Goal 1:
Ivy: So, we're definitely taking this strange desert creature home, right? Pleeeeeeaaassssseeeee?! It's so cute!
Ruler: I don't know if taking desert creatures away from the desert is the best idea...
Fenneca: Besides, he'd miss me if you took him. The first chance he got he'd come running back to me.
Ruler: Hey! It's you!
Fenneca: Yeah it's me. I'm Fenneca. And yes, you're welcome for me saving your friend.
Ruler: Well, thank you... but why did you run away?
Fenneca: Cuz all desert creatures run when you come near them.
Ruler: We just wanted to thank you for saving our friend.
Fenneca: You can thank me by buying me a drink and a meal.
Ruler: Well, sure, of course, that's the least we can do! But why aren't yo running away from us now?
Fenneca: Because my Armordillo didn't run away... He's the best judge of character I know, and if he likes you, then I like you too.
Goal 2:
Fenneca: This here is the Scorpion Desert. It hasn't always gone by that name, but that's what it is now. You're going to keep running into danger the further you go into the sands. I was able to help you against that red scorpion, but some monsters I can't help with.
Ruler: Would you want to come with us?
Fenneca: HA! Nooooooo, noooo way, you're not dragging me with you to danger. You seem nice and I'd like to help, but I've got history in these dunes, and there are some places where I'll be in realllllll big trouble if I'm spotted. Although, if you happen to get some fresh scorpion stingers, let me know! My supplies are running low and those guys get real riled up when they see me.
Ruler: Sure, we can do that.
Fenneca: You'll always be able to come back to my den if you need help, but just... be careful. The scorpions rule the desert with an iron stinger.
Goal 3:
Ruler: Look, Ivy! A tree! We can finally get some shade.
Ivy: Yeah, I don't know about that, Ruler. That looks like the perfect place for a scorpion to drop down and sting someone.
Ruler: Wow... I didn't even think about that. I just saw shade and got excited!
Ivy: Fenneca was right, we really have to be careful. This desert is more than just dangerous... it's magical! You never know what kind of creatures could be about, setting traps for weary travelers to lower their guard.
Goal 4:
Fenneca: Well, that was fast! I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. Did one of you get stung again? I've got Everwater Potion handy just in case!
Ruler: Not this time, Fenneca, and we even managed to bring you some stingers!
Fenneca: That's amazing! I'm definitely impressed! I'm going to cook and eat these stingers tonight.
Ruler: Eat? I don't know about that.
Fenneca: Oh, they're delicious! Once you squeeze the venom out, all it needs is some herbs and brown butter.
Ruler: Yuck... no thanks.
Ivy: That sounds sooooo yummy!
Fenneca: It is! Come on inside and I'll cook you up one too.
Ruler: Hey Fenneca, I meant to ask... how come you let us see your home?
Fenneca: Actually, I didn't let you... Somehow you broke through my spell.
Ruler: Spell?
Fenneca: Yep, my spell... Well, its more like a charm. Whatever it is, you broke it. It's one of the reasons I decided to help you. I was wary at first of your power, but something about you is special.
Goal 5:
Ruler: I hope you don't mind me asking but why are you hiding out here all along, Fenneca?
Fenneca: *BURRRP!* Oop, excuse me! I was hungry. I mean, other than the obvious, I'm out here on my own because that's how we foxes live.
Ruler: You're a fox?
Fenneca: The ears weren't a giveaway? Actually, I'm technically not a fox... but I come from the fox family! Me and my family are scattered all over this desert, each in their own little hiding hole. So I'm not really alone. My aunties and uncles aren't too far off if I really want to visit.
Ruler: I guess then my question is... are you hiding from something?
Fenneca: Hmmm... that's a little personal, if you ask me. Aren't we all hiding from something?
Ruler: I'm sorry, Fenneca. I didn't mean to offend. It's just that you had a powerful protective spell hiding you from the world. Are you in danger?
Fenneca: Of course not, and no, you didn't offend me, it's just... You're right. We are hiding. The scorpions have full control of the desert, but it didn't used to be like that. My grandma used to talk about how different things were back in her day. But things happened. People change. It's all right, me and my family can live like this. Anyway, sorry to talk your ear off like that! It's been a long time since I've had dinner guests... I've missed this!
Goal 6:
Old Thomas: It is quite funny, you discovered this history just as I discovered this history!
Ruler: What did you find, Old Thomas?
Old Thomas: A scroll, buried deep in a pile of dusty scrolls hidden in the library. I saw the symbol and decided to investigate further. This scroll is the treatise between the scorpions and the foxes.
Ruler: Fenneca said something about this! Only, she didn't seem to want to explain further.
Old Thomas: I believe it may be because this scroll was written under duress. Look at these signatures! Look at the marking of sorrowful tears upon the paper. This treatise assigns full control of the desert to the scorpions.
Ruler: Why would the foxes have willingly ceded control?
Old Thomas: That is the question we must seek an answer for. The question *you* must seek an answer for. And luckily for you, this scroll also contained a second, hidden secret. Look closely, see that fox print?
Ruler: Yes, I see it... wait a minute. The lines of the fox print... That's a map!
Goal 7:
Ruler: Ivy, wait a minute... You were the one who was warning me about this desert seeming safe when it's not. Are you sure this oasis is safe?
Ivy: I have no idea and I don't care... It is so hot out here and we've been traveling for so long and that water is so blue! I'm so sorry Ruler but I've gotta dive in. It's too hot to think about anything else!
Goal 8:
Ruler: Ivy!
Ivy: Ruler! I can't get to you! That snake is directly between us.
Ruler: Careful, Ivy! The snake is turning towards you now.
Ivy: Eep! I don't have anything to defend myself with!
Ruler: Hey, snake! Come this way!
Ivy: Watch out, Ruler! Now it's coming for you!
Ruler: The snake is moving so fast, I can't catch it, my swings keep missing!
Ivy: We're in real danger here. What do we do?
Ruler: We need a distraction... We need help... We need...
*A high-heeled shoe comes flying into the oasis, knocking the snake in the head.*
Sabina: HIIII-YAH!
Ruler: Sabina!
Goal 9:
Ruler: Sabina! You saved our lives back there!
Sabina: Aw, Ruler, it was nothing.
Ruler: That was nothing? Sabina, you have perfect aim!
Ivy: I nearly fell over laughing when I saw your dainty little shoe knock that snake on its noggin.
Sabina: I'm just happy to have been able to help, really. It's the least I could do. And I'm also happy that you can see now that I'm ready to help! Old Thomas found another scroll, this time from the foxes... He said the key to the whole story was here, but he needed someone to bring it to you! With Thurston sick and Ivy and the other knights here with you, there was no one to take it. So I volunteered to take it out here to you. I wanted to prove myself! I can face any dangers on the journey. I'm not just a dainty little princess!
Ruler: No, Sabina, you are unlike any princess that's ever been... and we've met a lot of them!
Sabina: All I'm asking is that I get to go on this desert adventure with you... I don't want to just be a damsel you have to rescue... I want to be a knight! Pleeeease? Pretty please?!
Ivy: Come on, Ruler... When it comes to begin a hero, Sabina's a shoe-in!