There were so many great opportunities in this sale - I wish I could have taken advantage of them all!!! But I did manage to get a treat for each of my accounts!

MenollyPiper - I was able to finally add an Ice Cream creature to my forest and purchased a Neapolitiger! This account has 105 gems left, so I'm trying to decide if I want to add a Cold Turkey, Palmeranian, or maybe a Great Danebow. But I'm leaning toward just hanging onto the gems as a nest egg toward next time.

Sakrysta - This account was the one that had the most gems to spend. I was right at 1000 when the sale hit, which put the ADORABLE new Chow Hound just out of my reach. I have been hoarding gems forEVer toward a Food element. Now, I have to be really strict with myself when it comes to spending money on games, because if I start, I just will not stop (witness my Kindle library - LOL). BUT ... this account still had the intro sale pack available, where I could get 100 gems for $1.99 (plus 15,000 food and a Vulparakete which I already had). So I made an exception to my rule and bought the pack to get the balance, and bought the Chow Hound. And now, I finally - across my three accounts - have a representative of every element! I am SO HAPPY! (Oh, and can I just say how glad I am they brought out a new Food animal design? Because this guy is WAY cuter than the other two!)

Persepheny - So, I spent my entire gem budget on my other two accounts, but I have been DYING to own an Owl Bear, so having it not only back in the store, but at a GREAT price, I HAD to buy it. The problem is, this account is stinkin' "landlocked," but somehow I keep finding ways to make it work. So I sat down and spent an embarrassing amount of time cataloging my forest and figuring out which animals I have hatched that have duplicates in storage. So now I can find animals to sell more easily when I need to find space for a new creature. I have two Mistletoed Sloths in my storage, so I sold my hatched one and now have an adorable Owl Bear in my forest - YAY! I'm actually seriously considering going through and selling off a lot of my duplicates in my forest so I don't have to figure it out each time. But the problem is that once I hatch them and NAME them, I get super attached to them - even the ugly ones (like my Mistletoed Sloth Veronica ). Sigh. Maybe SOMEDAY we will get more room.