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Thread: ONGOING ISSUE: Goal Prizes Re-Locking after Goal Completion

  1. #81
    New Resident
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    Aug 2018
    The relocking ovens has only happened to me once (last 2 goals didn’t relock), the only thing I did different when it happened was block my door when I was on vacation. I wonder if that has something to do with it.

  2. #82
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    You can add me to the list of people who have had things previously unlocked and used (as well as unlocked and not used) to the list of people who have had things removed by Storm8.

  3. #83
    Moderator (volunteer) pixiegamer's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Asking this to gather more information: has the re-locking bug also affected side goal prizes and 5-day goal prizes? Since these are usually older pre-existing items (not new items added to the game), I'm wondering if they're similarly affected.

    So, for example, the last 5-Day goal prizes was the Roma Bar, and the last 15-Day Side Goal prize was the Colosseum. To those that completed the side goal/5-day goal and earned one of these: are these also missing from your inventory, or are they still accessible?
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  4. #84
    Executive Chef VanaCatu's Avatar
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    I quit the goals at new year's eve, but everything i did since school bus goal in August till new year, got locked back or disappeared from my decor tab (as in case with side goals and 5day ones). As soon as I put the stuff in storage it's no longer there.
    So it affects each and every goal, both appliances/recipes and decor items.
    Only things staying in inventory are those not locked by goals initially (f.e., i still have 8walls, 12tiles, 4tables&chairs, 2 counters bought for each goal in my inventory. I still have excessive ovens I had to buy for 5day goals - but recipes in them are locked back).

  5. #85
    add me to the list of affected gamer, it looks like everything previously unlocked from last year until the recent cat goal has now been locked again! can a MOD help? I have sent a ticket

  6. #86
    New Resident
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    Jun 2014
    It’s getting worse. Before this goal if I left at least one appliance out it didn’t lock and the recipes stayed open. Now even with all my kitty and feline stoves out, both appliances are locked and all but the first recipe in each machine are locked again even though I completed the goal and have the final prize out still so it doesn’t relock. And I went back and looked at a couple of older appliances from the previous goal which was fine last week (I kept one of each out) and now those recipes have relocked as well. Not worth it to play anymore. There is no way to master all the recipes before they relock. It’s frustrating that they just keep releasing new goals and items knowing that this issue has been going on for 9 months now and is affecting more and more people each day. At this point, just unlock everything for everybody as a show of good faith and fix the database or programming already. Quit putting out new stuff we can’t keep until you fix what we have already. I’ve turned in so many tickets but it’s always the same polite, not helpful answer. Losing so many neighbors and I’m joining them until this is resolved. Too much going on IRL to be this frustrated by a game that is supposed to be casual and relaxing.

  7. #87
    Moderator (volunteer) pixiegamer's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Hi all,

    Asking some questions for more information gathering about this issue. From previous anecdotes, it looks like the recipes and goal prizes appear to stay unlocked for a small time after the goal, then re-lock abruptly.

    I'm trying to better understand the timeline of locking/re-locking. Restaurant Story goals are currently on a 15/15/5 day goal cycle. Is it safe to say that goal items unlocked during a cycle are available during that cycle, but re-lock when a new cycle begins?

    And, if anyone has skipped a goal in that cycle, has that affected whether your items stay unlocked beyond that period?

  8. #88
    Rhino Keeper fawziaj's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    So upset as there's still no resolution to this .everything keeps getting locked after unlocking😭😭😭

  9. #89
    Nightclub Owner
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    Planet Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by pixiegamer View Post
    Hi all,

    Asking some questions for more information gathering about this issue. From previous anecdotes, it looks like the recipes and goal prizes appear to stay unlocked for a small time after the goal, then re-lock abruptly.

    I'm trying to better understand the timeline of locking/re-locking. Restaurant Story goals are currently on a 15/15/5 day goal cycle. Is it safe to say that goal items unlocked during a cycle are available during that cycle, but re-lock when a new cycle begins?

    And, if anyone has skipped a goal in that cycle, has that affected whether your items stay unlocked beyond that period?
    Yes, my cat items stayed unlocked until day 2 of the St. Patty's goal. I can try to pin it down more specifically when the current goal ends later today.

    UPDATE: 9:15pm EDT - New 5 Day Goal started @ 8:30pm - St. Patty's items still unlocked

    Update 2: March 19 - 8:30pm EDT - last goal items are still unlocked
    March 20 - 8:30pm EDT - still unlocked
    March 21 - 8:30pm EDT - still unlocked
    March 22 - 8:30pm EDT - still unlocked, new 15 Day Goal started @ 3pm - think this is the longest they've stayed unlocked?
    March 23 - 8:30pm EDT - still unlocked
    March 24 - 8:30pm EDT - still unlocked
    March 25 - 8:30pm EDT - still unlocked - don't want to jinx anything but.... has the bug been fixed?
    March 26 - 8:30pm EDT - still unlocked
    March 29 - 7:30pm EDT - LOCKED AGAIN!!!*missed the exact day/hour it happened, but this was definitely the longest it had been unlocked up til now*

  10. #90
    New Resident
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by pixiegamer View Post
    Hi all,

    Asking some questions for more information gathering about this issue. From previous anecdotes, it looks like the recipes and goal prizes appear to stay unlocked for a small time after the goal, then re-lock abruptly.

    I'm trying to better understand the timeline of locking/re-locking. Restaurant Story goals are currently on a 15/15/5 day goal cycle. Is it safe to say that goal items unlocked during a cycle are available during that cycle, but re-lock when a new cycle begins?

    And, if anyone has skipped a goal in that cycle, has that affected whether your items stay unlocked beyond that period?
    I started the St. Patty's goals but only did step one of buying the wallpaper and flooring which unlocked the first appliance. I didn't even bother to do enough of the goal to open the second recipe knowing it would relock again. My kitty items from the previous goal were locked as soon as I opened the game after the new goal had started. And the difference this time was that older recipes locked as well. I had left 2 pink appliances out (don't remember the exact names) from the goal before that and had all the recipes unlocked for a couple of weeks after that. I know I was able to keep cooking on the pink appliances all through the kitty goal. Then when the St. Patty's day goal started all those old recipes except the first one of each appliance locked. So the relocking of items and the timing isn't even consistent in its messing up.

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