Quote Originally Posted by perry5 View Post
Couldn't finish this event. After spending tons of energy crafting ahead the materials needed to upgrade the piggy house to level 7, I was roadblocked by the fur, after being stuck on goal 9 for the better part of a week. Ultimately only able to make 2 furs! The format of this event was designed to be unachievable by most, and therefore extremely frustrating. If we see this format again, I won't even bother starting. Happy for those who were able to finish, and those who smartly bypassed the event all together. In hindsight, wish I had made THAT decision!
This comment mirrors my experience and feelings exactly!

In the 5+ yrs I?ve been playing CS this is only the 2nd event I couldn?t finish. The other time I failed, I was sick and barely played. This time I played for hours every day and still failed. Not fun at all!

The events have become monotonous with ridiculous amounts of energy and time consuming requirements. I?ve quit other games for reasons like this. And I?m starting to wonder why I still play CS.