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Thread: Castle Story: Main Story Goal Guide

  1. #111
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Candy Kingdom - Part 3
    10 goals. There is an optional timed component to this part to win an exclusive pet.

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 2 of The Candy Kingdom
    * If you complete Part 3 of The Candy Kingdom within 45 days (from when you trigger this part) you will receive the Licorice Steed
    * The Licorice Steed is rewarded when you begin the craft in goal 10 and Hecate is rewarded when the craft is collected
    * Once you complete part 3, you will receive the witch called Hecate. Getting this witch is not dependent on finishing within 45 days. You will receive her when you finish this part no matter how long it takes you
    * You can delay starting this part until Piper is ready for collection so you can begin Part 3 immediately
    * Troll candy will drop items between parts
    * The Candy Swords and Candy Lanterns crafts will disappear from the Forge in between parts if you choose to wait to trigger this part

    Dialogue: Baron: Ready for a challenge?
    Timed Goal: The Candy Kingdom (Part III)
    * Complete Part III of The Candy Kingdom 0/1 GO (How fast can you complete it?) 0/1
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp + Licorice Steed
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done, child!

    Baron: Pressing "GO" begins the next chapter and also starts a limited time quest to win the Licorice Steed!
    Goal 1: Continue to 'The Candy Kingdom (Part III)'
    * Start Part III of The Candy Kingdom 0/1 GO (A limited time challenge will also start!)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Get ready, Child... on your marks... and go!

    Ivy: It is always a pleasure to speak to a fellow magic user!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Troll Camp 0/2 GO (skip 24)
    * Visit Piper 0/1 GO (skip 5) | Piper has a 16 hour timer.
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel & Gretel: You said you were going to keep us safe! You lied!

    Ivy: Some candy might make Hansel and Gretel happy.
    Goal 3:
    * Visit a sparkling mine 0/1 GO (skip 8)
    * Gather chocolate rocks 0/1 GO (skip 9) | guaranteed drop of 1-5 (although 1-3 is more common)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel & Gretel: Candy always makes everything better.

    Hansel & Gretel: I think we both feel better knowing you're willing to do whatever it takes.
    Goal 4:
    * Tend a bush 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    * Clear a willow tree 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Ruler, I've been talking to Piper, and I think she might have a clue as to who we're looking for.

    Piper: You'll need some extra special supplies if you're going to see Hecate.
    Goal 5:
    * Gather candy amulets 0/8 GO
    * Gather candied leaves 0/5 GO
    * Gather chocolate rocks 0/45 GO (skip - work out math... 3/45 is 378)
    * Create a candy kit 0/1 GO (skip 235) | Magic Forge, 4 hours - 8 candy amulets, 5 candied leaves, 45 chocolate rocks
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Piper: Remember... you didn't hear about Hecate from me.

    Ivy: Even the simplest things can be a big help on your journey.
    Goal 6:
    * Tend an iceland poppy patch 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem) | tip: if you don't have one on your board, click on GO and it will take you to the right page in your inventory in order to place one.
    * Tend a blue-flower penstemon 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    * Tend a talinum auranticum 0/1 GO (skip 1 gem)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hansel & Gretel: So you're really going to get her this time, ruler?

    Ivy: I'll keep an eye on Hansel and Gretel while you're gone, my liege. Let's do it for them!
    Goal 7:
    * Gather troll candy 0/1 GO
    * Forge a candy sword 0/1 GO (skip 205)
    * Prepare a candy lantern 0/1 GO (skip 115)
    * Create a candy kit 0/1 GO | this goal will auto complete as it counts the one you made in goal 5
    * Expand to the Witch's Lair 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements Y17: 35 troll candy, 10 candy swords, 10 candy lanterns, 20 candy kits | you must expand to Y16 in order to access Y17
    Expansion screen:
    * Use troll candy 0/35 USE (skip 875)
    * Use candy swords 0/10 USE (skip 2050)
    * Use candy lanterns 0/10 USE (skip 1150)
    * Use candy kits 0/20 USE (skip 4700)

    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: There is a dark lair just over here, my liege.
    Note: once you unlock Y17, Y18 becomes available to expand to

    Clear any monsters from your board when you collect the craft from the Licorice Lair as you will spawn the third witch, the Licorice Lady.
    Note: The Licorice Lair is a crafting building.

    Thurston: Have your weapons at the ready, my liege. This is sure to be a fight.
    Goal 8:
    * Approach the Licorice Lair 0/1 GO | Licorice Lair, 1 minutes - 5 golden nuggets, 5 golden eggs
    * Find the Witch 0/1 GO
    guessing this might be a craft to do with: 5 golden nugget, 5 golden egg and when you finish the craft you will spawn the next witch.
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hecate: Who dares disturb my rest?!

    Licorice Lady: An unprovoked attack like this is unbecoming of a ruler such as yourself.
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat the Licorice Lady 0/1 GO | 299/299 hits to defeat (will take ~160 energy all up)
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Licorice Lady: You may have won this battle, child, but next time we spar I will not go easy on you.

    Licorice Lady: I've got a special spell to show you... It'll help you win against all your enemies.
    Goal 10:
    * Learn the Licorice Spell 0/1 GO | Licorice Lair, 8 hours - 20 candy amulets, 25 mithril, 50 troll candy
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 50 xp, + Hecate
    Congratulations: Thurston: Perhaps I let all of that sugar go to my head... I'm sorry, my liege!

    Note: The Licorice Steed is awarded when you START the goal 10 craft which completes the timed component of this goal. Steed timer is 12 hours
    Note: The Licorice Lady is called Hecate... she has a 16 hour timer. Once you COLLECT the craft, Hecate is ready to place on your board
    Note: The Licorice Lair now has a 2 day permanent craft. Licorice Spell, 2 days - 75 purple petals

    4 prologue goals to follow...

    Part 3 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Baron: Are you ready for a challenge?

    Goal 2:
    Ivy: Another dead end, ruler?
    Ruler: I'm afraid so.
    Ivy: Hansel and Gretel are upset. They're just so scared. They thought we'd gotten the witch this time.
    Ruler: I know. I feel so badly they're so scared. This time, I think we might at least have some clue of where to look next.
    Ivy: Really, ruler?
    Ruler: Yes... The witch said something to me that made me think. Speaking of, I think you would really like to meet her too.

    Goal 3:
    Baron: Child, you must do something at once about these children.
    Ruler: What do you mean, Baron?
    Baron: They're absolutely insufferable! Running about the realm, weeping loudly at all hours. They stole my breakfast this morning. I turned by back for a minute and it was gone! I think they're up to something. They're troublemakers!
    Ruler: Baron, they're traumatized little kids! It's not surprising they're acting out.
    Baron: Hmmph. Frankly I'm the traumatized one...
    Ruler: Baron...
    Baron: Can you at least find some way to pacify them? I would like just a few moments of peace and quiet this afternoon.

    Goal 4:
    Hansel & Gretel: Thanks for the chocolate, ruler. Chocolate makes me less sad.
    Ruler: We definitely want you both to feel less sad. We're not going to stop until we find the witch who attacked you. If I have to search the island for years, I'll do it. I want every child in our realm to feel safe. I'm the ruler, after all. It's my responsibility.
    Hansel & Gretel: Even if it means you have to go away to search for years?
    Ruler: However long it takes. We'll make sure you'll be safe.

    Goal 5:
    Ruler: Piper was just telling me about another witch knows.
    Piper: Well, Ivy was just telling me more your predicament with the children. And I'm not saying that I conclusively know who did it... but if it was to be someone I know... it would be Hecate.
    Ruler: Hecate?
    Piper: You didn't hear this from me, buy yes... she lives further off on the island. She's a bit of a nasty, and I've heard she has a taste for children. If any witch on the island went for your children, it'd be her.

    Goal 6:
    Ivy: Hecate, hmmm?
    Ruler: Have you heard of her before?
    Ivy: Only in stories, ruler. She's like one of the original, original witches! No wonder Hansel and Gretel were so scared. They still seem almost like they're mad at me. That's why I want to do everything I can to help you find that witch!

    Goal 7:
    Hansel & Gretel: You're going to get the witch? You've found her this time, really?
    Ruler: We're leaving now to go and face her at once. Now this is going to be a journey that will take us some time. And it may be a fight unlike any other. But when we are done, the children of this realm won't live in fear.
    Thurston: Huzzah, my liege! You are so brave Let us find and defeat that witch!

    Goal 8:
    Thurston: I would put my armor on now if I were you, my liege.
    Ruler: Thurston, are you sure we need to fight this fight? The last two witches we encountered were innocent. Who's to say this one isn't too?
    Thurston: There is only one way to find out!

    Goal 9:
    Licorice Lady: Who even are you? What are you doing here? This is an ambush!
    Thurston: It's the witch! Attack, my liege!
    Ruler: Thurston, wait!

    Goal 10:
    Licorice Lady: All right now, fess up. Who sent you? It was Piper, wasn't it?
    Ruler: Wait... how did you know?
    Licorice Lady: She's done this before. She think it's just so hilarious to send unsuspecting travelers to me. I have to scare them off to get any sort of privacy. What'd she tell you this time? Last time she convinced a group of farmers that I would spoil their crops. They came at me with pitchforks! Piper nearly died of laughter. Me?
    Ruler: Two children in our realm were attacked…she said she thought it might have been you.
    Licorice Lady: Me? Absolutely not. Attacking children? I'm a witch, not a monster!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-26-23 at 07:07 PM.

  2. #112
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Epilogue Goals to The Candy Kingdom - The Candy Coda
    4 goals. There are no timed components.

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * These 4 goals are triggered once part 3 of The Candy Kingdom is complete
    * Hecate has a 16 hour timer (64 gems to speed up)

    Hecate: I wish you well, child. Take a spell or two with you when you go. You may need it soon that you expect.
    Goal 1:
    * Visit Hecate 0/1 GO
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Thurston: What was all that about, my liege?

    Clear any monsters from your board when you collect from Ivy's Hut as you will spawn Hansel and Gretel.
    Thurston: Something seems to be amiss, ruler... Ivy's door is off its hinges!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO
    * Find Hansel and Gretel 0/1 GO | if they don't spawn, you'll need to wait till Ivy's Hut is ready and try again
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Hansel and Gretel: Hansel, the ruler is back early! Looks like we'll have to have this confrontation now...

    Hansel and Gretel: Once we defeat you, the realm is ours!
    Goal 3:
    * Defeat Hansel and Gretel 0/1 GO | 300/300 hits to defeat (will take ~150 energy all up)
    Rewards: Hansel and Gretel (to place on your board)
    Congratulations: Hansel and Gretel: Ahhghhhhh noooooo... foiled againnnnn...

    Hecate: If you can help keep these two wretches under control, I think our future together will be quite sweet.
    Goal 4:
    * Visit Hansel and Gretel 0/1 | 7 hour collection timer (28 gems to speed up)
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Hecate: Ta-ta for now, ruler...

    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Hecate: I must admit, it has been a pleasure to meet you, child. you must have been sent to me under false pretenses, but I am glad you ended up here. I am sure Piper knew I'd enjoy meeting you, which is why she sent you to ambush me. However, may I just say one thing... It sounds as if you've been on quite the witch hunt. You've searched and searched with no result. Perhaps it may be wise to reflect upon those who sent you on this chase.

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: Hecate seemed to be warning us of something. We have been on quite the wild hunt, searching this island and accusing its inhabitants of some terrible misdeed.
    Thurston: You're right, my liege. I think I perhaps had a bit too much sugar and got a bit carried away. But I was quite alarmed to think there might be a force attacking children.
    Ruler: Yeah... about that. I'm starting to think maybe Hansel and Gretel are up to something... Which means we better get back to the realm now.

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: It was you two the whole time, wasn't it? You sent the trolls. You sent us off on this wild witch hunt. Why have you done this?
    Hansel and Gretel: Honestly, I don't think either of us expected this to go on as long as it did. You're such a gullible fool, Child! All we had to do was cry a little and we had you bent to our will. It was easy to send you away... Once you were gone, that's when the real work began. I was actually fairly disappointed that you somehow managed to not **** a single witch. You couldn't make our lives any easier, could you, Child?
    Ruler: You're calling me a child? You're just kids!
    Hansel and Gretel: Ahahaha! We look like to kids to fools like you. It's part of our deviousness. No one suspects little children like us to be so evil. We're older than your wretched witch Ivy and your old man wizard combined! And now it is time for us to take what is rightly ours... what we have worked so hard for! Step aside ruler and surrender your realm! We've already captured the witch and the wizard. We'll get your pretty little princess next!

    Goal 4:
    Hansel and Gretel: Arghhh! Foiled again! I'll bet that wretched Apple witch sent them to the Licorice wench. There's no way they'd be back already if they'd faced the Nougat Necromancer.
    Ruler: Wait... what? You're just kids.
    Hecate: They're not kids. You should know by now not to trust a book by its cover, ruler. This is Hansellous and Gretellia, two of the most loathsome witches of the island.
    Hansel and Gretel: You're no spring daisy either, Hecate!
    Piper: They're quite the tricksters... turn your back on them and they'll sneak into your candy castle and try and claim it as their own.
    Zelda: It seems now they've graduated from candy kingdoms to real ones! You were able to fight them off, though... of course you were!
    Hecate: perhaps this could be the beginning of a sweet arrangement...
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-29-23 at 04:32 PM.

  3. #113
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Scorpion Desert - Part 1
    11 goals | Main Storyline. Optional timed component.

    Game Links: Discussion thread | Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * You must be Level 45 to trigger this storyline
    * You must also have Sabina's House and Thurston's Fort and have reached the Elven Outpost to trigger this storyline
    * If you complete A New Dune in 7 days (from original release) and reach Fenneca's Den you will receive the Fennec Spirit pet. Once this time passes, the timed component and this pet is no longer available
    * You can take as long as you like to complete these goals; you will only miss out on the timed prize if you do not complete this part in 7 days

    Expansion Information
    * You will need to force close your game during this storyline to show the new plots if they do not show the yellow expansion lines.
    * You DO NOT need to expand to the new adjacent plots to access this storyline.
    * Only plots relating to this storyline will be recorded here given the Island of Audra has a lot of plots.
    * There are other plots that are opening that are not a part of this storyline and the requirements for other plots can be found in the Expansion Nugget (linked above).[/COLOR][/B]
    * BA is the first line of plots and BB is the second line of plots

    Part 1: (these 3 plots are linked to the timed component of Part 1. Opening all 3 will reward you with the Fennec Spirit.)
    BA18: 1600 RP, 120,000 coins, 10 wisp lanterns, 1 desert history book | 1st plot released in goal 7, Part 1 | 2nd plot from the left
    BA19: 1800 RP, 160,000 coins, 13 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit | 2nd plot released (can open as soon as you open BA18)
    BB19: 2200 RP, 222,000 coins, 15 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit | 3rd plot released in goal 11. In this plot you will find Fenneca's Den

    Part 2:
    BB18: 2400 RP, 300,000 coins, 2 everwater potions, 2 expansion permits, 1 Find the Desert Fan | 4th plot released in goal 5, Part 2. In this plot you will find the Armordillo and a desert outcropping (20 chops to clear)
    BB17: 2800 RP, 375,000 coins, 2 everwater potions, 3 expansion permits | 5th plot released

    Part 3:
    BA17: 3000 RP, 425,000 coins, 3 everwater potions, 3 expansion permits | 6th plot released | you need to expand to here first to get to BA15 for goal 6
    BA16: 3300 RP, 500,000 coins, 3 everwater potions, 3 expansion permits, 1 desert scroll | 7th plot released | In this plot you will find the Desert Oasis

    Part 4:
    BB16: 3600RP, 600,000 coins, 4 everwater potions, 3 expansion permits | 8th plot released | you need to expand to here first to get to BB15 for goal 1
    BB15: 3800 RP, 650,000 coins, 4 everwater potions, 1 desert permit | 9th plot released
    BB14: 4000 RP, 700,000 coins, 3 everwater potions, 1 desert permit, 1 Find the Fennec Totem | 10th plot released in goal 3. In this plot you will find the Scorpion Cave

    BA15: 5700 RP, 1,855,000 cons, 9 expansion permits, 4 enchanted lantern | final plot available to expand to once you have completed part 4

    Baron: Oh Child! I've got a challenge for you!

    Baron: Complete this chain of quests and reach Fenneca's Den by 7/6/2022 at 6PM PST to win an exclusive prize!
    Goal: A New Dune Part 1 - 7 day timed goal (complete all of Part 1 goals)
    * Explore the Scorpion Desert 0/1 GO | expand to plot BA18 in goal 7, Part 1. Expansion requirements: 1600 RP, 120,000 coins, 10 wisp lanterns, 1 Desert History book
    Reward: n/a
    Congratulations: Baron: Congratulations, Child! Well done!

    Baron: Oh Child! I've got a challenge for you!
    Goal: A New Dune Part 2
    * Explore the Scorpion Desert 0/1 GO | expand to plot BA19. Expansion requirements: 1800 RP, 160,000 coins, 13 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit
    Reward: n/a
    Baron: Baron: Congratulations, Child! Well done!

    Baron: Oh Child! I've got a challenge for you!
    Goal: A New Dune Part 3
    * Explore the Scorpion Desert 0/1 GO | expand to plot BB19. Expansion requirements: 2200 RP, 222,000 coins, 15 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit
    Reward: Fennec Spirit
    Baron: Congratulations, Child! Well done!

    Ivy: A new permanent storyline is available!
    Once you get the screen to say the Scorpion Desert have been unlocked (even if you don't start) a congratulations screen appears and rewards you with 5 gems for Unlocking the Scorpion Desert storyline (if you meet the pre-requisites as above).
    Rewards: 5
    Congratulations: Ivy: You've unlocked the Scorpion Desert!

    Ivy: Complete this chain of quests and reach Fenneca's Den by 7/9 at 6PM PST to win an exclusive prize!
    Pre-Goal: The Scorpion Desert
    * Build Thurston's Fort 0/1 GO
    * Build Sabina's House 0/1 GO
    * Reach the Elven Outpost 0/1 GO
    * Begin the tale of the Scorpion Desert (tap go to get started) 0/1 GO
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Ivy: Here we go!

    Ivy: We can make this new brew in the kitchen! I'll bring a few of my magic supplies in.
    Goal 1:
    * Make an enchanter's brew 0/1 GO (skip 70) | Kitchen, 2 hours - 5 wood, 2 syrup, 2 enchanter's essence
    ( Drink the enchanter's brew 0/2 GIVE (skip 70)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Cheers to you and this new brew!

    Thurston: I know not the source of this mysterious sand, but I know we must protect ourselves!
    Goal 2:
    * Search watchtowers 0/1 GO (skip 10) | all types of watchtowers can be used to gather protective cloth | guaranteed drop
    * Find protective cloth 0/1 GO (skip 10)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: I think perhaps it's best if you came with us on an adventure, my liege.

    Thurston: Come with us on an adventure, my liege. See these strange tidings for yourself!
    Goal 3:
    * Follow Thurston on an adventure 0/1 GO (skip 12) | castle and barracks both work to complete this goal and you can go an any adventure (even the 2 hour one). Collecting the adventure will complete this goal
    * Find scorpion sand 0/1 GO (skip 12)
    * Prepare dune gear 0/1 GO (skip 135)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: What say you, my liege?

    Thurston: We'll need to gather a lot more supplies for this distant travel, my liege!
    Goal 4:
    * Visit farmhouses 0/1 GO (skip 10)
    * Find pack bags 0/5 GO (skip 50)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Usual desert travels require lots of preparation. We will need even more supplies if this desert is as far as Thomas thinks.

    Ivy: It's going to take a little magic but with how far you're going, you need water that can travel.
    Goal 5:
    * Prepare waterdrop flowers 0/1 GO (skip 70) | Workshop, 30 minutes - 20 white petals, 10 red petals, 10 water
    * Prepare portable oases 0/10 GO (skip 800) | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 1 waterdrop flower, 1 pack bag
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: These potent portables should make your desert travel a lot more enjoyable.

    Old Thomas: I at first believed this book to be covered is dust, but upon further reflection, it seems to be filled with endless sand!
    Goal 6:
    * Investigate Old Thomas's findings 0/1 GO | click on the green accept button to complete this goal
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, Desert History book (for BA18 expansion plot)
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: While this book is comprised of mostly maps, there seems to be some information scattered across the pages...

    Old Thomas: Follow the sand fall, Young Ruler! And please remember to stay hydrated.
    Goal 7:
    * Follow the Sandy Trail 0/1 GO | Expanding here completes part 1/3 of the timed goal. | BA18 Expansion requirements: 1 Desert History book, 1600RP, 120,000 coins, 10 wisp lanterns
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Here we are, my liege! It's a good thing too, that book as so much sand spilling out of it now, it threatens to bury us.

    Thurston: There should be at least some desert flora we can take water from.
    Goal 8:
    * Investigate the round cactus 0/1 GO (skip 20) | you will find these in the new plots you open, or in the market 500 coins
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Hello there! I heard you all could use a little more water... Plus, I wanted to come see this new old desert for myself!

    Ivy: Be nice to the cactus! You'll get a lot more Glimmeraloe, and I'll use that to make refreshments.
    Goal 9:
    * Gather glimmeraloe 1/25 GO (skip 480) | make sure you collect all 25 before you give them to this goal
    * Give glimmeraloe 0/25 GIVE (skip 500)
    * Give succulent pieces 0/250 GIVE (skip 500)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Old Thomas may be right. Whoever put that sand spell on that book wanted us to come find these amazing cactuses!

    Clear your board of any other monsters for this goal as you need to spawn a red scorpion
    Thurston: This desert just might be my favorite desert!
    Goal 10:
    * Search a round cactus 0/1 GO
    * Defeat the red scorpion 0/1 GO | 15/15 hits to defeat
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: My liege... the scorpion... I've been stung!

    Ivy: Let's get Thurston out of the sun and I'll see if I can work some magic.
    Goal 11:
    * Travel to the Sandy Den 0/1 GO | Expanding here completes part 3/3 of the timed goal (you are expanding to the plot with Fenneca's Den | BB19 Expansion requirements: 2200 RP, 222,000 coins, 15 wisp lanterns, 1 expansion permit
    Rewards: 10,000 coins, 10 xp
    Rewards: 10,000 coins, 10 xp, +1 Red Scorpion
    Congratulations: Ivy: Thurston is getting worse... We need to get help!

    Part 1 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Ivy: A new area of land has been discovered!

    Goal 1:
    Ivy: Hello there! I've got a new recipe I've been dying to make. If I put everything together right, it'll be a refreshing and rejuvenating brew. Wanna give it a try?
    Ruler: Sure thing... As long as it doesn't have any Skunkupine essence in it.
    Ivy: Oh, don't worry. I can make your without!

    Goal 2:
    Thurston: My liege, my liege! Something is terribly wrong.
    Ruler: Yeah, I know, Ivy made this new brew and it's just terrible. She promised me there were no Skunkupine ingredients, but I saw a hair in mine!
    Thurston: It's not that, my liege... Although, strange occurrences have happened in the past when Ivy makes new magic. No, I fear the seas may be rising up against us.
    Ruler: A problem with the seas? Again?
    Thurston: I am not fully sure, my liege. We are still investigating. Our knights returned from their latest adventure with sand filling their boots!
    Ruler: Sand?
    Thurston: Yes, my liege. I fear the seas may be trying to rise up against us again.

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: So this mysterious sand appeared in your knights gear, right?
    Thurston: Yes, my liege.
    Ruler: But no sign of any water? Any wayward sea creatures?
    Thurston: No, my liege... but the ocean can be a quick and efficient foe! Perhaps this is a sneak attack by the witch of the waters!
    Ruler: It's a pretty sneaky attack, if so... If the oceans were rising up to meet us, we'd probably see a bit more signs.
    Thurston: Perhaps you are right, my liege... 'Tis why I brought this news to you! I think you should come with us on an adventure to see the sand yourself, my liege.

    Goal 4:
    Old Thomas: I have investigated the sand you brought back from your travels, Young Ruler. I can say conclusively that this is desert sand!
    Ruler: Are you sure, Old Thomas? This looks unlike the sand we typically see on our desert traversals, and usually, the desert sand doesn't follow us home!
    Old Thomas: I think this sand may be from a different desert than the one you usually travel. Perhaps it is much farther away... and I believe this sand to be much older, even ancient!
    Ruler: How can you tell?
    Old Thomas: Each of these tiny grains has small yet intricate markings on them... I am going to need to do some research to learn more... I am so excited!
    Ruler: In the meantime, Thurston and I are going to see if we can't find the source of the sand.
    Old Thomas: Wise idea, Young Ruler, but I would recommend bringing lots of supplies. I suspect the desert this sand is from is a land that is far, far away.

    Goal 5:
    Ivy: I hear you're in need of some water.
    Ruler: How did you hear that?
    Ivy: Well, I heard you were going to the desert! And not the usual desert, either. But don't you worry, Ruler. I've been working on some recipes that should help keep you safe and wet!

    Goal 6:
    Old Thomas: Young Ruler! i think I may have the answer to this mystery. My library is quite extensive, so it took a bit of time to dig through, but I have located a tome that details the topography of the deserts that surround the Glimmerwoods. This could be the key to the encroaching sands. Take a look at this book! Tell me what you think, Young Ruler.

    Goal 7:
    Ruler: So there *is* a different desert than the one the knights usually travel to...
    Old Thomas: Not just one more desert, Young Ruler... If I am decoding this tome correctly, I believe there may be vast desert lands, just beyond the reach of the realm. I will need to do more research. For now, I have discerned at least one path forward. This book is enchanted! There is magic at work here. When you wield this book, the sand of the desert will spill out of it. You simply need to hold this book ahead of you and watch for the sand. The closer you get to the desert, the more sand you will see! That will be how you know you are headed in the right direction.
    Ruler: Wow, that's clever!
    Old Thomas: Indeed! I suspect his book may have been left behind by someone who wished for the deserts to be found!

    Goal 8:
    Thurston: This desert is hotter than the one we usually traverse, my liege. The knights are practically melting in their armor!
    Ruler: Make sure they're drinking the water we brought for them. It's dangerous out here.
    Thurston: Aye, my liege, but there is a small problem. We seem to be running low on water already! I have sent a delegation back to the realm to retrieve more supplies. In the meantime, we are being conservative with what we have... but the sun is so hot.
    Ruler: Hmm... I know we're in the middle of the desert, but we should see if we can't find some water here.

    Goal 9:
    Ruler: Ivy! We're so glad you're here.
    Ivy: I would say I'm glad to be here too, but it is HOT! It's a good think I brought my supplies. I'm ready to help brew up more water... And look! You've even got Glimmeraloe for me? You're so kind!
    Ruler: Glimmeraloe? Is that what this stuff is? Thurston whacked that cactus with his sword a couple of times and this came out.
    Ivy: Awww, no! No whacking of cactuses, please! You've got to be gentle. Here, I'll show you!

    Goal 10:
    Thurston: So far this desert seems pretty tame, my liege! The sun is much hotter here, and the distance is great, but so far our travels have been uneventful. Perhaps this would be a safer desert for us to travel to on adventures!
    Ruler: I don't know about that, Thurston. That sun is so hot!
    Thurston: It is, my liege, but I would guess that deters people from living here. We've yet to come across another single soul... except Miss Ivy, of course.
    Ruler: You might be right, Thurston... but we'd better explore more to be sure.
    Thurston: Aye aye, my liege! I'll just grab some more Gimmeraloe before we go.

    Goal 11:
    Ivy: Thurston is really sick, ruler. That was no ordinary sting. The scorpion that stung Thurston has a powerful venom. We've got to find an antidote, and quick! I'm away from my potion supplies, but I might be able to scrounge something up. We need to get him out of the sun... Can you find somewhere close we can go?
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-26-23 at 07:37 PM.

  4. #114
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Scorpion Desert - Part 2
    6 goals

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 1 of the Scorpion Desert
    * There are no timed components in this part

    Ivy: This home might be our last chance to help Thurston. Just keep knocking!
    Goal 1:
    * Visit the Sandy Den 0/1 GO (skip 3) | visit Fenecca's Den which was in expansion plot BB19. 4 hour collection timer.
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: Sheesh! You're not gonna let up, are you? How did you even see my den?

    Fenneca: I can show you how to make an antidote to scorpion venom, but first I need scorpion poison to make it.
    Goal 2:
    * Defeat red scorpions 0/1 GO
    * Gather scorpion venom 1/4 GO (skip 96)
    * Gather glimmeraloe 1/6 GO (skip 275)
    * Brew an everwater potion 0/1 GO (skip 275) | Potion Shop, 5 hours - 4 scorpion venom, 10 wisp lanterns, 6 glimmeraloe
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: This potion is amazing... The uses are endless, it'll keep you safe from scorpion venom and hydrated in the desert. Give it to your friend, quick!

    Thurston: I would like to thank the person who saved my life but first, I need some Root Beer!
    Goal 3:
    * Visit the tavern 0/1 GO (skip 7)
    * Drink enchanter's brew 0/2 GIVE (skip 70) | after you craft 2 brew, click on the green GIVE button to complete the goal
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Sabina: A toast to whomever saved Thurston's life! I should like to meet them and give them proper thanks.

    Thurston: A good knight should never put his sword down, but I don't think I feel well enough to even raise mine!
    Goal 4:
    * Visit Thurston's Fort 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, + Desert Fan
    Congratulations: Thurston: Please keep the fair Sabina safe!

    Ivy: I've looked for the stranger who saved Thurston, but I can't even find their home, let alone them.
    Goal 5:
    * Journey farther into the Desert 0/1 GO | BB18 Expansion requirements: 2400 RP, 300,000 coins, 2 everwater potions, 2 expansion permits, 1 Find the Desert Fan
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Wow! How did you find that house again so quick? There must be something magical happening here.

    Ivy: It's a good thing that animal was just charging at us to lick your face... I saw my life flash before my eyes!
    Goal 6:
    * Feed the strange desert creature 0/1 GO (skip 3)
    * Gather desert armor 0/10 GO (skip 200) | You can wait till you have all 10 before giving them to the goal, but it does not depend on you waiting. You can give them as you collect them and they will register for this sub-goal. (tbc, but that is how the same goal worked before)
    * Give desert armor 0/10 GIVE (skip 200)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, + Fenneca
    Congratulations: Ivy: ruler, I know we just met this strange desert creature but I already love it so much, can we please bring it home with us?
    Note: the desert armor are a very rare drop from the Armordillo. Be prepared for this goal to take up to a couple of weeks to gather 10 desert armor.
    Note: Fenneca is ready to place as soon as you complete this goal on your board.

    Part 2 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Thurston: I thought we were in the desert.... I feel so cold...
    Ivy: We need to get Thurston help now. I've got Thurston stable for the moment, but I need more supplies. I can make a potion with Glimmeraloe but there are a few things more I need.
    Ruler: That house is the only building for miles. We've got to knock on the door and ask for help.

    Goal 2:
    Fenneca: Who are you and what do you want with me?
    Ruler: Please, our friend is very sick. We need to get him some medicine quick. He was stung by a scorpion.
    Fenneca: Oh, then he's definitely a goner...
    Ruler: What?!
    Fenneca: Only joking, only joking! Sorry, I'm sure it's not a good time to joke but I couldn't help myself. Lucky for you, you ended up on the doorstep of the only person in the desert who could help. Now, this might sound wild but I just need you to go fight a scorpion...

    Goal 3:
    Thurston: *Gulp, Gulp, Gulp.* Whoa.... Refreshing! I feel instantly better... like life is coming back to my limbs! That was rather scary, my liege.
    Ruler: Scary for you, scary for us! I'm so glad we found help, what was your name again?
    Ruler: Wait, where did they go?

    Goal 4:
    Thurston: I am feeling much better, my liege, but I was feeling very, very bad before. I think I am going to need to take a bit of rest to recover my strength.
    Ruler: Please do, Thurston. The knights can handle everything.
    Thurston: As soon as I feel better I'll be back out there, my liege, I swear it!
    Ruler: Don't worry, Thurston... We'll keep everything under control.
    Thurston: It's just that... Sabina has been asking to go to the desert! She says she wants to thank the person who helped save me, but I think she just wants to explore the desert! Could you please try and keep her safe? Maybe keep her out of the desert? I just don't want her to be hurt!

    Goal 5:
    Sabina: I wanted to come with you, Ruler, to see the desert and to thank the person who saved the brave knight Thurston! But Thurston actually convinced me it was best I stay home... He said he needs a lot of help to recover, so I am going to see him through this. All I ask is that you thank the person who saved sweet Thurston!
    Ruler: Of course, Sabina, we'll thank them. We're actually going back now to see if we can find them.

    Goal 6:
    Ivy: It's funny, I could only see that sandy den after you pointed it out. It's almost like there's a protective spell upon it... Interesting, very interesting...
    Ruler: What are you thinking, Ivy?
    Ivy: I think that person who helped us didn't want to be found... I suspect they may have used some kind of magic to hide themselves, so either they released the spell when they saw Thurston in danger or maybe the spell wore off after you revealed their home. Either way, we should probably do something about that gigantic animal barreling towards us!
    Ruler: Whoa now!

  5. #115
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Scorpion Desert - Part 3
    9 goals

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 2 of the Scorpion Desert
    * There are no timed components in this part

    Fenneca: Root... Beer? Never heard of it.
    Goal 1:
    * Visit the tavern 0/1 GO (skip 7)
    * Visit Thurston's Fort 0/1 GO (skip 15)
    * Visit Fenneca's Den 0/1 GO (skip 3)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: You really wanna go back out into the desert? But why? Don't you know it's dangerous?

    Fenneca: You're nice and you have tasty snacks. Stop by whenever, if you need a moment of shade in the desert.
    Goal 2:
    * Journey farther into the Scorpion Desert 0/1 GO | BB17 expansion requirements: 2800 RP, 375,000 coins, 2 everwater potions, 3 expansion permits
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: It feels a little bit weird to be adventuring further without Thurston. I hope he's feeling better soon!

    Ivy: Be careful, Ruler! I saw how sick Thurston got so I definitely do not want to get stung.
    Goal 3:
    * Clear a desert tree 0/1 GO (skip 40) | 20 actions to clear
    * Defeat the red scorpions 0/1 GO (skip 20)
    * Gather scorpion stingers 0/1 GO (skip 30) | when you defeat a tough muddling from a marsh tree it will drop the stinger. It might take a couple of goes to get the item
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Let's bring these stingers back to Fenneca!

    Fenneca: I bet you thought I was going to do something magical with the stingers... Ha! Nope. Just hungry.
    Goal 4:
    * Visit Fenneca's Den 0/1 GO (skip 3)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 Desert Maps
    Congratulations: Fenneca: You sure you don't want to try a little scorpion meat, stranger? It's delicious!

    Ivy: We'd better go back to Old Thomas and tell him about Fenneca's story.
    Goal 5:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 GO (skip 3)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 desert scroll
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Come inside, Young Ruler! I am excited to hear your tales of the faraway desert.

    Old Thomas: The secret map upon this scroll should lead you right o the heart of this conflict.
    Goal 6:
    * Follow the map of the desert scroll 0/1 GO | you need to expand to BA17 first and then you can expand to BA16 where the Desert Oasis is. Once you expand to BA16, the Swamp Settlement is unlocked. It has an 8 hour collection timer.
    BA17: 3000 RP, 425,000 coins, 3 everwater potions, 3 expansion permits | 6th plot released | you need to expand to here first to get to BA15
    BA16: 3300 RP, 500,000 coins, 3 everwater potions, 3 expansion permits, 1 desert scroll | 7th plot released
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Look! An oasis! What a stunningly beautiful and desperately needed retreat... I need a break!

    Clear your board of any other monsters for this goal as you need to spawn the desert rattler! If you had a monster on your board, you can also spawn desert rattler from the 2x cactus or desert tree which will also clear this goal rather than waiting for the next 8 hour collection timer on the oasis.
    Ivy: I'm sorry, Ruler, but I can't hear your warnings over how hot it is!
    Goal 7:
    * Enter the desert oasis 0/1 GO | In plot BA16 - visit the desert oasis!
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Ruler! Watch out! It's a snake!

    Sabina: Take that, you big mean ol' snake!
    Goal 8:
    * Defeat the desert rattler 0/1 GO | 15/15 hits to defeat
    * Gather rattle 0/1 GO (skip 40)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 Desert permit (and craft now unlocked in the Royal Exchange)
    Congratulations: Ivy: Sabina! you really saved us from that legless menace back there!

    Sabina: I always travel with plenty of shes, so we'll never have to worry about me running out of munitions!
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat desert rattlers 0/1 GO (skip 40)
    * Gather rattlers 1/5 GO | you get credit for the one collected in goal 8 plus any other ones you have in inventory
    * Gather glimmeraloe 0/8 GO (skip 160) | will auto complete if you have more than 8 in inventory
    * Prepare a desert permit 0/1 GO | will auto complete as you are rewarded a permit in goal 8
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 Desert Rattler
    Congratulations: Sabina: Oooooo, hooray! Thank you Ruler, thank you! You won't regret letting me tag along.
    Note: additional desert rattlers are now available in the market for 300 gems each

    Part 3 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Ivy: So, we're definitely taking this strange desert creature home, right? Pleeeeeeaaassssseeeee?! It's so cute!
    Ruler: I don't know if taking desert creatures away from the desert is the best idea...
    Fenneca: Besides, he'd miss me if you took him. The first chance he got he'd come running back to me.
    Ruler: Hey! It's you!
    Fenneca: Yeah it's me. I'm Fenneca. And yes, you're welcome for me saving your friend.
    Ruler: Well, thank you... but why did you run away?
    Fenneca: Cuz all desert creatures run when you come near them.
    Ruler: We just wanted to thank you for saving our friend.
    Fenneca: You can thank me by buying me a drink and a meal.
    Ruler: Well, sure, of course, that's the least we can do! But why aren't yo running away from us now?
    Fenneca: Because my Armordillo didn't run away... He's the best judge of character I know, and if he likes you, then I like you too.

    Goal 2:
    Fenneca: This here is the Scorpion Desert. It hasn't always gone by that name, but that's what it is now. You're going to keep running into danger the further you go into the sands. I was able to help you against that red scorpion, but some monsters I can't help with.
    Ruler: Would you want to come with us?
    Fenneca: HA! Nooooooo, noooo way, you're not dragging me with you to danger. You seem nice and I'd like to help, but I've got history in these dunes, and there are some places where I'll be in realllllll big trouble if I'm spotted. Although, if you happen to get some fresh scorpion stingers, let me know! My supplies are running low and those guys get real riled up when they see me.
    Ruler: Sure, we can do that.
    Fenneca: You'll always be able to come back to my den if you need help, but just... be careful. The scorpions rule the desert with an iron stinger.

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: Look, Ivy! A tree! We can finally get some shade.
    Ivy: Yeah, I don't know about that, Ruler. That looks like the perfect place for a scorpion to drop down and sting someone.
    Ruler: Wow... I didn't even think about that. I just saw shade and got excited!
    Ivy: Fenneca was right, we really have to be careful. This desert is more than just dangerous... it's magical! You never know what kind of creatures could be about, setting traps for weary travelers to lower their guard.

    Goal 4:
    Fenneca: Well, that was fast! I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. Did one of you get stung again? I've got Everwater Potion handy just in case!
    Ruler: Not this time, Fenneca, and we even managed to bring you some stingers!
    Fenneca: That's amazing! I'm definitely impressed! I'm going to cook and eat these stingers tonight.
    Ruler: Eat? I don't know about that.
    Fenneca: Oh, they're delicious! Once you squeeze the venom out, all it needs is some herbs and brown butter.
    Ruler: Yuck... no thanks.
    Ivy: That sounds sooooo yummy!
    Fenneca: It is! Come on inside and I'll cook you up one too.
    Ruler: Hey Fenneca, I meant to ask... how come you let us see your home?
    Fenneca: Actually, I didn't let you... Somehow you broke through my spell.
    Ruler: Spell?
    Fenneca: Yep, my spell... Well, its more like a charm. Whatever it is, you broke it. It's one of the reasons I decided to help you. I was wary at first of your power, but something about you is special.

    Goal 5:
    Ruler: I hope you don't mind me asking but why are you hiding out here all along, Fenneca?
    Fenneca: *BURRRP!* Oop, excuse me! I was hungry. I mean, other than the obvious, I'm out here on my own because that's how we foxes live.
    Ruler: You're a fox?
    Fenneca: The ears weren't a giveaway? Actually, I'm technically not a fox... but I come from the fox family! Me and my family are scattered all over this desert, each in their own little hiding hole. So I'm not really alone. My aunties and uncles aren't too far off if I really want to visit.
    Ruler: I guess then my question is... are you hiding from something?
    Fenneca: Hmmm... that's a little personal, if you ask me. Aren't we all hiding from something?
    Ruler: I'm sorry, Fenneca. I didn't mean to offend. It's just that you had a powerful protective spell hiding you from the world. Are you in danger?
    Fenneca: Of course not, and no, you didn't offend me, it's just... You're right. We are hiding. The scorpions have full control of the desert, but it didn't used to be like that. My grandma used to talk about how different things were back in her day. But things happened. People change. It's all right, me and my family can live like this. Anyway, sorry to talk your ear off like that! It's been a long time since I've had dinner guests... I've missed this!

    Goal 6:
    Old Thomas: It is quite funny, you discovered this history just as I discovered this history!
    Ruler: What did you find, Old Thomas?
    Old Thomas: A scroll, buried deep in a pile of dusty scrolls hidden in the library. I saw the symbol and decided to investigate further. This scroll is the treatise between the scorpions and the foxes.
    Ruler: Fenneca said something about this! Only, she didn't seem to want to explain further.
    Old Thomas: I believe it may be because this scroll was written under duress. Look at these signatures! Look at the marking of sorrowful tears upon the paper. This treatise assigns full control of the desert to the scorpions.
    Ruler: Why would the foxes have willingly ceded control?
    Old Thomas: That is the question we must seek an answer for. The question *you* must seek an answer for. And luckily for you, this scroll also contained a second, hidden secret. Look closely, see that fox print?
    Ruler: Yes, I see it... wait a minute. The lines of the fox print... That's a map!

    Goal 7:
    Ruler: Ivy, wait a minute... You were the one who was warning me about this desert seeming safe when it's not. Are you sure this oasis is safe?
    Ivy: I have no idea and I don't care... It is so hot out here and we've been traveling for so long and that water is so blue! I'm so sorry Ruler but I've gotta dive in. It's too hot to think about anything else!

    Goal 8:
    Ruler: Ivy!
    Ivy: Ruler! I can't get to you! That snake is directly between us.
    Ruler: Careful, Ivy! The snake is turning towards you now.
    Ivy: Eep! I don't have anything to defend myself with!
    Ruler: Hey, snake! Come this way!
    Ivy: Watch out, Ruler! Now it's coming for you!
    Ruler: The snake is moving so fast, I can't catch it, my swings keep missing!
    Ivy: We're in real danger here. What do we do?
    Ruler: We need a distraction... We need help... We need...
    *A high-heeled shoe comes flying into the oasis, knocking the snake in the head.*
    Sabina: HIIII-YAH!
    Ruler: Sabina!

    Goal 9:
    Ruler: Sabina! You saved our lives back there!
    Sabina: Aw, Ruler, it was nothing.
    Ruler: That was nothing? Sabina, you have perfect aim!
    Ivy: I nearly fell over laughing when I saw your dainty little shoe knock that snake on its noggin.
    Sabina: I'm just happy to have been able to help, really. It's the least I could do. And I'm also happy that you can see now that I'm ready to help! Old Thomas found another scroll, this time from the foxes... He said the key to the whole story was here, but he needed someone to bring it to you! With Thurston sick and Ivy and the other knights here with you, there was no one to take it. So I volunteered to take it out here to you. I wanted to prove myself! I can face any dangers on the journey. I'm not just a dainty little princess!
    Ruler: No, Sabina, you are unlike any princess that's ever been... and we've met a lot of them!
    Sabina: All I'm asking is that I get to go on this desert adventure with you... I don't want to just be a damsel you have to rescue... I want to be a knight! Pleeeease? Pretty please?!
    Ivy: Come on, Ruler... When it comes to begin a hero, Sabina's a shoe-in!

  6. #116
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Scorpion Desert - Part 4
    5 goals

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 3 of the Scorpion Desert
    * There are no timed components in this part

    Sabina: Don't worry about a single thing, Ruler! I've got my eyes out for any ratters.
    Goal 1:
    * Journey further into the Scorpion Desert 0/1 GO | you need to expand to BB15 for this goal, but you have to open BB16 first
    BB16: 3600RP, 600,000 coins, 4 everwater potions, 3 expansion permits
    BB15: 3800 RP, 650,000 coins, 4 everwater potions, 1 desert permit

    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 Fennec Totem
    Congratulations: Ivy: So that's what we've been searching for? We need to show this to Fenneca at once.

    Ivy: This story is going to make the scorpions very mad. We'll make sure everyone is prepared for what's oncoming.
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Fenneca's Den 0/1 GO (skip 180)
    * Visit community members 0/20 GO (skip 180)
    * Ask for fennec amulets 0/20 GO (skip 160)
    * Visit Sabina's house 0/1 GO (skip 6)
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: Wait a minute... What's going on? Why are you all acting so serious?

    Fenneca: All my life I've been hiding under the sand... Maybe it's time for me to stop hiding.
    Goal 3:
    * Journey to the Scorpion Den 0/1 GO | plot BB14 Expansion requirements: Find the Fennec Totem, 4000 RP, 700,000 coins, 4 everwater potions, 1 desert permit
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Fenneca: I've thought about it and you're right. It's time to put those scorpions in their place!

    Fenneca: I'm ready... Let's do this!
    Goal 4:
    * Clear a desert tree 0/1 GO (skip 40)
    * Find fennec fur 0/1 GO (skip 40)
    * Enter the Scorpion Cave 0/1 GO | BB14 plot | Once you unlock this plot, the Scorpion Cave is available for collection in 4 hours. Collecting from the Cave will spawn the Scorpion King. You don't need to wait to goal 5 to spawn him. It takes 150/150 hits to defeat him, so be careful when you spawn him. You need to DEFEAT him in the next goal. Make sure you have the Fennec Fur first!
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Scorpion King: Who dares disturb my den? Is that a fox? I thought we ended you all years ago... Looks like it's time to hunt a few more.

    Clear any monsters off your board for this goal so you can spawn the Scorpion King
    Sabina: This Scorpion destroyed Fenneca's family. It's time we make him pay!
    Goal 5:
    * Defeat the Scorpion King 0/1 GO | 150 hits to defeat. Will drop the scorpion crown when defeated
    * Retrieve the scorpion crown 0/1 GO
    * Return the scorpion crown to its rightful owner 0/1 GIVE | one you have defeated the Scorpion King and have the crown, click on GIVE to complete this goal. The Scorpion King is 2x2 and is ready to place once you click on Give
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 30 xp, +1 Scorpion King
    Congratulations: Fenneca: We did it, ruler! The deed is done! The Scorpion King's rule has ended!

    Fenneca: I helped save your friend and you helped save my home... I think maybe I still owe you a few favors.
    Prologue Goal - Fenneca's Finish
    * Make a toast to your victory 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 10,000 coins
    Congratulations: Sabina: That was such a fun adventure, Ruler! Where are we headed next?

    Note: once you have completed goal 5, you can now expand to the final plot released during this storyline which is BA15.
    Expansion requirements: 5700 RP, 1,855,000 cons, 9 expansion permits, 4 enchanted lantern

    Part 4 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Ruler: We're almost at the next dune... The secret map in the fox paw print leads only a bit further. Whatever we've been searching for should be waiting for us there. This is the furthest we've gotten into the Scorpion Desert, and we've already faced terrible foes. There's no way of knowing what kind of danger is up ahead.
    Sabina: Oooo! It's all so exciting!

    Goal 2:
    Fenneca: Hey! you're still alive! It's good to see you.
    Ruler: Don't sound so surprised.
    Fenneca: Aw, no, I'm not surprised! Just happy to see you all. And who is this? She doesn't look like you found her in the desert!
    Sabina: My name is Sabina and I'm so grateful to you for saving the brave knight Thurston! In return for your bravery, we're going to help you regain your rightful desert throne.
    Fenneca: My what now?
    Ruler: We've got a lot to fill you in on, Fenneca. It's a long story.
    Ivy: Maybe we could tell the story inside? It's so hot out here!

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: Old Thomas is the wisest person I know.
    Ivy: He's probably the wisest person in the realm.
    Ruler: He is the one who found the key to this whole mystery.
    Fenneca: What key? What are you talking about?
    Ruler: Old Thomas found a scroll, a treaty between the foxes and the scorpions.
    Ivy: It basically relinquished any control the foxes had of the desert and gave it to the scorpions.
    Ruler: That didn't make any sense... Old Thomas looked further into it and found a secret map. That map lead us deep into the desert, and directly to a secret artifact.
    Fenneca: Wow... I mean, that all sounds like an amazing adventure, but what does it have to do with me?
    Ruler: This is the totem we were searching for. It's ancient and old, and as you can see...
    Fenneca: It's a fox. I think I've seen something like this before, once, when I was very little.
    Ruler: That totem belonged to your ancestors. They used to rule this desert.
    Fenneca: My ancestors? But... the scorpions?
    Ruler: We found a scroll hidden inside this totem. It tells the whole tale.
    Ivy: The scorpions waged a brutal war upon the desert, and your ancestors suffered great losses.
    Ruler: They sacrificed all that they had gained to protect you and the other kits.
    Sabina: The scorpions forced your people to hide away, and they turned this desert into a bitter and cruel wasteland.
    Fenneca: Wow... That is a lot to unpack... I think I mostly feel angry.
    Sabina: As you should! Those scorpion monsters don't deserve to rule.
    Fenneca: Their king is a mean, mean man... He's known to attack people for just approaching his den. I don't even know what to do with all this information.
    Ruler: There's only one thing we can do then, Fenneca.
    Sabina: We have to usurp that brutal tyrant and return you to your rightful place on the throne!
    Fenneca: I... I don't know about that. I have to think about this.

    Goal 4:
    Fenneca: My grandma told me stories about the desert and how it used to be. I never met my grandpa... My grandma said he was a brave scavenger. I saw a picture of him once! A painting of him and my parents. I also never met my parents... after my grandma passed away, it's just been mostly me. I always wondered why I was out here by myself, why I had to be so alone... Before she died, my grandma told me I had to stay safe, stay hidden. Maybe you could see through my protective charm because I didn't really put my heart into it. I wanted to be with people, and I wanted to see my family more than just quick visits. Now I realize... everything that happened, my whole life... it's because of those scorpions.
    Ruler: You're not in control of what other people did to you, Fenneca... But you are in control of what happens next!
    Fenneca: You're right... It's time for the rule of the scorpions to end!

    Goal 5:
    Fenneca: That fur... I know that fur... That's fox fur! It looks like my fur, but different... Is that from my family?
    Scorpion King: Ah, yes, you will find that most of your relatives have returned to the sand. As the king of this desert, it's my job to see that the land is ridden of pests.
    Fenneca: You're not the rightful king!
    Scorpion King: And who are you? A fox? Ha! You lot are easy to control. It was barely an effort subjugating your family...
    Ruler: You're a monster!
    Scorpion King: Ah, of course... A cowardly fox wouldn't dare face me alone. Who is this? Who have you brought to defend you in this fight?
    Sabina: We're not defending her, we're helping her! Not that you know anything about helping anyone.
    Scorpion King: Ha! A princess and a child as your two allies?
    Ivy: Don't forget about me! I'm a witch and you're a jerk.
    Scorpion King: It matters not what you are... What matters is I am the ruler of this desert. I am the one who betrayed the foxes trust, who gained control of the throne, and I intend to keep my hard-earned gains.
    Ruler: And I'm the ruler of this realm. You didn't earn anything! We're here to make sure you don't destroy anything else.

    Prologue Goal - Fenneca's Finish:
    Scorpion King: HISSSSSS! You may have bested me in battle but I can still sting!"
    Fenneca: Your venom is no good here... We've got antidotes to your particular poison.
    Ruler: Besides, you're outmatched here. You can swing at us all you'd like, we'll fight you!"
    Fenneca: Consider yourself usurped.
    Scorpion King: What are you going to do with me?"
    Fenneca: Do with you? I'll be honest, I want nothing to do with you... But you live here in the desert. You can continue to do so, if you agree to play nice. I'm going to treat you better than you ever treated my family. Your den and your fellow monsters are welcome to stay in this desert. But you've got to play nice! We're going to bring this desert back to what it was before you turned it into a harsh wasteland.
    Scorpion King: And what if I don't go along with your rejuvenation plan?"
    Fenneca: Well then, I think you know what we'll do to you.
    Sabina: Yeah! You heard her!"
    Fenneca: Now get back in your den and think about what you've done!
    Sabina: You tell him, Fenneca!
    Fenneca: Phew... Thanks you all... I really don't feel brave at all!
    Ruler: You are brave, Fenneca! You're the one who defeated that scorpion.
    Fenneca: Sure, but how am I going to keep him in check? How can I rebuild our home?
    Sabina: Take it from me, there are people in your life who are going to try and bring you down,"tie you up, hide you from the world and leave you to suffer! Metaphorically, of course." All you've got to do is be true to who you are. The rest will follow, I promise!
    Fenneca: Thanks again, you all. I couldn't have done it without you. Now how about we head back to your tavern for a celebratory Root Beer?
    Ivy: Ooooh! Yes please! It's so hot out here!

  7. #117
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    A Little Gnomish - Part 1
    7 goals. There are no timed components to this part.

    Game Links: Discussion thread | Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Must have completed A Turbulent Totem from PART 4 - UNLOCKING THE RELIQUARY of the Elven Outpost goals
    * Available from Level 40
    * This is going to be a very heavy investment in coin!
    * The Goblin Bandit and the Goblin Thief both spawn rarely before they are needed in Part 3. Once you get to part 3 they are easy to spawn | 10/10 hits to defeat
    * Keep making Gnomish Omelet during the parts as you will need to go on an adventure in Part x (4?)
    * The reward for completing this part includes a Magnoliopal Tree

    Expansion Information
    * If the yellow arrows do not appear when asked to expand, force close your game and try again.
    * There are 5 plots to open. The top one is H-3 (H, minus 3) which is not goal related. I-3 is the first goal related one.
    * 3 plots open in part 1. The other 2 plots open in part 4.

    Part 1:
    H-3: 3000 RP, 600,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns |
    I-3: 3200 RP, 650,000 coins, 52 wisp lanterns | 1st plot released | in this plot are Gimble (1 hour collection timer), 2 geode rocks (20 chops) and 4 geode ore (10 chops)
    J-3: 3400 RP, 700,000 coin, 54 wisp lanterns | 2nd plot released | in this plot is the Geode Mine

    Part 4:
    K-3: 3600 RP, 750,000 coins, 56 wisp lanterns, 10 expansion permits | this plot opens up when the Gnomish Mine is upgraded to level 6. It can be opened as soon as you want to. It is not tied to goals. There are 5 Geode Ore and 1 Geode Rock in this plot.
    L-3: 3800 RP, 800,000 coins, 58 wisp lanterns, 12 expansion permits | this plot opens up (after force closing) when the Gnomish Mine is upgraded to level 10. It is not tied to goals. There are 2 geode rocks and 4 geode ores in this plot as well

    Baron: Act fast, child! Any more unusual bumps could break my delicate glass animal collection!
    Goal 1:
    * Investigate the Rumbling 0/1 GO | simply click on the GO button to complete
    Rewards: 500 coin, 3 xp, +1 glimmer mushroom
    Congratulations: Baron: The rumbling continues, child. Get to the bottom of this at once!

    Old Thomas: Take care, young Ruler! The Gnomish Plains await, but danger may be lurking in its midsts.
    Goal 2:
    * Explore the area 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: I-3: 3200 RP, 650,000 coins, 52 wisp lanterns
    Rewards: 500 coin, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Please take Thurston with you when you go! Who knows what dangers could await.

    Old Thomas: This grumpy fellow might be more willing to speak with us if we cooked him up some of his own fare.
    Goal 3:
    * Gather glimmer mushroom 0/1 | will auto tick as you received one for completing goal 1
    * Prepare a gnomish omelet 0/1 GO (skip 20) | Kitchen, 15 minutes - 1 glimmer mushroom, 5 tomato, 5 eggs
    * Give a gnomish omelet 0/1 GIVE | simply click on the button once you have collected the omelet from the kitchen
    Rewards: 500 coins, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: That gnome will not be able to turn us away with this meal presented to him!

    Old Thomas: Did you hear what that gnome just said? "Kick rocks..." There may be something to that.
    Goal 4:
    * Clear a geode rock 0/2 GO | 20 hits to clear | Tip: use the ones that were in the newly opened expansion plot
    * Gather fangblood gem 0/1 GO (skip 8) | this item and the deep mine stone both drop from chopping geode rock
    * Gather deep mine stone 0/1 GO (skip 2)
    Rewards: 500 coins, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Let us show that gnome what we have found!

    Gimble: I'll tell ya my story, but ya have to help me get some of my work done while ya listen.
    Goal 5:
    * Clear a geode ore 0/1 GO | 10 hits to clear | Tip: use the ones that were in the newly opened expansion plot
    * Gather gnomish silver 0/1 GO (skip 8) | this item and the deep mine mud both drop from chopping geode ore
    * Gather deep mine mud 0/1 GO (skip 2)
    Rewards: 500 coins, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: Oy! That goblin thief followed ya all here. Ya brought danger into these plains. I knew I shouldn't have trusted ya!

    Old Thomas: I saw a strange structure not far from here... Perhaps Gimble might be found there?
    Goal 6:
    * Travel to the Abandoned Mine 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: J-3: 3400 RP, 700,000 coin, 54 wisp lanterns
    Rewards: 500 coins, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Now that we are up close, I can see what this strange structure truly is. It is a mine... or at least, it once was.

    Old Thomas: With a little handiwork, we can repair this entrance and get in there to look for Gimble.
    Goal 7:
    * Upgrade the Gnomish Mine to Level 2 0/1 GO | Level 1: 2 fangblood gem, 2 gnomish silver, 6 deep mine mud, 6 deep mine stone | Level 2: 3 fangblood gem, 3 gnomish silver, 10 deep mine mud, 10 deep mine stone
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 6 xp, + Magnoliopal Tree
    Congratulations: Gimble: Are ya all just incapable of taking a hint? Go away! Stop messing with my mine! And ya can take your goblin friends with ya.
    Note: You have to upgrade to level 1 first and then to level 2 to clear the goal. The look of the mine doesn't change so be aware that you are upgrading twice to clear this goal.

    Part 1 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Ruler: Whoa! Did you feel that?
    Ivy: I did! It felt like the whole realm shook!
    Baron: That's because the whole realm *DID* shake, wench! What kind of mischief have you caused this time, child?
    Ruler: Me?! I didn't do anything!
    Baron: Uh huh. A likely story. You had best get to the bottom of this one... and soon!

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: Old Thomas! Are you all right?
    Old Thomas: Oh yes, yes, I am doing just fine.
    Ruler: It's just... you're just laying completely flat on the ground. Is something the matter?
    Old Thomas: Actually, now that you ask... I do fear something may be amiss. The rumbling that has roiled the realm... it is coming from the Gnomish Plains!
    Ruler: The Gnomish Plains?
    Old Thomas: Yes, young one... It is a faraway land, a land of secrets and seclusion... It is not safe to go to the Gnomish Plains unarmed. Travelers are not kindly welcomed there.
    Ruler: I did wonder why I've never heard anything about it.
    Old Thomas: Tis best to leave them alone, I think.
    Ruler: Or not... That rumbling doesn't sound good, and if we don't investigate soon, the problem may just arrive at our door.
    Old Thomas: I agree, the rumbling is quite concerning... but you must tread lightly! The Gnomish are not known for being overly friendly.

    Goal 3:
    Gimble: Oy! Who's there? We don't take kindly to strangers 'round these parts. Speak yer business quick or ya all will get me axe!
    Ruler: We're here about the rumbling.
    Gimble: Hmph. Ain't none of yer business, th' rumbling. Go away and don't come back! I've got no time to be bothered by the likes of ya.

    Goal 4:
    Gimble: Hmmmm... Are ya sure ya all didn'a have a gnome cook this for ya?
    Ruler: No way! I made it myself.
    Gimble: I'm impressed... and now I'm not hungry anymore, so thanks! Now I can get back ta work.
    Ruler: Wait, wait, won't you speak to us now that we've gotten you a meal?
    Gimble: Nope! Kick rocks, kid. I got work ta do before the sun goes down.

    Goal 5:
    Gimble: Hmmmmm... Ya found that stone all by yerself, did ya?
    Ruler: Well, you did tell us to kick rocks.
    Gimble: Ha. That's something we all used to say... Back before... What are ya doing, Gimble!? Getting all chatty in front of these strangers... I've gotta get back to work. No time for ya all.
    Ruler: Wait, Gimble! We just want to help you. The rumbling is making its way all the way to our realm. If something is amiss, if you need help... Just let us know.

    Goal 6:
    Ruler: Did you see where Gimble went? He ran away before I could say anything more.
    Old Thomas: I did see him run past me a few moments ago, but I was busy sending word to Thurston. He must join us here at once. These goblin foes are a dangerous new enemy. They are not warriors of good heart. They are known to poison their weapons. They are cruel creatures who have one simple goal: To steal gold, silver, and jewels... No matter what the cost. We truly did do a disservice to these lands if we lead the enemy here.
    Ruler: I think there is more to the story here, Thomas. But we've got to find Gimble if we're going to get to the bottom of this.

    Goal 7:
    Ruler: Hello?
    hello... hello... hello...
    Old Thomas: That is quite the echo in there. It must cavernous!
    Ruler: We're not going to be able to fit in that door to find out.
    Old Thomas: It seems as if the entrance may have fallen in.
    Ruler: I hope Gimble is all right, if he's in there.
    Old Thomas: Oh no, no, Young Ruler. This damage is quite old. I imagine whatever happened here happened, many, many moons ago.

    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-02-24 at 08:32 PM.

  8. #118
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    A Little Gnomish - Part 2
    7 goals. There are no timed components to this part.

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 1
    * Drops from the Geode Rock and Geode Ore change as new items are required to upgrade the Gnomish Mine, so don't chop too much in advance
    * The reward for completing this part includes a Geode Rock

    Old Thomas: I do believe this will be the perfect opportunity for you to demonstrate your prowess at crafting!
    Goal 1:
    * Gather deep mine mud 0/5 GO
    * Gather deep mine stone 0/5 GO
    * Prepare a gnomish beam 0/1 GO (skip 10) | Gnomish Forge, 15 minutes - 5 deep mine mud
    * Prepare a gnomish block 0/1 GO (skip 10) | Gnomish Forge, 15 minutes - 5 deep mine stone
    Rewards: 750 coins, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: Oy... yer not half bad at this.

    Gimble: Even if ya fix this mine up... ain't gonna be no one around to run 'em... 'cept me.
    Goal 2:
    * Upgrade the Gnomish Mine to level 3 0/1 GO | Level 3: 3 fangblood gem, 4 gnomish silver, 1 gnomish block, 1 gnomish beam
    Rewards: 750 coins, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: Ya sure are determined, ain't ya?

    Gimble: Ain't been gold round these parts in decades... and there won't be, never ever again.
    Goal 3:
    * Gather gnomish gold 0/1 GO (skip 13) | clear a geode ore
    * Gather penstemonium 0/1 GO (skip 13) | clear a geode rock
    Rewards: 750 coins, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: Ya found Gnomish Gold! I'm speechless.

    Thurston: The goblin-hunters have arrived and await your orders, my liege!
    Goal 4:
    * Upgrade the Gnomish Mine to level 4 0/1 GO | Level 4: 5 gnomish block, 5 gnomish beam, 6 gnomish gold, 6 penstemonium
    Rewards: 750 coins, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Worry not! We'll help keep these heinous creatures at bay, my liege.

    Gimble: Clear all the rock ya can! We can use any jewels ya find.
    Goal 5:
    * Clear a geode rock 0/2 GO
    * Gather glimmeragate 0/1 GO (skip 40) | clear a geode rock
    * Gather larkspurite 0/1 GO (skip 40) | clear a geode rock
    Rewards: 750 coins, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: Are ya sure ya wanna find out what's behind that rumblin' sound? Sounds pretty scary ta me.

    Gimble: If ya can't control yer friends, I'm going ta be wary of having ya go any further into the mine.
    Goal 6:
    * Upgrade the Gnomish Mine to level 5 0/1 GO | Level 5: 10 gnomish block, 10 gnomish beam, 5 larkspurite, 5 glimmeragate
    Rewards: 750 coins, 4 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: What!? Why are you looking at me like that?

    Baron: You want me to work... for you...? I'm not sure I understand the assignment.
    Goal 7:
    * Prepare a mine block 0/1 GO (skip 35) | Gnomish Mine, 1 hour - 1 gnomish block, 5 fangblood gem, 10 deep mine stone
    * Prepare a mine beam 0/1 GO (skip 35) | Gnomish Mine, 1 hour - 1 gnomish beam, 5 fangblood gem, 10 deep mine mud
    Rewards: 1500 coins, 8 xp, +1 Geode Rock
    Congratulations: Baron: You need perfect gems for your crafts? I've got an eye for perfect... and I only require a small fee!

    Note: After you upgrade the mine to level 5, you will get the goal information for goal 7 and then this supplementary goal called Goblin Grief. This goal establishes where to find the materials needed in order to craft the Goblin Thief in the Gnomish Forge. There is another goal to craft the Goblin below.

    Thurston: Fear not, my liege! We will fight these bandits off.
    GOAL 1: Goblin Grief
    * Clear a geode rock 0/1 GO
    * Defeat a Goblin Thief 0/1 GO | spawn from the Geode Rock and Geode Ore. Once you get to part 3, they spawn more regularly and from the majority of the new items (trees, all geode's etc). I'm compiling a list below...
    * Find a goblin flag 0/1 GO | if you had a goblin thief spawn prior to this goal and a flag dropped, this goal will autocomplete
    Rewards: 500 coins, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Huzzah, my liege! A terrific conquest!

    Thurston: Perhaps these enemies could even become our friends!
    GOAL 2: Goblins: Understanding The Enemy
    * Summon a Goblin Thief 0/1 GO | Gnomish Forge, 4 hours - 40 goblin flags, 10 gnomish grog, 13 gnomish emerald
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: A knight's pay may not be as lucrative as thievery, but it is honest work!

    -- Goblin Flag - defeat Goblin Thief which spawn from the Geode Rock and Geode Ore (and other places, see inventory info below)
    -- Gnomish Grog, Workshop, 2 hours - 1 enchanter's essence, 10 magic fruit, and 4 penstemonium
    -- Gnomish Emerald - found when chopping Geode Ore (and other places, see inventory info below)

    Goblin Grief Dialogue:
    Goal 1:
    Thurston: It might seem nigh impossible to communicate with these goblins, my liege, but if anyone can do it, it would be you!

    Goal 2:
    Thurston: It might seem nigh impossible to communicate with these goblins, my liege, but I believe we can use these Goblin Flags to assuage our enemy and perhaps we can convince these goblins to ally with us!

    Part 2 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Ruler: Gimble, we are so sorry about the goblins. We didn't mean to lead them to you. It was an accident. Please, there must be some way we can make it up to you.
    Gimble: Ya know, we get a few visitors every now and then out here in these plains, but I have never met anyone as persistent as ya all.
    Ruler: We just want to hear your story... and help! If we can.
    Gimble: Hmmph. All right. But there'll be no standing around here. Ya can listen while ya work!

    Goal 2:
    Gimble: I've got to confess something. Those goblins ain't yer fault. They didn't follow ya. I thought maybe, just maybe... they might be gone. It's been so long since I spotted one of them, I just thought, what with everyone else gone... Maybe them goblins went too. But of course, I was wrong.
    Ruler: What do you mean, with everyone gone?
    Gimble: Oy, ain't ya wondered why it's so quiet round these parts? I'm the last gnome left. No one else around. When I'm gone, the Gnomish Plains will just be... plains.

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: You're the last gnome?
    Gimble: The very last one. This land used ta be prosperous... The Gnomish built a great fortune. It was all thanks to this mine, too. Something' about it... It's almost magical! Ya wouldn't believe the riches that we used to pull out of here daily... But the goblins ruined everything. Attacked our mine and our people... Stole our riches! They're obsessed with the treasure, obsessed with the gold. They'll stop at nothing ta get it... and it was almost like th' mine knew that. The riches, the beauty... it all stopped. Once there wasn't even enough gold to afford food, the rest of the gnomes took off... an' I don't blame them! A mine with no jewels, no gold... ain't no mine at all.

    Goal 4:
    Gimble: The mine is awakening! I can't believe it. I'm so glad I decided to trust ya! Gold! Ya found gold! Yeeee hooooo! Whoa, whoa, whoa now, Gimble... Calm down. Yer getting ahead of yerself. The gold means the goblins will have even more cause to attack this place. The work ya have done has been great but it'll all be for naught if the goblins get even a hint of those jewels.
    Ruler: Don't worry, Gimble. We called in reinforcements.

    Goal 5:
    Gimble: If ya can believe it, this mine once used ta be filled with gnomes. There are so many caverns here... and the right path can lead ya to riches! But if ya ain't pure o' heart, ye'll get lost easily. It's a dangerous place...
    Ruler: Is that what that rumbling sound was?
    Gimble: Oh, are ya still on about that? The rumbling must have been pretty bad.
    Ruler: It's so bad, we can hear it all the way in our realm, far off in the distance.
    Gimble: Well, I hate ta disappoint ya but... I'm not quite sure what's going on. The rumblin' is coming from deep, deep in th' mine. If ya wanna get to the bottom of it, we're gonna need to do a lot more work to fix things up.

    Goal 6:
    Gimble: Oy! If ya all are going to hang around and mess with me mine, the least ya could do is keep yer friends sticky hands off the jewels.
    Ruler: What do you mean, Gimble? We've put all of the jewels we found in the mine carts.
    Gimble: Are ya sure about that? I've been keeping track and things are missing. And I certainly ain't taken 'em, and I'm the only gnome left here! So ya best look into yer party and see if ya know anyone who might be helping them to some of my jewels.

    Goal 7:
    Ruler: Have you been taking jewels and gold from the mine, Baron?
    Baron: Why is it that every time there's gold that goes missing, you go right to me?
    Ruler: ...
    Baron: All right, all right, I can see your point. I was just looking, child! The jewels you've found here in this mine are incredible. I mean, just look at that sparkle! I couldn't help myself.
    Ruler: It's not OK to take things, Baron!
    Baron: I know child, I know... But just look at that sparkle! I only went through and took just the most perfectest gems.
    Ruler: Only the perfect ones, eh?
    Baron: Yes child! I'm very good at picking only the perfect ones.
    Ruler: You know what, Baron? That gives me a great idea!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-02-24 at 08:33 PM.

  9. #119
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    A Little Gnomish - Part 3
    7 goals. There are no timed components to this part.

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 2
    * The reward for completing this part is Bofur, who is Gimble's cousin.

    Gimble: Have a drink with me! I'll show ya how to make it.
    Goal 1:
    * Prepare gnomish grog 0/1 GO (skip 50) | Workshop, 2 hours - 1 enchanter's essence, 10 magic fruit, 4 penstemonium
    * Prepare gnomish flag 0/1 GO (skip 50) | Workshop, 2 hours - 1 enchanter's essence, 6 gnomish silver, 2 goblin flags
    Rewards: 1000 coin, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: Cheers to ya!

    Gimble: Ya see... It's just... I lost my true love in that mine.
    Goal 2:
    * Upgrade the Gnomish Mine to level 6 0/1 GO | Level 6: 5 mine block, 5 mine beam, 5 gnomish flag, 5 gnomish grog
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: My sweet Poppy was the most beautiful flower I ever done seen... but she never returned from a kine adventure long ago.

    Gimble: A precision tool like this pick is the best tool, and the supports are there to make sure yer safe!
    Goal 3:
    * Prepare a gnomish pick 0/1 GO (skip 60) | Magic Forge, 2 hours - 1 lumin essence, 10 iron ore, 1 super glue
    * Prepare a wooden support 0/1 GO (skip 60) | Gnomish Forge, 2 hours - 1 lumin essence, 40 wood, 1 super glue
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: Oy, yer a natural at this!

    Gimble: That sound came from the mine! We've go ta get to the bottom of this.
    Goal 4:
    * Upgrade the Gnomish Mine to level 7 0/1 GO | Level 7: 8 mine block, 8 mine beam, 10 wooden support, 10 gnomish pick
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: Yoo hoo! Who's in there?

    Ivy: Did someone say magical?
    Goal 5:
    * Gather enchanted fireflies 0/1 GO (skip 40) | found by chopping geode ore but also can drop from eg Gimble, gnomish chest, Wisterium Tree
    * Prepare a firefly cage 0/1 GO (skip 250) | Workshop, 4 hours - 3 gnomish flags, 10 gnomish gold, 5 enchanted fireflies
    * Prepare a gnomish lantern 0/1 GO (skip 180) | Gnomish Forge, 2 hours - 5 gnomish silver, 5 purple dye, 1 firefly cage
    * Prepare an elvenite lantern 0/1 GO (skip 335) | Magic Forge, 6 hours - 1 gnomish lantern, 25 silver ore, 19 elvenite
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: You'll never have to worry about these magic lanterns going dark or being dangerous!
    Note: you'll need to do this goal in the order provided
    Note: make multi as more needed for next mine upgrade

    Ivy: With this Firefly Torch, you'll always know which way to go in the mine.
    Goal 6:
    * Gather glimmeragate 0/1 GO | will auto tick if you have one in your inventory already
    * Prepare orange dye 0/1 GO | will auto tick if you have one in your inventory already
    * Prepare a firefly torch 0/1 GO (skip 180) | Gnomish Forge, 5 hours - 1 glimmeragate, 5 orange dye, 1 firefly cage
    * Prepare heavy duty helmet 0/1 GO (skip 330) | Gnomish Forge, 6 hours - 1 firefly torch, 25 silver ore, 3 mithril
    Rewards: 1000 coins, 5 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: May these bugs help you two find the source of that yoo hoo!
    Note: you'll need to do this goal in the order provided
    Note: make multi as more needed for next mine upgrade

    Gimble: It's time we head back in ta the mine.
    Goal 7:
    * Upgrade the Gnomish Mine to level 8 0/1 GO | Level 8: 10 mine block, 10 mine beam, 3 heavy duty helmet, 3 elvenite lantern
    Rewards: 2000 coins, 10 xp, + Bofur
    Congratulations: Bofur: OY! Gimble! Yer ugly mug is a sight for sore eyes!

    Part 3 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Gimble: Oy, child! I've got to say. These are the prettiest darn beams and block I ever done seen. It's like ya found just the right gems for them, too! With the way you've put these together, they're going to be perfect for helping build the mine back up. I'm impressed! A craft as perfect as this one deserves a toast!

    Goal 2:
    Gimble: It warms me heart ta see the mine looking so good again. I wasn't sure I'd ever get it fixed up again, 'til ya lot came along. I gotta say... having people around has made me miss my people. My gnomes! My friends. All long gone...
    Ruler: You know, Gimble, I was thinking about that. You said you were the last gnome... but we have plenty of gnomes in our realm! Are you sure you wouldn't be able to find some gnomes to live here with you?
    Gimble: Nahhh... I hardly never have time ta leave here, what with all the work. I was thinking maybe if we could fix up th' mine, some of my kin would return. But even if they did... It wouldn't be the same...
    Ruler: Is everything all right, Gimble?
    Gimble: No child, it ain't. And it ain't never gonna be alright.

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: I'm so sorry for your loss, Gimble.
    Gimble: Oy, thanks fer yer kindness, child. It's why I tried a get ya all to leave when ya first got here. These mines are dangerous... One wrong step could lead to yer doom. It's why ya have ta have just the right tools down in those depths. And the right gnome by yer side, of course -- that's me!

    Goal 4:
    Gimble: This next set o' repairs we've got fer the mine is a big one. After this, we'll be able to go deeper into the caverns than I've gone in years. Are ya ready for it?
    Ruler: We're ready for anything, Gimble!
    Gimble: All right, kid! Let's get to it!
    Ruler: Woo hoo!
    Yoo hoo!
    Ruler: Wait... did you hear that?! Was that you?!
    Gimble: Not me! Who was that?

    Goal 5:
    Gimble: Who's there?!
    Ruler: Gimble, is that you?
    Gimble: It's me... I can't see ya, kid.
    Ruler: I can't see you.
    Gimble: It's too dark in here ta go any further. We're gonna need something ta light the way down here. Fire is a dangerous thing to bring down in a mine like this, so unless ye've some way to magically light things up, we're gonna need to be careful.
    Ruler: Actually, now that you mention it, I might be able to help with something magical.

    Goal 6:
    Ivy: The spell I've imbibed on these fireflies will make them glow bright in the dark, but there's another reason I specifically picked these little bugs! These little creatures are obsessed with jewels. That's why you'll always find them 'round Geode Ore. That mine is so rich, the rocks around it are covered in jewels and these little fireflies love jewels. I was even thinking... If you had the right little cage to keep them in, these bugs might lead the way right to the goods! Let me show you what I've got in mind.

    Goal 7:
    Gimble: I have got ta say. We don't usually take kindly ta strangers 'round these parts, but I'm so glad I took kindly ta ya.
    Ruler: Well, you didn't really take kindly at first.
    Gimble: Fair point. But I knew after I tasted yer omelette that ya were gonna be special.
    Yoo hoo!
    Ruler: I heard it! The yoo hoo!
    Gimble: Me too...and it was louder this time!

    How the crafts fit together...

    Heavy duty helmet: Gnomish Forge, 6 hours - 1 firefly torch, 25 silver ore, 3 mithril
    Firefly torch: Gnomish Forge, 5 hours - 1 glimmeragate, 5 orange dye, 1 firefly cage
    Firefly cage: Workshop, 4 hours - 3 gnomish flag, 10 gnomish gold, 5 enchanted fireflies
    Gnomish flag: Workshop, 2 hours - 1 enchanter's essence, 6 gnomish silver, 2 goblin flag

    Elvenite lantern: Magic Forge, 6 hours - 1 gnomish lantern, 25 silver ore, 19 elvenite
    Gnomish lantern: Gnomish Forge, 2 hours - 5 gnomish silver, 5 purple dye, 1 firefly cage
    Firefly cage: Workshop, 4 hours - 3 gnomish flag, 10 gnomish gold, 5 enchanted fireflies
    Gnomish flag: Workshop, 2 hours - 1 enchanter's essence, 6 gnomish silver, 2 goblin flag

    List format:
    Gnomish grog: Workshop, 2 hours - 1 enchanter's essence, 10 magic fruit, 4 penstemonium
    Gnomish flag: Workshop, 2 hours - 1 enchanter's essence, 6 gnomish silver, 2 goblin flags
    Gnomish pick: Magic Forge, 2 hours - 1 lumin essence, 10 iron ore, 1 super glue
    Wooden support: Gnomish Forge, 2 hours - 1 lumin essence, 40 wood, 1 super glue
    Gnomish lantern: Gnomish Forge, 2 hours - 5 gnomish silver, 5 purple dye, 1 firefly cage
    Firefly cage: Workshop, 4 hours - 3 gnomish flag, 10 gnomish gold, 5 enchanted fireflies
    Firefly torch: Gnomish Forge, 5 hours - 1 glimmeragate, 5 orange dye, 1 firefly cage
    Heavy duty helmet: Gnomish Forge, 6 hours - 1 firefly torch, 25 silver ore, 3 mithril
    Elvenite lantern: Magic Forge, 6 hours - 1 gnomish lantern, 25 silver ore, 19 elvenite
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-02-24 at 08:34 PM.

  10. #120
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    A Little Gnomish - Part 4
    6 goals. There are no timed components to this part.

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Part 3
    * The reward for completing this part is Poppy, who is Gimble's soulmate and true love.

    Gimble: Gnomes don't take too kindly to strangers, but Bofur will come around, jes like I did.
    Goal 1:
    * Prepare a luminous gem 0/1 GO (skip 190) | Gnomish Forge, 8 hours - 7 glimmeragate, 2 super glue, 2 lumin essence
    * Prepare a mine sign 0/1 GO (skip 980) | Magic Forge, 12 hours - 5 firefly cage, 1 luminous gem, 5 golden nuggets
    * Go on a mining adventure 0/1 GO | Castle, 1 day - 3 jeweled flowers, 10 gnomish omelet, 4 glimmeragate
    Rewards: 1250 coins and 6 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: That sign will commemorate the great gnome reunion! We've got ta keep digging to look for more.
    * Gnomish omelet: Kitchen, 15 minutes - 1 glimmer mushroom, 5 tomato, 5 eggs
    * Jeweled Flower: Potion Shop, 4 hours - 1 larkspurite, 5 penstemonia, 1 gnomish emerald
    * Firefly cage: Workshop, 4 hours - 3 gnomish flag, 10 gnomish gold, 5 enchanted fireflies

    Ivy: Oh, I'm always down to have a little more glow.
    Goal 2:
    * Clear a geode rock 0/2 GO | Tip: keep 2 saved at 19/20 chops to clear this goal when you get to it so you don't have to buy 2 more
    * Gather larkspurite 0/10 GO | goal will autocomplete if you have these in inventory
    * Prepare glowing silver 0/1 GO (skip 170) | Magic Forge, 8 hours - 20 silver ore, 2 super glue, 2 lumin essence
    * Prepare a glowing pickaxe 0/1 GO (skip 970 gems) | Magic Forge, 12 hours - 1 glowing silver, 10 larkspurite, 5 firefly cages
    Rewards: 1250 coins, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: These magical tools will glow brighter the more you swing them.

    Gimble: Keep yer glowing tools close, kid! Who knows what danger is lurkin'.
    Goal 3:
    * Upgrade the Gnomish Mine to Level 9 0/1 GO | Level 9: 12 mine block, 12 mine beam, 1 mine sign, 1 glowing pickaxe
    Rewards: 1250 coins, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Gimble: On no... We've hit a goblin next! RUN!

    Gimble: Ain't nothing a goblin loves more than a jewel and a feast... a trap like this could do the trick.
    Goal 4:
    * Prepare a Jeweled Apple 0/1 GO (skip 505) | Magic Forge, 12 hours - 20 goblin flags, 30 silver ore, 4 lumin essence
    * Prepare Goblin Bait 0/1 GO (skip 1265) | Magic Forge, 1 day - 5 firefly cage, 1 jeweled apple, 10 gnomish flag
    Rewards: 1,250 coins, 6 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Hey Ruler! I heard about your goblin problem, and I've been working on a little something to help me glow up my magic!

    Gimble: We ain't far off now. That rumbling is louder than it's ever been.
    Goal 5:
    * Prepare a jeweled shovel 0/1 GO (skip 505) | Gnomish Forge, 12 hours - 13 larkspurites, 30 silver ore, 4 lumin essence
    * Prepare a gnomish lantern 0/1 GO (skip 190) | Gnomish Forge, 2 hours - 5 gnomish silver, 5 purple dye, 1 firefly cage
    * Prepare an enchanted shovel 0/1 GO (skip 1535) | Gnomish Forge, 1 day - 5 firefly cage, 6 gnomish lantern, 1 jeweled shovel
    Rewards: 1250 coins, 6 xp, 1 Gnomish Chest
    Congratulations: Gimble: We're in this together now, Ruler.

    Gimble: The rumbling is just beyond this boulder... We can face it together.
    Goal 6:
    * Upgrade the Gnomish Mine to level 10 0/1 GO | Level 10: 15 mine block, 15 mine beam, 1 enchanted shovel, 1 goblin bait
    Rewards: 2500 coins, 12 xp, +Poppy
    Congratulations: Gimble: Poppy! My sweet Poppy, my love! I never thought I'd see you again!

    Poppy: I don't know how I'd ever be able ta thank ya fer all ye've done.
    Prologue Goal: A Gnomish Reunion
    * Welcome Poppy 0/1 GO | click on GO to complete this goal. You do not have to visit Poppy.
    Rewards: none
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: A happy ending indeed! The only question that may remain is... what creature in the depths awoke Poppy? I am off to ponder...

    Part 4 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Gimble: BOFUR! Oh, I never thought I'd say this but I missed ya!
    Bofur: You think you missed me?! I've been trapped in this mine fer decades! Barely had nothing ta do, had to eat nothing but mushrooms to survive... It was awful! I sure would like an omelet if ya got one. And I wanna get out of this mine! I been in here for so long, I've really been craving some sunlight... and as a mining gnome, ya really must know how hard that is for me ta say!
    Ruler: We can definitely help you out with a meal.
    Bofur: And who is this tall folk ya have let into our mine, Gimble?
    Gimble: This the Ruler, Bofur... and they're the one who helped us find ya!

    Goal 2:
    Gimble: We've made more progress together on this mine than I made alone in years. I can't believe how much farther we've gone together.
    Ruler: You know, we can leave you alone after all this is done, but only after we get to the source of the rumbling, and the mine is back in business. We don't want to interfere too much with your life.
    Gimble: Oy, no way kid. Yer stuck with us gnomes fer life. the mine wasn't really made fer ya. I'd imagine yer back is beginning ta ache from all the bending over.
    Ruler: It was getting a little sore.
    Gimble: Even if yer not coming into the mine anymore, yer a friend of the gnomes, kid. And ya always will be. Now, do ya think ya could see if yer witch-lady could help us with a little more glow?

    Goal 3:
    Gimble: I've got ta confess something ta ya. I ain't never been this far inta the mine. I don't know what trouble might await us. It could be really dangerous fer ya... I understand if ya need to turn back.
    Ruler: The rumbling has gotten louder the deeper we've gotten, Gimble. We can't stop now!
    Gimble: Oy, I am glad ta hear ya say it. I was worried I'd have ta go in on me own!

    Goal 4:
    Thurston: The goblins are nearly overrunning us, my liege! We need your help to fight them off!
    Ruler: The tools we made to help the gnome made it a lot easier for the goblins too. They've completely infested these caverns.
    Gimble: I didn't think t'was possible but they're everywhere.
    Ruler: We can fight off all the goblins we come across, but we're going to need something a little smarter to get rid of these pests.

    Goal 5:
    Ivy: check this out, Ruler! I really upped my game with this spell. The tools you make now will still glow to illuminate the mine for you, but they'll only glow for people of kind heart and good intention! If those goblins look at these tools, they won't see anything at all, even if the tool is shining brightly just for you!
    Ruler: Ivy, you're brilliant! This is brilliant!
    Ivy: Aw, shucks, I'm happy to help! And truthfully? The rumbling is really doing a number of my potion stocks. I've had thirteen broken bottles this week alone! So if there's anything I can do to help you find the rumble in the mine, let me know!

    Goal 6:
    Gimble: Yoo hoo!
    Ruler: Was that you this time?
    Gimble: Yep, that was just me.
    Ruler: Sorry, it's a little loud to hear over all this rumbling!
    Gimble: It's gotten louder the deeper we've gotten into the mine. I think whatever is th' source is just beyond this boulder. What if it's dangerous? What if we're letting out more goblins?
    Ruler: There's only one way to find out! Don't worry, Gimble. No matter what is waiting for us on the other side of that stone, we can face it as long as we're together!
    Gimble: Oy, I've got ta admit... I'm already feeling a lot better with friends like ya at my side.

    Prologue: A Gnomish Reunion
    Poppy: Gimble!
    Gimble: Poppy! Oh, I missed ya so much! Not a day went by where I didn't think o' ya.
    Poppy: I've been trapped in this mine for more years than I can count, but all I did when I was stuck in there was dream of getting ta ya! It was so dark and lonely down here, I fell into a deep, deep sleep. Wasn't till recently something down here woke me up... but I knew I just had to get back to you as soon as I could! So I dusted off the sleep, picked up my axe and got back to it. It was hard work, I had to rumble things around a bit, but all I cared about was getting back ta ya. I should have known ya would try and find me first!
    Gimble: But it was ya, Poppy! Yer rumblin' brought this friend to us, and they are the ones who lead me to you!
    Ruler: We're happy to help, really.
    Poppy: Watch out, kid! Yer about to get a Gnomish hug!

    How the crafts fit together:
    Mine Sign: Magic Forge, 12 hours - 5 firefly cage, 1 luminous gem, 5 golden nuggets
    Firefly cage: Workshop, 4 hours - 3 gnomish flag, 10 gnomish gold, 5 enchanted fireflies
    Luminous Gem: Gnomish Forge, 8 hours - 7 glimmeragate, 2 superglue, 2 lumin essence

    Glowing Pickaxe: Magic Forge, 12 hours - 1 glowing silver, 10 larkspurite, 5 firefly cage
    Firefly cage: Workshop, 4 hours - 3 gnomish flag, 10 gnomish gold, 5 enchanted fireflies
    Glowing Silver: Magic Forge, 8 hours - 20 silver ore, 2 superglue, 2 lumin essence

    Goblin Bait: Magic Forge, 1 day - 5 firefly cage, 1 jeweled apple, 10 gnomish flag
    Firefly cage: Workshop, 4 hours - 3 gnomish flag, 10 gnomish gold, 5 enchanted fireflies
    Jeweled Apple: Magic Forge, 12 hours - 20 goblin flags, 30 silver ore, 4 lumin essence
    Gnomish Flag: Workshop, 2 hours - 1 enchanter's essence, 6 gnomish silver, 2 goblin flag

    Enchanted Shovel: Gnomish Forge, 1 day - 5 firefly cage, 6 gnomish lantern, 1 jeweled shovel
    Firefly cage: Workshop, 4 hours - 3 gnomish flag, 10 gnomish gold, 5 enchanted fireflies
    Gnomish Lantern: Gnomish Forge, 2 hours - 5 gnomish silver, 5 purple dye, 1 firefly cage
    Jeweled Shovel: Gnomish Forge, 12 hours - 13 larkspurites, 30 silver ore, 4 lumin essence
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-02-24 at 08:35 PM.

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