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Thread: Castle Story 6/19: The Dragon Rider's Dilemma | optional gem purchase story

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Exclamation Castle Story 6/19: The Dragon Rider's Dilemma | optional gem purchase story

    Goal Notes:
    * This goal was released on 19 June 2023 for limited time purchase
    * The purchase of the Dragon Rider is completely optional and is 600 gems to purchase
    * If you purchase the Dragon Rider, you will trigger the following goals
    * The last goal will reward you with 5 minutes of unlimited energy (which you can trigger whenever you want to)

    Note 1: there are 'rules' around unlimited energy which can be found in the Hub.

    Note 2: Energy that you had before activating unlimited energy will be available to you when the timer ends.

    Note 3: Energy gained from sources while unlimited energy is active does not add to your energy total after expiration. So, while you have the unlimited energy active, do not collect from other energy sources.

    Note 4: If you level up during this time, you will not receive the energy top up.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	69791

    Inventory Information - added to the Guides

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	69792 Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	69793

    Dragon Rider (Draynor and Angelica) 2x2
    Info: A dragon allowing a rider upon its back is a sign of deep trust and loyalty. This pair have become close friends who patrol the skies. Visit them for Energy!
    Found: market 600 gems during limited time sale June 2023 | Dragon Rider's Dilemma goals accompany this purchase
    Drops: 2325 coins, energy (5+)
    Collection time: 22 hours (88 gems skip)

    Dragon Hatchling
    Info: A wee baby dragon, hatched in a kind and welcoming environment. Give it a pet to see what it's found for you!
    Found: reward for completing goal 9 of the | Dragon Rider's Dilemma goals | the baby belongs to the Dragon Rider's dragon Angelica
    Drops: bacon, bone, coal, creep tooth, earth wisp, fur, iron ore, prime cut, roast chicken, wisp lantern
    Collection time: 8 hours (32 gems skip)
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 07-06-23 at 07:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information

    Old Thomas: Welcoming a new dragon trainer to the realm is sure to lead to exciting new possibilities!
    Pre-Goal 1: Dragon Riders Mount Up
    * Summon a Dragon Rider 0/1 GO | market 600 gems
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Welcome to the realm, young... wait a moment. Where did that rider go?

    Old Thomas: That appeared to be a rough landing! We should make sure the rider is alright.
    Goal 1:
    * Visit the Dragon Rider 0/1 GO (skip 10 gems) | collection timer is 22 hours
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Dragon Rider: Ooooff... ugh... my aching back! Don't you think that was a little harsh, Angelico?

    Old Thomas: If I know the Baron, it is best we just compensate him for these supposed slights and move on!
    Goal 2:
    * Give the Baron a golden nugget 0/1 GIVE (skip 80 gems)
    Rewards: 200 coins, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Dragon Rider: I'm just terribly embarrassed to have cost you with my accident... I owe you deeply!

    Baron: What's that in your pocket? it doesn't smell like gold...
    Goal 3:
    * Give white petals 0/99 GIVE (skip 297 gems)
    * Give blue petals 0/99 GIVE (skip 792 gems)
    * Give orange petals 0/99 GIVE (skip 198 gems)
    * Give red petals 0/99 GIVE (skip 396 gems)
    * Give purple petals 0/99 GIVE (skip 198 gems)
    Rewards: 200 coins, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Achoo! ... Child! You and your wicked tricks! Achoo! I must get away from these flowers at once!

    Dragon Rider: you're awfully kind to offer help! My teacher was right; he said I would find friends in strange places.
    Goal 4:
    * Search farmhouses 0/5 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Dragon Rider: Angelico! I saw him... and it looks like he's headed to the library...

    Dragon Rider: Sorry... I'm... out of... breath! I've been chasing... Angelico! I think I know... where he's headed!
    Goal 5:
    * Visit the library 0/5 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Something rather interesting happened with that dragon, I must say...

    Dragon Rider: Sorry... I'm... out of... breath! I've been chasing... Angelico! I think I know... where he's headed!
    Goal 6:
    * Visit the tavern 0/5 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Dragon Rider: I can't believe that dragon took an entire barrel of root beer and flew away! Allow me to apologize profusely.

    Draynor: With the right materials, I can lure Angelico with a trap!
    Goal 7:
    * Give dragon scales 0/50 GIVE (skip 600 gems)
    * Give coal 0/70 GIVE (skip 560 gems)
    * Give iron ore 0/70 GIVE (skip 560 gems)
    * Give wool 0/70 GIVE (skip 140 gems)
    Rewards: 200 coins, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Draynor: The trap is set up... Now we just need a lure.

    Draynor: Now is the moment of truth! With a hearty feast laid at the trap, the dragon won't be able to resist!
    Goal 8:
    * Give royal sundaes 0/10 GIVE (skip 100 gems)
    * Give spicy feasts 0/20 GIVE (skip 960 gems)
    * Give teacakes 0/5 GIVE (skip 20 gems)
    * Give orange cobblers 0/20 GIVE (skip 300 gems)
    * Give sweet feasts 0/15 GIVE (skip 900 gems)
    Rewards: 200 coins, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Draynor: The trap failed! Angelico got away... but we may still find him yet!

    Draynor: I am rather nervous approaching this hut! perhaps it is a dark spell...
    Goal 9:
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, + Angelico
    Congratulations: Ivy: Hello Ruler! Have you come to see the baby dragon?

    Draynor: If you don't mind, I think Angelica and I will spend quite some time here!
    Goal 10:
    * Visit the Dragon Rider 0/1 GO (skip 10 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +5 minutes unlimited energy
    Congratulations: Draynor: Thanks again, Ruler!

    Dialogue Guide
    Old Thomas: Hello Young Ruler! I have heard from an old, old friend of mine who is leading a class of young, brilliant minds. He said that his young dragon trainers are beginning their practical studies and are setting out to travel and explore and learn all there is to learn! As you well may know, these Glimmerwoods are quite the unique habitat for a variety of fascinating are rare dragon specimen. If you feel so inclined, I am sure the newest trainer arriving in the realm would be gracious for receiving your kind welcome!

    Goal 1:
    Old Thomas: Look at that!
    Ruler: Look at what?
    Old Thomas: Look, up in the sky, up in the sun!
    Ruler: I don't think it's safe to look up at the sun, Old Thomas.
    Old Thomas: Oh, no, it certainly is not wise! Do not look directly at the sun... look instead up here! Do you see? A shadow crosses the sky, disappearing in and out of the clouds... I believe a dragon is circulating above!
    Ruler: A dragon! I think you're right...that looks like a dragon! It's a big one too... and it's getting bigger!
    Old Thomas: Aha, yes... I do believe it is time for us to take cover, Young Ruler!

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: Hello! Are you all right?
    Dragon Rider: Oh, Hello! yes, I'm fine... nothing bruised but my ego. My apologies for crash landing in your realm... I hope nothing was damaged.
    Ruler: No, I think we were alright... We managed to take cover.
    Baron: Speak for yourself, child! That dreadful ruckus knocked a very rare and delicate vase off of a high shelf upon which it had been perched precariously!
    Ruler: Why did you have a vase perched so precariously!
    Baron: Certainly not so that someone might accidentally break it so that I might demand compensation! But now that you have broken it with your wild dragon crashing, I demand compensation!

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: There you go, Baron. Everything is all settled now.
    Baron: Well yes, but in a more, truer sense... no. How can one truly make up for such a disturbance? I'm afraid this has opened the door to a lifetime of debt.
    Dragon Rider: Oh, I am afraid I cannot afford such dues...
    Ruler: Don't worry... I think I have just the thing. Wait here, Baron. We'll bring you some *compensation*.

    Goal 4:
    Dragon Rider: Boy, I have just made such an awful mess crash landing in your realm... I've disturbed the people who live here and I've lost my dragon! My studies are going dreadfully so far.
    Ruler: You lost your dragon?
    Dragon Rider: Shortly after we landed... after we *crash* landed, my dragon disappeared. I am not sure where he was last... but I am certain that I not a good enough dragon rider for him! That is why Angelico left.
    Ruler: Why don't we see if we can help you find your dragon?
    Dragon Rider: you... want to help... me? After all the trouble I caused? Hm... Maybe I hit my head a little too hard during that crash landing...

    Goal 5:
    Dragon Rider: it looks like my dragon Angelico is roaming your realm. first he was by the farmhouses, now he appears to be headed towards your libraries? I don't know what's gotten into him!
    Old Thomas: Oh dear, a dragon near a library? That is a recipe for a disaster! Please, Young Ruler, keep that flame breathing beast away from the delicate tomes! A creature like that could wreck eons of history!

    Goal 6:
    Ruler: What happened, Old Thomas?
    Old Thomas: I witnessed the most unusual sight I have seen in quite some time. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to the library to try and help with the defense, but it turns out that quick dragon beat me to it! I saw it standing above a pile of books, ready to devour them in flame, so I yelled with fear, drawing the dragon's attention. But the most unusual thing happened... The dragon left! It could have eaten me if it wanted to... and it easily could have destroyed those books. On my word, if I did not know any better, I would swear I saw that dragon reading!
    Ruler: Reading? A reading dragon?
    Old Thomas: Stranger things have happened!

    Goal 7:
    Dragon Rider: So, I am aware that I owe you quite a bit of... stuff. I am very sorry about all this... and I will find a way to make it up to you!
    Ruler: It's all right... what is your name?
    Dragon Rider: Oh! Me? I suppose I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Draynor, of the southern islands... I went to school to become a dragon trainer, with a focus in riding and maintenance. But it seems I'm a failure in both aspects...
    Ruler: Don't worry, Draynor. We'll find your dragon and get you back to your studies. You are a kind ruler and I appreciate all your help... It's just... I need a little more!

    Goal 8:
    Draynor: I've spent a lot of time with Angelico... it was an ordeal to get him to trust me! Lots of treats, lots of trinkets, and of course lots of minor burns for me. It was months before he would even let me mount him. I had thought all that work meant we were close and that wouldn't run from me... I guess I was wrong... but then again, I was wrong about a lot of things. Either way, I know which treats that flame-breathing rascal eats... If you could help me with a few dishes, that'll lure that beast right to our trap!

    Goal 9:
    Draynor: I should have known that clever dragon would outsmart my trap. He managed to steal a bunch of the treats as he left. But there is still good news! The treats were so plentiful, Angelico could not carry them all. I was able to follow a line of half eaten desserts that lead me right to where I believe the dragon is. It's a leafy green hut, deep in the Glimmerwoods... I have heard it said a witch lives there! I hope Angelico is not being tormented by some dark magic!
    Ruler: Hmmm... Why don't you show me where this hut is?

    Goal 10:
    Draynor: Baby... dragon?
    Ivy: Yes! The mama dragon came to me for help hatching her egg.
    Draynor: Mama...? Her? you mean Angelico is a...
    Ivy: Angelica! And here is her sweet little baby. You know, for a dragon like this to successfully hatch a babe is quite rare. The dragon must be well cared for and have a close ally who it feels safe with. I would say whoever trained this dragon is doing a wonderful job. I'd say this dragon might even let someone ride it... Maybe!
    Ruler: Ivy, let me introduce you to this dragon's rider and trainer, Draynor!
    Ivy: Oh! Hello! You've done a fantastic job!
    Draynor: Thanks! I don't know what to say! I... I'm speechless. I thought my dragon was trying to run away from me...
    Ivy: Nope! She was gathering supplies for me. She's awfully clever. And you've done a wonderful job training her!
    Draynor: Wow... well, thanks! And thank you for all your help. It'll be easier to repay your efforts with Angelica by my side!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 10-01-23 at 02:45 AM.

  3. #3
    Nightclub Owner
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    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)

    Dragon Rider - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A dragon allowing a rider upon its back is a sign of deep trust and loyalty. This pair have become close friends who patrol the skies. Visit them for Energy!
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Animals
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 600 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (2325), Energy (4, 5)
    Events: The Dragon Rider - June 2023
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Comments: Opens a mini storyline: The Dragon Rider's Dilemma, 10 Steps. Reward: ?


    No more....
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 06-20-23 at 09:26 AM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  4. #4
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I visited two libraries and I'm not getting credit for it. It's still showing 0/5 libraries instead of 2/5. Thank you in advance for your help!

  5. #5
    Nightclub Owner
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    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Quote Originally Posted by TL4me View Post
    I visited two libraries and I'm not getting credit for it. It's still showing 0/5 libraries instead of 2/5. Thank you in advance for your help!
    Yeap, it looks like only level a 1 library register.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  6. #6
    Storm8 Staff SgtBeebo's Avatar
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    Portland, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by TL4me View Post
    I visited two libraries and I'm not getting credit for it. It's still showing 0/5 libraries instead of 2/5. Thank you in advance for your help!
    Looking into this now!

  7. #7
    Executive Chef deadpixel's Avatar
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    Southeast Asia
    Quote Originally Posted by ShibuyaCloth View Post
    Yeap, it looks like only level a 1 library register.
    Quote Originally Posted by SgtBeebo View Post
    Looking into this now!
    Maybe it's fixed. I visited a Level 7, 5, 2, and 1 library and they all registered.

  8. #8
    Rhino Keeper
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    Cypress, TX, USA
    Wait a few minutes before progressing between steps. I reached a point where I needed to visit Ivy’s Hut. I visited Ivy’s hut and the game reset. Fortunately, it reset my Ivy’s Hut so I didn’t have to wait half a day. I again visited Ivy’s Hut and collected/placed the nice prize (I don’t want to give away surprises.). I then collected from the dragon rider. the game reset again. Unfortunately, the game registers my visit to Ivy and my collection from the dragon rider, but does not register completion of the step required before visiting Ivy, so I don’t have the special prize and I have to wait a half day to collect from Ivy and about a day to collect from the dragon rider. So frustrating!

  9. #9
    Executive Chef
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    St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia
    The next two goals:
    7.Click image for larger version. 

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    8.Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	69813Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	69814
    Guessing from the post above that the last two goals are:
    9. Visit Ivy’s Hut
    10. Visit the Dragon Rider

  10. #10
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    I'll write all the goals up today - I finished everything yesterday, but keeping the 5 mins of unlimited energy for a "rainy day". Talk about a fire sale of getting rid of stored inventory materials! lol

    oh and as a side note, the Pirate Tavern counted towards the Tavern goal.

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