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Thread: Something is wrong with my bakery pls help

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jun 2022

    Something is wrong with my bakery pls help

    In my bakery I have set up chairs and tables Last week and something happened where my seats have disappeared and when I go to put the down again after a few seconds the bakery story internet con is lost and once I reload the game again the chair are gone again, I cannot place them down in any other spot or that will just keep happening again

    The chairs I use are the sweet pink and sweet blue even when I collect tips from those specific tables the internet connection pops up again

  2. #2
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    If the issue is only with the Sweet Blue and Sweet Pink set....
    Spoiler: show

    Sadly, there has always been a few issues with that table set on the board since their initial release.

    There are several bug threads on the topic (bugs 1, bugs 2, bugs 3). The last time these specific items were relisted in a sale Mod Pixie flagged it with the team again but, sadly, I don't think a fix was ever confirmed.

    The first issue is not being able to get the stools out of storage and onto the board.
    The workaround is to place the tables as usual but place the chairs away from the tables - in a totally different area. After the stools are showing on the board, they can then be dragged over to the Sweet Blue tables.

    The second issue is the bots don't see the chairs as being empty and open for seating even when they're perfectly placed.
    The way to get around that glitch is to have the stools placed either above (@ the 12 o'clock position) or to the right of the tables (@ the 3 o'clock position). Part of this issue is also in the rotation so I try to not rotate them at all and avoid that risk.

    Please note that you may have to fiddle around with the stools to see what positions/rotations work for your bakery. Since this is a workaround to a bug I can't be 100% sure my methods will apply to everyone else's bakeries. Others have said this does work but I never got concrete answers as to whether or not their chair placement had to be the same as mine so it's a toss up, lol.

    If you'd like to add your voice to the issue, I'd recommend the 2023 thread which I've labeled as bugs 1 above.

    Hope this helps you at least be able to place your items but I do wish I had better news for you

    If you're having trouble with multiple items, not just the Sweet Pink/Blue set...

    Spoiler: show
    Are you meaning you had multiple different items missing from your game or moved from your board/inventory while you were out of the game and when you try to change anything the game kicks you out or resets?

    If that's what is happening then that sounds like it's possible that another has managed to get into your account. While incredibly rare, it has happened in the past and you'll want to open a Support Ticket with the team asap. They can make sure no one but yourself can access your game.

  3. #3
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Thank you so much annira, yes everytime I move the chairs the game resets and I did rotate them when I first set them up. But I will try your suggestions. Thank you again for your help.

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