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  1. Very good suggestion! Norman please read! (0 replies)
  2. Idea! (0 replies)
  3. help me plz (3 replies)
  4. How do I put the grill in my restaurant?? (1 replies)
  5. How Can we delete our gamme already started (6 replies)
  6. A Thank You From Teamlava (8 replies)
  7. Suggestion (0 replies)
  8. lost need help (0 replies)
  9. Help (1 replies)
  10. Floor and wallpaper (28 replies)
  11. Impossible to buy gems (3 replies)
  12. No floor ? (13 replies)
  13. losing money and food! (0 replies)
  14. design, expand mode - neighbors disappear (2 replies)
  15. Appliances GONE?!?!? (0 replies)
  16. how to change over? (3 replies)
  17. Idea (7 replies)
  18. Where do you buy doors? What tab? (1 replies)
  19. How do I transfer my stormid? (3 replies)
  20. **** (0 replies)
  21. meals prices (2 replies)
  22. Please help with huge problem (0 replies)
  23. I want to restart my restaurant... How? (1 replies)
  24. Restaurant Story / Bakery Story - the names of the restaurant / cafe get mixed up! (0 replies)
  25. Food disappears, no flooring, graphical problems (0 replies)
  26. How can i buy new flooring and walls on android phone. (19 replies)
  27. Bug with new xmas food (0 replies)
  28. Reset game (3 replies)
  29. Money and food is doing a disappearing act! (38 replies)
  30. Add items (0 replies)
  31. Restaurant/Farm Story Android Close random (0 replies)
  32. 1 oven won't go past prepare. (3 replies)
  33. Bug Issues With The Latest Update (1 replies)
  34. iPad and iphone (8 replies)
  35. Wall tv's. Please (0 replies)
  36. Bug (1 replies)
  37. Where is the block button?!?!?!? (0 replies)
  38. Possible food bug work around (25 replies)
  39. New food spoils immediately and the game won't let me clear the flies!!! (21 replies)
  40. New food out of sync problems (1 replies)
  41. Holiday Recipes Hold Up (13 replies)
  42. More expansions. Plz read and reply (0 replies)
  43. Storage (1 replies)
  44. To sum up my complaints. (0 replies)
  45. Cant Reach 4 Star (3 replies)
  46. Comminuty Pages Arent Loading 3 and 4 Star Restaurants (0 replies)
  47. Corner application of wall colors (1 replies)
  48. Suggestion for Neighborhood Tab for RS/BS (5 replies)
  49. I cannot prepar all the food (1 replies)
  50. Food always sold on exit (1 replies)
  51. Feature Request: ability to delete own messages from neighbor's wall (0 replies)
  52. Report users (0 replies)
  53. Missing items (0 replies)
  54. Gem and Holiday Box Terrible Accident (12 replies)
  55. Storm Id (1 replies)
  56. To Norman- Mini Game (2 replies)
  57. All my food gone in 20 minutes? (5 replies)
  58. Holiday Tree bug (1 replies)
  59. "Expand" Bugg (using neighbor number) (2 replies)
  60. Waiter bug! (2 replies)
  61. still losing items (0 replies)
  62. still losing items (0 replies)
  63. NO Mastery levels on recipes. (3 replies)
  64. Can't use the gift I just got from holiday box (0 replies)
  65. Can't play the game ,please help! (0 replies)
  66. Still no changes??! Please answer Norman (3 replies)
  67. More popularity (0 replies)
  68. How do I get back to my restaurant???? (0 replies)
  69. Can't buy gems!! (2 replies)
  70. How do you sell wallpaper and floor/ tiles???????? (1 replies)
  71. I realize y'all gotta pay the bills, but... (27 replies)
  72. heeeelp (0 replies)
  73. Holiday case help please (1 replies)
  74. Losing money!!!! (4 replies)
  75. Account Transfer (5 replies)
  76. Please help me expand! (3 replies)
  77. need some help (0 replies)
  78. To Norman: TL is hopeless (12 replies)
  79. Can't cook omlette (1 replies)
  80. Slowing down of game (1 replies)
  81. Food disappearing? (4 replies)
  82. Keyboard errors (4 replies)
  83. my money isnt increasing (0 replies)
  84. Dear Norman.. Please read! (6 replies)
  85. Music? (0 replies)
  86. Ovens (2 replies)
  87. Scrolling issue (0 replies)
  88. List of untipped Neighbours (1 replies)
  89. Different Suggestion (0 replies)
  90. Stuck on the design screen (3 replies)
  91. Walls & floor tiles (3 replies)
  92. Please help me get my games back. (9 replies)
  93. My list of improvements/bugs after 30 days of use (0 replies)
  94. Vanishing Menu Items when u level up!!!! (3 replies)
  95. Random tips (1 replies)
  96. Tips not showing up (2 replies)
  97. To Norman: Greatest RS Add-On EVER! (12 replies)
  98. Need help (0 replies)
  99. gems disappear (0 replies)
  100. coins going away but items purchased disappear (0 replies)
  101. Only white customers ? (3 replies)
  102. Bug with expansion (0 replies)
  103. Expand with money instead of only gems (1 replies)
  104. My food help bring it back (0 replies)
  105. Where is the Manu button? please help! (1 replies)
  106. More food and give more gems (0 replies)
  107. Different types of doors? (2 replies)
  108. Help... Linking... (5 replies)
  109. You rock, teamlava! (1 replies)
  110. Can we get more food items please? (10 replies)
  111. Gifting more than once per day (0 replies)
  112. restarting resturant story? (1 replies)
  113. Expanding price (6 replies)
  114. Storm8 ID (0 replies)
  115. Popularity (1 replies)
  116. Lost all food when reconnect! (0 replies)
  117. Weekly updates??? (3 replies)
  118. Norman~ Regarding Last Forum (1 replies)
  119. How to change the color of the wall at the corner (4 replies)
  120. Suggestions (2 replies)
  121. Help Norman! (7 replies)
  122. Where did my gifts go?!? (0 replies)
  123. Would people like a warning if they try to put a counter with food on it in storage? (1 replies)
  124. Disappearing gifts (1 replies)
  125. A positive suggestion (0 replies)
  126. Forced to use gifts (1 replies)
  127. Wall problems (0 replies)
  128. When food is clicked on to serve then doesn't appear (1 replies)
  129. Need Help!!! (1 replies)
  130. Magic box - gems deducted but no fireplace (3 replies)
  131. Offline msg error causing purchases to disappear. (0 replies)
  132. Norman, Daily Bonus Coins Bug (0 replies)
  133. Bakery Story? ARG! (3 replies)
  134. Resetting the game (0 replies)
  135. Lot's of sync errors (4 replies)
  136. Easier way to tip neighbors (0 replies)
  137. Norman, why no prize when mastered food (4 replies)
  138. Lost food because of decorating (10 replies)
  139. Norman, Star Rating Bug still occurring!! (1 replies)
  140. Gifts (3 replies)
  141. Locked out after latest update (0 replies)
  142. Christmas stuff!!!!???!!!???!!! (17 replies)
  143. Food gone or not? (3 replies)
  144. Unlocked food not available in recipe book (3 replies)
  145. Problem with storage (1 replies)
  146. Problem With Changing Wall Panels (3 replies)
  147. Nice game (0 replies)
  148. 1 problem/idea. 1 HUGE bug! (3 replies)
  149. Bullying (0 replies)
  150. Discounts on Cases (0 replies)
  151. Push notifications in iOS4 (1 replies)
  152. Get more gems as rewards for things or make them less expensive please (3 replies)
  153. Who won (0 replies)
  154. Change (0 replies)
  155. Getting kicked out of app!!!! (0 replies)
  156. New items please (3 replies)
  157. What do the sonic ovens do? (0 replies)
  158. lost food (7 replies)
  159. not receiving discounts (0 replies)
  160. Problem with Tipping (2 replies)
  161. Food levels not passing ! (2 replies)
  162. Slimer in my restaurant!! (0 replies)
  163. Food disappears (0 replies)
  164. Nothing after level 42 (3 replies)
  165. Selling items (2 replies)
  166. Did not get discounted costs (1 replies)
  167. Please allow the option of windows... Looking atvthe same walls are driving me crazy! (0 replies)
  168. How to transfer Restaurant Story to new device (9 replies)
  169. I have some fantastic ideas, Norman ! (2 replies)
  170. Can't email about missing gems (0 replies)
  171. Food Not Finishing To Serve (3 replies)
  172. Bonus gems? (4 replies)
  173. Gems (1 replies)
  174. 25 neighbors expansion is a lie (2 replies)
  175. Finally gave up on RS- tired of losing gem (11 replies)
  176. Zoom In/Out Feature (1 replies)
  177. Sonic stoves and ovens not working (1 replies)
  178. I want to sell floor tiles and wallpaper (1 replies)
  179. How to Purchase Gems? (4 replies)
  180. Host, Gone? (1 replies)
  181. Is anyone else missing their tips? (0 replies)
  182. Classy floor tile changed? (3 replies)
  183. RS wont work, but ES will?! (1 replies)
  184. What is the point of the CHEESE CART... (2 replies)
  185. game crashes after i INTEND to return a favour to my neighbour (0 replies)
  186. cant stay on the game without it crashing (0 replies)
  187. Gifts disapire when re gifting (0 replies)
  188. How can I sign in to existing Storm8 ID on new iPhone??? (0 replies)
  189. What's the point of posting here if TeamLava never responds? (11 replies)
  190. Page freeze (1 replies)
  191. Bullying and Harrassment (3 replies)
  192. What Is The Deal TeamLava? (5 replies)
  193. poo (0 replies)
  194. Wallpaper bug!! Help!!! (2 replies)
  195. Norman, Can we please have an answer on updates????? (0 replies)
  196. Norman! RS NEEDS confirmation messages! (14 replies)
  197. Restart (0 replies)
  198. Food Resets itself (0 replies)
  199. Again............... (1 replies)
  200. New Foods in cookbook after lvl'ing (1 replies)
  201. Floor Tile bug didn't go away after update.... (4 replies)
  202. Tipping (0 replies)
  203. Send All for gifts (0 replies)
  204. Level update promises of expansion just dissapear when level is reached. (3 replies)
  205. new furniture :) (3 replies)
  206. Can you move tiles? (1 replies)
  207. Norm, could you please answer question bat selling tiles/panels? (2 replies)
  208. Unlimited Gifts...why not? (1 replies)
  209. Transfer account from iPod to iPhone ??? (4 replies)
  210. Cant Open New Update (0 replies)
  211. About those elusive gems... (0 replies)
  212. Selling my items (1 replies)
  213. Tile Problem!!! (3 replies)
  214. [ID kwonsomi, Level 21] out of sync (0 replies)
  215. Suggested fixes (0 replies)
  216. Happy with Restaurant Story :) (4 replies)
  217. no new receipes?? (0 replies)
  218. Coat Rack (4 replies)
  219. [ID-***go84, level 19]problem with restaurant story (1 replies)
  220. Store Item Info, wall bug, gems (0 replies)
  221. Restaurant new phone (1 replies)
  222. Bug report: Wall (4 replies)
  223. Welcome Back Banner Bug (1 replies)
  224. Restaurant Critick, POTENTIALLY NO MORE. (ID- gobblies)- ♣MasterChef♣ (1 replies)
  225. Cool ideas!!!! (26 replies)
  226. How come some people get to levels faster than I do? (1 replies)
  227. Christmas Themes Please! (4 replies)
  228. how can I get my items back from storage? (1 replies)
  229. Money disappear ((( (11 replies)
  230. Invite (1 replies)
  231. food dissappears out of nowhere! (2 replies)
  232. Did TL abandon us? (0 replies)
  233. Norman - weird problem - help..! (10 replies)
  234. Getting your game and current level transferred to my new iPhone from the old one. (1 replies)
  235. Random Crashes looses all served food (2 replies)
  236. Left walls beyond door won't hold design (6 replies)
  237. So when's the promised new updates? (0 replies)
  238. Wallpaper Bug (0 replies)
  239. Cannot access (0 replies)
  240. The people who run this game... (6 replies)
  241. I couldn't fix my wall?!? (2 replies)
  242. Missing gifted food when I went to use it!! (5 replies)
  243. Changes (0 replies)
  244. Gems gone? (0 replies)
  245. Are we going to have Christmas Decorations? (0 replies)
  246. Designing Restaurant (1 replies)
  247. Ill help (3 replies)
  248. Game Glitches (0 replies)
  249. how much would you expect to make in a day?? (12 replies)
  250. StormId (1 replies)