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Thread: Castle Story: 4/19 - Glimmerblossom Event |goals and prize info in posts 1-2

  1. #131
    requirements for lower lvl players:
    upgrade lvl 3: 1x each lantern, 4x feather
    upgrate lvl 4: 2x each lantern, 4x feather

    i also become no skunkupines chopping elm trees,so far just 3 chopping bloosom

  2. #132
    Rhino Keeper
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    Nov 2015
    Aussie in Chicago
    OK. Here is my first go at planning ahead. I'm still on Level 1, so it's all speculation, but this helps me work out whether I am ahead of the game or not. Happy to take edits.

    Blossom Feathers Blossom pink pink green green blue blue pink green blue
    Dojo Flower worm tassel worm tassel worm tassel lantern lantern lantern
    Level (pond) (tree) (shr’m) (hen) (elm) (Ivy) (skunk) (mine)
    #2: 4 40 4 4 10 2 4 2 2 2 2
    #3: 4 60 6 6 15 3 6 3 3 3 3
    #4: 4 60 8 8 20 4 8 4 4 4 4
    #5: 4 100 10 10 25 5 10 5 5 5 5
    #6: 0 160 16 16 40 8 16 8 8 8 8
    Total 16 440 44 44 110 22 44 22 22 22 22
    ???. ???. ???. ???. ???. ???. ???. ???. ???. ???. ???. ???.
    Unit energy: 15 3 3 7 5 1 1* 2 1 1 1
    Energy 240 1320 132 308 550 22 10 44 22 22 22
    Last edited by CharlieGirl9; 04-20-18 at 01:09 PM. Reason: Changed energy use for worms from elm from 4 to 5

  3. #133
    Fashion Designer
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    Floating in my Swan Pond
    CharlieGirl9, thanks for doing the chart! Here's my question: how do we translate into fans? The first individual reward (a chest) is at 20 fans; the top individual reward is the walker at (guesstimate) 650 fans.

    One guy in this thread did the whole thing with the help of gems (can't find his post at the moment) ... I'm just wondering if there is a point where we sit back and let the fans roll in, or if continuing to upgrade ad infinitum is part of the deal.

  4. #134
    Nightclub Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonVillage3 View Post
    I bet we'll have a fix on! so whoever has intentions to buy a blossom chest.. step forward immediately

    my query and surprise is: why do we have to pay gems, in this case for the chest to obtain the egg, in order to have complete event characters?
    since now.. everything has either cost CScoins, or you do infinite collections until it drops, or even numerous adventures, or hard work crafting, or manical repeated collections... but there was the possibility of NOT spending gems.
    there are players who like the trial of working, planning, calculating, in order to obtain the true satisfaction of finishing events and not spending anything but their own time. now S8 are 'ordering' to spend 50gems for a try to buy an egg?

    I know things do change over the years.. and TL turned into S8.. but since it's the same CS game and basic rules must remain. I do buy gems, I do spend for whatever offer makes my kingdom stronger on a permenant basis, I've invested in what was needed for all my secondary energy supplies, I don't gem events and I've always completed ALL events that has been offered in my years of play.

    BUT now I have to BUY an EGG? I hope S8 sees and realises this move as a ridiculous and poor new invention, instead of thinking it's offering quality and satisfaction. SURE I'll buy the egg! but I don't agree at all in doing so. actually I'm accostomed to spending my gems where I wish and hope things remain that way.

    EDIT: my bought chest didn't yeild an egg at all.. guess I'll wait awhile
    I always like to have one of everything in my inventory from the events so I bought the chest and the trap right away without thinking. Then after I read the inventory card on the chest I was more than a bit confused, you'll recall. Finally decided to throw caution to the wind and wound up super lucky. All that's great... in theory.

    What I think is terrible isn't so much that they want us to spend gems for an event animal (though I don't think that's right either) it's the fact that after spending the 50 gems it's not even guaranteed! That's an awful thing to do to people, making everything totally random like that. If they wanted gems for the animal, then just have it in the market for gems. Don't mislead players that they merely have to chop the chest to get the egg. It's true that things will change in a game over time but isn't it usually for the better?

    As for the event itself, I got sidetracked yesterday and didn't have my alarm set for Ivy's so I missed a drop and now I'm probably days behind. But after the last two events I've decided to take this one nice and slow so I suppose it's not a big deal to miss one green tassel. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky again and get one from the adventure to make it up.

  5. #135
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavenderdale View Post
    CharlieGirl9, thanks for doing the chart! Here's my question: how do we translate into fans? The first individual reward (a chest) is at 20 fans; the top individual reward is the walker at (guesstimate) 650 fans.

    One guy in this thread did the whole thing with the help of gems (can't find his post at the moment) ... I'm just wondering if there is a point where we sit back and let the fans roll in, or if continuing to upgrade ad infinitum is part of the deal.
    Sorry - there is no sitting back. My spreadsheet (I'm such a nerd) has a daily level-up target, which is limited by a daily spend of 300 energy and getting 2 of the Ivy green tassels each day. I collect from my Dojo about seven times a day. I expect to be level 2 later today and get the first prize tomorrow morning. Second prize April 23. Level up to 4 on April 25 and Third prize on April 26. Level up to 5 on April 28, and get final prize on May 1, or May 2 if life gets in the way.
    Or my husband might get sick of me playing all the time, and I skip this one for the sake of family peace.
    We'll see <shrug>.

  6. #136
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by podunkiana View Post
    2 accounts and about 8 collections from Sparling mines and nothing........
    Same here...I have not received any blue tassels from my sparkling mines for my last 8 collections!

  7. #137
    Rhino Keeper
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    These skunks don’t want to spawn. I ran through all 10 of my trees x3 and not a one, touched a mine *boom* dire boar

  8. #138
    Fashion Designer
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    2 accounts and about 8 collections from Sparling mines and nothing........
    Quote Originally Posted by FlowerBurst View Post
    Same here...I have not received any blue tassels from my sparkling mines for my last 8 collections!
    That doesn't sound right. I have a level 1 and a level 3 sparkling mine and when I check the pair I always end up with 1 tassel (never two, though.)

    Have you made a pink lantern and a green lantern in your workshop? It should NOT matter, but crafting a blue is not available for the first time until you craft a green.

    Quote Originally Posted by wamboltia View Post
    These skunks don?t want to spawn. I ran through all 10 of my trees x3 and not a one, touched a mine *boom* dire boar
    I got 3 skunks in the first 2 hours and 0 since. Is TeamLava able to adjust drop rates at will? (psst: The first 5 minutes of the release blossoms dropped a *lot* more often.)

  9. #139
    Fashion Designer
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    Has anyone done the weekend warrior yet, please?

    Is it 10 minutes then 20 minutes (like it was last week) or is it 10 minutes then 10 minutes (like it was 2 weeks ago)?


  10. #140
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by GC5410 View Post
    Has anyone done the weekend warrior yet, please?
    Is it 10 minutes then 20 minutes (like it was last week) or is it 10 minutes then 10 minutes (like it was 2 weeks ago)?
    It has just popped up for me too. Still don't know. Waiting for my buildings to be ready.
    But we still have that issue that you really don't want to start your second set of minutes while using your first set. If anyone is up to the third goal, is it the same requirements? Last time it was:

    Harvest crops 10
    Tend to animals 10
    Fight monsters 4

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