So on July 22nd was the last time I received my 10 daily gem videos.
Then on the 23rd I went onto my bakery story account and they weren't there. They have been showing up every 24 hours at 2pm. I waited a little longer till 6 and still they didn't arrive.
So now I'm worried, I don't know if I did anything wrong. I know that the last time I had them; after I finished watching the videos I downloaded two of storm8's games for 8 more gems. So in total I had 108 gems. I'm not sure if there is a limit because I'm level 27 on that account or what but I'm really sad about it and I just don't know what to do.
I haven't bought any gems and I haven't used any from my different accounts. I'm trying to save to customize my bakery and team lava is taking quiet a while to get to my complaint. so I'm on here to see if anyone has been through this and has answers?