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Thread: Castle Story: OLD Main Goal Guide - SUPERSEDED

  1. #581
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    May 8,2014 CASTLE STORY UPDATE Royal Exchange Trade Dialog

    IVY: Hey Lady Greselda?
    Lady G: What is it, dearie?
    IVY: I have a feeling Belladonna would love to see these plants!
    Can we send her some?
    Lady G: I suppose. What is the occasion?
    IVY: Nothing at all.
    Lady G: Not to be a toad, dearie, but we have a low supply of these plants.
    IVY: Alrighty. I'll write here to see if she would be interested.

    (ivy>I haven't written to my older sis in awhile. So much has happened, where do we start?!
    I guess starting with Lady Greselda is a good idea.
    1. Hello, Belladonna *trade with Belladonna*
    (ivy> That was fast, I wonder is she's nearby?)

    IVY: My sister wrote back! Do you want to read it with me?

    Dear Ivy,
    I heard the news, too, about the Glimmergate!
    Do you get lots of visitors for the gate? I've been meaning to see it myself.
    You know how it goes. When you hear things
    Through the grapevine, who knows what's true and what's phony.
    Lady Greselda, eh? I met her once. Yep!
    She's quite the s****ed witch! A self serving one at that.
    I wonder if she remembers me...
    We met briefly when I was traveling about for my studies.
    Is she a permanent resident at you Kingdom?
    And yes, absolutely! Send the plants over. I can think of a few experiments I want to try.
    Hope you and your Easy Brew Cauldron are doing well! Haha!
    Much Love, Bella

    IVY: Here I thought Belladonna could go a day without teasing me.
    Well, that's my big sister for ya.

    (ivy>Let's go give Lady Greselda the heads up that Belladonna would like a few plants.
    2. Through the Grapevine *find Lady G - her creepy castle & the dark garden*
    (ivy>Her castle got creepier with the new plant collection...)

    IVY: There you are! I've been looking for ya.
    Lady G: Dear, you're brewing with energy. Go on, croak it out.
    IVY: Belladonna wrote back and she would like it if we could send her some plants!
    Lady G: You can have the extras that mature.
    IVY: Whoo hoo! Thank you.
    ... DO YOU remember a Belladonna? My sister said she has bet you before!
    Lady G: Ah yes, the wildling with red hair?
    IVY: Hey, she's not a wildling!
    Lady G: Did the years mellow her out?
    IVY: I don't know? Belladonna is just Belladonna to me.
    Lady G: We met briefly in Farenvale 5 years ago. She's quite the s****ed witch.
    Something you didn't inherit.

    (ivy>I'm not a witch! Why does everyone think that?
    Anyways, let's go, let's go! These plants won't mature themselves!
    Help me pick the best babies for my sister.
    3. Gifts for Bella * Send dark plants-careful, they're feisty babies! -use new trade*
    (ivy> Do you think Lady Greselda would give me lessons?)

    Dear Ivy,
    These plants are creepily perfect! Thank you squirt!
    I think I might grind these down, but they're just too precious!
    I'll plant a few and turn the rest into experiments.
    Have you done anything with these? Share me your recipes!
    A wildling, eh? Maybe when I was in school at Farenvale!
    Anywho, I've been taking notes. I'll send you bit by bit as you
    send me more plants for my experiments.
    What is Lady Greselda doing with these? I would love to know!
    Write me soon. I love you little sis.
    Much Love, Bella

    IVY: D'awww... I always feel fuzzy inside when she writes me.
    But cool, notes! Oh Lady Greselllllda... .

    (ivy>I got something you might like.
    BUT FIRST, show me some potion recipes.
    Belladonna would be disappointed if I can't brew advanced stuff when she visits..)
    4. Wish You Were Here * give Belladonna's inscription*
    (ivy>Yes, yes? Petty please?!

    IVY: Sooooo? You'll give me a few lessons every week?
    Lady G: You're insistent like your sister.
    IVY: Huh?
    Lady G: Oh? She hasn't told you? Probably too proud to admit it!
    When she was in school at Farenvale, she often came to my house
    and BEGGED me for lessons. My goodness! She came around everyday. Rain or shine!
    IVY: Did you take her in?
    Lady G: Heavens dearie, no!
    I can't even eat a frog eye pie in peace! Why on green grass would I mentor a witch?!
    IVY: Hey, but you can eat ALL the frog eye pies you want here!
    Lady G: ...
    IVY: Come on! I'm a fast learner! I have my sister's blood in me!

    (Lady G> I suppose. How about we do this for 3 months and re-evaluate.
    First, prove to me you're as committed as your sister. Study as
    Much as you can from her until I put together some lesson plans.
    5. Sister, Sister *give 20 inscription* (could make a book out of these notes...)
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-14-14 at 06:56 PM.

  2. #582
    New Resident
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    Jan 2014
    When I hit Give for the Sister, Sister goal nothing is happening! What should I be doing or where should I be going to Give belladonnas inscription? First time I have ever been lost in this game!

  3. #583
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Quote Originally Posted by androsia View Post
    When I hit Give for the Sister, Sister goal nothing is happening! What should I be doing or where should I be going to Give belladonnas inscription? First time I have ever been lost in this game!
    You get the first inscription when you did the trade with Belladonna (rat tails one) and then visit Greselda and the maze garden and then you get the 20 inscriptions from doing the plant exchange with Belladonna in the Royal Exchange. this will take awhile. There is a sticky thread for this called Update Belladonna with lots of info.

  4. #584
    New Resident
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    Okay I did exactly like that, I did the trade with Belladona, visited Greselda and then the maze garden, but now when I checked the forum I see that you have to do a plant exchange, I have no problem getting those plants except that one to the far right that you only need one of I can never get that one.

  5. #585
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Quote Originally Posted by teoliny View Post
    Okay I did exactly like that, I did the trade with Belladona, visited Greselda and then the maze garden, but now when I checked the forum I see that you have to do a plant exchange, I have no problem getting those plants except that one to the far right that you only need one of I can never get that one.
    I had none of those either (rafflesia) when we got to this goal, but this week 3 have dropped from the maze. thats never happened to me before this week. I didn't even have 1 for the upgrade, I skipped it with gems. I've had 3 now and of course I've run out of the other plants, so back to crafting! You'll get there too!

  6. #586
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    May15, 2014 Pyre Caverns Teaser Expires May 18,2014

    Last edited by Dabag; 05-17-14 at 02:14 PM.

  7. #587
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    CS. Update May 15,2014
    Thread: Castle Story: 05/15/2014 Update Pyre Caverns Teaser

    update thread post #162 by glimmergate
    These quests are just a teaser... the event begins next Thursday and will run for 10 days. You don't need to complete this week's quests to see next week's events.

    info from some posts on the update thread: must be level 28 to do these goals

    1)Pyre Caverns Teaser
    Summary: Thurston and the Knights ventured too far south and stumbled upon the Pyre Caverns! What caused the Pyre Dragons' return? Most importantly, what secrets lie deep inside the fiery caverns?

    Quest Titles:
    Panic Scare
    All The Wh- Questions
    Pyre Cavern Dragons

    1. Panic Scare
    . GIVE Thurston Water x30 (skip 15g)
    Rewards: 370 coin 3xp

    2. All The Wh- Questions
    . ALERT the Neighbors x50 ASK (skip 150g)
    . PREPARE some Longswords x10 (skip 50g)
    . PREPARE some Light Armor x10 (skip 50g)
    Rewards: 370 coin 3xp

    3. Pyre Cavern Dragons
    . Sleep on it - at the cottage x1 REST
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-17-14 at 02:16 PM.

  8. #588
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    c20 Pyre Caverns Teaser

    Summary: Thurston and the Knights ventured too far south and stumbled upon the Pyre Caverns!
    What caused the Pyre Dragons' return? Most importantly, what secrets lie deep inside the fiery caverns?

    Thurston: My Liege! Mon... mon... MONSTER!
    IVY: Ooh, this sounds good.
    Ruler: What do you mean monster? Here. Drink some water and tell us.
    Sabina: Monster?!!
    Ruler: It'll be ok, Sabina

    (ivy>Thurston causes a panic scare once again!
    Have you ever thought about collecting yourself before blurting things out?
    1. Panic Scare *give water to Thurston- chug! chug! chug!*
    (ivy>Drinking too much water can be a bad thing!

    IVY: Ok, spit it out! Who, What, Where, When, Why!
    Thurston: Dragons!
    OT: A dragon sighting? Near the Glimmerwood?
    Thurston: A-a-a-ay-ay-aye! Dragons! Nesting! Sitting on mounds of treasures!
    OT: Impossible! Where did you witness such a sight?

    Thurston: The Knights and I did our duty scouting the castle walls.
    We decided to take a different route and ended too far south.
    And-and-and that's when we saw--
    IVY: DRAGONS! Yeah, yeah, we know.
    OT: Oh dear... are we safe? Should we prepare?
    Ruler: I agree with Old Thomas. We should prepare for the worst.

    Ruler to Thurston: Did the dragons attack you?
    Thurston: Nay.
    IVY: What? What happened when you saw them then?
    Thurston: They were ENORMOUS! The dragons roared fire at us until we left!
    OT: This is most curious... could you have found the ancient Pyre Caverns?
    Ruler: What's that?
    OT: I will tell you as we work. There is no time to lose.

    (OT>The Pyre Caverns were known as the home of the sacred fire dragons?
    As you know dragons are quite rare.
    I am in disbelief that Sir Thurston saw the Pyre dragons with his own two eyes!
    2. All The Wh- Questions * alert neighbors & prepare -Longswords & Light armor(won't this heat up in a fire?)* OT> Oh dear... I wonder if this is enough?)

    Thurston: Old Thomas, I swear on the Excalibam I SAW the Pyre dragons!
    OT: What could cause their return?
    If they didn't go extinct, where have they been all these years?
    Ruler: That'll take some time before we find out.
    What we do know is they're dangerous.
    Thurston: Aye, my sovereign. We must act now or they may light fire to our Kingdom!
    Sabina: How can we slay the dragons? They're large and terrifying!
    Thurston: Fear not, my princess! We will protect you with our lives!
    OT: Oh dear... dragon slaying? Is this the right answer?
    Ruler: The dragons we raised are friendly.
    Maybe we can raise the eggs found in the Pyre Caverns?
    OT: As your Royal Council I advise you to think this trough before making any decision.
    Ruler: I agree. Let's think about it.

    (Sabina>Slay The Dragon event starts soon! Don't miss out!
    3. Pyre Cavern Dragons *sleep on it - think it through at the Cottage* REST

    End of Quest
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-17-14 at 02:19 PM.

  9. #589
    Executive Chef
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    Future dialogues will be posted in the Dialogs thread

    Thread: Dialogs
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-17-14 at 02:21 PM.

  10. #590
    Executive Chef
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    Chain #25 pyre caverns - dragon eggs
    Infiltrate the Pyre Caverns
    -Available to players Level 28+
    -Event runs from 05/22/2014 - 06/01/2014
    -Collect all 3 Dragon Eggs from the Caverns!

    -If you obtain a Dragon Egg you will have unlimited time to hatch it
    -There will be Limited Time steps during the hatching process

    COLLECTING EGGS - Available for 10 days from May 22.2014

    Vital Extract > Craft in Greenhouse
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-22-14 at 08:11 PM.

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