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Thread: Castle story - Beetina

  1. #1

    Castle story - Beetina

    I have two beetinas and have yet to get anything from her. Information says she drops those beets needed and other things but I haven?t got any. I have gotten a couple of beets through the castle. Should they be giving me more beets?

  2. #2
    The team is not able to reproduce this. Please try storing her and placing her back in your realm. Please contact support if you continue to experience this - link is in my signature.
    Storm8 Staff - [S8] HungryGoblin
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  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cindeesparkles View Post
    I have two beetinas and have yet to get anything from her. Information says she drops those beets needed and other things but I haven?t got any. I have gotten a couple of beets through the castle. Should they be giving me more beets?
    No they shouldn't give you anything and this is completely normal

    If you received them as an adventure drop before chapter 7 then once they are placed they will not drop anything. It's only once you get to the goal that gives you 2 free Beetina's in Chapter/Day 7 you will then start to get the required drops from any you have on your board already plus the 2 ones you receive when the goal rewards them once the 4 hour timer is ready.

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