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Thread: Castle Story: 01/30/2014 Update: Valentine's Day Items

  1. #211
    Fashion Designer
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    The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by glimmergate View Post
    This goes against our philosophy. We will never lower droprates of items from free sources just to incentivize premium item purchases. In general, we don't like lowering item droprates at all once they go live. We haven't changed mermaid scale droprate and have no plans to do so now or in the foreseeable future.
    sorry but i disagree.. the item we need for a certain goal or upgrading a building, drops less than when we do not need them.
    playing for over a year and noticed it more than once...
    when i have over 80 scales in my invetory i get plenty, when i have 20 i get almost none.. so you can reply the rate doesn't drop, but reality tells different
    Last edited by anissada; 02-05-14 at 01:29 PM.

  2. #212
    Fashion Designer
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    isn't it possible for newer player to get the love shack?
    it's just not fair that they can not make absorption crystals, which are needed for the Dispel the Love Magic quest.
    also they are not able to craft special plants, trees and more.. it's a pitty

  3. #213
    I did get a pink sheep, but not sure which adventure.

  4. #214
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by monstermash1 View Post
    Well I still get pink stone from trees that were crafted and all the pink stuff lol dust ect from old items
    This. I've gotten a couple of kissing willows from resent vault adventures and they store separate from last years willows in the inventory. Assume they're going to give regular wood when chopped, while all the old flowers and trees in my kingdom still give the 2013 valentine items when tended.

  5. #215
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by anissada View Post
    sorry but i disagree.. the item we need for a certain goal or upgrading a building, drops less than when we do not need them.
    playing for over a year and noticed it more than once...
    when i have over 80 scales in my invetory i get plenty, when i have 20 i get almost none.. so you can reply the rate doesn't drop, but reality tells different
    This is psychological. When you are short of something you tend to pay more attention to whether or not it drops, and experience more disappointment when it doesn't. When you don't need something you may note with pleasant surprise when you see it drop, but care less when it doesn't, and because you aren't using it it builds up quickly in your inventory. Other than an increase after getting the first shard, for me mermaid scale droprate seems pretty constant. Some days I get unlucky and none drop at all, some days I get lucky and a bunch drop all in a row. The amount in my inventory goes up and down depending on how much I'm using them at any time. Same goes for any resource with a random droprate.

  6. #216
    I also get the pink sheep from adventure.

  7. #217
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    happy happy happy as the new release is nearly here..... Any sneak peeks????? PLEASE PLEASE TL!! Using the words 'next week will be MAJOR' was agony, sweet nonetheless! My neighbours and I are super excited for tomorrow. thank you for continuing to roll out great storylines and ideas. It generates much discussion between my neighbours which is fantastic. Do we get our new levels tomorrow?

    In regards to the previous couple of posts, I've been playing this game since the beginning and my general observation about drop rates is that the less you have of an object the less it drops, and equally so the other way, if you have more than say 20 of something, it tends to drop more. Mermaid scales for me drop about 1 in 3 or 4 collections. You need to have at least 6-8 ponds/wells to keep getting a steady supply. I've never run out but am careful when making things with scales to not go beneath a certain threshold. Now I know saying that is controversial, but we don't all have the same things or play the same amount (time wise) so it's going to be different for everyone. Even those with 2 accounts will agree that the game if different on each device.

    Enjoy the game for what it is. It's not a race, take time and enjoy the journey. Laugh about your frustrations with your neighbours but most of all have fun playing, otherwise what's the point. This game is fantastic and if nothing else, I bet you've made a good friend or 2 along the way, I know I have. That's worth more to me than having to craft my own mithril time and time again which I do cause you do whatever it takes to finish a goal.

  8. #218
    Executive Chef
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    Today for the first time I got a Valentines item from an adventure, both adventures actually. I got a fluttermush ring from Ancient Vault and one of the pink trees from Desert Sands.

    I have noticed that I've been a lot luckier with gifts from adventures this past week. I got a couple of dark rock formations, an apple and a lemon tree and some other decorations...

  9. #219
    Join Date
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    Nicely put, SpiritWind00��

  10. #220
    Executive Chef JustKay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cloudsail View Post
    This is psychological. When you are short of something you tend to pay more attention to whether or not it drops, and experience more disappointment when it doesn't. When you don't need something you may note with pleasant surprise when you see it drop, but care less when it doesn't, and because you aren't using it it builds up quickly in your inventory. Other than an increase after getting the first shard, for me mermaid scale droprate seems pretty constant. Some days I get unlucky and none drop at all, some days I get lucky and a bunch drop all in a row. The amount in my inventory goes up and down depending on how much I'm using them at any time. Same goes for any resource with a random droprate.
    I would disagree. From experience (a lot since I play almost every hour or so), if your inventory drops below twenty items your chances of getting this item appear to reduce. Different items are effected differently, but even rare items appear to follow this rule. I have been getting a regular supply of Adamant recently (up to 32, only one of which was constructed). I have 60 dragon scales (some times getting 2 dropped at the same time now), and at one point I was maxing out on Enchanted Essenses (and the Illumination Potions) since I kept having to use up Mermaid Scales. I almost always get these 2 out of 3 tries (I have two wells and a pond). I'm not sure if this is by design, or a bug in their drop algorithm.

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