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Thread: 🔮 Castle Story: Madam Makeda's Trade Wagon | Summoner's Portal | Mystic Decor

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    🔮 Castle Story: Madam Makeda's Trade Wagon | Summoner's Portal | Mystic Decor

    ! For ease of reference, the following links are provided for your information !

    Game Guide Links: | Discussion thread for Madam Makeda
    Main Story Goal Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | Story Outline Guide | The HUB! sub-forum | Update Guide (list of all previous main story and event goals with links)

    * You must be Level 25 to participate in these goals
    * Madam Makeda makes an appearance for 3 days from Friday's 11am PT - Sundays 6pm PT
    * The goal called 'Madam Makeda's Visit' shows the 3 day countdown timer
    * Trade crystals in Makeda's Wagon (see below for details)
    * There is a max of 999 of each crystal in inventory

    Goblin spawn information - during the mini-event
    * Goblins spawn when this goal is active (outside of the mini-event there is an extremely rare chance for Goblins to spawn from usual buildings and they will drop crystals as normal)
    * Goblins spawns are listed below and there are no guaranteed spawns
    * Goblins drop Traveler's Crystals during battle and once they are defeated drop a small bundle of Wanderer's and Seeker's Crystals

    Goblin spawn information - outside of the mini-event
    * Collecting from all of the Goblins you can craft (eg Gertie) may spawn a goblin (not guaranteed) | refer to the Inventory entries below for details

    Goblin spawn information - during a Monster Hunt (Beast Master event) / Leaderboard event
    * During a Monster Hunt, goblins will not drop tokens when being defeated; they will only drop crystals
    * During battle, the hit points will count towards the Leaderboard score

    Goblin spawn information - during a Realm Master weekend event
    * During a Realm Master, when a goblin spawns, during battle, the hit points will NOT count towards the overall Realm Master score
    * Crystals are awarded as the goal milestone prizes during the mini-event

    This thread has detailed information about the following items:
    Page 1:
    Post 2: Initial goals introducing Madam Makeda
    Post 3: Information about where Trade drops | Goblins spawn (with pictures) | Crystals | Makeda's Trap
    Post 4: Inventory Information for Goblins, Crystals, Makeda's Wagon and crafts, Mystic Decor Shoppe and crafts
    Post 5: Information about the Summoner's Portal and crafts
    Post 6: Goals and dialogue for Suki
    Post 7: Goals and dialogue for Suri
    Post 8: Goals and dialogue for Sully
    Post 9: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Gertie
    Post 10: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Tallulah

    Page 2:
    Post 11: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Bartolo - Gobbling Goblins
    Post 12: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Gur
    Post 13: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Karan
    Post 14: Goals and dialogue for Goblin Julian
    Post 15: Goals and dialogue for Adamantia - Beak and Seek: Quest for the Stolen Egg
    Post 16: Goals for The Tale of Thurbina
    Post 17: Goals and dialogue for The Crystal Witch - Imogen
    Post 18: Goals and dialogue for The Crystal Chronicles - Rockford
    Post 19: The Crystal Witch Part 2 (Crystal Wyvern and Crystal Naga)
    Post 20: The Littlest Dragon

    Page 3:
    Post 21 Release of Gilded decorations
    Post 22: Goals and dialogue for The Search for the Queen of the Jinn
    Post 23: Release of Minnie, Meli and Murray
    Post 24: Information on the Crystal Charm and Goblin Charm (1 time use only)
    Post 25: The Gold Rider
    Post 26:
    Post 27:
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 09-09-24 at 01:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Information about the Goals introducing Madam Makeda

    * The initial dialogue and goals for Makeda's Wagon will only appear once
    * Subsequent events will have a timed goal for each mini event in your goal book

    Part 1: Initial Goals
    * These goals appear concurrently and are to teach you how to trade crystals.

    Ruler: Oh, I think I do! What brings you here?
    Makeda: I have come to trade my goods. You see, I travel far and wide collecting many things.
    Ruler: I see. Well, I can see what I've got in my coin purse!
    Makeda: No need. I only accept a specific currency. A magic currency.
    Ruler: Magic?
    Makeda: indeed. Come to my wagon, let me tell you more.

    Madam Makeda: Get ready to see the mysteries of the world! Aren't you excited?
    Madam Makeda
    * Place Madam Makeda's Wagon 0/1 GO | market, 25000 coins
    Rewards: 100 coins, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Madam Makeda: Come little one, take a look!

    Thurston: It seems more goblins have followed Madam Makeda to our realm!
    Ruler: This is so exciting...

    Thurston: Let's teach these feisty goblins a lesson or two about stealing!
    Madam Makeda: Goblin Hunter
    * Defeat Traveling Goblins 0/5 GO
    * Defeat Wandering Goblins 0/2 GO
    * Defeat Seeker Goblins 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 20 xp, 1 bundle of crystals
    Congratulations: Thurston: Huzzah!

    Thurston: My liege! Trouble befalls the realm!
    Ruler: Uh oh, what is it Thurston?
    Thurston: Goblins! Too many to count...
    Makeda: Oh no, I fear this may be my fault.
    Ruler: What do you mean?
    Makeda: Those pesky goblins are always after my treasures... Especially my crystals. They've stolen quite a bit from me, actually. Let's make a deal? You get my crystals back for me, and I'll let you trade the for some of my treasures.
    Ruler: Sounds like a good deal... Let's go, Thurston!

    Thurston: *Goblins will only spawn when Makeda is visiting your realm*
    The Amazing Madam Makeda Part I
    * Defeat Traveling Goblins 0/1 GO
    * Gather Traveler's Crystals 0/1 GO (skip 3 gems)
    * Trade Crystals at Makeda's Wagon 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 cons, 20 xp, (Summoner's Portal unlocked)
    Congratulations: Makeda: Very shiny, just how I like it.

    Ruler: Madam Makeda, we're back!
    Makeda: Hopefully with my crystals?
    Ruler: We did manage to find some of your crystals. Take a look.
    Makeda: Perfect... Not a scratch on them!
    Ruler: Now, about that trade?
    Makeda: Oh, yes. You see this sack of crystals?
    Ruler: I do.
    Makeda: Put those crystals in here, and give it a shake.
    Ruler: Wait...what? This seems like a trick...
    Makeda: Well, it's a trick of sorts. i told you, these crystals are magic. Just trust me.
    Ruler: Alright...

    Makeda: This magic bag will determine if you are worthy of even more crystals or treasure!
    The Amazing Madam Makeda Pt II
    * Trade Crystals in Makeda's Wagon 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 cons, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Makeda: It looks like things have played in your favor!

    Ruler: Wow, that was pretty neat!
    Makeda: The mysteries of the world never fail to impress my patrons. Now, what would you like to trade for? You can purchase anything in my wagon with these crystals. Just be warned, I usually have trouble following close behind.
    Ruler: The goblins?
    Makeda: Yes, but perhaps we can keep this arrangement up when I visit. You protect my wagon from goblins, and I'll let you trade the crystals you find.
    Ruler: Sounds fair to me!

    Makeda: Now, spend those crystals wisely!
    The Amazing Madam Makeda III
    * Complete any trade in Makeda's Wagon 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 20 xp
    Congratulations: Makeda: Very good choice.

    Part 2: Weekly Goals

    Note: These goals will appear at the same time each weekend to indicate when the mini-event begins. The second goal is a placeholder goal only to show you how much time is left until the mini event concludes which can be viewed in your goal book listing. It may also show on the right hand side of screen in the events area with a timer.

    Makeda: Ah, hello there. I heard you may be interested in some of my wares. There's just one small problem...these goblins have stolen my crystals! Can you get them back for me? Then we can trade!

    Makeda: *This quest will complete at the end of Madam Makeda's visit!*
    1. Madam Makeda's Visit
    * Participate in Madam Makeda's event (buy Madam Makeda's Wagon in the market!) 0/1
    Rewards: none

    Thurston: It seems more goblins have followed Madam Makeda to our realm!

    Thurston: Let's teach these feisty goblins a lesson or two about stealing!
    2. Madam Makeda: Goblin Hunter
    * Place Makeda's Wagon | once purchased, subsequent mini-events will show this goal as auto-complete
    * Defeat Traveling Goblins 0/5 GO
    * Defeat Wandering Goblins 0/2 GO
    * Defeat Seeker Goblins 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 20 xp, 1 bundle of crystals with 5 traveler's crystal, 5 wanderer's crystal, 5 seekers' crystal
    Congratulations: Thurston: Huzzah!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 07-01-24 at 08:31 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Makeda's Wagon
    Madam Makeda

    A) Information about Madam Makeda and her Wagon (including trade drop info)
    Spoiler: show

    * When you begin a trade in the Wagon, you will be asked to confirm that you want to continue with the trade. Click PROCEED which will begin the 3 minute timer on the trade

    Drops from each trade:
    1. Crystal Trade
    You get a bundle of all 3 crystals. The amount of drops is normally more than the crafting requirements, but sometimes it may return less than the crafting requirements for one or more of the 3 crystals

    2. Traveler's Trade drops
    You get either 3 or 4 items which may include 15 or 30 coins, and/or 1-2 resource items and 2-3 wanderer's and 2-3 seeker's crystals
    * Resource items may include: enchanted beam, enchanted block, lumin essence, ornate beam, ornate block, simple glue, spellbound beam, spellbound block | I'm tracking drops as I go, so this list is incomplete

    3. Wanderer's Trade
    You get either 3 or 4 items which may include coins, a resource item and 2-3 wanderer's and 2-3 seeker's crystals

    4. Seeker's Trade
    You get 1 seeker coin and 2-3 wanderer's and 2-3 seeker's crystals

    B) Information about where Goblins spawn
    Spoiler: show

    * There are a variety of buildings and items that spawn Goblins
    * The type of item you collect from determines what Goblin will spawn
    * Defeat Goblins which spawn from these places
    * There are no guaranteed items that spawn a Goblin (at time of writing)
    * All Goblins drops Traveler's Crystals during battle and then they drop Wanderer's Crystals, Seeker's Crystals upon defeat
    * The number of Wanderer's Crystals and Seeker's Crystals that drop depend on the Goblin that was defeated.

    Number of hits to defeat and where to collect from are as follows:
    1) Travelling Goblin | drops Traveler's Crystals, Wanderer's Crystals (does not drop Seeker's crystals)
    - 3 hits | Plots, White trillium flower
    - 5 hits | Brown Mushroom circle, White trillium shrub

    2) Wandering Goblin | drops Traveler's Crystals, Wanderer's Crystals, Seeker's Crystals
    - 8 hits | Cottage, Hatchery, Sawmill, Sparkling mine, Stable
    - 10 hits | Conservatory, Jeweler

    3) Seeker Goblin | drops Traveler's Crystals, Wanderer's Crystals, Seeker's Crystals
    - 30 hits | Theater, Jousting Arena
    - 90 hits | Amphitheater, Library, Tavern, Thurston's Fort

    Goblin spawn places (pictures)
    Spoiler: show

    1A) Travelling Goblin

    3 hits to defeat
    White trillium flower
    spare spare spare
    1B) Travelling Goblin

    5 hits to defeat
    Mushroom Circles
    White trillium shrub
    spare spare spare
    2A) Wandering Goblin

    8 hits to defeat

    Note: all cottages will spawn this goblin (eg haunted, icecream, grim, gothic, pumpkin)
    Sparkling mine
    2B) Wandering Goblin

    10 hits to defeat
    spare spare spare
    3A) Seeker Goblin

    30 hits to defeat
    Jousting Arena
    3B) Seeker Goblin

    90 hits to defeat
    Pirate Tavern
    Thurston's Fort

    C) Information about Crystals
    Spoiler: show

    * You can have a max of 999 of each crystal in inventory
    Crystals (pictures)
    Traveler's Crystals
    Wanderer's Crystal
    Seeker's Crystal

    D) Information about Makeda's Trap
    Spoiler: show

    Makeda's Trap
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-06-23 at 05:53 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - Part 1


    Traveling Goblin spawn
    Found: 3 hits: plots, white trillium flower | 5 hits: brown mushroom circle, white trillium shrub | Gertie, Tallulah, Bartolo, Gur, Karan, Julian
    Drops: traveler's crystals during battle, wanderer's crystals when defeated

    Wandering Goblin spawn
    Found: 8 hits: cottage, hatchery, sawmill, sparkling mine, stable | 10 hits: conservatory, jeweler | Gertie, Tallulah, Bartolo, Gur, Karan, Julian, Falconer
    Drops: traveler's crystals during battle, wanderer's crystals and seeker's crystals when defeated

    Seeker Goblin spawn
    Found: 30 hits: theater, jousting arena | 90 hits: amphitheater, library, tavern, Thurston's Fort | Gertie, Tallulah, Bartolo, Gur, Karan, Julian
    Drops: traveler's crystals during battle, wanderer's crystals and seeker's crystals when defeated


    Traveler's Crystals max 999
    Info: A rare crystal that can be found by defeating Traveling Goblins.
    Found: awarded when attacking the Travelling Goblin, Wandering Goblin and the Seeker Goblin, Crystal Dragon, reward for completing the Goblin Hunter weekly goal (5)
    Uses: item in Crystal Trade (10), item in Wanderer's Trade (10), item in Traveler's Trade (50), item in Wanderer's Trade (50), item in Seeker's Trade (50), item in Mystic Fence craft (10)

    Wanderer's Crystals max 999
    Info: A rare crystal that can be found by defeating Wandering Goblins.
    Found: awarded once the Travelling Goblin, Wandering Goblin and the Seeker Goblin has been defeated, crystal trade, travelers' trade, wander's trade, Crystal Dragon, reward for completing the Goblin Hunter weekly goal (5)
    Uses: item in Crystal Trade (10), item in Wanderer's Trade (10), item in Wanderer's Trade (25), item in Seeker's Trade (25)

    Seeker's Crystals max 999
    Info: A rare crystal that can be found by defeating Seeker Goblins.
    Found: awarded once the Wandering Goblin and the Seeker Goblin has been defeated, crystal trade, travelers' trade, wanderer's trade, Crystal Dragon, reward for completing the Goblin Hunter weekly goal (5)
    Uses: item in Crystal Trade (10), item in Wanderer's Trade (10), item in Seeker's Trade (25)

    Madam Makeda inventory

    Makeda's Wagon limit of 1 Can be sold
    Info: A mysterious wagon full of even more mysterious wares.
    Cost: 25,000 coins
    Size: 2x2
    Build: no build required
    What can you craft?
    * Crystal Trade, 3 minutes - 10 traveler's, 10 wanderer's, 10 seeker's crystals | drops a bundle of crystals
    * Traveler's Trade, 3 minutes - 50 traveler's crystals
    * Wanderer's Trade, 3 minutes - 50 traveler's crystals , 25 wanderer's crystals
    * Seeker's Trade, 3 minutes - 50 traveler's crystals , 25 wanderer's crystals , 25 seeker's crystals | drops 1 seeker coins and other crystals
    * Summoner's Portal, 1 hour - 50 seeker's coin
    * Madam Makeda, 1 hour - 50 seeker's coin
    * Mystic Decor Shoppe, 30 minutes - 100 seeker's coin
    * The Tale of Thurbina, 5 minutes - 100 seeker's coin | released October 2023 | Note: goals, dialogue and inventory all in same post below
    * Crystal Horse Trap, 1 hour - 25 traveler's crystals | related to the Imogen story below | released December 2023 | Note: goals, dialogue and inventory all in same post below
    * The Crystal Chronicles, 5 minutes - 100 seeker's coin | released January 2024 | Note: goals, dialogue and inventory all in same post below

    Crystal Trade
    Info: Trade for rarer crystals! Crystals can only obtained by fighting Goblin during Makeda's visits.
    Crafted: Makeda's Wagon, 3 minutes - 10 traveler's, 10 wanderer's, 10 seeker's crystals
    Drops: a bundle of all 3 crystals (may return more or less than the crafting requirements)

    Traveler's Trade
    Info: Trade for rarer crystals! Crystals can only obtained by fighting Goblin during Makeda's visits.
    Crafted: Makeda's Wagon, 3 minutes - 50 traveler's crystals
    Drops: 15 or 30 coins, and/or 1-2 resource items and 2-3 wanderer's crystals and 2-3 seeker's crystals | Resource items may include: enchanted beam, enchanted block, lumin essence, ornate beam, ornate block, simple glue, spellbound beam, spellbound block

    Wanderer's Trade
    Info: Trade for rarer crystals! Crystals can only obtained by fighting Goblin during Makeda's visits.
    Crafted: Makeda's Wagon, 3 minutes - 50 traveler's crystals , 25 wanderer's crystals
    Drops: 3 or 4 items which may include coins, a resource item and 2-3 wanderer's crystals and 2-3 seeker's crystals

    Seeker's Trade
    Info: A valuable currency that can be spent on Makeda's wares.
    Crafted: Makeda's Wagon, 3 minutes - 50 traveler's crystals , 25 wanderer's crystals , 25 seeker's crystals
    Drops: 1 seeker's coin, 2-3 wanderer's crystals and 2-3 seeker's crystals

    Seeker's Coin max 999
    Info: A valuable currency that can be spent on Makeda's wares.
    Found: reward for completing the Seeker's Trade (in Makeda's Wagon)
    Uses: item to craft the Summoner's Portal (Makeda's Wagon, 50), item to craft the Mystic Decor Shoppe (Makeda's Wagon, 100)
    * Makeda's Wagon crafts: Madam Makeda (50)
    * Summoner's Portal crafts: Suki (20), Suri (30), Sully (50), Crystal Dragon (75), Gertie (50), Tallulah (50), Bartolo (50), Gur (50), Karan (50), Julian (50), Crystal Alicorn (500), Crystal Phoenix (200), Crystal Kitsunecorn (400), Crystal Fox (400), Adamantia (100)
    * Mystic Decor Shoppe crafts: Mystic Pond (20), Mystic Gates (3 ea), Crystal Castle (75)

    Madam Makeda
    Info: The madam herself! Madam Makeda will drop 3-10 Seeker's Coins per week!
    Crafted: Makeda's Wagon, 1 hour - 50 seeker's coin
    Drops: 3-10 seeker coins
    Collection time: 7 days

    Makeda's trap
    Info: Chop to lure a Traveler, Wanderer, or Seeker Goblin!
    Found: market, 25 gems during Makeda's mini events
    Uses: chop to lure a goblin. Hits to defeat depends on what spawns

    Makeda's Wagon
    From Madam Makeda's mini event
    Found: market, 25000 coins
    Uses: Crafting building
    Information about this item can be found in the dedicated Hub thread

    Summoner's Portal
    From Madam Makeda's mini event
    Uses: Crafting building
    Information about this item can be found in the dedicated Hub thread

    Mystic Decor Shoppe
    From Madam Makeda's mini event
    Uses: Crafting building
    Information about this item can be found in the dedicated Hub thread

    Mystic Decor Shoppe inventory

    Mystic Decor Shoppe limit of 1 Can be sold
    Info: Trade Crystals and Seeker's coins for exclusive decorations
    Size: 2x2
    Build: Makeda's Wagon, 30 minutes - 100 seeker's coin
    What can you craft?
    1. Mystic Pond, 30 minutes - 20 seeker's coin
    * Mystic Gate (purple), 1 minute - 3 seeker's coin
    * Mystic Gate (rose pink), 1 minute - 3 seeker's coin
    * Mystic Gate (peach), 1 minute - 3 seeker's coin
    * Mystic Gate (yellow), 1 minute - 3 seeker's coin
    * Mystic Gate (light green), 1 minute - 3 seeker's coin
    * Mystic Gate (blue), 1 minute - 3 seeker's coin
    * Mystic Gate (pink), 1 minute - 3 seeker's coin

    * Mystic Fence (purple), 1 minute - 10 traveler's crystals
    * Mystic Fence (rose pink), 1 minute - 10 traveler's crystals
    * Mystic Fence (peach), 1 minute - 10 traveler's crystals
    * Mystic Fence (yellow), 1 minute - 10 traveler's crystals
    * Mystic Fence (light green), 1 minute - 10 traveler's crystals
    * Mystic Fence (blue), 1 minute - 10 traveler's crystals
    * Mystic Fence (pink), 1 minute - 10 traveler's crystals

    added July 2023
    * Crystal Castle, 10 minutes - 75 seeker's coin

    added May 2024 (see post 12 on page 3 for more information)
    * Gilded Gate, 1 minute - 1 seeker's coin
    * Gilded Tower, 1 minute - 10 wanderer's crystal
    * Gilded Lamp, 1 minute - 5 seeker's coin
    * Gilded Lookout, 1 minute - 5 traveler's crystal
    * Gilded Wall, 1 minute - 10 traveler's crystal

    Mystic Pond
    Info: A mystical and mysterious watering hole. Visit for Crafting materials and a small chance of Crystals.
    Crafted: Mystic Decor Shoppe, 30 minutes - 20 seeker's coin
    Drops: mermaid scales, water, butterfish, catfish, blue fish, swamp water, algae water, fuzzy moss, onyx ore, traveler's crystal, wanderer's crystal, seeker's crystal
    Collection time: 5 hours

    Mystic Gate
    Info: A decorative gate made of mystical crystals.
    Note: the gate and fence can be crafted in 7 colours - purple, rose pink, peach, yellow, light green, blue, pink
    Crafted: Mystic Decor Shoppe, 1 minute - 3 seeker's coin
    Uses: 2x1 decoration

    Mystic Fence
    Info: A fence gate made of mystical crystals!
    Note: the gate and fence can be crafted in 7 colours - purple, rose pink, peach, yellow, light green, blue, pink
    Crafted: Mystic Decor Shoppe, 1 minute - 10 traveler's crystals
    Uses: 1x1 decoration

    Craft added July 2023
    Crystal Castle
    Info: A decorative castle that shimmers in the sunlight!
    Crafted: Mystic Decor Shoppe, 10 minutes - 75 seeker's coin
    Uses: 3x3 decoration
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 06-30-24 at 06:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Part 2: Summoner's Portal inventory

    Summoner's Portal | 50 Seeker's coin
    Summoner's Portal limit of 1 Can be sold
    Info: Toss a Seeker's Coin into the portal and see what comes out!
    Size: 2x2
    Build: Makeda's Wagon, 1 hour - 50 seeker's coin
    What can you craft?
    1. Suki, 5 minutes - 20 seeker's coin
    2. Suri, 10 minutes - 30 seeker's coin
    3. Sully, 20 minutes - 50 seeker's coin

    4. Crystal Dragon, 40 minutes - 75 seeker's coin

    5. Gertie, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    6. Tallulah, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    7. Bartolo, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    8. Gur, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    9. Karan, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    10. Julian, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin

    11. Crystal Alicorn, 1 day - 500 seeker's coin
    12. Crystal Phoenix, 10 minutes - 200 seeker's coin
    13. Crystal Kitsunecorn, 1 day - 400 seeker's coin
    14. Crystal Fox, 1 day - 400 seeker's coin

    15. Adamantia, 10 minutes - 100 seeker's coin
    16. Imogen (the Crystal Witch) - 1 hour - 75 seeker's coin
    17. Badr, 10 minutes - 100 seeker's coin

    18. Murray, 5 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    19. Meli, 5 minutes - 60 seeker's coin
    20. Minnie, 5 minutes 0- 80 seeker's coin

    Info: Vuplies are loyal yet mischievous little companions! Unlock Suki and play through their storyline.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 5 minutes - 20 seeker's coins
    Drops: coins, simple glue, super glue, fancy beam, royal beam, fancy block royal block
    Collection time: 4 hours

    Info: Vulpies are loyal yet mischievous little companions! Unlock Suri and play through their storyline.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 10 minutes - 30 seeker's coins
    Drops: jewels, stone, iron ore, silver ore, coal, earth wisp, wisp lantern, wyvern milk, mithril, adamant
    Collection time: 10 hours

    Info: Vulpies are loyal yet mischievous little companions! Unlock Sully and play through their storyline.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 20 minutes - 50 seeker's coins
    Drops: earth wisp, wisp lantern, spellbound dew, golden nugget, golden egg, golden apple, expansion permit, trade ticket 1-3
    Collection time: 12 hours

    Crystal Dragon
    Info: This dragon's scales have crystalized! Visit for Crystals.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 40 minutes - 75 seeker's coin
    Drops: bundle of crystals (eg 9W, 7T, 12S | 5W,11T, 5S)
    Collection time: 5 days

    Info: This tamed creature doesn't want to fight you. It'd much rather have a nice conversation. Visit them for Troll Horn, Goblin Flags, and more, with a chance to spawn a Goblin monster.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    Drops: bone, creep tooth, glimmerdust, goblin flag, glimmer mushroom, gnomish emerald, larkspurite, troll horn, troll essence, traveling goblin (monster), wandering goblin (monster), seeker goblin (monster)
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Info: This goblin is terrified that his breath might smell bad, and he hopes he didn't offend you. Visit them for Troll Horn, Goblin Flags, and more, with a chance to spawn a Goblin monster.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    Drops: bone, creep tooth, glimmerdust, goblin flag, glimmer mushroom, gnomish emerald, larkspurite, troll horn, troll essence, traveling goblin (monster), wandering goblin (monster), seeker goblin (monster)
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Info: Visit them for Goblin Flag, Fangblood Gem, Deep Mine Stones and more, with a chance to spawn a Goblin monster!
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    Drops: deep mine stone, fangblood gem, glimmer mushroom, glimmeragate, gnomish emerald, goblin flag, jeweled flower, larkspurite, penstemonium, traveling goblin (monster), wandering goblin (monster), seeker goblin (monster)
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Info: Visit them for Goblin Flag, Fangblood Gem, Deep Mine Stones and more, with a chance to spawn a Goblin monster!
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    Drops: deep mine stone, fangblood gem, glimmer mushroom, glimmeragate, gnomish emerald, goblin flag, jeweled flower, larkspurite, penstemonium, seeker goblin (monster), traveling goblin (monster), wandering goblin (monster)
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Info: This goblin is someone you can trust... probably. Keep an eye out when you visit them for Goblin Flag, Silver Ore, Bone, and more, with a chance to spawn a Goblin monster!
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    Drops: bacon, bone, creep tooth, fangbeast (monster), fey crystal (rare), fur, glimmer mushroom, gnomish emerald, goblin flag, jewels, larkspurite, prime cut, rat tail, seeker goblin (monster), silver ore, skunkupine (monster), traveling goblin (monster), wandering goblin (monster)
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Info: This goblin is someone you can trust... probably. Keep an eye out when you visit them for Goblin Flag, Silver Ore, Bone, and more, with a chance to spawn a Goblin monster!
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    Drops: bacon, bone, creep tooth, fangbeast (monster), fey crystal (rare), fur, glimmer mushroom, gnomish emerald, goblin flag, jewels, larkspurite, prime cut, rat tail, seeker goblin (monster), silver ore, skunkupine (monster), traveling goblin (monster), wandering goblin (monster)
    Collection time: 8 hours

    Crystal Alicorn max 4
    Info: This Alicorn has a horn made of pure crystal. Drops Energy.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 1 day - 500 seeker's coin
    Drops: 40 energy, lovecupine monster (specific quest)
    Collection time: 7 days

    Crystal Phoenix max 4
    Info: This phoenix's feathers shimmer in the sun. Has a chance to drop Glimmerdust, Earth Wisps and other crafting materials.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 10 minutes - 200 seeker's coin
    Drops: earth wisp, glimmerdust, living wood, petal (blue), wood
    Collection time: 4 hours

    Crystal Kitsunecorn max 4
    Info: This Kitsunecorn's horn can cut glass! Drops Energy and a chance of Spellbound Dew.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 1 day - 400 seeker's coin
    Drops: 2+ energy, spellbound dew
    Collection time: 22 hours

    Crystal Fox max 4
    Info: This crystalized kit loves napping deep within dark caves. Drops Energy.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 1 day - 400 seeker's coin
    Drops: 20+ energy, direwolf milk
    Collection time: 5 days

    Note: where there is a story attached to the character, the inventory entry is in that post so all information is together.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-28-24 at 07:15 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    * Once you craft Suki, goals are triggered | if you are maxed on trade tickets, you will still receive them from the goal rewards
    * Once you craft Suki then Suri is unlocked and goals are triggered
    * Once you craft Suri then Sully is unlocked and once crafted goals are triggered

    Goals for Suki - Minion Madness Part 1

    Makeda: They can be picky eaters, but they'll make up for it with their gifts to you!
    Goal 1:
    * Plant corn 0/25 GO
    * Harvest corn 0/25 GO
    * Give corn 0/75 GIVE (skip 15 gems)
    Rewards: 1 trade ticket
    Congratulations: Makeda: Hmm, it seems Suki didn't really like that...

    Makeda: I can hear Suki's stomach growling, surely they'll eat whatever's next.
    Goal 2:
    * Fish in the pond 0/10 GO | collect from ponds or wells
    * Give Suki water 0/50 GIVE (skip 300 gems)
    * Give Suki fish 0/80 GIVE (skip 320 gems)
    Rewards: 2 trade tickets
    Congratulations: Makeda: Not a bite... How strange...

    Ivy: you can't just feed a Vulpie anything, they have exquisite taste!
    Goal 3:
    * Cook in the kitchen 0/10 GO (skip 200 gems)
    Rewards: 10,000 coins, +3 trade tickets
    Congratulations: Ivy: She told you not to feed it after midnight, right?

    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Makeda: Ah, interesting choice.
    Ruler: Hey little one...
    Ruler: So, what is it?
    Makeda: Suki here is a Vulpie. An ancient race of loyal creatures that will stay by your side through thick and thin, so long as you feed them.
    Ruler: Seems easy enough.
    Makeda: It is! Just be sure not to feed the after midnight.
    Ruler: What happens then?
    Makeda: Trust me, little on, you don't want to know.

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: Hmm, Suki doesn't seem too interested in vegetables...
    Makeda: Perhaps you should try something with a more...natural...flavor?
    Ruler: I think I know just the thing!

    Goal 3:
    *Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrr*
    Ruler: What's wrong, Suki? You didn't even take one bite...
    Ivy: I heard there was a Vulpie in the realm! And there it is! HO MY GOSH! SO CUTE!
    Ruler: Hey, Ivy! They are pretty cute, but we can't get them to eat anything...
    Ivy: What've you tried so far?
    Ruler: Well, some's about it.
    Ivy: Vulpies are known to travel all over the Glimmerwood! This one probably just has a particular palette... Here, I'll help you find something they'll eat.

    Info: Vuplies are loyal yet mischievous little companions! Unlock Suki and play through their storyline.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 5 minutes - 20 seeker's coins
    Drops: coins, simple glue, super glue, fancy beam, royal beam, fancy block royal block
    Collection time: 4 hours
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-19-24 at 01:49 AM.

  7. #7
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Goals for Suri - Minion Madness Part II

    Makeda: The hotter the better! See if you can find something Suri likes.
    Goal 1:
    * Plant Hot Peppers 0/30 GO
    * Harvest Hot Peppers 0/30 GO
    * Give Hot Peppers to Suri 0/75 (skip 150 gems)
    Rewards: 3 trade tickets
    Congratulations: Makeda: Well, they ate it all... But Suri still seems to be hungry.

    Suri: *Brrrrrrrrrrrrr* .... *Brrrrrrrr-brrrrrr*
    Goal 2:
    * Search the Rustic Well 0/30 (skip 30 gems)
    * Give Blue Fish to Suri 0/99 (skip 990 gems)
    * Give Mushrooms to Suri 0/75 (skip 225 gems)
    Rewards: 5 trade tickets
    Congratulations: Makeda: That was quick thinking! Suri seems much better now.

    Makeda: Cook up some fine meals for Suri, and they'll be a loyal friend for life.
    Goal 3:
    * Cook in the Kitchen 0/20 (skip 250 gems)
    Rewards: 20,000 coins, 8 trade tickets
    Congratulations: Makeda: I may have to try some of these recipes...

    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Makeda: I see you were impressed with your Vulpie purchase, so much so you have decided to get them a friend?
    Ruler: Well, Suki IS pretty cute. And handy!
    Makeda: Then I'm sure you will love Suri.
    Suri: *Brrrrrrrrrrrrr* *Brrrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrrrrr*
    Ruler: I wonder what they're saying...
    Makeda: Probably what they want to eat next... but unfortunately for us, we don't speak Vulpie. I'm sure you'll find something Suri finds edible. A hint, Suri likes a little spice in their life.

    Goal 2:
    Suri: *Brrrrrrrrrrrrr*!!!
    Ruler: What is it, Suri?
    Makeda: Hmm, those peppers may have been a little *too* hot. Now that I think about it, I may have Suri mixed up with another Vulpie!
    Ruler: Oh no... It's alright, Suri, I've got just the thing!

    Goal 3:
    Makeda: I think Suri may have burnt their taste buds! I'm sure they'll eat anything now.

    Info: Vulpies are loyal yet mischievous little companions! Unlock Suri and play through their storyline.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 10 minutes - 30 seeker's coins
    Drops: jewels, stone, iron ore, silver ore, coal, earth wisp, wisp lantern, wyvern milk, mithril, adamant
    Collection time: 10 hours
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-19-24 at 01:50 AM.

  8. #8
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Goals for Sully - Minion Madness Part III

    * You will still receive the expansion permits on offer here even if you're maxed on 99

    Madam Makeda: Sully has a bit of a sweet tooth. Just don't feed them *too* much sugar.
    Goal 1:
    * Plant strawberries 0/50 GO
    * Harvest strawberries 0/50 GO
    * Give strawberries to Sully 0/50 GIVE (skip 100 gems)
    Rewards: 1 expansion permit
    Congratulations: Makeda: Those strawberries were a hit!

    Sully: Brrrrrrrrp brrrrrrrrp
    Goal 2:
    * Cook sweet feasts 0/20 GO (skip 1800 gems) | crafting in the Kitchen, Cooking Camp and Winter Bakery can all be used to craft sweet feasts
    * Give sweet feasts to Sully 0/30 GIVE (skip 1800 gems)
    Rewards: 3 expansion permits
    Congratulations: Makeda: Oh my, it seems Sully has quite the sugar high going on.

    Ivy: I'll help you make dinner! I can't wait to pet their little faces!
    Goal 3:
    * Cook in the Kitchen 0/50 GO (skip 300 gems)
    Rewards: 30,000 coins, 5 expansion permits
    Congratulations: Ivy: Oh my gosh they're snoring! How cute!

    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Makeda: Ah, sweet, sweet Sully.
    Suki: *Brrrrrrrrr*
    Suri: *Brrrrr brrrrrr*
    Ruler: Everyone seems happy to see each other!
    Makeda: Indeed. You have quite the clan of companions now. Well, almost.
    Ruler: Almost?
    Makeda: A way to a Vulpie's heart is through their stomach, little one. Sully is no different.
    Ruler: Oh, right.

    Goal 2:
    Sully: *Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppp*
    Ruler: What is it, Sully? You want more?
    Sully: *Brrrrrrrrrppppp!!!!*
    Ruler: Alright, let's see what we can do.

    Goal 3:
    Makeda: Well, it seems you have quite the happy family of Vulpies now. Keep them well fed, and they'll be the most loyal companions you have.
    Ivy: Oh my goodness, there's THREE of them?! They're SO cute!
    Ruler: They *are* pretty cute.
    Suki: Brrrrrrrrr*
    Makeda: Ah, it's almost bedtime for these little ones. Perhaps one last meal before bed?

    Info: Vulpies are loyal yet mischievous little companions! Unlock Sully and play through their storyline.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 20 minutes - 50 seeker's coins
    Drops: earth wisp, wisp lantern, spellbound dew, golden nugget, golden egg, golden apple, expansion permit, trade ticket (1-3)
    Collection time: 12 hours
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-28-24 at 07:03 PM.

  9. #9
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    * As you craft 1 Goblin, the next one is unlocked in the Summoner's Portal. Not all Goblins have associated goals once crafted.

    Goals for Gertie - Goblin's Big Adventure

    Madam Makeda: There is good news. A Ruler of your talents should have no issue taming these monsters.
    Goal 1:
    * Defeat Traveling Goblins 0/20 GO | visit Tamed Goblins for a chance to spawn, or wait for the mini events
    - Travelling Goblin: 3 hits | collecting from Plots, White trillium flower
    - Travelling Goblin: 5 hits | brown Mushroom circle, White trillium shrub

    Rewards: 2 rotten cabbages
    Congratulations: Gertie: Hissssss! Who are you and what do you want with me?!

    Gertie: Ye could help me fix me gear... since ye were theones who dragged me through the portal!
    Goal 2:
    * Give light armor 0/40 GIVE (skip 400 gems)
    * Give longsword 0/40 GIVE (skip 200 gems)
    * Give wisp lantern 0/40 GIVE (skip 600 gems)
    Rewards: 3 rotten cabbages
    Congratulations: Gertie: Well, it ain't goblin gear but it'll do in a pinch.

    Thurston: Are you sure bringing a goblin along with us is wise, my liege? Can we trust them?
    Goal 3:
    * Go on any adventure 0/20 GO | go on any adventure from the castle and the barracks (event adventures also work)
    Rewards: 3 rotten cabbages
    Congratulations: Thurston: I am unsure if this goblin is a suitable recruit knight, but I am no longer afraid of what he might do in the realm!

    Gertie: I can't wait to see everything this realm has to offer!
    Goal 4:
    * Visit a tavern 0/1 GO (skip 200 gems)
    Rewards: 10000 coins, + golden nuggets
    Congratulations: Gertie: Thanks, ruler! There's more goblins out there like me... We're not all enemies!

    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Makeda: So, you've decided to summon a goblin! I must deliver bad new... if you wish for a treatise with the goblins, I think that will not be possible if I am visiting your realm. It may even be impossible when I am not visiting your realm... Some of these most dedicated goblins will even lie in wait to strike when I am gone. Even now, the goblin that you have summoned is likely rallying their friends, preparing to bring violence and destruction to your realm...
    Ruler: Wait a minute...the goblin appeared in the Summoner's Portal!
    Makeda: Ah yes, perhaps I should have given you a small warning. I have no say in which creatures appear in the great portal, nor their demeanor! I am but a simple trader of the crystals... even I cannot control what they do! The mysteries of the crystals abound!

    Goal 2:
    Thurston: Stand back, my liege! This gruesome foe will not dare attack you while I still stand!
    Gertie: Oy! I'm not attackin' ye.
    Thurston: It speaks!
    Gertie: Of course I can speak! In fact, I've got a bone to pick with ye.
    Ruler: With us? Who are you?
    Thurston: This is one of the goblins that has pursued Madame Makeda, my liege! Beware! Do not let your guard done lest this creature unleashes a cruel strike!
    Gertie: I said I wasn't goin' to attack ye! I'm not like the other goblins. Besides, my spear broke when ye yanked me through th' portal.

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: What did you mean when you said you're not like the other goblins?
    Gertie: Me? Well, I ain't too much like my brethren. All we do all day long is follow that Makeda around. Wherever she goes, we follow. It's dull work! I mean, the crystals are nice. We do love the crystals. But I ain't one fer attacking... Naw, I'd rather see the world! Exploring is much more fun than chasing down some witch, hoping to get a drop of sweet, sweet crystals. I often wander off from th' group... That's how I got pulled in that portal. I promise, I ain't here to attack ye. I just wanna see the world!
    Ruler: I think we might be able to help with that...

    Goal 4:
    Ruler: So, how were your adventures?
    Gertie: Thrilling! Everything I ever wanted... I learned a lot! I ain't one fer fighting though, that's fer certain. I'm no knight. When I was younger, attacking innocents to get crystals, my heart was never really in it... Fighting ain't fer me! Traveling with your knights showed me that there's good in this world. I think I'm going to take some time and explore, figure out who I really am. Thanks for summoning me to your realm and showing me around. I can't speak for my goblin kin but I will certainly never attack you again!
    Ruler: Well, that's one down... many more to go!

    Info: This tamed creature doesn't want to fight you. It'd much rather have a nice conversation. Visit them for Troll Horn, Goblin Flags, and more, with a chance to spawn a Goblin monster.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    Drops: bone, creep tooth, glimmerdust, goblin flag, glimmer mushroom, gnomish emerald, larkspurite, troll horn, troll essence, traveling goblin (monster), wandering goblin (monster), seeker goblin (monster)
    Collection time: 8 hours
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 09-15-24 at 06:06 PM.

  10. #10
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!

    * Once you craft Bertie, the craft for Tallulah is unlocked in the Summoner's Portal for 50 seeker's coin
    * There are no goals associated with the craft for Tallulah
    * Once you craft Tallulah, the craft for Bartolo is unlocked

    Info: This goblin is terrified that his breath might smell bad, and he hopes he didn't offend you. Visit them for Troll Horn, Goblin Flags, and more, with a chance to spawn a Goblin monster.
    Crafted: Summoner's Portal, 40 minutes - 50 seeker's coin
    Drops: bone, creep tooth, glimmerdust, goblin flag, glimmer mushroom, gnomish emerald, larkspurite, troll horn, troll essence, traveling goblin (monster), wandering goblin (monster), seeker goblin (monster)
    Collection time: 8 hours
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 09-15-24 at 06:05 PM.

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