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Thread: Castle Story 04/08: A Golden Opportunity | event information on page 1

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Castle Story 04/08: A Golden Opportunity | event information on page 1

    ! Click on any of the following links for more information

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    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-15-21 at 02:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Prize Information

    Note: 50 academy scrolls are awarded during this event

    Mama Bear - bacon, bone, creep tooth, fangbeast spawn, fey crystal, fur, jewels, prime cut, rat tail, silver ore, skunkupine spawn | 3rd prize in the faerie atrium

    Goldie - trade tickets | 5th individual prize in the community event screen

    Porridge Cub - hearty feast, mercury feast, simple feast, spicy feast, sweet feast | random adventure drop item

    Where to find items

    Clawed Wood and Wooden Spoon: chop clawed stumps or clawed trees
    Sweet Flowers: rocket larkspur (purple flowers)
    Sweet Cream: cows
    Carved Dowel: all trees
    Ivy's Pillow: Ivy's Hut
    Skunk Blankets: defeat Skunkupine (some trees, you can get all of them from clawed stumps though)
    Downey Feathers: Hatchery
    Sweet Honey: defeat Mama Bear (spawn from farmhouses)

    * plus these may also drop the adventure...

    Workshop Crafts
    1. Bear Porridge, 30 minutes - 2 Sweet Flowers, 2 Sweet Cream, 5 Clawed Wood
    2. Bear Chair, 2 hours - 5 Carved Dowels, 1 Ivy's Pillow, 5 Clawed Wood
    3. Bear Bed, 1 hour - 2 Skunk Blankets, 1 Downy Feathers, 10 Clawed Wood

    Individual Prizes:
    1. 20 | 1 faerie chest
    2. 100 | 50 crowns
    3. 350 | 1 faerie chest
    4. 650 | 100 crowns
    5. 1000 | Goldie

    Community Prizes: unlock at 500
    1. 1x 10 energy crate
    2. 1x 25 energy crate
    3. 1x 50 energy crate
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-09-21 at 08:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information

    Goal 1:
    * Place the Bear Den (Buy this in the Market!) x1
    * Gather Clawed Wood (Clear Clawed Stumps!) x1
    * Gather Cub Plushies (Visit the Bear Den!) x1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +2 academy scrolls

    Goal 2:
    * Gather Sweet Flowers (Tend Rocket Larkspurs!) x2
    * Gather Sweet Cream (Tend Cows!) x2
    * Gather Clawed Wood (Clear Clawed Stumps!) x5
    * Prepare Bear Porridge (Make this in the Workshop!) x1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +3 academy scrolls

    Goal 3:
    * Gather Carved Dowels (Clear Trees!) x5
    * Gather Ivy's Pillows (Visit Ivy's Hut!) x1
    * Gather Clawed Wood (Clear Clawed Stumps!) x5
    * Prepare a Bear Chair (Make this in the Workshop!) x1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +5 academy scrolls

    Goal 4:
    * Gather Skunk Blankets (Defeat Skunkupines!) x2
    * Gather Downy Feathers (Visit Hatcheries!) x1
    * Gather Clawed Wood (Clear Clawed Stumps!) x10
    * Prepare a Bear Bed (Make this in the Workshop!) x1
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Mama Bear trap

    Goal 5:
    * Prepare Bear Porridge (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/1 | HL: 0/2
    * Prepare Bear Chairs (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/1 | HL: 0/2
    * Prepare Bear Beds (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/1 | HL: 0/2
    * Gather Sweet Honey (Defeat the Mama Bear!) x4
    * Upgrade the Bear Den to Lv.2 (Use your upgrade supplies!)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +2 academy scrolls

    Supplementary Castle Adventure Goal:
    * Clear a Clawed Stump or a Clawed Tree (Buy this in the Market!) 1
    * Defeat Mama Bears (Visit Farmhouses!) 1
    * Gather Wooden Spoons (Clear a Clawed Stump or a Clawed Tree!) 5
    * Search the Woods (I think it ran in here!) 1 | adventure in the castle, 4 hours - 1 sweet honey, 5 wooden spoon, 1 golden egg
    * Find the Porridge Cub (Search the Woods for a chance to find!) 1 | random adventure drop
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal 6:
    * Prepare Bear Porridge (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/1 | HL: 0/3
    * Prepare Bear Chairs (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/1 | HL: 0/3
    * Prepare Bear Beds (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/1 | HL: 0/3
    * Gather Sweet Honey (Defeat the Mama Bear!) x4
    * Upgrade the Bear Den to Lv.3 (Use your upgrade supplies!)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +3 academy scrolls

    Goal 7:
    * Prepare Bear Porridge (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/2 | HL: 0/4
    * Prepare Bear Chairs (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/2 | HL: 0/4
    * Prepare Bear Beds (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/2 | HL: 0/4
    * Gather Sweet Honey (Defeat the Mama Bear!) x4
    * Upgrade the Bear Den to Lv.4 (Use your upgrade supplies!)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +5 academy scrolls

    Goal 8:
    * Prepare Bear Porridge (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/4 | HL: 0/5
    * Prepare Bear Chairs (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/4 | HL: 0/5
    * Prepare Bear Beds (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/4 | HL: 0/5
    * Gather Sweet Honey (Defeat the Mama Bear!) x4
    * Upgrade the Bear Den to Lv.5 (Use your upgrade supplies!)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +5 academy scrolls

    Goal 9:
    * Prepare Bear Porridge (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/6 | HL: 0/8
    * Prepare Bear Chairs (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/6 | HL: 0/8
    * Prepare Bear Beds (Make this in the Workshop!) LL 0/6 | HL: 0/8
    * Visit Community Kingdoms (Advertise the bear and breakfast!) x5
    * Upgrade the Bear Den to Lv.6 (Use your upgrade supplies!)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +25 academy scrolls

    Atrium Antics

    Baron: Child, come here! Would you like to buy my bottled potions?
    Ruler: Wait, what? You're making potions now?
    Baron: I keep them in these bottles to make sure they're safe, of course.
    Ruler: Baron... these aren't potions, these are faeries!
    Baron: No, they're not, they're very rare and special potions!
    Ruler: I can see the wings inside those chests! This is not OK, Baron.
    Baron: If you dislike it so much, you have only to try and get a Faerie Chest! You can do whatever you wish with the potions... after I get my coin.

    Goal 1:
    * Place the Faerie Atrium 0/1
    * Open a Faerie Chest 0/1 | You don't need buy one! Use of the of the free ones from the daily goal.
    Rewards: NA

    Ivy: We've got to do everything we can to free these faeries, ruler.
    Goal 2:
    * Trade for Cub Plushie (3)
    * Trade for Bear Bed (deco)
    * Trade for Wooden Bear (deco)
    * Trade for Mama Bear (resource)
    Rewards: +10 Poppy Faeries

    Daily Goals: A Faerie Dire Situation
    Goal 1:
    * Tend to animals 0/10
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Faerie Chest

    Goal 2:
    * Clear rocks 0/4 | any rock, plant in a log, old log also work
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Faerie Chest

    Goal 3:
    * Defeat monsters 0/4 | auto spawns from Lair of Beasts, Sparing Pit & Prison, chance at the Dark Den
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Faerie Chest
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-09-21 at 08:44 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - added to the Guides

    Bear Den (Level 15+) (2x2) limit 1 Cannot be sold
    This item was only available during A Golden Opportunity event.
    Info: A relic from A Golden Opportunity community event
    Collection time: 2 hours during event | 12 hours post event
    Speed up: 48 gems @ 12 hours
    Drops: coin
    Cost: 12000 coins
    Build/Level 1: no build required | +200 coins | +1 Cub Plushie
    Level 2: 2 each of Bear Porridge, Bear Bed, Bear Chair, 4 Sweet Honey | +250 coins | +2 Cub Plushie
    Level 3: 3 each of Bear Porridge, Bear Bed, Bear Chair, 4 Sweet Honey | +300 coins | +3 Cub Plushie
    Level 4: 4 each of Bear Porridge, Bear Bed, Bear Chair, 4 Sweet Honey | +350 coins | +8 Cub Plushie
    Level 5: 5 each of Bear Porridge, Bear Bed, Bear Chair, 4 Sweet Honey | +400 coins | +15 Cub Plushie
    Level 6: 8 each of Bear Porridge, Bear Bed, Bear Chair | +1400 coins | +25 Cub Plushie

    Lower level requirements:
    Level 2: 1 each of the Bear Porridge, Bear Bed, Bear Chair, 4 Sweet Honey
    Level 3: 1 each of Bear Porridge, Bear Bed, Bear Chair, 4 Sweet Honey
    Level 4: 2 each of Bear Porridge, Bear Bed, Bear Chair, 4 Sweet Honey
    Level 5: 4 each of Bear Porridge, Bear Bed, Bear Chair, 4 Sweet Honey
    Level 6: 6 each of Bear Porridge, Bear Bed, Bear Chair

    Info: A friendly wandering bear.
    Found: Town Square, 200 gems during A Golden Opportunity event
    Uses: Town Square citizen

    Bear bed
    Info: Is this bed too firm? Not firm enough? Or just right?
    Crafted: Faerie Atrium during A Golden Opportunity event
    Uses: 1x1 decoration

    Bear Den
    From A Golden Opportunity event
    Drops: coins
    Collection time: 12 hours
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide

    Clawed tree
    Info: Something's been clawing at this tree!
    Found: market, 40 gems during A Golden Opportunity event
    Uses: chop for event items | 20/20 chops to clear

    Info: A bright and curious young girl! Visit Goldie for Trade Tickets.
    Found: 5th individual prize during A Golden Opportunity event
    Drops: trade tickets
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Mama Bear II
    Info: A very caring mother bear. Visit her to see what she's found for you!
    Found: Faerie Atrium during A Golden Opportunity event
    Drops: ~1100 coins, bacon, bone, creep tooth, fangbeast spawn, fey crystal, fur, jewels, prime cut, rat tail, silver ore, skunkupine spawn
    Collection time: 4 hours

    Mama Bear trap
    Info: Chop to lure a Mama Bear!
    Found: market, 20 gems during
    Uses: chop to lure event monster. 10/10 hits to defeat

    Porridge Cub
    Info: An adorable bear cub with an appetite! Visit for Feasts!
    Found: Adventure drop during A Golden Opportunity event
    Drops: coins (1075, 2075, 10075) hearty feast, mercury feast, simple feast, spicy feast, sweet feast
    Collection time: 12 hours

    Wooden bear
    Info: This decorative statue depicts a not-so-scary bear.
    Crafted: Faerie Atrium during A Golden Opportunity event
    Uses: 1x1 decoration
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-26-21 at 01:05 AM.

  5. #5
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Bear Den Bear Porridge Bear Chair Bear Bed Sweet Honey | Clawed Wood Sweet Flowers Sweet Cream II Carved Dowels Ivy's Pillow Skunk Blankets Downy Feathers | Energy Day Upgrade Day
    Bear Den L1 | | 0,00
    Bear Den L2 2 2 2 4 | 40 4 4 10 2 4 2 | 330 1,43 2
    Bear Den L3 3 3 3 4 | 60 6 6 15 3 6 3 | 463 2,01 4
    Bear Den L4 4 4 4 4 | 80 8 8 20 4 8 4 | 596 2,59 7
    Bear Den L5 5 5 5 4 | 100 10 10 25 5 10 5 | 729 3,17 10
    Bear Den L6 8 8 8 | 160 16 16 40 8 16 8 | 1 064 4,63 14
    Total 22 22 22 16 | 440 44 44 110 22 44 22 | 3 182 13,83 14
    Collector 23 23 23 17 | 461 47 47 116 24 47 24 | 3 358 14,96 15

    Clawed Wood: 4 (Clawed Tree, Clawed Stump [Chop: 20; Drop: 5])
    Sweet Flowers: 5 (Rocket Larkspur)
    Sweet Cream: 8 (Cow)
    Carved Dowels: 3 (Trees [Grow: 5; Chop: 10; Drop: 5])
    Ivy's Pillow: 1 (Ivy's Hut)
    Skunk Blankets: 2 (Skunkupine [Spawn: 0; Defeat: 2])
    Downy Feathers: 4 (Hatchery L1 [Drop Rate: 33%])
    Sweet Honey: 16 (Mama Bear [Spawn: 10; Defeat: 6])
    Energy per Day: 230 (Fully used for the event)

    The Ivy's Hut is the bottleneck!
    Total crafting time: 77 Hours

    Bear - (Card)
    Storable: Yes (Town Square)
    Info: A friendly wandering bear.
    Type: Citizen
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Town Square
    Requirements: 200 gems
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Bear Bed - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A great place for hibernating. Used to upgrade the Bear Den. Made in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 150 gems // 2 Skunk Blankets, 1 Downy Feathers, 10 Clawed Wood
    Used for: Bear Den
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 999
    Comments: Used to upgrade the Bear Den.
    Bear Bed II - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Is this bed too firm? Not firm enough? Or just right?
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Town
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 85 Poppy Faeries, 85 Larkspur Faeries, 50 Maple Faeries
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Bear Chair - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A chair big enough for a bear! Used to upgrade the Bear Den. Made in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 120 gems // 5 Carved Dowels, 1 Ivy's Pillow, 5 Clawed Wood
    Used for: Bear Den
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 999
    Comments: Used to upgrade the Bear Den.
    Bear Den L1 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Club Plushies!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 12000 coins
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (200), Club Plushie
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 1
    Bear Den L2 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Club Plushies!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 2 Bear Porridge, 2 Bear Chair, 2 Bear Bed, 4 Sweet Honey
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (250), Club Plushie
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 2
    Bear Den L3 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Club Plushies!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 3 Bear Porridge, 3 Bear Chair, 3 Bear Bed, 4 Sweet Honey
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (300), Club Plushie
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 3
    Bear Den L4 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Club Plushies!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 4 Bear Porridge, 4 Bear Chair, 4 Bear Bed, 4 Sweet Honey
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (350), Club Plushie
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 8
    Bear Den L5 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Club Plushies!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 5 Bear Porridge, 5 Bear Chair, 5 Bear Bed, 4 Sweet Honey
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (400), Club Plushie
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 15
    Bear Den L6 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Club Plushies!
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 8 Bear Porridge, 8 Bear Chair, 8 Bear Bed
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (1400), Club Plushie
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 25
    Bear Porridge - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A bear's favorite treat! Used to upgrade the Bear Den. Made in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 90 gems // 2 Sweet Flowers, 2 Sweet Cream, 5 Clawed Wood
    Used for: Bear Den
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Production: 30 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Cap: 999
    Comments: Used to upgrade the Bear Den.
    Carved Dowels - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This looks useful! Found by clearing Elm Trees.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 15 gems
    Found: Trees
    Used for: Bear Chair
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 999
    Clawed Stump - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Something's been clawing at this stump! Chop for a chance to find Clawed Wood and Wooden Spoons!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 1000 coins
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Clawed Wood, Wooden Spoon, Skunkupine, Fangbeast, Wood, Living Wood, Sap
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Comments: Can be cleared in 20 actions
    Clawed Tree - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Something's been clawing at this tree! Chop for a higher chance to find Clawed Wood and Wooden Spoons!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 40 gems
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Clawed Wood, Wooden Spoon, Skunkupine, Fangbeast, Wood, Living Wood, Sap
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Comments: Can be cleared in 20 actions
    Clawed Wood - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Some kind of creature must have done this! Found by clearing Clawed Stumps and Clawed Trees.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 10 gems
    Found: Clawed Tree, Clawed Stump
    Used for: Bear Porridge, Bear Chair, Bear Bed
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 999
    Club Plushie
    Storable: No
    Info: Collect Club Plushies to win prizes in the Community Event.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Faerie Atrium
    Requirements: 90 Poppy Faeries, 90 Penstemon Faeries, 85 Larkspur Faeries
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Downy Feathers - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The sofest feathers in the realm! Found by visiting Hatecheries.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 30 gems
    Found: Hatchery
    Used for: Bear Bed
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 999
    Faerie Chest - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Contains bottled Faeries for trade at the Faerie Atrium!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 40 gems // 1 Talinium Faeries
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Event Material, Poppy Faeries, Penstemon Faeries, Larkspur Faeries, Maple Faeries, Talinum Faeries
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020, The Great Glimmergras Celebration - February 2020, Ballad of the Bard - April 2020, Under the Sea - May 2020, Lava Luau - June 2020, Warriors Come Out To Play - July 2020, Wedding of the Centaur-y - August 2020, A Night To Dismember - October 2020, The 3 Hog-atters - November 2020, Favio the Fierce - December 2020, A Dating Dilemma - January 2021, A Piper's Predicament - March 2021, A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Production: 30 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    Goldie - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A btight and curious yourg girl! Visit Goldie for Trade Tickets.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Trade Ticket
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Ivy's Pillow - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Ivy knows all about a good nap! Found by visiting Ivy's Hut.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 20 gems
    Found: Ivy's Hut
    Used for: Bear Chair
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 999
    Larkspur Faeries
    Storable: No
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 3 gems
    Found: Faerie Chest
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020, The Great Glimmergras Celebration - February 2020, Ballad of the Bard - April 2020, Under the Sea - May 2020, Lava Luau - June 2020, Warriors Come Out To Play - July 2020, Wedding of the Centaur-y - August 2020, A Night To Dismember - October 2020, The 3 Hog-atters - November 2020, Favio the Fierce - December 2020, A Dating Dilemma - January 2021, A Piper's Predicament - March 2021, A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 99
    Mama Bear II - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A very caring mother bear. Visit her to see what she's found for you!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 80 Larkspur Faeries, 50 Maple Fairies, 70 Talinium Faeries
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Bacon, Bone, Creep Tooth, Fangbeast, Fey Crystal, Fur, Jewels, Prime Cut, Rat Tail, Silver Ore, Skunkupine
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Mama Bear II (Spawn)
    Storable: No
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Event
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Mama Bear Trap, Farmhouses
    Drops: Sweet Honey, Club Plushie,Energy
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Comments: 10 HP
    Mama Bear Trap - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Chop to lure a Mama Bear!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Other
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Drops: Mama Bear
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    Maple Faeries
    Storable: No
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 4 gems
    Found: Faerie Chest
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020, The Great Glimmergras Celebration - February 2020, Ballad of the Bard - April 2020, Under the Sea - May 2020, Lava Luau - June 2020, Warriors Come Out To Play - July 2020, Wedding of the Centaur-y - August 2020, A Night To Dismember - October 2020, The 3 Hog-atters - November 2020, Favio the Fierce - December 2020, A Dating Dilemma - January 2021, A Piper's Predicament - March 2021, A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 99
    Penstemon Faeries
    Storable: No
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 2 gems
    Found: Faerie Chest
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020, The Great Glimmergras Celebration - February 2020, Ballad of the Bard - April 2020, Under the Sea - May 2020, Lava Luau - June 2020, Warriors Come Out To Play - July 2020, Wedding of the Centaur-y - August 2020, A Night To Dismember - October 2020, The 3 Hog-atters - November 2020, Favio the Fierce - December 2020, A Dating Dilemma - January 2021, A Piper's Predicament - March 2021, A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 99
    Poppy Faeries
    Storable: No
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 1 gem
    Found: Faerie Chest
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020, The Great Glimmergras Celebration - February 2020, Ballad of the Bard - April 2020, Under the Sea - May 2020, Lava Luau - June 2020, Warriors Come Out To Play - July 2020, Wedding of the Centaur-y - August 2020, A Night To Dismember - October 2020, The 3 Hog-atters - November 2020, Favio the Fierce - December 2020, A Dating Dilemma - January 2021, A Piper's Predicament - March 2021, A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 99
    Porridge Cub - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An adorable bear cub with an appetite! Visit for Feasts!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Found: Search the Woods
    Drops: Coins (1075), Simple Feast, Hearty Feast, Mercury Feast, Spicy Feast, Sweet Feast
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 48 gems
    Search the Woods
    Storable: No
    Info: Search to find Bear Den supplies.
    Type: Adventure
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: King's Keep, Queen's Court
    Requirements: 1 Sweet Honey, 5 Wooden Spoon, 1 Golden Egg
    Drops: Sweet Flowers, Sweet Cream, Carved Dowels, Ivy's Pillow, Skunk Blankets, Downy Feathers, Porridge Cub
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Skunk Blankets - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Bears love the smell of Skunkupines. Found by defeating Skunkupines.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 25 gems
    Found: Skunkupine
    Used for: Bear Bed
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 999
    Sweet Cream II - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A delicious dairy product. Found by tending Cows.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 15 gems
    Found: Cows
    Used for: Bear Porridge
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 999
    Sweet Flowers - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: These flowers smell like honey! Found by tending Rocket Larkspurs.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 10 gems
    Found: Rocket Larkspur, Larkspur Shrub
    Used for: Bear Porridge
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 999
    Sweet Honey - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A sticky sweet treat. Found by defeating the Mama Bear.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 40 gems
    Found: Mama Bear
    Used for: Bear Den, Search the Woods
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 999
    Talinium Faeries
    Storable: No
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 6 gems
    Found: Faerie Chest
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020, The Great Glimmergras Celebration - February 2020, Ballad of the Bard - April 2020, Under the Sea - May 2020, Lava Luau - June 2020, Warriors Come Out To Play - July 2020, Wedding of the Centaur-y - August 2020, A Night To Dismember - October 2020, The 3 Hog-atters - November 2020, Favio the Fierce - December 2020, A Dating Dilemma - January 2021, A Piper's Predicament - March 2021, A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 99
    Wooden Bear - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This decorative statue depicts a not-so-scary bear.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Town
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 90 Penstemon Faeries, 85 Larkspur Faeries, 50 Maple Faeries
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Wooden Spoon - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This wooden spoon can withstand a bear's teeth! Found by clearing Clawed Stumps and Clawed Trees.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 15 gems
    Found: Clawed Tree, Clawed Stump
    Used for: Search the Woods
    Events: A Golden Opportunity - April 2021
    Cap: 999
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 04-19-21 at 12:24 PM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    There is a bear in Town Hall that’s selling for 200 gems. Careful and don’t mistake it for 200 crowns. Why is for gems in town hall?..

  7. #7
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    SCROLLS!!!!! And the grand prize drops trade tickets. Thank you S8!

    ... skips merrily back to game

  8. #8
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Screen shots. Although it says parts are made in the kitchen, the porridge is crafted in the workshops.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	41D8A5B8-6E7C-4635-9188-FEADD2421B69.jpg 
Views:	251 
Size:	113.0 KB 
ID:	58893

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CB81F610-DBF4-417B-8958-D32744579707.jpg 
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Size:	128.5 KB 
ID:	58894

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	486AA2F8-1299-43DA-8F84-12D30FE61BA6.jpg 
Views:	246 
Size:	140.2 KB 
ID:	58895

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	EFBF4CBA-0B9D-448B-9C79-87EA47BE1018.jpg 
Views:	277 
Size:	148.6 KB 
ID:	58896

  9. #9
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Also the apron is defining Mama Bear, and I don’t see Papa Bear around.

  10. #10
    Fashion Designer TeikaEmberstorm's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2020
    I like the new items. Maybe we can have previous bear related decor items come back on sale? And thank you S8 for scrolls!

    I wonder if the bear statue in faerie atrium is meant to represent papa bear.

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