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Thread: Castle Story: Main Story Goal Guide

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  1. #22
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Candy Kingdom - Part 3
    10 goals. There is an optional timed component to this part to win an exclusive pet.

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 2 of The Candy Kingdom
    * If you complete Part 3 of The Candy Kingdom within 45 days (from when you trigger this part) you will receive the Licorice Steed
    * The Licorice Steed is rewarded when you begin the craft in goal 10 and Hecate is rewarded when the craft is collected
    * Once you complete part 3, you will receive the witch called Hecate. Getting this witch is not dependent on finishing within 45 days. You will receive her when you finish this part no matter how long it takes you
    * You can delay starting this part until Piper is ready for collection so you can begin Part 3 immediately
    * Troll candy will drop items between parts
    * The Candy Swords and Candy Lanterns crafts will disappear from the Forge in between parts if you choose to wait to trigger this part

    Dialogue: Baron: Ready for a challenge?
    Timed Goal: The Candy Kingdom (Part III)
    * Complete Part III of The Candy Kingdom 0/1 GO (How fast can you complete it?) 0/1
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp + Licorice Steed
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done, child!

    Baron: Pressing "GO" begins the next chapter and also starts a limited time quest to win the Licorice Steed!
    Goal 1: Continue to 'The Candy Kingdom (Part III)'
    * Start Part III of The Candy Kingdom 0/1 GO (A limited time challenge will also start!)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Get ready, Child... on your marks... and go!

    Ivy: It is always a pleasure to speak to a fellow magic user!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Troll Camp 0/2 GO (skip 24)
    * Visit Piper 0/1 GO (skip 5) | Piper has a 16 hour timer.
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel & Gretel: You said you were going to keep us safe! You lied!

    Ivy: Some candy might make Hansel and Gretel happy.
    Goal 3:
    * Visit a sparkling mine 0/1 GO (skip 8)
    * Gather chocolate rocks 0/1 GO (skip 9) | guaranteed drop of 1-5 (although 1-3 is more common)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel & Gretel: Candy always makes everything better.

    Hansel & Gretel: I think we both feel better knowing you're willing to do whatever it takes.
    Goal 4:
    * Tend a bush 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    * Clear a willow tree 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Ruler, I've been talking to Piper, and I think she might have a clue as to who we're looking for.

    Piper: You'll need some extra special supplies if you're going to see Hecate.
    Goal 5:
    * Gather candy amulets 0/8 GO
    * Gather candied leaves 0/5 GO
    * Gather chocolate rocks 0/45 GO (skip - work out math... 3/45 is 378)
    * Create a candy kit 0/1 GO (skip 235) | Magic Forge, 4 hours - 8 candy amulets, 5 candied leaves, 45 chocolate rocks
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Piper: Remember... you didn't hear about Hecate from me.

    Ivy: Even the simplest things can be a big help on your journey.
    Goal 6:
    * Tend an iceland poppy patch 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem) | tip: if you don't have one on your board, click on GO and it will take you to the right page in your inventory in order to place one.
    * Tend a blue-flower penstemon 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    * Tend a talinum auranticum 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel & Gretel: So you're really going to get her this time, ruler?

    Ivy: I'll keep an eye on Hansel and Gretel while you're gone, my liege. Let's do it for them!
    Goal 7:
    * Gather troll candy 0/1 GO
    * Forge a candy sword 0/1 GO (skip 205)
    * Prepare a candy lantern 0/1 GO (skip 115)
    * Create a candy kit 0/1 GO | this goal will auto complete as it counts the one you made in goal 5
    * Expand to the Witch's Lair 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements Y17: 35 troll candy, 10 candy swords, 10 candy lanterns, 20 candy kits | you must expand to Y16 in order to access Y17
    Expansion screen:
    * Use troll candy 0/35 USE (skip 875)
    * Use candy swords 0/10 USE (skip 2050)
    * Use candy lanterns 0/10 USE (skip 1150)
    * Use candy kits 0/20 USE (skip 4700)

    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: There is a dark lair just over here, my liege.
    Note: once you unlock Y17, Y18 becomes available to expand to

    Clear any monsters from your board when you collect the craft from the Licorice Lair as you will spawn the third witch, the Licorice Lady.
    Note: The Licorice Lair is a crafting building.

    Thurston: Have your weapons at the ready, my liege. This is sure to be a fight.
    Goal 8:
    * Approach the Licorice Lair 0/1 GO | Licorice Lair, 1 minutes - 5 golden nuggets, 5 golden eggs
    * Find the Witch 0/1 GO
    guessing this might be a craft to do with: 5 golden nugget, 5 golden egg and when you finish the craft you will spawn the next witch.
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hecate: Who dares disturb my rest?!

    Licorice Lady: An unprovoked attack like this is unbecoming of a ruler such as yourself.
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat the Licorice Lady 0/1 GO | 299/299 hits to defeat (will take ~160 energy all up)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Licorice Lady: You may have won this battle, child, but next time we spar I will not go easy on you.

    Licorice Lady: I've got a special spell to show you... It'll help you win against all your enemies.
    Goal 10:
    * Learn the Licorice Spell 0/1 GO | Licorice Lair, 8 hours - 20 candy amulets, 25 mithril, 50 troll candy
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 50 xp, + Hecate
    Congratulations: Thurston: Perhaps I let all of that sugar go to my head... I'm sorry, my liege!

    Note: The Licorice Steed is awarded when you START the goal 10 craft which completes the timed component of this goal. Steed timer is 12 hours
    Note: The Licorice Lady is called Hecate... she has a 16 hour timer. Once you COLLECT the craft, Hecate is ready to place on your board
    Note: The Licorice Lair now has a 2 day permanent craft. Licorice Spell, 2 days - 75 purple petals

    4 prologue goals to follow...

    Part 3 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Baron: Are you ready for a challenge?

    Goal 2:
    Ivy: Another dead end, ruler?
    Ruler: I'm afraid so.
    Ivy: Hansel and Gretel are upset. They're just so scared. They thought we'd gotten the witch this time.
    Ruler: I know. I feel so badly they're so scared. This time, I think we might at least have some clue of where to look next.
    Ivy: Really, ruler?
    Ruler: Yes... The witch said something to me that made me think. Speaking of, I think you would really like to meet her too.

    Goal 3:
    Baron: Child, you must do something at once about these children.
    Ruler: What do you mean, Baron?
    Baron: They're absolutely insufferable! Running about the realm, weeping loudly at all hours. They stole my breakfast this morning. I turned by back for a minute and it was gone! I think they're up to something. They're troublemakers!
    Ruler: Baron, they're traumatized little kids! It's not surprising they're acting out.
    Baron: Hmmph. Frankly I'm the traumatized one...
    Ruler: Baron...
    Baron: Can you at least find some way to pacify them? I would like just a few moments of peace and quiet this afternoon.

    Goal 4:
    Hansel & Gretel: Thanks for the chocolate, ruler. Chocolate makes me less sad.
    Ruler: We definitely want you both to feel less sad. We're not going to stop until we find the witch who attacked you. If I have to search the island for years, I'll do it. I want every child in our realm to feel safe. I'm the ruler, after all. It's my responsibility.
    Hansel & Gretel: Even if it means you have to go away to search for years?
    Ruler: However long it takes. We'll make sure you'll be safe.

    Goal 5:
    Ruler: Piper was just telling me about another witch knows.
    Piper: Well, Ivy was just telling me more your predicament with the children. And I'm not saying that I conclusively know who did it... but if it was to be someone I know... it would be Hecate.
    Ruler: Hecate?
    Piper: You didn't hear this from me, buy yes... she lives further off on the island. She's a bit of a nasty, and I've heard she has a taste for children. If any witch on the island went for your children, it'd be her.

    Goal 6:
    Ivy: Hecate, hmmm?
    Ruler: Have you heard of her before?
    Ivy: Only in stories, ruler. She's like one of the original, original witches! No wonder Hansel and Gretel were so scared. They still seem almost like they're mad at me. That's why I want to do everything I can to help you find that witch!

    Goal 7:
    Hansel & Gretel: You're going to get the witch? You've found her this time, really?
    Ruler: We're leaving now to go and face her at once. Now this is going to be a journey that will take us some time. And it may be a fight unlike any other. But when we are done, the children of this realm won't live in fear.
    Thurston: Huzzah, my liege! You are so brave Let us find and defeat that witch!

    Goal 8:
    Thurston: I would put my armor on now if I were you, my liege.
    Ruler: Thurston, are you sure we need to fight this fight? The last two witches we encountered were innocent. Who's to say this one isn't too?
    Thurston: There is only one way to find out!

    Goal 9:
    Licorice Lady: Who even are you? What are you doing here? This is an ambush!
    Thurston: It's the witch! Attack, my liege!
    Ruler: Thurston, wait!

    Goal 10:
    Licorice Lady: All right now, fess up. Who sent you? It was Piper, wasn't it?
    Ruler: Wait... how did you know?
    Licorice Lady: She's done this before. She think it's just so hilarious to send unsuspecting travelers to me. I have to scare them off to get any sort of privacy. What'd she tell you this time? Last time she convinced a group of farmers that I would spoil their crops. They came at me with pitchforks! Piper nearly died of laughter. Me?
    Ruler: Two children in our realm were attacked…she said she thought it might have been you.
    Licorice Lady: Me? Absolutely not. Attacking children? I'm a witch, not a monster!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-26-23 at 07:07 PM.

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