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Thread: Castle Story 5/9: Dangerous Gardening | goals and inventory info on page 1

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Castle Story 5/9: Dangerous Gardening | goals and inventory info on page 1

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    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-09-19 at 03:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Building Information

    Rafflesia Garden (Level 15+) (2x2) limit 1 Cannot be sold
    This item was only available during the event it was released.
    Info: A completely disorganised and overgrown garden. At Level 10 drops golden eggs, golden apples, golden nuggets
    Collection time: 8 hours
    Speed up: 32 gems
    Drops: golden apples, golden eggs, golden nuggets, trade tickets (1 guaranteed)
    Cost: 1000 coin
    Level 1: no build | +900 coins
    Level 2: 2 dormant seeds, 10 stone, 10 wood, 10 iron ore, | +925 coins
    Level 3: 5 dormant seeds, 1 photosynthesis potion, 10 hide, 15 fur | +950 coins
    Level 4: 8 dormant seeds, 2 photosynthesis potion, 1 walking seed, 1 garden planter | +975 coins
    Level 5: 3 photosynthesis potion, 2 walking seed, 2 garden planter, 10 lady bug | +1000 coins
    Level 6: 3 photosynthesis potion, 3 walking seed, 3 garden planter, 20 lady bug | +1025 coins
    Level 7: 5 walking seed, 5 garden planter, 1 garden bug bottle, 2 lightning bugs | +1050 coins
    Level 8: 7 walking seed, 7 garden planter, 2 garden bug bottle, 3 lightning bugs | +1075 coins
    Level 9: 10 walking seed, 10 garden planter, 3 garden bug bottle, 4 lightning bugs | +1100 coins
    Level 10: 12 walking seed, 12 garden planter, 4 garden bug bottle, 1 metallic flower | +2200 coins

    Goal Information

    Goal 1:
    * Tour the Overgrown Garden 0/1 | market, 1000 coins
    Rewards: 100 coin, 5 xp

    Goal 2:
    * Tend bushes 0/1
    * Gather domant seeds 0/2 | seeds also drop from Ivy's Hut and Red Acer trees | cap 99
    * Upgrade the Overgrown Garden to Level 2
    Rewards: 100 coin, 5 xp

    Goal 3:
    * Brew photosynthesis potion 0/1 | Workshop, 10 minutes - 8 water, 10 glimmerdust
    * Upgrade the Overgrown Garden to Level 3
    Rewards: 100 coin, 5 xp

    Goal 4:
    * Prepare garden planters 0/1 | Workshop, 1 hour - 12 stone, 2 living wood, 8 dormant seeds
    * Prepare walking seed 0/1 | Workshop, 1 hour - 12 wood, 2 living wood, 8 dormant seeds
    * Upgrade the Overgrown Garden to Level 4
    Rewards: 100 coin, 5 xp

    Goal 5:
    * Have a potted sprout 0/1 | market, 10,000 coin (99 max) | force close your game if the GO button doesn't take you to the market and then they'll be there
    * Grow a potted sprout into a potted plant 0/1 | tend 5 times - 20 minutes for watering, 1.5 hour collection time
    * Water a potted plant 0/1
    * Catch lady bugs 0/10
    * Upgrade the Rafflesia Garden to Level 5
    Rewards: 100 coin, 5 xp

    Goal 6:
    * Water potted plan 0/1
    * Find a mysterious seed 0/1 | YOU CAN ONLY COLLECT 1 SEED AND CRAFT 1 PLANT. Keep collecting till it turns into a big plant. Took 5 or so tends to raise it from a baby to a teenager.
    * Plant a mysterious seed 0/1 | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 1 mysterious seed | On collection you get a Baby Pilu which after 5 or so tends every 6.5 minutes is raised to a teenaged Pilu
    * Upgrade the Rafflesia Garden to Level 6
    Rewards: 100 coin, 5 xp

    Supplementary Goal: A Venomous Pet
    * Gather venomous mantiwort tokens 0/15 GO (skip 300 gems) | chop dead trees to spawn a Venomous Mantiwort. 10 hits to defeat.
    * Summon a tamed Mantiwort | Trade Wagon, 1 hour - 15 mantiwort tokens
    Rewards: 100 coin, 5 xp

    Goal 7:
    * Clear dead trees 0/1
    * Battle venomous mantiworts 0/1 GO
    * Catch lightning bugs | Mantiworts will drop either a token, a lightning bug or nothing
    * Prepare a garden bug bottle 0/1 | Workshop, 15 minutes - 20 lady bugs, 2 photosynthesis potion, 2 lightning bugs
    * Upgrade the Rafflesia Garden to Level 7
    Rewards: 100 coin, 5 xp

    Goal 8:
    * Visit Jewelers 0/1
    * Gather morning dew 0/2 | drops from jeweler
    * Prepare petal porridge 0/1 | Workshop, 2 hours - 2 photosynthesis potion, 2 morning dew
    * Upgrade the Rafflesia Garden to Level 8
    Rewards: 100 coin, 5 xp, +50 crowns

    Goal 9:
    * Prepare green grub for Pilu 0/1 | Workshop, 2 hours - 6 photosynthesis potion, 4 morning dew
    * Raise Pilu into a Teenaged Mantiwort | Will auto complete if you've already raised him; if not, feed till he gets bigger after 5 or so feedings from a baby to a teenager
    * Feed Pilu | put Pilu into storage to feed him | Magic Forge, 15 minutes - 1 petal porridge (from earlier goal), 1 green grub, 1 teenaged Pilu (in storage!)
    * Upgrade the Rafflesia Garden to Level 9
    Rewards: 100 coin, 5 xp, +100 crowns

    Goal 10:
    * Visit Pilu 0/1 | must be the adult Pilu to complete goal
    * Collect flowering seeds 0/1 | collect from Pilu
    * Forge metallic flower 0/1 | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 1 flowering seed, 5 golden nuggets, 15 silver (same one is used to upgrade Garden to L10)
    * Upgrade the Rafflesia Garden to Level 10
    Rewards: 1000 coin, 25 xp, +200 crowns, +1 faerie called Gardenia
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-22-19 at 07:30 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - added to Guide

    Baby Pilu - tend till grown. Turns into a Teenaged Pilu which has a collection time of 30 minutes. Turns into an Adult when you get to the right goal and has a collection time of 16 minutes.

    Potted plant
    Info: A fully grown potted plant. Tend to get Lady Bugs.
    Found: market during Dangerous Gardening event
    Drops: purple petals
    Collection time: 1.5 hours

    Pilu (adult)
    Info: A sweet flower who's been raised by Ivy.
    Found: market during Dangerous Gardening event
    Drops: apples, golden apples, golden eggs??, golden nuggets??, jewels, orange petals, purple petals, silver
    Collection time: 16 minutes

    Tamed Mantiwort
    Info: A tamed plant, who's no longer venomous.
    Found: market during Dangerous Gardening event
    Drops: blue petals, earth wisp, glimmerdust, jewels, living wood, silver, wood
    Collection time: 5 hours

    Info: Gardenia, friend of the realm.
    Found: reward for completing the Dangerous Gardening event
    Uses: Town Square citizen
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-22-19 at 08:05 PM.

  4. #4
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Rafflesia Garden Dormant Seeds Photosynthesis Potion Walking Seed Garden Planter Lady Bug Garden Bug Bottle Lightning Bugs Metallic Flower Morning Dew Petal Porridge Green Grub | Wood Stone Living Wood Wool Coal | Energy Day Upgrade Day
    Rafflesia Garden L1 | | 0,00 1
    Rafflesia Garden L2 2 | 10 10 | 6 0,02 2
    Rafflesia Garden L3 5 1 | 4 10 | 16 0,05 2
    Rafflesia Garden L4 24 2 1 1 | 12 12 4 8 20 | 76 0,25 2
    Rafflesia Garden L5 32 3 2 2 10 | 24 24 8 12 30 | 133 0,44 2
    Rafflesia Garden L6 48 3 3 3 20 | 36 36 12 12 30 | 213 0,71 3
    Rafflesia Garden L7 80 2 5 5 20 1 4 | 60 60 20 8 20 | 373 1,24 4
    Rafflesia Garden L8 112 4 7 7 40 2 7 | 84 84 28 16 40 | 581 1,94 6
    Rafflesia Garden L9 160 6 10 10 60 3 10 | 120 120 40 24 60 | 839 2,80 9
    Rafflesia Garden L10 193 8 12 12 80 4 8 1 | 144 144 48 32 80 | 976 3,25 12
    Pilu 8 6 1 1 | 32 80 | 22 0,07 12
    Total 656 37 40 40 230 10 29 1 6 1 1 | 490 490 160 148 370 | 3 235 10,78 12
    Collector 673 48 41 41 251 11 32 2 13 2 2 | 192 480 | 3 425 11,42 13

    Dormant Seeds: 3 (Rafflesia Garden, Red Acer Tree, Bush, Ivy's Hut)
    Lady Bug: 3 (Potted Plant)
    Lightning Bugs: 15 (Venomous Mantiwore; Spawn: 4, Defeat: 5, Drop Rate: 60%)
    Morning Dew: 2 (Jeweler)
    Energy per Day: 300 (Fully used for the event)

    Regular resources are not accounted for in terms of energy consumption! The last 3-4 levels will start to be painful as energy is spare and base resources drained!

    Baby Pilu - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An angry sprout who's just started growing.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Magic Forge
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 1 Mysterious Seed
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Collection: 7 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 1 gems
    Cap: 1 (2)
    Comments: Tend 5 times to grow up. See what your mysterious sprount grows!
    Dormant Seeds - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An unknown seed with something to grow. Found from Red Acer Trees and Bushes.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 5 gems
    Found: Rafflesia Garden, Red Acer Tree, Bush, Ivy's Hut
    Used for: Rafflesia Garden
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Cap: 99
    Flowering Seed - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A seed sprouting a large flower. Found when visiting Pilu.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 41 gems
    Found: Pilu
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Cap: 1
    Garden Bug Bottle - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A little jar filled with little bugs. Prepared in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 35 gems // 20 Lady Bug, 2 Photosynthesis Potion, 2 Lightning Bugs
    Used for: Rafflesia Garden
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Production: 15 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 1 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Catch a few bugs for the garden!
    Garden Planter - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A wooden planted of different wild plant life. Prepared in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 35 gems // 12 Stone, 2 Living Wood, 8 Dormant Seeds
    Used for: Rafflesia Garden
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: A planter with a variety of strange growth.
    Gardenia - (Card)
    Storable: Yes (Town Square)
    Info: Gardenia, friend of the realm.
    Type: Citizen
    Source: Event
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Cap: 1
    Green Grub - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Ivy's improved recipe for plant baby food. Prepared in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 55 gems // 6 Photosynthesis Potion, 4 Morning Dew
    Used for: Pilu
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Try another recipe for baby food!
    Lady Bug - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A flying spotted bug that's good for gardens. Found from Potted Plants.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 10 gems
    Found: Potted Plant
    Used for: Rafflesia Garden, Garden Bug Bottle
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Cap: 99
    Lightning Bugs - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A bug with a glowing belly. Found from battling Venomous Mantiworts.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 20 gems
    Found: Venomous Mantiwore
    Used for: Garden Bug Bottle
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Cap: 99
    Mantiwort Trap - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: No Mantiwort can resist a tasty snack! Only 1 monster can be in the kingdom at a time! Chop to lure a Monster Mantiwore!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Other
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 20 gems
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Malicious Mantiwort, Venomous Mantiwore
    Events: The Fanged Forest - March 2017, Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    Metallic Flower - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A flower wrought of gold and silver. Prepared in the Magic Forge.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 155 gems // 1 Flowering Seed, 5 Golden Nugget, 15 Silver Ore
    Used for: Rafflesia Garden
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: A flower forged of gold and silver.
    Morning Dew - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A bottle od the fresh dew that pools off petals. Found when visiting the Jeweler.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 9 gems
    Found: Jeweler
    Used for: Petal Porridge, Green Grub
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Cap: 99
    Mysterious Seed - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A strange looking seed. Found when tending Potted Plant.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Found: Potted Plant
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Cap: 1
    Petal Porridge - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Ivy's recipe for plant baby food. Prepared in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 25 gems // 2 Photosynthesis Potion, 2 Morning Dew
    Used for: Pilu
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 99
    Photosynthesis Potion - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A bottle of potion to make plants grow! Prepared in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 25 gems // 8 Water, 10 Glimmerdust
    Used for: Rafflesia Garden, Garden Bug Bottle
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Production: 10 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 1 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Ivy's recipe for bottled sun!
    Pilu - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A sweet flower who's been raised by Ivy. Visit Pilu to collect Flowering Seeds!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Magic Forge
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 470 gems // 1 Green Grub, 1 Petal Porridge, 1 Teenaged Pilu
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Flowering Seed, Orange Petal, Purple Petal, Jewels, Silver Ore
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Production: 15 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 1 gems
    Collection: 16 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Cap: 1 (2)
    Potted Plant - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A fully grown potted plant. Tend to get Lady Bugs.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Event
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Lady Bug
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 90 minutes // 1,5 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 6 gems
    Cap: 99
    Potted Sprout - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A potted sprout, ready to be grown.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 10000 coins
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 20 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Water 5 time to grow up.
    Rafflesia Garden L1 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A completely disorganized and overgrowing garden. At Lv. 10 drops Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, and Golden Nuggets!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 1000 coins
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Dormant Seeds
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Rafflesia Garden L2 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A completely disorganized and overgrowing garden. At Lv. 10 drops Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, and Golden Nuggets!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 2 Dormant Seeds, 10 Stone, 10 Wood, 10 Iron Ore
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Dormant Seeds
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Rafflesia Garden L3 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A completely disorganized and overgrowing garden. At Lv. 10 drops Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, and Golden Nuggets!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 5 Dormant Seeds, 1 Photosynthesis Potion, 10 Hide, 15 Fur
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Dormant Seeds
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Rafflesia Garden L4 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A completely disorganized and overgrowing garden. At Lv. 10 drops Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, and Golden Nuggets!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 8 Dormant Seeds, 2 Photosynthesis Potion, 1 Walking Seed, 1 Garden Planter
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Dormant Seeds
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Rafflesia Garden L5 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A completely disorganized and overgrowing garden. At Lv. 10 drops Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, and Golden Nuggets!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 3 Photosynthesis Potion, 10 Lady Bug, 2 Walking Seed, 2 Garden Planter
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Dormant Seeds
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Rafflesia Garden L6 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A completely disorganized and overgrowing garden. At Lv. 10 drops Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, and Golden Nuggets!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 3 Photosynthesis Potion, 20 Lady Bug, 3 Walking Seed, 3 Garden Planter
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Dormant Seeds
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Rafflesia Garden L7 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A completely disorganized and overgrowing garden. At Lv. 10 drops Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, and Golden Nuggets!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 1 Garden Bug Bottle, 2 Lightning Bugs, 5 Walking Seed, 5 Garden Planter
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Dormant Seeds
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Rafflesia Garden L8 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A completely disorganized and overgrowing garden. At Lv. 10 drops Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, and Golden Nuggets!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 2 Garden Bug Bottle, 3 Lightning Bugs, 7 Walking Seed, 7 Garden Planter
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Dormant Seeds
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Rafflesia Garden L9 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A completely disorganized and overgrowing garden. At Lv. 10 drops Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, and Golden Nuggets!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 3 Garden Bug Bottle, 4 Lightning Bugs, 10 Walking Seed, 10 Garden Planter
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Dormant Seeds
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Rafflesia Garden L10 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A perfectly presentable garden filled with wild plants. Visit it for a chance at Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, and Golden Nuggets!
    Type: Building
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 4 Garden Bug Bottle, 1 Item Metallic Flower, 12 Walking Seed, 12 Garden Planter
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Dormant Seeds, Golden Egg, Golden Apple, Golden Nugget
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Tamed Mantowort - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A tamed plant, who's no longer
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Trade Wagon
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 15 Venomous Mantiwore Token
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins, Living Wood, Blue Petal
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Collection: 300 minutes // 5 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 20 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Summon a Tamed Mantowort!
    Teenaged Pilu - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A young plant, nearing adulthood, filled with anger and emotions.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Orange Petal, Purple Petal, Jewels, Silver Ore
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Collection: 30 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Cap: 1 (2)
    Venomous Mantiwore
    Storable: No
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Event
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Dead Tree
    Drops: Lightning Bugs, Venomous Mantiwore Token
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Comments: 10 HP
    Venomous Mantiwore Token - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A token of a successful battle. Found when batling Venomous Mantiwort
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 20 gems
    Used for: Tamed Mantowort
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Cap: 99
    Walking Seed - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A seed that's sprouted legs. Prepared in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 35 gems // 12 Wood, 2 Living Wood, 8 Dormant Seeds
    Used for: Rafflesia Garden
    Events: Dangerous Gardening - May 2019
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Prepare sprouted seeds!
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 05-16-19 at 11:59 AM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Why are we brewing a photosynthesis potion in the workshop!?!?! Game has already glitches 3 times trying to water bushes

  6. #6
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Rocky Mountains USA
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	E2E84692-A690-4C6D-AC32-1D869E95CAAC.jpg 
Views:	206 
Size:	31.9 KB 
ID:	51672

    Get out your bushes everyone! We will collect Dormant Seeds
    Also giving Dormant Seeds are Red Acer, Ivy's Hut

    Also featured in Market are tree log, Dead tree, old log, jeweler and the new Monster is a Mantiwort, trap in the market for 10 gems
    Last edited by SofiaDeo; 05-09-19 at 03:00 PM.
    Plz add: SofiaDeo, pinkpresence (Pinks Place), impyLou (Queen Impylou), aaerie (Aaerie)
    Plz ask all 4 or none, thx

  7. #7
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Rocky Mountains USA

    We purchase the Rafflesia Garden (Overgrown Garden) 2x2 for $1000 & it has an 8 hour timer:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3E67D4D0-E0F1-4BF4-B790-FF19F82525DC.jpeg 
Views:	246 
Size:	64.7 KB 
ID:	51670 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	5B593294-0AF6-4F2A-881A-06F2A3629CC6.jpeg 
Views:	273 
Size:	74.3 KB 
ID:	51671

    we also purchase Potted Plants for level 4-5 upgrade, they give Ladybugs
    20 min timer to water until grown, then 1.5 hours to collect

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2D033881-F6E8-4C7C-BB75-AD2976BA83C9.jpeg 
Views:	225 
Size:	83.5 KB 
ID:	51679 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DE3F42AB-D5F0-4207-B83B-4F4CDFE3BCC6.jpeg 
Views:	183 
Size:	44.9 KB 
ID:	51680
    Last edited by SofiaDeo; 05-09-19 at 05:45 PM.
    Plz add: SofiaDeo, pinkpresence (Pinks Place), impyLou (Queen Impylou), aaerie (Aaerie)
    Plz ask all 4 or none, thx

  8. #8
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Rocky Mountains USA
    Last edited by SofiaDeo; 05-09-19 at 04:30 PM. Reason: SW got the info
    Plz add: SofiaDeo, pinkpresence (Pinks Place), impyLou (Queen Impylou), aaerie (Aaerie)
    Plz ask all 4 or none, thx

  9. #9
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    First goal. Place garden.
    Second goal: tend bushes
    Gather dormant seeds from bushes. Needs 2 seeds.
    Upgrade overgrown Garden to lv. 2

  10. #10
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Goal 3: Brew Photosynthesis potion.
    Made in workshop.
    Upgrade garden to lv. 3

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