Quote Originally Posted by mymonta View Post
So we can all see that the value pack sales on the right side of the screen, which have been there for almost 2 years now, are in their final 19 days. So what happens when the 19 days are over? I am assuming that there will not be another value pack offer. Will we have a Christmas sale? Will there be more sales in 2022? Or is this the end?

I have 4 accounts. My oldest account just filled its final open space with a Frost Ferret during the Black Friday sale. That account has been able to amass gems over the last year since there hasn't been anything to use gems on. I didn't even remember the Frost Ferret, but once I saw it, I knew I wanted it. Even for 770 gems, which is ludicrous, since I had almost 2000 gems saved, it didn't cost me any money out of pocket.

Second oldest account sacrificed it's last Grand Farm to make room for a habitat that holds space animals. That account seemed to have the most space type animals, and it, like my oldest account, has just been in gem saving mode, so I was able to purchase 3 space type animals without having to buy any gems. Now I have room for a couple more animals if they have a Christmas sale or if I manage to breed a Crystal type animal that I don't already have.

Account 3 just yesterday made its final expansion. Hopefully there will be some good Christmas habitats in a Christmas sale so I can beautify my forest. Just continuing to breed for Crystal hybrids at this point as I have all the other breedable animals on that account.

Finally, my newest account still has room for quite a few expansions. Unfortunately, due to the issue of no longer being able to mine using IOS, and the fact that I am getting a new Android that won't be able to download the game, I have no way to mine for runes, but can collect 4 daily from my Thunder Thane. Slow going, but if there aren't any new animals to breed for or new habitats to place, I guess it really doesn't matter. I have about 12 animals I can breed for, not including the Crystal hybrids.

Anyone else still playing? Do you think we will have a Christmas sale? What do you think happens when the 19 days are up?
I?m still playing and was wondering if it will go on. It seems so. Gem offer and the timer is about 9 hours. Yeah. Let?s hope to a wonderful continuing. 😄