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Thread: Western Goals 9-11-13 - EXPIRED

  1. #41
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Vyxsin69 View Post
    Can someone please tell me a simple and effective way to clean up the neighbor list so I can get rid of inactive players?

    I was hoping TL would make some sort of "check in" that would pop up when we went to their bakery/restaurant/farm (etc.) and let us know the last time they played.
    there's other advice on this, but my method is: visit everyone who's on any of your lists - gave you a gift, left a tip or responded to a request in your news feed, or wrote on your message board in the past couple of days (also visit stormie). whether you tip or gift them during your visit is irrelevant, just by visiting, they will have dropped to the bottom of your neighbors list in the social tab. so now everyone at the top of that list (above stormie, as you visited him too) has not contacted you recently.

    some of the non-contacts you may want to keep because you know them, but otherwise, i've tried a couple different things - sometimes i go check for rotting food (and usually make a mental note of which ones have it and check again the next day - they may just have gotten caught up and missed their serve times), sometimes i tip & gift and see if that gets a response, sometimes i leave a message flat out asking if they're still playing the game. i usually don't delete without really trying to make sure they've actually gone, but that's just me.

    and yeah, it's been suggested and seconded and we'd all love it. i'm not holding my breath.
    Last edited by maguar; 09-16-13 at 03:26 AM. Reason: Fixed links

  2. #42
    My Stove is locked? How do I unlock it?

  3. #43
    you need to store the current stove to get the new one or reach the level it require to unlock

  4. #44
    Nightclub Owner meme1098's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roxanne0224 View Post
    My Stove is locked? How do I unlock it?
    If you're talking about the second stove in the goal, i think its called the old west stove, you need to collect all the poker cards from nbrs first and then it will unlock.

  5. #45
    Nightclub Owner meme1098's Avatar
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    Or maybe the second stove was called the saloon stove. Whatever the second stove is, you need to collect the poker cars first.

  6. #46
    Rhino Keeper
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    Thanks for the link on how to manage your neighbors. I've done all of those suggestions, but people stop playing (or they play and just dont respond to requests or tips)....and then you're back at square one. It'd be a lot easier if it would just show the date of when they last played on that pop up when your go to their bakery/farm etc. When I weed out my neighbors I have to write their name down on paper and monitor them for a week.....which is ridiculous.

  7. #47
    Rhino Keeper
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    I also wish there was a "select all" when sending gifts and requesting materials.

    But thats a whole different thread lol

  8. #48
    The Honorable Panda
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    Please keep your posts to the topic of the goals.
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    Note: Due to some personal matters, I will not be on over the weekend.

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  9. #49
    Executive Chef minidemon88's Avatar
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    Saloon Card Table cost 30,000coins. 3x3 size. You will get one for free after completing Goal#8(last goal).

    edit(KP) added to post 1 and 3.
    Last edited by kooky panda; 09-17-13 at 01:55 PM.

  10. #50
    Executive Chef
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    Nov 2012

    This is the saloon card tables for anyone who hasn't finished yet or hasn't seen it.

    edit(KP)- added to post 3
    Last edited by kooky panda; 09-17-13 at 01:55 PM.

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