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Thread: Lovely Dovely Leaderboard February 2019

  1. #1
    The Honorable Panda
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    S8 FORUM

    Lovely Dovely Leaderboard February 2019

    Milestone Points & Prizes Rank Number & Prizes
    Points Prize Rank Prize
    12,500 Girlpower Dragon 1st Valegram Baby Dragon / Rose Gold Trophy
    10,000 Soulmate Baby Dragon 2nd Valegram Baby Dragon/ Rose Silver Trophy
    7,500 5,000 firapples 3rd Rose Bronze Trophy/ 25,000 Fireapples/ 20 Maps
    5,750 varies 4th - 6th 35,000 coins/ 20,000Firapples/ 10 maps
    4,250 varies 7th - 12th 25,000 Coins/15,000Firapples
    3,000 Serene Stalk 13th - 20th 10,000 Coins
    2,000 varies - -
    1,250 5 Omega Crowns - -
    750 Blossing Buds - -
    150 varies - -

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    Note: Due to some personal matters, I will not be on over the weekend.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Well, for the first time, my accounts are in the same LB, so they are duking it out for 5th and 6th places (I was originally higher, but then the boosts went on sale). I'll reach the final milestone no problem, but no chance at the grand prize Valegram or whatever it's called because I'm in with 1 or 2 whales. As long as I place high enough to get a good amount of food and maps I'm good.

  3. #3
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    It sure does suck to get maps as prizes for high level players who can no longer use them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ghostiemom View Post
    It sure does suck to get maps as prizes for high level players who can no longer use them.
    This complaint has been voiced so many times, yet it is never addressed. I am a high level player and still need maps, but for those who don't this would really suck. I relate because I no longer need island parts, which is sometimes a prize (during the Tales). I really don't know why S8 can't figure this out. "Here is a complaint that has existed for years, yet we are not going to change to make our players happy. Our ultimate goal is to make our games (DS and FFS, where there are no more expansions) unplayable so that all of our customers will leave and we will be unemployed." I truly think that might be their mission statement - to put themselves out of business. Also, why do they have to keep coming up with new ways to make expansions happen? Maps, island parts, and now marble keys? Seriously - just make entire islands that are purchasable with DragonCash, since we have no other real use for it) and then let us pay for the habitats to put on it. I've never seen another game keep changing how you expand.

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper pod5124cra's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    I’m annoyed that you can’t finish these events without spending and I won’t do that.
    3 hours left and I’m no where near getting the first dragon at 10,000. Totally disappointed with this game. It was never this hard to get these dragons so I won’t be playing the events for now. Trying to get the gentleman dragon was a joke I got it after 3 days elapsed from the event leaving 4 days to get any points, not happy.
    Last edited by pod5124cra; 02-08-19 at 07:16 AM.

  6. #6
    Fashion Designer
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    Apr 2014
    I am in the same boat...I wont spend for boosts when all it does is moves me maybe up to 3rd since I also have two boosters who are miles ahead. So in limiting players as S8 does they actually reduce people spending because there is no use...there is no reason to move up from 6th to 3rd, the prizes are not any different to warrant spending gold.

    It might be smart to have better prizes past the top 2 and give players like listed here a reason to spend a little bit. If I am under 1k on the global and 6th on the local thats all I shoot for and all I have for several of these events. Just think of the gold I MIGHT spend if these were better organized and prizes were motivating.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    The name says it all
    I'm applauding those boosters in my group. Some are well over 30k points. I'm not knocking their hustle at all. They got me to the Girlpower Dragon and from there I'm not even battling for Valegram because I got Forever with the same heart/white elements and ultra rare last year. Space is at a premium on my island. If I had it, I'd probably try to be a completist and get it but I'm happy I had enough points to get to the super rare dragon.

  8. #8
    Executive Chef deadpixel's Avatar
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    Regardless of the Local Board (LB) placings, I always try to make sure I place within the 50 - 100 range in the Global Board (GB). My reasoning for this is:
    1. Unless I'm really impressed with the Rank 1 LB dragon prize, I won't compete for it.
    2. I don't have enough motivation to wear out my fingers to join those in 1st place in the GB.
    3. The 2nd to 18th places (GB) are usually blocked by those tied for 1st place, so there's no need to try there.
    4. The differences between 11-49 and 50-100 are 50 essences and 25 maps (WOW! REALLY!)
    5. Both 11-49 and 50-100 placings give 250,000 food - That's the only important thing.
    6. So for me, placing 50-100 is fine.

  9. #9
    Rhino Keeper
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by deadpixel View Post
    Regardless of the Local Board (LB) placings, I always try to make sure I place within the 50 - 100 range in the Global Board (GB). My reasoning for this is:
    1. Unless I'm really impressed with the Rank 1 LB dragon prize, I won't compete for it.
    2. I don't have enough motivation to wear out my fingers to join those in 1st place in the GB.
    3. The 2nd to 18th places (GB) are usually blocked by those tied for 1st place, so there's no need to try there.
    4. The differences between 11-49 and 50-100 are 50 essences and 25 maps (WOW! REALLY!)
    5. Both 11-49 and 50-100 placings give 250,000 food - That's the only important thing.
    6. So for me, placing 50-100 is fine.

    How much gold does it end up costing you to be in the top 100 if you don't mind me asking? I'm wondering if it's worth myself pushing there for the food, totally unsure.

  10. #10
    New Resident
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by pod5124cra View Post
    I’m annoyed that you can’t finish these events without spending and I won’t do that.
    3 hours left and I’m no where near getting the first dragon at 10,000. Totally disappointed with this game. It was never this hard to get these dragons so I won’t be playing the events for now. Trying to get the gentleman dragon was a joke I got it after 3 days elapsed from the event leaving 4 days to get any points, not happy.
    Yeah. No one in my local group even reached the 10,000 milestone. I play every few hours and I finished with 7,000+ points even though I have two nests and breed and evolve as soon as the previous one is finished. I was counting on some last-minute harvest and of course I couldn't log into the game so I finished 7 points short from the 8th milestone.

    If anyone's done the math, can they share how exactly to get 12,500 points without pouring money for gold? Preferably with some sleep involved and not waking up every 3 hours to do quests.

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