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Thread: Help - Game will not load

  1. #791
    This has been going on for over a year now. Can storm 8 please update.

  2. #792
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweetlife007 View Post
    This has been going on for over a year now. Can storm 8 please update.
    Please refer to the last comms from 25 Jan located back a few pages from Elsa here:

  3. #793
    Fashion Designer
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    Feb 2023
    January 25 was 3 months ago. They haven't made progress or been able to provide another update in that time? That isn't your fault, SW, but they should be able to provide an update at least quarterly. That quarter is now up (3 months).
    Disagreements are a normal part of the human experience and can be handled respectfully. Don't think I don't see.

  4. #794
    Does anyone else wonder if they're "really" working on this? My iPad has been locked out for over 3 YEARS now so excuse me if I'm dubious and suspect they're just milking it before announcing they can't/won't fix app. How long are we supposed to "hope" for an update? Seriously I'd rather have harsh honesty then be a mushroom (kept in dark & fed b.s.)

  5. #795
    Nightclub Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonValley920 View Post
    Does anyone else wonder if they're "really" working on this? My iPad has been locked out for over 3 YEARS now so excuse me if I'm dubious and suspect they're just milking it before announcing they can't/won't fix app. How long are we supposed to "hope" for an update? Seriously I'd rather have harsh honesty then be a mushroom (kept in dark & fed b.s.)
    I'm personally really worried that I've been locked out so long that my game has been deleted. For years I always assumed our games were always there even if we didn't log into them for a long time. Then, a few years back I was informed that they do in fact erase games that have been abandoned to save on room.

    Seeing as how I've not been able to log into my game for YEARS at this point has me terrified that my account will be seen as 'abandoned' and thus erased. I mean, from their end of things, it probably looks like I've just walked away, right? So how are they to know which ones to save and which ones to delete when something like this bug comes around?

    I honestly don't want to think this but it is my darkest fear and after all this time with ZERO progress made, what else am I expected to think?

  6. #796
    Rhino Keeper
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    4 years or more for some people and it saddens me although I can log in with Android (locked out of iOS). One year is too long let alone 4 or more. I held out hope something would happen and changes to improve the game would be implemented (via the "survey" that was given to us who could play a few months back). I guess it was only a dream. Why keep shutting out those who invested in the game? Do you not hear the players calling out to invest more into the game? Yet the ones who aren't playing the game as intended and have been reported on many occasions keep showing up in Leaderboards using fake currency to advance. That's taking money away from the company and shouldn't be tolerated. My intention with the last couple of sentences isn't to be mean or flaming staff I promise you. I just don't see the sense of locking out honest players and doing nothing to the dishonest who are ruining the game. It's sad that, as optimistic as I have been, I'm starting to lose hope. Please S8, throw us a bone at least. Thank you.
    Last edited by northernlight412; 04-30-24 at 06:00 PM.

  7. #797
    Rhino Keeper
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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by northernlight412 View Post
    4 years or more for some people and it's saddens me although I can log in with Android (locked out of iOS). One year is too long let alone 4 or more. I held out hope something would happen and changes to improve the game would be implemented (via the "survey" that was given to us who could play a few months back). I guess it was only a dream. Why keep shutting out those who invested in the game? Do you not hear the players calling out to invest more into the game? Yet the ones who aren't playing the game as intended and have been reported on many occasions keep showing up in Leaderboards using fake currency to advance. That's taking money away from the company and shouldn't be tolerated. My intention with the last couple of sentences isn't to be mean or flaming staff I promise you. I just don't see the sense of locking out honest players and doing nothing to the dishonest who are ruining the game. It's sad that, as optimistic as I have been, I'm starting to lose hope. Please S8, throw us a bone at least. Thank you.
    Spot on!!!

  8. #798
    It’s very hard to remain optimistic. A while back it sounded like they were close to having a fix. Then nothing. We all miss our dragons. Please just an update.

  9. #799
    Recently, I have no problem on logging into the game.
    Any updates on the server, or just testing on limited players?
    We always welcome the status report.

  10. #800
    since this game is released over 10 years ago, it is highly doubt the team which can fix the game still exists. i think that the remained team which maintains this game for now is only doing, and only able to do in-game content maintenance.

    development of the game has been completed in long ago, but it might has not been enough designed, reviewed and polished to run long life. the fact that there is no app update with having fatal problem for many years tells the truth...

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