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Thread: Limited Time Sale

  1. #1

    Limited Time Sale

    Perhaps s8 could offer limited time pets for a limited time sale later in the year? In fact, I'd be most appreciative if they'd do this with other items - the haunted bushes, the Valentine cow skins, and so forth. Maybe have one weekend in July, or a week in March. Sometime when not much else is going on.

  2. #2
    Can we please have a sale next weekend, over Christmas? There are some facilities I'd really like to buy, but as much money as I've spent since I've been playing the last few months, I can't afford these prices

  3. #3

    Please, please..

    PRETTY PLEASE, can we have a sale for New Years?? I planned to *finally* buy a couple of buildings this past weekend, thinking that they'd be on sale for Christmas (and the timing was just right - hubby got paid last Thursday!) - and BOY was I disappointed! I was sure that we had sales both for Thanksgiving and Christmas last year...Somehow, most of these sales hit when we're between paydays (as I'm sure they do for a lot of people), and I miss out. A lot.
    I've really been waiting on the 50% buildings deal...PLEASE offer this over New Years! You're making money off of me as it is - but you'll be making more if I can get my buildings. I can't possibly afford them priced as they are.
    I'll bake you COOKIES if you do! (Hey, I've been baking for 40+ years; I'm a good cook!)
    Thank you so much!

  4. #4
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Wow who can resists yummy cookies?! Not me! I'm moving this thread to Suggestions and Feedback forum where it's better seen by the team. Hopefully we get a Cookies Party at your farm!

  5. #5
    Have you heard anything? Usually, there's an announcement prior to big sales...

  6. #6

  7. #7

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