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Thread: GOAL: Lovely Desserts - 2024 Feb. 07 (5 Days)

  1. #11
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Thank you so much for the Giant Sweetheart FINALLY! I have tried to win from crate many times and couldn't. Please put this item for sale on Friday so i can purchase a 2nd one. The recipes are okay - the only one I really like is the Rose Pudding. I like the 1 day items because there are only 3 and repeat on a different level - so can start 6 Valentine Cookies and 3 Love Potions and they will time out beautifully. In the mean time I am working on the 1 hour recipes so have them almost ready to gem out by the time the Valentine Cookies finish and move to the 2nd Level. Thankfully I had my last 12 Heart Coffees baking and they counted for both the side and mini goals which is sweet.
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do a HUGE sale on Friday with the items requested in the wish post. We need a lot more tables/chairs that haven't been released since at least 2019. Please look at the wish list.

  2. #12
    Nightclub Owner
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    Jul 2012
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtm101 View Post
    I am hoping (and betting) that the erroneous recipe is Heart Toast.
    It fits the theme and has been done before.
    Any other guesses? Chocolate Cookies perhaps?
    Hmmm.... I don't think it will be the Heart Toast since it's already used in part 4 as the extra basic recipe. If they did switch Heart Buns with Heart Toast they'd just give themselves more work by having to switch out another recipe.

    Judging from of the gem skip price, the mystery recipe appears to be a 2 hour recipe...

    My guess? If they're going with a Basic Drink Mixer recipe, then the Strawberry Smoothie fits the bill as a 2 hour timer that matches nicely with the new fruity pink recipes. If they're going to swap in another Basic Oven recipe then Cherry Pie might be a decent fit. But if they're not set on the 2 hour timer then I think Raspberry Macarons would be the best fit with the theme and new recipes.

    To be honest, though, I'm not sure if recipe matching is even something they'll consider or if they'll just slap any recipe in there, lol.

  3. #13
    How come I?m able to cook strawberry parfait?? I thought it unlocked when step 1 is completed??

  4. #14
    Hi AnnirasSweets! THANK YOU for keeping on top of the developers so that these errors can be fixed ASAP!

    Is it just me, or are the people in charge at S8 so focused on cranking out challenges (for monetary purposes), that its forcing their people that actually MAKE the game go at paces that even THEY can't keep up with?

    I mean, challenge after challenge has errors & LITERALLY impossible-to-do-in-alotted-time tasks (or so it seems to me.) If I were more focused and could stay on top of it, I'd make a list of just how many of these challenges had errors (too little ACTUAL time for recipes to complete; objects not working right; or in this case... a missing recipe).

    But then again, I'm on BS, RS, & FS so maybe all the errors from the lot of them is getting lumped together in my mind. But it DEFINITELY seems as though the people IN CHARGE at S8 are FAR MORE concerned with making a buck than making a quality product... and they seem quite happy to let their consumers scream themselves hoarse about they're wishes... they only seem to "hear" the color GREEN.

    The people I REALLY feel sorry for are the people actually putting in the work of MAKING the graphics & other things work in the game. Cuz you KNOW they didn't get into their line of work with the idea of making a so-so product at breakneck speed. EVERYONE hopes to be the best at what they do but it's almost impossible to do when regular people are expected to do things at Superman speed.

    I really hope they fix THIS WEEK'S problem right now... I'm getting tired of seeing my great neighbors give up on challenges or even leave the game altogether.

  5. #15
    How come the strawberry parfait are unlocked before step 1 is complete?
    Not that I mind though lol
    Some errors aren’t so bad

  6. #16
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Jul 2022

    Storm 8 always gives the first recipe,

    Quote Originally Posted by kimalena View Post
    How come the strawberry parfait are unlocked before step 1 is complete?
    Not that I mind though lol
    Some errors aren?t so bad
    Storm 8 always gives the 1st recipe. It's the 2nd and 3rd recipe that stay locked until we have completed steps 2 and 3.

  7. #17
    Thank you for doing this. That Heart Buns problem (thank you for monitoring that) is frustrating especially since I?m about to start that part.

  8. #18
    Farm Supplier
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    Dec 2023
    ANNNNNNNND now the heart coffees are back on the drink machine! I just tried to star another batch and they aren’t on the basic ovens anymore. Back where they should be, but good grief could they make challenges anymore confusing?

  9. #19
    Nightclub Owner
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    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    Well, they 'fixed' the goal but the requirements are different now so be sure to check the first post for details.

  10. #20

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