Quote Originally Posted by wishtheywerereal View Post
I'm out, peeps. Did my calculations for the remaining gear collection as the gears are the serious bottleneck in this event. I still need 166 gears, less 30 from the pack, 136... avg 2 gears realistically per collection, 68 more collections over 9 days, 7.5 per day. Except for the next three days I will hardly be able to log on more than three or four times per day. I would have to buy three packs to be on the safe side to get all those gears. It will be cheaper to buy the final prize in germs if I get the gems on sale. This makes three events out of four I haven't been able to really do. : (

GOSH, real life, huh? Hopefully the next event will be something I can fully engage. On the bright side (always a bright side) I have made extra towers with my leftover blocks and beams. : ) They will be nice for fall decorations given the muted colours. : )
That's too bad! :-(
I really hope I'm not jinxing it by writing this, but I'm optimistic that I'll be able to make it without spending any real money, either on gems or a value pack. I still need another 142 old gears, but my average is closer to 3 than 2 gears per collection, and I believe logging in enough times won't be an issue. It's only 2-3 minutes each time, I can even do that during a bathroom break... ;-)