Candy Blast Mania programming loop?

Current Version: 1.2.7
Support ID: 673UB2P
Hardware: iPhone 5S
iOS: 7.1.2


Playing level 425 for several rounds
New round begins with all the same candies
Immediately several swaps began, each noting No Matches Found
After a few swaps (<5), the round ended as lost
One energy had been deducted for that round

Attempted a new round
The same scenario occurred for a second time
Again, one energy had been deducted

The third round began normally
The play was normal
The round ended in a loss, this time a legit one!

I'm not concerned over recapturing two energy units. And I'm not really concerned over the stability of the programming. As a systems engineer, I'm posting this as a matter of curiosity as well as a heads-up to my kindred programmers at TeamLava in the event this isn't a known issue.

If nothing else, this callback loop, if I can be so bold as to presume upon knowledge of your program flow, provided this binary geek with some great entertainment - well worth the two energy units! It's a nice reminder that even software can get confused once in a while. Although, as we know, from its perspective it followed its command line perfectly! :-)

Thanks to the guys & gals over at TeamLava! I hope you all enjoy putting the 1's and 0's together as much as we enjoy the end result.

James, the TechiePadre