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Thread: Castle Story 7/09: A Wonderful Spot of Tea | event information on page 1

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Castle Story 7/09: A Wonderful Spot of Tea | event information on page 1

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    Please stay on topic. All non-related event posts will be removed.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Prize Information

    Alina - Blue Petal, Purple Petal, Red Petal, Glimmerdust, Jewels, Golden Nugget, Silver Ore, Stone, Syrup, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Royal Sundae, Sweet Feast

    Percival (Post Event) - Wool, Carrots, Cabbage, Wheat, Corn, Tomato, Jewels, Silver Ore

    White Rabbit (Post Event) - Wool, Carrots, Cabbage, Wheat, Corn

    Rabbit (Post Event) - Wool, Carrots, Cabbage, Wheat, Corn

    Chester - Milk, White Petal, Orange Petal, Purple Petal, Blue Petal, Red Petal, Magic Fruit, Living Wood, Fertilizer

    Crafting Information

    Alina's Tea Wood, 1 hour - 12 wood, 2 living wood, 8 teacup
    Wondrous Tea, 1 hour - 12 stone, 2 living wood, 8 teacup
    Soft Thread, 10 minutes - 4 wool, 10 coal
    Softened Fabric, 15 minutes - 20 cotton tail, 2 soft thread, 2 garden spade
    Rabbit Jacket, 2 hours - 2 soft thread, 2 jewelled carrot
    Rabbit Hat, 2 hours - 6 soft thread, 4 jewelled carrot

    Magic Forge
    Biscuit Platter, 1 hour - 1 bunny biscuit, 5 golden nugget, 15 silver ore
    Baby Bunny, 1 hour - 1 basket of carrots
    Percival, 15 minutes - 1 rabbit hat, 1 rabbit jacket, 1 Percival

    Trade Wagon
    Chester, 1 hour - 15 lucky cards 15 60

    Coal - Found: sparking mine, deep mine, all rocks, various Baron's Game Tent prizes, Vineyard Estate, dragons, Armored Fire Dragon, Armored Ice Dragon, Royal Dragon, Faerie Dragon, Fire Fox, Moon Rock, Lonely Mummy, Frozen Campfire, Rooted Mine, Spring Dragon, Aquamarine Dragon (Baron's Tent), Adult Bijou Dragon, Adult Flare Dragon, Adult Matrix Dragon, Dark Knight's Steed, Light Knight's Steed, Dark Onyx Dragon, Flyger cub, White flyger cub, ghost knight, direwolf pup, shattered wyvern, scorched wyvern, Pink flyger cub, Woodland cannon, Enfield Kit, Silver fae dragon, Tide Dragon, Aquatic Dragon, Aquatic Wyvern, Armored Wyvern, Wyvern Hatchling, Dark Wyvern, Ring Bearer Goat, Sleeping Dragon, Pumpkin goat, Dark Wolf, Mantiwart terrarium, Onyx pearls, Armored Black Bear, Mountain of the Wilds, Cozy Campfire, Wee Carriage, Kitsunecorn Kit, Paper Tiger, Renata, Mantistorm cub, Truffle, Fangbeast puppet, Maxotaur, Sweet Kitsunecorn, Sprinkles, Spring Fangpup, Biggest Baddest Wolf, Monarch Wyvern, Kit n Boots, Rainbow Mantis, Lady Buninja, Iguana, Coral the Octomaid, Tropical Dragon

    Living wood - Found: living wood tree (gem), sawmill, Ivy's hut, all normal trees, Magic garden, Sir Piggy, Feed the Baron, Adventures, Spooky tree, Goddess Tree, Grow Faeriebulb Seeds (craft in Greenhouse rare chance), Faerie Tea Party, Greselda's Dark Garden, L4/5 Faerie Bulb, Ornate Supply Crate Trade, a chance to win them from the Baron's Game Tent, Bidding Booth, Stargazer's Ridge, Forest Stag, Lonely Mummy, Autumn Doe, Autumn Stag, Rooted Mine, Fawn, Spring Dragon, Cherry Blossom Tree, Icy Willow, Twisted Willow, Flower Stag (Baron's Game Tent), shattered tuftkin, scorched tuftkin, Phoenix, Victorian Garden, Faerie's Breath, Faerie Teacup Garden, Corgi, Mossy Oak, Mothraki Warrior, Woodland cannon, Woodland Sanctuary, Interpret the Wizard (mystic card), Dwayne the Gnome, Gnome Wizard, Cherry blossom phoenix, Blossom tree, Blossom phoenix, Tuftkin Kit, Woodland bear, Meadow tree, Baby Fi-Fi, Armored Shadow Wolf, Snow Ape, Great Holiday Tree, Grand rooted lilium, Royal Phoenix, Sleeper Gnome, Gold Digger Gnome, Clover tree, Candy Tuftkin, Tamed Mantiwort, Flying Machine, Storybook Gnome, L10 Trade Post, Delilah, Raven Atrium, Walter the Wizard, Robot Phoenix, Candy Cane Tuftkin, Mothmonster, Spark tree, Florizel, Music Shop, Songless Bird, Maebee the Faerie, Wooden Beehive, Baby Gnome, Leopard, Lemur

    Wool - Found: sheep, stable, Sir Pigglesworth's Toy, Horse Shed level 2, Cozy Holiday Sheep (Baron's tent), Santa Sheep (Baron's tent), Glimmeregg Bunny, Ivy's Petting Zoo, Flower Power Sheep, Spitting Camel, Ostara the Satyr, Flower Sheep (Baron's Game Tent), Alpaca, Noble Stable, Black Alpaca, Tinsel Ram (Rune Market), Thankful Alpaca, Grateful Alpaca, Spring lamb, Turkey sheep, Gnome sheep, Plush castle, Plush Prince + Princess, Gold plush dragon, Plush king, Witchy alpaca, Armored Shadow Wolf, Candy Ram, Sorbet Ram, Rabbot, L10 Trade Post, Melvin, Greta, Firewolf, Icewolf, Cara, Miko, Alpaca-Corn
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 07-12-20 at 06:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information
    LL = low level (level 45 and under) | HL = High level

    Goal 1:
    * Investigate the Mushroom Growth
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal 2:
    * Tend Bushes (There's something hidden inside!) 0/1
    * Gather Teacups (Collect from Bushes!) 0/2
    * Upgrade the Mushroom Growth to Lv. 2
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal 3:
    * Find the Mushroom Hut (Buy this in the Market!) 0/1
    * Prepare Soft Thread (Make this in the Mushroom Hut!) 0/1
    * Upgrade the Mushroom Growth to Lv. 3
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal 4:
    * Prepare Wondrous Tea (Make this in the Workshop!) 0/1
    * Prepare Alina's Tea (Make this in the Workshop!) 0/1
    * Upgrade the Mushroom Growth to Lv. 4
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal 5:
    * Buy a Bunny (We've got to help them!) 0/1
    * Raise the Bunny into a Rabbit (Tend your baby Bunny!) 0/1
    * Tend a Rabbit (Hop to it!) 0/1
    * Gather Cotton Tail (Collect from Rabbits!) LL: 0/5 | HL: 0/10
    * Upgrade the Mushroom Growth to Lv. 5
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal 6:
    * Tend to Rabbits (Visit our fluffy new friend!) 0/1
    * Gather Basket of Carrots (Collect from Rabbits!) 0/1
    * Lure a Baby Bunny (It's hiding in the Magic Forge!) 0/1
    * Upgrade the Mushroom Growth to Lv. 6
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal 7:
    * Clear Dead Trees (Look out for danger!) 0/1
    * Defeat Card Guards (Hidden amongst the Dead Trees!) 0/1
    * Gather Garden Spades (Defeat Card Guards!) 0/2
    * Prepare Softened Fabric (Make this in the Workshop!) 0/1
    * Upgrade the Mushroom Growth to Lv. 7
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal 8:
    * Visit the Jewelers (We'll find supplies here!) 0/1
    * Gather Jeweled Carrots (Collected from the Jewelers!) 0/2
    * Prepare Rabbit Jacket (Make this in the Workshop!) 0/1
    * Upgrade the Mushroom Growth to Lv. 8
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +50 crowns

    Goal 9:
    * Prepare the Rabbit Hat (Make this in the Workshop!) 0/1
    * Raise Percival (Help him grow!) 0/1
    * Dress Percival (Put Percival in Storage!) 0/1
    * Upgrade the Mushroom Growth to Lv. 9
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +100 crowns

    Goal 10:
    * Tend Percival (Visit him for treats!) 0/1
    * Gather Bunny Biscuits (Collected from Percival!) 0/1
    * Prepare Biscuit Platter (Make this in the Magic Forge!) 0/1
    * Upgrade the Mushroom Growth to the Mushroom Tea Garden
    Rewards: Prize bundle: 200 crowns, Alina

    Alina Goal:
    * Visit Alina 0/1
    Rewards: none

    Summon Chester Goal:
    * Gather Lucky Cards (Collected from Card Guards!) 0/15
    * Summon Chester (Summon in the Trade Wagon!) 0/1
    Rewards: none
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 07-09-20 at 06:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - added to the Guides

    Mushroom Tea Garden (Level 15/17+) (2x2) limit 1 Cannot be sold
    This item was only available during the event it was released.
    Info: An overgrown patch of mushrooms
    Collection time: 8 hours
    Speed up: gems
    Drops: 2400 coins
    Cost: 1000 coin
    Build/Level 1: no build required | +900 coins
    Level 2: 2 teacup, 10 stone, 10 wood, 10 iron ore | +925 coins
    Level 3: 5 teacup, 1 soft thread, 15 fur, 10 hide | +950 coins
    Level 4: 1 Alina's tea, 1 wondrous tea, 8 teacup, 2 soft thread | +975 coins
    Level 5: 2 Alina's tea, 2 wondrous tea, 3 soft thread, 10 cotton tail | +1000 coins
    Level 6: 3 Alina's tea, 3 wondrous tea, 3 soft thread, 20 cotton tail | +1025 coins
    Level 7: 5 Alina's tea, 5 wondrous tea, 1 softened fabric, 2 garden spade | +1050 coins
    Level 8: 7 Alina's tea, 7 wondrous tea, 2 softened fabric, 3 garden spade | +1075 coins
    Level 9: 10 Alina's tea, 10 wondrous tea, 3 softened fabric, 4 garden spade | +1100 coins
    Level 10: 12 Alina's tea, 12 wondrous tea, 4 softened fabric, 1 biscuit platter | +2400 coins

    Lower level requirements:
    Level 2: 2 teacup, 10 stone, 10 wood, 10 iron ore
    Level 3: 5 teacup, 1 soft thread, 15 fur, 10 hide
    Level 4: 1 Alina's tea, 1 wondrous tea, 8 teacup, 2 soft thread
    Level 5: 2 Alina's tea, 2 wondrous tea, 3 soft thread, 10 cotton tail
    Level 6: 3 Alina's tea, 3 wondrous tea, 3 soft thread, 20 cotton tail
    Level 7: 5 Alina's tea, 5 wondrous tea, 1 softened fabric, 2 garden spade
    Level 8: 7 Alina's tea, 7 wondrous tea, 2 softened fabric, 3 garden spade
    Level 9: 8 Alina's tea, 8 wondrous tea, 2 softened fabric, 4 garden spade
    Level 10: 10 Alina's tea, 10 wondrous tea, 3 softened fabric, 1 biscuit platter

    Info: A little girl who was lost but found her way, thanks to you! Visit her for a chance at Jewels and Sweet Feasts!
    Found: reward for completing A Wonderful Spot of Tea event
    Drops: chocolate, glimmerdust, golden nugget, ice cream, jewels, petals (blue, purple, red), royal sundae, silver ore, stone, syrup, sweet feast
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Bunny (brown)
    Info: A wee bunny with brown fur and a twitching nose.
    Found: market, 13000 coins during A Wonderful Spot of Tea event | 5 pets to raise to adult
    Drops: only xp till raised to adult, then renames to Rabbit which drops cabbage, carrots, corn, wheat, wool
    Related items: Bunny-Rabbit, Baby Bunny-Percival, White Bunny-White Rabbit

    Card trap
    Info: Chop to lure a Card Guard
    Found: market, 10 gems during A Wonderful Spot of Tea event
    Uses: chop to lure event monster

    Info: A smiling critter resting on a soft pillow. Visit him to get Milk, and a chance to get Magic Fruit!.
    Crafted: Trade Wagon during A Wonderful Spot of Tea event
    Drops: cabbage, carrots, corn, jewels, living wood, magic fruit, milk, petals (orange), silver ore, tomato, wheat, wool
    Collection time: 1 hour

    Fine Porcelain Stack
    Info: A tall, towering pile of used dishes leftover from a raucous tea party. Clear to find teacups
    Found: market, 25 coins during A Wonderful Spot of Tea event
    Uses: chop for event items | post event decoration only

    Info: An upright rabbit who's fully dressed with a very polite temperament.
    Crafted: Magic Forge during A Wonderful Spot of Tea event
    Drops: cabbage, carrots, corn, jewels, silver ore, tomato, wheat, wool
    Collection time: 22 hours | as a plain bunny the collection timer is 30 minutes but it doesn't drop anything
    Related items: Bunny-Rabbit, Baby Bunny-Percival, White Bunny-White Rabbit

    Info: A wee bunny with brown fur and a twitching nose.
    Found: market, 13000 coins during A Wonderful Spot of Tea event | 5 pets to raise to adult
    Drops: cabbage, carrots, corn, wheat, wool
    Collection time: 1.5 hours
    Related items: Bunny-Rabbit, Baby Bunny-Percival, White Bunny-White Rabbit

    White Bunny (white)
    Info: A bitty bunny with fur as soft as snow.
    Found: market, 40 gems during A Wonderful Spot of Tea event | 5 pets to raise to raise to adult
    Drops: only xp till raised to adult, then renames to White Rabbit which drops cabbage, carrots, corn, wheat, wool
    Related items: Bunny-Rabbit, Baby Bunny-Percival, White Bunny-White Rabbit

    White Rabbit
    Info: A bitty bunny with fur as soft as snow.
    Found: market, 40 gems during A Wonderful Spot of Tea event | 5 pets to raise to adult
    Drops: cabbage, carrots, corn, wheat, wool
    Collection time: 1.5 hours
    Related items: Bunny-Rabbit, Baby Bunny-Percival, White Bunny-White Rabbit
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-01-20 at 05:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Mushroom Growth Soft Tread Wondrous Tea Alina's Tea Softened Fabric Rabbit Jacket Rabbit Hat Biscuit Platter | Teacup Cotton Tail Garden Spade Jeweled Carrot Bunny Biscuit | Wood Stone Coal Wool Living Wood | Energy Day Upgrade Day
    Mushroom Growth L1 | | | 0,00 1
    Mushroom Growth L2 | 2 | 10 10 | 6 0,02 2
    Mushroom Growth L3 1 | 5 | 10 4 | 16 0,06 2
    Mushroom Growth L4 2 1 1 | 24 | 12 12 20 8 4 | 76 0,29 2
    Mushroom Growth L5 3 2 2 | 32 10 | 24 24 30 12 8 | 123 0,47 2
    Mushroom Growth L6 3 3 3 | 48 20 | 36 36 30 12 12 | 193 0,74 3
    Mushroom Growth L7 2 5 5 1 | 80 20 4 | 60 60 20 8 20 | 357 1,37 4
    Mushroom Growth L8 10 7 7 2 1 | 112 40 7 4 | 84 84 100 40 28 | 563 2,17 7
    Mushroom Growth L9 8 10 10 3 1 | 160 60 10 2 | 120 120 80 32 40 | 796 3,06 10
    Mushroom Growth L10 8 12 12 4 1 | 192 80 8 1 | 144 144 80 32 48 | 905 3,48 13
    Total 37 40 40 10 1 1 1 | 655 230 29 6 1 | 490 490 370 148 160 | 3 035 11,67 13
    Collector 48 41 41 11 2 2 2 | 672 251 32 13 3 | 502 502 480 192 164 | 3 215 12,37 14

    Teacup: 3 (Bush, Ivy's Hut, Fine Porcelain Stack, Mushroom Growth)
    Cotton Tail: 2 (Rabbit)
    Jeweled Carrot: 2 (Jeweler[Drop Rate: 50%])
    Garden Spade: 16 (Card Guard[Spawn: 3; Defeat: 5; Drop Rate: 50%])
    Bunny Biscuits: 4 (Percival[Drop Rate: 25%])
    Energy per Day: 260 (Fully used for the event)

    Bases resources not taken into account! Percival production is included in the various levels.

    Alina - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A little girl who was lost but found her way, thanks to you! Visit her for a chance at Jewels and Sweet Feasts!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Drops: Coins (2400), Blue Petal, Purple Petal, Red Petal, Glimmerdust, Jewels, Golden Nugget, Silver Ore, Stone, Syrup, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Royal Sundae, Sweet Feast
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Final prize of the event.
    Alina's Tea - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A hot cup of minty fresh tea. Prepared in the Mushroom Hut.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Mushroom Hut
    Requirements: 35 gems // 12 Wood, 2 Living Wood, 8 Teacup
    Used for: Mushroom Growth
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: A sweet taste for the lost girl!
    Baby Bunny - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A little lost bunny. There is something about him that seems different...
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Magic Forge
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 1 Basket of Carrots
    Sell: 0 coins
    Used for: Percival Jr.
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Collection: 6 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 1 gems
    Cap: 1 (2)
    Comments: Lure the Baby Bunny! Tend 5 times to grow up into Percival* Jr.
    Basket of Carrots - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A woven basket, filled with tasty treats for the rabbits. Found by tending Rabbits.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Found: Rabbit, White Rabbit
    Used for: Baby Bunny
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Cap: 1
    Biscuit Platter - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A platter of snacks, baked by a rabbit. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 155 gems // 1 Bunny Biscuit, 5 Golden Nugget, 15 Silver Ore
    Used for: Mushroom Growth
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 99
    Bunny - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A wee bunny with brown fur and a twitching nose.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 13000 coins
    Sell: 0 coins
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 20 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Comments: Tend 5 time to grow into a Rabbit!
    Bunny Biscuits - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A home-baked treat, shaped like a familiar furry friend. Gathered by visiting Percival.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Found: Percival
    Used for: Biscuit Platter
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Cap: 1
    Card Guard
    Storable: No
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Event
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Dead Tree, Old Log, Card Trap
    Drops: Lucky Cards, Garden Spade, Energy, Wool
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Comments: 10 HP
    Card Trap - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Chop to lure a Card Guard.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Other
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 10 gems
    Drops: Card Guard
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    Chester - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A smiling critter resting on a soft pillow. Visit him to get Milk, and a chance to get Magic Fruit!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Trade Wagon
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 5 gems // 15 Lucky Cards
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Milk, White Petal, Orange Petal, Purple Petal, Blue Petal, Red Petal, Magic Fruit, Living Wood, Fertilizer
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Collection: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Coll. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 5
    Comments: Summon the smiling Cat!
    Cotton Tail - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A poofy tuft of soft rabbit fur. Collected from tending Rabbits!
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 10 gems
    Found: Rabbit, White Rabbit
    Used for: Mushroom Growth
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Cap: 99
    Fine Porcelain Stack - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A tall, towering pile of used dishes, leftover from a raucous test party. Clear to find Teacups!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Other
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 25 coins
    Sell: 0 coins
    Drops: Teacup
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Comments: Can be cleared in 10 actions
    Garden Spade - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A hefty tool, in a lovely shape that makes gardening easy. Found when defeating Card Guards.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 20 gems
    Found: Card Guard
    Used for: Mushroom Growth, Softened Fabric
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Cap: 99
    Jeweled Carrot - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A glittering jeweled broach. I wonder how many karats it is? Found when visiting the Jewelers.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Found: Jeweler
    Used for: Rabbit Hat, Rabbit Jacket
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Cap: 99
    Lucky Cards - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A stack of cards with a familiar looking joker... Collected when defeating Card Guards.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 20 gems
    Found: Card Guard
    Used for: Chester
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Cap: 99
    Mushroom Growth L1 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An overgrown patch of mushrooms.
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 1000 coins
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (900)
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Mushroom Growth L2 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An overgrown patch of mushrooms. Drops Teacups!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 2 Teacup, 10 Stone, 10 Wood, 10 Iron Ore
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (925), Teacup
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Mushroom Growth L3 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An overgrown patch of mushrooms. Drops Teacups!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 5 Teacup, 1 Soft Tread, 10 Hide, 15 Fur
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (950), Teacup
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Mushroom Growth L4 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An overgrown patch of mushrooms. Drops Teacups!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 2 Soft Tread, 1 Wondrous Tea, Alina's Tea, 8 Teacup
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (975), Teacup
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Mushroom Growth L5 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A mushroom patch that's being prepped for a dapper tea party. Drops Teacups!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 3 Soft Tread, 2 Wondrous Tea, 2 Alina's Tea, 10 Cotton Tail
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (1000), Teacup
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Mushroom Growth L6 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A mushroom patch that's being prepped for a dapper tea party. Drops Teacups!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 3 Soft Tread, 3 Wondrous Tea, 3 Alina's Tea, 20 Cotton Tail
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (1025), Teacup
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Mushroom Growth L7 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A mushroom patch that's being prepped for a dapper tea party. Drops Teacups!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 5 Wondrous Tea, 5 Alina's Tea, 1 Softened Fabric, 2 Garden Spade
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (1050), Teacup
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Mushroom Growth L8 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A mushroom patch that's being prepped for a dapper tea party. Drops Teacups!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 7 Wondrous Tea, 7 Alina's Tea, 2 Softened Fabric, 3 Garden Spade
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (1075), Teacup
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Mushroom Growth L9 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A mushroom patch that's being prepped for a dapper tea party. Drops Teacups!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 10 Wondrous Tea, 10 Alina's Tea, 3 Softened Fabric, 4 Garden Spade
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (1100), Teacup
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Mushroom Hut - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A mushroom home for someone who must be very tiny. Used to craft Mushroom Tea Garden supplies!
    Type: Building
    Class: Crafting
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 3000 coins
    Sell: 0 coins
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Cap: 2
    Mushroom Tea Garden - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A perfect spot for a spot of tea! Drops Teacups!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 12 Wondrous Tea, 12 Alina's Tea, 4 Softened Fabric, 1 Biscuit Platter
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (2400), Teacup
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Percival - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An upright rabbit who's fully dressed with a very polite temperament. Visit him to collect a Bunny Biscuit!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Magic Forge
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 1 Rabbit Hat, 1 Rabbit Jacket, 1 Percival Jr.
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (20), Bunny Biscuit, Wool, Carrots, Cabbage, Wheat, Corn, Tomato, Jewels, Silver Ore
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Production: 15 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 1 gems
    Collection: 30 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Cap: 1 (2)
    Percival Jr. - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A little lost bunny. There is something about him that seems different...
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: 0 coins
    Used for: Percival
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 30 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Cap: 1 (2)
    Rabbit - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A wee bunny with brown fur and a twitching nose. Visit to collect Cotton Tails!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: 0 coins
    Drops: Cotton Tail, Basket of Carrots, Wool, Carrots, Cabbage, Wheat, Corn
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 90 minutes // 1,5 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 6 gems
    Rabbit Hat - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A proper cap for a distinguished rabbit. Prepared in the Mushroom Hut.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Mushroom Hut
    Requirements: 55 gems // 6 Soft Thread, 4 Jeweled Carrot
    Used for: Percival
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 99
    Rabbit Jacket - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A dapper jacket, perfectly tailored for a rabbit. Prepared in the Mushroom Hut.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Mushroom Hut
    Requirements: 30 gems // 2 Soft Thread, 2 Jeweled Carrot
    Used for: Percival
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 99
    Soft Tread - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A bobbin of soft, plush thread. Prepared in the Mushroom Hut.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Mushroom Hut
    Requirements: 25 gems // 4 Wool, 10 Coal
    Used for: Mushroom Growth, Rabbit Hat, Rabbit Jacket
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Production: 10 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 1 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Repair Alina's apron!
    Softened Fabric - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A yard of soft fabric, perfect for creating outfits for a fluffily bunny. Prepared in the Mushroom Hut.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Mushroom Hut
    Requirements: 35 gems // 20 Cotton Tail, 2 Soft Tread, 2 Garden Spade
    Used for: Mushroom Growth
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Production: 15 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 1 gems
    Cap: 99
    Teacup II - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A delicate porcelain cup, just waiting to be filled with tea. Found when clearing Fine Porcelain Stacks, tending Bushes, or vesting Ivy's Hut.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 5 gems
    Found: Bush, Ivy's Hut, Fine Porcelain Stack, Mushroom Growth
    Used for: Mushroom Growth
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Cap: 99
    White Bunny - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A bitty bunny with fur as soft as snow.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 40 coins
    Sell: 0 coins
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 20 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Comments: Tend 5 time to grow into a White Rabbit!
    White Rabbit - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A bitty bunny with fur as soft as snow.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: 0 coins
    Drops: Cotton Tail, Basket of Carrots, Wool, Carrots, Cabbage, Wheat, Corn
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Collection: 90 minutes // 1,5 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 6 gems
    Wondrous Tea - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A steaming cup of fragrantly floral tea. Prepared in the Mushroom Hut.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Mushroom Hut
    Requirements: 35 gems // 12 Stone, 2 Living Wood, 8 Teacup
    Used for: Mushroom Growth
    Events: A Wonderful Spot Of Tea - July 2020
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: A minty fresh teat!
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 07-14-20 at 11:42 AM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    ..remember what the dormouse said.. Feed Your Head

  7. #7
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0EA679D8-B2DF-4413-A6EB-B9ED771202FB.jpg 
Views:	386 
Size:	108.3 KB 
ID:	55961Click image for larger version. 

Name:	4E6B2D89-3181-4D26-A434-E6C589E42378.jpg 
Views:	532 
Size:	131.1 KB 
ID:	55962

    Goal 2 and Upgrade
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3F482D71-6699-4FC0-B8A0-BCF7F4087578.jpg 
Views:	352 
Size:	140.2 KB 
ID:	55963Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6E93E18A-1F50-4E5E-99D4-5853221F1016.jpg 
Views:	343 
Size:	142.4 KB 
ID:	55964
    Queendom name - Codex Realm
    Lower Level Queendom - TheNameOfTheWind (ID: WiseMansFear )
    I accept all neighbor requests but do not visit often.

  8. #8
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Goal 3 and upgrade

    Attachment 55966Attachment 55967

    you can buy 2 mushroom huts. Here’s the craft
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0CDAC634-835F-4D7E-9C32-60355A9D03E6.jpg 
Views:	331 
Size:	118.9 KB 
ID:	55968
    Queendom name - Codex Realm
    Lower Level Queendom - TheNameOfTheWind (ID: WiseMansFear )
    I accept all neighbor requests but do not visit often.

  9. #9
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    I was going to sit this one out but it seems fun. Plus I want that Cheshire Cat!

    Goal 4 and upgrade
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	F5DEA120-9BBB-4892-9CFD-D2F2EAFA1747.jpg 
Views:	432 
Size:	140.7 KB 
ID:	55969Click image for larger version. 

Name:	7977728A-3FA1-4E10-9A33-594CA18E1A82.jpg 
Views:	691 
Size:	149.3 KB 
ID:	55970

    I feel like I’m just out here talking to myself now
    Queendom name - Codex Realm
    Lower Level Queendom - TheNameOfTheWind (ID: WiseMansFear )
    I accept all neighbor requests but do not visit often.

  10. #10
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    I'm here! 😂 Didn't want to break the flow.

    The rabbits look to be unlocked by a Goal, Alice is our main "unlock all levels" prize but i'm curious to see where we can get Cheshire and the Hatter. Do we ever get 2 Adventure prizes? Or Are there other methods for earning prizes in events that i'm not aware of yet?

    Super happy I had some of these basic "regular" inventory items stockpiled for the mushroom upgrade supplies!
    The cups are really cute, but any overlap with a useful inventory is good! ❤️

    Really enjoying the story, event play, and art so far! 😊
    Last edited by stormaurora42; 07-09-20 at 11:38 AM.

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