've been on quite the witch hunt. You've searched and searched with no result. Perhaps it may be wise to reflect upon those who sent you on this chase.

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: Hecate seemed to be warning us of something. We have been on quite the wild hunt, searching this island and accusing its inhabitants of some terrible misdeed.
    Thurston: You're right, my liege. I think I perhaps had a bit too much sugar and got a bit carried away. But I was quite alarmed to think there might be a force attacking children.
    Ruler: Yeah... about that. I'm starting to think maybe Hansel and Gretel are up to something... Which means we better get back to the realm now.

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: It was you two the whole time, wasn't it? You sent the trolls. You sent us off on this wild witch hunt. Why have you done this?
    Hansel and Gretel: Honestly, I don't think either of us expected this to go on as long as it did. You're such a gullible fool, Child! All we had to do was cry a little and we had you bent to our will. It was easy to send you away... Once you were gone, that's when the real work began. I was actually fairly disappointed that you somehow managed to not **** a single witch. You couldn't make our lives any easier, could you, Child?
    Ruler: You're calling me a child? You're just kids!
    Hansel and Gretel: Ahahaha! We look like to kids to fools like you. It's part of our deviousness. No one suspects little children like us to be so evil. We're older than your wretched witch Ivy and your old man wizard combined! And now it is time for us to take what is rightly ours... what we have worked so hard for! Step aside ruler and surrender your realm! We've already captured the witch and the wizard. We'll get your pretty little princess next!

    Goal 4:
    Hansel and Gretel: Arghhh! Foiled again! I'll bet that wretched Apple witch sent them to the Licorice wench. There's no way they'd be back already if they'd faced the Nougat Necromancer.
    Ruler: Wait... what? You're just kids.
    Hecate: They're not kids. You should know by now not to trust a book by its cover, ruler. This is Hansellous and Gretellia, two of the most loathsome witches of the island.
    Hansel and Gretel: You're no spring daisy either, Hecate!
    Piper: They're quite the tricksters... turn your back on them and they'll sneak into your candy castle and try and claim it as their own.
    Zelda: It seems now they've graduated from candy kingdoms to real ones! You were able to fight them off, though... of course you were!
    Hecate: perhaps this could be the beginning of a sweet arrangement...
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-29-23 at 04:33 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Candy Kingdom Inventory Information - added to the Guides

    Sugar Spun Cottage limit of 1 Cannot be sold
    Info: A sweet cottage made of tightly spun sugar.
    Size: 2x2
    Found: in expansion plot Y13 | released during Goal 6, Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    What can you craft?
    1. Approach the Spun Sugar Cottage, 5 minutes - 1 golden nugget, 1 golden egg
    2. Learn the Spun Sugar Spell, 1 hour - 9 candy amulets, 15 spellbound dew, 8 troll candy | one off craft in Goal 9, Part 1
    3. Spun Sugar Spell, 2 days - 75 blue petals (permanent craft) | drops include: ~300 coins, chocolate, elvenite (1-2), fey crystal (1-3), glimmerdust (1-8), ice cream (1-2), royal sundae, sugar (2), sweet feast, syrup

    Spun Sugar Princess (spawn) | once off spawn and when defeated is Zelda (pink hair)
    Found: spawns when collecting the Learn the Spun Sugar Spell craft in the Sugar Spun Cottage | 99/99 hits to defeat | released during Goal 9, Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: completes goal

    Info: A witch who's powers allow her to spin candy from her hands.
    Found: reward for completing Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: ~95 coins, magic fruit (1-4 guaranteed), strawberries (3, 6), sugar
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Sugar Spun Steed
    Info: Zelda's sweet steed. Drops Jewels and has a chance to drop Lumin Essence!
    Found: reward for completing Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom within 7 days of release of storyline
    Drops: ~530 coins, carrots, horse hair, jewels, lumin essence, petals (blue, orange, red, white)
    Collection time: 16 hours

    Caramel Apple Castle limit of 1 Cannot be sold
    Info: A well-guarded castle that smells of delicious warm caramel with a hint of apples.
    Size: 3x3
    Found: in expansion plot Y15 | released during Goal 7, Part 2 of The Candy Kingdom
    What can you craft?
    1. Approach the Caramel Apple Castle, 10 minutes - 3 golden nuggets, 3 golden eggs | one off craft in Goal 8, Part 2
    2. Learn the Caramel Apple Spell, 2 hours - 10 candy amulets, 35 dragon scales, 30 troll candy | one off craft in Goal 9, Part 2
    3. Caramel Apple Spell, 2 days - 75 red petals (permanent craft) | drops include: ~135 coins, 3-6 glimmerdust, petals (blue, orange, purple, red, white), seal of the faun, spellbound dew, wisp essence

    Caramel Apple Contessa (spawn) | once off spawn and when defeated is Piper
    Found: spawns when collecting the Learn the Caramel Spell craft in the Caramel Apple Castle | 199/199 hits to defeat | released during Goal 9, Part 2 of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: completes goal

    Info: An enchantress with a legion of apples at her disposal.
    Found: reward for completing Part 2 of the The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: apple (1 guaranteed)
    Collection time: 16 hours

    Caramel Apple Steed
    Info: Piper's favorite horse. Pet it nicely and it might give you a Golden Apple!
    Found: reward for completing Part 2 of The Candy Kingdom within 30 days of beginning this part
    Drops: ~50 coins, apple (1), carrots, golden apple, horse hair, sugar
    Collection time: 4 hours

    Licorice Lair limit of 1 Cannot be sold
    Info: A tall lair made of impenetrable candy.
    Size: 2x2
    Found: in expansion plot Y17 | released during Goal 7, Part 3 of The Candy Kingdom
    What can you craft?
    1. Approach the Licorice Lair, 1 minute - 5 golden nuggets, 5 golden eggs | one off craft in Goal 8, Part 3
    2. Learn the Licorice Spell, 8 hours - 20 candy amulets, 25 mithril, 50 troll candy
    3. Licorice Spell, 2 days - 75 purple petals (permanent craft) | drops include: - creep tooth, earth wisp (2), elvenite, iron ore, jewels, light armor (2), mithril, rat tails, trade tickets (3)

    Licorice Lady (spawn) | once off spawn and when defeated is Hecate
    Found: spawns when collecting the Learn the Licorice Spell craft in the Licorice Lair | 299/299 hits to defeat | released during Goal 8, Part 3 of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: completes goal

    Info: An ancient and powerful font of magic.
    Found: reward for completing Part 3 of the The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: ~365 coins, faeries murmur, glimmerdust, living wood, petals (orange)
    Collection time: 16 hours

    Licorice Steed
    Info: Hecate's trusty companion. If you gain its trust, it'll give you Spellbound Dew!
    Found: reward for completing Part 3 of The Candy Kingdom within 45 days of beginning this part
    Drops: ~3045 coins, carrots, horse hair, spellbound dew
    Collection time: 12 hours

    Candied leaves
    Info: A plain leaf, dusted in sweet sugar candy. Found from chopping Willow Trees.
    Found: willow trees, Candy Troll (1-3) | released during Part 2 of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: item in candy lantern craft (10), item in candy kit craft (5)

    Candy Amulet
    Info: A magical jewel that's as sweet as can be, but never shrinks, no matter how many times you lick it. Found when battling Candy Trolls.
    Found: defeating Candy Minions, Candy Troll (3 guaranteed) | released during Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: item in candy sword craft (Magic Forge, 12), item in candy lantern craft (4), item in candy kit craft (8), item in Learn the Licorice Spell (20)

    Candy Bush
    Info: A bush that seems to be completely made up of sugar and candy.
    Found: market 1200 coins, free ones in some expansion plots | cleared in 5 actions | unlocked in Goal 3 Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: candy minion spawn, petals (orange, white), skunkupine spawn

    Candy Kit
    Info: A helpful bag of candies, ready to support any travel-related malady. Put together in the Magic Forge!
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 4 hours - 8 candy amulets, 5 candied leaves, 45 chocolate rocks | unlocked in Goal 5 Part 3 of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: item in expanding to Y17 (20)

    Candy Log
    Info: A tasty wooden log dusted with a fine coating of powdered sugar.
    Found: market 900 coins, free ones in some expansion plots | cleared in 5 actions | unlocked in Goal 6 Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: candy minion spawn, glimmerdust, mushroom, petals (blue, orange, purple, red, white), sparking toadstool, wood

    Candy Lantern
    Info: A magical lantern that can amplify scents. Crafted in the Magic Forge.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 2 hours - 4 candy amulets, 10 candied leaves, 3 enchanter's essence | released during Part 2 of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: item in expanding (Y15, 21) and (Y17, 10)

    Candy Minion (spawn)
    Found: spawns from the bush | 15/15 hits to defeat | released during Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: when defeated drops candy amulet (1-3), candy troll (extremely rare) + creep tooth, fur, rat tail

    Candy Minion trap
    Info: Chop to lure a Candy Troll.
    Found: market, 25 gems during The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: chop to lure monster. 15/15 hits to defeat

    Candy Sword
    Info: A powerful weapon made of hardened sugar. Forged in the Magic Forge.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 1 hour - 12 candy amulets, 10 silver ore, 10 jewels | released during Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: item in expanding to (Y13, 8) (Y15, 8) and (Y17, 10)

    Candy Troll
    Info: A dainty dressed troll. No amount of candy can mask his odor. Approach it to receive Candy Amulet, Candied Leaves, Chocolate Rocks and more!
    Found: market, 150 gems | available for use during The Candy Kingdom
    Story Drops: 125 coins, 3 candy amulet (part 1+), 1-3 candied leaves (part 2+), 4 chocolate rocks (part 3), 1 troll candy (part 1+) | the candy amulet is guaranteed from part 1+ and the chocolate rocks are guaranteed in part 3 | once Part 3 of the story is complete the Candy Troll only drops items listed below in Other Drops.
    Other Drops: faeries' murmur, fey crystal, glimmerdust, glimmer fragments, mysterious venom, pile of seeds, troll essence
    Collection time: 12 hours

    Caramel Apple Castle | Crafting Building
    From The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: ~135 coins, 3 glimmerdust, petals (blue, orange, purple, red, white), seal of the faun, spellbound dew, wisp essence
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Chocolate Rocks
    Info: A handful of hard candy coated chocolate nuggets. Discovered in the sparking mine!
    Found: Candy Troll (4), sparking mines (1-5), sawmills (1-5) | released during Part 3 of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: item in candy kit craft (45)

    Cotton Candy Shrub II
    Info: A puffy bush made of soft sugar. Drops purple petals.
    Found: market, 1700 coins, free ones in some expansion plots | cleared in 5 actions | unlocked in Goal 8 Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: petals (purple), spellbound dew

    Hansel and Gretel (spawn)
    Found: spawns from Ivy's Hut | 300/300 hits to defeat | released during Candy Coda of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: completes goal

    Hansel and Gretel
    Info: Two weasly little rascals who are cunning when it comes to magic.
    Found: reward for completing Candy Coda of The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: ~75 coins, chocolate, ice cream, royal sundae, sugarcane, sweet feast, syrup
    Collection time: 7 hours

    Licorice Lair | Crafting Building
    From The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: creep tooth, earth wisp (2), elvenite, iron ore, jewels, light armor (2), mithril, rat tails, trade tickets (3)
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Sugar Spun Cottage | Crafting Building
    From The Candy Kingdom
    Drops: ~300 coins, chocolate, elvenite (1-2), fey crystal (1-3), glimmerdust (1-4), ice cream (1-2), royal sundae, sugar (2), sweet feast, syrup
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Troll candy
    Info: A sticky, gummy candy that trolls like to store in their noses. Found when visiting the Troll Camp
    Found: candy troll (3), troll camp, defeating the candy minion (extremely rare) | released during Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    Uses: item used in expanding to Y13 (5), Y15 (25), Y17 (35), item in Learn the Licorice Spell (50)

    other info to add to existing posts

    bush - spawns the Candy Minion
    jewels - item in Candy Sword craft (Magic Forge, 10)
    silver ore - item in Candy Sword craft (Magic Forge, 10)
    fur - defeating Candy Minions
    creep tooth - defeating Candy Minions
    rat tails - defeating Candy Minions
    mithril - expanding to Y13 (35), item in Learn the Licorice Spell (25)
    spellbound dew - expanding to Y13 (45)
    willow tree drop: candied leaves
    Troll camp drop: Troll candy during
    Sparking mine and sawmill drop: chocolate rocks (guaranteed drops of 1-5)

    Golden egg - item in Approach the Spun Sugar Cottage craft (1), item in Approach the Caramel Apple Castle (3), item in Approach the Licorice Lair (5)
    Golden nugget - item in Approach the Spun Sugar Cottage craft (1), item in Approach the Caramel Apple Castle (3), item in Approach the Licorice Lair (5)
    enchanter's essence: item in Candy Lantern craft (3)
    dragon scales: item in Learn the Caramel Apple Spell (35)

    Magic Forge crafts (added):
    Candy Sword, 1 hour - 12 candy amulets, 10 silver ore, 10 jewels in Part 1 of The Candy Kingdom
    Candy Lantern, 2 hours - 4 candy amulets, 10 candied leaves, 3 enchanter's essence (goal 6 part 2)
    Candy Kit, 4 hours - 8 candy amulets, 5 candied leaves, 45 chocolate rocks (goal 5, part 3)
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-29-23 at 07:39 PM.

  8. #8
    Executive Chef
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    Jan 2013
    Oh boy!

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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  9. #9
    Goal 1 - tend a bush (10 min wait) and gather water (one source, just about any will do - I ticked my goal box with a fountain from an event)

    Will edit add as I go unless someone else gets to it. : )

    Edit add: get out your bushes! Candy minions (trolls) are hiding there! They stole Ivy's candies leaves! : )
    Last edited by AmberWillowWinter; 10-14-21 at 11:20 AM.

  10. #10
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    This storyline is The Candy Kingdom.

    Get out your bushes.

    Click image for larger version. 

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