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Thread: Castle Story 04/22: The Island of Audra (main story) | goals on page 1

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!

    Castle Story 04/22: The Island of Audra (main story) | goals on page 1

    ! Click on any of the following links for more information

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  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Expansion Information

    Link to the Expansion Nugget (with the map of our board) | The map and coordinates are also below in post 8.

    Link to interactive map (takes you to an external link)

    You will need to force close your game during this storyline to show the new plots if they do not show the yellow lines.
    Part 1:
    W17 - 1 Elven Bow, 1600 RP, 120,000 coins, 10 wisp lantern | 1st plot released
    W18 - 1800 RP, 160,000 coins, 13 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit | 2nd plot released
    W19 - 2200 RP, 220,000 coins, 15 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit | The Temple of Storms is in this plot | 3rd plot released

    Part 2:
    W20 - 1 Spell of Flight, 2400 RP, 300,000 coins, 2 windchaser lanterns, 2 expansion permits | the Storm Cloud is in this plot | 4th plot released
    W21 - 2800 RP, 375,000 coins, 2 windchaser lanterns, 3 expansion permits | 5th plot released

    Part 3:
    W16 - 3000 RP, 425,000 coins, 3 windchaser lanterns, 3 expansion permits | must expand this plot to access W15 | 6th plot released
    W15 - 1 Map of the West Winds, 3300 RP, 500,000 coins, 3 windchaser lanterns, 3 expansion permits | Bounty Hunter Outpost is in this plot | 7th plot released
    W22 - 3600 RP, 600,000 coins, 4 windchaser lanterns, 3 expansion permits | once you expand to W15 you can open this plot | 8th plot released

    Part 4:
    V22: 3800 RP, 650,000 coins, 4 windchaser lanterns, 1 windchaser permit | | once you expand to W22 you can open this plot | 9th plot released
    V21: 1 Sky Compass, 4000 RP, 700,000 coins, 4 windchaser lanterns, 1 windchaser permit | Lulani's Lair is in this plot | 10th plot released

    V20 - 5990 RP, 1,755,000 coins, 10 explorer permits, 16 enchanted lanterns | released during this storyline, but is not related to any goals

    Other plots on the Island of Audra post storyline:
    W14: 5700 RP, 185,000 coins, 4 windchaser lanterns, 9 expansion permits | released 9 June 2021 (last plot on the 2nd row, right side)

    3rd row of land (from right to left as they were released)
    X13: 5900 RP, 2,055,000 coins, 6 windchaser lanterns, 3 windchaser permit | X13-16 released 6 July 2021
    X14: 5900 RP, 2,055,000 coins, 6 windchaser lanterns, 3 windchaser permit
    X15: 5900 RP, 2,055,000 coins, 5 windchaser lanterns, 2 windchaser permit
    X16: 5900 RP, 2,055,000 coins, 5 windchaser lanterns, 2 windchaser permit
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 07-06-21 at 03:00 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - Part I
    11 goals

    *Special thanks to bobbyrae, RonjaR82, ladlasse, nic_hawk, Lyzau, mxs010, farmerted7 for providing and collating goal info to the community*

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * You must have Sabina's house, Thurston's Fort and the Elven Outpost to trigger these goals.
    * This storyline unlocks a whole new island to the south of the Glimmerwoods called the Island of Audra
    * The timed goal below was only available to players when this goal was released. The timed goal is only to complete Part 1 within 7 days of the release of the goal.

    Ivy: A new permanent storyline is available! A new area of land has been discovered! Get ready to explore a brand new part of your realm and complete a limited time challenge to win an exclusive pet!
    1: Unlocking the Island of Audra
    * Build Thurston's Fort
    * Build Sabina’s House
    * Reach the Elven Outpost
    * Begin the Island of Audra 0/1 GO | pressing GO will begin the challenge | Ivy: Here we go!
    Rewards: 5 gems
    Congratulations: Ivy: You've unlocked the Island of Audra

    Timed Goal
    * If you complete Part 1 of The Island of Audra in 7 days you can win the Bounty Hunter pet. If you do not complete PART 1 in 7 days
    * This timed goal was only available to players when this goal was released.

    Ivy: Ruler, I've got a challenge for you! You do not need to complete this goal to progress in the Island of Audra.
    Ivy: Complete this chain of quests before time runs out and win an exclusive Bounty Hunter pet!
    Goal 1: A Bountiful Journey
    * Explore the Island of Audra 0/1 GO | Goal 7, Part 1: Expansion requirements: W17 - Find the Elven Bow, 1600 RP, 120,000 coins, 10 wisp lantern
    Rewards: n/a
    Congratulations: Ivy: Well done!

    Ivy: Ruler, I've got a challenge for you! You do not need to complete this goal to progress in the Island of Audra.
    Ivy: Complete this chain of quests before time runs out and win an exclusive Bounty Hunter pet!
    Goal 2: A Bountiful Journey
    * Explore the Island of Audra 0/1 GO | Goal 11, Part 1: Expansion requirements: W18 - 1800 RP, 160,000 coins, 13 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit
    Rewards: n/a
    Congratulations: Ivy: Well done!

    Ivy: Ruler, I've got a challenge for you! You do not need to complete this goal to progress in the Island of Audra.
    Ivy: Complete this chain of quests before time runs out and win an exclusive Bounty Hunter pet!
    Goal 3: A Bountiful Journey
    * Explore the Island of Audra 0/1 GO | Goal 11, Part 1: Expansion requirements: W19 - 2200 RP, 220,000 coins, 15 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit
    Rewards: Bounty Hunter
    Congratulations: Ivy: Well done! (The bounty hunter will come up to place on your board)

    Adamir: Thank you for your kindness, friend. I'm sorry, but I bring news of great trouble.
    Goal 1:
    * Prepare sweet cider 0/1 GO (skip 70 gems) | Kitchen, 2 hours - 5 wood, 2 syrup, 2 enchanter's essence (craft disappears after crafting 2)
    * Drink the sweet cider 0/2 GIVE (skip 70 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: Ah, I'm much warmer now! Where do I begin?

    Adamir: The elves and the realm are allies, surely some of our armor is used by the knights.
    Goal 2:
    * Search the watchtowers 0/1 GO (skip 10 gems)
    * Find the windchaser shield 0/1 GO (skip 10 gems) | not a guaranteed drop. Only the original watchtower will drop this item.
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: This is exactly what we need!

    Adamir: It is a sad tale. That weapon brings nothing but darkness. We must find it!
    Goal 3:
    * Search for the windchaser sword 0/1 (skip 12 gems) | You can go on any adventure in the CASTLE, so go short ones like Toadstool @ 2 hours, or Gone Fishin' @ 4 hours if you have them. It's collecting from an adventure that clears this goal. The sword drops from the adventure.
    * Find the windchaser sword 0/1 GO (skip 12 gems)
    * Forge windchaser armor 0/1 GO (skip 135 gems) | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 1 windchaser sword, 1 windchaser shield, 5 Mithril
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: This armor will do nicely!

    Thurston: Be careful, my liege! The knights say her aim was impeccable.
    Goal 4:
    * Search the farmhouse 0/1 GO (skip 10 gems)
    * Find the windchaser arrow 0/5 GO (skip 50 gems) | | not guaranteed, but plentiful.
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Here, one of the trespasser's arrows!

    Adamir: We need to find Kalani...though, we should go with weapons in case.
    Goal 5:
    * Make golden paint 0/1 GO (skip 70 gems) | Potion Shop, 30 minutes - 20 white petals, 10 red petals, 10 water
    * Forge a golden arrow 0/10 GO (skip 800 gems) | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 1 golden paint, 1 windchaser arrow (from farmhouse in previous goal)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: What fine craftmanship!

    Adamir: Payne has flown through many storms. He should keep up with Nadina nicely!
    Goal 6:
    * Introduce yourself to Payne 0/1 GO | simply press Go to complete this goal.
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Elven Bow
    Congratulations: Adamir: Ready?

    Thurston: Be careful, my liege. I'll await your prompt return.
    Goal 7:
    * Journey to the Island of Audra 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: W17 - Find the Elven Bow, 1600 RP, 120,000 coins, 10 wisp lanterns
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: Ah, we're here. Welcome to the Island of Audra.

    Adamir: I'm unsure if this is the work of magic...or something else.
    Goal 8:
    * Investigate the cloud 0/1 GO (skip 20 gems) | collect from a cloud - market, 500 coins, or find in an expansion plot
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: Did you find anything?
    Note: When the plot opens, the Clouds are greyed out and need collecting from to unlock them. They have a green arrow on them. Select the green arrow and then they are available to collect from.
    Note: The Clouds are now available to purchase from the market for 500 coins. There are 2 types, but they have the same drops.

    Adamir: I've never seen this before, but I've heard tales. Let's take a closer look.
    Goal 9:
    * Gather cloud stones 0/25 GO (skip 500 gems) | The lightning stones are rarer; the cloud stones are bountiful! The cloud has a 10 minute timer.
    * Give cloud stones to Adamir 0/25 GIVE (skip 500 gems) | wait till you have 25 and the first goal completes before you give them to Adamir.
    * Give lightning stones to Adamir 0/250 GIVE (skip 500 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: These stones, they're so very beautiful.

    Clear any monsters off your board for this goal as you need to spawn the skyhawk from the cloud. They are a bountiful spawn!
    Adamir: This island is home to the wild Skyhawk, watch out for their sharp talons!
    Goal 10:
    * Explore the clouds 0/1 GO | collect from the cloud to you spawn a skyhawk. 15/15 hits to defeat.
    * Defeat the wild skyhawk 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: That was a close one!

    Adamir: Kalani would have returned to her birthplace to find her sister, the Temple of Storms.
    Goal 11:
    * Journey to the Temple of Storms 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: expand to W18 first- 1800 RP, 160,000 coins, 13 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit; and then to the Temple of Storms, W19 - 2200 RP, 220,000 coins, 15 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit
    Rewards: 10000 coin, 10 xp, + Bounty Hunter (if finished in 7 days), + Skyhawk
    Congratulations: Adamir: Ah, we've made it...

    PART 1 concludes and PART 2 begins.

    Part 1 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Ruler: Wow, this storm is getting pretty noisy!
    Baron: We've been stuck inside this tavern for hours!
    Thurston: We haven't seen a storm like this in ages, my liege!
    Ivy: It's a good thing we have the tavern to keep us safe and warm!
    Old Thomas: Why hello there, Young Ruler... Sir Thurston... Miss Ivy.
    Ruler: Hey, Old Thomas! What've you got there?
    Old Thomas: Oh, well, I stumbled upon some old books in my study. This one is full of wind maps!
    Ruler: Wind maps?
    Old Thomas: Yes, you see...
    Adamir: My friend... I fear I come to you in need of help.
    Ruler: Adamir? It's been a while, what's going on? Have you come to seek refuge from the storm as well?
    Adamir: I apologize for the intrusion. You see, the elves are in quite the predicament.
    Baron: Well, that's my cue! Child, not only is this gather rather boring, but the rain is lulling me to sleep. I shall retreat to the tavern's sleeping quarters and take a nap.
    Ruler: What's going on, Adamir? Here, warm up with a warm cider and sit.

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: So, what's going on, Adamir?
    Adamir: You see, my friend, the elves are in great need of your help. Nadina and I flew here as fast as we could... the Staff of Audra... it's been stolen.
    Ruler: The staff of what now?
    Adamir: The staff of Audra. It is one of the most powerful weapons known to the realm. Us elves have kept it safe for many years after its...troubled...past. I fear it is the reason for the storm...and they're going to get much worse.
    Thurston: That doesn't sound good, my liege.
    Ruler: No, it doesn't. What can we do to help, Adamir?
    Adamir: We'll need to travel, and far. It will be hard in this storm, but if we can find some elven armor lying about the realm, it should be light enough for our birds to carry us to our destination.

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: So, this staff, where did it come from?
    Adamir: The staff belonged to Queen Audra, hence its name. She was a powerful elf, witch of the skies, but dark magic took hold of her. Her weapon was tainted with the dark magic that overtook her. She is survived by two daughters, Kalani, a great warrior who has served the elves for many years. And Lulani...who was banished for siding with her mother...
    Ruler: What happened to Queen Audra?
    Adamir: There was a war, between the light and dark elves. Kalani was forced to slay her mother, and retrieve the staff. She spared her sister, but Lulani and the dark elves were banished to live on the Island of Audra, named after their queen.

    Goal 4:
    Thurston: My liege, I come with news.
    Ruler: What is, Thurston?
    Thurston: A strange woman, wearing elven armor, was spotted on a nearby farm. The knights tried to stop her but were met with arrows.
    Adamir: Elven armor, you say?
    Ruler: Let's go check it out...

    Goal 5:
    Thurston: My liege, look. It is one of the arrows shot towards the knights.
    Ruler: Wow, it's so lightweight.
    Adamir: Let me see that... This is no ordinary arrow, my friends. This belongs to Kalani...but what is she doing here?
    Ruler: And why was she shooting arrows at the knights?
    Adamir: That is a good question.
    Ruler: Could she have stolen the staff?
    Adamir: way... I mean... I don't think so. There must be more to this. We should prepare ourselves for any outcome, however. We must be prepared.

    Goal 6:
    Adamir: My friends, I have word on Kalani. Whilst there was a break in the storm, she was spotted flying towards her homeland.
    Ruler: Where's that?
    Adamir: The Island of Audra. We must go at once.
    Thurston: But the will pick back up soon...
    Adamir: I know it is a treacherous journey, but I feel worse awaits us if we do not follow her and find out what is happening.
    Ruler: Alright, we'll go. how do we get there?
    Adamir: The Island of Audra is only reachable to sky and sea, but the storm has made the seas too treacherous for ships. We shall fly.
    Thurston: My liege, I uh, I think I shall stay.
    Ruler: What's wrong, Thurston?
    Thurston: A knight's duties are to be performed on the ground, not in the skies...
    Ruler: You're afraid of heights aren't you?
    Thurston: I fear nothing, my liege. I only wish to serve my duties on soil.
    Ruler: That's alright, I'll go with Adamir, you stay here.
    Thurston: Thank you, my liege.
    Adamir: My friend, meet Payne. Nadina's brother. He shall carry you safely over to the Island of Audra.
    Payne: Cawwwww!
    Ruler: Why hello there, Payne!

    Goal 7:
    Ruler: Alright, I think that's all that we'll need.
    Adamir: The skies are becoming darker, my liege. Another storm approaches fast. We'd better move quickly then. The skies show no mercy.

    Goal 8:
    Ruler: Phew, we made it! That was a close one.
    Adamir: The skies are clearer here, almost as if we're in the eye of the storm... Magic must be protecting the island from the storm.
    Ruler: Look at these clouds, why're they so close to the ground?
    Adamir: Hmm, something must be weighing them down. Let's take a look!

    Goal 9:
    Ruler: These clouds...they seem to be slowly...crystalizing.
    Adamir: Let me see... I fear you're right. This must be caused by the Staff of Audra... Let's gather some of these stones, maybe we can find some use for them and learn more about what's happening here.

    Goal 10:
    Ruler: This island is so beautiful... You know, I think this is the first time I've left the realm since...
    Adamir: Since when?
    Ruler: Well, since I woke up... I don't remember anything before then.
    Ruler: What was that?
    Adamir: Look, in the clouds! Shadows!
    Ruler: It looks big! What is that?
    Adamir: I hope it's not what I think it is...

    Goal 11:
    Ruler: Are you alright, Adamir?
    Adamir: I am fine, and you?
    Ruler: A little battle is good for the mind! Does that bird belong to Kalani?
    Adamir: I believe that skyhawk is one of the native birds of the island...though I do imagine Kalani has come here. Quick, follow me before we attract anymore company!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-12-21 at 01:10 AM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - Part II
    6 goals | there are no timed goals in this part

    Adamir: We must be quick and quiet, we do not know what Kalani is up to.
    Goal 1:
    * Enter the Temple of Storms 0/1 GO (skip 3 gems) | collect from the Temple (4 hour timer or 8 gems to speed up if you want to start immediately)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, windchaser lantern craft now unlocked
    Congratulations: Adamir: Do you see anything?

    Adamir: You handle the skyhawks, I'll try and decipher these blueprints!
    Goal 2:
    * Defeat wild skyhawks 0/1 GO
    * Gather skyhawk feathers 0/4 GO (skip 128 gems)
    * Gather cloud stones 0/6 GO (skip 120 gems) | if you want to, park a monster and collect from the clouds to get the stones and then go back to defeating wild skyhawks for the feathers
    * Forge a windchaser lantern 0/1 GO (skip 275 gems) | Workshop, 5 hours - 4 skyhawk feathers, 10 wisp lanterns, 6 cloud stones | you will need 2 windchaser lanterns to expand in goal 5 and you can craft them both now if you want to
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: There are too many of them! We must retreat!

    Adamir: I hate to retreat now, but we need backup!
    Goal 3:
    * Visit the tavern 0/1 GO (skip 7 gems)
    * Drink sweet cider 0/2 GIVE (skip 70 gems) | this is the same craft as in Part 1
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: Ah, nothing like a warm beverage after a long flight.

    Ivy: Come on, I'll help you convince Thurston. I have an idea!
    Goal 4:
    * Visit Thurston's Fort 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 Spell of Flight
    Congratulations: Ivy: Alright, he's in!

    Ivy: I'm sure everything will be fine! He just has to hold on tight!
    Goal 5:
    * Journey further into the Island of Audra 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: W20 - 1 Spell of Flight, 2400 RP, 300,000 coins, 2 windchaser lanterns, 2 expansion permits
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Phew, we made it! I totally expected we would...yep.

    Kalani: There's plenty of magic on this island, light and dark. Why don't you explore?
    Goal 6:
    * Explore the Storm Cloud 0/1 GO (skip 3 gems) | the Storm Cloud is in plot W20. Collection timer 4 hours (16 gems to speed up)
    * Gather wind stones 0/10 GO (skip 200 gems) | the stones are not a guaranteed drop, so this goal will take a while!
    * Give wind stones to Adamir 0/10 GIVE (skip 200 gems) | wait till you have all 10 before you give them to Adamir
    Note: this goal unlocks plot W21
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, + Kalani
    Congratulations: Kalani: I guess I have some answers you've been seeking...

    PART 2 concludes and PART 3 begins.

    Part 2 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Ruler: It's really quiet around here. Where is everyone?
    Adamir: That, my friend, I'm not sure of. The temple itself looks rather empty... let's venture inside, but quietly...

    Goal 2:
    Adamir: Oh looks as if no one has been here for ages...
    Ruler: *Achoo*! Everything is covered in dust...
    Adamir: Look, here, this book. It's been opened recently.
    Ruler: What is it?
    Adamir: It's instructions, blueprints for supplies necessary to explore the island. If we wish to travel further, we may need it.
    Ruler: Uh oh...
    Adamir: Oh no...the skyhawks must have followed us here.

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: Adamir! Watch out!
    Adamir: Thanks, friend!
    Ruler: We need to retreat...we need more people!
    Adamir: But we're so close...
    Ruler: I know, Adamir, but we won't make it.
    Adamir: You're right. Quickly, back to Nadine and Payne!

    Goal 4:
    Ivy: Hey! You're back a lot sooner than we expected.
    Ruler: We had to retreat... We're going to need help to find Kalani.
    Ivy: I'll go!
    Ruler: Thanks, Ivy. We'll need all the help we can get.
    Ivy: Where's Thurston?
    Ruler: He's...afraid of heights.
    Ivy: Really? Oh, come on! We'll convince him to go.
    Ruler: I don't know, Ivy. He seemed pretty adamant about staying on the ground.
    Ivy: There's nothing a little magic can't fix!

    Goal 5:
    Ruler: Wow, that thunder is loud.
    Thurston: Indeed it is, my liege. That is why we must depart soon! Adamir informs me it will only get worse.
    Ruler: Thurston! You're going?
    Thurston: Of course, my liege. I hear this trip is dangerous. You will need my protection!
    Ruler: How did you convince him to come, Ivy?
    Ivy: I have him a scroll and told him it would allow to fly if he falls.
    Ruler: Wow, you can do that?
    Ivy: I have no idea, but it worked!
    Ruler: Oh boy...

    Goal 6:
    Ruler: I need to dry off!
    Ivy: Me too! Flying through that storm has me soaked!
    *Thunder crashing*
    Ivy: Whoa, that was loud.
    Ruler: Yeah, sounded close.
    Thurston: My liege, the crashing comes from that cloud.
    Adamir: This is definitely the dark magic from the Staff of Audra...
    Ruler: Do you think Kalani stole the staff?
    Adamir: I've no idea why'd she do such a thing...
    Kalani: That's because I wouldn't.
    Adamir: Kalani!
    Kalani: Welcome back to the Island of Audra, Adamir. It must be years since you've stepped foot on these lands.
    Adamir: Indeed it has. What're you doing here, Kalani?
    Kalani: Same think as you, I imagine. I've come for the Staff of Audra.
    Adamir: Do you know who took it?
    Kalani: I do, but for now, I need to rest. It's been a long journey. The storm's had me stranded in this spot for the last few days. Why don't you all look around and I'll catch you up later?
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-12-21 at 01:11 AM.

  5. #5
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - Part III
    9 goals | there are no timed goals in this part

    Kalani: This is going to be quite the journey. you all will need your rest before continue.
    Goal 1:
    * Visit the tavern 0/1 GO (skip 7 gems)
    * Visit Thurston's fort 0/1 GO (skip 15 gems)
    * Visit the Temple of Storms 0/1 GO (skip 3 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Kalani: Alright, let's do this.

    Kalani: We must reach my sister before the bounty hunters do. Nothing good will come of that.
    Goal 2:
    * Search the Island for Lulani 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: W21 - 2800 RP, 375,000 coins, 2 windchaser lanterns, 3 expansion permits
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Kalani: What's happening to the clouds?

    Adamir: If we destroy the Sky Shards we may be able to hinder the spread of the dark magic!
    Goal 3:
    * Destroy sky shards 0/1 GO (skip 40 gems) | you can buy these in the market for coins and they are now in new expansion plots | clear in 20 actions | can spawn Wild Skyhawks and Skunkupines
    * Defeat the Wild Skyhawk 0/1 GO (skip 20 gems)
    * Find any clues 0/1 GO (skip 30 gems) | the clue is found by defeating the Skyhawk. It might take a couple of times to defeat before the clue drops
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: What's that you've found?

    Kalani: We must catch our breath before we decide what to do next.
    Goal 4:
    * Rest at the Temple of Storms 0/1 GO (skip 3 gems)
    Note: this goal unlocks plot W16. You have to unlock this plot first before you can unlock W15 where the Bounty Hunter outpost is.
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Kalani: The temple is full of history... It's so eerie being back home.

    Thurston: Old Thomas mentioned wind maps before Adamir found us!
    Goal 5:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 GO (skip 3 gems) | you receive the Wind Pattern
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 Map of the West Winds
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Why, hello there Young Ruler.

    Adamir: These bounty hunters are some of our best elven warriors. We'll need their help.
    Goal 6:
    * Journey to the Bounty Hunter's Post 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: expand to W16 first - 3000 RP, 425,000 coins, 3 windchaser lanterns, 3 expansion permits and then expand to W15 - 1 Map of the West Winds, 3300 RP, 500,000 coins, 3 windchaser lanterns, 3 expansion permits
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: What...what's happened here?

    Adamir: I see no sign of our allies. Hopefully they're alright...
    Goal 7:
    * Enter the Bounty Hunter's Outpost 0/1 GO | 8 hour timer
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Note: plot W22 is now available to expand to - 3600 RP, 600,000 coins, 4 windchaser lanterns, 3 expansion permits
    Congratulations: Adamir: Hello?

    Thurston: No time for quarrels, my liege! We're under attack.
    Goal 8:
    * Defeat the Dark Elf 0/1 GO | spawn from the Bounty Hunter's Outpost and clouds | 15/15 hits to defeat
    * Gather Seal of the Dark Elf 0/1 GO (skip 40 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 Windchaser Permit
    Congratulations: Thurston: Is everyone alright?

    Thurston: Into battle we go! Huzzah!
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat the Dark Elves 0/1 GO (skip 40 gems)
    * Gather Seal of the Dark Elf 0/5 GO (skip 200 gems)
    * Gather cloud stones 0/8 GO (skip 160 gems)
    * Prepare the Windchaser Permit | this goal will autocomplete as the permit is a reward from goal 8
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, + Dark Elf
    Congratulations: Thurston: Ouch, that hurt!

    PART 3 concludes and PART 4 begins.

    Part 3 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Adamir: Kalani, you must tell us, where is the Staff of Audra?
    Kalani: You remember my sister, Lulani...
    Adamir: How can I forget...she was banished.
    Kalani: Banishment was a mercy at the time...but her time alone on this island with the dark elves took its toll. I'm afraid the same dark magic that took over our mother has taken over her and forced her steal the staff. She now wields the staff, and we must take it back, before she suffers the same fate.
    Adamir: I'm so sorry, Kalani.
    Kalani: Apologies aren't needed, but your help is. Help me retrieve the staff and save my sister before she destroys the Glimmerwoods in an act of vengeance.
    Ruler: Destroys the Glimmerwoods?
    Kalani: She'd see to nothing sooner. These storms are just the beginning.
    Adamir: We're here to help, Kalani.
    Ruler: All of us.
    Thurston: Huzzah!
    Ivy: Let's do this!

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: Alright, is everyone ready?
    Ivy: I think so!
    Thurston: Wait...what is that overhead?
    Ruler: Wow, they're flying fast!
    Kalani: Was that...a bounty hunter?
    Adamir: Kalani, I'm sorry... I had to tell them.
    Kalani: They'll harm Lulani!
    Adamir: Kalani, I promise if she surrenders, no harm shall come to her.
    Kalani: She wont surrender! I must find her first... There's no time to argue, we must go now.
    Adamir: I had no choice... She will destroy the realm.
    Ruler: We know, Adamir. You're trying to do the right thing. Come on, we'll find her.

    Goal 3:
    Adamir: What...what is this? What's happening to the clouds?
    Kalani: Lulani's's spreading... We must stop it, if it spreads too far it can reach the realm. It will do far more damage than storms.
    Adamir: Skyhawks...
    Kalani: Everyone get ready... I have a feeling things are just getting started.

    Goal 4:
    Thurston: My liege, look.
    Ruler: What is that? Some kind of fabric?
    Adamir: Let me see that... This is...
    Kalani: ...the dark elves...
    Adamir: Indeed.
    Kalani: Our problems have only grown worse if that is the case. My sister must have them fighting for her. If we're to go up against the dark elves, we must regain our strength. Let's return to the Temple of Storms. We can rest and come up with a plan.

    Goal 5:
    Ruler: The Temple of Storms is beautiful... Look what I've found! What are these drawings?
    Kalani: Those are the wind patterns of the island. The paths we must travel can get quite treacherous without a map. Especially if Lulani is where I think she is...we'll need to go through the West Winds. The maps were lost by our people long ago.
    Ruler: Wait -- do you mean wind maps?
    Kalani: I do.
    Ruler: I think I know where they might be..

    Goal 6:
    Old Thomas: Why, Young Ruler. I am so glad to see you.
    Ruler: No time for talk, Old Thomas. We need those wind maps!
    Old Thomas: Oh, you have come to finally listen about my wind maps!
    Kalani: This, here, the Map of the West Winds.
    Old Thomas: Oh, yes, go right ahead. Take a look!
    Ruler: Old Thomas, we need this, to save the realm!
    Old Thomas: On another adventure I see. You are welcome to anything you need.
    Kalani: This is exactly what we need. If we follow this, we can reach Lulani's Lair.
    Adamir: We will need more help, as great as our group is, the dark elves will be too dangerous to face in such a small group. We shall to to the Bounty Hunter's Outpost. They should be there by now. They will help us fight the dark elves and defeat Lulani.

    Goal 7:
    Ruler: Whoa...
    Thurston: It looks like some type of battle has befallen the post, my liege.
    Adamir: Indeed it has... I see no sign of our bounty hunters...
    Thurston: Perhaps they're inside?
    Kalani: There's no way my sister's warrior have overtaken the bounty hunters.
    Adamir: There's only one way to find out.

    Goal 8:
    Adamir: Hello? Is anyone here? It is I, Adamir...
    Bounty Hunter: Adamir...
    Adamir: Oh, my, it is one of our bounty hunters!
    Bounty Hunter: I'm sorry, Adamir...there were just too many of them. We weren't able to defeat them in battle.
    Adamir: Where are the others?
    Bounty Hunter: I'm afraid I'm all that's left here... A few might have escaped and made their way towards Lulani's Lair but it's hard to tell.
    Adamir: Lulani must be stopped at once.
    Bounty Hunter: I pledge myself to you and your group, I will stop at nothing to defeat this new dark queen.
    Kalani: Hold your tongue. You know not of what you speak.
    Bounty Hunter: I think I got a pretty good idea of her intentions first hand. I will take her with my own arrow.
    Kalani: No harm shall come to my sister.
    Dark Elf: Halt! Freeze, in the name of Lady Lulani!
    Ruler: Ladies, I think we'll have to revisit this conversation later...

    Goal 9:
    Kalani: I fear we are surrounded...
    Adamir: Not to worry, we have some of the best elven warriors at our side.
    Ivy: And the realm's best knight.
    Thurston: And our fearless leader!
    Ruler: Let's do this!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 06-06-21 at 04:36 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - Part IV
    5 goals | Main Storyline

    Adamir: They've blocked our way home, we must go further into the island's forest!
    Goal 1:
    * Escape further into the Island of Audra 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: V22: 3800 RP, 650,000 coins, 4 windchaser lanterns, 1 windchaser permit. Note: you have to expand to W22 first.
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Adamir: I think we're safe here...

    Thurston: We must warn the real, hurry my liege!
    Goal 2:
    * Warn community members of the storm 0/20 GO (skip 180 gems)
    * Ask for wanted poster 0/20 GO (skip 160 gems)
    * Visit Sabina's house 0/1 GO (skip 6 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 Sky Compass
    Congratulations: Thurston: Everyone has taken shelter. They should be safe for now.

    Thurston: I await your return, my liege. Fight bravely, the realm depends on you.
    Goal 3:
    * Journey to Lulani's Lair 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: V21: 1 Sky Compass, 4000 RP, 700,000 coins, 4 windchaser lanterns, 1 windchaser permit
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Kalani: Alright, everyone. We've arrived.
    Note: This is the last expansion for this storyline. Do no complete this goal if you want to continue making Windchaser lanterns or permits
    Note: Lulani's Lair has a 4 hour collection timer

    Note: Clear any monsters off your board as you need to spawn Lulani when you collect from the Lair.
    Kalani: My sister is sure to be in her lair. We must go at once before it's too late!
    Goal 4:
    * Destroy sky shards 0/1 GO (skip 40 gems)
    * Find Lulani's helm 0/1 GO (skip 40 gems) | the helm will drop during chopping the sky shard. You might want to park a monster only for this bit if you don't want to keep fighting wild skyhawks. But make sure your board is clear when you collect from Lulani's Lair once it's ready for collection in 4 hours (unless you gem skip).
    * Enter Lulani's Lair 0/1 GO (skip 3 gems) | will spawn Lulani
    Rewards: 100 coins, +10 xp
    Congratulations: Kalani: Lulani's helmet was on the battlefield...

    Lulani: I'm stronger than our mother was, and I won't be defeated.
    Goal 5:
    * Defeat Lulani 0/1 GO | 150/150 hits to defeat, spawns from the Lair. If you have already have a monster on your board, clear and the next time to collect from the Lair it will spawn Lulani | during battle, Lulani will drop troll horn, jewels and troll essence
    * Retrieve the Staff of Audra 0/1 GO (skip 170 gems) | this goal will autocomplete when you defeat Lulani
    * Return the Staff of Audra 0/1 GIVE (skip 10 gems) | simply press GIVE to complete this goal
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 30 xp + Lulani
    Congratulations: Lulani: Wha...what? What just happened?

    Thurston: The realm owes you a great debt, my liege. You're truly a hero.
    Goal: A Victory In The Realm
    * Celebrate your victory 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100,000 coins
    Congratulations: Thurston: Until next time!


    Part 4 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Thurston: My liege...
    Ruler: Thurston, you're hurt!
    Thurston: It is but a scratch, my liege.
    Ruler: Adamir -- we must retreat! There are too many of them, Adamir.
    Kalani: No, we fund find Lulani! Before the bounty hunters find her!
    Adamir: Kalani we must go, please...
    Kalani: Fine! Retreat! Everyone retreat!

    Goal 2:
    Adamir: I believe we're safe here.
    Thurston: Not for long, look at the skies.
    Kalani: Dark magic and thunder swell within the clouds... Lulani is sure to destroy the realm with her dark magic soon.
    Thurston: My liege, the clouds move toward the realm! We must go back and warn everyone.
    Ruler: Thurston's right. We must go back.
    Kalani: I will wait here for your return.
    Adamir: Kalani, it's not safe...
    Kalani: I can hold my own. Go, warn your people and return. We will find my sister soon enough and stop this nonsense.

    Goal 3:
    Sabina: Thurston!
    Thurston: Sabina, my dear, I'm so glad you're safe.
    Sabina: The storms...they've caused so much damage...dark magic comes from the sky.
    Thurston: I know, my sweet Sabina.
    Old Thomas: What in the name of the Glimmerwoods is happening, Young Ruler?
    Ruler: Don't worry, Old Thomas, we will fix this... Everyone, take shelter, Keep each other close and stay safe. We will be back. Thurston, it's time for us to go.
    Thurston: I cannot go, my liege.
    Ruler: What?
    Ivy: Thurston...this may be the most dangerous adventure our ruler has taken on. It is only appropriate their best knight be at their side. Come with us.
    Thurston: I know, Miss Ivy. I know that this is a dangerous journey. My liege, I beg your pardon and ask to stay with the realm. They need protection now more than ever. I cannot leave them.
    Ruler: I understand, Thurston.
    Old Thomas: Young Ruler, I beg that you reconsider. Thurston has sworn to protect you and always has. In this dark hour, you may need him now more than ever.
    Ruler: You're right, Old Thomas, I may. But the realm needs him more.
    Thurston: Your bravery is unmatched, my liege. This is why I've sworn myself to you.

    Goal 4:
    Adamir: Kalani, you're safe.
    Kalani: I told you I could hold my own. I'm glad you're back though, I've located Lulani's whereabouts.
    Adamir: That is great news.
    Kalani: Where's your knight?
    Ruler: He's protecting everyone back at the realm. It's just us.
    Kalani: Well, it'll have to do. See that lair over there? That's where Lulani will be.
    Bounty Hunter: It looks like a few of the bounty hunters made it here... I see signs of battle.
    Adamir: You're right...
    Kalani: Then we must move quickly.

    Goal 5:
    Kalani: Lulani's old helmet... She best not be harmed, Adamir... If she is, she brought it on herself! Then you've brought my wrath upon yours.
    Lulani: Ladies, ladies, what's all the fuss about?
    Kalani: Lulani! She...she looks just like mother did...
    Lulani: Sister... I see you found my old helmet. Ratty old thing really... but great for knocking around a few bounty hunters.
    Bounty Hunter: My aim is great, dark queen. I shall strike you down.
    Lulani: Aww, that's cute. I'm afraid you won't be able to do much, though. My magic grows stronger by the second...and soon you and all of your people who banished me away to this island will pay.
    Kalani: Lulani, please, return the staff. You can overcome this darkness. Do not suffer the same fate as our mother.
    Lulani: What fate? The one where she died at your hand? Are you going to strike me down, sister?
    Kalani: Please...Lulani...
    Lulani: Prepare yourselves then... I have powers you might find quite shocking.

    Conclusion: A Victory In The Realm (after goal 5 is complete)
    Lulani: What...what happened?
    Kalani: You've lost, Lulani.
    Lulani: But...I can't... my magic...
    Kalani: You've escaped with your life, Lulani. Unlike our mother.
    Lulani: You spared me?
    Kalani: I'd have spared her to if I had the chance. Come with me now, sister. I'll take care of your while you recover. I will help you rebuild this land to what it once was.
    Ruler: We'll all help. We'll be happy to.
    Kalani: Thank you, friend.
    *Back in the Glimmerwoods*
    Thurston: Huzzah! The storm has cleared! My liege! You've made it back!
    Ruler: Thurston, I see you kept everyone safe.
    Thurston: Of course, my liege.
    Baron: What's all this ruckus? Can't you tell when a man's trying nap?
    Ruler: Has he been asleep this whole time?
    Thurston: He sure has...
    Ruler: Wow.
    Old Thomas: Welcome home, Young Ruler.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 06-06-21 at 04:57 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - added to the Inventory and Building Guide 14 October 2021
    Any additional drops will now only be recorded in the Guides.

    Bounty Hunter
    Info: A loyal elven bounty hunter. Visit them to see what they've found for you!
    Found: reward for completing Part 1 of The Island of Audra
    Drops: ~150 coins, creep tooth, fur, hearty feast, light armor, longsword, milk (most common drop), rat tails, simple feast
    Collection time: 6 hours (24 gems to speed up)

    Bounty Hunter's Outpost
    Info: A resting spot for great elven warriors.
    Found: expand to W15 - 1 Map of the West Winds, 3300 RP, 500,000 coins, 3 windchaser lanterns, 3 expansion permits during Part 3 of The Island of Audra
    Drops: 800 coins, baked butterfish, butterfish, catfish, catfish soup, Dark Elf spawn, fish, mercury feast, sentry horn, troll club, troll essence, troll horn
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Info: A cloud that floats close to the ground. Visit it to find Cloud Stones.
    Found: market 500 coins, expanding in Island of Audra plots | released in Goal 8, Part 1 of The Island of Audra
    Drops: lightning stone, cloud stone, glimmerdust, mushrooms, petals (all colours)
    Collection time: 10 minutes
    Related items: Cloud, Small Cloud | spawns Wild Skyhawk (15/15 hits to defeat), Dark Elf (15/15 hits to defeat)

    Cloud stones
    Info: A hardened piece of cloud caused by magic. Found by exploring clouds. Used for crafting.
    Found: collecting from clouds, chopping sky shard, Skyhawk pet (1-3) | released during The Island of Audra
    Uses: item in Windchaser Lantern craft (Workshop, 6), item in Windchaser Permit craft (Royal Exchange, 8)

    Dark Elf (spawn)
    Found: spawn from the Bounty Hunter's Outpost and clouds | 15/15 hits to defeat | released from Goal 8, Part 3 of The Island of Audra
    Drops during battle: creep tooth, boar tusk, feral magic, fur, troll essence, troll horn | upon defeat: Seal of the Dark Elf

    Dark Elf
    Info: An excellent marksman and ally of Lulani. Visit them to see what they've gathered for you.
    Found: reward for completing Goal 9, Part 3 of The Island of Audra
    Drops: ~190 coins, earth wisp, elvenite, glimmerdust, living wood, wood (2-6)
    Collection time: 22 hours (88 gems to speed up)

    Elven bow
    Info: A lightweight bow used by elves.
    Found:reward for completing Goal 6, Part 1 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: item used in expanding to plot W17 on the Island of Audra

    Golden paint
    Info: A shimmering golden paint.
    Crafted: Potion Shop, 30 minutes - 20 white petals, 10 red petals, 10 water during Goal 5, Part 1 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: item in Golden Arrow craft (Magic Forge, 1)

    Golden arrow
    Info: A shimmering golden arrow.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 1 hour - 1 golden paint, 1 windchaser arrow during Goal 5, Part 1 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goal

    Info: A mighty elven warrior, and daughter of Audra. Visit her for Expansion supplies!
    Found: reward for completing Part 2 of The Island of Audra
    Drops: earth wisps, enchanted lantern, expansion permit, trade tickets (2), wisp lanterns (2)
    Collection time: 6 hours (24 gems to speed up)

    Lightning stone
    Info: A shockingly beautiful stone. Found by exploring Clouds. Used for Crafting.
    Found: collecting from clouds during The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goal in Part 1

    Info: Queen of the dark elves and dark magic, Lulani. Visit her for precious ores!
    Found: The Island of Audra
    Drops: ~300 coins, adamant, coal, iron ore, jewels, mithril, silver ore, stone, wisp lantern, wyvern milk
    Collection time: 10 hours

    Lulani's Helm
    Info: Lulani's helmet. She must have dropped it in battle.
    Found: goal reward in Goal 4, Part 4 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goal

    Lulani's Lair
    Info: A dark and mischievous looking lair.
    Found: expanding to plot V21 during Part 4 of The Island of Audra
    Drops: ~315 coins, baked butterfish, butterfish, catfish, catfish soup, fish,mercury feast, sentry horn, troll club, troll essence, troll horn
    Collection time: 4 hours

    Map of the West Winds
    Info: A map that will help guide through the toughest of wind patterns.
    Found: reward from Goal 5, Part 3 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: item in expanding to plot W15

    Found: character introduced during The Island of Audra

    Seal of the Dark Elf
    Info: A seal won by those worthy of defeating a Dark Elf. Used for crafting.
    Found: defeating Dark Elf's (spawn from Bounty Hunter's Outpost and clouds) The Island of Audra
    Uses: item in Windchaser Permit (Royal Exchange, 5)

    Sky compass
    Info: This compass only works from great heights.
    Found: reward from Goal 2, Part 4 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: used for expanding to plot V21

    Sky shard
    Info: A cloud that has been overtaken by dark magic. Clear it to stop the magic from spreading!
    Found: market 800 coins | cleared in 20 actions | released during Goal 8 Part 1 The Island of Audra
    Drops: lightning stone, cloud stone, glimmerdust, mushrooms, petals (all colours)

    Info: A beautiful skyhawk. Skyhawks are often allies of elves. Pet them for expansion supplies!
    Found: reward for completing Part 1 of The Island of Audra within 7 days of release.
    Drops: 1-3 cloud stones, 5 energy, 1-2 skyhawk feathers
    Collection time: 2 days (192 gems to speed up)

    Skyhawk feather
    Info: A fluttering feather. Found by defeating Skyhawks. Used for crafting.
    Found: defeating Wild Skyhawks (from clouds, small clouds), Skyhawk (1-2) (pet) - released during Goal 10, Part 1 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: item in Windchaser Lantern craft (Workshop, 4)

    Small Cloud
    Info: A cloud that floats close to the ground. Visit it to find Cloud Stones.
    Found: market 500 coins, expanding in Island of Audra plots | released in Goal 8, Part 1 of The Island of Audra
    Drops: lightning stone, cloud stone, glimmerdust, mushrooms, petals (all colours)
    Collection time: 10 minutes
    Related items: Cloud, Small Cloud | spawns Wild Skyhawk (15/15 hits to defeat), Dark Elf (15/15 hits to defeat)

    Spell of Flight
    Info: A not-so-magical spell to help one fly once fallen from a great height. Hopefully...
    Found: reward from Goal 4, Part 2 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: used in expanding to plot W20

    Staff of Audra
    Info: An ancient weapon that wields dark powers that control the skies.
    Found: defeating Lulani in Goal 5, Part 4 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goal

    Storm Cloud | size: 2x2
    Info: A cloud swelling with thunder and lightning. Visit it to find Wind stones.
    Found: expand to W20 - 1 Spell of Flight, 2400 RP, 300,000 coins, 2 windchaser lanterns, 2 expansion permits during Part 2 of The Island of Audra
    Drops: white petals, wind stones (only while storyline active)
    Collection time: 4 hours

    Sweet cider
    Info: A delicious drink to help one warm in a storm.
    Crafted: Kitchen, 2 hours - 5 wood, 2 syrup, 2 enchanter's essence | released during Goal 1, Part 1 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goals (you need 4 all up, 2 for goal 1/part 1 and 2 for goal 3/part 2. They can be made in advance.)

    Temple of Storms | size: 3x3
    Info: The birthplace of Lulani and Kalani
    Found: expand to W19 - 2200 RP, 220,000 coins, 15 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit during The Island of Audra
    Drops: 300 coins, algae water, blue fish, butterfish, catfish, dire boar spawn, energy, fey crystals, fish, fuzzy moss, lost page, mermaid scales, red fish, swamp water, Thurston’s Helmet, wind patterns, water
    Collection time: 4 hours

    Torn fabric
    Info: This looks like the same type of material the dark elves wear. Keep an eye out!
    Found: defeating Wild Skyhawks in goal 3, Part 3 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goal

    Wanted poster
    Info: Wanted: Lulani, Dark Queen of the Island of Audra.
    Found: neighbour request in Goal 2, Part 4 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goal

    Wild Skyhawk (spawn)
    Found: spawn from Clouds (Cloud, Small Cloud) | 15/15 hits to defeat | released during Goal 10, Part 1 of (The Island of Audra
    Drops during battle: bone, creep tooth, fur, rat tail | upon defeat: skyhawk feather (1-3)

    Wind patterns
    Info: Drawing of various wind patterns that occur on the Island of Audra. They can be difficult to navigate without a map.
    Found: reward from Goal 5, Part 3 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goal

    Wind stone
    Info: A hardened piece of cloud caused by magic. Found by exploring storm clouds. Used for crafting.
    Found: Storm Cloud | released during Goal 6, Part 2 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goal

    Windchaser armor
    Info: A lightweight armor set that makes traveling by sky easier.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 1 hour - 1 windchaser sword, 1 windchaser shield, 5 Mithril
    Found: The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goal

    Windchaser arrow
    Info: A lightweight arrow used by elves.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 1 hour - 1 windchaser sword, 1 windchaser shield, 5 Mithril
    Found: The Island of Audra
    Uses: completes goal

    Windchaser lantern
    Info: A lantern that glows bright in the darkest of storms. Used for expanding.
    Crafted: Workshop, 5 hours - 4 skyhawk feathers, 10 wisp lanterns, 6 cloud stones | released in goal 2, Part 2 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: used for expanding

    Windchaser permit
    Info: A permit to show one's ability to cross treacherous land. Used for expanding.
    Crafted: Royal Exchange, 6 hours - 5 Seal of the Dark Elf, 5 expansion permits, 8 cloud stones
    Found: The Island of Audra
    Uses: used for expanding

    Windchaser shield
    Info: A lightweight shield used by elves.
    Found:Watchtower during Goal 2, Part 1 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: item in Windchaser Armor craft (Magic Forge, 1)

    Windchaser sword
    Info: A lightweight sword used by elves.
    Found: Adventure reward during Goal 2, Part 1 of The Island of Audra
    Uses: item in Windchaser Armor craft (Magic Forge, 1)

    add to existing entries:

    Wisp lantern use: item in Windchaser Lantern craft (Workshop, 10) released during The Island of Audra
    add to found: defeating skyhawks - bone, fur, rat tail from
    add to found: defeating dark elf - creep tooth, boar tusk, feral magic, fur, troll essence, troll horn
    add to found: clouds, small clouds, sky shard - glimmerdust, mushrooms, petals (all colours)
    add to uses: expansion permit - item in Windchaser permit craft (Royal Exchange, 5)
    add to found: Dark Elf - earth wisp, elvenite, glimmerdust, living wood, wood
    add to found: Bounty Hunter - fur, hearty feast, light armor, longsword, milk (most common drop), rat tails, simple feast
    Kalani - earth wisps, expansion permit, wisp lanterns
    Lulani - adamant, coal, iron ore, jewels, mithril, silver ore, stone, wyvern milk
    Skyhawk - cloud stones, 5 energy, skyhawk feathers

    Sweet cider - Kitchen, 2 hours - 5 wood, 2 syrup, 2 enchanter's essence
    Wood - item in Sweet cider craft (5)
    Syrup - item in Sweet cider craft (2)
    enchanters ess - item in Sweet cider craft (2)
    mithril - item in Windchaser armor craft (5), item in Windchaser arrow craft (5)

    Magic Forge crafts:
    Golden arrow, 1 hour - 1 golden paint, 1 windchaser arrow
    Windchaser Armor, 1 hour - 1 windchaser sword, 1 windchaser shield, 5 Mithril
    Windchaser Arrow, 1 hour - 1 windchaser sword, 1 windchaser shield, 5 Mithril

    Workshop crafts:
    Windchaser lantern, 5 hours - 4 skyhawk feathers, 10 wisp lanterns, 6 cloud stones

    Kitchen crafts:
    Sweet cider - Kitchen, 2 hours - 5 wood, 2 syrup, 2 enchanter's essence - add to building guide and to the indiv entries

    Royal Exchange:
    Windchaser permit, 6 hours - 5 Seal of the Dark Elf, 5 expansion permits, 8 cloud stones
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-03-22 at 06:02 PM.

  8. #8
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Map & Expansions

    Coord Royal Point Wisp Lantern Windchaser Lantern Coins Expansion Permit Windchaser Permit Specials Features Conditions
    W15 3 300 3 500 000 3 Map of the West Winds Bounty Hunter's Outpost W16
    W16 3 000 3 425 000 3 W21
    W17 1 600 10 120 000 Elven Bow W16
    W18 1 800 13 160 000 1 W17
    W19 2 200 15 220 000 1 Temple of Storms W18
    W20 2 400 2 300 000 2 Spell of Flight Storm Cloud W19
    V21 4 000 4 700 000 1 Sky Compass Lullani’s Lair V22
    W21 2 800 2 375 000 3 W20
    V22 3 800 4 650 000 1 W22
    W22 3 600 4 600 000 3 W15
    Total 4 000 38 22 4 050 000 16 2 4 4 10

    Audra Island I
    Bounty Hunter - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A loyal elven bounty hunter. Visit them to see waht they've found for you!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Gift
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (125), Light Armor, Hearty Feast, Simple Feast, Longsword, Milk, Creep Tooth
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Collection: 360 minutes // 6 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 24 gems
    Cloud - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A cloud that floats close to the ground. Visit to find Cloud Stones.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Purchase
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 500 coins
    Sell: 0 coins
    Drops: Mushroom, Orange Petal, Blue Petal, Red Petal, Cloud Stone, Lightning Stone, Glimmerdust, White Petal
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Collection: 10 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 1 gems
    Cap: 99
    Cloud Stone - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A hardened piece of cloud caused by magic. Found by exploring Clouds. Used for Crafting.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 20 gems
    Found: Cloud, Small Cloud
    Used for: Windchaser Lantern, Windchaser Permit
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Cap: 99
    Elven Bow - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A lightweight bow used by elves.
    Type: Material
    Source: Gift
    Found: Goal
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Cap: 1
    Golden Arrow - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A shimmering golden bow.
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 80 gems // 1 Golden Paint, 1 Windchaser Arrow
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: A shimmering arrow.
    Golden Paint - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A shimmering golden paint.
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Potion Shop
    Requirements: 70 gems // 20 White Petal,10 Red Petal, 10 Water
    Used for: Golden Arrow
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Production: 30 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: A faux gold paint.
    Lightning Stone - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A shockingly beautiful stone. Found by exploring Clouds. Used for Crafting.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 2 gems
    Found: Cloud, Small Cloud
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Cap: 999
    Sky Shard - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A cloud that has been overtaken by dark magic. Clear it to stop the magic from spreading!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Purchase
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 800 coins
    Sell: 0 coins
    Drops: Mushroom, Orange Petal, Blue Petal, Red Petal, Cloud Stone, Lightning Stone, Glimmerdust, White Petal, Skunkupine
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Comments: Can be cleared in 20 actions
    Skybound Trap - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Chop to lure a Skyhawk or Dark Elf!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Other
    Source: Purchase
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 25 gems
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    Skyhawk - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A beautiful Skyhawk. Skyhawks are often allies of evles. Pet them for Expansion supplies!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Gift
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Cloud Stone
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Collection: 2880 minutes // 48 hours // 2 days
    Coll. Speed-up: 192 gems
    Cap: 1
    Skyhawk Feather - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A fluttering feather. Found by defeating Skyhawk. Used for Crafting.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 32 gems
    Found: Wild Skyhawk
    Used for: Windchaser Lantern
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Cap: 99
    Small Cloud - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A cloud that floats close to the ground. Visit to find Cloud Stones.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Purchase
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 500 coins
    Sell: 0 coins
    Drops: Mushroom, Orange Petal, Blue Petal, Red Petal, Cloud Stone, Lightning Stone, Glimmerdust, White Petal
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Collection: 10 minutes
    Coll. Speed-up: 1 gems
    Cap: 99
    Sweet Cider - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A delicious drink to help one warm in a storm.
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Kitchen
    Requirements: 35 gems // 5 Wood, 2 Syrup, 2 Enchanter's Essence
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 99
    Temple of Storms - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The birthplace of Lulani and Kalani.
    Type: Building
    Class: Town
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 3x3
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (300)
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Wild Skyhawk
    Storable: No
    Type: Spawn
    Class: Regular
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Cloud, Small Cloud, Skybound Trap
    Drops: Bone, Rat Tail, Creep Tooth, Fur, Skyhawk Feather
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Comments: 15 HP
    Windchaser Armor - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A lightweight armor set that makes traveling by sky easier.
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Magic Forge
    Requirements: 135 gems // 1 Windchaser Sword, 1 Windchaser Shield, 5 Mithril
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 1
    Windchaser Arrow - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A lightweight arrow used by elves.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 10 gems
    Found: Farmhouse
    Used for: Golden Arrow
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Cap: 99
    Windchaser Shield - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A lightweight shield used by elves.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 10 gems
    Found: Watchtower
    Used for: Windchaser Armor
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Cap: 99
    Windchaser Sword - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A lightweight sword used by elves.
    Type: Material
    Source: Adventure
    Requirements: 12 gems
    Found: Adventure
    Used for: Windchaser Armor
    Arc: Audra Island I
    Cap: 99

    Audra Island II
    Kalani - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A mighty elven warrior, and daughter of Audra. Visit her for Expansion supplies!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Gift
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Found: Goal
    Drops: Wisp Lantern, Trade Ticket
    Arc: Audra Island II
    Collection: 360 minutes // 6 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 24 gems
    Cap: 1
    Spell of Flight - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A not-so-magical spell to help one fly once fallen from a great high. Hopefully...
    Type: Material
    Source: Storyline
    Found: Goal
    Arc: Audra Island II
    Cap: 1
    Storm Cloud - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A cloud swelling with thunder and lightning. Visit it to find Wind stones.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Purchase
    Size: 2x2
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (25), Wind Stone, White Petal
    Arc: Audra Island II
    Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Cap: 1
    Wind Stone - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A hardened piece of cloud caused by magic. Found by exploring Clouds. Used for Crafting.
    Rarity: Very Rare
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 20 gems
    Found: Storm Cloud
    Arc: Audra Island II
    Cap: 99
    Windchaser Lantern - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A lantern that glows bright in the darkest of storms. Used for Expanding.
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 280 gems // 4 Skyhawk Feather, 6 Cloud Stone, 10 Wisp Lantern
    Arc: Audra Island II
    Production: 300 minutes // 5 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 20 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Required for certain expansions.
    Bounty Hunter's Outpost - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A resting spot for great elven warriors.
    Type: Building
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 3x3
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Found: Goal
    Drops: Coins (800), Dark Elf
    Arc: Audra Island III
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1

    Audra Island III
    Dark Elf - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An excellent marksman and ally of Lulani. Visit them to see what they've gathered for you.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Purchase
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 300 gems
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (100), Wood, Living Wood, Glimmerdust, Earth Wisp
    Events: 0
    Arc: Audra Island III
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 88 gems
    Dark Elf (Spawn)
    Storable: No
    Type: Spawn
    Class: Regular
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Bounty Hunter's Outpost, Skybound Trap, Sky Shard
    Drops: Seal of the Dark Elf, Troll Essence, Energy, Fur, Creep Tooth, Bone, Boar Tusks, Troll Horn, Feral Magic
    Arc: Audra Island III
    Comments: 15 HP
    Map of the West Winds - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A map that will help guide through the toughest of wind patterns.
    Type: Material
    Source: Goal
    Found: Goal
    Arc: Audra Island III
    Cap: 1
    Seal of the Dark Elf - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A seal won by those worthy of defeating a Dark Elf. Used for Crafting.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 40 gems
    Found: Dark Elf
    Used for: Windchaser Permit
    Arc: Audra Island III
    Cap: 99
    Torn Fabric - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This looks like the same type of material the dark elves wear. Keep an eye out!
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 30 gems
    Found: Wild Skyhawk
    Arc: Audra Island III
    Cap: 1
    Wind Patterns - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drawing of various wind patterns that occur on the Island of Audra. They can be difficult to navigate without a map.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Found: Temple of Storms
    Arc: Audra Island III
    Cap: 1
    Windchaser Permit - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A permit to show one's ability to cross treacherous land. Used for Expanding.
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted in: Royal Exchange
    Requirements: 1270 gems // 5 Seal of the Dark Elf, 5 Expansion Permit, 8 Cloud Stone
    Arc: Audra Island III
    Production: 360 minutes // 6 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 24 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Required for certain expansions.
    Windchaser Permit (Trade)
    Storable: No
    Info: Required to Expand to certain parts of your Kingdom.
    Type: Trade
    Source: Storyline
    Crafted in: Royal Exchange
    Requirements: 5 Seal of the Dark Elf, 5 Expansion Permit, 8 Cloud Stone
    Arc: Audra Island III
    Production: 360 minutes // 6 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 24 gems
    Comments: The trade disappear once all the expansions with permits are done. It comes back once now plots are available.

    Audra Island IV
    Lulani - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Queen of the dark elves and dark magic, Lulani. Visit her for precious ores!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Gift
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Found: Goal
    Drops: Coins (170), Iron Ore, Wyvern Milk, Silver Ore, Stone, Earth Wisp
    Arc: Audra Island IV
    Collection: 600 minutes // 10 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 40 gems
    Cap: 1
    Lulani (Spawn)
    Storable: No
    Type: Spawn
    Class: Goal
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Lulani’s Lair
    Drops: Coins (200), Staff of Audra, Energy, Jewels, Troll Essence, Troll Horn
    Arc: Audra Island IV
    Comments: 150 HP
    Lulani's Helm - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Lulani's helmet. She must have dropped it in battle.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 40 gems
    Found: Sky Shard
    Arc: Audra Island IV
    Cap: 1
    Lulani's Lair - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A dark and mischievous looking lair.
    Type: Building
    Class: Town
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 3x3
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Lulani
    Arc: Audra Island IV
    Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Sky Compass - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This compass only works from great heights.
    Type: Material
    Source: Goal
    Found: Goal
    Arc: Audra Island IV
    Cap: 1
    Staff of Audra - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: An ancient weapon that wields dark power that controls the skies.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 170 gems
    Found: Lulani
    Arc: Audra Island IV
    Cap: 99
    Wanted Poster - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Wanted: Lulani, Dark Queen od the Island of Audra.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 8 gems
    Found: Neighbors
    Arc: Audra Island IV
    Cap: 99
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 08-22-21 at 02:06 PM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  9. #9
    Fashion Designer TeikaEmberstorm's Avatar
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    May 2020
    Y'all do such an awesome job, consistently. Thank you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by TeikaEmberstorm View Post
    Y'all do such an awesome job, consistently. Thank you.
    Oh My a whole Island ))

    Delaying to start just to see what is coming.

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