Quote Originally Posted by AnnirasSweets View Post
I felt like that the first few LBs as well. I've been playing for many years, have lots of energy sources and more stored energy than I can use at any given time. That's just what happens after years of dedicated daily playing and most will find themselves in the same situation eventually. After discussing the fair/unfair issue with fellow players, I realized that it's not on me to ensure another player is enjoying their game.

Is it fair the way they randomly throw groups together? No, absolutely not. But that's not really something we can fix. I feel for those who find themselves at a disadvantage in regards to energy in any event. We've all been there at some point in the game and it's not a great feeling. Ultimately, not playing the hunt to your full advantage isn't going to do anything in the long run other than set you back.

Now, when an LB is on, I post a message on my wall saying I'm not interested in the LB but I am going to get as many tokens as I can. This way, any of those that are vying for the LB can see where I stand and factor that into their play. Other than that, I ignore it altogether. Playing this way makes it much more enjoyable for me, personally.
I'm in a similar boat. I was saving up energy for months of not playing and had about 4000 at the start. I'm down to 2000 energy but am close to getting the Kelpie... I have 1974 points, the next 3 are 518, 317 and 286. I guess I would like to win (I used to compete to win, now it's coming easily) but I don't mind not winning either.

Suggestion to S8: Have an opt-out button so folks that don't want to win the prize aren't taking it from people who do.