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Thread: Castle Story 4/22: A Luna Legend | optional gem purchase story

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Exclamation Castle Story 4/22: A Luna Legend | optional gem purchase story

    Goal Notes:
    * This goal was released on 22 April 2024 for limited time purchase
    * The purchase of this item is completely optional and costs 600 gems to purchase in the market during the sale
    * In goal 2, all 3 castles can be used to adventure (Queens Castle/Kings Keep, Haunted Keep, Barracks)
    * In goal 3, both the Magic Forge and the Mystic Kiln can be used to craft longswords and light armor. Any drops of these 2 items from resources do not count toward the 40 each you need. You must craft them
    * The final goal for Luna the Knight will reward you with 5 minutes of unlimited energy

    Information on Unlimited Energy
    Note 1: There are 'rules' around unlimited energy which can be found in the Hub.

    Note 2: Energy that you had before activating unlimited energy will be available to you when the timer ends.

    Note 3: Energy gained from sources while unlimited energy is active does not add to your energy total after expiration. So, while you have the unlimited energy active, do not collect from other energy sources.

    Note 4: If you level up during this time, you will not receive the energy top up.

    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-22-24 at 04:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - A Lunar Legend - Luna the Knight
    12 goals

    When you purchase Luna in the market for 600 gems or use the skip button for 600 gems, the following goals are triggered:

    Thurston: the realm of the Moon has sent a knight! Welcome her to the realm to begin an exclusive story.
    Goal: Welcome Luna the Knight
    * Welcome Luna the Knight 0/1 GO (skip 600 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Huzzah, my Liege! I will send one of our best knights in exchange. Just think of all that we will learn!

    Luna: I spoke with a very nice witch who gave me a lotion to protect my skin from all the sun!
    Goal 1:
    * Visit Luna the Knight 0/1 GO (skip 10 gems) | 7 day collection timer
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Luna: I've only spent a little bit of time here in this realm but I can already tell I shall like it here!

    Luna: I won't let you down... I want to learn everything there is to learn!
    Goal 2:
    * Search the Ancient Vault 0/30 GO | all 3 castles can be used to adventure (Queens Castle/Kings Keep, Haunted Keep, Barracks
    * Hunt Roaming Bandits 0/30 GO
    * Explore Dark Caves 0/30 GO
    Rewards: 200 coins, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Luna: Those adventures were invigorating! I'm already becoming a better knight.

    Luna: It may take me several attempts but I won't quit till I get this right.
    Goal 3:
    * Prepare longsword 0/40 GO | you must craft both of these items and both the Magic Forge and the Mystic Kiln can be used
    * Prepare light armor 0/40 GO
    Rewards: 200 coins, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Luna: Whoa! Now that's a long Longsword!

    Luna: Follow my instructions and your realm will have its very own Lunar Tuner!
    Goal 4:
    * Prepare a Lunar Tuner 0/1 GO | Magic Forge, 1 day (24 hours) - 50 lumin essence, 15 mithril, 25 golden nugget
    Rewards: 200 coins, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Luna: I should have known you'd easily build that contraption! You're a natural.

    Clear your board of monsters for this goal
    Luna: Step right up! Get close so you can see all our find handiwork.
    Goal 5:
    * Visit a Lunar Tuner 0/1 GO (skip 13 gems) | 12 hour timer | spawns the Wild Night Mare (not guaranteed) | 10 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 300 coins, 30 xp
    Congratulations: Luna: Hey! I've never seen a Lunar Tuner do anything, let along summon a great, dark beast!

    Clear your board of monsters for this goal
    Luna: I can't believe it... everything I thought I knew was wrong!
    Goal 6:
    * Defeat Wild Night Mares 0/5 GO | spawns from the Lunar Tuner (not guaranteed) | drops Solar Storybook on defeat
    Rewards: 300 coins, 30 xp
    Congratulations: Luna: I'm sorry, Ruler. I have failed you.

    Luna: A lovely pond is the perfect place to produce some supernatural clouds!
    Goal 7:
    * Prepare a clouded pond 0/1 GO | Magic Forge, 1 day - 50 hearty feasts, 30 elvenite, 25 golden apple | max 1
    Rewards: 300 coins, 30 xp
    Congratulations: Luna: I have no idea what this thing is gonna do... it's best we be careful!
    Note: the goal completes as soon as the craft begins and the next goal appears. Collection time for the clouded pond is 12 hours

    Clear your board of monsters for this goal
    Luna: Beware the clouds, my liege! We know not what hides within.
    Goal 8:
    * Tend a clouded pond 0/1 GO (skip 30 gems) | spawns the Wild Cloud Mare (not guaranteed) | 10 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 300 coins, 30 xp
    Congratulations: Luna: Aha! I told you! Now, how do we fight a cloud?

    Old Thomas: I just saw a very sorrowful knight go sprinting past me... Is all well?
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat Wild Cloud Mares 0/5 GO | spawns from the clouded pond
    Rewards: 400 coins, 40 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: I think you should tell me a bit more about what's been going on so that I might be able to provide some assistance.

    Old Thomas: I am certain we can straighten this problem out. We just need to combine our efforts!
    Goal 10:
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 400 coins, 40 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Come on in, Ruler! You're my second visitor today.

    Luna: I will do what I can to ensure the safety of this realm.
    Goal 11:
    * Visit Luna the Knight 0/1 GO (skip 10 gems) | Luna will drop a crescent wand each collection
    * Gather a crescent wand 0/1 GO (skip 25 gems)
    Rewards: 400 coins, 40 xp
    Congratulations: Luna: What?! this wand just appeared right in front of me, simply dropping from the air!
    Note: the 2 Mare crafts in the Magic Forge are now unlocked

    Luna: i am quite happy here... now that I know I can help keep the peace, I hope you'll allow me to stay.
    Goal 12:
    * Tame a Night Mare 0/1 GO | Magic Forge, 2 hours - 50 solar storybook, 15 crescent wand, 40 wisp lanterns
    * Tame a Cloud Mare 0/1 GO | Magic Forge, 2 hours - 50 solar storybook, 15 crescent wand, 40 glimmerdust
    Rewards: 500 coins, 50 xp, +5 minutes unlimited energy

    Introductory Goal
    Thurston: Hello, My Liege! We have received an interesting proposition.
    Ruler: What is it, Thurston?
    Thurston: We have been asked for our participation in a knight's exchange program!
    Ruler: A knight's exchange? What's that?
    Thurston: There are many different realms with many different policies and procedures... A knight's exchange would have us send one of our knights away, off to a faraway land. That land would send one of their own knights in exchange. It would allow us to learn more about the ways of other knights, and would it allow us to share our ways with another realm. So, what say you, my liege? If you wish to participate in this program, all we need do is welcome the new knight to our realm!

    Goal 1:
    Thurston: Ruler, allow me to introduce Luna! She is a knight from the realm of the Moon.
    Ruler: The moon? Are you actually from the moon?
    Thurston: Oh no, my liege. The realm of the Moon is not actually on the moon!
    Luna: My realm spends most of its days in darkness with only the moon to give us light. The ancient people of my realm were said to be able to harness its power, and use the moon to summon beasts... but that's just an old faerie tale. Nowadays, we mostly just use the extra night to go fishing. It's actually been a bit of an adjustment here in your realm. You all get so much sun!

    Goal 2:
    Luna: I've had some time to adjust to your realm... It's quite lovely here. I must say I think the sun is overrated... So bright and yellow and hot... ugh. You can hardly even look at it! But I'm excited to begin learning more of the daily duties here in the realm. I hear adventuring is a big part of a knight's responsibilities! I know you are a very busy ruler, but I'd love it if you attended some of my first adventures with me.

    Goal 3:
    Luna: Where I come from, trade is a big part of our knightly duties. We do not have such sk-illed crafts people as this realm does. Our people are hunter gatherers... We fish and sell what we catch, or we trade for goods and supplies our knights need.
    Ruler: We could show you how to make some of the items you'll need. These are sk-ills all of our knights learn.
    Luna: I would like that very much! But, please be kind... my crafting sk-ills leave a lot to be desired.

    Goal 4:
    Luna: I've learned so many new sk-ills already just by being here! It is time I share something from my realm with you. I am going to show you how to make a Lunar Tuner!
    Ruler: A Lunar Tuner? I've never heard of something like that. Does this have anything to do with what you said about harnessing the power of the moon?
    Luna: It does! Well, to be quite honest with you, I'm not sure they even really work. Building a Lunar Tuner is an ancient tradition in the realm of the Moon. It's said that many generations ago, they one were used to summon a great force, one that could protect the realm at all cost. The grand tradition of building them is shared within my realm, passed down year after year. But to continue being quite honest with you... I've never seen a Lunar Tuner do anything more than be a fancy decoration. Either way, it is something I can show you how to build, and at the very least, it will look fantastic decorating your garden!

    Goal 5:
    Ruler: So what do we do with our Lunar Tuner?
    Luna: Well, first you're going to want to admire your handiwork! Give yourself a pat on the back!
    Ruler: Anything else, Luna?
    Luna: My great great grandmother told me once that the Lunar Tuner doesn't come with instructions. You have to approach it with good intentions and a pure heart, and you have to open yourself up so that you might be able to sense the lunar vibrations that emanate it. But I've done that a lot and never had any luck. It's really just more to look at. Why don't you approach it? You'll see there's really not much to it.

    Goal 6:
    Luna: I can't believe it... the Lunar Tuner actually does something! You summoned a ferocious beast. My grandma once told me that a powerful force could use the Lunar Tuner to summon a nightmare... I didn't think she meant an actual mare!
    Ruler: Well, what do we do?
    Luna: Don't look at me! You're the one who summoned the creature!
    Ruler: But it's your Lunar Tuner!
    Luna: Ah ah ah! This is your Lunar Tuner... Mine never did anything more than provide shade for some of my plants! No, this is definitely your Lunar Tuner... You are the only one who can vanquish what you've summoned!

    Goal 7:
    Luna: I am sorry for my miserable failure, Ruler. I have packed my bags and will return to my realm in shame after you banish me post haste.
    Ruler: I'm not going to banish you, Luna.
    Luna: You're not?
    Ruler: No, I'm not. I don't think you meant to get our realm attacked. But I need to know more about the Lunar Tuner.
    Luna: I'm not sure I can help you there.When we were making it, I told you everything I knew about it. I've never seen it do anything like that... Maybe I built it wrong, but then again... I think maybe it was you! There is something special about you.
    Ruler: Is there anything else you can tell me that might help us?
    Luna: Well... There is one more thing. I thought it wasn't real... I heard my grandmother mention it only one time. There is only one thing that can stop the power of the moon... The clouds! My grandmother used to say, in the case of an overactive moon... A shrine to the clouds would put things right.

    Goal 8:
    Ruler: you really don't know what might be lurking in this clouded pond?
    Luna: I know no more than you do. I never expected the Lunar Tuner to do anything. If I was guessing... I would expect another powerful force to be within. The one time my grandmother spoke to me of corralling the clouds, she gave me a grave warning. Harnessing the clouds might be the only way to combat the power of the moon, but there will be dangers hiding in the mist.

    Goal 9:
    Ruler: This Cloud Mare looks to be a perfect match for the Night Mare.
    Luna: It does indeed. It's still quite the monster, perhaps even more sk-illed and cunning than its partner.
    Ruler: So what must we do?
    Luna: I'm... I'm... I'm sorry, Ruler! I'm of no help. I am simply a trainee knight... I was sent here because I was the worst in my class. I was sent on these duties and I was going to make a name for myself. Now I am completely failing at everything! How horrid.
    Ruler: Come on, Luna. It's all right.
    Luna: No, no, I'm sorry but I must leave. There is nothing I can do. If I stay I will only bring more malady onto the realm. I'm sorry, Ruler!
    Ruler: Luna! Wait!

    Goal 10:
    Old Thomas: So the new Knight helped you build shrines to the moon and the clouds, which accidentally allowed dark equine monsters to invade the realm and threaten the peace of the Glimmerwoods?
    Ruler: That about sums it up. Luna didn't mean any harm by it, I can tell that much. I think she just didn't understand how powerful the potential was.
    Old Thomas: She appeared to run off that way... Do you know where she might have gone?
    Ruler: She said she was going home... She said she didn't want to cause us any further trouble...
    Old Thomas: It is possible that we might catch up with her. Is there anywhere you can think of where she might have sought respite?
    Ruler: Hmmm... You know, she did say that Ivy helped her with some cream for the sun.
    Old Thomas: Then perhaps our best next step would be visiting Ivy as well.

    Goal 11:
    Ruler: Luna! I'm glad you didn't leave.
    Luna: I was about to *sniffle* when this kind witch stopped me and offered me tea.
    Ruler: I'm glad she did. Thank you, Ivy.
    Ivy: Aw, it was nothing! I want the visitors in our realm to feel at peace.
    Ruler: I suspect the key to our solution for the wold mares is sitting right here with us.
    Luna: Right here? Where?
    Ruler: You!
    Luna: Me? You think I can fix all this?
    Ruler: I know you can. You were the one who showed us how to summon these creatures, even if you didn't know it at the time. You're going to be the one to help us tame these beasts.
    Luna: ... How? How can I help?
    Ruler: Think back... Everything we've learned about these portals we created is from your memories, from your family. Is there anything else you can remember that might help us?

    Goal 12:
    Luna: I can't believe I'd completely forgotten this. Gran said we needed a wand! if we were going to control the skies, if we were to stand any chance of holding our own against the very elements, we needed the wand. I closed my eyes, I visualized it and then...poof! it's here! With this we'll be able to keep the skies in check! I am so glad to have had a Ruler like you to show me around and guide me. I finally feel like I am a proper knight now... And as a proper knight, I'm going to do everything I can to protect this realm.

    Inventory Information - transferred to the Inventory Guide

    Cloud Mare
    Info: A tamed beast that seems friendly, though it still looks like it's skies could darken. Visit it for Horse Hair, a chance at Spellbound Dew, Jewels, or Iron Ore and more.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 2 hours - 50 solar storybook, 15 crescent wand, 40 glimmerdust | release during Gem purchase storyline: A Luna Legend goals
    Drops: carrots, fertilizer, horse hair, jewels, iron ore, light armor, mithril, silver ore, spellbound dew, sugar
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Clouded Pond 1x1 | max 1
    Info: The clouds have gathered and hold deep dark secrets within. Visit for a chance to spawn a Wild Cloud Mare.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 1 day - 50 hearty feasts, 30 elvenite, 25 golden apple | release during Gem purchase storyline: A Luna Legend goals
    Drops: spawns the Wild Cloud Mare (white)
    Collection time: 12 hours

    Crescent Wand
    Info: A powerful tool for harnessing the elements of the sky. Visit Luna the Knight to receive these.
    Found: Luna the Knight | release during Gem purchase storyline: A Luna Legend goals
    Uses: item in the Cloud Mare craft (Magic Forge, 15), item in the Night Mare craft (Magic Forge, 15)

    Luna the Knight
    Info: A knight from a faraway land, who's quite used to fighting evil in the moonlight. visit her for Energy and complete her quest to earn Crescent Wands from her!
    Found: market 600 gems during April 2024 sales | release during Gem purchase storyline: A Luna Legend goals
    Drops: 200 coins, energy (40), crescent wands (from goal 11 onwards)
    Collection time: 7 days

    Lunar Tuner 1x1 | max 1
    Info: Though this table might look simple, it is a powerful force to reckoned with. Visit for a chance to spawn a Wild Night Mare.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 1 day - 50 lumin essence, 15 mithril, 25 golden nugget | release during Gem purchase storyline: A Luna Legend goals
    Drops: spawns the Wild Night Mare (dark purple)
    Collection time: 12 hours

    Night Mare
    Info: A tamed beast that still has a slightly threatening aura. Visit it for Horse Hair, a chance at Spellbound Dew, Jewels, or Iron Ore and more.
    Crafted: Magic Forge, 2 hours - 50 solar storybook, 15 crescent wand, 40 wisp lanterns | release during Gem purchase storyline: A Luna Legend goals
    Drops: carrots, fertilizer, horse hair, jewels, iron ore, light armor, mithril, silver ore, spellbound dew, sugar
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Solar Storybook
    Info: This ancient book is in surprisingly good condition. From defeating Wild Cloud Mares and Night Mares.
    Found: defeating a Wild Cloud Mare, defeating a Night Mare | release during Gem purchase storyline: A Luna Legend goals
    Uses: item in the Cloud Mare craft (Magic Forge, 50), item in the Night Mare craft (Magic Forge, 50)
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-22-24 at 05:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Nightclub Owner
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    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Luna the Knight - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A knight from a faraway land, who's quite used to fighting evil in the moonlight. Visit her for Energy and complete her quest to earn Crescent Wands from her!
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 600 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (200), Energy (40), Crescent Wand
    Arc: A Lunar Legend
    Collection: 9660 minutes // 161 hours // 6,71 days
    Collection Speed-up: 644 Gems
    Comments: Purchase her to start a short storyline: 12 Goals A Lunar Legend!
    Cloud Mare - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A tamed beast that seems friendly, though it still looks like it's skies could darken.Visit it for Horse Hair, a chance at Spwellbound Dew, Jewels, or Iiroan ore and more.
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Crafting
    Class: Animals
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 50 Solar Storybook, 15 Crescent Wand, 40 Glimmerdust
    Sell: 0 Coins
    Drops: Coins, Sugar, Carrots, Fertilizer, Horse Hair, Jewels, Iron Ore, Spellbound Dew
    Arc: A Lunar Legend
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Production Speed-up: 8 Gems
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Cap: 4
    Comments: Tame the clouds.
    Crescent Wand - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A powerful tool for harnessing the elements of the sky. Visit Luna the knight to receive these.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 25 Gems
    Found: Luna the Knight
    Used for: Night Mare, Cloud Mare
    Arc: A Lunar Legend
    Cap: 99
    Night Mare - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A tamed beast that still has a slightly threatening aura. Visit it for Horse Hair, a chance at Spellbound Dew, Jewels or Iron Ore and more.
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Crafting
    Class: Animals
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 50 Solar Storybook, 15 Crescent Wand, 40 Glimmerdust
    Sell: 0 Coins
    Drops: Coins, Sugar, Carrots, Fertilizer, Horse Hair, Jewels, Iron Ore, Spellbound Dew
    Arc: A Lunar Legend
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Production Speed-up: 8 Gems
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Cap: 4
    Comments: Tame the night.
    Lunar Tuner - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Though this table might look simple, it is a powerful force to be reckoned with. Visit for a chance to spawn a Wild Night Mare.
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Crafting
    Class: Town
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 50 Lumin Essence, 15 Mithril, 25 Golden Nugget
    Sell: 0 Coins
    Drops: Stone, Wild Night Mare
    Arc: A Lunar Legend
    Production: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Production Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 48 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: A lovely decoration.
    Wild Night Mare
    Storable: No
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Lunar Tuner
    Drops: Energy, Solar Storybook
    Arc: A Lunar Legend
    Comments: 10 HP
    Solar Storybook - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This ancient book is in surprisingly good condition. From defeating Wild Cloud Mares and Night Mares.
    Type: Material
    Source: Harvest
    Requirements: 10 Gems
    Found: Wild Night Mare, Wild Cloud Mare
    Used for: Cloud Mare, Night Mare
    Arc: A Lunar Legend
    Cap: 999
    Clouded Pond - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The clouds have gathered and hold deep dark secrets within. Visit for a chance to spawn a Wild Cloud Mare.
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Crafting
    Class: Town
    Crafted In: Magic Forge
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 50 Hearty Feast, 15 Elvenite, 25 Golden Apple
    Sell: 0 Coins
    Drops: Wild Cloud Mare, Water
    Arc: A Lunar Legend
    Production: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Production Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 48 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Wild Cloud Mare
    Storable: No
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Clouded Pond
    Drops: Energy, Solar Storybook
    Arc: A Lunar Legend
    Comments: 10 HP
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 08-10-24 at 02:19 AM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  4. #4
    Nightclub Owner
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    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    For those that are buying here, please report the various items needed in the storyline. Based on some assumptions I have identified Crescent Wand (Material) and the 2 steeds (white and black).

    PS: I finally got her..... Now 1 week wait!
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 04-23-24 at 02:36 PM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  5. #5

    Red face Second goal:

    Seems the second goal will take a little time
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0847.jpg 
Views:	165 
Size:	143.1 KB 
ID:	74116  

  6. #6
    Executive Chef
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    Virginia, USA
    The second goal will indeed take a while. Slow and steady wins the race!

  7. #7
    Fashion Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by CatLina68 View Post
    Seems the second goal will take a little time
    That is good news for players with multiple events going on at once.

  8. #8
    Fashion Designer
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    Jul 2016
    Does anyone have a description for the Cloud Mare or Night Mare?

  9. #9
    Nightclub Owner
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    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Quote Originally Posted by SylvanSanctuary View Post
    Does anyone have a description for the Cloud Mare or Night Mare?
    It will take a while to get there!
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  10. #10
    Fashion Designer
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    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ShibuyaCloth View Post
    It will take a while to get there!
    Thanks. I was not sure if you or others could see it because it seemed like you had already gotten Luna. They must still be locked while you work through the storyline.

    I hope you enjoy the journey!

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