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Thread: Castle Story: Main Story Goal Guide

  1. #81
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Town Square

    * Access the Town Square by selecting Market/Town Square in your game

    * Please click on this link to go to the dedicated Hub thread about the Town Square including all known information on Crowns and Kingdom Citizens.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-02-20 at 09:55 PM.

  2. #82
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Search for Sabina - Part 1

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * This Story is the prequel to Thurston and Sabina getting married. This has them courting and (if you read the dialogue) falling in love. Awww...
    * You must be level 20, and have built Thurston's Fort and Sabina's House.
    * If you are trying to expand and it is not showing you the square referenced below in the goals, it just means you haven't expanded to the right area yet. Keep clearing land!
    * The timed goal below was only available to players when this goal was released. The wisp goals have now expired.
    * In the discussion thread are pictures which show you marked versions of the plot numbers.
    * The 4 parts ran one after the other. Once you complete a part, the next part begins. There are no other known triggers for these goals.

    Game Links: Discussion thread | Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!


    1: Unlocking the Search for Sabina
    * Have Sabina's house
    * Have Thurston's house
    Rewards: 5)
    Congratulations: You've unlocked the Search for Sabina!

    Part 1 Goals
    10 goals

    Thurston: Not to worry, my liege! I shall keep a close eye on our princess.
    Goal 1:
    * Pour Sabina a glass of root beer 0/2 BREW (skip 70) | Kitchen, 2 hours - 5 wood, 2 syrup, 2 enchanter's essence (craft disappears after crafting 2)
    * Drink up! 0/2 CHEERS (skip 70)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: That was impressive!

    Sabina: Thurston seems a bit nervous...Maybe he has his doubts about me becoming a knight?
    Goal 2:
    * Search watchtowers 0/1 GO (skip 10)
    * Find armor for Sabina 0/1 GO (skip 10) | the Princess' shield will drop. It's not a guaranteed drop
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Sabina: This thing is heavy!

    Thurston: I remember my first adventure! I fought a mighty dragon. OK maybe it was a lizard, but who's counting!
    Goal 3:
    * Take Sabina on an adventure 0/1 GO (skip 12) | You can go on any adventure in the CASTLE, so go short ones like Toadstool @ 2 hours, or Gone Fishin' @ 4 hours if you have them. It's collecting from an adventure that clears this goal. The sword drops from the adventure, so you may need to go on more than 1.
    * Find a sword fit for a princess 0/1 GO (skip 12)
    * Forge Sabina's armor 0/1 GO (skip 135) | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 1 princess' sword, 1 princess' shield, 5 Mithril
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: I must say, Lady Sabina looks stunning in that armor!

    Thurston: Princess Sabina needs a weapon that's just right! I think a bow would work nicely for her.
    Goal 4:
    * Search farmhouses 0/1 GO (skip 10)
    * Find an arrow 0/5 GO (skip 50) | not guaranteed, but plentiful.
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: She's pretty good at this. Even if her fingers are buttery...

    Thurston: I think I know how to make these more her style...
    Goal 5:
    * Mix pink paint 0/1 GO (skip 70) | Potion Shop, 30 minutes - 20 white petals, 10 red petals, 10 water
    * Make pink arrows 0/10 GO (skip 800) | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 1 pink paint, 1 arrow (from previous goal)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: I think she'll love these!

    Sabina: I can't believe you went through all this trouble. It's even been personalized for me? How thoughtful!
    Goal 6:
    * Accept Thurston's gift 0/1 ACCEPT
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp, +1 Princess' Bow
    Congratulations: Sabina: That Thurston sure is a nice guy...

    Thurston: I know the perfect destination for us to start exploring. Follow me!
    Goal 7:
    * Take Sabina exploring 0/1 GO | expand on L10 - 1600 RP, 10 wisp lanterns, 120,000 coins, Present the Princess' Bow
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp, + Cloudberry Bush unlocked
    Congratulations: Thurston: What wonders might we find here?

    Sabina: Am I really the bravest one here? Let's check it out!
    Goal 8:
    * Tend to a Cloudberry Bush 0/1 GO (skip 20) | market, 500 coins, or find in an expansion plot
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp (rooted lilium unlocked)
    Congratulations: Sabina: Watch out it's gonna bite! Just kidding -- you should have seen your faces.
    Note: When the plot opens, the Cloudberry Bushes are greyed out and need collecting from to unlock them. They have a green arrow on them. Select the green arrow and then they are available to collect from.
    Note: The Cloudberry Bush is now available to purchase from the market for 500 coins.

    Sabina: Let's pick some Cloudberries! Maybe we can use them for a picnic later.
    Goal 9:
    * Pick cloudberries 0/25 GO (skip 500)) | The cloudberry bush drops cloudberries (rare) and rainberries (frequent).
    * Taste the cloudberries 0/25 GIVE (skip 500)
    * Taste the rainberries 0/250 (skip 500)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Sabina: They're so tasty!

    Thurston: We must follow Princess Sabina and ensure her safety!
    Goal 10:
    * Investigate the Strange Light 0/1 GO | collect from the cloudberry bush until you spawn a Wisp. 15/15 hits to defeat.
    * Fend off the Wisp 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: That was far too close!

    Sabina: Another adventure awaits us! Let's go see what's making that noise.
    Goal 11:
    * Follow the Mysterious Sound 0/1 GO | (To complete this goal, you have to expand to the Cavern of Wilds on L12. Clear any monsters before expanding to this square. After you get there, the Centaur appears, and you start Part 2)
    Rewards: 10,000 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Sabina: Hello? Anyone out there?

    PART 1 concludes and PART 2 begins.

    Timed Goal
    If you complete Part 1 of the Search for Sabina in 7 days you can win your very own pet Wisp!
    * This timed goal was only available to players when this goal was released. The wisp goals have now expired. (Note added 21 August 2018)

    Ivy: *You do not need to complete this goal to progress in the Search for Sabina story.* Win an exclusive Wisp pet!
    Into the Woods - Part 1:
    * Explore the Wilds 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: 1600 RP, 10 wisp lanterns, 120,000 coins, Present the Princess' Bow (from Sabina goals, Part 1 goal 6) | You need to open L10 expansion plot. The goal will guide you to the right plot to open. If you're not taken to the right spot (with these requirements) near the coastline, you need to expand to an adjoining plot to access it.
    Rewards: n/a
    Congratulations: Ivy: You did it!

    Ivy: *You do not need to complete this goal to progress in the Search for Sabina story.* Win an exclusive Wisp pet!
    Into the Woods - Part 2:
    * Explore the Wilds 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: 1800RP, 13 wisp lanterns, 160,000 coins, 1 expansion permit | You need to open L11 expansion plot. The goal will guide you to the right plot to open.
    Rewards: n/a
    Congratulations: Ivy: You did it!

    Ivy: *You do not need to complete this goal to progress in the Search for Sabina story.* Win an exclusive Wisp pet!
    Into the Woods - Part 3:
    * Explore the Wilds 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: 2200RP, 15 wisp lanterns, 220,000 coins, 1 expansion permit | You need to open L12 expansion plot. The Cave of Wilds is on this plot. The goal will take you to the right plot. It's the same plot as the final goal of Part 1 as well.
    Rewards: +1 Wisp
    Congratulations: Ivy: You did it!

    Dialogue (complete)
    Spoiler: show

    Sabina's goals
    Goal 1
    Sabina: Now that I'm free, it's time I learn a thing or two about the real world!
    Ruler: What do you mean Sabina?
    Sabina: I want to become a knight!
    Ruler: A knight?!
    Sabina: Yes -- I want to explore the world! Go on adventures, get my heels dirty.
    Ruler: Hmm, are you sure? It's dangerous sometimes, and a lot of hard work.
    Thurston: Fear not, my liege, I have trained many a madam knight!
    Sabina: Oh, hello there Thurston!
    Thurston: Good day, Princess. Let us start with our first lesson! How to quench one's thirst before battle!
    Ruler: I have a feeling this could go horribly wrong...

    Goal 2
    Thurston: Now, Princess, if you truly wish to become a knight we will need a sturdier garb.
    Sabina: What?
    Thurston: Armor, my lady. One cannot fight in such a lovely gown.
    Sabina: Lovely? Oh, why thank you!
    Ruler: What are you two up to?
    Thurston: We seek protective gear for the princess, my liege.
    Ruler: That's probably not a bad idea...
    Thurston: I shall help you seek the best armor. Once that will protect you just as I would...
    Sabina: What was that?
    Thurston: Oh, uh... I think I left some armor in the Watchtower! Off we go!

    Goal 3
    Thurston: Now we must find you a sword, my lady.
    Sabina: Couldn't we just forge one?
    Thurston: Nonsense! Part of the fun is going on a great conquest to find your weapon. We can go on any adventure you'd like.
    Sabina: Any adventure? Oh wow... This is really happening.
    Thurston: Don't fret, Princess. I'll be by your side the whole time.
    *Sabina blushes*
    Sabina: Thank you, Thurston. Now let's do this!
    Thurston: Huzzah!

    Goal 4
    Sabina: This is so much fun! I'm ready for another adventure!
    Thurston: Hold you alicorns, Princess. I saw the way you swung that sword...
    Sabina: Call me butter fingers -- but it was so much fun!
    Thurston: We shall find you a weapon that fits those darling hands.
    Sabina: Huh?
    Thurston: Uh... I... Arrows! A bow is light enough for you to carry and aim. Perfect for your buttery fingers!

    Goal 5
    Thurston: My liege, I seek a favor.
    Ruler: Sure, what is it?
    Thurston: I feel Sabina would fare well with a bow...but I'd like to add a bit of princess flair to it.
    Ruler: That's a great idea! How thoughtful of you.

    Goal 6
    Thurston: Princess Sabina, I present to you... you're very own weapon! May it aide you in many adventures!
    Sabina: Oh my gosh! Is it a battleaxe?
    Thurston: Umm... No remember earlier when I mentioned a...
    Sabina: Throwing knives? A war hammer? An enchanted wand to cast a magical spell?
    Thurston: It's a little more simple than...
    Ruler: It's a bow!
    Sabina: A bow?
    Thurston: It's OK if you don't like it... We can find something else.
    Sabina: No, I LOVE it!

    Goal 7
    Thurston: Alright, Princess. It is time to take hold of your destiny. Explore the world, see wondrous sights!
    Sabina: I'm so excited!
    Ruler: Thurston...
    Thurston: Yes, my liege?
    Ruler: Are you sure this is a good idea?
    Thurston: Not to worry. I will remain by Princess Sabina's side the whole time.

    Goal 8
    Ruler: What is this place?
    Thurston: I am not so sure... I have not seen anything like this before.
    Sabina: What's this plant over here?
    Thurston: Stand back, princess. You know not if it is dangerous.
    Sabina: It doesn't look that dangerous.
    Ruler: Maybe we should head back...
    Sabina: No way! I'm finally on my first adventure... I'm sure it's fine, watch!

    Goal 9
    Ruler: Maybe we *are* being too protective of Sabina... Look at how much fun she's having.
    Thurston: I could watch her smile all day...
    Ruler: What was that, Thurston?
    Thurston: Oh..uh...I said...
    Sabina: Hey -- check out what I found! Thurston look!
    Ruler: A fruit?
    Sabina: Not just any fruit... Cloudberries! These are delicious. Let's gather some to take home.

    Goal 10
    Sabina: These are so good!
    Ruler: I'm so full!
    Sabina: What was that?
    Ruler: I think it came from the Cloudberry Bush...
    Sabina: It did! Look something's glowing...
    Thurston: Stand back, my princess! I will protect you...
    Sabina: Nonsense! I'm sure it's nothing serious. Let's investigate!
    Ruler: This doesn't look good...

    Goal 11
    Sabina: That felt great! First, you swung the sword like *whish*... Then, Thurston came in like *zing*!
    Thurston: Princess, I fear this was not the best idea... These lands hold more danger than I thought.
    Sabina: What do you mean, Thurston? We won the battle!
    Thurston: This time, but next time...
    Sabina: No buts! I'm finally out in the world, exploring. This is what I was born to do.
    *A horn can be heard in the distance*
    Ruler: Do you both hear that?
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-27-19 at 08:20 PM.

  3. #83
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Search for Sabina - Part 2

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete part 1.

    Thurston: My liege, I am not so sure about this strange man. Perhaps we should return home
    Goal 1:
    * Enter the Cavern 0/1 GO (skip 3) | collect from the Cavern of Wilds. Collection time is 4 hours.
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp (enchanted lantern unlocked)
    Congratulations: Thurston: OK Princesss, you've had your fun. It's time to go home!

    Epelus: If you want to explore the Wilds, you'll need some special equipment.
    Goal 2:
    * Defeat a wisp 0/1 GO
    * Gather wisp essence 0/1 GO | this goal may autocomplete
    * Pick cloudberries 0/1 GO | this goal may autocomplete
    * Forge an enchanted lantern 0/1 GO (skip 275) | Workshop, 5 hours - 4 wisp essence, 10 wisp lanterns, 6 cloudberry
    Rewards: 100 coins, 10xp
    Congratulations: Epelus: Ready to go?

    Thurston: Worry not about me, *hic* my liege. My heart is made of steel!
    Goal 3:
    * Visit the tavern 0/1 GO (skip 7)
    * Join Thurston for a root beer 0/2 DRINK UP! (skip 70)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Do you *hic* think my princess shall return? *hic*

    Thurston: Come by my fort, I have something I need you to deliver.
    Goal 4:
    * Visit Thurston's Fort 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp, +1 Thurston's Letter
    Congratulations: Thurston: Please let Sabina know she has my blessing.

    Epelus: Right this way -- through the Wilds we go! Watch your step.
    Goal 5:
    * Find the Tree of the Wilds 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: 2400 RP, 2 enchanted lanterns, 300,000 coins, 2 expansion permits, Show Sabina Sir Thurston's Letter
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Epelus: Ah, here we are!

    [Sir Thurston's Letter says: Dear Sabina, Best of luck on all of your adventures, may you find what you seek. I will be here waiting for your when you return. Yours truly, Thurston.]

    Sabina: I wonder if they taste like Strawberries! Let's pick some and find out.
    Goal 6:
    * Tend to the Tree of the Wilds 0/1 GO (skip 3) | 4 hour collection time.
    * Pick Wildberries 0/10 GO (skip 200) | these are really rare! (You don't need to wait till you have 10 before moving on, but it's safer if you wait. SW)
    * Give Sabina the Wildberries 0/10 GIVE (skip 200)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Sabina: tummy feels a little funny...

    PART 2 concludes and PART 3 begins.

    Dialogue: (complete)
    Spoiler: show

    Sabina's Part 2 goals
    Goal 1
    Epelus: Halt! Who goes there?
    Thurston: Stand back everyone, I shall protect you from this centaur beast!
    Sabina: Maybe he's friendly! Hello there.
    Epelus: Why, hello my lady. Pleasure to meet such a beautiful princess.
    Sabina: *Sabina blushes* Oh my...why thank you!
    Epelus: What brings a gorgeous gal like you into the Wilds?
    Ruler: The Wilds?
    Epelus: Most people aren't brave enough to explore this part of the realm. I haven't seen people in ages!
    Sabina: I'm not scared! I've come to explore my destiny.
    Epelus: Well, why don't you all come inside and relax at my home? I can tell you all about these lands.

    Goal 2
    Epelus: And that's all you really need to know about the Wilds!
    Sabina: Wow, this place sounds amazing!
    Thurston: Wow, marvelous! Now let's go home, Princess.
    Sabina: What? No way! We have too much we haven't seen yet.
    Thurston: As a respectable knight of this realm -- I must insist. These lands area no place for a lady.
    Epelus: Easy now, tiger. Let the lady do as she wishes. I will keep her safe, though I'm sure she can take care of herself.
    Thurston: Do as you wish then, but I will not stand by and watch.
    Sabina: Thurston... wait...
    Epelus: You don't need him cramping your style anyways.

    Goal 3
    Epelus: And that's the story of how I defeated five wisps at once!
    Sabina: You're so brave...
    Ruler: What was your name again?
    Epelus: Please, call me Epelus. Now, where would you like to explore first little lady?
    Sabina: Hmm...
    Ruler: Sabina, maybe we should go back home. We don't have Thurston here to protect us...
    Sabina: We don't need Thurston, we have Epelus!
    Ruler: I know but... we don't really know Epelus.
    Sabina: Stop worrying so much, this will be fun!
    Ruler: *Maybe I should convince Thurston to come back...*
    *Back at home...*
    Thurston: My liege! *hic* Join me for a root beer, shall you?
    Ruler: Oh boy...

    Goal 4
    Ruler: How are you feeling this morning, Sir Thurston?
    Thurston: Not too terrible, my liege. I think I have come to terms with Sabina's wishes. I cannot protect her forever.
    Ruler: True, but do you think she's ready for this?
    Thurston: Her desire to explore is far too strong to try and contain. I shall respect her wishes. Maybe she will find a better friend in Epelus.

    Goal 5
    Sabina: You're back! Is Thurston with you?
    Ruler: No, but he wanted you to have this letter.
    Epelus: No time for reading letter, little lady. You have an adventure to go on!
    Sabina: Oh, right! We're going to the Tree of the Wilds.
    Ruler: Tree of the Wilds?
    Sabina: Yes -- to pick Wildberries! Epelus says they're delicious.
    Ruler: I see...
    Epelus: Will you be joining us?
    Ruler: I think I will... *I best keep an eye on this Epelus character...*

    Goal 6
    Epelus: There it is, the Tree of the Wilds.
    Sabina: It's beautiful!
    Epelus: Care to taste a Wildberry?
    Sabina: I'd love to!
    Epelus: How about you?
    Ruler: I think I'm OK, but thanks... *These berries look a little strange...*
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-27-19 at 08:21 PM.

  4. #84
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Search for Sabina - Part 3

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete part 2.

    Old Thomas: Hello, Young Ruler. No, I haven't seen Sir Thurston about. What is the matter?
    Goal 1:
    * Search the Tavern 0/1 GO (skip 7)
    * Search Thurston's Fort 0/1 GO (skip 15)
    * Search Cavern of Wilds 0/1 GO (skip 3)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: My princess needs me? Fear not! I shall save her at once.

    Thurston: Not to worry, Princess -- Sir Thurston is on the way!
    Goal 2:
    * Search the Wilds for Sabina 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: 2800 RP, 2 enchanted lantern, 375,000 coins, 3 expansion permits
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Do you see any sign of her?

    Epelus: I haven't seen your friend since her nap. I suppose I could help you look.
    Goal 3:
    * Clear a Grand Rooted Lilium 0/1 GO (skip 40)
    * Defeat wisps 0/1 GO (skip 20)
    * Search for clues 0/1 GO (skip 30) | you may have to fight more then one wisp for the clue to drop
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: This fabric is from Sabina's gown!

    Thurston: Look for any clues that might lead us to our princess. She needs our help.
    Goal 4:
    * Return to the Cavern of Wilds 0/1 GO (skip 3)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: A kidnap letter?!

    Old Thomas: Oh dear, our very own princess has been kidnapped you say?
    Goal 5:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 GO (skip 3)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp, Letter for Gupil the Great
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: I believe I can help.

    Old Thomas: Travel to the Hidden Outpost, there you will find my old friend, Gupil the Great.
    Goal 6:
    * Journey to the Hidden Outpost 0/1 GO | expand to N10 - 3300 RP, 3 enchanted lanterns, 500,000 coins, 3 expansion permits, Special Item Old Thomas' Letter | Note: you must expand to the plot to the left of the Hidden Outpost first. The one on the right does not give you access.
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Gupil: A letter, for me?

    From Meme1098: When you visit the Hidden Outpost, make sure there are no monsters on your board. It's supposed to trigger the faun. Once you fight the faun it will drop the seal. After that, I couldn't get a faun to spawn from the outpost for more seals, so I tried the cloudberry bushes & rooted lilium. The lilium worked the best at spawning the faun for more seals.

    Gupil the Great: Please come inside. I will help you with your plan
    Goal 7:
    * Visit the Hidden Outpost 0/1 GO | Hidden Outpost, 8h timer (skip 16)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Gupil: Did you hear that noise?

    Thurston: Out of my way you wretched beast! Nothing will stand in the way of us saving our princess!
    Goal 8:
    * Protect Gupil from the Faun 0/1 GO | Collect from the Hidden Outpost and the Faun will spawn. 15 hits to defeat.
    * Find the Seal of the Faun 0/1 GO (skip 40) | may drop from the Faun when defeated
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp, +1 Explorers Permit (and now craft for permit unlocked)
    Congratulations: Thurston: It looks as if he droped something.

    Thurston: It seems as if we will need a few of these permits! Let's get started.
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat a Faun 0/1 GO (skip 40) | Spawn from Cloudberry bushes
    * Find Seals of the Faun 0/5 GO (skip 200) | you may already notice you have Seals in your inventory if you purchased the FireFly or Grand Firefly or have a newer item that now drops the Seal. If not, then you will need to keep defeating fauns.
    * Pick Cloudberries 0/8 GO | this will autocomplete if you have more than 8 in your inventory.
    * Certify an Explorer's Permit 0/1 GO | this will autocomplete as you received an explorer's permit as a reward from the previous goal.
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Sabina, we're coming!

    PART 3 concludes and PART 4 begins.

    Dialogue: (complete)
    Spoiler: show

    Sabina's Part 3 goals
    Goal 1
    Sabina: I don't feel so good... I think I'm going to lay down for a bit.
    Epelus: Feel free to rest at my cavern. We can continue the adventure when you're well rested. Perhaps you should return home, maybe fetch her som medicine?
    Ruler: Perhaps... *Perhaps I should call on Thurston for an intervention... I don't have a good feeling about this.*

    Goal 2
    Thurston: My liege, there you are! I've been looking all over for you.
    Ruler: You've been looking for me?
    Thurston: Yes! I sense my princess in danger. Any knight worth his glimmerdust doth not leave a damsel in distress.
    Ruler: I was looking for you as well, but couldn't find you. When I returned to the cavern, they were both gone.
    Thurston: Gone?! My liege, we must find her at once! I do not trust this Epelus...

    Goal 3
    Thurston: This place is far too dangerous for a princess! Why did I ever let her come here.
    Ruler: Don't beat yourself up, Thurston. You were trying to make her happy.
    Thurston: And now where is she? Off an some dangerous adventure with a handsome centaur... He probably doesn't even appreciate that her hair smells of strawberries.
    Ruler: Strawberries?
    Thurston: Nevermind!
    Epelus: Ah! I see you both have returned.
    Ruler: Epelus?

    Goal 4
    Ruler: What did you do with Sabina?!
    Epelus: What did I do? She probably returned home. Or ran off -- who knows. I suggest you both do the same. The Wilds is no place for you. Farewell.
    Thurston: My liege, we must do something.
    Ruler: I know, Thurston. Perhaps we can wait until he's asleep and sneak into his cavern to find a clue?
    Thurston: Great idea, my liege! Lead the way.

    Goal 5
    Ruler: I knew that Epelus was no good...
    Thurston: He's kidnapped our princess! Just wait until I get my hands on him!
    Ruler: Calm down, Thurston. We can fix this. We just need to come up with a plan. Epelus probably took her deeper into the Wilds... We're going to need to find someone who knows a thing or two about them.

    Goal 6
    Old Thomas: To save our princess, you must journey deep into the Wilds. These are dangerous lands but I think I know someone who can help. I have an old friend who owes me a favor. He lives on the outskirts of the Wilds. Take this letter to him. He should be able to assist you on this perilous journey.
    Ruler: Thank you, Old Thomas.
    Thurston: Yes, thank you friend.
    Old Thomas: Just bring back our princess.
    Ruler: I plan on it!

    Goal 7
    Ruler: Hello, Gupil. We seek your help. We're friends of Old Thomas, he sent us to you.
    Gupil: He must finally be redeeming that favor... Well, he did fix that love spell that went terribly wrong for me. How may I be of assistance?
    Thurston: Our princess has been kidnapped by Epelus of the Wilds!
    Gupil: Epelus? Oh my...this is quite the predicament. If I know Epelus, he's taken your princess to the Mountain of Wilds. Likely to make her his bride.
    Thurston: His bride?!
    Ruler: What can we do to save her?

    Goal 8
    Gupil: Oh bother, one of Epelus's fauns must've followed you here.
    Ruler: Faun?
    Gupil: Yes -- one of his many minions that roam this land. Quite the pain in the rump if you ask me.
    Thurston: Not to worry, Gupil! We can handle this.

    Goal 9
    Ruler: What's that?
    Thurston: I'm not sure -- the faun dropped it.
    Gupil: Ah, the Seal of the Faun. You'll need those to get your Explorer's Permits.
    Ruler: Explorer's Permit?
    Gupil: Yes, you'll need Explorer's Permits to access certain parts of the Wilds. Here, take this map. It will lead you to the Mountain of the Wilds.
    Ruler: Thank you Gupil.
    Gupil: Anyone who is a friend of Thomas, is a friend of mine.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-27-19 at 08:22 PM.

  5. #85
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Search for Sabina - Part 4

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete part 3.

    Thurston: We must make our way through the Wilds, and find Princess Sabina. Onwards!
    Goal 1:
    * Search the Wilds for Sabina 0/1 GO | work you way and expand J13 (3600 RP, 4 Enchanted Lanterns, 600,000 coins, 3 Expansion Permits) and then you can expand to J14 - 3800 RP, 4 Enchanted Lanterns, 650,000 Coins, 1 Explorers Permit
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Still no sight of her...

    Thurston: The one thing that does not tire is my heart, we must find Sabina! Even if we must crawl.
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Community Kingdoms 0/20 GO (skip 180)
    * Ask Friends if they've seen Sabina 0/20 GO (skip 160)
    * Visit Sabina's House 0/1 GO (skip 6)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Sabina's Drawing
    Congratulations: Thurston: The princess made a drawing... of her and I.

    Thurston: Prepare yourself, Epelus! Sir Thurston is on his way.
    Goal 3:
    * Journey to the Mountain of the Wilds 0/1 GO | expand to I14 - 4000 RP, 4 Enchanted Lanterns, 700,000 Coins, 1 Explorers Permit, 1 Find Sabina's Drawing
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: We're almost there.

    Thurston: I have defeated many Monsters in my time. We will have no problem defeating Epelus!
    Goal 4:
    * Clear a Grand Rooted Lilium 0/1 GO (skip 40)
    * Search for Clues 0/1 GO (skip 40) | Sabina's Mirror will drop from chopping a Grand rooted lilium
    * Scale the Mountain of the Wilds 0/1 GO
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Sabina: Thurston? Ruler? Is that really you?

    Epelus: This little lady is mine now! There's no way I'll let you leave this place with her.
    Goal 5:
    * Defeat Epelus 0/1 GO | takes 150 hits
    * Retrieve the Shackles Key 0/1 GO (skip 170)
    * Free Sabina 0/1 GIVE (skip 10)
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10xp
    Congratulations: Sabina: You saved me!

    Epelus is now unlocked in the Town Square for you to purchase for 500 crowns.

    Thurston: We've done it, my liege! Now time to return home and enjoy a root beer.
    This is just the beginning
    * Let's go home 0/1 GO
    Rewards: n/a
    Congratulations: Thurston: What adventure shall we go on next, Princess?

    PART 4 concludes

    Spoiler: show

    Sabina's Part 4 goals
    Goal 1
    Thurston: Are you ready, my liege?
    Ruler: I was born ready!
    Thurston: Time to save a princess!

    Goal 2

    Goal 3

    Goal 4

    Goal 5

    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 04-27-19 at 08:44 PM.

  6. #86
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    A Swift Tailor

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Do not craft items ahead of time as they will not count. You need to craft the items as listed in the goal. Do not craft ahead!

    * Completing this goal opens a new permanent trade in the Royal Exchange. Use the Spinning Wheel to make bobbins; the Tailor to make clothes and then exchange them in the Royal Exchange for 100,000 coins plus a trade ticket.
    * The final reward is the Royal Goat (which you can also purchase in the market for 40 gems). It comes as a baby which you pet 5 times to grow to adult. Drops 2 silky fur.
    * Goats can also be purchased with coin in the market. They drop 1-2 silky fur.
    * All goats drop silky fur. Other goats released at this time include the Pumpkin Goat, Ring Bearer Goat, Ornery Goat, Birthday Goat. The inventory guide will have information on their individual drops.

    Game Links: Discussion thread | Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    Baron: This is such a terrible hardship. Please, help me get away without anyone seeing my baronly behind.
    Goal 1:
    * Go to the Tavern 0/1 GO
    * Help the Baron escape 0/1 GO | just click Go
    Reward: 100 coin, 3 xp, +1 spinning wheel (crafting item)
    Congratulations: Baron: Thank you, child. I needed the help desperately...

    Baron: If you don't have a place to help me, there must be some way you can help me re-cover my hindquarters!
    Goal 2:
    * Raise goats 0/5 GO | market, Goat is 15000 coins | or Royal Goat is 40 gems - you have to feed them 5 times every 30 minutes to be an adult!
    * Tend an adult goat 0/1 GO | once raised, collection time is 10 hours
    * Gather silky fur 0/1 GO (skip 41) | all goats will drop silky fur
    * Gather white bobbin 0/1 GO | Spinning Wheel, 30 minutes - 2 silky fur
    Reward: 100 coins, 3 xp, Tailor unlocked
    Congratulations: Baron: A plain white bobbin? Really? That's not fancy enough for my pantaloons!

    Baron: If you build a Tailor, you'll get business! The people in this town could use a fashion update.
    Goal 3:
    * Build the Tailor 0/1 GO | market, 8,500 coins
    Reward: 100 coin, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done! I'm off to fix my pants!

    Baron: A creator is different from being a producer... Shall we see if your Tailor is up to the challenge of design?
    Goal 4:
    * Prepare silken shirt 0/1 GO
    * Prepare fancy shoes 0/1 GO
    * Prepare silken hat 0/1 GO
    Reward: 100 coins, 3 xp
    Congratulations: Baron, I'm impressed! These fancy clothes are quite fancy!

    Baron: This gold thread is perfect to repair my pants... but what else can the tailor do with it?
    Goal 5:
    * Gather silver bobbin 0/1 GO (skip 60)
    * Gather golden bobbin 0/1 GO (skip 95)
    * Gather ornate camise 0/1 GO (skip 275)
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: My pants feel better than ever! Thanks, child!

    Baron: Fancy clothing would make anyone shine, even you, for example...
    Goal 6:
    * Prepare ornate camise 0/1 GO (skip 275)
    * Prepare ornate loafer 0/1 GO (skip 185)
    * Prepare ornate chapeau 0/1 G (skip 115)
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: It was just an example! Don't be upset.

    Baron: Other towns would be interested in these garments! You'd likely be handsomely rewarded for your work...
    Goal 7:
    * Complete the Noblewear trade 0/1 GO | Royal Exchange, 2 ornate camise, 2 ornate loafer, 2 ornate chapeau | This trade rewards 100,000 coins.
    Reward: 1000 coin, 30 xp, +1 Royal Goat (baby)
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done, child! There's hope for this town's fashion sense yet!

    Spinning Wheel limit of 1 Cannot be sold
    Info: A crafting building used to spin delicate fur into threaded bobbins!
    Cost: reward from A Swift Tailor goal
    Size: 1x1
    Build: comes fully built
    What can you craft?
    White Bobbin, 30 minutes - 2 silky fur
    Silver Bobbin, 30 minutes - 1 white bobbin, 5 silver
    Golden Bobbin, 30 minutes - 2 white bobbin, 1 gold nugget
    Ornate Camise, 2 hours - 3 golden bobbin, 3 silver bobbin, 1 silken shirt

    Tailor limit of 1 Can be sold
    Info: A Crafting Building to make clothes and other accessories!
    Cost: 8,500 coins
    Size: 2x2
    Build: comes fully built
    What can you craft?
    Silken Shirt, 1 hour - 3 white bobbin, 8 wool, 12 mink lint
    Fancy Shoes, 1 hour - 2 white bobbin, 4 hide, 6 mermaid scales
    Silken Hat, 1 hour - 1 white bobbin, 10 soft feathers, 5 fur
    Ornate Camise, 2 hours - 3 golden bobbin, 3 silver bobbin, 1 silken shirt
    Ornate Loafer, 2 hours - 2 golden bobbin, 2 silver bobbin, 1 fancy shoes
    Ornate Chapeau, 2 hours - 1 golden bobbin, 1 silver bobbin, 1 silken hat

    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Ruler: What is that?
    Child! Over here!
    Ruler: Baron, is that you? What seems to be the matter? Why are you hiding in shadows by the Tavern?
    Baron: Well.... you see..... I was having a drink in the Tavern, minding my business, telling a story when all of a sudden... I ripped my pants! Oh, how embarrassing.

    Goal 2:
    Baron: Now that I'm in this predicament, I'm going to need a new set of pants. Where would you recommend I go?
    Ruler: Me? Where would I recommend?
    Baron: Yes, child! As the ruler of the realm, certainly there must be somewhere I can go. Are you a town filled with naked barbarians? There must be some sort of place I can go to find something to wear!
    Ruler: I really can't think of any building we have like that...
    Baron: Really, child? Am I supposed to traipse around the realm with a hole in my pants? Please! I'm asking for your help. I thought you like to be asked for help!

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: You're absolutely right, Baron.
    Baron: I am?
    Ruler: This realm could use the ability to make new clothes... Do you have any suggestions?
    Baron: You're asking me for suggestions? Dreams really do come true!

    Goal 4:
    Baron: Surely this backwards Tailor can make some clothes, not just repair them!

    Goal 5:
    Baron: I'll need better thread for this Tailor if I'm ever going to get my pants repaired.
    Ruler: So you've just been sitting there with a hold in your pants?
    Baron: Look, I had to make sure this style was in good hands!

    Goal 6:
    Baron: That thread doesn't have to be used just to repair clothing, you know. There might be some people in this town that could use a bit of a refresh...

    Goal 7:
    Baron: Now that you've got such a fine establishment, it's time to show off your wares!
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 07-23-19 at 02:02 PM.

  7. #87
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Hidden Forest (Part 1)
    9 goals

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * If you complete Part 1 of The Hidden Forest in 7 days you will received the overgrown farmhouse
    * You can take as long as you like though... you will only miss out on the overgrown farmhouse if you do not complete this goals within 7 days.
    * This 1st timed component may only be available to players when content released.
    * Drops will stop in between parts 1 and 2 and in between 2 and 3. You have to have the actual Hidden Forest Goals active, not the one that says 'Continue To 'The Hidden Forest (Part x)' in order to get the associated drops.
    * Newborn Sprites and Forest Wisp Essence will continue to drop from the wisp pet once part 3 is complete, but not the Forest Vines as there is no more use for them.

    Game Links: Discussion thread | Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    Baron: Complete this quest before time runs out and you'll be rewarded with an Overgrown Farmhouse!
    Goal 1:
    * Complete Part 1 of The Hidden Forest
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp, +1 Overgrown Farmhouse
    Congratulations: Salvatore: Interesting... very.............. interesting.

    Ivy: It's good to you out and about, watering plants. We wouldn't want those vines getting angry with us!
    Goal 1:
    * Get water 0/1 GO
    * Tend to white trillium 0/1 GO | Once you complete these 2 tasks, the expansion plot at B4 unlocks. There is still more to do to open it though! You expand in goal 6.
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: Did you feel that? It felt like the earth moved... it was as if the whole of the Glimmerwoods jumped! What was that?

    Thurston: My liege, you must battle off this fearsome sprite before we can speak with it further!
    Goal 2:
    * Defeat the Forest Wisp 0/1 GO | spawn from white trillium. 15/15 hits to defeat
    * Gather forest wisp essence 0/1 GO (skip 30)) | this essence drops from a defeated forest wisp
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp, 1 forest wisp trap unlocked
    Congratulations: Forest Wisp: You've bested me, child... perhaps what is remembered of you is true.

    Thurston: What was that about? Perhaps Old Thomas can provide some insight?
    Goal 3:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 GO
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Hmmm... a forest sprite seen defending the forest? Ill tidings indeed.

    Old Thomas: I love doing research! Might you be able to gather more evidence of your encounter with these spirits?
    Goal 4:
    * Gather silver ore 0/10 GO | this goal will complete if you have more than 10 silver ore in your inventory
    * Gather jewels 0/10 GO | this goal will complete if you have more than 10 jewels in your inventory
    * Gather forest wisp essence 0/12 | Forest wisps drop 1-3 forest wisp essence when defeated
    * Prepare forest compass 0/1 GO | Magic Forge, 1 hour - 12 forest wisp essence, 10 silver ore, 10 jewels
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: I'm onto something now! I don't have the answer but I might have something to help guide the way.

    Old Thomas: No matter which way I turn, the compass points that way, which is most definitely not north...
    Goal 5:
    * Visit deep mine 0/1 GO
    * Tend to white trillium 0/1 GO | newborn sprite also drops from white trillium
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO | newborn sprite will now drop from Ivy's Hut?
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: I'm so glad you're here, Ruler! I have something you absolutely must see!

    Old Thomas: Use this compass to guide the way, ruler! We'll see what mysteries the forest has in store for us yet.
    Goal 6:
    * Gather mithril 0/35
    * Gather spellbound dew 0/45
    * Gather newborn sprites 0/5
    * Gather forest compass 0/8
    * Expand to the first forest totem 0/1 GO | Map ref B4: Expansion requirements - 35 mithril, 45 spellbound dew, 5 newborn sprites, 8 forest compasses
    Note: if the yellow arrows do not appear on this plot, force close your game. You may need to have expanded to the left and closer to the centre first. You DON'T have to expand to the plot on the right of B4. Follow the GO button to see where it takes you. When you have given all the items to the plot, the green tick will appear.
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Do you feel that? It feels as if the ground is shaking!

    Note: Clear any other monsters off your board for this goal or you will not spawn the Enraged Sloth Spirit and will need to prepare the tribute again.
    Old Thomas: Only one way to find out! Prepare a tribute for this spirit and see if we can make some magic happen!
    Goal 7:
    * Prepare the Acidien Tribute 0/1 GO | Acidien Totem, 5 minutes - 1 golden nugget, 1 golden egg, 10,000 coins
    * Summon the First Forest Spirit 0/1 GO | when you collect the Tribute, it will spawn the Enraged Sloth Spirit.
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: The spirit is awakened! And it looks so very angry...

    Thurston: This monster speaks so slowly, my liege. Hurry before it curses us, let us fight off the beast!
    Goal 8:
    * Defeat the first forest spirit 0/1 GO | The Enraged Sloth Spirit takes 99/99 hits to defeat
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Huzzah, my liege! A glorious conquest!

    Salvatore: I'm...a...bit...of...a...slow...talker. ..mean?
    Goal 9:
    * Prepare an Acidien Tribute 0/1 GO | Acidien Totem, 1 hour - 9 forest wisp essence, 15 spellbound dew, 8 newborn sprites
    Reward: 2500 coin, 50 xp, Salvatore (pet)
    Congratulations: Baron: Congratulations, child!
    Note: Once you begin the craft (if done in 7 days), the congratulations screen comes up with the reward of the Overgrown Farmhouse. This goal continues until the craft completes to reward Salvatore.

    Acidien Totem limit of 1 Cannot be sold
    Cost: reward for expanding
    Size: 2x2
    Build: comes fully built
    What can you craft?
    Acidien Tribute, 5 minutes - 1 golden nugget, 1 golden egg, 10,000 coins (goal 7)
    Acidien Tribute, 1 hour - 9 forest wisp essence, 15 spellbound dew, 8 newborn sprites (goal 9)

    The Hidden Forest Part 1 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Baron: Ready for a challenge?

    Goal 1:
    Ruler: Those White Trillium over there look a bit dry... In fact, all of the plants near the edge of the forest look ...unwell. Ah well. Nothing a good watering can't fix!

    Goal 2:
    Thurston: My liege, you must come quick! The very earth under our feet seems to have split open. A great crack has broken through the ground, coming from the centre of the forest. An angry spirit has appeared, demanding to battle you at once! It was honestly quite surprising for my men to hear this being's demands.
    Ruler: I'm not surprised an angry visitor would demand to speak to the ruler of the realm.
    Thurston: It was more than that, my liege. This spirit claims it knows you from before...
    Ruler: Before?
    Thurston: It said a long, long time ago... I have never seen this creature before, but it says it know you, "child-ruler of the realm".

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: You remember me? How do you know me?
    Forest Wisp: The forest certainly remembers hasn't forgotten. The forest remembers all...or it did, once upon a time.
    Ruler: I don't remember anything about this. The earliest I can remember is awakening here, in this realm, with the Baron barking orders at me as I tried to gather my wits. I'm very sorry, but I truly don't remember you.
    Forest Wisp: Apologise not, child... All things are forgotten in time. List the forest will be soon... all things forgotten, all things doomed...
    Ruler: Wait, wait, what do you mean doomed? Is something wrong in the forest?
    Forest Wisp: Yes. Something is terribly, terribly wrong... if only you remembered...
    Ruler: Remembered what? I'm so confused.
    Forest Wisp: I am sorry child, but I cannot remind you. I must return back to the forest. All things forgotten, all things doomed...
    Ruler: Wait, no, no doom! What can I do to stop the forest from being forgotten?
    Forest Wisp: You must remember child. I am sorry I cannot help you more...

    Goal 4:
    Old Thomas: You actually saw a sprite from the forest? That is incredible.
    Ruler: So you know of them... surely you've seen one.
    Old Thomas: They are legend! I don't think I know anyone who's ever saw one... except you now, I suppose.
    Thurston: And me, Thomas! I saw it too!
    Old Thomas: Well, I would say it's wonderful to know someone who's seen such a rare creature but the sight of a sprite means ill tidings indeed for the forest. Only in a time of great catastrophe would they risk being seen.
    Ruler: They're not only risking being seen, they're fighting us.
    Old Thomas: Something must be greatly wrong with them... I'll have to do more research!

    Goal 5:
    Old Thomas: And just here... one more twist... no, that's still not working.
    Ruler: What are you working on there, Thomas?
    Old Thomas: It's a compass! I was studying that essence you provided me. It's quite interesting. It seems to have properties of its own. I thought it might do well as a compass. Only now that I've got it constructed, I can't seem to make it work.
    Ruler: What's wrong with it?
    Old Thomas: It won't point north! Which, for a compass, is a very important trait. I'll keep working on this if you're able to find more essence. In the meantime, can you show this essence to Ivy? I wonder if she might have any insights.

    Goal 6:
    Ivy: Look, ruler! It's a wee baby sprite!
    Ruler: A sprite! Thomas will want to see this immediately. He said they were very rare.
    Ivy: They are rare indeed, but look at it! It's just so tiny and sweet. This is definitely not a fully formed sprite. I think it might just be a newborn.
    Ruler: A newborn sprite, all by itself? That seems troublesome.
    Ivy: It does indeed, doesn't it. I wonder how it got lost out here on its own.
    Ruler: If you look at it, it seems to be trying to get somewhere, doesn't it?
    Ivy: I think it might be trying to return home... If only there was some sort of way to see where it needed to go... Like something that pointed toward where this little guy needed to go into the forest.
    Ruler: I think I might have just the thing.

    Goal 7:
    Ruler: The compass led us here, right to this statue. Hello? Can anyone hear me? ... Nothing... No one is here, I suppose.
    Old Thomas: I wonder if it's just a broken compass...
    Baron: Come child, it's not enough to simply speak to the spirits of the forest. For a great creature like this, a hefty tribute must be prepared.
    Ruler: Hello, Baron! I thought you might show up with a suggestion like that.
    Baron: I mean only to help child, I promise. If the forest is ill, it means ill for our realm. The forest provides so much of what we use daily, if it were gone... I shudder to think of the coins you'd have to spend.
    Ruler: Mhmmm...
    Old Thomas: Actually, I think the Baron might be on to something here.
    Ruler: Really?
    Old Thomas: If our tribute pleases the spirit, perhaps we may get some time to speak with it! Could you imagine? A wise beast like this, possibly older than the forest itself! I wonder what it might say to us...

    Goal 8:
    Salvatore: WHO...DARES...AWAKEN...THE...FOREST!
    Old Thomas: We came bearing a tribute to your excellence, oh wise forest spirit.
    Ruler: We mean no ill will, we only wish to speak to you. We fear for the forest after finding dark tidings, and we wish to confer with you!
    Ruler: Thurston! Suit up now!
    Salvatore: FACE...YOUR...DOOM...WITHIN...THE...FOREST!

    Goal 9:
    Salvatore: *YAWN!* That...sure...was...a...long...nap...
    Thurston: We just defeated this creature but he doesn't seem very made about it.
    Salvatore: I've...been...asleep...for...too...long... I' so...much!
    Ruler: Actually, we were hoping to speak to you about the forest. It's just, we're concerned and we hoped you might be able to help us... Err... what should we call you?
    Ruler: Well, we have been seeing some things in the forest that have made us rather nervous. A forest sprite that came to our home warned us that something was wrong in the forest. We decided to try and explore and we were hoping you might be able to help us. You're the first thing we've encountered.
    Salvatore: Hmm...That...doesn't...sound.......good.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-02-24 at 08:09 PM.

  8. #88
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Hidden Forest (Part 2)
    10 goals

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Hidden Forest Part 1
    * The final goal of Part 1 rewards you with Salvatore whose collection time is 12 hours. You can delay starting this part until he is ready for collection so you can complete goal 2 immediately
    * This part unlocks the Rhino looking animal located in map reference A3
    * The Forest Wisp pet now drops Forest Vines (1-3) as well as Forest Wisp Essence (1-3) and Newborn Sprite (1-3)
    * Once you collect the Tribute made in the last goal of Part 1, a new goal comes up with the option beginning now or postponing the goal till you're ready. Once you're ready, click on GO.
    * The Forest Wisp does not drop items in between parts
    * If you complete Part 2 of the The Hidden Forest in 30 days you will received the overgrown Spire
    * You can take as long as you like though... you will only miss out on the overgrown Spire if you do not complete this goals within 30 days

    Baron: Complete this quest before time runs out and you'll be rewarded with an Overgrown Spire!
    Goal 1:
    * Complete Part 2 of The Hidden Forest
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp, 1 Overgrown Spire
    Congratulations: Baron: Finished already? I'm impressed!

    Baron: Pressing "Go" begins the next chapter and also starts a limited time quest to win an Overgrown building!
    Goal 1: Continue to 'The Hidden Forest (Part II)'
    * Start Part II of The Hidden Forest 0/1 GO
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Get ready... on your marks... and go!

    Thurston: When I need a bit of an energy pick-me-up, there's nothing quite like a cold, frothy glass of Root Beer!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit the Tavern 0/1 GO (skip 16)
    * Visit Salvatore 0/1 GO (skip 3)
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Whaddaya say? Another round!

    Thurston: Nothing unusual here my liege, but we should check near the forest to see if we see anything seems amiss.
    Goal 3:
    * Clear Willow Trees 0/1 GO
    * Gather Forest Vines 0/1 GO (skip 20) | forest vines drop from Willows and now from the Forest Wisp pet
    * Investigate White Trillium 0/1 GO | clear your board of any other monster as you need to spawn a new Forest Wisp (clearing one on your board does not complete this goal)
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Forest Wisp: All things forgotten, all things doomed... If only you remembered...

    Salvatore: Hello again... child... More trouble with... the forest wisps?
    Goal 4:
    * Defeat forest wisps 0/1 GO
    * Have forest wisp essence 0/1 GO
    * Have enchanter's essence 0/1 GO
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Salvatore: This is... very worrisome... very worrisome indeed...

    Salvatore: I'm sorry I...cannot be more help...but I know that Wilma will be able to help you.
    Goal 5:
    * Clear willow trees 0/1 GO
    * Clear crab apple tree 0/1 GO
    * Clear dead trees 0/1 GO
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Wilma: Is that a little newborn sprite... how did you get out here by yourself? Wait a minute, who are you?!

    Old Thomas: Leave this to me, ruler... If you can gather a few things to me, I'll explain everything to Wilma.
    Goal 6:
    * Gather forest wisp essence 0/4 GO
    * Gather forest vines 0/12 GO (skip 240) | make sure you have 12 vines BEFORE you craft the forest blade (as it needs 10) or this goal will go back to 0 vines.
    * Gather enchanted essence 0/3 GO
    * Make forest blades 0/1 GO (skip 100)
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Wilma: I'm afraid it's rather hard for me to see anything now. I'm not sure how I can help you, but if the forest is in trouble, I will do what I can.

    Wilma: I wish you safe travels, child-ruler... and if you ever need guidance, feel free to come see me again.
    Goal 7:
    * Gather spellbound dew 0/1
    * Gather newborn sprite 0/1
    * Gather forest compass 0/1
    * Gather forest blades 0/1
    * Expand to the second forest totem 0/1 GO | Map reference A3: Expansion requirements - 30 spellbound dew, 25 newborn sprites, 8 forest compass, 21 forest blades. | To access this plot, you can expand to either B3 (one in front) or A4 (middle of the elephant and rhino)
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: The ground is shaking again... we must be near!

    Note: Clear any other monsters off your board for this goal or you will not spawn the Enraged Rhino Spirit and will need to prepare the tribute again.
    Baron: A worthy tribute should be made of only the best. It's good I'm well versed in the finest things!
    Goal 8:
    * Prepare the Vimino Tribute 0/1 GO | Vimino Totem, 10 minutes- 3 golden nuggets, 3 golden eggs, 1000 coin
    * Summon the second forest spirit 0/1 GO | when you collect the Tribute, it will spawn the Enraged Rhino Spirit
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: An angry beast to battle? That's my cue to depart... If you need help with something less scary, please, let me know.

    Goal 9:
    * Defeat the Rhino Spirit 0/1 GO | The Enraged Rhino Spirit takes 199/199 hits to defeat
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Ruler: Trust me, I was prepared...

    Renata: It's a lot of information to digest and I've just woken up. This is going to make my stomach hurt.
    Goal 10:
    * Prepare the Vimino Tribute 0/1 GO | Vimino Totem, 2 hours - 10 forest wisp essence, 35 dragon scales, 30 newborn sprite | rewards 50,000 coins
    Reward: 2500 coin, 50 xp, Renata (pet)
    Congratulations: Renata: Hmm... I'm afraid I may not be able to help you, but don't fret! I do know who can.
    Note: Once you begin the craft (if done in 30 days), the congratulations screen comes up with the reward of the Overgrown Spire. This goal continues until the craft completes to reward Renata.

    Vimino Totem limit of 1 Cannot be sold
    Cost: reward for expanding
    Size: 2x2
    Build: comes fully built
    What can you craft?
    Vimino Tribute, 10 minutes - 3 golden nuggets, 3 golden eggs, 1000 coin (goal 8)
    Vimino Tribute, 2 hours - 10 forest wisp essence, 35 dragon scales, 30 newborn sprite (goal 10)

    The Hidden Forest Part 2 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Baron: Ready for a challenge?

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: Our new friend seems very very old.
    Thurston: That he does.
    Ruler: And he's a very, very slow talker.
    Thurston: Very, very slow! I could get him some Root Beer, my liege. I think that could help pep him up a bit!
    Ruler: I'm not sure that would have the desired effect, as this is an ancient forest spirit, but it's worth the try!

    Goal 3:
    Salvatore: *SLURP*! I've lived for...many, many years...and I'm not sure I've had anything so sweet. I feel more awake for certain... It feels good to move my legs.
    Ruler: I am glad to hear that. I was worried you might be angry with us for waking you.
    Salvatore: No child, not at all... Indeed, I'm glad to be awake again...
    Ruler: About that... now that you are awake, can you help us?
    Salvatore: I have been considering things deeply since I woke but I'm afraid I do not have the answers you seek regarding the warnings.
    Ruler: Ah... well.
    Salvatore: Do not be disappointed, child... help may still be out there. Perhaps my slumber was the disturbance that you were warned of. There are many spirits in the forest... each an important part of our world. Sometimes, as time passes... the spirits can grow weary and tired... I myself fell under a slumber... I would have remained under without you. If you no longer receive warnings, perhaps we have already solved the issue. If things seem amiss again, please come speak to me...

    Goal 4:
    Thurston: Another attack, my liege.
    Ruler: I fear for what this means for the forest. We should gather what we can from these sprites to show Salvatore. Maybe with evidence of the issues we're seeing, he'll be able to help.

    Goal 5:
    Salvatore: Hmmm...this does look...suspicious... Perhaps...something is still amiss... Perhaps that was easy for you to wake me. I'm afraid...I cannot help you, child-ruler of the realm. But...I may know someone...who can... If the as you say...she will not be hard to find.
    Ruler: Who, Salvatore?
    Salvatore: Search through the trees...carry a newborn sprite with you... She will find you.

    Goal 6:
    Wilma: Who are you? Are you friend or foe? Tell me now.
    Ruler: We're friends, Wilma. We were sent by Salvatore to find you.
    Wilma: Salvatore? You surely can't mean the Salvatore I know... He's been asleep forever, and I thought fur sure he would call on me if he woke.
    Ruler: We woke him, actually... I think he's still getting his bearings.
    Wilma: Who are you? What are you doing waking the spirits of the forest? I cannot see you well but you are unfamiliar to me...
    Ruler: I am ruler of this realm, and we've been sent here to find you, to seek your help.
    Wilma: My help? Well, at least I am sure Salvatore sent you now.
    Ruler: I'm sorry if we are disturbing you but there are dark circumstances within the forest that demand attention.
    Wilma: Dark circumstances, hmm? It has been so very long since I have been visited... Perhaps you are right. But how do I know this not a trick, trying to uproot my life for no reason?

    Goal 7:
    Wilma: All right, child-ruler... I see that you mean well. Your child-friend helped explain what your motivation is.
    Ruler: Child friend? Do you mean Thomas?
    Old Thomas: She does! Oh, I haven't been called young in eons!
    Ruler: *She must be very, very old... I'd mention it to here but I don't want to be rude!*
    Wilma: With newborn sprites appearing to you, I suspect as you do that something is wrong. I cannot come with you, but I can guide your way. Head in the way the compass leads now... It will take you to another spirit. I cannot guarantee that the spirit won't be mad at being woken either, mind you.
    Ruler: I suspect that may be the case, Wilma. If the spirits are anything like Salvatore...

    Goal 8:
    Ruler: We found another statue here... I suppose it needs another tribute.
    Baron: Tribute? Did someone say tribute?
    Ruler: Baron, how did you get here so quick? We're in the middle of the forest? Were you hiding out there, waiting for us to mention coin?
    Baron: Look, child, do you want my help or not?
    Ruler: I'd be more than happy to have your help, Baron.
    Baron: I absolutely can help you source a tribute. The forest needs it, child! I may need to take a small finders fee for my hard work, of course...

    Goal 9:
    Ruler: Oh no... here we go again. We mean you no ill will, we only wish to speak with you...
    Ruler: I had hoped the tribute would be price enough, but I know what comes next.

    Goal 10
    Renata: Oo! Sorry about that... hope I wasn't too rude. You startled me!
    Ruler: No need to apologize...uhm, what is your name?
    Renata: My name is Renata... What brings you to my corner of the forest? Can I get you a cup of tea or anything?
    Ruler: No, it's all right... we were actually hoping to speak to you about the forest itself. We hope you have a moment, it's a very long story...
    Renata: Don't worry child... I have all the time in the world! But if it's going to be a long story, I insist, let's have a cuppa.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 03-30-24 at 07:14 PM.

  9. #89
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Hidden Forest (Part 3)
    10 goals

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Complete Hidden Forest Part 2
    * You have to have the actual Hidden Forest Goals active, not the one that says 'Continue To 'The Hidden Forest (Part x)' in order to get the associated drops
    * If you complete Part 3 of the The Hidden Forest in 45 days you will received the overgrown Cottage
    * You can take as long as you like though... you will only miss out on the overgrown Cottage if you do not complete this goals within 45 days
    * The final goal of Part 2 rewards you with Renata whose collection time is 22 hours. You can delay starting this part until she is ready for collection so you can complete goal 1 immediately
    * Once you collect the Tribute made in the last goal of Part 2, a new goal comes up with the option beginning now or postponing this part till you're ready. Once you're ready, click on GO
    * This part unlocks Hortensia, the Elephant looking animal located in map reference A5
    * The Forest Wisp pet now drops Forest Vines (1-3), Forest Wisp Essence (1-3), Newborn Sprite (1-3) and new for this part, Forest Ore (4). Forest ore also drops from Sparkling Mines and Sawmills
    * At the conclusion of Part 3, you will still receive drops of Newborn Sprites and Forest Wisp Essence from the Forest Wisp, but there is no more use for Forest Vines once this part is complete.

    Baron: Complete this quest before time runs out and you'll be rewarded with an Overgrown Cottage!
    Goal 1:
    * Complete Part 3 of The Hidden Forest
    Reward: 1000 coins, 25 xp, 1 Overgrown Cottage
    Congratulations: Baron: Well done, child! You're quite adept at this.

    Baron: Pressing "Go" begins the next chapter and also starts a limited time quest to win an Overgrown building!
    Goal 1:
    * Start Part III of The Hidden Forest 0/1 GO
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: On your marks... get ready... go!

    Ivy: You need snacks? I got snacks!
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 GO (skip 24)
    * Feed Renata 0/1 GO (skip 5)
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Renata: A tasty pie, just me? What a treat!

    Renata: I think you're right to investigate. I may not be able to do much to help, but I do have friends!
    Goal 3:
    * Visit sparking mines 0/1 GO (skip 8)
    * Gather forest ore 0/1 GO (skip 9) | drops from sparking mines, sawmills and forest wisp
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Renata: I cannot come with you, child-ruler, but I know where you must go next.

    Renata: Good luck, child! You are on the right path now. The forest greatly appreciates your help!
    Goal 4:
    * Tend to white trillium 0/1 GO (skip 1)
    * Clear willow trees 0/1 GO
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Wilma: Back so soon? Did I send you to the wrong corner of the forest?

    Wilma: It's a little difficult for me to see... My eyes don't work very well. Can you help shine a little light for me?
    Goal 5:
    * Gather forest wisp essence 0/8 GO
    * Gather forest vines 0/5 GO
    * Gather forest ore 0/45 GO (skip 400)
    * Prepare forest lanterns 0/1 GO (skip 200) | Magic Forge, 4 hours - 8 forest wisp essence, 5 forest vines, 45 forest ore
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Wilma: I think I'm on to something now! I just need a few things from you...

    Wilma: You'll need something really potent to wake this spirit... How about some flowers from your realm?
    Goal 6:
    * Tend iceland poppy patch 0/1 GO (skip 1) | If your flowers are buried in storage, click on GO and it will take you the right page in your inventory so you can place what you have rather than buy a new one for these 3 goals
    * Tend blue-flower penstemon 0/1 GO (skip 1)
    * Tend talinum auranticum 0/1 GO (skip 1)
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Wilma: I could smell you coming with those flowers! They're perfect.

    Wilma: Safe travels, child! The answers you seek lie ahead!
    Goal 7:
    * Gather newborn sprite 0/1 | inventory counts for these 3 goals
    * Gather forest compass 0/1
    * Gather forest lanterns 0/1
    * Expand to the third forest totem 0/1 GO | Map reference A5: Expansion requirements - 35 newborn sprites, 10 forest compasses, 10 forest blades, 20 forest lanterns. | To access this plot, you must expand to the plot in front of A5 and also to the left of A5.
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Here we are, my liege! This statue is the biggest one yet!

    Note: Clear any other monsters off your board for this goal or you will not spawn the Enraged Elephant Spirit and will need to prepare the tribute again.
    Baron: This spirit will need a very special tribute, won't it? You won't want to disappoint this one.
    Goal 8:
    * Prepare the Anamnecia Tribute 0/1 GO | Anamnecia Totem, 1 minute - 5 golden nuggets, 5 golden eggs, 2000 coins
    * Summon the third forest spirit 0/1 GO | when you collect the Tribute, it will spawn the Enraged Elephant Spirit
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Baron: Pleasure doing business with you and the spirit world!

    Thurston: This spirit is the agriest yet! You must fight them before we are crushed in its raging path!
    Goal 9:
    * Defeat the third forest spirit 0/1 GO | The Enraged Elephant Spirit takes 299/299 hits to defeat
    Reward: 1000 coin, 25 xp
    Congratulations: Hortensia: I... I remember!

    Hortensia: I can remember everything but the moment before I fell asleep. This mystery is not yet solved.
    Goal 10:
    * Prepare the Anamnecia Tribute 0/1 GO | Anamnecia Totem, 8 hours - 20 forest wisp essence, 25 mithril, 50 newborn sprite | rewards 100,000 coins
    Reward: 2500 coin, 50 xp, Hortensia (2x1 pet)
    Congratulations: Hortensia: Than you again for breaking the spell upon me... the forest might have been forgotten without you.

    Hortensia: It is of the utmost importance that I remain awake to protect the forest. Your help would be appreciated... I'm very very old.
    Goal: Hello Hortensia
    * Visit Hortensia 0/1 GO
    Reward: none

    Anamnecia Totem limit of 1 Cannot be sold
    Cost: reward for expanding
    Size: 2x2
    Build: comes fully built
    What can you craft?
    Anamnecia Totem, 1 minute - 5 golden nuggets, 5 golden eggs, 2000 coins (goal 8)
    Anamnecia Totem, 8 hours - 20 forest wisp essence, 25 mithril, 50 newborn sprite (goal 10)

    The Hidden Forest Part 3 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Baron: Ready for a challenge?

    Goal 2:
    Renata: I'm sorry, child-ruler... I'd love to help you right now but my stomach is rumbling! I won't be able to think straight until I get a bit to eat. My stomach is always achy in the morning... Could you bring me something? Just a little nibble?
    Ruler: Of course, Renata... Now, what kind of food does a forest spirit want to eat?

    Goal 3:
    Ruler: You know, I wouldn't have imaged a spirit enjoying food like we do.
    Renata: Oh, I don't really need this to survive like you do...It's part of my duties to stay and so I'm here to stay for eternity. We're not meant to move about much. We need to remain where we are and protect. But honestly, in my very very long time, I've learned a few things... And I know that a warm meal can really help one feel better and more awake.
    Ruler: That's something we have in common, Renata.
    Renata: And I've thought and thought about everything you've told me about the forest! I think you are right that something is amiss... The spirits of the forest were under a slumber so deeply that we couldn't see. We each have a responsibility we must fulfill, but we couldn't when we were asleep. Something wanted us to be asleep so we couldn't fulfill those responsibilities. But I'm awake now...

    Goal 4:
    Renata: Based on what the sprites have told you, I suspect another spirit might be asleep. And this one should be protecting the sprites... but it must be asleep.
    Ruler: Do you know which spirit? How many forest spirits are there?
    Renata: Too many questions, child, I'll need another pie. Go speak to Wilma... I know Salvatore sent you to her if you found me, and I know she'll be able to send you to the right spirit. And tell her exactly what the sprites have been telling you, word for word. And give her this note, from me... She'll know what to do next.

    Goal 5:
    Wilma: Hmmm... very interesting... It's been so long since I've heard from Renata!
    Ruler: What does the note say, Wilma? I tried to read it but it doesn't look like any language I've ever seen before.
    Wilma: This is communication from the spirit world, child-ruler! Of course you won't understand. Lucky for you, I'm fluent in their speak... well... I can understand it in writing. I certainly can't speak it. She has some ideas about what spirit you need to see next. Or at least... that's what I think it says.

    Goal 6:
    Wilma: I think I may know which spirit to send you to this time. You'll need some fragrant florals to wake them.
    Ruler: Flowers? I think we can definitely help with that.
    Wilma: The spirit is very old, probably older than either of the spirits you've met. I know they are older than me! But if they are under a slumber, it's going to take a big effort to wake them.

    Goal 7:
    Wilma: I'm sending you in the right direction now, I'm sure of it. Head deeper into the forest, child-ruler. Use the forest lanterns to guide your path...if you get lost, send one up! I'll make sure the compass is guiding you correctly.

    Goal 8:
    Ruler: Another statue... I know what we need to do now... Baron? Are you out there?
    Baron: *rustle* Oh've found me.
    Ruler: We're so deeply within the forest now... have you been following us?
    Baron: Not directly following you... but I've certainly been keeping an ear out. I knew you'd need another tribute!

    Goal 9:
    Thurston: This spirit is so angry... and it's charging right at us!
    Ruler: We must fight now!

    Goal 10:
    Hortensia: I remember now! I'm awake! Thank you child for breaking the spell upon me... The forest was in danger of being forgotten... my task is so very important. But I am awake now to remember.
    Ruler: I'm sorry but I don't understand... you remember? What do you remember?
    Hortensia: Everything, child. I remember all. The forest must be remembered, lest it be forgotten by all. Without me, the forest history would cease to be recorded and remembered. My task is so important. But there is one thing yet that I have not been able to find in my memory... The very moment before I fell asleep... I fear something wanted me to be asleep... someone wanted me to forget.

    Visit Hortensia
    Hortensia: Thank you for waking me, child... I would never want to fall asleep like that again.
    Ruler: What's wrong with sleep?
    Hortensia: Oh child, sleep is for mortals! As a spirit of the forest, it's my duty to protect and remember. Each spirit has a task, a responsibility they must perform. If we're asleep, we cannot do that... With some spirits, it matters less... but with me, it was a dire consequence.
    Ruler: I know Hortensia... We had newborn sprites appearing at our doorstep.
    Hortensia: And you may continue to see those sprites... I fear the problem is not resolved yet. I ask that you stay in touch with me, if you can child...
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-02-20 at 10:59 PM.

  10. #90
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    The Academy: A Long Forgotten Spell (Part 1)
    [note to self: add pics of all the students from the Academy into the Town Square guide...]
    12 goals

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * Available at Level 24+
    * Complete quests to welcome Academy alumni to your realm!
    * You do NOT need to expand up to the new expansions to access them. There's a known issue that we are looking at that requires a force-close for the new expansions to appear as available.
    * If you complete An Academic Challenge in 7 days (from original release) you will receive the Flight Lesson Dragon. Once this time passes, the timed component and the Flight Lesson Dragon is no longer available.
    * You can take as long as you like though to complete these goals... they are not tied to any other story (at the time of writing)
    * The Study Circle is available in the market for gem purchase. It's a terrific resource to help you gather resources for this storyline. It drops bottled shadow, enchanted scissors, life flowers (15), troll spellbook. It does not drop the dark compass.

    The Academy: Information about unlocking the Students

    Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
    * You can get Academy Scrolls by completing various goals in events (unrelated to this story).
    * Once you have enough Academy Scrolls, you can choose which of the Students to unlock in the Academy. You can unlock them in any order you want to.
    * Some students come with their own separate goal associated with their awakening. They are listed separately below.

    Game Links: Discussion thread | Story Outline Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | The HUB!

    Complete all parts of The Academy: A Long Forgotten Spell before 10/2/19 @ 6PM PT and summon the Flight Lesson Dragon to your realm!
    Goal 1:
    * Complete all parts of The Academy: A Long Forgotten Spell 0/1
    Reward: 1000 coin, 50 xp +1 Flight Lesson Dragon
    Congratulations: Thurston: Well done, my liege!

    Ruler: Nothing going on... Maybe I should read a book.
    Goal 1:
    * Visit library 0/1 GO (skip 18) | The Academy Yearbook will drop from the library
    Reward: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ruler: Wait a minute... what's this?

    Ruler: Old Thomas will surely be able to make sense of this.
    Goal 2:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 GO (skip 6)
    Reward: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: Hello, young ruler! What have you there? Is that a...oh. Oh dear.

    Ruler: I know Thomas doesn't want me to look into this more, but I can't leave it alone.
    Goal 3:
    * Visit cottages 0/1 GO (skip 6) | It may take a few collections to find the clue.
    * Find a clue 0/1 GO | The clue is the poster called Missing: Petrichor Penham
    Reward: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ruler: It's another clue! It looks like an old missing person notice...and this person kind of looks like me!

    Ivy: Those directions are very strange, mysterious, and potentially dangerous. We should follow them!
    Goal 4:
    * Follow the map from the old yearbook 0/1 GO | expand to [map ref] where the statue is. Expansion requirements: 2700RP, 500,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns, 5 expansion tickets
    * Investigate the academy grounds 0/1 GO | collect from the statue. Timer is 1 hour.
    * Make a drawing of the sinister statue 0/1 GO (skip 4) | collect from the statue again. You may receive the Statue Drawing first time, or need to collect a few times.
    Reward: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: That statue makes my hair stand on end! I don't like it one bit.

    Statue dropped 600 coins

    Ivy: maybe there are old books about Thomas's old school? We might find details about that statue.
    Goal 5:
    * Visit library 0/1 G (skip 18) | you will get a poster clue called Missing: Maurice Reinhardt
    Reward: 100 coins, 10 xp, + Old Scroll (also known as Epic scroll)
    Congratulations: Ivy: It's another missing persons notice, but for someone else...they were last seen at the Academy. That must be Thomas's old school.

    Ivy: A good beverage and a warm fire will certainly help me think about what all this information means!
    Goal 6:
    * Visit tavern 0/1 GO
    Reward: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: Oh hello, my liege! That's a strange looking drawing...what do those words on the bottom say?

    Clear any monsters from your board for this goal!
    Duke: Guards! Deal with this rule breaker at once!
    Goal 7:
    * Find cover in farmhouses 0/1 GO | spawns the Duke's guard. 10/10 hits to defeat.
    * Defeat Duke's guard 0/1 GO
    Reward: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Thurston: I'm really sorry I accidentally broke the curse and freed the Duke, my liege. I knew it was a bad idea to read.

    Old Thomas: Sit beside the fire and I shall tell you a tale. I have an old scroll here tat should help me remember.
    Goal 8:
    * Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 GO (skip 6)
    Reward: 100 coins, 10 xp, study circle unlocked in the market
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: It began so many years ago...this scroll is all I have left of my dear friends and companions.

    Old Thomas: We must contain the Duke. There are some things around the realm that should help us in this task.
    Goal 9:
    * Gather troll spellbook 0/1 GO (skip 25) | visit the Troll Camp
    * Gather enchanted scissors 0/1 GO (skip 20) | visit the sawmill. Not a guaranteed drop.
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp, benediction brew unlocked
    Congratulations: Old Thomas: It has been a long time that the Academy has been sitting dormant and abandoned. The time has come to return that school to its former glory.

    Ivy: The key to stopping the Duke is freeing those students. I have spells I think might help us, but I need things.
    Goal 10:
    * Gather bottled shadows 0/3 GO (skip 132) | defeat fangbeasts
    * Gather life flowers 0/65 GO (skip 130) | clear Aspen trees ONLY
    * Gather mermaid scales 0/5 GO | will autocomplete if you have this many
    * Prepare the benediction brew 0/1 GO | Potion Shop, 2 hours - 3 bottled shadows, 65 life flowers, 5 mermaid scales
    Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: We've got it now!

    Ivy: We can't go to that Academy without the right spells and magical tools... but I have to say, I'm so excited!
    Goal 11:
    * Give troll spellbook 0/22 GIVE (skip 550)
    * Give enchanted scissors 0/18 GIVE (skip 360)
    * Give benediction brew 0/13 GO (skip 910)
    * Find the Academy 0/1 GO | Expansion requirements: 2700RP, 500,000 coins, 50 wisp lanterns, 5 expansion tickets
    Reward: 100 coins, 10 xp
    Congratulations: Ivy: I always wanted to visit the Academy, but it was long gone by the time I was old enough to learn... Now's my chance!

    Old Thomas: Dear Petrichor was a close friend of mine... Let us try to awaken her now. The scroll please ruler!
    Goal 12:
    * Obtain an epic scroll 0/1 GO | will autocomplete as this is the Old Scroll from an earlier goal.
    * Gather bottled shadow 0/3 GO | will autocomplete if you have 3 in inventory
    * Gather life flowers 0/20 GO | will autocomplete if you have 20 in inventory
    * Awaken Petrichor 0/1 GO | The Academy, 1 hour - 1 epic scroll, 3 bottled shadow, 20 life flowers
    Reward: 1000 coins, 50 xp, + Petrichor (kingdom citizen)
    Congratulations: Petrichor: Whoa! Where am I? What happened to me? Who are you?!

    End of Part 1.

    Part 2 will begin immediately. It is UNTIMED.

    Part 1 Dialogue:
    Spoiler: show

    Goal 1:
    Ruler: It's quiet in the real...maybe too quiet. It's been a really long time since I've had some down time like this. I should find something to do with my time before the next big thing happens.

    Goal 2:
    Ruler: This is a book of faces...there are so many! They're students...separated into year, filling these pages. This is amazing! How did this even get here? I wonder if this book has anything to do with how *I* got here... I've got to show this to Thomas right now!

    Goal 3:
    Old Thomas: Do not worry about that, young ruler. 'Tis but an old book.
    Ruler: I've never known you to be one to ignore an old book, Thomas.
    Old Thomas: Oh, I have spent many a night pouring over those pages... There is only sadness and sorrow contained in that tome. And there is nothing that can be done about it, either. I would not worry your busy mind with that old tragedy. There are other things about the realm that are of far more importance.
    Ruler: Are you all right Thomas? You seem very upset by this book.
    Old Thomas: I am all right, young ruler, thanks for your kindness... Just a very old man, who was once a goat, with a dark and tragic history.
    Ruler: Well, something has really got him down.

    Goal 4:
    Ruler: Ivy, can I talk to you real quick?
    Ivy: of course, anytime at all! What's going on?
    Ruler: I found this strange book and this old flyer...I asked Thomas about them and he wouldn't tell me anything about them. And it seemed to make him really, really sad...
    Ivy: Can I see the book?
    Ruler: Sure, it's right here.
    Ivy: Mhmm...this is just as I thought. This is Thomas's old schoolbook.
    Ruler: This book belongs to Thomas?
    Ivy: It's got his name in the cover, right next to this little map! There are directions here too.
    Ruler: What do they say? Where do they lead?

    Goal 5:
    Ivy: Maybe Old Thomas is right... Something is not right about that statue. Its eyes seem to follow makes me feel so uncomfortable!
    Ruler: That man looks so sinister... I wonder who he is.
    Ivy: There's some text written down here at the base of the statue.
    Ruler: There's a symbol beside looks like the crest from the old Academy.
    Ivy: I've never seen this kind of writing before...but I bet it's a spell.
    Ruler: Be careful, Ivy. We don't know what kind of spell it might be.
    Ivy: You're right, of course. It's best to leave it alone...
    Ruler: We should try and find more about this man if we can. There might be more information about these words in the Library.
    Ivy: I made a drawing of the statue so we can look into it more without having to deal with how creepy the statue's stare is.
    Ruler: Good idea. Let's go back to the Library. I'm sure we'll be able to find out more about this statue there.

    Goal 6:
    Ivy: I feel like I've seen that missing person before...
    Ruler: I have too Ivy. They're in that old yearbook we found! These missing people...they are students from the old Academy! I think something terrible wrong happened to that old school, Ivy. Thomas didn't want to talk about it, but I don't think I can leave this alone now.
    Ivy: Definitely not! We've got to help find these missing people.
    Ruler: It might be painful for Thomas to have to deal with what's happened. But if he won't tell us anything, we've got to try and figure it out on our own.
    Ivy: Agreed. Let's take these old academy books to the Tavern. We can sit at a table there and try to figure this whole mess out.

    Goal 7:
    Ruler: Thurston, you shouldn't have read that! We don't know what it means.
    Thurston: I don't mean to insult your artistry, my liege but this drawing makes me uncomfortable!
    Duke: As it should! I fear you've been comfortable here for far too long.
    Ruler: Who are you? What are you doing here?
    Duke: I should be asking you the same question! Though, I do suppose I owe you a small token of my thanks. Your foolish knight spoke the words on my statue. You broke the spell! Because I am so very kind and benevolent, I plan to thank you by controlling my realm again and enforcing my set of rules.
    Ruler: Your realm? Are you going to tell us who you are?
    Duke: Silence, child. I am the one who'll be asking the questions around here.
    Ruler: You're not going to tell us what to do. I'm the ruler of this realm!
    Duke: you?! the ruler? Pahahaha! You will never be able to stand up to my disciples and me. I may be able to thank you and your small-minded guard for finding my statue and breaking the crust held upon me but I will now be returning to rule this realm with an iron fist. You can join with me, if you wish...or you can stand in my way. I must warn you...the circumstances shall be dire if you cross me. Have caution, child. I'm not the one to be made a fool of.

    Goal 8:
    Old Thomas: Young ruler, please tell me you are not telling the truth. Has the Duke really been awoken? Is he here again, in this realm?
    Ruler: It's true, Thomas and it's my fault. I should have listened to you when you told me not to meddle with this.
    Old Thomas: No, young ruler, the fault is mine. I should have been truthful with you when you first asked. The true story about Duke and the Academy *is* one of sadness and sorrow...but some things must be confronted, and I put this off for far too long. Come back with me inside my house and I shall tell you the true story... The real truth of the Duke and the Academy. Perhaps this is part of your purpose arriving in our realm. Maybe you will be the one to help right this, after all these years.

    Goal 9:
    Old Thomas: This tale took place a long time ago, when I was just a lad... I was interested in magic from a very young age, as I am sure you can imagine. The Academy was a storied institution. It was the place to go if you wanted to learn about the magic arts. There were all kinds of different disciplines to choose from to learn. I met some of my best friends I have ever had... Oh the times we had! Learning and practicing together. It was such fun. I shall never forget those times...but not all good and magical things can last. As I neared by graduation date, things began to change around the school. The power contained within that school did not need a headmaster. It was a communal place of sharing and learning. But then the Duke showed up, demanding to be in control. There was an epic showdown, with losses on both sides. A small group of us were able to contain Duke, but not before he has cursed many of my fellows to stone. We tried to undo the curse but we could not, and the other students were lost to stone and time. Perhaps now we will be able to find a way to free the others yet.
    Ruler: We have to help if we can, Thomas.
    Old Thomas: The Duke is a villainous man and he will fight us endlessly but I can take some comfort in the fact we will face him together.

    Goal 10:
    Ruler: How did you originally contain Due within that statue? Maybe that can help us figure out how to stop him now.
    Old Thomas: My friends and I each had our own interests and classes at the Academy but everything we learned all dwelled within the realm of magic. Once Duke settled in to his reign of terror, by friends and I began to conspire. Surely we could find some way to stop him. But his magic powers were stronger than either my friends or I were. Together, we managed to perform a powerful spell that held him in stone. But it was not without great loss on our side... Duke's final farewell act was to take as many of the students as he could with him. A group of us were able to stop him with a spell, but... That terrible stone fate befell many students that day.
    Ruler: Oh Thomas, that's just awful. Are they still there? What happened?
    Old Thomas: My classmates are all stone, frozen in time in the remains of the Academy. I tried for many years to free them, with no success. But perhaps this is one of Duke's many wrongs that we can right.

    Goal 11:
    Ruler: Did you ever try going back to save your old classmates, Thomas?
    Old Thomas: Many times, dear ruler, many times. The survivors of tat terrible event and I worked for years to try and free our friends but we have had no luck. The terrible spell Duke placed was absolute.
    Ruler: Isn't there anything else we could try? There's got to be some other spell or magic to help your friends.
    Old Thomas: There is one that might we tried many years ago. It had been our closest attempt to undo what Duke has done. But we feared accidentally releasing him from his stone prison. Now that he is loose, we need not fear that outcome.
    Ruler: Can you lead us to the Academy, Thomas?
    Old Thomas: Yes, but we must be careful so we do not call any attention.
    Ruler: With you, Ivy, and Thurston's best men, I'm sure we can't fail.
    Old Thomas: I certainly hope so, Ruler. Follow me!

    Goal 12:
    Ruler: Thomas...there are statues of people all over this place!
    Old Thomas: The Academy inhabitants were all frozen by Duke that day. Some were trying to stop him but most were simply minding their own business. We tried so long to free them all, but it was no use.
    Ruler: We can do something about it now, Thomas. The Duke is clearly a monster having done all this... We'll start by freeing these students, then we'll work on taking him down.
    Old Thomas: Do you still have that scroll I gave you, young ruler?
    Ruler: I do, right here!
    Ivy: And I've got the spells, Thomas!
    Old Thomas: Then it is time to begin righting Duke's wrong and freeing these people. Let us start with this statue right here... I remember this one well.

    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 05-02-20 at 11:18 PM.

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