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Thread: Need Advice re: storage

  1. #1

    Need Advice re: storage

    I have three spots left in my storage for items I make for deliveries and the boardwalk orders. Everything else is for upgrading storage and expansion parts. Every time I get a construction hat, brick or sledgehammer I delete it from storage.

    I am afraid to delete anything from storage.

    Does anyone have any suggestions about what to delete?

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Also, I only have three gems and I refuse to purchase any. I need four tape rolls to expand my storage. Help!!

  3. #3
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Are there any crafts you can delete? I'll start with that. Are you done with land expansion? Not sure why you're deleting parts for upgrading your highrises... I have no more land and deleted my land expansion parts but kept the highrises upgrade parts instead so I can upgrade them.

  4. #4
    All of my houses are in the highrises already and I have some empty spaces in them. My highrises for shops could be upgraded. I'm fully expanded, but I am hoping that we will be able to expand past those other two bridges soon, so that is why I don't want to discard the items for land expansion.

    I have three crafts now, but they are all needed for the boardwalk order. I won't be able to use them, though, if I can't get my other finished crafts from the factories.

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