I am very sorry but this is hopefully the last thing... I purchased gems last week Wednesday and again the Wednesday prior to that. Was trying to get what I needed for the last event. Which by the way, I still wasn't able to upgrade my pond to level 10 (only level 8) or obtain a kitten. Resources were extremely limited even if you collected from you're hut and mine as soon as they were available and use all your energy on rocks & ponds. After spending about a hundred gems, I had to draw the line. That was extremely frustrating!!!

ANYHOW, when I purchased both gem packs, was charged an extra dollar to each purchase. How do I go about getting that refunded or compensated additional gem ( which is actually the way I would prefer otherwise that money goes back into the household) I wasn't sure how to go about that?
Please help with this issue and I will try not to bother anymore

Thank you!!