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Thread: Castle Story 8/29: Victoria | optional gem purchase story

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!

    Exclamation Castle Story 8/29: Victoria | optional gem purchase story

    Goal Notes:
    * This goal was released on 29 August 2022 as part of a huge sale. There is 8 days to purchase Victoria for 500 gems in the market
    * If you purchase Victoria within the 8 days it is available, the purchase will trigger these goals
    * The purchase of Victoria is completely optional as it requires gems to purchase
    * The last goal will reward you with Victoria's pet and 5 minutes of unlimited energy

    Note 1: there are 'rules' around unlimited energy which can be found in the Hub.

    Note 2: Energy that you had before activating unlimited energy will be available to you when the timer ends.

    Note 3: Energy gained from sources while unlimited energy is active does not add to your energy total after expiration. So, while you have the unlimited energy active, do not collect from other energy sources.

    Note 4: If you level up during this time, you will not receive the energy top up.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 11-17-22 at 03:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information
    8 goals

    When you purchase Victoria in the market for 500 gems, the following goals are triggered:
    Baron: Royalty is awaiting an invitation to arrive in our realm... Surely you won't keep Her Royal Highness waiting
    Pre-Goal: Her Royal Highness, Queen Victoria
    * Summon Victoria to the realm 0/1 GO (skip 500 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Victoria: Well hellooooo, child! Thank you for welcoming me into your lovely realm.

    Victoria: I would like to visit with those who you consider to be influential in your realm!
    Goal 1:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: You better do everything she asks for, Child! I can tell she's absolutely flush with coin!

    Victoria: Ivy is a witch, you say? How positively magical this trip is becoming!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Allow me to show you around, your majesty! Please don't touch anything...

    Victoria: A kingdom is only as strong as its defenses! I should like to see yours.
    Goal 3:
    * Visit a watchtower 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Huzzah, Queen Victoria! Welcome to our realm. Our knights are ready to assist you with anything you may need.

    Baron: I'll hold the tavern door for you, my lady! Please pay the slack-jawed locals no mind.
    Goal 4:
    * Visit a tavern 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Her Royal Highness is enjoying the tavern now, but she hungers, child! She has needs! We mst do what we can to assuage her.

    Victoria: I hear your knights are great travelers! Please, tell me of their conquests.
    Goal 5:
    * Go on any adventure 0/5 GO | only an original castle works (not barracks or haunted keep). The shorter adventures work.
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Victoria: What a delight this whole place is! I believe my kingdom and your realm could be great partners.

    Victoria: You needn't make a fuss over me, but I will admit to be interested in seeing what you can produce!
    Goal 6:
    * Give Victoria lumin essence 0/10 GIVE (skip 150 gems)
    * Give Victoria jewels 0/10 GIVE (skip 140 gems)
    * Give Victoria divine feasts 0/1 GIVE (skip 800 gems) | Kitchen, 16 hours - 10 roast chicken, 10 tomatoes, 2 bread
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Victoria: You are simply inspiring! I am sure there are many practices I can learn here and take back to my kingdom.

    Thurston: Fear not, my liege. My knights and I will verify the veracity of this Queen!
    Goal 7:
    * Visit Victoria 0/1 GO (skip 9 gems)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 Queen's Pup

    Victoria: My thanks to you for making room in your realm for me and my pup!
    Goal 8:
    * Pet the Queen's Pup 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +5 minutes unlimited energy
    Congratulations: Victoria: I think I shall like it here!

    Dialogue: (complete)

    Baron: Oooooo hooo hooo! Tee hee hee!
    Ruler: Wow, I haven't seen you this excited in a long time, Baron.
    Baron: Well, I always get a little giddy when I get the chance to earn a little coin!
    Ruler: I should have known. What are you up to this time?
    Baron: No scheme, no scam, I swear it! No, no, indeed, my glee comes from hearing about the Queen!
    Ruler: What Queen?
    Baron:*THE* Queen, Child! Her Royal Highness, Queen Victoria, has asked to visit this very realm!
    Ruler: Queen Victoria? I've never heard of her.
    Baron: Pah! I can't be asked to account for your lack of awareness. If you allow this royal guest to stay in your realm, there will be many opportunities for us to help the Queen part with her coin.
    Ruler: Baron! I'm not going to invite some helpless royal to the realm so you can steal from them.
    Baron: Not stealing! I intend to earn every coin I pry from Victoria's grasp! As I am sure you are aware, I have many wares to sell. A royal such as Her Highness would surely appreciate all I have to offer. Besides, the charm of my presence is worth my salary alone!

    Goal 1:
    Ruler: Hello, Queen Victoria.
    Baron: Bow, child! Show some respect!
    Ruler: Oh, oops. I'm sorry.
    Victoria: Please, there's no need for such formalities. I am on holiday!
    Ruler: A holiday?
    Victoria: Yes, indeed. Visiting your lovely realm is an absolute delight for me. The stresses of running my kingdom can be quite onerous... Everywhere I go, I am typically met with pomp and obedience.
    Here in your realm, I am just a visiting dignitary. I can travel with relative ease! To get to see a realm like this up close is inspiring! To see a community build and grow and thrive up close... Ah! It's a delight. Please, show me more of the goings on in this beautiful land. I'm not here in any official capacity, but I do always love a parade!
    Baron: You heard Her Royal Highness! Get to it, Child, and quick!

    Goal 2:
    Victoria: It has been a pleasure getting to speak with you, Sir Thomas.
    Old Thomas: Oh please, no need for formalities here. Just call me Thomas. And the pleasure has been all mine, I assure you. It is always nice to have visitors in the realm. Where are you headed next?
    Ruler: I was thinking I would take Her Highness to meet Ivy next.
    Old Thomas: A splendid idea, Young Ruler! If you wish to meet all of the movers and shakers who keep things going around here, Ivy is perhaps one of the most influential residents here in the realm! Second only to you, of course, Young Ruler!

    Goal 3:
    Victoria: Thank you for showing me around for a "spell", Mistress Ivy!
    Baron: Oh! Hahahahaha! What an incredible joke, Queen Victoria! The likes of such humor have not been seen around these parts in decades!
    Victoria: Well, I do think it is quite important for the people of my kingdom to be jovial. Where are we off to next?
    Baron: Next we will be headed to show you the might of this realm's forces! There's a knight you simply must meet. He is quite simple and it has lead to many a hilarious hijinx! Right this way....
    Ivy: Um, ruler... Can I talk to you for a moment?
    Ruler: Sure thing, Ivy! Is everything all right?
    Ivy: Maybe? I'm not sure. All I know is that woman isn't who she says she is.

    Goal 4:
    Victoria: Your knights are quite impressive! Overall, I must say, I am truly impressed with all you have built here!
    Thurston: Thank you for your kind words, Queen Victoria! Tis a pleasure to show the might of the Glimmerwoods to our visitors! Now, let me take you to the finest place in all the land... The Tavern! You've not lived till you've tried our Root Beer. Right this way, Your Highness...
    Ruler: ... All right, Ivy. they're out of earshot now. What did you mean she isn't who she says she is? She seems like a Queen to me!
    Ivy: She does seem rather royal... but have you asked her anything about her kingdom? Have you asked her about ruling? Her answers are a bit... silly.
    Ruler: Silly?
    Ivy: Yes, I don't think this person is threatening to the realm in any way... but I'd take care! I don't think they are who they say they are...

    Goal 5:
    Ruler: So do you think this Queen is lying to us, Ivy?
    Ivy: Well, I don't believe she's telling the truth. Talk to her for yourself and see.
    Ruler: But is she evil? What reason would she have to lie to us? She's asked for nothing from us but our time.
    Ivy: I'm sorry, but I just don't know! I had a hunch after talking to her. I've go no proof. But talk to her for yourself, you'll see what I mean. She's coming now! Quick, act natural!
    Victoria: Hellooooo child! I have truly adored being shown around your realm. Everything is so different here! My home seems even further away.
    Ruler: Speaking of, will you tell us of your kingdom?
    Victoria: Oh, of my home? Well of course, child! My realm is very far away, very very far away... But not so far as to make it difficult to visit. I rule over many, and yet so few... but my people are loyal and steadfast. I am sure some of them miss me, but there are duties I must attend to such as this one, visiting neighboring realms and building relationships.It is difficult to explain this to those I rule over, but I fear they will need to learn to make due! I forsee that I shall be spending lots of time here in your realm.

    Goal 6:
    Baron: I hope you are ready to attend the Queens' needs, child!
    Ruler: What do you mean, Baron?
    Baron: Her Royal Highness has not yet asked for any wares from our realm yet... but surely that is coming soon! You'd best ready your finest.
    Ruler: What do you know about this Queen, Baron? Like what's her kingdom called?
    Baron: Pah! If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you. And don't ask her, either! It's no polite! All you must do is ready your finest wares while I entertain our guest. And hurry! She's waiting on us, Child! Think of all the coin!

    Goal 7:
    Ruler: Thurston, I’m beginning to wonder about this Queen Victoria.
    Thurston: What do you mean, my liege?
    Ruler: I just want to make sure she’s exactly who she says she is. Ivy has expressed some concerns about her authenticity. Can you see what you can make of her?
    Thurston: Of course, my liege, I will gladly help you interrogate this imposter.
    Ruler: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s maybe do this with a little more ease. She likes you. Maybe you could just talk to her and get to know her, and then see if you can maybe verify what she says about herself?
    Thurston: Aye aye, my liege! A measured approach. You are so wise! And here I was thinking I should tie her up and threaten to dunk her into the Troll Pond!

    Goal 8:
    Ruler: Thurston, I'm beginning to wonder about this Queen Victoria.
    Thurston: Here we are, my liege. I have located one of Queen Victoria's subjects.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 11-22-22 at 05:44 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - added to the Guide

    Info: This mysterious woman claims to be considered royalty in another realm. If you bow before her, she'll give you Energy!
    Found: market, 500 gems during August 2022 sales
    Drops: 2325 coins, energy (5+)
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Queen's Pup
    Info: A sweet little pup with a pleasant temperament, though his hair is getting everywhere. Pet it to see what it found for you!
    Found: complete the goals for Victoria to unlock
    Drops: creep tooth, earth wisp, fey crystal, fur, glimmerdust, living wood, rat tail, wood
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Divine feast
    Info: Used for adventures, and is earned from crafting.
    Crafted: Kitchen, 16 hours - 10 roast chicken, 10 tomatoes, 2 bread
    Uses: completes goal
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 11-22-22 at 08:06 PM.

  4. #4
    Nightclub Owner
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    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: This mysterious woman claims to be considered royalty in another realm. If you bow before her, she'll give you Energy!
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Purchase
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 500 Gems
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (2325), Energy (5)
    Events: Queen Victoria - August 2022
    Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 88 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Triggers a new Storyline.
    Queen's Pup
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A sweet little pup with a pleasant temperment, though his hair is getting everywhere. Pet it to see what it found for you!
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Goal
    Class: Animals
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: Item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Wood, Living Wood, Glimmerdust, Earth Wisp, Fur, Rat Tail, Creep Tooth, Fey Crystal
    Events: Queen Victoria - August 2022
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Collection Speed-up: 14 Gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Complete the goals for Victoria to unlock
    Divine Feast
    Storable: Yes
    Info: The greatest feast of all!
    Type: Material
    Source: Crafting
    Crafted In: Kitchen
    Requirements: ? // 10 Roast Chicken, 10 Tomato, 2 Bread
    Events: Queen Victoria - August 2022
    Production: 960 minutes // 16 hours
    Production Speed-up: 64 Gems
    Cap: 99
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 08-31-22 at 08:33 AM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  5. #5
    Farm Supplier eugeniajs's Avatar
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    Hello, I can only provide these 3 photos, in the first one you have to do 5 adventures, I did “Toadstools forest” which is less hours, you can do adventures in “Barracks” too. Then the Baron appeared, but I hit him quickly and didn't read... and I skip the next screen asking for 10 of each, lumin essence, jewelry, and Divine Feast, and the problem is that we don't have the food, we have to make it and it takes 16 hours … prepare tomatoes, chicken and bread. I hope it helps you, good luck ��
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	5311CD90-DBB5-4DB1-8BE3-9AA6A0F91D89.jpg 
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ID:	64657
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Name:	B40E5BE1-50A9-41D4-B729-AFE9F0FA1750.jpg 
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  6. #6
    Fashion Designer
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    Jun 2013
    10 feast and 16 hours to cook each feast? I’m happy to be playing, but this is ridiculous. I was already questioning my decision to spend 500 gems just because I liked her costume, now to have this drawn out wait! Boring!

  7. #7
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by fish63 View Post
    10 feast and 16 hours to cook each feast? I’m happy to be playing, but this is ridiculous. I was already questioning my decision to spend 500 gems just because I liked her costume, now to have this drawn out wait! Boring!
    Victoria will drop her Energy regardless if you do the follow-up quests or not. The feast-quests are only there to obtain her Queen's Pup, which for my level doesn't drop anything interesting, so I will just take whatever time it takes to get the pup.

  8. #8
    Fashion Designer
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    I’ve had 2 drops from Victoria, first 10 energy second 5 energy.

  9. #9
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    mine was 7 and i forgot to look this morning. I'm not going to do the goals till the issue with dialogue is resolved. So, anyone going through the goals, please post your screen shots and I'll add them above.

  10. #10
    Fashion Designer
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    Queensland Australia
    Thank heavens for my Ol Bar and Grill, drops bread nearly every collection. Only occasionally drop Grits. Tomato are easy enough to grow. The more difficult for me will be the use of roast chicken. As this side event is not timed I’m happy to take my time though. Funny thing, my last 2 Elven trades have wanted 34 & 52 roast chickens. Glad I chose not to do those trades. Don’t really need the Queen’s Pup, but am looking for more tasks to complete. Good luck all.

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