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Thread: not deleting warning messages

  1. #1

    not deleting warning messages

    Hi. How is it possible that the message that tells me that the neighbor helped me is still not erased and the messages with tips are deleted?

  2. #2
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    It should be that your news feed holds 20 notes at a time, the newest at the top and the oldest at the bottom. As new information comes in, the oldest notes at the bottom should go away to make space for the newest info.

    I don't check my feed daily or use it in any way so I can't say if mine is working properly or not. If you have reason to believe that your News Feed is in fact not working correctly and the issue persists, you can either report it in the Bugs Forum or open a Support Ticket with the team.

  3. #3
    I'm not thinking about the wall that the neighbors write on. But messages - news. A message like "A friend responded to your request for help. Why not pay
    them a visit?" are still there, but typ messages "Left a tip at your restaurant" are deleted over time.

  4. #4
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by Janilovesindia View Post
    I'm not thinking about the wall that the neighbors write on. But messages - news. A message like "A friend responded to your request for help. Why not pay
    them a visit?" are still there, but typ messages "Left a tip at your restaurant" are deleted over time.
    Yes, that's what I was referring to as well.

    We use the term News Feed to refer to tab where you receive the scripted notifications from the game itself and Walls are what we call the tab where you receive messages/notes from other players.

    If you've found that your News Feed isn't performing as it's meant to (holding 20 posts at a time, deleting the oldest/bottom posts to make room for the newest posts at the top) you'll want to report it to the team through one of the links I shared.

    Hope this helps.

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