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Thread: 21 Nov 2023: An Uncommon Nightingale - Princess Nightingale | optional gem purchase story

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!

    Exclamation 21 Nov 2023: An Uncommon Nightingale - Princess Nightingale | optional gem purchase story

    Goal Notes:
    * This goal was released on 21 November 2023 for limited time purchase
    * The purchase of the Princess Nightingale is completely optional and is 500 gems to purchase
    * If you purchase the Princess Nightingale, you will trigger the following goals

    * The last goal will reward you with 5 minutes of unlimited energy

    Note 1: There are 'rules' around unlimited energy which can be found in the Hub.

    Note 2: Energy that you had before activating unlimited energy will be available to you when the timer ends.

    Note 3: Energy gained from sources while unlimited energy is active does not add to your energy total after expiration. So, while you have the unlimited energy active, do not collect from other energy sources.

    Note 4: If you level up during this time, you will not receive the energy top up.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 11-29-23 at 06:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information - An Uncommon Nightingale
    13 goals

    When you purchase the Princess Nightingale in the market for 500 gems, the following goals are triggered:
    Old Thomas: Welcome the visiting royalty to our realm to unlock an exclusive storyline!
    Pre-Goal: Welcome Princess Nightingale
    * Summon Princess Nightingale 0/1 GO (skip 500 gems) | market 500 gems, limit of 1
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Oh, 'tis always such a delight to meet new faces... especially now that my own visage no longer has horns!

    Princess: I would love to hear more about your realm whenever you have a spare moment for me!
    Goal 1:
    * Visit Princess Nightingale 0/1 GO (skip 9 gems) | 22 hour collection timer
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Princess: Thank you so much for your time kind Ruler! I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful realm.

    Princess: please give a tour of your farmhouses... i want every details you care to share!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit farmhouses 0/25 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Princess: Oh, such wonderful farmhouses! I have learned much and can make improvements now to the ones in my realm.

    Princess: i should like to see how much greenery your greenhouses produce!
    Goal 3:
    * Craft at a greenhouse 0/5 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Princess: Ahhh, I love the smell of freshly trimmed flowers! What a delight.

    Ivy: The ruler told me you were looking for a nursery! Let me show you around.
    Goal 4:
    * Craft at Ivy's magic nursery 0/5 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Princess: Oh how wee and adorable that little babe is! This realm truly does have everything!

    From this point on you must not have a monster on your board as you need to spawn the Cawthorne Foe for each of the next few goals.
    Ivy: I absolutely love getting to show visitors around our realm!
    Goal 5:
    * Visit conservatory 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Oh dear! Who is this frightening foe?

    Cawthorne: Go home Princess! The danger is too great!
    Goal 6:
    * Defeat a cawthorne foe 0/1 GO | a Cawthorne Foe will spawn on collection from the conservatory | 10 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: We have vanquished the foe... for now. I believe he will return post haste.

    Ivy: A cozy, comforting cottage is exactly what you need after an attack like that.
    Goal 7:
    * Visit cottage 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Watch out, Ruler! We are weathering another attack from that feathered foe!

    Thurston: Stand back, Princess! My Knights will allow no harm to come to you.
    Goal 8:
    * Defeat a cawthorne foe 0/1 GO | a Cawthorne Foe will spawn on collection from the cottage
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: There is something rather unusual about that warrior attacking us, my liege... and I don't mean his feathered appearance!

    Thurston: I do hope the Princess can see that our realm is safe, despite the threat this bird for presents.
    Goal 9:
    * Visit tavern 0/1 GO | a Cawthorne Foe will spawn on collection from the tavern
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Princess: Oh, not again! I will not know peace in this realm, I am afraid.

    Ivy: We should try to catch that bird and question him! We can show the Princess she is safe.
    Goal 10:
    * Defeat a cawthorne foe 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: The bird got away this time... I think we are going to need a bit more help if we truly want to trap the foe.

    Princess: I think i'm gong to call him Wise Thomas... calling someone old just doesn't feel right!
    Goal 11:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 GO
    Rewards:100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Oho! I am delighted to meet your acquaintance, young Princess! Come inside, perhaps I may be of assistance.

    Old Thomas: The Hatchery should provide you with enough distraction to trap the bird before he takes off!
    Goal 12:
    * Visit hatchery 0/1 GO
    * Defeat a cawthorne foe 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Cawthorne Foe
    Congratulations: Cawthorne: Caw! What a wicked trap! Alas... I suppose I must be earnest with you now...

    Cawthorne: I apologize for scaring you... but I promise those days are behind me!
    Goal 13:
    * Visit Princess Nightingale 0/1 GO (skip 9 gems) | 22 hour collection timer
    * Visit Cardinal Cawthorne 0/1 GO (skip 5 gems) | 6 hour collection timer
    Rewards: +5 minutes unlimited energy
    Congratulations: Princess: I can't thank you enough for all you've done to help me feel comfortable here!

    Old Thomas: Hello, Young Ruler! I have received word from a faraway land regarding a new visitor in our midst. As you well know, this realm cares very deeply for the wellbeing of animals. You yourself are quite the animal caretaker! The best in all the realm. I have seen even ferocious beasts who have been tamed by your presence. This new visitor comes from a land where animals are held in high regard. The princess of that land has recently come of age and wishes to travel and see the ways of other realms. I do hope you will decide to welcome her. I can think of no better person to show the princess what our realm is all about!

    Goal 1:
    Princess: La la la.... La la la.... La LA laaaa...
    Ruler: Hello? I'm sorry to interrupt you.
    Princess: Oh no, please don't be sorry! I sing quite often. If you don't interrupt me you may never get a word in. You must be the Ruler of this realm! I have heard ever so much about you. My name is Princess Nightingale. Your realm is absolutely wonderful! I don't think I've ever seen so many animals in one place. And everyone here is just so friendly and has been so kind to me. I was worried it would feel like I was intruding but you have made me feel at home. My father is the one who wanted me to visit places. I was perfectly happy to stay in our realm with the animals I know and love... but now that I am here I am glad my father pushed me to see somewhere new! I can't believe how happy your cows are! I've never heard such happy moos. Oh dear. I fear I may be rambling again... My apologies! When I get excited, sometimes it can be a bit difficult to stop me. It is just so exciting to be here! I can hardly contain myself.

    Goal 2:
    Princess: There are so very many animals here! I was singing a song earlier and couldn't believe how many critters came running to me to meet my tune.
    Ruler: All the animals here do seem very interested in you.
    Princess: Aha, that is something that follows me wherever I go... along with my birds! I have a way of communicating with animals... it's tough to explain! They understand me and I them.... and as I understand it, your animals are just tickled to be here! Now, do you mind showing me around so that I might meet more of your animals? I can already tell your cows are in quite a positive moo-d!

    Goal 3:
    Princess: La la la... la la la... LA LA LA! I can barely contain how happy being here makes me! I just want to sing! La la la la la la la la laaaaa... Oh! Ruler! Sorry, I didn't see you there.
    Ruler: That's all right, Princess. I am glad to see you enjoying your time here.
    Princess: I know you are rather busy and that there is much to do here. After all, keeping a realm like this going must be such hard work...If you wouldn't mind sparing some of your time, there are other facets of your realm that I am quite interested in. Your greenery, for example! I have never seen such prolific plant life. Might you have some time to show me how your realm grows all of this goodness?

    Goal 4:
    Princess: I have never seen such a collection of well kept animals! This place is truly wonderful. I am so glad I landed here! I do have one request, if you would be so kind.
    Ruler: What is it, Princess?
    Princess: Well, it's just... where do you keep all your baby animals? I am sure you raise them well, of course, but... if I am being honest... I just *ADORE* baby animals! Aha! Of course, all animals are cute... And it is best to always remember that baby animals grow into adult animals, which are just as worthy of affection. But I just wish ever so much to see some cute baby animals!! Please might you show me where your nursery is?

    Goal 5:
    Princess: Oh, it has been so lovely to get to meet you, Miss Ivy! The Ruler is so wonderful, I should have known that the other inhabitants of this realm would be wonderful as well!
    Ivy: You're too kind, Princess! I'm always glad to share my favorite parts of this realm with others who enjoy it as well. For example, has the Ruler shown you our Conservatories yet?
    Princess: What?! You have a Conservatory?! Oh, how wonderful! When my father first told me that I needed to explore the world, I was nervous... I didn't travel much, I'm afraid. I never needed to! As I grew older, of course, I began to consider it... I think my father could tell that I was thinking about spreading my wings and seeing new sights. He encouraged me to explore even though I was afraid of what I might encounter. But now I realise I had no need to worry! The world I was afraid to see was waiting to surprise me with how wonderful it all is.

    Goal 6:
    Cawthorne: Caw! The Princess is not safe!
    Ruler: Who are you? Get back!
    Princess: Oh dear!
    Ivy: Don't worry, Princess. We'll protect you! Thurston! Help!

    Goal 7:
    Princess: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, dear, dear...
    Ruler: Who was that?
    Princess: I have never seen that bird before in my life. Usually birds greet me with cheerful chirping, not knife attacks!
    Ruler: He said you weren't safe...
    Princess: Well of course not, he attacked me! I fear the outside world is a greater threat than I could have ever imagined.
    Thurston: Fear no, Princess. Our Knights will keep you safe.
    Ivy: Why don't you come take a rest in one of our cottages? I am sure your nerves must be on edge with all these going ons.

    Goal 8:
    Cawthorne: Caw! Go home, Princess! You're not safe here!
    Ruler: What do you mean by that? Who are you? How can you say the Princess isn't safe here when you're the only danger posed here?
    Cawthorne: Caw! I speak a truth you know in your heart, Princess! Go home and travel no more, or danger will follow you wherever you go!

    Goal 9:
    Ruler: What do you mean the attacks from that bird brained foe are unusual, Thurston?
    Thurston: Well, it's just... I have not seen a foe fight quite like this one... At least, not in a very, very long time. The attacks are... not effective. In fact, the attacks seem to be designed to simply wear the knights out, rather than harm them. What that means, I cannot say, my liege but I believe that bird is not attacking with all of his might. We will continue to defend the Princess, however, even if the attacks are mild.
    Ruler: Where is Princess Nightingale now?
    Thurston:: I believe Ivy took her to the Taverns, my liege. After an attack like that, a tall glass of Root Beer is in order!

    Goal 10:
    Princess: That is it! I am done! I am going back to the safety of my own realm. I knew I was right to not want to leave my home. The world is dangerous! I am sorry to have to leave such a wonderful place as this, but I cannot be responsible for any harm coming to the wonderful people here.
    Ruler: Now hang on just a moment, Princess. If you truly wish to leave, we won't stop you. But if you are only leaving because that bird is telling you it's dangerous, then I would say you should allow us the chance to show you how safe it is.
    Princess: What do you mean, Ruler? It is evidently not safe, as that bird has said many times.
    Ruler: Well that's just it... The bird is the only one saying things are dangerous. And the only danger that has so far befallen you is because of that bird. I think there is more at play here, and if you'll just give us a chance, we can show you that you are safe here, no matter what any bird says.

    Goal 11:
    Princess: Are you sure it isn't more prudent that I just leave? I am feeling rather unsafe with that bird about... He is right. I should return home.
    Ivy: No way, Princess. Just give us a chance to get to the bottom of this.
    Ruler: There are many people here in the realm who can help us. Have you met Old Thomas yet?
    Princess: Old Thomas? I'm afraid not... do you all call him Old Thomas to his face?
    Ruler: Well, some of us do... but he is very old. He's also very wise! And I think of anyone, he'll know what's going on here.

    Goal 12:
    Old Thomas: Ever present attacks from a villainously foul fowl, you say? That's quite the conundrum... I will tell you this. I have lived in these parts for many, may years... Longer than even you have been alive, Princess! I have never seen that feathered foe in all my days... I think perhaps that the danger he represents may not be as great as you fear. There is but one way that we will have the truth... and it will not be easy, I am afraid. The bird must be trapped. It is as simple as that!
    Ruler: As easy as catching something that can fly away, hmm?
    Old Thomas: A very good point, Young Ruler. Trapping the bird may not be easy... If you wish to get to the bottom of all this, however, you have no choice. And it is fortunate that you are here, in this very realm! there are lots of places were a bird could get waylaid...

    Goal 13:
    Ruler: All right, bird. We've got you trapped here and we won't let you go till we get the truth.
    Cawthorne: The truth? Well... All right. I suppose I have no choice now that I'm a prisoner. I was sent by your father, Princess.
    Princess: My father?
    Cawthorne: He was worried your travels would be dangerous, so he sent me to watch you and keep you safe. I was to make sure no one attacked you... At least, that's how it all started.
    Ruler: But then you attacked her!
    Cawthorne: Well, her father was a bit upset... He said you were due back. He wanted me to encourage you to return home to him.
    Ruler: So you attacked her?
    Cawthorne: No! I did not truly attack her! Her father said I was just to be seemingly dangerous. Just enough to scare her into returning to the safety of her home.
    Princess: I cannot believe my father... I knew he didn't want me to travel! He encouraged me to go out on my own and then sent you so I'd be chased back home. Well, this time it backfired on him. I'm not going to leave here for a long time. And you aren't either, bird brain!
    Cawthorne: Me?
    Princess:We both will get a break from my father here in this realm... If I've learned anything from my travels and my time in this Glimmerwoods, it's that a change of scenery can be exactly what a person needs. Who know, maybe even someday my father will come here and see that for himself.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-30-24 at 11:01 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - added to the Guide

    Princess Nightingale
    Info: This sweet young princess loves to sing and is often surrounded by wildlife. Visit with her to receive energy!
    Found: market 500 gems during limited time sale November 2023 | will trigger goals: An Uncommon Nightingale
    Drops: +2325 coins, 5+ energy
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Cardinal Cawthorne
    Info: This foe turned friend will take his responsibilities to defend the princess very seriously! Visit him for Feathers and more!
    Found: reward from goal during An Uncommon Nightingale
    Drops: glimmerdust, jewels, petal (blue), pile of seeds, soft feathers
    Collection time: 6 hours
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-30-24 at 11:01 PM.

  4. #4
    Nightclub Owner
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    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Princess Nightingale - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This sweet young princess loves to sing and is often surrounded by wildlife. Visit with her to receive energy!
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 500 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (2325), Energy (5+)
    Events: An Uncommon Nightingale - November 2023
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Comments: Start a short storyline with 13 goals. Final reward: 5 minutes unlimited energy!
    Cawthorne Foe
    Storable: No
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Storyline
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Conservatories, Cottages, Taverns, Hatcheries
    Drops: Energy (3)
    Events: An Uncommon Nightingale - November 2023
    Comments: 10 HP, drops 2-3 energy per hit!
    Cardinal Cawthorne - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This foe turned friend will take his responsibilities to defend the princess very seriously! Visit him for Feathers and more!
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Soft Feathers
    Events: An Uncommon Nightingale - November 2023
    Collection: 360 minutes // 6 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 24 Gems
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 12-01-23 at 12:09 PM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  5. #5
    Fashion Designer
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    Aug 2014
    she gave me 40 energy on first collection. Fingers crossed she's a 40 energy / day dropper!

  6. #6
    Rhino Keeper
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jbfps116 View Post
    she gave me 40 energy on first collection. Fingers crossed she's a 40 energy / day dropper!
    Awesome! Please let us know if it’s 40 tomorrow too. I’ve been mulling over buying her, and this might cement my decision if she drops 40 energy daily.

  7. #7
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    a 40 energy daily is not a normal drop from an energy source. Please be mindful that this could be a coding error again. I collected and got 40 too, but I do have to check with the team about the drop amount.

  8. #8
    Rhino Keeper
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    40 too here! Fingers crossed!

    I remember that my first collection from Anubis was also 40 but that never happened again...hope it's not the same case.

  9. #9
    Fashion Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    a 40 energy daily is not a normal drop from an energy source. Please be mindful that this could be a coding error again. I collected and got 40 too, but I do have to check with the team about the drop amount.
    Coding error ... haha or Black Friday DEAL! still getting 40 energy from her.

  10. #10
    Rhino Keeper
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    Well she gave me 6 energy today... one can only dream lol

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