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Thread: Other events

  1. #11
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul__ View Post
    Is this the end of Restaurant Story 2? We haven’t seen any all new cruise themes or any other events in more than a year. I really hope that this isn’t the end... I’ve been playing this game for almost 4 years, since before it was even released for everyone. This game is one of my all time favorite games and also probably my most played Storm8 game. Can we get a response from storm8? Are there any plans to update this game and is this period without new content just temporary?
    Personally I dont see the end of RS2. Not sure why you thought that when we have ongoing events. Actually we had some new cruise themes on top of food expo which was new. There were some repeated cruises but we still got new ones, a mixture of both. There were new recipes for the cruises and new gem recipes and cruise characters. It was not that we didnt get anything new at all for the past year. They may not introduce new features at the moment but that does not mean they are ending it. Let's not panic and jump to conclusions when we still have onging events.

  2. #12
    Volunteer Moderator Paul__'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rynetory2 View Post
    Personally I dont see the end of RS2. Not sure why you thought that when we have ongoing events. Actually we had some new cruise themes on top of food expo which was new. There were some repeated cruises but we still got new ones, a mixture of both. There were new recipes for the cruises and new gem recipes and cruise characters. It was not that we didnt get anything new at all for the past year. They may not introduce new features at the moment but that does not mean they are ending it. Let's not panic and jump to conclusions when we still have onging events.
    We have only gotten 2 new events with new content in the last year, the two expos. The rest of the cruises were just content from old quests used in a cruise. Yes, in the lucky leprechaun cruise we got a few new decorations, but I believe that’s it. In the lunar new year cruise we got new recipe designs, but since then it looks like the recipe designs just been recycled from old events. And yes we get new characters and recipes sometimes, but again, most of the time they are recycled from old events. I just feel that they aren’t putting as much effort in this game as 2 years ago and in other games. I mean how long can we go with reusing old content before most people quit?

    Im just saying that we should unite as a community, and tell Storm8 that we still love this game and ask them to give us new content. We don’t want to wait untill it is too late.....
    Paul__ ~ Moderator

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  3. #13
    Volunteer Moderator Paul__'s Avatar
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    We just now seem to get cruises (which are recycled content for the most part) but can we at least once in awhile get relisted old limited time goals? It would give newer players a chance to get old recipes, ovens, etc and give older players a break between cruises.

    We just got the 36th Lani's Goals and while they are good for getting stamps they are starting to get boring. Every two weeks for the last year or so we have been getting these Lani's Goals. They can change up the recipes or whatever but it's still the same. We need new and creative ways to earn stamps and maybe some decorations too! Can we at least maybe get some new permanent game recipes, a new permanent ingredient and/or a new appliance? An update or something? Yes, we've had the Free Gems thing and a few alterations in some of the cruises but besides that this game has been getting boring recently with basically nothing but recycled cruises and the same old Lani's Goals!
    Last edited by Paul__; 05-30-18 at 11:56 AM. Reason: Merged posts after moving post
    Paul__ ~ Moderator

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  4. #14
    Grand Emperor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul__ View Post
    Rynetory2, can you please submit this feedback:
    Moved and merged your new post to your existing post to thread of this topic in Suggestions and Feedback forum so that the team will see your feedback. Cheers.

  5. #15
    Rhino Keeper
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    Mar 2015
    +1 to that... I only "figured out" how to play this game after not being able to complete more than some cruises and i would be sooooo happy to be able to get those old recipes/appliances.... :/ like ghostly oven i missed, the mothers day/flower stand event i barely participated.... but i do think this game is dead, they dont even respond support anymore, its just recycled cruises/content + new recipes that most of the times have the same icons.. this is what bothers me the most... also there is no community anymore, its just a handful of die hard players including myself.... i dont even know the reason i dont quit it, guess i dont have anything better to play on my phone.

  6. #16
    Could we PLEASE get a Real update! This game is awesome and I love it so much, but it needs new things to make it fun for the people who has been here since the beginning! Being able to go past level 60 and also being able to expand my restaurant would be awesome! I have so many appliances like the Japanese food carts in the taco truck sitting in storage because of not having room. I could smash everything in there, but I like my restaurant looking clean and nice! Thank you!
    Happy cooking everyone! ♨️

  7. #17
    Farm Supplier
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    Apr 2015
    Agreed with everything that's been said before, the cruise - lani - cruise - lani and repeat is becoming painfully monotonous.

  8. #18
    Rhino Keeper
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    Dec 2015
    Agreed. How come Lana had three parts and every time I hit the third one to help her it is no longer there? Another glitch?

  9. #19
    Grand Emperor
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kanajunroses View Post
    Agreed. How come Lana had three parts and every time I hit the third one to help her it is no longer there? Another glitch?
    See this bug thread.

  10. #20
    New Resident
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    Jun 2016


    It seems like this game isn?t forgotten by storm8. They haven?t done an upgrade in almost over 3 years. They just recycle the same things over and over. The prizes are sometimes new but the concept is always the same. The game has just become to repetitive. Storm8 needs to come up with something to keep people motivated for playing. After level 60, there isn?t much to work for. I have so many gems from cooking recipes and nothing to spend on.

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