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Thread: Missing the "free gem" icon

  1. #81
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    I am another who purchased gems and no longer have the videos for free gems. I contacted customer service and was told they had no control over the videos and to go to the forums for an answer. It has been months now and I don?t play as often which is a shame because I really like the game. I have played RS for 10 years on different devices. Wish Storm8 would value their players enough to fix this problem.

  2. #82
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I'm assuming--with absolutely no proof or inside knowledge--that getting a player to directly buy gems from s8 is a lot more profitable than whatever fraction of a cent they earn for every video a player watches. So when they have a player who has a proven willingness to buy gems (because they have before), the go-to move is to convince them to purchase again. Personally, I much prefer the "tempt them into it" method, where making a purchase gets you a special item unavailable to anyone not willing to shell out. But "back them into a corner" by making it much harder to get gems maybe has better results, I don't know.

    Of course, if you've never bought gems, they can look for other ways to monetize you, by getting whatever tiny payment they get when you watch a video. And maybe all those players who never visit the forum don't realize that other people are getting offers they aren't.

    Anyway, it's #1 on my list of things that bug me in these games, but being a long time player in my main restaurant / bakery kind of balanced it out. My newer restaurants can earn way more gems (since I've never bought gems there and get videos), but they'll still never get the awesome old goal prizes my main place has. (Which doesn’t necessarily help others, but cheers me up when my lack of easily obtained gems gets me down.)

  3. #83
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Angry Gems 💎 free gems 💎 Gems 💎 free gems 💎 i have NOT had gem icon for more than 2wks

    Quote Originally Posted by serenla76 View Post
    The little icon that is usually in the upper right corner that gives extra coins for watching videos has been missing from my restaurant story account for a few weeks now. (It still works on bakery story). Is there any way to get it back?
    Getting the extra gems has really helpful in the past.
    If it helps, I play on an android device (LG G5)
    Really like that 💎 icon

  4. #84
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Is it just me?

    What happened to the videos for the free gems? Haven't had any on RS or BS.

  5. #85
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Buying Diamonds

    So i bought diamonds around Christmas time and after I did that i no longer got the free 10 diamonds u get when u watch adds. Has this happened to anyone else? I know that sometimes the free add diamonds doesnt pop up but the longest it didnt show for me was only about 2 weeks and then it popped up again. Now its been 4 months and i havent gotten the option. Now im regretting purchasing diamonds because i couldve just stayed patient and continued to get diamonds slowly throughout my gameplay. Any suggestions?

  6. #86
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    No suggestions, just my sympathies. If anyone has ever gotten the offer again after buying gems, I've never heard of it. (I bought gems before the whole video option was even a thing, at least in android, and I've never gotten the option to watch.) I'm afraid you've unknowingly shot yourself in the foot.

  7. #87
    Grand Emperor
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Kylie502 View Post
    What happened to the videos for the free gems? Haven't had any on RS or BS.
    This is a promotional feature that comes and goes players randomly. Hope you get yours soon.

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Rynetory2 View Post
    This is a promotional feature that comes and goes players randomly. Hope you get yours soon.
    I've had the option to watch free gems for months, both for BS and RS. I've never purchased gems in RS before, and have had the free gems option pop up consistently for three straight months and it's still popping up. I've bought about 400 gems for bakery story on iOS through purchasing the starter pack about 8 times- and suddenly, poof. No free gems option anymore. Just an option to watch 2 videos a day to reduce cooking time. This has been ongoing for almost a month now, and when the 23rd of April hits, it will be exactly a month since I bought gems for BS. In that time, I could've accumlated 300 gems which basically renders my gems purchase redundant...I've noticed and other players have noticed that buying gems takes away this option and it is completely unfair...the option was a drive for me to play the game as after you master all the recipes, you can't get any more gems. There has to be a fix for this, because I paid money to support the game so I could expand faster, and now I can't expand any more as the option was the only way I could even dream of expanding.

    So, I cast doubts that this is a random promotional feature. It seems that this feature is only available if you don't ever pay money to get gems. If there's any way to contact storm8 about this I'd like to know since they have limited support for the game. Because I love this game and the free gems option was the reason I kept playing because everything costs gems and the opportunity to watch 10 videos a day was a life saver. If I don't see the option in the next 2 weeks I just might abort the game
    Last edited by ikawaiipanda; 04-19-19 at 03:19 PM.

  9. #89
    I also bought gems in the spring sale to expand my restaurant and yes my free gems icon disappeared and has been gone sense April. I find it highly suspect that this is a promotional thing. I agree with the responding to said you shot yourself in the foot that's exactly how I feel. And I like you did it to support the game because I enjoyed it so much. But I have a feeling after you purchase gems you never get the free gem icon back. I did contact support and I did get the form response back that they're too busy to answer individual questions.

  10. #90
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    The game sucks and the support too. It is not a "promotional offer". The free gems make you watch ten ads for ten gems. Then it takes 24 hours for it to come back. So that's how you get ten gems a day and it would only take a couple of days to expand your restaurant. But if you purchase something with real money that option is gone. And if you want to contact support ya can't because it takes as long as a month for them to get back to you. It is obvious they don't care about anyone or what problems they have. If they had a phone number I would have told them off by now. This game was cute and fun and I played it faithfully and now it sucks because I can't get free gems so now I can't expand or buy special things. Really sucks. And PS if you have ios you can't restart the game because it remembers your account.

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