View Poll Results: Tomb Raider feedback

209. You may not vote on this poll
  • I enjoyed this storybook event

    83 39.71%
  • I didn't enjoy this event

    74 35.41%
  • Got stuck with neighbour requests not coming through

    81 38.76%
  • I didn't finish - random hieroglyphic drops made it impossible

    33 15.79%
  • I didn't finish - ran out of time

    36 17.22%
  • Had to collect during the night

    93 44.50%
  • No gems spent, event completed

    48 22.97%
  • Some gems spent, event completed

    94 44.98%
  • Some gems spent, event unfinished

    26 12.44%
  • Did not participate in this event

    2 0.96%
  • Additional oasis trees for coins in the market would be good

    55 26.32%
  • Collection timers for the tombs too long

    139 66.51%
  • Did not receive any random adventure drops

    130 62.20%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Castle Story 8/06: Tomb Raiders | event information on page 1

  1. #661
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    This has been so sad. I stopped doing the quests because they all seemed to be so repetitive, higher and higher numbers of the same items required to upgrade something. Bacame a bit boring and work. This quest was different and really fun until hit the neighbors. Found out half of mine must be inactive so lost two whole days and now won’t finish. Thoroughly and utterly fed up.

  2. #662
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The poll can be seen if you switch your view to FULL SITE (mine says Child Of Default style) instead of mobile view. The controls for this are the very end of the screen on the left. The poll is then visible on any page of this thread above all of the posts, but only in full site mode. You can switch your mode back when you're done.

  3. #663
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by RonjaR82 View Post
    S8, Would you please consider making [the] Pyramid bigger? ... it's a bit strange Cleo is bigger/taller than her pyramid ...
    I think it needs to be 3x3 for the full epicness required for such a mammoth structure.
    (similar to the volcano a few events back)
    But that will never happen. hahaha

    I would be happy if it was made bigger.
    But also not essential - pyramids come in all sizes.
    Is kinda cute being all tiny.

  4. #664
    Rhino Keeper
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by woodlandlady View Post
    This has been so sad. I stopped doing the quests because they all seemed to be so repetitive, higher and higher numbers of the same items required to upgrade something. Bacame a bit boring and work. This quest was different and really fun until hit the neighbors. Found out half of mine must be inactive so lost two whole days and now won’t finish. Thoroughly and utterly fed up.
    I didn’t have a problem with the requests as I have great neighbors. However I found this event entirely too time consuming. I am thoroughly fed up with the lack of fairness and balance with the adventure drops in this game. I’m not spending anymore money until it’s fixed.

  5. #665
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Today, last day for this event, I have to do day 9 en 10 in one day, because of the error of S8!
    So, I can not finish this event because of this problem, for receive 20 request from friends. That was not working!
    Thanks S8 for that

  6. #666
    Did your Cleo also disappear when you reenter the game? Mine disappeared from the field and is not in the inventory anymore, neither ��

  7. #667
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    I see! Thank you SpiritWind! ❤️
    Multiple-choice was perfect for this poll.

    The main reasons I play CastleStory instead of the other S8 games i've tried are the lovely Art, our community (so helpful- and unlike some other s8 forums, NOT totally barren!), the variety of gameplay (between quests, different event styles cycling through, and Self-led goals like arranging our realms), and the fact that I can finish (!) events and earn fun new items through regular gameplay. If that community goes away or becomes bitter because of the trends in S8 making things require gems or sleepless nights to finish... less excitement, less enthusiasm, and more likely to just spend money on other games that are actually fun and entertaining.
    I also appreciate the huge main storyline and all the different themed elements from the huge array of questlines (mermaids, the Hidden forest, etc) that are still accessible to new players. There is exclusivity (mostly with opportunities that have arisen in the past, and not been re-released) but I still have all those quests to play through when i'm done with the new events.

    As mentioned in previous posts, aside from sleepless nights and a little bit of obsessive refreshing to be there to accept all my struggling neighbor's requests, I had a fairly easy time this event.
    However, given all the issues and struggles (server downtime aside, lagging Accepted neighbor requests particularly, and feeling bad because the system is literally refusing to let requests from some of my neighbors through despite working smoothly for others during the same timeframe) i'm struggling to assign positive/happy memories to these event items.
    I love having all these wonderful new neighbors ❤️, and wouldn't mine ONE round of neighbor requests to encourage community- but two rounds was too much especially during a time-limited event, and when we are left Trying but unable to help our neighbors because their system is stuck it's no fun for anyone.

    The drop rates were ridiculously biased. Having "extremely lucky", "average", "bad", and "horrible" drop rates for different players throughout their entire event was totally unfair.
    There should be at least a chance for everyone to get lucky eventually, not be stuck with either almost guaranteed special adventure drops and large Hieroglyphics collections or stuck with horrible drop rates and practically no drops at all.

    There's a little bit of foreboding, "is this how it's going to be moving forward"? Plleeeaasseeee listen to the players and ensure that they'll keep playing (and happily spending their hard-earned cash on!) this amazing game. ��❤️
    Last edited by stormaurora42; 08-16-20 at 02:42 AM.

  8. #668
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Aaargh, this makes no sense. Started chapter 9 this morning, sent out requests to my neighbours and went out for a few hours. Just got back and from my ‘news’ window at least 10 people answered my request (and it wasn’t for the old item because those are buried deep down in my inventory) but my counter in the goal says I only got 1/20. Never going to get there if all the responses don’t count towards the goal! I have force closed several times in the hope it will catch up.

  9. #669
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    May 2019
    The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by stormaurora42 View Post
    However, given all the issues and struggles (server downtime aside, lagging Accepted neighbor requests particularly, and feeling bad because the system is literally refusing to let requests from some of my neighbors through despite working smoothly for others during the same timeframe) i'm struggling to assign positive/happy memories to these event items.
    I have trouble enjoying my new stuff too, good to know I'm not the only one.

    I wish there was a question in the poll like "The distribution of Adventure prizes this event was extremely unfair, I don't like it one bit", so people like me who were lucky can also express there disapproval over this.

    Seeing so many people who like the smaller size of Cloe's Pyramid I retract my request (of making it bigger)

    Congratulations to those who completed the event!
    Good luck to those still playing.
    And sympathies to those who couldn't complete the event.
    It's such a shame this wasn't fun for everyone

  10. #670
    Quote Originally Posted by Castloninian View Post
    Aaargh, this makes no sense. Started chapter 9 this morning, sent out requests to my neighbours and went out for a few hours. Just got back and from my ‘news’ window at least 10 people answered my request (and it wasn’t for the old item because those are buried deep down in my inventory) but my counter in the goal says I only got 1/20. Never going to get there if all the responses don’t count towards the goal! I have force closed several times in the hope it will catch up.
    Same here! I’ve been keeping count and meticulously watching my newsfeed and taking notes. So I’m certain that I’ve gotten 20 answers to my request from very alert neighbours. On top of that Stormy sent his/her tribute so I actually have gotten 21 but the counter stays on 19. I don’t know how many force closings I’ve done.

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