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Thread: Are these games slowly going downhill or is it just me?

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
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    Sep 2012

    Are these games slowly going downhill or is it just me?

    Please feel free to move post where appropriate. Wasn't sure where to post my opinion! Anyway this might be quite long though. These are things I've noticed since Storm8 (ugh!) took over for Team Lava.

    They don't acknowledge or care about their players at all! I found that out right away long ago when I sent them a support email. Low an behold only to get it back! With the message....(sorry don't remember them anymore! ) so zip! On support! Oh well. They also don't even replenish gems,, if you accidentally spent or lost them! What kind of support is that? Then then don't even listen or read their own message boards. You can tell by how the game has been run thru the years.

    They've made goals at times for me, Barely passable. Especially if you get sick, or miss a day or 2 for whatever reason! You can't really cook what you want either, while doing said goal or in between goals, unless you finish them within a 7 day period! This includes the side goal. They've made the game more work than fun because of this! The old way was much better. I even had surgeries and didn't worry about not completing the goals the way Team Lava had them set up! I do like that they added the side goals to give players a chance to earn some decent prizes. Also for goals they've made everything more expensive! It's ridiculous really. The chairs are more expensive than the tables, they make you purchase stuff for the goals you don't want, or ever might use. Building the appliances are expensive as well. I can go thru $500,000.00 easy peasey! Ridiculous!

    Their decorations haven't been that great. Now I understand it's difficult to come up with ideas. But when you make the constructable parts(imo) cuter than the decorations something is wrong here! Plus they keep giving sales on the decorations year after year! Or they don't do appropriate holiday stuff with sales.

    They never give gem sales. Ever! Even on black Friday or Christmas! I don't think offering a 30% sale every week counts.

    I have lost tons of my original neighbors in this game. Especially when Storm8 took over i lost about half of them. Now I have like 4 of them left! It's getting harder to find and keep good, active players! I get they have lives. A lot of mine(which I hate them doing) play part time. I have people who are added to my list , but in a few days you can tell that they've quit. Mainly this happens with players below level 50. So I hate doing i, but I just automatically delete them, or I just don't add them. RS is even harder in the friend department!

    I've also noticed that if you're a new player. Developers have made it next to impossible to expand your shop! My 2nd account is proof of this. That n I noticed most of newer friends, have tiny places as well!

    Seriously, in the last year I've noticed that any game is making it harder to enjoy. With RS and BS I've seriously considered quitting goals in the last year. But I know if I do that, I won't get new appliances or recipes. I refuse to pay gems for appliances. It's like, since Storm8 took over, that they are sadly, slowly, ****ing the fun out of these games for me and my neighbors.

    So hopefully some will agree with my post. Even add to it. These are just my opinions of the games, and Storm8. Thanks for taking the time to read and possibly respond! Good day, or night to you!

  2. #2
    the bakery story games have been dead for years......only thing they've done for the first one is new decorations once in a while the 2nd they just ignore......

  3. #3
    Executive Chef
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    Behind a giant flytrap
    I've noticed the bakery forums (and game, even) have become less friendly and even less actively used than what it was in years past, even in comparison to like last year.

    Honestly the game has gone down-hill a bit, which I think only leaves players to attack each other, and be less kind since there's really nothing to discuss.

    I haven't really played since Late June of last year, and I used to see a reason to come back to the game and play again, Now I really don't.

    The Halloween goal this year I was disappointed with - as we (I feel) already have enough Halloween type houses.

    Haunted House
    Trick or Treat
    Haunted Line
    Trick or Treaters (separate)

    You'd basically have enough houses already to create a neighbourhood, if you really wanted.

    Goals are harder it seems, and it feels like the only thing worth doing anyone are the side goals itself and not the main goal. We will sometimes see a new goal prize(s) worth our time and efforts, but most of the time people will just say they're only doing a goal so they could unlock the recipes and earn the few gems here and there.

    Add that to the sales within the last 7+ months, and yeah, players are leaving more and more here and there.

    Within the last year, before I left myself, I seen the occasional good-bye from the neighbours I liked and thought were great. And even on other neighbours walls, I seen people say things along the lines of "I'm leaving, the game isn't fun/interesting anymore - etc"

    I wonder how much that had increased since I've left as well, especially since I don't read walls let alone know who's left since.

    And I've also seen that people are only playing and sticking around due to having nice connection and conversations with neighbours.

    Personally though, I think most goals were decently and better designed even 2+ years ago, so the issue for me isn't because Storm8 took over, because they took over at least 4+ years ago. It's just the lack of quality and nice decorations within the last two years. Like I said, I will see an occasional diamond in the rough (with new goals) every now and again, but it's not as often/frequent as it used to be.

    But since people are dropping off the game often, it's hard to even find decent active neighbours - which heavily plays (I personally feel) into the enjoyment and even do-ability of the game/goals itself.

    People are really no longer adding new people, I feel, due to people constantly leaving, and don't possibly want a neighbour dropping off the game less than a few days of adding them. As that's happening more often than not within the last year.

    Add all/some of my reasoning together, even some posts above mine, and it's not shocking to see a neighbour or two go anymore, or just drop of the game with no post, especially after years of them playing, unfortunately.

    So yes, I do agree. It's not fun or worth while to even drop in the game anymore like it used to be.

    I feel like a good majority or at least a decent percentage only play anymore due to, goals still happening, even if the goals don't have the best prizes - it still gives people something to do, great neighbours, and maybe even how much they've spent (money-wise) into the game. Feel free to disagree or even agree, add on my post as well. If you happen to think a little differently/ or almost the same.

  4. #4
    Fashion Designer Sebsmommy15's Avatar
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    California, US
    I played since March 2015. It was great and I loved the monthly goals. Then it was switched up with bi weekly / 5 day goals and it got harder but I still managed to finish even if I had a few hours left.. now I care about mastering the never ending recipes lol. I feel like I can’t master appliances fast enough. I lost some neighbors and added new ones. I never took a break to where I felt overwhelmed or overworked. I guess it depends of where the line meets to where enough is enough and I haven’t gotten to that point yet.. I agree they are lacking on the prizes and design of the goals but most likely I won’t display them as much as the older displays lol.
    Level 99 / 4 star player

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper fawziaj's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    Why are we ALL stuck on level 99 ?
    I hope to God that we move past 99 in this lifetime😑

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    All of these older games NEVER got any new versions in ages (android).

    All they care about is getting your money, as in buying gems. Well, since they don't care no more, I don't care too, so I refuse buying anything with real money.
    I'm playing this game since 2012, rs even since 2011!

    All they do is creating new games, then let go of the older ones.

    What's been annoying me ever since 2012 is the enormous difference between Android and Apple players.

    Latter got so many free gems, that's why their bakeries are much bigger than from android players (unless they bought gems etc).
    Almost any game publisher likes to stay in touch with their players. That's decent!

    Storm8 doesn't care at all. They were recently bought by a Scandinavian publisher, so for a while I thought.. Maybe now it's getting better, more staff, but nope. I only drop in to chat with my nbs/friends, NOT because I love this game, LOL.
    It's not that they read these posts and if they do, they don't do anything about it. Sorry for the rant.

  7. #7
    Rhino Keeper
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    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by Sebsmommy15 View Post
    I played since March 2015. It was great and I loved the monthly goals. Then it was switched up with bi weekly / 5 day goals and it got harder but I still managed to finish even if I had a few hours left.. now I care about mastering the never ending recipes lol. I feel like I can?t master appliances fast enough. I lost some neighbors and added new ones. I never took a break to where I felt overwhelmed or overworked. I guess it depends of where the line meets to where enough is enough and I haven?t gotten to that point yet.. I agree they are lacking on the prizes and design of the goals but most likely I won?t display them as much as the older displays lol.
    I miss those good old days too - monthly goals with two/ three weeks of updates with a related theme (one week typically a box/ crate). So if you have a small bakery you can actually decorate the entire bakery in one theme.

    The introduction of gem dispensers marks the downhill of this game... players who bought them will never spend actual cash on gems again.
    Those players are however typically long term players (otherwise they'd rather just spend them on deco rather than logging into the game every 12 hours to collect more).
    So I'm fairly certain that the dispensers will never be for sale again.

    Quote Originally Posted by FcNAC View Post
    All of these older games NEVER got any new versions in ages (android).

    All they care about is getting your money, as in buying gems. Well, since they don't care no more, I don't care too, so I refuse buying anything with real money.
    I'm playing this game since 2012, rs even since 2011!

    All they do is creating new games, then let go of the older ones.

    What's been annoying me ever since 2012 is the enormous difference between Android and Apple players.

    Latter got so many free gems, that's why their bakeries are much bigger than from android players (unless they bought gems etc).
    Almost any game publisher likes to stay in touch with their players. That's decent!

    Storm8 doesn't care at all. They were recently bought by a Scandinavian publisher, so for a while I thought.. Maybe now it's getting better, more staff, but nope. I only drop in to chat with my nbs/friends, NOT because I love this game, LOL.
    It's not that they read these posts and if they do, they don't do anything about it. Sorry for the rant.
    Agreed - I started with android, (accidentally) moved to Apple, earned my first hundreds of free gems in Apple and used those to purchase gem dispensers (again only available in Apple).
    Last edited by luincristiel; 02-06-21 at 11:13 PM.

  8. #8
    Farm Supplier
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by myharleycat View Post
    But when you make the constructible parts(imo) cuter than the decorations something is wrong here!

    Not gonna lie, I really like the some of the constructible parts! I have always wondered why some of those parts can't be purchasable items/decor in the game itself.

  9. #9
    Nightclub Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by nia0079 View Post
    Not gonna lie, I really like the some of the constructible parts! I have always wondered why some of those parts can't be purchasable items/decor in the game itself.
    I agree some of them are gorgeous and I'd like to see them elsewhere. I think it's because a lot of the collectibles are images from older (now defunct) s8 games so they're just copy/pasting and not having to create each item.

    As for the topic of the thread, I sadly agree that the quality of the games has declined in certain areas over the last few years. However, I love these games so much that I always have hope that they'll continue on and maybe even improve in some areas.

    The only way I'll ever leave BS/RS is if s8 shuts them down entirely. If that were to happen, it would be a harsh blow to me (and many others) and I honestly don't know what I would do to fill the time that I normally use to dedicate myself to the game. Fingers crossed this is something we don't have to worry about for years to come. Long live s8 Casual and Social Arcade games! lol

  10. #10
    New Resident
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    Jun 2018
    I really agree with you. Recently I got an Iphone and what it surprised me was that the apple players have some advantages that the android one don't have. For example they receive a daily rewards for logging. In android we don't have that. In addition, they have the daily videos to earn gems, and in android that fonction was unavailable while ago. And also, they have a button "bonus" to get more gems. But I don't really mind that, because it's not essential for the game, the thing is that in the game we have differents stuffs. In fashion story the android players didn't have any update while ago, and the app is programmed for ancient android versions. The apple players have more recent objects than the android ones. In bakery story is the same.

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